#include "lang.h--"

#define MEMSIZE 0x23E80
#include "..\lib\kolibri.h" 
#include "..\lib\strings.h" 
#include "..\lib\mem.h" 
#include "..\lib\file_system.h"
#include "..\lib\dll.h"
#include "..\lib\gui.h"

#include "..\lib\obj\libio_lib.h"
#include "..\lib\obj\libini.h"
#include "..\lib\obj\box_lib.h"

#include "..\lib\patterns\restart_process.h"

#ifdef LANG_RUS
	?define WINDOW_TITLE " áâனª¨ ¯ ­¥«¨ § ¤ ç ¨ „®ª "
    ?define TASK_FRAME_T "  ­¥«ì § ¤ ç "
	?define DOCK_FRAME_T " 㨻 "
	?define MIN_LEFT_BUTTON "Š­®¯ª  áªàëâ¨ï á«¥¢ "
	?define MIN_RIGHT_BUTTON "Š­®¯ª  áªàëâ¨ï á¯à ¢ "
	?define SOFTEN_UP   "‘£« ¦¨¢ ­¨¥ ᢥàåã"
	?define SOFTEN_DOWN "‘£« ¦¨¢ ­¨¥ á­¨§ã"
	?define CLOCK    "— áë"
	?define CPU_USAGE "‡ £à㧪  –"
	?define CHANGE_LANG "Ÿ§ëª ¢¢®¤ "
	?define MENU_BUTTON "Š­®¯ª  ¬¥­î"
	?define PANEL_HEIGHT "‚ëá®â  ¯ ­¥«¨"
	?define SOFTEN_HEIGHT "‚ëá®â  ᣫ ¦¨¢ ­¨ï"
	?define BUTTON_OFFSET "®«¥ ¢®ªà㣠ª­®¯®ª"
	?define FSIZE "¥¦¨¬ ¯ ­¥«¨"
	?define ASHOW "¥ áªà뢠âì"
	?define CHANGE_POS " ¦¬¨â¥ ­  ¨§®¡à ¦¥­¨¥ ¤«ï ᬥ­ë ¯®§¨æ¨¨"
	?define WINDOW_TITLE "Taskbar and Docky configuration"
    ?define TASK_FRAME_T " Taskbar "
	?define DOCK_FRAME_T " Docky "
	?define MIN_LEFT_BUTTON "Min Left Button"
	?define MIN_RIGHT_BUTTON "Min Right Button"
	?define SOFTEN_UP   "Soften Up"
	?define SOFTEN_DOWN "Soften Down"
	?define CLOCK    "Clock"
	?define CPU_USAGE "Cpu Usage"
	?define CHANGE_LANG "Change Language"
	?define MENU_BUTTON "Menu Button"
	?define PANEL_HEIGHT "Panel Height"
	?define SOFTEN_HEIGHT "Soften Height"
	?define BUTTON_OFFSET "Button Offset"
	?define FSIZE "Full width"
	?define ASHOW "Always show"
	?define CHANGE_POS "Click on image to change position"

frame taskbar_frame = { 0, NULL, 10, NULL, 16, NULL, 0xFFFfff, 1, TASK_FRAME_T, 0, 1, 12, 0x000111, 0xCCCccc };
frame docky_frame   = { 0, NULL, 10, NULL, NULL, NULL, 0xFFFfff, 1, DOCK_FRAME_T, 0, 1, 12, 0x000111, 0xCCCccc };

char taskbar_ini_path[] = "/sys/settings/taskbar.ini";
char taskbar_c_flags[] = "Flags";
char taskbar_c_variables[] = "Variables";
char docky_ini_path[] = "/sys/settings/docky.ini";

unsigned char panels_img_data[] = FROM "panels_image.raw";
raw_image panels_img = { 37, 27, #panels_img_data };

proc_info Form;

word dkFsize;
byte dkLocation, dkAshow;

