; ; application : Flag - Polonia in Tertio Millenium - wavy shading rotary area ; compiler : FASM ; system : MenuetOS ; author : macgub ; email : macgub3@wp.pl ; web : www.menuet.xt.pl ; Fell free to use this intro in your own distribution of MenuetOS. SIZE_X equ 220 SIZE_Y equ 260 TIMEOUT equ 1 ROUND equ 12 points_count equ 50 triangles_count equ 54 use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd 0x01 ; header version dd START ; start of code dd I_END ; size of image dd I_END ; memory for app dd I_END ; esp dd 0x0 , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon START: ; start of execution call draw_window ; call generate_map still: mov eax,23 ; wait here for event with timeout mov ebx,TIMEOUT cmp [speed_flag],0xff jne speed_skip mov eax,11 speed_skip: int 0x40 cmp eax,1 ; redraw request ? je red cmp eax,2 ; key in buffer ? je key cmp eax,3 ; button in buffer ? je button jmp noclose red: ; redraw call draw_window jmp noclose key: ; key mov eax,2 ; just read it and ignore int 0x40 jmp noclose button: ; button mov eax,17 ; get id int 0x40 cmp ah,1 ; button id=1 ? jne shad_button mov eax,-1 ; close this program int 0x40 shad_button: cmp ah,2 jne speed_button not [shad_flag] ; set shadow / flag mode speed_button: cmp ah,3 jne noclose not [speed_flag] noclose: call calculate_angle ; calculates sinus and cosinus call generate_map call copy_points call rotate_points call translate_points ; translate from 3d to 2d call clrscr ; clear the screen call sort_triangles call draw_triangles ; draw all triangles from the list mov eax,7 ; put image mov ebx,screen mov ecx,SIZE_X shl 16 + SIZE_Y mov edx,5 shl 16 + 20 int 0x40 jmp still generate_map: finit mov edi,points xor ebx,ebx ;z again_gen1: mov eax,70 ;x again_gen: mov word[edi],ax mov word[edi+4],bx fild word[edi] fidiv [i20] fadd [current_angle] fsin fimul [i20] fiadd [i75] fistp word [edi+2] ; fild word[edi] ;another map generation ; fisub [i100] ; fidiv [i75] ; fmul st,st0 ; fild word[edi+4] ; fisub [i50] ; fidiv [i20] ; fmul st,st0 ; faddp ; fsqrt ; fadd [current_angle] ; fsin ; fimul [i20] ; fiadd [i75] ; fistp word[edi+2] add ax,10 add edi,6 cmp ax,170 jne again_gen add bx,20 cmp bx,100 jne again_gen1 mov dword[edi],0xffffffff ret i20 dw 20 i50 dw 50 i75 dw 75 i100 dw 100 sort_triangles: mov esi,triangles mov edi,triangles_with_z mov ebp,points_rotated make_triangle_with_z: ;makes list with triangles and z position xor eax,eax mov ax,word[esi] shl eax,1 mov ebx,eax shl eax,1 add eax,ebx push ebp add ebp,eax xor ecx,ecx mov cx,word[ebp+4] pop ebp xor eax,eax mov ax,word[esi+2] shl eax,1 mov ebx,eax shl eax,1 add eax,ebx push ebp add ebp,eax add cx,word[ebp+4] pop ebp xor eax,eax mov ax,word[esi+4] shl eax,1 mov ebx,eax shl eax,1 add eax,ebx push ebp add ebp,eax add cx,word[ebp+4] pop ebp mov ax,cx cwd idiv [i3] cld movsd ; store vertex coordinates movsw stosw ; middle vertex coordinate 'z' in triangles_with_z list cmp dword[esi],0xffffffff jne make_triangle_with_z