Ivan Baravy 5822be9942 Disable disk cache in tests.
It is useless since host OS cache is used anyway. It also slows down
coverage collection because of many taken branches.

Specialized tests should be written to test disk cache specifically.
2020-03-08 01:27:37 +03:00

109 lines
2.1 KiB

/> disk_add ../img/kolibri.img rd -c 0
/rd/1: fat
/> set_skin /sys/DEFAULT.SKN
status: 0
/> window_redraw 1
/> draw_window 0 300 0 200 0x000088 1 1 1 0 1 4 hello
/> set_pixel 0 0 0x0000ff
/> set_pixel 1 1 0xff0000
/> set_pixel 2 2 0x00ff00
/> draw_line 10 510 10 510 0xff0000
/> draw_rect 60 20 30 20 0x00ff00
/> put_image chess_image.rgb 8 8 5 15
/> put_image_palette chess_image.rgb 12 12 5 30 9 0
/> write_text 10 70 0xffff00 hello 0 0 0 0 0 5 0
/> set_button_style 0
/> button 55 40 5 20 0xc0ffee 0xffffff 1 0
/> set_button_style 1
/> button 100 40 5 20 0xc1ffee 0xffffff 1 0
/> display_number 0 10 4 0 0 1234 5 45 0xffff00 1 1 0 0 0x0000ff
/> blit_bitmap chess_image.rgba 20 35 8 8 0 0 8 8 0 0 0 1 32
/> window_redraw 2
/> set_window_caption hi_there 0
/> move_window 220 35 150 200
/> get_font_smoothing
font smoothing: 2 - subpixel
/> set_font_smoothing 0
/> get_font_smoothing
font smoothing: 0 - off
/> get_window_colors
0x00586786 frame
0x00fefefe grab
0x00aea6a6 work_3d_dark
0x00fbfbfb work_3d_light
0x00333333 grab_text
0x00ddd7cf work
0x007887a6 work_button
0x00fefefe work_button_text
0x00000000 work_text
0x007e7e7e work_graph
/> set_window_colors 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
/> window_redraw 1
/> draw_window 0 300 0 200 0x000088 1 1 1 0 1 4 hello
/> set_pixel 0 0 0x0000ff
/> set_pixel 1 1 0xff0000
/> set_pixel 2 2 0x00ff00
/> window_redraw 2
/> set_window_caption hi_2there 0
/> dump_win_stack 5
0: 0
1: 1
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
/> dump_win_pos 5
0: 0
1: 1
2: 2
3: 3
4: 4
/> process_info -1
cpu_usage: 0
window_stack_position: 2
window_stack_value: 2
memory_start: 0x00000000
used_memory: 4294967295 (0xffffffff)
pid: 0
box: 220 35 150 200
slot_state: 0
client_box: 5 24 140 171
wnd_state: 0x00
/> get_skin_height
/> get_screen_area
0 left
0 top
399 right
299 bottom
/> set_screen_area 0 20 350 250
/> get_screen_area
0 left
20 top
350 right
250 bottom
/> get_skin_margins
6 left
5 top
65 right
3 bottom
/> get_font_size
/> set_font_size 16
/> get_font_size
/> get_screen_size
/> scrot 016_#f01_#draw_all.out.png
/> disk_del rd