2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2009. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
align 4
proc alloc_page
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp [pg_data.pages_free], 1
jle .out_of_memory
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov ebx, [page_start]
mov ecx, [page_end]
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
bsf eax, [ebx];
jnz .found
add ebx, 4
cmp ebx, ecx
jb .l1
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
dec [pg_data.pages_free]
jz .out_of_memory
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
btr [ebx], eax
mov [page_start], ebx
sub ebx, sys_pgmap
lea eax, [eax+ebx*8]
shl eax, 12
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
;//- dec [pg_data.pages_free]
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
pop ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov [pg_data.pages_free], 1
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
proc alloc_pages stdcall, count:dword
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push ebx
push edi
mov eax, [count]
add eax, 7
shr eax, 3
mov [count], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov ebx, [pg_data.pages_free]
sub ebx, 9
js .out_of_memory
shr ebx, 3
cmp eax, ebx
jg .out_of_memory
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov ecx, [page_start]
mov ebx, [page_end]
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov edx, [count]
mov edi, ecx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp byte [ecx], 0xFF
jne .next
dec edx
jz .ok
inc ecx
cmp ecx, ebx
jb .match
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
xor eax, eax
pop edi
pop ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
inc ecx
cmp ecx, ebx
jb .find
pop edi
pop ebx
xor eax, eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
sub ecx, edi
inc ecx
push esi
mov esi, edi
xor eax, eax
rep stosb
sub esi, sys_pgmap
shl esi, 3+12
mov eax, esi
mov ebx, [count]
shl ebx, 3
sub [pg_data.pages_free], ebx
pop esi
pop edi
pop ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
proc map_page stdcall,lin_addr:dword,phis_addr:dword,flags:dword
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push ebx
mov eax, [phis_addr]
and eax, not 0xFFF
or eax, [flags]
mov ebx, [lin_addr]
shr ebx, 12
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
mov eax, [lin_addr]
invlpg [eax]
pop ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
map_space: ;not implemented
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
proc free_page
;arg: eax page address
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
shr eax, 12 ;page index
bts dword [sys_pgmap], eax ;that's all!
adc [pg_data.pages_free], 0
shr eax, 3
and eax, not 3 ;dword offset from page_map
add eax, sys_pgmap
cmp [page_start], eax
ja @f
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov [page_start], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
align 4
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
proc map_io_mem stdcall, base:dword, size:dword, flags:dword
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push ebx
push edi
mov eax, [size]
add eax, [base]
add eax, 4095
and eax, -4096
mov ecx, [base]
and ecx, -4096
sub eax, ecx
mov [size], eax
stdcall alloc_kernel_space, eax
test eax, eax
jz .fail
push eax
mov edi, 0x1000
mov ebx, eax
mov ecx, [size]
mov edx, [base]
shr eax, 12
shr ecx, 12
and edx, -4096
or edx, [flags]
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov [page_tabs+eax*4], edx
invlpg [ebx]
inc eax
add ebx, edi
add edx, edi
loop @B
pop eax
mov edx, [base]
and edx, 4095
add eax, edx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
pop edi
pop ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; param
; eax= page base + page flags
; ebx= linear address
; ecx= count
align 4
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
test ecx, ecx
jz .fail
push edi
push eax
push ecx
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
pop ecx
pop eax
mov edi, ebx
shr edi, 12
lea edi, [page_tabs+edi*4]
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
invlpg [ebx]
add eax, 0x1000
add ebx, 0x1000
loop @B
2011-08-27 11:24:26 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
pop edi
2011-08-27 11:24:26 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
2011-08-27 11:24:26 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; param
; eax= base
; ecx= count
align 4
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push ebp
push esi
push edi
push ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov esi, eax
mov edi, eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
shr esi, 12
lea esi, [page_tabs+esi*4]
2011-08-27 11:24:26 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push ecx
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
pop ecx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov ebp, [pg_data.pages_free]
mov ebx, [page_start]
mov edx, sys_pgmap
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
xor eax, eax
xchg eax, [esi]
invlpg [edi]
test eax, 1
jz .next
shr eax, 12
bts [edx], eax
adc ebp, 0
shr eax, 3
and eax, -4
add eax, edx
cmp eax, ebx
jae .next
mov ebx, eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
add edi, 0x1000
add esi, 4
loop @B
mov [pg_data.pages_free], ebp
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
pop ebx
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebp
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; param
; eax= base
; ecx= count
align 4
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push edi
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov edi, eax
mov edx, eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
shr edi, 10
add edi, page_tabs
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
xor eax, eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
invlpg [edx]
add edx, 0x1000
loop @b
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
pop edi
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
proc map_page_table stdcall, lin_addr:dword, phis_addr:dword
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push ebx
mov ebx, [lin_addr]
shr ebx, 22
mov eax, [phis_addr]
and eax, not 0xFFF
or eax, PG_UW ;+PG_NOCACHE
mov dword [master_tab+ebx*4], eax
mov eax, [lin_addr]
shr eax, 10
add eax, page_tabs
invlpg [eax]
pop ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
proc init_LFB
pg_count dd ?