movsd ; copy end mark ;macro sort mov [sort_flag],1 next_booble: mov esi,triangles_with_z ;sort list triangles_with_z booble metod cmp [sort_flag],0 je end_sort mov [sort_flag],0 check_and_check: ; cmp dword[esi],0xffffffff ; je next_booble cmp dword[esi+8],0xffffffff je next_booble mov ax,word[esi+6] cmp ax,word[esi+14] jge no_chg_pos mov eax,dword[esi] mov ebx,dword[esi+4] xchg eax,dword[esi+8] xchg ebx,dword[esi+12] mov dword[esi],eax mov dword[esi+4],ebx ; sort_flag=1 if change occured mov [sort_flag],1 no_chg_pos: add esi,8 jmp check_and_check ;check end mark end if greater end_sort: ; translate triangles_with_z to sorted_triangles mov esi,triangles_with_z mov edi,sorted_triangles again_copy: movsd movsw add esi,2 cmp dword[esi],0xffffffff jne again_copy movsd ; copy end mark too ret sort_flag db 0 clrscr: mov edi,screen mov ecx,SIZE_X*SIZE_Y*3/4 xor eax,eax cld rep stosd ret calculate_angle: finit fldpi fidiv [i180] fimul [angle_counter] fst [current_angle] fld st fidiv [i2] fsincos fstp [singamma] fstp [cosgamma] fsincos fstp [sinbeta] fstp [cosbeta] inc [angle_counter] cmp [angle_counter],360 jne end_calc_angle mov [angle_counter],0 end_calc_angle: ret i180 dw 90 i2 dw 2 rotate_points: finit ; y axle rotate mov ebx,points_rotated again_r: mov ax,word[ebx] ;x sub ax,[xo] mov [xsub],ax mov ax,word[ebx+4] ;z sub ax,[zo] mov [zsub],ax fld [sinbeta] fimul [zsub] fchs fld [cosbeta] fimul [xsub] faddp fiadd [xo] fistp word[ebx] ;x fld [sinbeta] fimul [xsub] ;fchs fld [cosbeta] fimul [zsub] faddp fiadd [zo] fistp word[ebx+4] ;z mov ax,word[ebx+2] ;y ; z axle rotate sub ax,[yo] mov [ysub],ax mov ax,word[ebx] ;x sub ax,[xo] mov [xsub],ax fld [singamma] fimul[ysub] fld [cosgamma] fimul [xsub] faddp fiadd [xo] fistp word[ebx] ;x fld [cosgamma] fimul [ysub] fld [singamma] fimul [xsub] fchs faddp fiadd [yo] fistp word[ebx+2] ;y add ebx,6 cmp dword[ebx],0xffffffff jne again_r ret xsub dw ? ysub dw ? zsub dw ? draw_triangles: mov [tr_counter],1 mov ebp,points_rotated ; mov esi,triangles mov esi,sorted_triangles again_dts: xor eax,eax mov ax,word[esi] shl eax,1 mov [dtpom],eax shl eax,1 add eax,[dtpom] push ebp add ebp,eax mov ax,word[ebp] mov [xx1],ax mov ax,word[ebp+2] mov [yy1],ax mov ax,word[ebp+4] mov [zz1],ax pop ebp xor eax,eax mov ax,word[esi+2] shl eax,1 mov [dtpom],eax shl eax,1 add eax,[dtpom] push ebp add ebp,eax mov ax,word[ebp] mov [xx2],ax mov ax,word[ebp+2] mov [yy2],ax mov ax,word[ebp+4] mov [zz2],ax pop ebp xor eax,eax mov ax,word[esi+4] shl eax,1 mov [dtpom],eax shl eax,1 add eax,[dtpom] push ebp add ebp,eax mov ax,word[ebp] mov [xx3],ax mov ax,word[ebp+2] mov [yy3],ax mov ax,word[ebp+4] mov [zz3],ax pop ebp push ebp push esi macro set_flag { mov edx,0x00ffffff inc [tr_counter] cmp [tr_counter],triangles_count/2 jl skip_red set_red: mov edx,0x00ff0000 skip_red: } mov ax,[zz1] add ax,[zz2] add ax,[zz3] cwd idiv [i3] sub ax,100 ;77 ; shl ax,1 neg al xor edx,edx mov dh,al ;set color according to z position mov dl,al ; push dx ; shl edx,8 ; pop dx cmp [shad_flag],0 je skip_col set_flag skip_col: mov ax,[xx1] shl eax,16 mov ax,[yy1] mov bx,[xx2] shl ebx,16 mov bx,[yy2] mov cx,[xx3] shl ecx,16 mov cx,[yy3] mov edi,screen call draw_triangle pop esi pop ebp add esi,6 cmp dword[esi],0xffffffff jne again_dts ret i3 dw 3 tr_counter dw 0 dtpom dd ? xx1 dw ? yy1 dw ? zz1 dw ? xx2 dw ? yy2 dw ? zz2 dw ? xx3 dw ? yy3 dw ? zz3 dw ? translate_points: finit mov ebx,points_rotated again_trans: fild word[ebx+4] ;z1 fmul [sq] fld st fiadd word[ebx] ;x1 fistp word[ebx] fchs fiadd word[ebx+2] ;y1 fistp word[ebx+2] ;y1 add ebx,6 cmp dword[ebx],0xffffffff jne again_trans ret copy_points: mov esi,points mov edi,points_rotated mov ecx,points_count*3+2 cld rep movsw ret draw_triangle: ;----------in - eax - x1 shl 16 + y1 ;------------- -ebx - x2 shl 16 + y2 ;---------------ecx - x3 shl 16 + y3 ;---------------edx - color 0x00rrggbb ;---------------edi - pointer to screen buffer @ch3: cmp ax,bx jg @ch1 @ch4: ; sort parameters cmp bx,cx jg @ch2 jle @chEnd @ch1: xchg eax,ebx jmp @ch4 @ch2: xchg ebx,ecx jmp @ch3 @chEnd: mov [@y1],ax ; ....and store to user friendly variables mov [@y2],bx mov [@y3],cx shr eax,16 shr ebx,16 shr ecx,16 mov [@x1],ax mov [@x2],bx mov [@x3],cx mov [@col],edx cmp [@y1],0 jl @end_triangle cmp [@y2],0 jl @end_triangle cmp [@y3],0 jl @end_triangle cmp [@x1],0 jl @end_triangle cmp [@x2],0 jl @end_triangle cmp [@x3],0 jl @end_triangle cmp [@y1],SIZE_Y jg @end_triangle cmp [@y2],SIZE_Y jg @end_triangle cmp [@y3],SIZE_Y jg @end_triangle cmp [@x1],SIZE_X jg @end_triangle cmp [@x2],SIZE_X jg @end_triangle cmp [@x3],SIZE_X jg @end_triangle neg ax ; calculate delta 12 add ax,bx cwde shl eax,ROUND cdq mov bx,[@y2] mov cx,[@y1] sub ebx,ecx cmp ebx,0 jne @noZero1 mov [@dx12],0 jmp @yesZero1 @noZero1: idiv ebx mov [@dx12],eax @yesZero1: mov ax,[@x3] ; calculate delta 13 sub ax,[@x1] cwde shl eax,ROUND cdq xor ebx,ebx xor ecx,ecx or bx,[@y3] or cx,[@y1] sub ebx,ecx cmp ebx,0 jne @noZero2 mov [@dx13],0 jmp @yesZero2 @noZero2: idiv ebx mov [@dx13],eax @yesZero2: mov ax,[@x3] ; calculate delta 23 [dx23] sub ax,[@x2] cwde shl eax,ROUND cdq xor ebx,ebx xor ecx,ecx or bx,[@y3] or cx,[@y2] sub ebx,ecx cmp ebx,0 jne @noZero3 mov [@dx23],0 jmp @yesZero3 @noZero3: idiv ebx mov [@dx23],eax @yesZero3: xor eax,eax ;eax - xk1 or ax,[@x1] shl eax,ROUND mov ebx,eax ; ebx - xk2 xor esi,esi ; esi - y or si,[@y1] @next_line1: mov ecx,eax ; ecx - x11 sar ecx,ROUND mov edx,ebx ;edx - x12 sar edx,ROUND cmp ecx,edx jle @nochg xchg ecx,edx @nochg: pusha mov ebx,ecx sub edx,ecx mov ecx,edx mov edx,esi mov eax,[@col] call @horizontal_line popa add eax,[@dx13] add ebx,[@dx12] inc esi cmp si,[@y2] jl @next_line1 xor esi,esi or si,[@y2] xor ebx,ebx mov bx,[@x2] shl ebx,ROUND @next_line2: mov ecx,eax sar ecx,ROUND mov edx,ebx sar edx,ROUND cmp ecx,edx jle @nochg1 xchg ecx,edx @nochg1: pusha mov eax,[@col] mov ebx,ecx sub edx,ecx mov ecx,edx mov edx,esi call @horizontal_line popa add eax,[@dx13] add ebx,[@dx23] inc esi cmp si,[@y3] jl @next_line2 @end_triangle: ret @col dd ? @y1 dw ? @x1 dw ? @y2 dw ? @x2 dw ? @y3 dw ? @x3 dw ? @dx12 dd ? @dx13 dd ? @dx23 dd ? @horizontal_line: ;---------in ;---------eax - color of line, 0x00RRGGBB ;---------ebx - x1 - x position of line begin ;---------ecx - lenght of line ;---------edx - y position of line ;---------edi - pointer to buffer jcxz @end_hor_l push eax mov eax,SIZE_X*3 mul edx add edi,eax ; calculate line begin adress add edi,ebx shl ebx,1 add edi,ebx pop eax cld @ddraw: push eax stosw shr eax,16 stosb pop eax loop @ddraw @end_hor_l: ret ; ********************************************* ; ******* WINDOW DEFINITIONS AND DRAW ******** ; ********************************************* draw_window: mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw mov ebx,1 ; 1, start of draw int 0x40 ; DRAW WINDOW mov eax,0 ; function 0 : define and draw window mov ebx,120*65536+SIZE_X+20 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,120*65536+SIZE_Y+45 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,0x34000000 ; color of work area RRGGBB,8->color gl ;mov esi,0x805080d0 ; color of grab bar RRGGBB,8->color gl mov edi,labelt ; color of frames RRGGBB int 0x40 ; flag color button mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X-30)*65536+20 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,5*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,2 ; button id mov esi,0x555555 ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 ; spped button mov eax,8 ; function 8 : define and draw button mov ebx,(SIZE_X-60)*65536+20 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size] mov ecx,5*65536+12 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size] mov edx,3 ; button id mov esi,0x555555 ; button color RRGGBB int 0x40 mov eax,12 ; function 12:tell os about windowdraw mov ebx,2 ; 2, end of draw int 0x40 ret ; DATA AREA angle_counter dw 0 sq dd 0.707 xo dw 110 ;87 zo dw 0 yo dw 125 shad_flag db 0 speed_flag db 0 triangles: dw 0,1,10, 10,11,1, 1,2,11, 11,12,2, 2,3,12, 12,13,3, 3,4,13, 13,14,4, 4,5,14 dw 14,15,5, 5,6,15, 15,16,6, 6,7,16, 16,17,7, 7,8,17, 17,18,8, 8,9,18, 18,19,9 dw 10,11,20, 20,21,11, 11,12,21, 21,22,12, 12,13,22, 22,23,13, 13,14,23 dw 23,24,14, 14,15,24, 24,25,15, 15,16,25, 25,26,16, 16,17,26, 26,27,17 dw 17,18,27, 27,28,18, 18,19,28, 28,29,19, 20,21,30, 30,31,21, 21,22,31 dw 31,32,22, 22,23,32, 32,33,23, 23,24,33, 33,34,24, 24,25,34, 34,35,25 dw 25,26,35, 35,36,26, 26,27,36, 36,37,27, 27,28,37, 37,38,28, 28,29,38 dw 38,39,29 dd 0xffffffff ;<- end marker labelt: db '3d wavy rotaring area',0 labellen: sinbeta rd 1 cosbeta rd 1 singamma rd 1 cosgamma rd 1 current_angle rd 1 points rw points_count*3 + 2 points_rotated rw points_count*3 + 2 triangles_with_z rw triangles_count*4 + 2 ; triangles triple dw + z position sorted_triangles rw triangles_count*3 + 2 screen rb SIZE_X * SIZE_Y * 3 ; screen buffer memStack rb 1000 ;memory area for stack I_END: