/* * System Monitor * version 0.87 * Author: Leency */ #define MEMSIZE 4096*10 #include "../lib/io.h" #include "../lib/gui.h" #include "../lib/fs.h" #include "../lib/obj/libio.h" #include "../lib/obj/libimg.h" #include "../lib/obj/libini.h" //===================================================// // // // DATA // // // //===================================================// #define CPU_STACK 440 dword cpu_stack[CPU_STACK]; sensor cpu; sensor ram; sensor rd; sensor tmp[10]; dword tmp_size[10]; //===================================================// // // // CODE // // // //===================================================// void main() { proc_info Form; dword cpu_frequency = GetCpuFrequency()/1000; int id; incn y; load_dll(libio, #libio_init,1); load_dll(libimg, #libimg_init,1); load_dll(libini, #lib_init,1); GetTmpDiskSizesFromIni(); loop() { WaitEventTimeout(25); switch(EAX & 0xFF) { case evButton: if (GetButtonID()) ExitProcess(); break; case evKey: GetKeys(); if (key_scancode == SCAN_CODE_ESC) ExitProcess(); break; case evReDraw: #define LEFT 25 #define ICONGAP 45 system.color.get(); DefineAndDrawWindow(150, 100, CPU_STACK+LEFT+LEFT+4+9, 480 + skin_height + 4, 0x34, system.color.work, "System Monitor",0); GetProcessInfo(#Form, SelfInfo); y.n = 0; if (cpu_frequency < 1000) sprintf(#param, "CPU frequency: %i Hz", cpu_frequency); else sprintf(#param, "CPU frequency: %i MHz", cpu_frequency/1000); DrawBlockHeader(LEFT, y.inc(20), 37, "CPU load", #param); cpu.set_size(LEFT, y.inc(45), CPU_STACK, 100); sprintf(#param, "Total RAM: %i MiB", GetTotalRAM()/1024); DrawBlockHeader(LEFT, y.inc(cpu.h + 25), 36, "RAM usage", #param); ram.set_size(LEFT, y.inc(45), CPU_STACK, 23); DrawBlockHeader(LEFT, y.inc(ram.h + 25), 3, "System RAM Disk usage", "Fixed size: 1.44 MiB"); rd.set_size(LEFT, y.inc(45), CPU_STACK, 23); sprintf(#param, "TMP Disk 0 size: %i MiB", tmp_size[0]); DrawBlockHeader(LEFT, y.inc(rd.h + 25), 50, "Virtual drive usage", #param); tmp[0].set_size(LEFT, y.inc(45), CPU_STACK, 23); default: MonitorCpu(); //MonitorRam(); ram.draw_progress( GetFreeRAM()*ram.w/GetTotalRAM(), GetTotalRAM()-GetFreeRAM()/1024, GetFreeRAM()/1024, "M" ); DrawBar(ram.x+ram.w-96, ram.y-25, 96, 20, system.color.work); sprintf(#param, "%i KiB", GetTotalRAM()-GetFreeRAM()); WriteText(ram.x+ram.w-calc(strlen(#param)*8), ram.y-25, 0x90, system.color.work_text, #param); //MonitorRd(); dir_size.get("/rd/1"); dir_size.bytes += dir_size.files/2 + 32 * 512; //file attr size + FAT table size dir_size.bytes /= 1024; //convert to KiB dir_size.bytes = 1440 - dir_size.bytes; rd.draw_progress( dir_size.bytes*rd.w/1440, 1440 - dir_size.bytes, dir_size.bytes, "K" ); //MonitorTmp(); if (tmp_size[0]) { dir_size.get("/tmp0/1"); dir_size.bytes += dir_size.files/2 + 32 * 512; //file attr size + FAT table size dir_size.bytes /= 1024*1024; //convert to MiB dir_size.bytes= tmp_size[0] - dir_size.bytes; tmp[0].draw_progress( dir_size.bytes*tmp[0].w/tmp_size[0], tmp_size[0] - dir_size.bytes, dir_size.bytes, "M" ); } } } } void DrawBlockHeader(dword _x, _y, _icon, _title, _subtitle) { WriteTextB(_x+ICONGAP, _y, 0x90, system.color.work_text, _title); DrawIcon32(_x, _y, system.color.work, _icon); WriteText(_x+ICONGAP, _y+20, 0x90, system.color.work_text, _subtitle); } dword GetCpuLoad(dword max_h) { dword idle; dword CPU_SEC = GetCpuFrequency() >> 20 + 1; dword IDLE_SEC = GetCpuIdleCount() >> 20 * max_h; EAX = IDLE_SEC; EBX = CPU_SEC; $cdq $div ebx idle = EAX; return max_h - idle; } _ini ini = { "/sys/settings/system.ini", "DiskSizes" }; void GetTmpDiskSizesFromIni() { char i, key[2]; key[1]=0; for (i=0; i<=9; i++) { key[0]=i+'0'; tmp_size[i] = ini.GetInt(#key, 0) / 1024 / 1024; } } //===================================================// // // // MONITORS // // // //===================================================// int pos=0; void MonitorCpu() { int i; if (!cpu.w) return; cpu_stack[pos] = GetCpuLoad(cpu.h); if (cpu_stack[pos]<=2) || (cpu_stack[pos]>cpu.h) cpu_stack[pos]=2; DrawBar(cpu.x+cpu.w-30, cpu.y-25, 30, 20, system.color.work); sprintf(#param, "%i%%", cpu_stack[pos]); WriteText(cpu.x+cpu.w-calc(strlen(#param)*8), cpu.y-25, 0x90, system.color.work_text, #param); for (i=0; i=CPU_STACK) { pos = CPU_STACK-1; for (i=0; i