byte tbAttachment, tbPanelHeight, tbSoftenHeight, tbButtonOffset,
     tbSoftenUp, tbSoftenDown, tbMinLeftButton, tbMinRightButton, tbMenuButton,
     tbRunApplButton, tbClnDeskButton, tbClock, tbCpuUsage, tbChangeLang;

enum {

void main()
	dword id, key;

	load_dll(libini, #lib_init,1);
	load_dll(boxlib, #box_lib_init,0);


	loop() switch(WaitEvent())
		case evButton: 
				if (id==1) ExitProcess();
				//taskbar buttons
				if (id>=100) && (id<200)
					if (id==100) tbAttachment ^= 1;
					if (id==105) tbSoftenUp ^= 1;
					if (id==106) tbSoftenDown ^= 1;
					if (id==107) tbMinLeftButton ^= 1;
					if (id==108) tbMinRightButton ^= 1;
					if (id==109) tbRunApplButton ^= 1;
					if (id==110) tbClnDeskButton ^= 1;
					if (id==111) tbClock ^= 1;
					if (id==112) tbCpuUsage ^= 1;
					if (id==113) tbChangeLang ^= 1;
					if (id==114) tbMenuButton ^= 1;
					if (id==120) tbPanelHeight++;
					if (id==121) && (tbPanelHeight>6) tbPanelHeight--;
					if (id==122) tbSoftenHeight++;
					if (id==123) && (tbSoftenHeight>0) tbSoftenHeight--;
					if (id==124) tbButtonOffset++;
					if (id==125) && (tbButtonOffset>0) tbButtonOffset--;
				//docky buttons			
				if (id>=200)
					if (id==200)
						if (dkLocation>3) dkLocation=1;
					if (id==201) dkFsize ^= 1;
					if (id==202) dkAshow ^= 1;
		case evKey:
				key = GetKey();
				if (key==27) ExitProcess();
		case evReDraw:
				DefineAndDrawWindow(130, 150, 465, 398+GetSkinHeight(),0x34,system.color.work,WINDOW_TITLE,0);
				GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo);
				if (Form.status_window>2) break;
				taskbar_frame.size_x = docky_frame.size_x = - taskbar_frame.start_x * 2 + Form.cwidth;
				taskbar_frame.font_color = docky_frame.font_color = system.color.work_text;
				taskbar_frame.font_backgr_color = docky_frame.font_backgr_color = system.color.work;
				taskbar_frame.ext_col = docky_frame.ext_col = system.color.work_graph;

void DrawWindowContent(byte panel_type)
	word win_center_x = Form.cwidth / 2 + 20;
	incn y;

	if (panel_type==ALL) || (panel_type==TASKBAR)
		y.n = taskbar_frame.start_y;
		DefineButton(22, y.inc(18), panels_img.w-1, 27-1, 100 + BT_HIDE, 0);
		_PutImage(22, y.n, 37, 27, tbAttachment * 37 * 27 * 3 + panels_img.data);
		WriteText(68, y.inc(7), 0x90, system.color.work_text, CHANGE_POS);
		CheckBox(22, y.inc(35), 105, SOFTEN_UP, tbSoftenUp);
		CheckBox(win_center_x, y.n, 111, CLOCK, tbClock);
		CheckBox(22, y.inc(24), 106, SOFTEN_DOWN, tbSoftenDown);
		CheckBox(win_center_x, y.n, 112, CPU_USAGE, tbCpuUsage);
		CheckBox(22, y.inc(24), 107, MIN_LEFT_BUTTON, tbMinLeftButton);
		CheckBox(win_center_x, y.n, 113, CHANGE_LANG, tbChangeLang);
		CheckBox(22, y.inc(24), 108, MIN_RIGHT_BUTTON, tbMinRightButton);
		CheckBox(win_center_x, y.n, 114, MENU_BUTTON, tbMenuButton);	
		MoreLessBox(22, y.inc(28), 120, 121, tbPanelHeight, PANEL_HEIGHT);
		MoreLessBox(22, y.inc(32), 122, 123, tbSoftenHeight, SOFTEN_HEIGHT);
		MoreLessBox(22, y.inc(32), 124, 125, tbButtonOffset, BUTTON_OFFSET);
		taskbar_frame.size_y = y.inc(32) - taskbar_frame.start_y;
	if (panel_type==ALL) || (panel_type==DOCKY)
		docky_frame.start_y = y.inc(20);
		DefineButton(22, y.inc(18), panels_img.w-1, 27-1, 200 + BT_HIDE, 0);
		_PutImage(22, y.n,  37, 27, dkLocation + 1 * 37 * 27 * 3 + panels_img.data);
		WriteText(68, y.inc(7), 0x90, system.color.work_text, CHANGE_POS);
		CheckBox(22, y.inc(35), 201, FSIZE,  dkFsize);
		CheckBox(win_center_x, y.n, 202, ASHOW, dkAshow);
		docky_frame.size_y = y.inc(30) - docky_frame.start_y;
	if (panel_type==ALL)
		frame_draw stdcall (#taskbar_frame);
		frame_draw stdcall (#docky_frame);

