#define MEMSIZE 731935 + 200200 #include "..\lib\strings.h" #include "..\lib\file_system.h" char app_name[] = "KingsBounty"; //file_listing.h must be generated using generate_file_listing.bat #include "file_listing.h" :dword makepath(dword basic_path, relative_path) { char absolute_path[4096]; strcpy(#absolute_path, basic_path); strcat(#absolute_path, relative_path); return #absolute_path; } void main() { if (dir_exists("/kolibrios")==false) die("'/kolibrios/ folder is not mounted! Please run APP+ on desktop. You must use ISO distro.'E"); CreateDir("/tmp0/1/DOS"); CreateDir(sprintf(#param, "/tmp0/1/DOS/%s", #app_name)); if (EAX!=0) { die("'/tmp0/1/ is not mounted!\nPlease run TMPDISK to add it.'E"); } CreateFile(sizeof(file0), #file0, makepath("/tmp0/1/DOS/", FILE_NAME_0)); notify(sprintf(#param, "'%s\nInstalled to /tmp0/1/DOS/\nEnjoy the game!'tO", #app_name)); RunProgram("/sys/@open", sprintf(#param, "/tmp0/1/DOS/%s/PLAY.sh", #app_name)); ExitProcess(); } stop: