(* Copyright 2021, 2022 Anton Krotov This file is part of CEdit. CEdit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. CEdit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CEdit. If not, see . *) MODULE Ini; IMPORT KOSAPI, SYSTEM, RW, Text, Utils, File, List, Languages, KolibriOS, Lines; CONST fileName = "cedit.ini"; MAX_LEN = 32; MAX_SECTIONS* = 10; TYPE tString = ARRAY 128 OF CHAR; tSectionName = ARRAY MAX_LEN OF WCHAR; tASCIISectionName = ARRAY MAX_LEN OF CHAR; tSection* = POINTER TO RECORD (List.tItem) name*: tSectionName END; VAR get_color, get_int: PROCEDURE [stdcall] (f_name: RW.tFileName; sec_name: tASCIISectionName; key_name: tString; def_val: INTEGER): INTEGER; get_str: PROCEDURE [stdcall] (f_name, sec_name, key_name, buffer, buf_len, def_val: INTEGER): INTEGER; enum_sections: PROCEDURE [stdcall] (f_name: RW.tFileName; callback: INTEGER); IniFileName: RW.tFileName; sections*: List.tList; curSection*: tASCIISectionName; curSectionNum*: INTEGER; blink*: INTEGER; PROCEDURE getColor (key: tString; def: INTEGER): INTEGER; RETURN get_color(IniFileName, curSection, key, def) END getColor; PROCEDURE getStr* (secName, keyName: ARRAY OF CHAR; VAR s: ARRAY OF CHAR); BEGIN IF get_str(SYSTEM.ADR(IniFileName[0]), SYSTEM.ADR(secName[0]), SYSTEM.ADR(keyName[0]), SYSTEM.ADR(s[0]), LEN(s) - 1, SYSTEM.SADR("")) = -1 THEN s[0] := 0X END END getStr; PROCEDURE [stdcall] section_callback (fileName, sectionName: RW.tFileName): INTEGER; VAR section: tSection; name: tSectionName; i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF sections.count < MAX_SECTIONS THEN i := 0; WHILE (i < MAX_LEN - 1) & (sectionName[i] # 0X) DO name[i] := WCHR(ORD(sectionName[i])); INC(i) END; name[i] := 0X END; IF Utils.streq(SYSTEM.ADR(name[0]), SYSTEM.WSADR("color_"), 6) THEN Utils.reverse(name); name[LENGTH(name) - 6] := 0X; Utils.reverse(name); NEW(section); section.name := name; List.append(sections, section) END RETURN 1 END section_callback; PROCEDURE selectSection* (idx: INTEGER); VAR i: INTEGER; item: List.tItem; section: tSection; text, back, seltext, selback, modified, saved, curline, numtext, numback, comment, string, escape, num, delim, key1, key2, key3: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (0 <= idx) & (idx < sections.count) THEN curSectionNum := idx; item := List.getItem(sections, idx); section := item(tSection); i := 0; WHILE section.name[i] # 0X DO curSection[i] := CHR(ORD(section.name[i])); INC(i) END; curSection[i] := 0X; Utils.reverse8(curSection); Utils.append8(curSection, "_roloc"); Utils.reverse8(curSection) ELSE curSection := "" END; text := getColor("text", 0000000H); back := getColor("back", 0FFFFFFH); seltext := getColor("seltext", 0FFFFFFH); selback := getColor("selback", 00000FFH); modified := getColor("modified", 0E8E800H); saved := getColor("saved", 000D000H); curline := getColor("curline", 0FFFFC8H); numtext := getColor("numtext", 0000000H); numback := getColor("numback", 0E6E6E6H); comment := getColor("comment", 0800080H); string := getColor("string", 0008000H); num := getColor("num", 0800000H); delim := getColor("delim", 0000080H); key1 := getColor("key1", 0000080H); key2 := getColor("key2", 0008080H); key3 := getColor("key3", 0008080H); escape := getColor("escape", string); Text.setColors(text, back, seltext, selback, modified, saved, curline, numtext, numback, comment, string, escape, num, delim, key1, key2, key3); END selectSection; PROCEDURE getSettings* (VAR build, run, debug: RW.tFileName); BEGIN Lines.setTabs(get_int(IniFileName, "settings", "tab", 4)); blink := get_int(IniFileName, "settings", "blink", 70); IF blink = 0 THEN blink := -1 ELSE blink := MIN(MAX(blink, 1), 1000) END; getStr("settings", "build", build); getStr("settings", "run", run); getStr("settings", "debug", debug) END getSettings; PROCEDURE load* (path: RW.tFileName); VAR Lib: INTEGER; PROCEDURE GetProc(Lib, v: INTEGER; name: ARRAY OF CHAR); VAR a: INTEGER; BEGIN a := KOSAPI.GetProcAdr(name, Lib); ASSERT(a # 0); SYSTEM.PUT(v, a) END GetProc; BEGIN sections := List.create(NIL); Utils.getPath(path, IniFileName); Utils.append8(IniFileName, Utils.SLASH); Utils.append8(IniFileName, fileName); IF ~File.Exists(IniFileName) THEN IniFileName := "/sys/settings/cedit.ini" END; Lib := KOSAPI.LoadLib("/sys/Lib/Libini.obj"); GetProc(Lib, SYSTEM.ADR(get_color), "ini_get_color"); GetProc(Lib, SYSTEM.ADR(get_int), "ini_get_int"); GetProc(Lib, SYSTEM.ADR(get_str), "ini_get_str"); GetProc(Lib, SYSTEM.ADR(enum_sections), "ini_enum_sections"); enum_sections(IniFileName, SYSTEM.ADR(section_callback)); Languages.init(getStr); selectSection(0); END load; END Ini.