void LoadCfg()
	ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "Attachment", 1);     tbAttachment = EAX;
	ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "SoftenUp", 1);       tbSoftenUp = EAX;
	ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "SoftenDown", 1);     tbSoftenDown = EAX;
	ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "MinLeftButton", 1);  tbMinLeftButton = EAX;
	ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "MinRightButton", 1); tbMinRightButton = EAX;
	ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "Clock", 1);          tbClock = EAX;
	ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "CpuUsage", 1);       tbCpuUsage = EAX;
	ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "ChangeLang", 1);     tbChangeLang = EAX;
	ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "MenuButton", 1);     tbMenuButton = EAX;
	ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_variables, "PanelHeight", 18);    tbPanelHeight = EAX;
	ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_variables, "SoftenHeight", 4);    tbSoftenHeight = EAX;
	ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_variables, "ButtonTopOffset", 3); tbButtonOffset = EAX;
	ini_get_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_variables, "ButtonBotOffset", 3); tbButtonOffset = EAX;

	ini_get_int stdcall (#docky_ini_path, "@", "location", 0);  dkLocation = EAX;
	ini_get_int stdcall (#docky_ini_path, "@", "fsize", 0);     dkFsize = EAX;
	ini_get_int stdcall (#docky_ini_path, "@", "ashow", 0);     dkAshow = EAX;

void SaveCfg(byte panel_type)
	if (panel_type==TASKBAR) {
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "Attachment", tbAttachment);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "SoftenUp", tbSoftenUp);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "SoftenDown", tbSoftenDown);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "MinLeftButton", tbMinLeftButton);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "MinRightButton", tbMinRightButton);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "RunApplButton", tbRunApplButton);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "ClnDeskButton", tbClnDeskButton);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "Clock", tbClock);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "CpuUsage", tbCpuUsage);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "ChangeLang", tbChangeLang);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "MenuButton", tbMenuButton);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_variables, "PanelHeight", tbPanelHeight);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_variables, "SoftenHeight", tbSoftenHeight);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_variables, "ButtonTopOffset", tbButtonOffset);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_variables, "ButtonBottOffset", tbButtonOffset);
	if (panel_type==DOCKY) {
		ini_set_int stdcall (#taskbar_ini_path, #taskbar_c_flags, "Attachment", tbAttachment);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#docky_ini_path, "@", "location", dkLocation);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#docky_ini_path, "@", "fsize", dkFsize);
		ini_set_int stdcall (#docky_ini_path, "@", "ashow", dkAshow);

void RestartProcess(byte panel_type)
	dword proc_name1;
	if (panel_type == TASKBAR)
		RestartProcessByName("@taskbar", SINGLE);
		RestartProcessByName("@docky", SINGLE);
	GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo);
