#define MEMSIZE 4096 * 50 //===================================================// // // // LIB // // // //===================================================// #include "../lib/fs.h" #include "../lib/list_box.h" #include "../lib/gui.h" #include "../lib/random.h" #include "../lib/kfont.h" #include "../lib/obj/libio.h" #include "../lib/obj/libimg.h" #include "../lib/obj/libini.h" #include "../lib/obj/proc_lib.h" #include "../lib/obj/box_lib.h" #include "../lib/patterns/simple_open_dialog.h" //===================================================// // // // DATA // // // //===================================================// //simple open dialog data char default_dir[] = "/rd/1"; od_filter filter2 = { 15, "MP3\0WAV\0XM\0\0" }; #define ABOUT_MESSAGE " v2.94 Final A tiny music folder player. Supports MP3, WAV, XM audio file formats. Hot keys: Open file: O key Play/Stop: Space or P key Start playing selected file: Enter Goto next/previous track: Ctrl + Left/Right Change sound volume: Left/Right key Remove from the list: Delete Permanently delete file: Shift + Delete Show file info: I Repeat: R Shuffle: S Mute: M kolibri-n.org & aspero.pro" scroll_bar scroll1 = { 5,200,398,44,0,2,115,15,0,0xeeeeee,0xBBBbbb,0xeeeeee, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1}; proc_info Form; llist list; char pixie_ini_path[4096]; char work_folder[4096]; char current_filename[256]; enum { BUTTON_WINDOW_CLOSE = 1, BUTTON_WINDOW_MINIMIZE, BUTTON_WINDOW_REDUCE, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_PLAY_PAUSE = 10, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_PREV, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_NEXT, BUTTON_REPEAT, BUTTON_SHUFFLE, BUTTON_OPEN_DIALOG, BUTTON_SHOW_VOLUME }; int player_run_id; int notify_run_id; bool repeat=false; bool shuffle=false; int current_playing_file_n=0; word win_x_normal, win_y_normal; word win_x_small, win_y_small; byte window_mode; enum { WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL, WINDOW_MODE_SMALL }; byte playback_mode; enum { PLAYBACK_MODE_STOPED, PLAYBACK_MODE_PLAYING }; #define LAST_FOLDER_EXISTS 1 //===================================================// // // // CODE // // // //===================================================// #include "get_files_list.h" #include "settings.h" void LoadLibraries() { load_dll(boxlib, #box_lib_init,0); load_dll(libio, #libio_init,1); load_dll(libimg, #libimg_init,1); load_dll(libini, #lib_init,1); load_dll(Proc_lib, #OpenDialog_init,0); OpenDialog_init stdcall (#o_dialog); } void main() { list.SetFont(8, 16, 13); LoadLibraries(); LoadIniConfig(); if (!param) { notify("'Pixie Player\nPress O key to open MP3/WAV/XM file' -St"); if (work_folder) param=LAST_FOLDER_EXISTS; } kfont.init(DEFAULT_FONT); SetEventMask(EVM_REDRAW + EVM_KEY + EVM_BUTTON + EVM_MOUSE + EVM_MOUSE_FILTER); loop() { WaitEventTimeout(10); switch(EAX & 0xFF) { case evMouse: mouse.get(); scrollbar_v_mouse (#scroll1); if (list.first != scroll1.position) { list.first = scroll1.position; DrawPlayList(); break; } if (list.MouseOver(mouse.x, mouse.y)) { if (mouse.vert) && (list.MouseScroll(mouse.vert)) DrawPlayList(); if (mouse.dblclick) EventStartPlayingSelectedItem(); if (mouse.down) && (mouse.key&MOUSE_LEFT) && (list.ProcessMouse(mouse.x, mouse.y)) DrawPlayList(); } if(mouse.key&MOUSE_LEFT) && (mouse.x<14) && (window_mode == WINDOW_MODE_SMALL) EventDragWindow(); if (mouse.down) && (mouse.y>skin_height) && (mouse.key&MOUSE_RIGHT) EventShowAbout(); break; case evButton: switch(GetButtonID()) { case BUTTON_WINDOW_CLOSE: EventExitApp(); break; case BUTTON_WINDOW_MINIMIZE: MinimizeWindow(); break; case BUTTON_WINDOW_REDUCE: EventChangeWindowMode(); break; case BUTTON_PLAYBACK_PREV: EventPlaybackPrevious(); break; case BUTTON_PLAYBACK_NEXT: EventPlaybackNext(); break; case BUTTON_PLAYBACK_PLAY_PAUSE: EventPlayAndPause(); break; case BUTTON_REPEAT: EventRepeatClick(); break; case BUTTON_SHUFFLE: EventShuffleClick(); break; case BUTTON_OPEN_DIALOG: EventFileDialogOpen(); break; case BUTTON_SHOW_VOLUME: RunProgram("/sys/@VOLUME", NULL); break; } break; case