//Leency & SoUrcerer, LGPL #define LIST_INFO_H 59 int status_bar_h = 15; scroll_bar scroll1 = { 17,200,210, LIST_INFO_H-3,18,0,115,15,0,0xCCCccc,0xD2CED0,0x555555,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1}; scroll_bar scroll2 = { 17,200,210, LIST_INFO_H,18,0,115,15,0,0xCCCccc,0xD2CED0,0x555555,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1}; char *listbuffer; char *listpointer; char *mailbuffer; char *mailpointer; enum { GET_MAIL = 20, SEND_MAIL, DELETE_LETTER, SAVE_LETTER, STOP_LOADING, EXIT_MAIL, CHANGE_CHARSET, CLOSE_CHANGE_CHARSET }; void MailBoxLoop() { int key, id; mouse m; int panels_drag = 0; char socket_char; int letter_size; dword line_col, text_col; mail_list.h = Form.cheight/4; mail_list.ClearList(); SetMailBoxStatus( NULL , NULL); cur_charset = 0; aim=SEND_NSTAT; goto _MB_DRAW; loop() { WaitEventTimeout(2); switch(EAX & 0xFF) { case evMouse: IF (!CheckActiveProcess(Form.ID)) break; m.get(); if (!m.lkm) panels_drag=0; if (m.lkm) && (m.y>mail_list.y+mail_list.h-1) && (m.yForm.cheight-letter_view.min_h-status_bar_h-LIST_INFO_H) break; mail_list.h = m.y - mail_list.y-2; DrawMailBox(); break; } if (!mail_list.count) break; if (!panels_drag) { scrollbar_v_mouse (#scroll1); scrollbar_v_mouse (#scroll2); } if (mail_list.first <> scroll1.position) { mail_list.first = scroll1.position; DrawMailList(); break; }; if (letter_view.first <> scroll2.position) { letter_view.first = scroll2.position; DrawLetter(); break; }; if (mail_list.y+mail_list.h + 10 > m.y) { if (mail_list.MouseScroll(m.vert)) DrawMailList(); } else { if (letter_view.MouseScroll(m.vert)) DrawLetter(); } //if (!m.lkm) && (menu.ProcessMouse(mm.x, mm.y)) && //if (!m.lkm) && if (menu.ProcessMouse(mm.x, mm.y)) DrawMenuList(); break; case evButton: id = GetButtonID(); if (id==1) SaveAndExit(); if (id==GET_MAIL) aim = SEND_NSTAT; if (id==SAVE_LETTER) { if (!mailbuffer) break; WriteFile(strlen(mailbuffer), mailbuffer, "mail.txt"); pause(10); RunProgram("tinypad", "mail.txt"); } if (id==STOP_LOADING) { StopLoading(); DrawStatusBar(); DrawMailList(); } if (id==EXIT_MAIL) { StopLoading(); Close(socketnum); LoginBoxLoop(); } if (id==CHANGE_CHARSET) { DefineButton(0,0,Form.cwidth,Form.cheight, CLOSE_CHANGE_CHARSET+BT_HIDE+BT_NOFRAME); DrawRectangle(Form.cwidth-100, Form.cheight-status_bar_h- 70, 70, 82, sc.work_graph); DrawRectangle3D(Form.cwidth-99, Form.cheight-status_bar_h- 69, 68, 80, 0xFFFfff, sc.work); for (id=0; id<5; id++) { if (cur_charset==id+1) { line_col=sc.work_button; text_col=sc.work_button_text; } else { line_col=sc.work; text_col=sc.work_text; } DrawBar(Form.cwidth-98, id*16+Form.cheight-status_bar_h- 68, 67, 16, line_col); DrawCaptButton(Form.cwidth-100, id*16+Form.cheight-status_bar_h- 68, 70,16, 10+id+BT_HIDE, 0, text_col, charsets[id+1]); } } if (id==CLOSE_CHANGE_CHARSET) goto _MB_DRAW; if (id>=30) { if (aim) break; mail_list.current = mail_list.first + id - 30; DrawMailList(); aim = SEND_RETR; } break; case evKey: key = GetKey(); if (!aim) && (mail_list.ProcessKey(key)) { DrawMailList(); aim = SEND_RETR; } break; case evReDraw: _MB_DRAW: if !