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp dword [LFBAddress], -1
jne @f
mov [BOOT_VAR+0x901c], byte 2
; max VGA=640*480*4=1228800 bytes
; + 32*640*4=81920 bytes for mouse pointer
stdcall alloc_pages, ((1228800+81920)/4096)
push eax
call alloc_page
stdcall map_page_table, LFB_BASE, eax
pop eax
or eax, PG_UW
mov ebx, LFB_BASE
; max VGA=640*480*4=1228800 bytes
; + 32*640*4=81920 bytes for mouse pointer
mov ecx, (1228800+81920)/4096
call commit_pages
mov [LFBAddress], dword LFB_BASE
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
test [SCR_MODE], word 0100000000000000b
jnz @f
mov [BOOT_VAR+0x901c], byte 2
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
call init_mtrr
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov edx, LFB_BASE
mov esi, [LFBAddress]
mov edi, 0x00C00000
mov dword [exp_lfb+4], edx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
shr edi, 12
mov [pg_count], edi
shr edi, 10
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_PSE
jnc .map_page_tables
or esi, PG_LARGE+PG_UW
mov edx, sys_pgdir+(LFB_BASE shr 20)
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov [edx], esi
add edx, 4
add esi, 0x00400000
dec edi
jnz @B
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_PGE
jnc @F
or dword [sys_pgdir+(LFB_BASE shr 20)], PG_GLOBAL
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov dword [LFBAddress], LFB_BASE
mov eax, cr3 ;flush TLB
mov cr3, eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
call alloc_page
stdcall map_page_table, edx, eax
add edx, 0x00400000
dec edi
jnz @B
mov eax, [LFBAddress]
mov edi, page_tabs + (LFB_BASE shr 10)
or eax, PG_UW
mov ecx, [pg_count]
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
add eax, 0x1000
dec ecx
jnz @B
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov dword [LFBAddress], LFB_BASE
mov eax, cr3 ;flush TLB
mov cr3, eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
proc new_mem_resize stdcall, new_size:dword
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_lock
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov edi, [new_size]
add edi, 4095
and edi, not 4095
mov [new_size], edi
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov edx, [current_slot]
cmp [edx+APPDATA.heap_base], 0
jne .exit
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov esi, [edx+APPDATA.mem_size]
add esi, 4095
and esi, not 4095
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp edi, esi
jae .expand
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
shr edi, 12
shr esi, 12
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, [app_page_tabs+edi*4]
test eax, 1
jz .next
mov dword [app_page_tabs+edi*4], 2
mov ebx, edi
shl ebx, 12
push eax
invlpg [ebx]
pop eax
call free_page
add edi, 1
cmp edi, esi
jb @B
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov ebx, [new_size]
call update_mem_size
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
2011-08-27 11:24:26 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
xor eax, eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push esi
push edi
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
add edi, 0x3FFFFF
and edi, not(0x3FFFFF)
add esi, 0x3FFFFF
and esi, not(0x3FFFFF)
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp esi, edi
jae .grow
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
xchg esi, edi
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .exit_pop
stdcall map_page_table, edi, eax
push edi
shr edi, 10
add edi, page_tabs
mov ecx, 1024
xor eax, eax
rep stosd
pop edi
add edi, 0x00400000
cmp edi, esi
jb @B
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
pop edi
push edi
mov esi, [pg_data.pages_free]
sub esi, 1
shr edi, 12
cmp esi, edi
jle .out_of_memory
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