evKey: GetKeys(); if (key_modifier&KEY_LCTRL) || (key_modifier&KEY_RCTRL) { if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_LEFT) EventPlaybackPrevious(); if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_RIGHT) EventPlaybackNext(); break; } if (key_modifier&KEY_LSHIFT) || (key_modifier&KEY_RSHIFT) { if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_DEL) EventPermanentlyDeleteFile(); break; } if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_KEY_O) EventFileDialogOpen(); if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_KEY_M) RunProgram("/sys/@VOLUME", "m"); if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_KEY_R) EventRepeatClick(); if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_KEY_S) EventShuffleClick(); if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_KEY_I) EventShowTagInfo(); if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_RIGHT) RunProgram("/sys/@VOLUME", "+"); if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_LEFT) RunProgram("/sys/@VOLUME", "-"); if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_ENTER) EventStartPlayingSelectedItem(); if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_DEL) EventRemoveItemFromList(); if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_KEY_P)||(key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_SPACE) EventPlayAndPause(); if (key_scancode==SCAN_CODE_F1) EventShowAbout(); if (list.ProcessKey(key_scancode)) DrawPlayList(); break; case evReDraw: if (window_mode == WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL) DefineDragableWindow(win_x_normal, win_y_normal, skin.w - 1, skin.h + list.h-1); if (window_mode == WINDOW_MODE_SMALL) DefineDragableWindow(win_x_small, win_y_small, WIN_W_SMALL, WIN_H_SMALL); draw_window(); if (param[0]) { if (param==LAST_FOLDER_EXISTS) EventOpenFolder(NULL); else EventOpenFolder(#param); param[0] = NULL; } break; default: EventCheckSongFinished(); } } } void DrawPlayList() { int i; int yyy; int kfont_width; char temp_filename[4096]; dword text_color, bg_color; for (i=0; i<list.visible; i++;) { strcpy(#temp_filename, files_mas[i + list.first] * 304 + buf + 72); temp_filename[strrchr(#temp_filename, '.')-1] = '\0'; yyy = i*list.item_h+list.y; //this is selected file if (list.cur_y - list.first == i) { if (i>=list.count) continue; bg_color = theme.color_list_active_bg; text_color = theme.color_list_text; } //this is not selected file else { if (i>=list.count) continue; bg_color = theme.color_list_bg; text_color = theme.color_list_text; } //this is cur_y playing file if (i + list.first == current_playing_file_n) && (playback_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_PLAYING) { text_color = theme.color_list_active_text; } DrawBar(list.x, yyy, list.w, list.item_h, bg_color); kfont_width = kfont.WriteIntoWindow(6, yyy+list.text_y, bg_color, text_color, list.font_type, #temp_filename); if (kfont_width>skin.w-15) DrawBar(skin.w-1, yyy, 1, list.item_h, theme.color_list_border); } DrawBar(list.x,list.visible * list.item_h + list.y, list.w, -list.visible * list.item_h + list.h, theme.color_list_bg); DrawScroller(); } void draw_window() { GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo); DrawTopPanel(); IF (Form.status_window>=2) return; if (window_mode == WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL) { DrawPlayList(); DrawRectangle(0, skin.h-1, skin.w-1, list.h+1, theme.color_list_border); } } void DrawTopPanel() { int kfont_width; int button_y; //Mode depended if (window_mode == WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL) { button_y = 46; img_draw stdcall(skin.image, 0, 0, skin.w, skin.h, 0, 0); if (playback_mode != PLAYBACK_MODE_STOPED) img_draw stdcall(skin.image, 47, button_y, 41, 21, skin.w+1, WIN_H_SMALL+1); if (repeat) img_draw stdcall(skin.image, 217, button_y+2, 17,17,skin.w+43, WIN_H_SMALL+1); if (shuffle) img_draw stdcall(skin.image, 236, button_y+2, 17,17, skin.w+62, WIN_H_SMALL+1); if (!work_folder) DrawPixieTitle("Pixie"); else DrawPixieTitle(#work_folder + strrchr(#work_folder, '/')); kfont_width = kfont.WriteIntoWindow(8, 