; TODO: SPDX if HOST eq windows format MS COFF else if HOST eq linux format ELF else error "Your OS is not supported" end if ; win32: ; pubsym name -> public name as "_name" ; pubsym name, 20 -> public name as "_name@20" ; pubsym name, no_mangle -> public name ; pubsym name, "name" -> public name as "_name" ; pubsym name, "name", 20 -> public name as "_name@20" ; pubsym name, "name", no_mangle -> public name as "name" ; linux: ; pubsym name -> public name ; pubsym name, 20 -> public name ; pubsym name, no_mangle -> public name ; pubsym name, "name" -> public name as "name" ; pubsym name, "name", 20 -> public name as "name" ; pubsym name, "name", no_mangle -> public name as "name" macro pubsym name, marg1, marg2 { if HOST eq windows if marg1 eq no_mangle public name else if marg1 eqtype 20 public name as '_' # `name # '@' # `marg1 else if marg1 eqtype 'string' if marg2 eq no_mangle public name as marg1 else if marg2 eqtype 20 public name as '_' # marg1 # '@' # `marg2 else public name as '_' # marg1 end if else public name as '_' # `name end if else if HOST eq linux if marg1 eqtype 'string' public name as marg1 else public name end if else error "Your OS is not supported" end if } ; win32: ; extrn name -> extrn _name ; extrn name, 20 -> extrn _name@20 ; linux: ; extrn name -> extrn name ; extrn name, 20 -> extrn name macro extrn name, [argsize] { if HOST eq windows if argsize eqtype 20 extrn '_' # `name # '@' # `argsize as name else extrn '_' # `name as name end if else if HOST eq linux extrn name else error "Your OS is not supported" end if } __DEBUG__ = 1 __DEBUG_LEVEL__ = 1 UMKA_SHELL = 1 UMKA_FUSE = 2 UMKA_OS = 3 UMKA_MEMORY_BYTES = 256 SHL 20 pubsym fs_execute, 'kos_fs_execute' pubsym set_keyboard_data, 'kos_set_keyboard_data' pubsym KEY_COUNT as 'kos_key_count' pubsym KEY_BUFF as 'kos_key_buff' pubsym keyboard_mode as 'kos_keyboard_mode' pubsym sys_getkey as 'kos_get_key' pubsym syslang as 'kos_syslang' pubsym keyboard as 'kos_keyboard' pubsym disk_add, 16 pubsym disk_del, 4 pubsym disk_list pubsym disk_media_changed, 8 pubsym xfs._.user_functions, 'xfs_user_functions' pubsym ext_user_functions pubsym fat_user_functions pubsym exFAT_user_functions, 'exfat_user_functions' pubsym ntfs_user_functions pubsym i40, no_mangle pubsym coverage_begin pubsym coverage_end pubsym sha3_256_oneshot, 'hash_oneshot' pubsym kos_time_to_epoch pubsym umka_init pubsym current_process, 'kos_current_process' pubsym current_slot, 'kos_current_slot' pubsym current_slot_idx, 'kos_current_slot_idx' pubsym thread_count, 'kos_thread_count' pubsym SLOT_BASE, 'kos_slot_base' pubsym window_data, 'kos_window_data' pubsym WIN_STACK, 'kos_win_stack' pubsym WIN_POS, 'kos_win_pos' pubsym lfb_base, 'kos_lfb_base' pubsym RAMDISK, 'kos_ramdisk' pubsym ramdisk_init, 'kos_ramdisk_init' pubsym enable_acpi, no_mangle pubsym acpi.call_name, no_mangle pubsym acpi_ssdt_cnt, 'kos_acpi_ssdt_cnt' pubsym acpi_ssdt_base, 'kos_acpi_ssdt_base' pubsym acpi_ssdt_size, 'kos_acpi_ssdt_size' pubsym acpi_ctx pubsym acpi_usage, 'kos_acpi_usage' pubsym acpi_node_alloc_cnt, 'kos_acpi_node_alloc_cnt' pubsym acpi_node_free_cnt, 'kos_acpi_node_free_cnt' pubsym acpi.count_nodes, 'kos_acpi_count_nodes', 4 pubsym stack_init, 'kos_stack_init' pubsym net_add_device pubsym draw_data pubsym img_background pubsym mem_BACKGROUND pubsym sys_background pubsym REDRAW_BACKGROUND, 'kos_redraw_background' pubsym new_sys_threads, 'kos_new_sys_threads', no_mangle pubsym osloop, 'kos_osloop' pubsym set_mouse_data, 'kos_set_mouse_data', 20 pubsym scheduler_current, 'kos_scheduler_current' pubsym kos_eth_input pubsym net_buff_alloc, 'kos_net_buff_alloc', 4 pubsym mem_block_list pubsym pci_root, "kos_pci_root" pubsym acpi.aml.init, "kos_acpi_aml_init" pubsym acpi_root, "kos_acpi_root" pubsym aml._.attach, "kos_aml_attach" pubsym acpi.fill_pci_irqs, "kos_acpi_fill_pci_irqs" pubsym pci.walk_tree, "kos_pci_walk_tree", 16 pubsym acpi.aml.new_thread, "kos_acpi_aml_new_thread" pubsym aml._.alloc_node, "kos_aml_alloc_node" pubsym aml._.constructor.integer, "kos_aml_constructor_integer" pubsym aml._.constructor.package, "kos_aml_constructor_package" pubsym acpi._.lookup_node, "kos_acpi_lookup_node" pubsym acpi._.print_tree, "kos_acpi_print_tree" pubsym acpi_dev_data, "kos_acpi_dev_data" pubsym acpi_dev_size, "kos_acpi_dev_size" pubsym acpi_dev_next, "kos_acpi_dev_next" pubsym kernel_alloc, "kos_kernel_alloc" pubsym window._.set_screen, 'kos_window_set_screen' pubsym _display, 'kos_display' pubsym BOOT, 'kos_boot' EFLAGS.ID = 1 SHL 21 macro invlpg addr { } macro cli { pushfd bts dword[esp], BSF EFLAGS.ID popfd } macro sti { pushfd btr dword[esp], BSF EFLAGS.ID popfd } iretd equ retd lang fix en macro int n { if n eq 0x40 call i40 else int n end if } section '.app' executable writable align 64 rb 64*1024 section '.text' executable align 64 coverage_begin: include 'macros.inc' macro diff16 msg,blah2,blah3 { if msg eq "end of .data segment" if HOST eq windows section '.bss.8k' writeable align 8192 else if HOST eq linux ; fasm doesn't align on 65536, but ld script does section '.bss.aligned65k' writeable align 65536 else error "Your OS is not supported" end if bss_base: end if } include 'proc32.inc' include 'struct.inc' macro BOOT_LO a {} macro BOOT a {} window_data equ __pew01 CDDataBuf equ __pew06 idts equ __pew07 WIN_STACK equ __pew08 WIN_POS equ __pew09 FDD_BUFF equ __pew10 WIN_TEMP_XY equ __pew11 KEY_COUNT equ __pew12 KEY_BUFF equ __pew13 BTN_COUNT equ __pew14 BTN_BUFF equ __pew15 BTN_ADDR equ __pew16 MEM_AMOUNT equ __pew17 SYS_SHUTDOWN equ __pew18 SLOT_BASE equ __pew20 sys_proc equ __pew21 VGABasePtr equ __pew22 HEAP_BASE equ __pew23 page_tabs equ page_tabs_pew ;macro OS_BASE [x] { ; OS_BASE equ os_base ;} include 'const.inc' restore window_data