pop edi
pop esi
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .exit
stdcall map_page, esi, eax, dword PG_UW
push edi
mov edi, esi
xor eax, eax
mov ecx, 1024
rep stosd
pop edi
add esi, 0x1000
cmp esi, edi
jb @B
jmp .update_size
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
pop edi
pop esi
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov ecx, pg_data.mutex
call mutex_unlock
2011-08-27 11:24:26 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
xor eax, eax
inc eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; in: edx = slot base
; ebx = new memory size
; destroys eax,ecx,edx
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov [APPDATA.mem_size+edx], ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
;search threads and update
;application memory size infomation
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov ecx, [APPDATA.dir_table+edx]
mov eax, 2
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
;eax = current slot
;ebx = new memory size
;ecx = page directory
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp eax, [TASK_COUNT]
jg .search_threads_end
mov edx, eax
shl edx, 5
cmp word [CURRENT_TASK+edx+TASKDATA.state], 9 ;if slot empty?
jz .search_threads_next
shl edx, 3
cmp [SLOT_BASE+edx+APPDATA.dir_table], ecx ;if it is our thread?
jnz .search_threads_next
mov [SLOT_BASE+edx+APPDATA.mem_size], ebx ;update memory size
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
inc eax
jmp .search_threads
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; param
; eax= linear address
; retval
; eax= phisical page address
align 4
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
shr eax, 12
mov eax, [page_tabs+eax*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
; Now it is called from core/sys32::exc_c (see stack frame there)
proc page_fault_handler
.err_addr equ ebp-4
push ebx ;save exception number (#PF)
mov ebp, esp
mov ebx, cr2
push ebx ;that is locals: .err_addr = cr2
inc [pg_data.pages_faults]
mov eax, [pf_err_code]
cmp ebx, OS_BASE ;ebx == .err_addr
cmp ebx, page_tabs
cmp ebx, kernel_tabs
cmp ebx, LFB_BASE
jmp .fail
end if
.fail: ;simply return to caller
mov esp, ebp
pop ebx ;restore exception number (#PF)
; xchg bx, bx
; add esp,12 ;clear in stack: locals(.err_addr) + #PF + ret_to_caller
; restore_ring3_context
; iretd
test eax, PG_MAP
shr ebx, 12
mov ecx, ebx
shr ecx, 10
mov edx, [master_tab+ecx*4]
test edx, PG_MAP
mov eax, [page_tabs+ebx*4]
test eax, 2
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .fail
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall map_page, [.err_addr], eax, PG_UW
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
mov edi, [.err_addr]
and edi, 0xFFFFF000
mov ecx, 1024
xor eax, eax
;cld ;caller is duty for this
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
rep stosd
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
.exit: ;iret with repeat fault instruction
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
add esp, 12;clear in stack: locals(.err_addr) + #PF + ret_to_caller
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; access denied? this may be a result of copy-on-write protection for DLL
; check list of HDLLs
and ebx, not 0xFFF
mov eax, [CURRENT_TASK]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
mov esi, [eax+HDLL.fd]
cmp esi, eax
jz .fail
mov edx, ebx
sub edx, [esi+HDLL.base]
cmp edx, [esi+HDLL.size]
jb .fault_in_hdll
mov esi, [esi+HDLL.fd]
jmp .scan_hdll
; allocate new page, map it as rw and copy data
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .fail
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall map_page, ebx, eax, PG_UW
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
mov edi, ebx
mov ecx, 1024
sub ebx, [esi+HDLL.base]
mov esi, [esi+HDLL.parent]
mov esi, [esi+DLLDESCR.data]
add esi, ebx
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
rep movsd
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
jmp .exit
test eax, PG_MAP
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
test eax, 12 ;U/S (+below)
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
;test eax, 8
cmp ebx, tss._io_map_0
jb .fail
cmp ebx, tss._io_map_0+8192
jae .fail
; io permission map
; copy-on-write protection
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .fail
push eax
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall map_page, [.err_addr], eax, dword PG_SW
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
pop eax
mov edi, [.err_addr]
and edi, -4096
lea esi, [edi+(not tss._io_map_0)+1]; -tss._io_map_0
mov ebx, esi
shr ebx, 12
mov edx, [current_slot]
or eax, PG_SW
mov [edx+APPDATA.io_map+ebx*4], eax
add esi, [default_io_map]
mov ecx, 4096/4
;cld ;caller is duty for this
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
rep movsd
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
jmp .exit
; returns number of mapped bytes
proc map_mem stdcall, lin_addr:dword,slot:dword,\
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push 0 ; initialize number of mapped bytes
cmp [buf_size], 0
jz .exit
mov eax, [slot]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.dir_table]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
stdcall map_page, [ipc_pdir], eax, PG_UW
mov ebx, [ofs]
shr ebx, 22
mov esi, [ipc_pdir]
mov edi, [ipc_ptab]
mov eax, [esi+ebx*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
jz .exit
stdcall map_page, edi, eax, PG_UW
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; inc ebx
; add edi, 0x1000
; mov eax, [esi+ebx*4]
; test eax, eax
; jz @f
; and eax, 0xFFFFF000
; stdcall map_page, edi, eax
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov edi, [lin_addr]
and edi, 0xFFFFF000
mov ecx, [buf_size]
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 12
inc ecx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov edx, [ofs]
shr edx, 12
and edx, 0x3FF
mov esi, [ipc_ptab]
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall safe_map_page, [slot], [req_access], [ofs]
jnc .exit
add dword [ebp-4], 4096
add [ofs], 4096
dec ecx
jz .exit
add edi, 0x1000
inc edx
cmp edx, 0x400
jnz .map
inc ebx
mov eax, [ipc_pdir]
mov eax, [eax+ebx*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
jz .exit
stdcall map_page, esi, eax, PG_UW
xor edx, edx
jmp .map
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
pop eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
proc map_memEx stdcall, lin_addr:dword,slot:dword,\
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push 0 ; initialize number of mapped bytes
cmp [buf_size], 0
jz .exit
mov eax, [slot]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.dir_table]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
stdcall map_page, [proc_mem_pdir], eax, PG_UW
mov ebx, [ofs]
shr ebx, 22
mov esi, [proc_mem_pdir]
mov edi, [proc_mem_tab]
mov eax, [esi+ebx*4]
and eax, 0xFFFFF000
test eax, eax
jz .exit
stdcall map_page, edi, eax, PG_UW
mov edi, [lin_addr]
and edi, 0xFFFFF000
mov ecx, [buf_size]
add ecx, 4095
shr ecx, 12
inc ecx
mov edx, [ofs]
shr edx, 12
and edx, 0x3FF
mov esi, [proc_mem_tab]
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall safe_map_page, [slot], [req_access], [ofs]
jnc .exit
add dword [ebp-4], 0x1000
add edi, 0x1000
add [ofs], 0x1000
inc edx
dec ecx
jnz .map
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
pop eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; in: esi+edx*4 = pointer to page table entry
; in: [slot], [req_access], [ofs] on the stack
; in: edi = linear address to map
; out: CF cleared <=> failed
; destroys: only eax
proc safe_map_page stdcall, slot:dword, req_access:dword, ofs:dword
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, [esi+edx*4]
test al, PG_MAP
jz .not_present
test al, PG_WRITE
jz .resolve_readonly
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; normal case: writable page, just map with requested access
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall map_page, edi, eax, [req_access]
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; check for alloc-on-demand page
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
test al, 2
jz .fail
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; allocate new page, save it to source page table
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push ecx
call alloc_page
pop ecx
test eax, eax
jz .fail
or al, PG_UW
mov [esi+edx*4], eax
jmp .map
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; readonly page, probably copy-on-write
; check: readonly request of readonly page is ok
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
test [req_access], PG_WRITE
jz .map
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; find control structure for this page
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push ebx ecx
mov eax, [slot]
shl eax, 8
mov eax, [SLOT_BASE+eax+APPDATA.dlls_list_ptr]
test eax, eax
jz .no_hdll
mov ecx, [eax+HDLL.fd]
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp ecx, eax
jz .no_hdll
mov ebx, [ofs]
and ebx, not 0xFFF
sub ebx, [ecx+HDLL.base]
cmp ebx, [ecx+HDLL.size]
jb .hdll_found
mov ecx, [ecx+HDLL.fd]
jmp .scan_hdll
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
pop ecx ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; allocate page, save it in page table, map it, copy contents from base
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, [ecx+HDLL.parent]
add ebx, [eax+DLLDESCR.data]
call alloc_page
test eax, eax
jz .no_hdll
or al, PG_UW
mov [esi+edx*4], eax
stdcall map_page, edi, eax, [req_access]
push esi edi
mov esi, ebx
mov ecx, 4096/4
rep movsd
pop edi esi
pop ecx ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; ebx=1 - set ipc buffer area
; ecx=address of buffer
; edx=size of buffer
; eax=2 - send message
; ebx=PID
; ecx=address of message
; edx=size of message
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
dec ebx
jnz @f
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, [current_slot]
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov [eax+APPDATA.ipc_start], ecx ;set fields in extended information area
mov [eax+APPDATA.ipc_size], edx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
add edx, ecx
add edx, 4095
and edx, not 4095
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, [ecx]
add ecx, 0x1000
cmp ecx, edx
jb .touch
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov [esp+32], ebx ;ebx=0
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
dec ebx
jnz @f
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
stdcall sys_ipc_send, ecx, edx, esi
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
or eax, -1
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
;align 4
;proc set_ipc_buff
; mov eax,[current_slot]
; pushf
; cli
; mov [eax+APPDATA.ipc_start],ebx ;set fields in extended information area
; mov [eax+APPDATA.ipc_size],ecx
; add ecx, ebx
; add ecx, 4095
; and ecx, not 4095
;.touch: mov eax, [ebx]
; add ebx, 0x1000
; cmp ebx, ecx
; jb .touch
; popf
; xor eax, eax
; ret
proc sys_ipc_send stdcall, PID:dword, msg_addr:dword, msg_size:dword
dst_slot dd ?
dst_offset dd ?
buf_size dd ?
used_buf dd ?
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, [PID]
call pid_to_slot
test eax, eax
jz .no_pid
mov [dst_slot], eax
shl eax, 8
mov edi, [eax+SLOT_BASE+0xa0] ;is ipc area defined?
