# Console-Solitaire
Console solitaire game written by me with C/C++ while I was taking Data Structures course.

### How to Use?
Put "solitaire.cpp" and "solitaire.txt" files in same folder.
Then just compile "solitaire.cpp" with any cpp compiler.

### How to play?
Select a choice with 1,2,3,4.
Enter a card like: B S A, R D Q ...
B S A = (Black Spades A), R D Q = (Red Diamond Queen) ...

First Attribute is card color: B (Black), R (Red)
Second Attribute is card figure: S (Spades), C (Clubs), H (Hearts), D (Diamonds)
Third Attribute is card number: A K Q J 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2