; ; LAUNCHER - АВТОЗАПУСК ПРОГРАММ ; Код программы совсем не оптимизирован, но очень прост для понимания. ; Этот лаунчер грузит информацию о программах для запуска из файла ; AUTORUN.DAT. Формат очень прост и в комментариях не нуждается. ; ; Компилируйте с помощью FASM 1.52 и выше ; include "MACROS.INC" use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id dd 0x01 ; header version dd START ; start of code dd I_END ; size of image dd 0x8000 ; memory for app dd 0x8000 ; esp dd 0x0 , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon ;include "DEBUG.INC" START: ; start of execution ; mov eax, 5 ; mov ebx, 10 ; int 0x40 mcall 18,15 mov eax, 70 ; load AUTORUN.DAT mov ebx, autorun_dat_info int 0x40 call get_number mov [number_of_files], eax ;dps "NUMBER OF FILES: " ;dpd eax ;dps <13,10> call next_line start_program: ;dps <"STARTING A PROGRAM",13,10> call clear_strings mov edi, program call get_string mov edi, parameters call get_string call get_number call run_program call next_line dec [number_of_files] jnz start_program exit: or eax, -1 int 0x40 run_program: ; time to delay in eax push eax mcall 70, start_info pop ebx mov eax, 5 int 0x40 ret clear_strings: ; clears buffers pushad mov ecx, 60 mov edi, program xor al, al ;mov al, ' ' rep stosb mov ecx, 60 mov edi, parameters rep stosb popad ret get_string: ; pointer to destination buffer in edi pushad call skip_spaces mov esi, [position] ;dpd esi ;dps <13,10> add esi, file_data .start: lodsb cmp al, ' ' je .finish stosb inc [position] jmp .start .finish: popad ret get_number: push ebx esi call skip_spaces mov esi, [position] add esi, file_data xor eax, eax xor ebx, ebx .start: lodsb sub al, '0' cmp al, 9 ja .finish lea ebx,[ebx*4+ebx] lea ebx,[ebx*2+eax] inc [position] jmp .start .finish: mov eax, ebx pop esi ebx ret skip_spaces: pushad xor eax, eax mov esi, [position] add esi, file_data .start: lodsb cmp al, ' ' jne .finish inc [position] jmp .start .finish: ;dps "NOW AL = " ;mov [tmp],al ;mov edx, tmp ;call debug_outstr ;dps <13,10> popad ret next_line: pushad mov esi, [position] add esi, file_data .start: lodsb cmp al, 13 je .finish inc [position] jmp .start .finish: add [position], 2 inc esi lodsb cmp al, '#' je .skipline cmp al, 13 jne .donotskip .skipline: call next_line .donotskip: popad ret ; DATA: position dd 0 ; position in file autorun_dat_info: ; AUTORUN.DAT .mode dd 0 ; read file .start_block dd 0 ; block to read dd 0 .blocks dd 16*512 ; 16*512 bytes max .address dd file_data db "/RD/1/AUTORUN.DAT",0 start_info: .mode dd 7 dd 0 .params dd parameters dd 0 dd 0 .path: ;       I_END: program rb 61 ; 60 + [0] char parameters rb 61 number_of_files dd ? file_data rb 16*512