test edi, edi
jz .no_ipc_area
mov ebx, edi
and ebx, 0xFFF
mov [dst_offset], ebx
mov esi, [eax+SLOT_BASE+0xa4]
mov [buf_size], esi
mov ecx, [ipc_tmp]
cmp esi, 0x40000-0x1000; size of [ipc_tmp] minus one page
jbe @f
push esi edi
add esi, 0x1000
stdcall alloc_kernel_space, esi
mov ecx, eax
pop edi esi
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov [used_buf], ecx
stdcall map_mem, ecx, [dst_slot], \
edi, esi, PG_SW
mov edi, [dst_offset]
add edi, [used_buf]
cmp dword [edi], 0
jnz .ipc_blocked ;if dword [buffer]<>0 - ipc blocked now
mov edx, dword [edi+4]
lea ebx, [edx+8]
add ebx, [msg_size]
cmp ebx, [buf_size]
ja .buffer_overflow ;esi<0 - not enough memory in buffer
mov dword [edi+4], ebx
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
mov eax, [eax+0x04] ;eax - our PID
add edi, edx
mov [edi], eax
mov ecx, [msg_size]
mov [edi+4], ecx
add edi, 8
mov esi, [msg_addr]
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; add esi, new_app_base
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
rep movsb
mov ebx, [ipc_tmp]
mov edx, ebx
shr ebx, 12
xor eax, eax
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
invlpg [edx]
mov ebx, [ipc_pdir]
mov edx, ebx
shr ebx, 12
xor eax, eax
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
invlpg [edx]
mov ebx, [ipc_ptab]
mov edx, ebx
shr ebx, 12
xor eax, eax
mov [page_tabs+ebx*4], eax
invlpg [edx]
mov eax, [dst_slot]
shl eax, 8
or [eax+SLOT_BASE+0xA8], dword 0x40
cmp dword [check_idle_semaphore], 20
jge .ipc_no_cis
mov dword [check_idle_semaphore], 5
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push 0
jmp .ret
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, 4
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
xor eax, eax
inc eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push 2
jmp .ret
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push 3
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, [used_buf]
cmp eax, [ipc_tmp]
jz @f
stdcall free_kernel_space, eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
pop eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
; add ecx, new_app_base
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_count]
mov [ecx], eax
shl eax, 12
mov [esp+32], eax
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_free]
mov [ecx+4], eax
mov eax, [pg_data.pages_faults]
mov [ecx+8], eax
mov eax, [heap_size]
mov [ecx+12], eax
mov eax, [heap_free]
mov [ecx+16], eax
mov eax, [heap_blocks]
mov [ecx+20], eax
mov eax, [free_blocks]
mov [ecx+24], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
or dword [esp+32], -1
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp ebx, 4
jbe sys_sheduler
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp ebx, 11
jb .fail
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp ebx, 25
ja .fail
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
jmp dword [f68call+ebx*4-11*4]
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
call init_heap
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall user_alloc, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall user_free, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
mov edi, ecx
call get_event_ex
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
test ecx, ecx
jz .fail
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall get_service, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
call srv_handlerEx ;ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
stdcall load_library, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, edx
mov ebx, ecx
call user_realloc ;in: eax = pointer, ebx = new size
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp ebx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov edi, edx
stdcall load_PE, ecx
mov esi, eax
test eax, eax
jz @F
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push edi
call eax
add esp, 8
test eax, eax
jz @F
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov [eax+SRV.entry], esi
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall shmem_open, ecx, edx, esi
mov [esp+24], edx
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp ecx, OS_BASE
jae .fail
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall shmem_close, ecx
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, [current_slot]
xchg ecx, [eax+APPDATA.exc_handler]
xchg edx, [eax+APPDATA.except_mask]
mov [esp+32], ecx ; reg_eax+8
mov [esp+20], edx ; reg_ebx+8
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp ecx, 32
jae .fail
mov eax, [current_slot]
btr [eax+APPDATA.except_mask], ecx
setc byte[esp+32]
jecxz @f
bts [eax+APPDATA.except_mask], ecx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall user_unmap, ecx, edx, esi
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
xor eax, eax
mov [esp+32], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
f68call: ; keep this table closer to main code
dd f68.11 ; init_heap
dd f68.12 ; user_alloc
dd f68.13 ; user_free
dd f68.14 ; get_event_ex
dd f68.fail ; moved to f68.24
dd f68.16 ; get_service
dd f68.17 ; call_service
dd f68.fail ; moved to f68.25
dd f68.19 ; load_dll
dd f68.20 ; user_realloc
dd f68.21 ; load_driver
dd f68.22 ; shmem_open
dd f68.23 ; shmem_close
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
dd f68.24 ; set exception handler
dd f68.25 ; unmask exception
dd f68.26 ; user_unmap
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
proc load_pe_driver stdcall, file:dword
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall load_PE, [file]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov esi, eax
stdcall eax, DRV_ENTRY
test eax, eax
jz .fail
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov [eax+SRV.entry], esi
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
xor eax, eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
proc init_mtrr
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
cmp [BOOT_VAR+0x901c], byte 2
je .exit
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
bt [cpu_caps], CAPS_MTRR
jnc .exit
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, cr0
or eax, 0x60000000 ;disable caching
mov cr0, eax
wbinvd ;invalidate cache
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov ecx, 0x2FF
rdmsr ;
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; has BIOS already initialized MTRRs?