(DefineWindow(MAILBOX_HEADER)) break; scroll1.bckg_col = scroll2.bckg_col = 0xBBBbbb; scroll1.frnt_col = scroll2.frnt_col = sc.work; scroll1.line_col = scroll2.line_col = sc.work_graph; DrawToolbar(); DrawMailBox(); break; default: if (aim == SEND_NSTAT) { SetLoginStatus("Counting mail, awaiting answer..."); request_len = GetRequest("STAT", NULL); Send(socketnum, #request, request_len, 0); if (EAX == 0xffffffff) { debug("Error sending STAT. Retry..."w); break;} aim = GET_ANSWER_NSTAT; } if (aim == GET_ANSWER_NSTAT) { ticks = Receive(socketnum, #immbuffer, BUFFERSIZE, 0); if ((ticks == 0xffffff) || (ticks < 2)) break; if (immbuffer[ticks-2]=='\n') { debug(#immbuffer); if (strstr(#immbuffer,"+OK")) { mail_list.count = GetMailCount(); debug("Letters:"); debug(itoa(mail_list.count)); free(listbuffer); listbuffer = mem_Alloc(30*mail_list.count); //24* original listpointer = listbuffer; aim = SEND_NLIST; debug("Receiving mail list..."); } else { StopConnect("Sorry, can't recieve your mail"); } } } if (aim == SEND_NLIST) { WriteText(5, Form.cheight-11, 0x80, sc.work_text, "Send LIST, awaiting answer..."); request_len = GetRequest("LIST", NULL); Send(socketnum, #request, request_len, 0); if (EAX == 0xffffffff) {debug("Error while sending LIST. Retry..."); break;} aim = GET_ANSWER_NLIST; } if (aim == GET_ANSWER_NLIST) { ticks = Receive(socketnum, listpointer, listbuffer + 30*mail_list.count - listpointer, MSG_DONTWAIT); if (ticks == 0xffffffff) break; listpointer = listpointer + ticks; if (listpointer - listbuffer < 5) break; if (strncmp(listpointer-5,"\n.\n",5)==0) // note that c-- assembles "\n.\n" to 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x2e, 0x0d, 0x0a { aim = SEND_RETR; debug("Got mail list"); DrawMailBox(); *listpointer='\0'; atr.CreateArray(); atr.SetSizes(); } } if (aim == SEND_RETR) { from = to = date = subj = cur_charset = NULL; letter_view.ClearList(); DrawMailBox(); debug("Send RETR, awaiting answer..."); request_len = GetRequest("RETR", itoa(mail_list.current+1)); if (Send(socketnum, #request, request_len, 0) == 0xffffffff) { StopConnect("Error while trying to get letter from server"); break; } letter_size = atr.GetSize(mail_list.current+1) + 1024; free(mailbuffer); if (!mailbuffer = malloc(letter_size)) { debug("alloc error!"); aim=NULL; break; } mailpointer = mailbuffer; aim = GET_ANSWER_RETR; } if (aim == GET_ANSWER_RETR) { aim=NULL; break; ticks = Receive(socketnum, mailpointer, letter_size + mailbuffer - mailpointer , MSG_DONTWAIT); if (ticks == 0xffffffff) break; mailpointer = mailpointer + ticks; if (!aim) break; if (letter_size + mailbuffer - mailpointer - 2 < 0) { debug("Resizing buffer"); letter_size += 4096; mailbuffer = realloc(mailbuffer, letter_size); if (!mailbuffer) { StopConnect("Realloc error!"); break;} } if (letter_size>9000) { id = mailpointer - mailbuffer * 100 ; id /= letter_size - 1024; if (id!