restore CDDataBuf,idts,WIN_STACK,WIN_POS restore FDD_BUFF,WIN_TEMP_XY,KEY_COUNT,KEY_BUFF,BTN_COUNT,BTN_BUFF,BTN_ADDR restore MEM_AMOUNT,SYS_SHUTDOWN,SLOT_BASE,sys_proc,VGABasePtr restore HEAP_BASE restore page_tabs purge BOOT_LO,BOOT LFB_BASE = lfb_base macro save_ring3_context { pushad } macro restore_ring3_context { popad } macro stdcall target, [args] { common if target eq is_region_userspace cmp esp, esp ; ZF else if target eq is_string_userspace cmp esp, esp ; ZF else stdcall target, args end if } include 'system.inc' include 'fdo.inc' OS_BASE equ 0 macro mov target, source { if source eq (HEAP_BASE - 0 + HEAP_MIN_SIZE)/4096 push eax eax mov eax, HEAP_BASE add eax, HEAP_MIN_SIZE shr eax, 12 mov [esp+4], eax pop eax pop target else if target eq dword [sys_proc-0+PROC.pdt_0+(page_tabs shr 20)] push eax ecx mov eax, page_tabs shr eax, 20 add eax, PROC.pdt_0 add eax, sys_proc mov ecx, sys_proc+PROC.pdt_0+PG_SWR mov [eax], ecx pop ecx eax else mov target, source end if } macro cmp target, source { if source eq (HEAP_BASE - 0 + HEAP_MIN_SIZE)/4096 push eax eax mov eax, HEAP_BASE add eax, HEAP_MIN_SIZE shr eax, 12 mov [esp], eax mov eax, [esp+4] cmp target, [esp] pop eax eax else cmp target, source end if } include 'init.inc' purge cmp purge mov restore OS_BASE include 'core/sync.inc' ;include 'core/sys32.inc' macro call target { if target eq do_change_task call _do_change_task else call target end if } do_change_task equ hjk irq0 equ jhg include 'core/sched.inc' purge call restore irq0 include 'core/syscall.inc' ;include 'core/fpu.inc' map_io_mem equ map_io_mem_pew create_trampoline_pgmap equ create_trampoline_pgmap_pew alloc_page equ alloc_page_pew alloc_pages equ alloc_pages_pew free_page equ free_page_pew include 'core/memory.inc' restore map_io_mem, free_page, create_trampoline_pgmap, alloc_page, alloc_pages ;include 'core/mtrr.inc' ;user_alloc_at equ user_alloc_at_pew include 'core/heap.inc' ;restore user_alloc_at include 'core/malloc.inc' macro mov target, source { if target eq [edi - 4096 + (page_tabs shr 20)] push eax ebx mov ebx, eax mov eax, page_tabs shr eax, 20 sub eax, 4096 add eax, edi mov [eax], ebx pop ebx eax else mov target, source end if } include 'core/taskman.inc' purge mov include 'core/dll.inc' macro call target { if target eq pci_read_reg call _pci_read_reg else call target end if } include 'bus/pci/pci32.inc' purge call ;include 'core/peload.inc' ;include 'core/exports.inc' include 'core/string.inc' ;include 'core/v86.inc' include 'core/irq.inc' include 'core/apic.inc' include 'core/hpet.inc' include 'core/timers.inc' include 'core/clipboard.inc' include 'core/slab.inc' include 'posix/posix.inc' ;include 'boot/shutdown.inc' include 'video/vesa20.inc' include 'video/blitter.inc' include 'video/vga.inc' include 'video/cursors.inc' include 'video/framebuffer.inc' include 'gui/window.inc' include 'gui/event.inc' include 