; Macroinstructions for making import section ; Based on import32.inc from FASM, with small modifications ; and list of actual kernel exports. macro library [name,string] { common import.data: forward local _label if defined name#.redundant if ~ name#.redundant dd 0,0,0,RVA _label,RVA name#.address end if end if name#.referred = 1 common dd 0,0,0,0,0 forward if defined name#.redundant if ~ name#.redundant _label db string,0 end if end if } macro import name,[label] { common rb (- rva $) and 3 if defined name#.referred name#.address: forward if used label local _label label dd RVA _label label#._pe_import = 1 end if common if $ > name#.address name#.redundant = 0 dw 0 else name#.redundant = 1 end if forward if used label _label dw 0 db `label end if common db 0 end if } align 4 data import library core,'core.dll' import core,\ RegService,\ GetService,\ ServiceHandler,\ AttachIntHandler,\ GetIntHandler,\ FpuSave,\ FpuRestore,\ ReservePortArea,\ Boot_Log,\ \ MutexInit,\ MutexLock,\ MutexUnlock,\ \ PciApi,\ PciRead32,\ PciRead16,\ PciRead8,\ PciWrite8,\ PciWrite16,\ PciWrite32,\ \ AllocPage,\ AllocPages,\ FreePage,\ MapPage,\ MapSpace,\ MapIoMem,\ GetPgAddr,\ GetPhysAddr,\ CommitPages,\ ReleasePages,\ \ AllocKernelSpace,\ FreeKernelSpace,\ KernelAlloc,\ KernelFree,\ UserAlloc,\ UserFree,\ Kmalloc,\ Kfree,\ CreateRingBuffer,\ \ GetPid,\ CreateThread,\ CreateObject,\ DestroyObject,\ CreateEvent,\ RaiseEvent,\ WaitEvent,\ DestroyEvent,\ ClearEvent,\ \ LoadCursor,\ SelectHwCursor,\ SetHwCursor,\ HwCursorRestore,\ HwCursorCreate,\ \ SysMsgBoardStr,\ SysMsgBoard,\ GetCurrentTask,\ LoadFile,\ SendEvent,\ SetMouseData,\ SetKeyboardData,\ RegKeyboard,\ DelKeyboard,\ Sleep,\ GetTimerTicks,\ \ strncat,\ strncpy,\ strncmp,\ strnlen,\ strchr,\ strrchr,\ \ LFBAddress,\ GetDisplay,\ SetScreen,\ \ RegUSBDriver,\ USBOpenPipe,\ USBNormalTransferAsync,\ USBControlTransferAsync,\ USBGetParam,\ USBHCFunc,\ \ DiskAdd,\ DiskMediaChanged,\ DiskDel,\ \ TimerHS,\ CancelTimerHS,\ \ NetRegDev,\ NetUnRegDev,\ NetPtrToNum,\ NetLinkChanged,\ Eth_input,\ IPv4_input,\ \ GetPCIList end data