/* umka_shell: User-Mode KolibriOS developer tools, the shell Copyright (C) 2018--2020 Ivan Baravy This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "kolibri.h" #include "syscalls.h" #include "trace.h" #include "lodepng.h" #define PATH_MAX 4096 #define FGETS_BUF_LEN 4096 #define MAX_COMMAND_ARGS 42 #define PRINT_BYTES_PER_LINE 32 #define MAX_DIRENTS_TO_READ 100 #define MAX_BYTES_TO_READ (16*1024) #define DEFAULT_READDIR_ENCODING UTF8 #define DEFAULT_PATH_ENCODING UTF8 #define CHECK_OPTION_ARG \ do { \ if (!argv[++optind]) { \ puts(usage); \ return; \ } \ } while (0) char cur_dir[PATH_MAX] = "/"; const char *last_dir = cur_dir; bool cur_dir_changed = true; char cmd_buf[FGETS_BUF_LEN]; int trace; const char *f70_status_name[] = { "success", "disk_base", "unsupported_fs", "unknown_fs", "partition", "file_not_found", "end_of_file", "memory_pointer", "disk_full", "fs_fail", "access_denied", "device", "out_of_memory" }; const char *get_f70_status_name(f70status_t s) { switch (s) { case ERROR_SUCCESS: // return ""; case ERROR_DISK_BASE: case ERROR_UNSUPPORTED_FS: case ERROR_UNKNOWN_FS: case ERROR_PARTITION: case ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND: case ERROR_END_OF_FILE: case ERROR_MEMORY_POINTER: case ERROR_DISK_FULL: case ERROR_FS_FAIL: case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: case ERROR_DEVICE: case ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY: return f70_status_name[s]; default: return "unknown"; } } void convert_f70_file_attr(uint32_t attr, char s[KF_ATTR_CNT+1]) { s[0] = (attr & KF_READONLY) ? 'r' : '-'; s[1] = (attr & KF_HIDDEN) ? 'h' : '-'; s[2] = (attr & KF_SYSTEM) ? 's' : '-'; s[3] = (attr & KF_LABEL) ? 'l' : '-'; s[4] = (attr & KF_FOLDER) ? 'f' : '-'; s[5] = '\0'; } void print_f70_status(f7080ret_t *r, int use_ebx) { printf("status = %d %s", r->status, get_f70_status_name(r->status)); if (use_ebx && (r->status == ERROR_SUCCESS || r->status == ERROR_END_OF_FILE)) printf(", count = %d", r->count); putchar('\n'); } bool parse_uintmax(const char *str, uintmax_t *res) { char *endptr; *res = strtoumax(str, &endptr, 0); bool ok = (str != endptr) && (*endptr == '\0'); return ok; } bool parse_uint32(const char *str, uint32_t *res) { uintmax_t x; if (parse_uintmax(str, &x) && x <= UINT32_MAX) { *res = (uint32_t)x; return true; } else { perror("invalid number"); return false; } } bool parse_uint64(const char *str, uint64_t *res) { uintmax_t x; if (parse_uintmax(str, &x) && x <= UINT64_MAX) { *res = x; return true; } else { perror("invalid number"); return false; } } void print_bytes(uint8_t *x, size_t len) { for (size_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (i % PRINT_BYTES_PER_LINE == 0 && i != 0) { printf("\n"); } printf("%2.2x", x[i]); } putchar('\n'); } void print_hash(uint8_t *x, size_t len) { hash_context ctx; hash_oneshot(&ctx, x, len); for (size_t i = 0; i < HASH_SIZE; i++) { printf("%2.2x", ctx.hash[i]); } putchar('\n'); } const char *get_last_dir(const char *path) { const char *last = strrchr(path, '/'); if (!last) { last = path; } else if (last != path || last[1] != '\0') { last++; } return last; } void prompt() { if (cur_dir_changed) { umka_sys_get_cwd(cur_dir, PATH_MAX); last_dir = get_last_dir(cur_dir); cur_dir_changed = false; } printf("%s> ", last_dir); fflush(stdout); } int next_line(FILE *file, int is_tty) { if (is_tty) { prompt(); } return fgets(cmd_buf, FGETS_BUF_LEN, file) != NULL; } int split_args(char *s, char **argv) { int argc = -1; for (; (argv[++argc] = strtok(s, " \t\n")) != NULL; s = NULL); return argc; } void umka_disk_add(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; const char *file_name = argv[1]; const char *disk_name = argv[2]; if (kos_disk_add(file_name, disk_name)) { printf("[!!] can't add file '%s' as disk '%s'\n", file_name, disk_name); } return; } void umka_disk_del(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; const char *name = argv[1]; if (kos_disk_del(name)) { printf("[!!] can't find or delete disk '%s'\n", name); } return; } void umka_pwd(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; bool quoted = false; const char *quote = quoted ? "'" : ""; umka_sys_get_cwd(cur_dir, PATH_MAX); printf("%s%s%s\n", quote, cur_dir, quote); } void umka_set_pixel(int argc, char **argv) { size_t x = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); size_t y = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0); uint32_t color = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 16); int invert = (argc == 5) && !strcmp(argv[4], "-i"); umka_sys_set_pixel(x, y, color, invert); } void umka_write_text(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; size_t x = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); size_t y = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0); uint32_t color = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 16); const char *string = argv[4]; int asciiz = strtoul(argv[5], NULL, 0); int fill_background = strtoul(argv[6], NULL, 0); int font_and_encoding = strtoul(argv[7], NULL, 0); int draw_to_buffer = strtoul(argv[8], NULL, 0); int scale_factor = strtoul(argv[9], NULL, 0); int length = strtoul(argv[10], NULL, 0); int background_color_or_buffer = strtoul(argv[11], NULL, 0); umka_sys_write_text(x, y, color, asciiz, fill_background, font_and_encoding, draw_to_buffer, scale_factor, string, length, background_color_or_buffer); } void umka_dump_win_stack(int argc, char **argv) { int depth = 5; if (argc > 1) { depth = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { printf("%3i: %3u\n", i, kos_win_stack[i]); } } void umka_dump_win_pos(int argc, char **argv) { int depth = 5; if (argc > 1) { depth = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0); } for (int i = 0; i < depth; i++) { printf("%3i: %3u\n", i, kos_win_pos[i]); } } void umka_process_info(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; process_information_t info; int32_t pid = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0); umka_sys_process_info(pid, &info); printf("cpu_usage: %u\n", info.cpu_usage); printf("window_stack_position: %u\n", info.window_stack_position); printf("window_stack_value: %u\n", info.window_stack_value); printf("process_name: %s\n", info.process_name); printf("memory_start: 0x%.8" PRIx32 "\n", info.memory_start); printf("used_memory: %u (0x%x)\n", info.used_memory, info.used_memory); printf("pid: %u\n", info.pid); printf("box: %u %u %u %u\n", info.box.left, info.box.top, info.box.width, info.box.height); printf("slot_state: %u\n", info.slot_state); printf("client_box: %u %u %u %u\n", info.client_box.left, info.client_box.top, info.client_box.width, info.client_box.height); printf("wnd_state: 0x%.2" PRIx8 "\n", info.wnd_state); } void umka_display_number(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; int is_pointer = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); int base = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0); if (base == 10) base = 0; else if (base == 16) base = 1; else if (base == 2) base = 2; else base = 0; size_t digits_to_display = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 0); int is_qword = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0); int show_leading_zeros = strtoul(argv[5], NULL, 0); uintptr_t number_or_pointer = strtoul(argv[6], NULL, 0); size_t x = strtoul(argv[7], NULL, 0); size_t y = strtoul(argv[8], NULL, 0); uint32_t color = strtoul(argv[9], NULL, 16); int fill_background = strtoul(argv[10], NULL, 0); int font = strtoul(argv[11], NULL, 0); int draw_to_buffer = strtoul(argv[12], NULL, 0); int scale_factor = strtoul(argv[13], NULL, 0); uintptr_t background_color_or_buffer = strtoul(argv[14], NULL, 16); umka_sys_display_number(is_pointer, base, digits_to_display, is_qword, show_leading_zeros, number_or_pointer, x, y, color, fill_background, font, draw_to_buffer, scale_factor, background_color_or_buffer); } void umka_set_window_colors(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != (1 + sizeof(system_colors_t)/4)) { printf("10 colors required\n"); return; } system_colors_t colors; colors.frame = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 16); colors.grab = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 16); colors.work_3d_dark = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 16); colors.work_3d_light = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 16); colors.grab_text = strtoul(argv[5], NULL, 16); colors.work = strtoul(argv[6], NULL, 16); colors.work_button = strtoul(argv[7], NULL, 16); colors.work_button_text = strtoul(argv[8], NULL, 16); colors.work_text = strtoul(argv[9], NULL, 16); colors.work_graph = strtoul(argv[10], NULL, 16); umka_sys_set_window_colors(&colors); } void umka_get_window_colors(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; system_colors_t colors; umka_sys_get_window_colors(&colors); printf("0x%.8" PRIx32 " frame\n", colors.frame); printf("0x%.8" PRIx32 " grab\n", colors.grab); printf("0x%.8" PRIx32 " work_3d_dark\n", colors.work_3d_dark); printf("0x%.8" PRIx32 " work_3d_light\n", colors.work_3d_light); printf("0x%.8" PRIx32 " grab_text\n", colors.grab_text); printf("0x%.8" PRIx32 " work\n", colors.work); printf("0x%.8" PRIx32 " work_button\n", colors.work_button); printf("0x%.8" PRIx32 " work_button_text\n", colors.work_button_text); printf("0x%.8" PRIx32 " work_text\n", colors.work_text); printf("0x%.8" PRIx32 " work_graph\n", colors.work_graph); } void umka_get_skin_height(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; uint32_t skin_height = umka_sys_get_skin_height(); printf("%" PRIu32 "\n", skin_height); } void umka_get_screen_area(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; rect_t wa; umka_sys_get_screen_area(&wa); printf("%" PRIu32 " left\n", wa.left); printf("%" PRIu32 " top\n", wa.top); printf("%" PRIu32 " right\n", wa.right); printf("%" PRIu32 " bottom\n", wa.bottom); } void umka_set_screen_area(int argc, char **argv) { if (argc != 5) { printf("left top right bottom\n"); return; } rect_t wa; wa.left = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); wa.top = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0); wa.right = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 0); wa.bottom = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0); umka_sys_set_screen_area(&wa); } void umka_get_skin_margins(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; rect_t wa; umka_sys_get_skin_margins(&wa); printf("%" PRIu32 " left\n", wa.left); printf("%" PRIu32 " top\n", wa.top); printf("%" PRIu32 " right\n", wa.right); printf("%" PRIu32 " bottom\n", wa.bottom); } void umka_set_button_style(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; uint32_t style = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); umka_sys_set_button_style(style); } void umka_set_skin(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; const char *path = argv[1]; int32_t status = umka_sys_set_skin(path); printf("status: %" PRIi32 "\n", status); } void umka_get_font_smoothing(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; const char *names[] = {"off", "anti-aliasing", "subpixel"}; int type = umka_sys_get_font_smoothing(); printf("font smoothing: %i - %s\n", type, names[type]); } void umka_set_font_smoothing(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; int type = strtol(argv[1], NULL, 0); umka_sys_set_font_smoothing(type); } void umka_get_font_size(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; size_t size = umka_sys_get_font_size(); printf("%upx\n", size); } void umka_set_font_size(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; uint32_t size = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); umka_sys_set_font_size(size); } void umka_button(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; size_t x = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); size_t xsize = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0); size_t y = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 0); size_t ysize = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0); uint32_t button_id = strtoul(argv[5], NULL, 0); uint32_t color = strtoul(argv[6], NULL, 16); int draw_button = strtoul(argv[7], NULL, 0); int draw_frame = strtoul(argv[8], NULL, 0); umka_sys_button(x, xsize, y, ysize, button_id, draw_button, draw_frame, color); } void umka_put_image(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "r"); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size_t fsize = ftell(f); rewind(f); uint8_t *image = (uint8_t*)malloc(fsize); fread(image, fsize, 1, f); fclose(f); size_t xsize = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0); size_t ysize = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 0); size_t x = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0); size_t y = strtoul(argv[5], NULL, 0); umka_sys_put_image(image, xsize, ysize, x, y); free(image); } void umka_put_image_palette(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "r"); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size_t fsize = ftell(f); rewind(f); uint8_t *image = (uint8_t*)malloc(fsize); fread(image, fsize, 1, f); fclose(f); size_t xsize = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0); size_t ysize = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 0); size_t x = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0); size_t y = strtoul(argv[5], NULL, 0); size_t bpp = strtoul(argv[6], NULL, 0); void *palette = NULL; size_t row_offset = strtoul(argv[7], NULL, 0); umka_sys_put_image_palette(image, xsize, ysize, x, y, bpp, palette, row_offset); free(image); } void umka_draw_rect(int argc, char **argv) { size_t x = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); size_t xsize = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0); size_t y = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 0); size_t ysize = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0); uint32_t color = strtoul(argv[5], NULL, 16); int gradient = (argc == 7) && !strcmp(argv[6], "-g"); umka_sys_draw_rect(x, xsize, y, ysize, color, gradient); } void umka_get_screen_size(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; (void)argv; uint32_t xsize, ysize; umka_sys_get_screen_size(&xsize, &ysize); printf("%" PRIu32 "x%" PRIu32 "\n", xsize, ysize); } void umka_draw_line(int argc, char **argv) { size_t x = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); size_t xend = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0); size_t y = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 0); size_t yend = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0); uint32_t color = strtoul(argv[5], NULL, 16); int invert = (argc == 7) && !strcmp(argv[6], "-i"); umka_sys_draw_line(x, xend, y, yend, color, invert); } void umka_set_window_caption(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; const char *caption = argv[1]; int encoding = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0); umka_sys_set_window_caption(caption, encoding); } void umka_draw_window(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; size_t x = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); size_t xsize = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0); size_t y = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 0); size_t ysize = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0); uint32_t color = strtoul(argv[5], NULL, 16); int has_caption = strtoul(argv[6], NULL, 0); int client_relative = strtoul(argv[7], NULL, 0); int fill_workarea = strtoul(argv[8], NULL, 0); int gradient_fill = strtoul(argv[9], NULL, 0); int movable = strtoul(argv[10], NULL, 0); int style = strtoul(argv[11], NULL, 0); const char *caption = argv[12]; umka_sys_draw_window(x, xsize, y, ysize, color, has_caption, client_relative, fill_workarea, gradient_fill, movable, style, caption); } void umka_window_redraw(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; int begin_end = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); umka_sys_window_redraw(begin_end); } void umka_move_window(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; size_t x = strtoul(argv[1], NULL, 0); size_t y = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0); ssize_t xsize = strtol(argv[3], NULL, 0); ssize_t ysize = strtol(argv[4], NULL, 0); umka_sys_move_window(x, y, xsize, ysize); } void umka_blit_bitmap(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; FILE *f = fopen(argv[1], "r"); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); size_t fsize = ftell(f); rewind(f); uint8_t *image = (uint8_t*)malloc(fsize); fread(image, fsize, 1, f); fclose(f); size_t dstx = strtoul(argv[2], NULL, 0); size_t dsty = strtoul(argv[3], NULL, 0); size_t dstxsize = strtoul(argv[4], NULL, 0); size_t dstysize = strtoul(argv[5], NULL, 0); size_t srcx = strtoul(argv[6], NULL, 0); size_t srcy = strtoul(argv[7], NULL, 0); size_t srcxsize = strtoul(argv[8], NULL, 0); size_t srcysize = strtoul(argv[9], NULL, 0); int operation = strtoul(argv[10], NULL, 0); int background = strtoul(argv[11], NULL, 0); int transparent = strtoul(argv[12], NULL, 0); int client_relative = strtoul(argv[13], NULL, 0); int row_length = strtoul(argv[14], NULL, 0); uint32_t params[] = {dstx, dsty, dstxsize, dstysize, srcx, srcy, srcxsize, srcysize, (uintptr_t)image, row_length}; umka_sys_blit_bitmap(operation, background, transparent, client_relative, params); free(image); } void umka_scrot(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; uint32_t xsize, ysize; umka_sys_get_screen_size(&xsize, &ysize); uint32_t *lfb = kos_lfb_base; for (size_t y = 0; y < ysize; y++) { for (size_t x = 0; x < xsize; x++) { *lfb++ |= 0xff000000; } } unsigned error = lodepng_encode32_file(argv[1], (const unsigned char *)kos_lfb_base, xsize, ysize); if(error) printf("error %u: %s\n", error, lodepng_error_text(error)); } void shell_cd(int argc, char **argv) { (void)argc; umka_sys_set_cwd(argv[1]); cur_dir_changed = true; } void ls_range(f7080s1arg_t *fX0, f70or80_t f70or80) { f7080ret_t r; size_t bdfe_len = (fX0->encoding == CP866) ? BDFE_LEN_CP866 : BDFE_LEN_UNICODE; uint32_t requested = fX0->size; if (fX0->size > MAX_DIRENTS_TO_READ) { fX0->size = MAX_DIRENTS_TO_READ; } for (; requested; requested -= fX0->size) { if (fX0->size > requested) { fX0->size = requested; } umka_sys_lfn(fX0, &r, f70or80); fX0->offset += fX0->size; print_f70_status(&r, 1); f7080s1info_t *dir = fX0->buf; int ok = (r.count <= fX0->size); ok &= (dir->cnt == r.count); ok &= (r.status == ERROR_SUCCESS && r.count == fX0->size) || (r.status == ERROR_END_OF_FILE && r.count < fX0->size); assert(ok); if (!ok) break; bdfe_t *bdfe = dir->bdfes; for (size_t i = 0; i < dir->cnt; i++) { char fattr[KF_ATTR_CNT+1]; convert_f70_file_attr(bdfe->attr, fattr); printf("%s %s\n", fattr, bdfe->name); bdfe = (bdfe_t*)((uintptr_t)bdfe + bdfe_len); } if (r.status == ERROR_END_OF_FILE) { break; } } } void ls_all(f7080s1arg_t *fX0, f70or80_t f70or80) { f7080ret_t r; size_t bdfe_len = (fX0->encoding == CP866) ? BDFE_LEN_CP866 : BDFE_LEN_UNICODE; while (true) { umka_sys_lfn(fX0, &r, f70or80); print_f70_status(&r, 1); assert((r.status == ERROR_SUCCESS && r.count == fX0->size) || (r.status == ERROR_END_OF_FILE && r.count < fX0->size)); f7080s1info_t *dir = fX0->buf; fX0->offset += dir->cnt; int ok = (r.count <= fX0->size); ok &= (dir->cnt == r.count); ok &= (r.status == ERROR_SUCCESS && r.count == fX0->size) || (r.status == ERROR_END_OF_FILE && r.count < fX0->size); assert(ok); if (!ok) break; printf("total = %"PRIi32"\n", dir->total_cnt); bdfe_t *bdfe = dir->bdfes; for (size_t i = 0; i < dir->cnt; i++) { char fattr[KF_ATTR_CNT+1]; convert_f70_file_attr(bdfe->attr, fattr); printf("%s %s\n", fattr, bdfe->name); bdfe = (bdfe_t*)((uintptr_t)bdfe + bdfe_len); } if (r.status == ERROR_END_OF_FILE) { break; } } } fs_enc_t parse_encoding(const char *str) { fs_enc_t enc; if (!strcmp(str, "default")) { enc = DEFAULT_ENCODING; } else if (!strcmp(str, "cp866")) { enc = CP866; } else if (!strcmp(str, "utf16")) { enc = UTF16; } else if (!strcmp(str, "utf8")) { enc = UTF8; } else { enc = INVALID_ENCODING; } return enc; } void umka_ls(int argc, char **argv, const char *usage, f70or80_t f70or80) { int opt; optind = 1; const char *optstring = (f70or80 == F70) ? "f:c:e:" : "f:c:e:p:"; const char *path = "."; uint32_t readdir_enc = DEFAULT_READDIR_ENCODING; uint32_t path_enc = DEFAULT_PATH_ENCODING; uint32_t from_idx = 0, count = MAX_DIRENTS_TO_READ; if (argc > 1 && *argv[1] != '-') { path = argv[optind++]; } while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, optstring)) != -1) { switch (opt) { case 'f': from_idx = strtoul(argv[optind++], NULL, 0); break; case 'c': count = strtoul(argv[optind++], NULL, 0); break; case 'e': readdir_enc = parse_encoding(argv[optind++]); break; case 'p': path_enc = parse_encoding(argv[optind++]); break; default: puts(usage); return; } } size_t bdfe_len = (readdir_enc <= CP866) ? BDFE_LEN_CP866 : BDFE_LEN_UNICODE; f7080s1info_t *dir = (f7080s1info_t*)malloc(sizeof(f7080s1info_t) + bdfe_len * MAX_DIRENTS_TO_READ); f7080s1arg_t fX0 = {.sf = 1, .offset = from_idx, .encoding = readdir_enc, .size = count, .buf = dir}; if (f70or80 == F70) { fX0.u.f70.zero = 0; fX0.u.f70.path = path; } else { fX0.u.f80.path_encoding = path_enc; fX0.u.f80.path = path; } if (count != MAX_DIRENTS_TO_READ) { ls_range(&fX0, f70or80); } else { ls_all(&fX0, f70or80); } free(dir); return; } void umka_ls70(int argc, char **argv) { const char *usage = \ "usage: ls70 [dir] [option]...\n" " -f number index of the first dir entry to read\n" " -c number number of dir entries to read\n" " -e encoding cp866|utf16|utf8\n" " return directory listing in this encoding"; umka_ls(argc, argv, usage, F70); } void umka_ls80(int argc, char **argv) { const char *usage = \ "usage: ls80 [dir] [option]...\n" " -f number index of the first dir entry to read\n" " -c number number of dir entries to read\n" " -e encoding cp866|utf16|utf8\n" " return directory listing in this encoding\n" " -p encoding cp866|utf16|utf8\n" " path to dir is specified in this encoding"; umka_ls(argc, argv, usage, F80); } void umka_stat(int argc, char **argv, f70or80_t f70or80) { (void)argc; f7080s5arg_t fX0 = {.sf = 5, .flags = 0}; f7080ret_t r; bdfe_t file; fX0.buf = &file; if (f70or80 == F70) { fX0.u.f70.zero = 0; fX0.u.f70.path = argv[1]; } else { fX0.u.f80.path_encoding = DEFAULT_PATH_ENCODING; fX0.u.f80.path = argv[1]; } umka_sys_lfn(&fX0, &r, f70or80); print_f70_status(&r, 0); if (r.status != ERROR_SUCCESS) return; char fattr[KF_ATTR_CNT+1]; convert_f70_file_attr(file.attr, fattr); printf("attr: %s\n", fattr); if ((file.attr & KF_FOLDER) == 0) { // don't show size for dirs printf("size: %llu\n", file.size); } #if PRINT_DATE_TIME == 1 time_t time; struct tm *t; time = kos_time_to_epoch(&file.ctime); t = localtime(&time); printf("ctime: %4.4i.%2.2i.%2.2i %2.2i:%2.2i:%2.2i\n", t->tm_year + 1900, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday, t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec); time = kos_time_to_epoch(&file.atime); t = localtime(&time); printf("atime: %4.4i.%2.2i.%2.2i %2.2i:%2.2i:%2.2i\n", t->tm_year + 1900, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday, t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec); time = kos_time_to_epoch(&file.mtime); t = localtime(&time); printf("mtime: %4.4i.%2.2i.%2.2i %2.2i:%2.2i:%2.2i\n", t->tm_year + 1900, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday, t->tm_hour, t->tm_min, t->tm_sec); #endif return; } void umka_stat70(int argc, char **argv) { umka_stat(argc, argv, F70); } void umka_stat80(int argc, char **argv) { umka_stat(argc, argv, F80); } void umka_read(int argc, char **argv, f70or80_t f70or80) { (void)argc; f7080s0arg_t fX0 = {.sf = 0}; f7080ret_t r; bool dump_bytes = false, dump_hash = false; if (argc < 4) { printf("usage: %s [-b] [-h] [-e cp866|utf8|utf16]\n", argv[0]); return; } int opt = 1; if (f70or80 == F70) { fX0.u.f70.zero = 0; fX0.u.f70.path = argv[opt++]; } else { fX0.u.f80.path_encoding = DEFAULT_PATH_ENCODING; fX0.u.f80.path = argv[opt++]; } if ((opt >= argc) || !parse_uint64(argv[opt++], &fX0.offset)) return; if ((opt >= argc) || !parse_uint32(argv[opt++], &fX0.count)) return; for (; opt < argc; opt++) { if (!strcmp(argv[opt], "-b")) { dump_bytes = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[opt], "-h")) { dump_hash = true; } else if (!strcmp(argv[opt], "-e")) { if (f70or80 == F70) { printf("f70 doesn't accept encoding parameter, use f80\n"); return; } } else { printf("invalid option: '%s'\n", argv[opt]); return; } } fX0.buf = (uint8_t*)malloc(fX0.count); umka_sys_lfn(&fX0, &r, f70or80); print_f70_status(&r, 1); if (r.status == ERROR_SUCCESS || r.status == ERROR_END_OF_FILE) { if (dump_bytes) print_bytes(fX0.buf, r.count); if (dump_hash) print_hash(fX0.buf, r.count); } free(fX0.buf); return; } void umka_read70(int argc, char **argv) { umka_read(argc, argv, F70); } void umka_read80(int argc, char **argv) { umka_read(argc, argv, F80); } typedef struct { char *name; void (*func) (int, char **); } func_table_t; func_table_t funcs[] = { { "disk_add", umka_disk_add }, { "disk_del", umka_disk_del }, { "ls70", umka_ls70 }, { "ls80", umka_ls80 }, { "stat70", umka_stat70 }, { "stat80", umka_stat80 }, { "read70", umka_read70 }, { "read80", umka_read80 }, { "pwd", umka_pwd }, { "cd", shell_cd }, { "set_cwd", shell_cd }, { "draw_window", umka_draw_window }, { "set_pixel", umka_set_pixel }, { "write_text", umka_write_text }, { "put_image", umka_put_image }, { "button", umka_button }, { "process_info", umka_process_info }, { "window_redraw", umka_window_redraw }, { "draw_rect", umka_draw_rect }, { "get_screen_size", umka_get_screen_size }, { "draw_line", umka_draw_line }, { "display_number", umka_display_number }, { "set_button_style", umka_set_button_style }, { "set_window_colors", umka_set_window_colors }, { "get_window_colors", umka_get_window_colors }, { "get_skin_height", umka_get_skin_height }, { "get_screen_area", umka_get_screen_area }, { "set_screen_area", umka_set_screen_area }, { "get_skin_margins", umka_get_skin_margins }, { "set_skin", umka_set_skin }, { "get_font_smoothing", umka_get_font_smoothing }, { "set_font_smoothing", umka_set_font_smoothing }, { "get_font_size", umka_get_font_size }, { "set_font_size", umka_set_font_size }, { "put_image_palette", umka_put_image_palette }, { "move_window", umka_move_window }, { "set_window_caption", umka_set_window_caption }, { "blit_bitmap", umka_blit_bitmap }, { "scrot", umka_scrot }, { "dump_win_stack", umka_dump_win_stack }, { "dump_win_pos", umka_dump_win_pos }, { NULL, NULL }, }; void usage() { printf("usage: umka_shell [test_file.t]\n"); } void *run_test(const char *infile_name) { FILE *infile, *outfile; if (!infile_name) { infile = stdin; outfile = stdout; } else { char outfile_name[PATH_MAX]; strncpy(outfile_name, infile_name, PATH_MAX-2); // ".t" is shorter that ".out" char *last_dot = strrchr(outfile_name, '.'); if (!last_dot) { printf("test file must have '.t' suffix\n"); usage(); return NULL; } strcpy(last_dot, ".out"); infile = fopen(infile_name, "r"); outfile = fopen(outfile_name, "w"); if (!infile || !outfile) { printf("can't open in/out files\n"); return NULL; } } int is_tty = isatty(fileno(infile)); char **cargv = (char**)malloc(sizeof(char*) * (MAX_COMMAND_ARGS + 1)); while(next_line(infile, is_tty)) { if (cmd_buf[0] == '#' || cmd_buf[0] == '\n') { printf("%s", cmd_buf); continue; } if (cmd_buf[0] == 'X') break; if (!is_tty) { prompt(); printf("%s", cmd_buf); fflush(outfile); } int cargc = split_args(cmd_buf, cargv); func_table_t *ft; for (ft = funcs; ft->name != NULL; ft++) { if (!strcmp(cargv[0], ft->name)) { break; } } if (ft->name) { ft->func(cargc, cargv); } else { printf("unknown command: %s\n", cargv[0]); } } free(cargv); return NULL; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { if (trace) trace_begin(); kos_init(); switch (argc) { case 1: run_test(NULL); break; case 2: { run_test(argv[1]); break; } default: usage(); } if (trace) trace_end(); return 0; }