'gui/font.inc' include 'gui/button.inc' include 'gui/mouse.inc' include 'gui/skincode.inc' include 'gui/background.inc' include 'hid/keyboard.inc' include 'hid/mousedrv.inc' include 'hid/set_dtc.inc' ; setting date,time,clock and alarm-clock include 'sound/playnote.inc' ;include 'bus/pci/pci32.inc' ;include 'bus/usb/init.inc' ;include 'blkdev/flp_drv.inc' ; floppy driver ;include 'blkdev/fdc.inc' ;include 'blkdev/cd_drv.inc' ; CD driver ;include 'blkdev/ide_cache.inc' ; CD cache ;include 'blkdev/hd_drv.inc' ; HDD driver ;include 'blkdev/bd_drv.inc' ; BIOS disks driver include 'blkdev/rd.inc' ; ramdisk driver include 'blkdev/disk.inc' include 'blkdev/disk_cache.inc' include 'fs/fs_lfn.inc' include 'network/stack.inc' include 'crc.inc' include 'unicode.inc' include 'acpi/acpi.inc' include 'unpacker.inc' LIBCRASH_CTX_LEN = 0x500 ; FIXME include 'sha3.asm' ; TODO: stdcall attribute in umka.h proc sha3_256_oneshot c uses ebx esi edi ebp, _ctx, _data, _len stdcall sha3_256.oneshot, [_ctx], [_data], [_len] ret endp proc kos_time_to_epoch c uses ebx esi edi ebp, _time mov esi, [_time] call fsCalculateTime add eax, 978307200 ; epoch to 2001.01.01 ret endp proc umka._.check_alignment mov eax, HEAP_BASE and eax, PAGE_SIZE - 1 jz @f mov ecx, PAGE_SIZE sub ecx, eax DEBUGF 4, "HEAP_BASE must be aligned on PAGE_SIZE: 0x%x", HEAP_BASE DEBUGF 4, ", add 0x%x or sub 0x%x\n", ecx, eax int3 @@: ret endp pubsym i40_asm ;void i40_asm(uint32_t _eax, ; uint32_t _ebx, ; uint32_t _ecx, ; uint32_t _edx, ; uint32_t _esi, ; uint32_t _edi, ; uint32_t _ebp, ; uint32_t *_eax_out, ; uint32_t _ebx_out) i40_asm: ; Return address: esp ; First argument: esp + 4 push eax ebx ecx edx esi edi ebp ; First argument: esp + 4 + 7 * sizeof(dword) = esp + 8 + 7 * 4 = esp + 4 + 28 = esp + 32 mov eax, [esp + 32] mov ebx, [esp + 36] mov ecx, [esp + 40] mov edx, [esp + 44] mov esi, [esp + 48] mov edi, [esp + 52] mov ebp, [esp + 56] call i40 mov edi, [esp + 60] mov [edi], eax mov edi, [esp + 64] mov [edi], ebx pop ebp edi esi edx ecx ebx eax ret pubsym set_eflags_tf proc set_eflags_tf c uses ebx esi edi ebp, tf mov ecx, [tf] pushfd pop eax ror eax, 8 mov edx, eax and edx, 1 and eax, 0xfffffffe or eax, ecx rol eax, 8 push eax popfd mov eax, edx ret endp proc kos_eth_input c uses ebx esi edi ebp, buffer_ptr push .retaddr push [buffer_ptr] jmp eth_input .retaddr: ret endp proc umka_init c uses ebx esi edi ebp mov [umka_initialized], 1 call umka._.check_alignment mov edi, endofcode mov ecx, uglobals_size xor eax, eax rep stosb ; call mem_test ; call init_mem ; call init_page_map mov [xsave_area_size], 0x1000 mov ecx, pg_data.mutex call mutex_init mov ecx, disk_list_mutex call mutex_init mov ecx, keyboard_list_mutex call mutex_init mov ecx, unpack_mutex call mutex_init mov ecx, application_table_mutex call mutex_init mov ecx, ide_mutex call mutex_init mov ecx, ide_channel1_mutex call