24, theme.color_top_panel_bg, theme.color_top_panel_song_name, list.font_type, #current_filename); if (kfont_width>skin.w-15) DrawBar(skin.w-1, 24, 1, list.item_h, theme.color_list_border); //Playing control buttons DefineHiddenButton(7, button_y, 38, 20, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_PREV); DefineHiddenButton(48, button_y, 38, 20, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_PLAY_PAUSE); DefineHiddenButton(87, button_y, 38, 20, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_NEXT); //Window control buttons DefineHiddenButton(Form.width - 27, 1, 26, 15, BUTTON_WINDOW_CLOSE); DefineHiddenButton(Form.width - 55, 1, 26, 15, BUTTON_WINDOW_MINIMIZE); DefineHiddenButton(Form.width - 83, 1, 26, 15, BUTTON_WINDOW_REDUCE); //Other buttons DefineHiddenButton(218, button_y+3, 17, 16, BUTTON_REPEAT); DefineHiddenButton(237, button_y+3, 17, 16, BUTTON_SHUFFLE); DefineHiddenButton(270, button_y+3, 17, 16, BUTTON_OPEN_DIALOG); DefineHiddenButton(289, button_y+3, 17, 16, BUTTON_SHOW_VOLUME); } else if (window_mode == WINDOW_MODE_SMALL) { button_y = 7; img_draw stdcall(skin.image, 0, 0, WIN_W_SMALL, WIN_H_SMALL, skin.w-1, 0); if (playback_mode != PLAYBACK_MODE_STOPED) img_draw stdcall(skin.image, 46, button_y-1, 27, 19, skin.w+83, WIN_H_SMALL+1); DefineHiddenButton(0, 0, WIN_W_SMALL, WIN_H_SMALL, 99 + BT_NOFRAME); //Playing control buttons DefineHiddenButton(20, button_y, 24, 16, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_PREV); DefineHiddenButton(46, button_y, 24, 16, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_PLAY_PAUSE); DefineHiddenButton(72, button_y, 24, 16, BUTTON_PLAYBACK_NEXT); //Window control buttons DefineHiddenButton(Form.width - 20, 1, 19, 13, BUTTON_WINDOW_CLOSE); DefineHiddenButton(Form.width - 20, 16, 19, 13, BUTTON_WINDOW_REDUCE); } } void DrawScroller() { scroll1.max_area = list.count; scroll1.cur_area = list.visible; scroll1.position = list.first; scroll1.all_redraw = 0; scroll1.start_x = skin.w - scroll1.size_x-1; scroll1.start_y = list.y-1; scroll1.size_y = list.h+2; if (list.count > list.visible) scrollbar_v_draw(#scroll1); } void DrawPixieTitle(dword _t) { char title[35]; strlcpy(#title, _t, sizeof(title)); if (strlen(#title)>30) strcpy(#title+30, "..."); kfont.WriteIntoWindow(8, 5, theme.color_top_panel_bg, theme.color_top_panel_folder_name, list.font_type, #title); } //===================================================// // // // EVENTS // // // //===================================================// void EventOpenFolder(dword _open_path) { if (!_open_path) { OpenDirectory(#work_folder); } else { strcpy(#work_folder, _open_path); work_folder[strrchr(#work_folder, '/')-1]='\0'; OpenDirectory(#work_folder); SetOpenedFileFirst(_open_path); } list.SetSizes(1, skin.h, skin.w-1, 22*15, 22); if (list.count <= list.visible) { list.h = list.count * list.item_h; list.visible = list.count; list.w -= 1; } else { list.w -= scroll1.size_x; } if (window_mode==WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL) MoveSize(OLD, OLD, OLD, skin.h + list.h); list.KeyHome(); current_playing_file_n=0; EventStopPlaying(); if (_open_path) EventStartPlaying(); } void EventStopPlaying() { if (player_run_id) player_run_id = KillProcess(player_run_id); if (notify_run_id) notify_run_id = KillProcess(notify_run_id); playback_mode = PLAYBACK_MODE_STOPED; DrawTopPanel(); DrawPlayList(); } void EventStartPlaying() { word i; char item_path[4096]; char notify_message[512]; EventStopPlaying(); if (current_playing_file_n >= list.count) { current_playing_file_n = list.count-1; return; } if (current_playing_file_n < 0) { current_playing_file_n = 0; return; } playback_mode = PLAYBACK_MODE_PLAYING; strlcpy(#current_filename, GetPlayingItemName(), sizeof(current_filename)); sprintf(#item_path,"-h %s/%s",#work_folder,#current_filename); current_filename[strrchr(#current_filename, '.')