=cur_st_percent) SetMailBoxStatus( id , NULL); } ParseMail(); } } } } void DrawMailBox() { DrawMailList(); DrawLetterInfo(); DrawLetter(); DrawStatusBar(); } void DrawToolbar() { #define BUT_Y 7 #define BUT_H 22 #define BUT_W 74 #define BUT_SPACE 11 int toolbar_w = BUT_Y + BUT_H + BUT_Y + 3; mail_list.SetSizes(0, toolbar_w, Form.cwidth - scroll1.size_x - 1, mail_list.h, 60,18); DrawBar(0,0, Form.cwidth,toolbar_w-3, sc.work); DrawCaptButton(10 , BUT_Y, BUT_W, BUT_H, GET_MAIL, sc.work_button, sc.work_button_text,"Get mail"); DrawCaptButton(BUT_W+BUT_SPACE + 10, BUT_Y, BUT_W, BUT_H, SEND_MAIL, sc.work_button, sc.work_button_text,"Send Email"); DrawCaptButton(BUT_W+BUT_SPACE*2 + 10, BUT_Y, BUT_W, BUT_H, DELETE_LETTER, sc.work_button, sc.work_button_text,"Delete"); DrawCaptButton(BUT_W+BUT_SPACE*3 + 10, BUT_Y, BUT_W, BUT_H, SAVE_LETTER, sc.work_button, sc.work_button_text,"Save"); DrawCaptButton(Form.cwidth-BUT_W - 10, BUT_Y, BUT_W, BUT_H, EXIT_MAIL, sc.work_button, sc.work_button_text,"< Exit"); DrawBar(0, mail_list.y-3, mail_list.w,1, sc.work_graph); DrawBar(0, mail_list.y-2, mail_list.w,1, 0xdfdfdf); DrawBar(0, mail_list.y-1, mail_list.w,1, 0xf0f0f0); } void DrawMailList() { int i, on_y, on_x, direction; dword sel_col; mail_list.visible = mail_list.h / mail_list.line_h; for (i=30; i<150; i++) DeleteButton(i); for (i=0; (i= mailpointer) || (cur_line==1) break; DrawBar(letter_view.x, i*letter_view.line_h + letter_view.y, letter_view.w, letter_view.line_h, 0xFFFfff); if (line_text) { WriteText(letter_view.x+5, i*letter_view.line_h+letter_view.y+3, 0x80, 0, line_text); free(line_text);} } } DrawBar(letter_view.x, i*letter_view.line_h + letter_view.y, letter_view.w, -i*letter_view.line_h + letter_view.h-1, 0xFFFfff); DrawBar(letter_view.x, letter_view.y + letter_view.h-1, letter_view.w, 1, sc.work_graph); DrawScroller2(); } void DrawScroller1() { scroll1.max_area = mail_list.count; scroll1.cur_area = mail_list.visible; scroll1.position = mail_list.first; scroll1.all_redraw=1; scroll1.start_x = mail_list.x + mail_list.w; scroll1.start_y = mail_list.y - 3; scroll1.size_y = mail_list.h + 4; scrollbar_v_draw(#scroll1); } void DrawScroller2() { scroll2.max_area = letter_view.count; scroll2.cur_area = letter_view.visible; scroll2.position = letter_view.first; scroll2.all_redraw=1; scroll2.start_x = letter_view.x + letter_view.w; scroll2.start_y = letter_view.y - 3; scroll2.size_y = letter_view.h + 3; scrollbar_v_draw(#scroll2); } void DrawStatusBar() { int st_y = Form.cheight -status_bar_h; DrawBar(0, st_y, Form.cwidth, status_bar_h, sc.work); if (aim) { SetMailBoxStatus(cur_st_percent, cur_st_text); DrawCaptButton(240, st_y+1, 36, status_bar_h-3, STOP_LOADING, sc.work_button, sc.work_button_text,"Stop"); } DrawCaptButton(Form.cwidth - 100, st_y+1, 70, status_bar_h-2, CHANGE_CHARSET+BT_HIDE, sc.work, sc.work_text,charsets[cur_charset]); } void SetMailBoxStatus(dword percent1, text1) { DrawProgressBar(3, Form.cheight -status_bar_h + 1, 220, 12, sc.work, 0xC3C3C3, 0x54B1D6, sc.work_text, percent1, text1); cur_st_percent = percent1; cur_st_text = text1; } void StopLoading() { aim = NULL; mailbuffer = free(mailbuffer); to = from = date = subj = cur_charset = NULL; } int GetMailCount(){ char tmpbuf4[512]; strcpyb(#immbuffer, #tmpbuf4, "+OK ", " "); return atoi(#tmpbuf4); } int GetLetterSize_(int number){ char search_num[24]; char letter_size1[24]; strcpy(#search_num, "\n"); // 0x0d, 0x0a strcat(#search_num, itoa(number)); strcat(#search_num, " "); strcpyb(listbuffer, #letter_size1, #search_num, "\x0d"); return atoi(#letter_size1); }