mutex_init mov ecx, ide_channel2_mutex call mutex_init mov ecx, ide_channel3_mutex call mutex_init mov ecx, ide_channel4_mutex call mutex_init mov ecx, ide_channel5_mutex call mutex_init mov ecx, ide_channel6_mutex call mutex_init mov [pg_data.mem_amount], UMKA_MEMORY_BYTES mov [pg_data.pages_count], UMKA_MEMORY_BYTES / PAGE_SIZE mov [pg_data.pages_free], UMKA_MEMORY_BYTES / PAGE_SIZE mov eax, UMKA_MEMORY_BYTES SHR 12 mov [pg_data.kernel_pages], eax shr eax, 10 mov [pg_data.kernel_tables], eax call init_kernel_heap call init_malloc mov eax, sys_proc list_init eax add eax, PROC.thr_list list_init eax mov [BOOT.lfb], LFB_BASE call init_video stdcall alloc_kernel_space, 0x50000 ; FIXME check size mov [default_io_map], eax add eax, 0x2000 mov [ipc_tmp], eax mov ebx, 0x1000 add eax, 0x40000 mov [proc_mem_map], eax add eax, 0x8000 mov [proc_mem_pdir], eax add eax, ebx mov [proc_mem_tab], eax add eax, ebx mov [tmp_task_ptab], eax add eax, ebx mov [ipc_pdir], eax add eax, ebx mov [ipc_ptab], eax stdcall kernel_alloc, (unpack.LZMA_BASE_SIZE+(unpack.LZMA_LIT_SIZE shl \ (unpack.lc+unpack.lp)))*4 mov [unpack.p], eax call init_events mov eax, srv.fd-SRV.fd mov [srv.fd], eax mov [srv.bk], eax stdcall kernel_alloc, [_display.win_map_size] mov [_display.win_map], eax ; set background movi eax, 1 mov [BgrDrawMode], eax mov [BgrDataWidth], eax mov [BgrDataHeight], eax mov [mem_BACKGROUND], 4 mov [img_background], static_background_data ; set clipboard xor eax, eax mov [clipboard_slots], eax mov [clipboard_write_lock], eax stdcall kernel_alloc, 4096 test eax, eax jnz @f dec eax @@: mov [clipboard_main_list], eax mov dword[sysdir_name], 'sys' mov dword[sysdir_path], 'RD/1' mov word[sysdir_path+4], 0 ;call ramdisk_init mov [X_UNDER], 500 mov [Y_UNDER], 500 mov eax, -1 mov edi, thr_slot_map+4 mov [edi-4], dword 0xFFFFFFF8 stosd stosd stosd stosd stosd stosd stosd mov [current_process], sys_proc mov [current_slot_idx], 0 mov [thread_count], 0 mov eax, [xsave_area_size] add eax, RING0_STACK_SIZE stdcall kernel_alloc, eax mov ebx, eax mov edx, SLOT_BASE+256*1 call setup_os_slot mov dword[edx], 'IDLE' sub [edx+APPDATA.saved_esp], 4 mov eax, [edx+APPDATA.saved_esp] mov dword[eax], idle mov ecx, IDLE_PRIORITY call scheduler_add_thread mov eax, [xsave_area_size] add eax, RING0_STACK_SIZE stdcall kernel_alloc, eax mov ebx, eax mov edx, SLOT_BASE+sizeof.APPDATA*2 call setup_os_slot mov dword[edx], 'OS' sub [edx+APPDATA.saved_esp], 4 mov eax, [edx+APPDATA.saved_esp] mov dword[eax], 0 movi ecx, MAX_PRIORITY call scheduler_add_thread mov [current_slot_idx], 2 mov [thread_count], 2 mov [current_slot], SLOT_BASE+2*sizeof.APPDATA mov [SLOT_BASE + 2*sizeof.APPDATA + APPDATA.tid], 2 call set_window_defaults call init_background call calculatebackground call init_display mov eax, [def_cursor] mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.cursor+sizeof.APPDATA], eax