-1] = '\0'; DrawPlayList(); DrawTopPanel(); player_run_id = RunProgram("/sys/media/ac97snd", #item_path); sprintf(#notify_message,"'Now playing:\n%s' -St",#current_filename); if (!repeat) && (window_mode==WINDOW_MODE_SMALL) { for (i=2; i<strlen(#notify_message)-6; i++) { //replace ' char to avoid @notify misunderstood if (notify_message[i]=='\'') notify_message[i]=96; } notify_run_id = notify(#notify_message); } } void EventPlayAndPause() { if (playback_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_PLAYING) { playback_mode = PLAYBACK_MODE_STOPED; EventStopPlaying(); } else { playback_mode = PLAYBACK_MODE_PLAYING; EventStartPlaying(); } } void EventChangeWindowMode() { if (window_mode == WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL) { window_mode = WINDOW_MODE_SMALL; win_x_normal = Form.left; win_y_normal = Form.top; MoveSize(OLD, OLD, WIN_W_SMALL-1, WIN_H_SMALL-1); MoveSize(OLD, win_y_small, OLD, OLD); MoveSize(win_x_small, OLD, OLD, OLD); } else { window_mode = WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL; win_x_small = Form.left; win_y_small = Form.top; MoveSize(win_x_normal, win_y_normal, skin.w -1 ,skin.h + list.h); } } void EventExitApp() { EventStopPlaying(); SaveIniConfig(); ExitProcess(); } void EventPlaybackPrevious() { if (shuffle) current_playing_file_n = random(list.count); else current_playing_file_n--; EventStartPlaying(); } void EventPlaybackNext() { if (shuffle) current_playing_file_n = random(list.count); else current_playing_file_n++; EventStartPlaying(); } void EventStartPlayingSelectedItem() { current_playing_file_n=list.cur_y; EventStartPlaying(); } void EventFileDialogOpen() { OpenDialog_start stdcall (#o_dialog); if (o_dialog.status==1) EventOpenFolder(#openfile_path); } void EventCheckSongFinished() { if (playback_mode == PLAYBACK_MODE_PLAYING) && (!GetProcessSlot(player_run_id)) { if (repeat) EventStartPlaying(); else EventPlaybackNext(); } } void EventRepeatClick() { repeat ^= 1; DrawTopPanel(); } void EventShuffleClick() { shuffle ^= 1; DrawTopPanel(); } void EventRemoveItemFromList() { int i; if (list.cur_y == current_playing_file_n) EventStopPlaying(); for (i=list.cur_y; i<list.count; i++) files_mas[i] = files_mas[i+1]; list.count--; if (list.cur_y <= current_playing_file_n) current_playing_file_n--; list.CheckDoesValuesOkey(); if (list.count <= list.visible) { list.h = list.count * list.item_h; list.visible = list.count; if (window_mode==WINDOW_MODE_NORMAL) MoveSize(OLD, OLD, OLD, skin.h + list.h); } else DrawPlayList(); } void EventPermanentlyDeleteFile() { char item_path[4096]; sprintf(#item_path,"%s/%s",#work_folder,GetSelectedItemName()); DeleteFile(#item_path); EventRemoveItemFromList(); } void EventShowAbout() { CreateThread(#ShowAboutThread,#menu_stak+4092); } void ShowAboutThread() { proc_info pop_up; loop() switch(WaitEvent()) { case evButton: ExitProcess(); break; case evKey: GetKeys(); if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_ESC) ExitProcess(); break; case evReDraw: DefineDragableWindow(150, 200, 400, 400); GetProcessInfo(#pop_up, SelfInfo); DrawBar(0, 0, pop_up.width, pop_up.height, theme.color_top_panel_bg); DrawRectangle(0, 0, pop_up.width, pop_up.height, theme.color_list_border); DefineHiddenButton(pop_up.width - 27, 1, 26, 15, BUTTON_WINDOW_CLOSE); //img_draw stdcall(skin.image, pop_up.width-28, 0, 28, 18, skin.w - 29, 0); DrawCaptButton(pop_up.width-10-80, pop_up.height - 34, 80, 24, 2, 0x171717, 0xF5EFB3, "Cool"); WriteText(131,16, 0x81, 0x8E7C61, "Pixie Player"); WriteText(130,15, 0x81, 0xF5EFB3, "Pixie Player"); WriteTextLines(10, 40, 0x90, theme.color_top_panel_song_name, ABOUT_MESSAGE, 19); DrawIcon32(45, 15, theme.color_top_panel_bg, 65); DrawIcon32(pop_up.width-32-45, 15, theme.color_top_panel_bg, 65); } } /* struct { char tag[4]; char title[60]; char artist[60]; char album[60]; char speed; char genre[30]; char start_time[6]; char end_time[6]; } tag11; struct { char tag[3]; char title[30]; char artist[30]; char album[30]; char year[4]; char comment[30]; unsigned char genre; //https://www.w3.org/People/Bos/MP3tag/mp3tag.c } tag10; */ void EventShowTagInfo() { char item_path[4096]; sprintf(#item_path,"%s/%s",#work_folder,GetSelectedItemName()); RunProgram("/sys/media/mp3info", #item_path); } stop: char menu_stak[4096];