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
test ah, 8
jnz .skip_init
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; rarely needed, so mainly placeholder
; main memory - cached
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, [MEM_AMOUNT]
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; round eax up to next power of 2
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
dec eax
bsr ecx, eax
mov ebx, 2
shl ebx, cl
dec ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; base of memory range = 0, type of memory range = MEM_WB
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
xor edx, edx
mov eax, MEM_WB
mov ecx, 0x200
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; mask of memory range = 0xFFFFFFFFF - (size - 1), ebx = size - 1
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
mov edx, 0x0000000F
sub eax, ebx
sbb edx, 0
or eax, 0x800
inc ecx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; clear unused MTRRs
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
xor eax, eax
xor edx, edx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
inc ecx
cmp ecx, 0x210
jb @b
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; enable MTRRs
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
pop eax
or ah, 8
and al, 0xF0; default memtype = UC
mov ecx, 0x2FF
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall set_mtrr, [LFBAddress], [LFBSize], MEM_WC
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
wbinvd ;again invalidate
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, cr0
and eax, not 0x60000000
mov cr0, eax ; enable caching
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
proc set_mtrr stdcall, base:dword,size:dword,mem_type:dword
; find unused register
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov ecx, 0x201
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
dec ecx
test ah, 8
jz .found
mov al, 0; clear memory type field
cmp eax, [base]
jz .ret
add ecx, 3
cmp ecx, 0x210
jb @b
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; no free registers, ignore the call
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
; found, write values
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
xor edx, edx
mov eax, [base]
or eax, [mem_type]
mov ebx, [size]
dec ebx
mov eax, 0xFFFFFFFF
mov edx, 0x00000000
sub eax, ebx
sbb edx, 0
or eax, 0x800
inc ecx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
proc stall stdcall, delay:dword
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push ecx
push edx
push ebx
push eax
mov eax, [delay]
mul [stall_mcs]
mov ebx, eax ;low
mov ecx, edx ;high
add ebx, eax
adc ecx, edx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
sub eax, ebx
sbb edx, ecx
jb @B
pop eax
pop ebx
pop edx
pop ecx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
align 4
proc create_ring_buffer stdcall, size:dword, flags:dword
buf_ptr dd ?
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov eax, [size]
test eax, eax
jz .fail
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
add eax, eax
stdcall alloc_kernel_space, eax
test eax, eax
jz .fail
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov [buf_ptr], eax
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov ebx, [size]
shr ebx, 12
push ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall alloc_pages, ebx
pop ecx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
test eax, eax
jz .mm_fail
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
push edi
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
or eax, [flags]
mov edi, [buf_ptr]
mov ebx, [buf_ptr]
mov edx, ecx
shl edx, 2
shr edi, 10
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
mov [page_tabs+edi], eax
mov [page_tabs+edi+edx], eax
invlpg [ebx]
invlpg [ebx+0x10000]
add eax, 0x1000
add ebx, 0x1000
add edi, 4
dec ecx
jnz @B
mov eax, [buf_ptr]
pop edi
pop ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
stdcall free_kernel_space, [buf_ptr]
xor eax, eax
pop ebx
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00
2012-03-08 08:33:38 +00:00
2010-10-01 09:21:55 +00:00