mov [SLOT_BASE+APPDATA.cursor+sizeof.APPDATA*2], eax ; from set_variables mov ax, [BOOT.y_res] shr ax, 1 shl eax, 16 mov ax, [BOOT.x_res] shr ax, 1 mov [MOUSE_X], eax call wakeup_osloop xor eax, eax mov [BTN_ADDR], dword BUTTON_INFO ; address of button list mov byte [KEY_COUNT], al ; keyboard buffer mov byte [BTN_COUNT], al ; button buffer mov ebx, SLOT_BASE + 2*sizeof.APPDATA mov word[cur_dir.path], '/' mov [ebx+APPDATA.cur_dir], cur_dir ret endp pubsym skin_udata proc idle uses ebx esi edi .loop: mov ecx, 10000000 @@: loop @b DEBUGF 1, "1 idle\n" jmp .loop ret endp extrn pci_read, 20 proc _pci_read_reg uses ebx esi edi mov ecx, eax and ecx, 3 movi edx, 1 shl edx, cl push edx ; len movzx edx, bl push edx ; offset movzx edx, bh and edx, 7 push edx ; fun movzx edx, bh shr edx, 3 push edx ; dev movzx edx, ah push edx ; bus call pci_read ret endp proc sys_msg_board cmp cl, 0x0d jz @f if HOST eq windows extrn putchar pushad push ecx call putchar pop ecx popad else if HOST eq linux pushad mov eax, SYS_WRITE mov ebx, STDOUT push ecx mov ecx, esp mov edx, 1 int 0x80 pop ecx popad else error "Your OS is not supported" end if @@: ret endp proc delay_ms ret endp pubsym umka_cli proc umka_cli cli ; macro ret endp pubsym umka_sti proc umka_sti sti ; macro ret endp extrn reset_procmask extrn get_fake_if pubsym irq0 proc irq0 c, _signo, _info, _context DEBUGF 2, "### irq0\n" pushfd cli pushad inc [timer_ticks] call updatecputimes ccall reset_procmask ; kind of irq_eoi:ta ccall get_fake_if, [_context] test eax, eax jnz @f DEBUGF 2, "### cli\n" jmp .done @@: mov bl, SCHEDULE_ANY_PRIORITY call find_next_task jz .done ; if there is only one running process call _do_change_task .done: popad popfd ret endp proc _do_change_task mov eax, [current_slot] sub eax, SLOT_BASE shr eax, 8 mov ecx, ebx sub ecx, SLOT_BASE shr ecx, 8 DEBUGF 2, "### switching task from %d to %d\n",eax,ecx mov esi, ebx xchg esi, [current_slot] ; set new stack after saving old mov [esi+APPDATA.saved_esp], esp mov esp, [ebx+APPDATA.saved_esp] ret endp proc map_io_mem _base, _size, _flags mov eax, [_base] ret endp ;proc user_alloc_at stdcall, address:dword, alloc_size:dword ; xor eax, eax ; ret ;endp extrn system_shutdown sysfn_saveramdisk: ;sysfn_meminfo: check_fdd_motor_status: check_ATAPI_device_event: check_fdd_motor_status_has_work?: check_ATAPI_device_event_has_work?: request_terminate: terminate: LoadMedium: clear_CD_cache: allow_medium_removal: EjectMedium: save_image: init_sys_v86: ;load_pe_driver: usb_init: fdc_init: mtrr_validate: protect_from_terminate: unprotect_from_terminate: ReadCDWRetr: WaitUnitReady: prevent_medium_removal: Read_TOC: lock_application_table: unlock_application_table: free_page: build_interrupt_table: init_fpu: init_mtrr: create_trampoline_pgmap: alloc_page: ;sys_IPC: sys_resize_app_memory: ;f68: v86_irq: ;test_cpu: ;acpi_locate: ;init_BIOS32: ;mem_test: ;init_mem: ;init_page_map: ahci_init: enable_acpi: acpi.call_name: acpi.count_nodes: acpi.aml.init: aml._.attach: acpi.fill_pci_irqs: pci.walk_tree: acpi.aml.new_thread: aml._.alloc_node: aml._.constructor.integer: aml._.constructor.package: acpi._.lookup_node: acpi._.print_tree: ret load_PE: alloc_pages: ret 4 ;create_ring_buffer: ret 8 ;map_page: ret 12 ;map_memEx: ret 20 uglobal acpi_ctx dd ? acpi_usage dd ? acpi_node_alloc_cnt dd ? acpi_node_free_cnt dd ? pci_root dd ? acpi_root dd ? acpi_dev_next dd ? endg sys_msg_board equ __pex0 delay_ms equ __pex1 include fix pew macro pew x {} macro pew x {inclu#de `x} macro org x {} macro format [x] {} bios32_entry equ bios32_entry_pew tmp_page_tabs equ tmp_page_tabs_pew include 'kernel.asm' restore bios32_entry, tmp_page_tabs purge org,sys_msg_board,delay_ms restore org,sys_msg_board,delay_ms coverage_end: section '.data.boot' writeable align 0x1000 BOOT boot_data virtual at BOOT BOOT_LO boot_data end virtual if HOST eq windows section '.data.8k' writeable align 8192 else if HOST eq linux ; fasm doesn't align on 65536, but ld script does section '.data.aligned65k' writeable align 65536 else error "Your OS is not supported" end if pubsym umka_tool umka_tool dd ? pubsym umka_initialized umka_initialized dd 0 fpu_owner dd ? uglobal align 64 os_base: rb PAGE_SIZE window_data: rb sizeof.WDATA * 256 CDDataBuf: rb 0x1000 idts rb IRQ_RESERVED * 8 ; IDT descriptor is 8 bytes long WIN_STACK rw 0x200 ; why not 0x100? WIN_POS rw 0x200 FDD_BUFF: rb 0x400 WIN_TEMP_XY rb 0x100 KEY_COUNT db ? KEY_BUFF rb 244 ; 120*2 + 2*2 = 244 bytes, actually 255 bytes BTN_COUNT db ? BTN_BUFF rd 0x261 BTN_ADDR dd ? MEM_AMOUNT rd 0x1d SYS_SHUTDOWN db ? sys_proc: rb sizeof.PROC * 256 rb 0x10000 - (($-bss_base) AND (0x10000-1)) ; align on 0x10000 SLOT_BASE: rb sizeof.APPDATA * 256 VGABasePtr rb 640*480 rb PAGE_SIZE - (($-bss_base) AND (PAGE_SIZE-1)) ; align on page HEAP_BASE rb UMKA_MEMORY_BYTES - (HEAP_BASE - os_base + \ PAGE_SIZE * sizeof.MEM_BLOCK) endg uglobal align 4 bios32_entry dd ? tmp_page_tabs dd ? page_tabs: rb 256*1024*1024 v86_irqhooks rd IRQ_RESERVED*2 cache_ide0 IDE_CACHE cache_ide1 IDE_CACHE DiskNumber db ? ChannelNumber db ? DevErrorCode dd ? CDSectorAddress dd ? CDDataBuf_pointer dd ? allow_dma_access db ? ide_mutex MUTEX ide_channel1_mutex MUTEX ide_channel2_mutex MUTEX ide_channel3_mutex MUTEX ide_channel4_mutex MUTEX ide_channel5_mutex MUTEX ide_channel6_mutex MUTEX ide_channel7_mutex MUTEX ide_channel8_mutex MUTEX lfb_base rd MAX_SCREEN_WIDTH*MAX_SCREEN_HEIGHT align 4096 cur_dir: .encoding rb 1 .path rb maxPathLength BgrAuxTable rb 32768 BgrAuxTable equ SB16Buffer rb 65536 SB16Buffer equ BUTTON_INFO rb 64*1024 BUTTON_INFO equ endg macro org x { if x eq (OS_BASE+0x0100000) else org x end if } macro align x { if x eq 65536 else if x eq 4096 else align x end if } macro assert [x] {} include 'data32.inc'