use crate::system::debug_write; use crate::{sys, throw_new}; use core::alloc::Layout; use core::mem::size_of; use core::ptr::null_mut; use core::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; extern crate alloc; const PAGE_SIZE: usize = 4096; static mut MAIN_SECTOR: usize = 0; #[derive(Clone, Copy)] enum Sign { Dead = 0, Active = 1, Free = 2, } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct SectorHeader { pub size: usize, pub size_left: usize, } #[derive(Clone, Copy)] struct BlockHeader { pub sign: Sign, pub size: usize, } static HEAP_INIT: AtomicBool = AtomicBool::new(false); pub fn init() { if !HEAP_INIT.swap(true, Ordering::Relaxed) { unsafe { sys::init_heap(); MAIN_SECTOR = sys::alloc(PAGE_SIZE) as usize; } } } pub fn malloc(size: usize) -> *mut u8 { unsafe { for i in 0..PAGE_SIZE / 4 { let addr = *((MAIN_SECTOR + i * 4) as *const u32) as *const u8; if (addr as usize) != 0 { let sec = addr; let mut hdr = *(addr as *const SectorHeader); let sec_start_blocks = (sec as usize) + size_of::(); if hdr.size_left >= size { let mut j = sec_start_blocks; let mut first_found_block_addr = 0; while j <= sec_start_blocks + hdr.size { let mut block = *(j as *const BlockHeader); match block.sign { Sign::Active => { // If block is occupated - pass first_found_block_addr = 0; j += size_of::() + block.size; } Sign::Free => { if first_found_block_addr != 0 { first_found_block_addr = j; } let sum_size = j - first_found_block_addr + block.size; if sum_size < size { // if not enough size - pass and find next block j += (size_of::()) + block.size; } else if size - sum_size < size_of::() { // Create 2 blocks let mut main_block = *(first_found_block_addr as *const BlockHeader); main_block.sign = Sign::Active; main_block.size = size; let mut secondary_block = *(first_found_block_addr as *const BlockHeader) .add(size_of::() + size); secondary_block.sign = Sign::Free; secondary_block.size = sum_size - size - size_of::(); return (first_found_block_addr as *mut u8) .add(size_of::()); } else { // Create 1 block let mut main_block = *(first_found_block_addr as *const BlockHeader); main_block.sign = Sign::Active; main_block.size = sum_size - size_of::(); return (first_found_block_addr as *mut u8) .add(size_of::()); } } Sign::Dead => { // We found \0 - dead zone. There are no further blocks if j + size + size_of::() <= sec_start_blocks + hdr.size { // There is enough space for creating new block block.sign = Sign::Active; block.size = size; hdr.size_left -= size + size_of::(); return (j + size_of::()) as *mut u8; } else { // There is not enough space, go to next sector break; } } } } } } else { let sec_size = size + PAGE_SIZE - size % PAGE_SIZE; let new_sec = sys::alloc(sec_size); let sec_hdr = new_sec as *mut SectorHeader; *sec_hdr = SectorHeader { size: sec_size, size_left: sec_size - size_of::(), }; let new_block = new_sec.add(size_of::()) as *mut BlockHeader; (*new_block).sign = Sign::Active; (*new_block).size = size; (*sec_hdr).size_left -= size + size_of::(); return new_block.add(1) as *mut u8; } } } panic!("Malloc error: end of the loop") } fn free(block: *const u8) { unsafe { let mut block_hdr = *(block.sub(size_of::()) as *mut BlockHeader); for i in 0..PAGE_SIZE / 4 { let addr = *((MAIN_SECTOR + i * 4) as *const u32) as *const u8; let mut hdr = *(addr as *const SectorHeader); if addr < block && (block as usize) < (addr as usize) + hdr.size { hdr.size_left += block_hdr.size; if hdr.size_left == hdr.size - size_of::() { free(addr) } else { block_hdr.sign = Sign::Free; } break; } } if !sys::free(block) { panic!("Free failed"); } } } struct GlobalAlloc; unsafe impl alloc::alloc::GlobalAlloc for GlobalAlloc { unsafe fn alloc(&self, layout: Layout) -> *mut u8 { if layout.align() != 1 { throw_new!("Only byte aligned available now"); return null_mut(); } init(); malloc(layout.size()) } unsafe fn dealloc(&self, ptr: *mut u8, _: Layout) { // free keeps track of layout presumably???? free(ptr) } } #[global_allocator] static ALLOC: GlobalAlloc = GlobalAlloc;