;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2011. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;============================================================================ ; ; External kernel dependencies (libraries) loading ; ;============================================================================ $Revision$ if 0 ; The code currently does not work. Kill "if 0/end if" only after correcting ; to current kernel (dll.inc). macro library [name,fname] { forward dd __#name#_library_table__,__#name#_library_name__ common dd 0 forward __#name#_library_name__ db fname,0 } macro import lname,[name,sname] { common align 4 __#lname#_library_table__: forward name dd __#name#_import_name__ common dd 0 forward __#name#_import_name__ db sname,0 } macro export [name,sname] { align 4 forward dd __#name#_export_name__,name common dd 0 forward __#name#_export_name__ db sname,0 } align 4 ; loading library (use kernel functions) proc load_k_library stdcall, file_name:dword locals coff dd ? sym dd ? strings dd ? img_size dd ? img_base dd ? exports dd ? endl cli stdcall load_file, [file_name] test eax, eax jz .fail mov [coff], eax movzx ecx, [eax+CFH.nSections] xor ebx, ebx lea edx, [eax+20] @@: add ebx, [edx+CFS.SizeOfRawData] add ebx, 15 and ebx, not 15 add edx, COFF_SECTION_SIZE dec ecx jnz @B mov [img_size], ebx stdcall kernel_alloc, [img_size] test eax, eax jz .fail mov [img_base], eax mov edx, [coff] movzx ebx, [edx+CFH.nSections] mov edi, [img_base] lea eax, [edx+20] @@: mov [eax+CFS.VirtualAddress], edi mov esi, [eax+CFS.PtrRawData] test esi, esi jnz .copy add edi, [eax+CFS.SizeOfRawData] jmp .next .copy: add esi, edx mov ecx, [eax+CFS.SizeOfRawData] cld rep movsb .next: add edi, 15 and edi, not 15 add eax, COFF_SECTION_SIZE dec ebx jnz @B mov ebx, [edx+CFH.pSymTable] add ebx, edx mov [sym], ebx mov ecx, [edx+CFH.nSymbols] add ecx, ecx lea ecx, [ecx+ecx*8];ecx*=18 = nSymbols*CSYM_SIZE add ecx, [sym] mov [strings], ecx lea eax, [edx+20] stdcall fix_coff_symbols, eax, [sym], [edx+CFH.nSymbols], \ [strings], dword 0 test eax, eax jnz @F @@: mov edx, [coff] movzx ebx, [edx+CFH.nSections] mov edi, 0 lea eax, [edx+20] @@: add [eax+CFS.VirtualAddress], edi ;patch user space offset add eax, COFF_SECTION_SIZE dec ebx jnz @B add edx, 20 stdcall fix_coff_relocs, [coff], edx, [sym] mov ebx, [coff] stdcall get_coff_sym, [sym], [ebx+CFH.nSymbols], szEXPORTS mov [exports], eax stdcall kernel_free, [coff] mov eax, [exports] ret .fail: xor eax, eax ret endp proc dll.Load, import_table:dword mov esi, [import_table] .next_lib: mov edx, [esi] or edx, edx jz .exit push esi mov edi, s_libname mov al, '/' stosb mov esi, sysdir_path @@: lodsb stosb or al, al jnz @b dec edi mov [edi], dword '/lib' mov [edi+4], byte '/' add edi, 5 pop esi push esi mov esi, [esi+4] @@: lodsb stosb or al, al jnz @b pushad stdcall load_k_library, s_libname mov [esp+28], eax popad or eax, eax jz .fail stdcall dll.Link, eax, edx stdcall dll.Init, [eax+4] pop esi add esi, 8 jmp .next_lib .exit: xor eax, eax ret .fail: add esp, 4 xor eax, eax inc eax ret endp proc dll.Link, exp:dword,imp:dword push eax mov esi, [imp] test esi, esi jz .done .next: lodsd test eax, eax jz .done stdcall dll.GetProcAddress, [exp], eax or eax, eax jz @f mov [esi-4], eax jmp .next @@: mov dword[esp], 0 .done: pop eax ret endp proc dll.Init, dllentry:dword pushad mov eax, mem.Alloc mov ebx, mem.Free mov ecx, mem.ReAlloc mov edx, dll.Load stdcall [dllentry] popad ret endp proc dll.GetProcAddress, exp:dword,sz_name:dword mov edx, [exp] .next: test edx, edx jz .end stdcall strncmp, [edx], [sz_name], dword -1 test eax, eax jz .ok add edx, 8 jmp .next .ok: mov eax, [edx+4] .end: ret endp ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc mem.Alloc size ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- push ebx ecx ; mov eax,[size] ; lea ecx,[eax+4+4095] ; and ecx,not 4095 ; stdcall kernel_alloc, ecx ; add ecx,-4 ; mov [eax],ecx ; add eax,4 stdcall kernel_alloc, [size] pop ecx ebx ret endp ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc mem.ReAlloc mptr,size;/////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- push ebx ecx esi edi eax mov eax, [mptr] mov ebx, [size] or eax, eax jz @f lea ecx, [ebx+4+4095] and ecx, not 4095 add ecx, -4 cmp ecx, [eax-4] je .exit @@: mov eax, ebx call mem.Alloc xchg eax, [esp] or eax, eax jz .exit mov esi, eax xchg eax, [esp] mov edi, eax mov ecx, [esi-4] cmp ecx, [edi-4] jbe @f mov ecx, [edi-4] @@: add ecx, 3 shr ecx, 2 cld rep movsd xchg eax, [esp] call mem.Free .exit: pop eax edi esi ecx ebx ret endp ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- proc mem.Free mptr ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ;----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; mov eax,[mptr] ; or eax,eax ; jz @f ; push ebx ecx ; lea ecx,[eax-4] ; stdcall kernel_free, ecx ; pop ecx ebx ; @@: ret stdcall kernel_free, [mptr] ret endp uglobal s_libname db 64 dup (0) endg end if