macro square_width_put { local .no_put_to_screen local .next_color_put local .vertical_width_put local .horizontal_width_put mov ebx,[ReserveArray] mov eax,[ebx] test eax,eax jz .no_put_to_screen mov ecx,[ebx] add ebx,4 xor ebp,ebp .next_color_put: ;put saved pixels in ReserveArray push ecx mov [counter2],5 mov edi,[ebx] push edi .vertical_width_put: mov [counter],5 .horizontal_width_put: mov edx,[ebx+mem_offs_shape+ebp] ;and edx,0xffffff mov [edi],dx shr edx,16 mov [edi+2],dl add edi,3 add ebp,4 dec [counter] jnz .horizontal_width_put mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] sub ecx,5 lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] add edi,ecx dec [counter2] jnz .vertical_width_put pop edi pop ecx add ebx,4 dec ecx jnz .next_color_put .no_put_to_screen: } macro square_width_save { local .next_color_save local .vertical_width_save local .horizontal_width_save mov ebx,[ReserveArray] mov [ebx],eax mov ecx,eax add ebx,4 xor ebp,ebp .next_color_save: ;save color of pixel in ReserveArray push ecx mov [counter2],5 mov edi,[ebx] .vertical_width_save: mov [counter],5 .horizontal_width_save: mov eax,edi mov edx,[eax] ;and edx,0xffffff mov [ebx+mem_offs_shape+ebp],dx shr edx,16 mov [ebx+mem_offs_shape+2+ebp],dl add edi,3 add ebp,4 dec [counter] jnz .horizontal_width_save mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] sub ecx,5 lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] add edi,ecx dec [counter2] jnz .vertical_width_save pop ecx add ebx,4 dec ecx jnz .next_color_save } macro draw_calc_pixels brush { local .next_pixel_put local .vertical_width local .horizontal_width local .no_draw_pixel mov ebx,[ReserveArray] mov ecx,[ebx] mov edx,[Color] mov esi,[Color] shr edx,16 add ebx,4 mov edi,[line_width] dec edi imul edi,25 add edi,brush .next_pixel_put: mov eax,[ebx] push eax push ecx xor ebp,ebp mov [counter2],5 .vertical_width: mov [counter],5 .horizontal_width: xor ecx,ecx mov cl,byte[edi+ebp] test cl,cl jz .no_draw_pixel mov [eax],si mov [eax+2],dl .no_draw_pixel: add eax,3 inc ebp dec [counter] jnz .horizontal_width mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] sub ecx,5 lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] add eax,ecx dec [counter2] jnz .vertical_width pop ecx pop eax add ebx,4 dec ecx jnz .next_pixel_put } ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;-----instruments of panel(icon's instruments)-------------- ;----------------------------------------------------------- ;input: ; [Current_instrument] - instrument code ; ; *** instrument codes *** ;10 - pensil ;11 - draw brush ;12 - spray ;13 - lastik ;14 - flood fill ;15 - pipetka ;16 - draw line ;17 - draw rectangle ;18 - draw circle ;19 - draw ellips ;20 - draw hard contour ;21 - allocation of a countour ;23 - reflection from left to right ;24 - reflection from up to down ;40 - brush 1 ;41 - brush 2 ;42 - brush 3 ;43 - brush 4 ;44 - brush 5 ;45 - zoom 1 ;46 - zoom 2 ;47 - zoom 3 ;48 - zoom 4 ;49 - zoom 8 ;50 - zoom 16 ;51 - palette align 4 TakeButtonInstruments: mov eax,[Current_instrument] ;*************************brush 1*********************** cmp eax,40 jne no_brush1 mov [Brush_SizeX],4 mov [Brush_SizeY],4 mov [Number_Brush],0 mov ebx,[Last_instrument] mov [Current_instrument],ebx mov [line_width],1 ret no_brush1: ;*************************brush 2*********************** cmp eax,41 jne no_brush2 mov [Brush_SizeX],6 mov [Brush_SizeY],4 mov [Number_Brush],1 mov ebx,[Last_instrument] mov [Current_instrument],ebx mov [line_width],2 ret no_brush2: ;*************************brush 3*********************** cmp eax,42 jne no_brush3 mov [Brush_SizeX],8 mov [Brush_SizeY],7 mov [Number_Brush],2 mov ebx,[Last_instrument] mov [Current_instrument],ebx mov [line_width],3 ret no_brush3: ;*************************brush 4*********************** cmp eax,43 jne no_brush4 mov [Brush_SizeX],14 mov [Brush_SizeY],14 mov [Number_Brush],3 mov ebx,[Last_instrument] mov [Current_instrument],ebx mov [line_width],4 ret no_brush4: ;*************************brush 5*********************** cmp eax,44 jne no_brush5 mov [Brush_SizeX],6 mov [Brush_SizeY],6 mov [Number_Brush],4 mov ebx,[Last_instrument] mov [Current_instrument],ebx mov [line_width],5 ret no_brush5: ;*************************pensil************************ cmp eax,10 jne no_pensil mov al,[exit_from_work_arrea] test al,al jz no_exit_from_work_arrea and [Activate_instrument],0 and [exit_from_work_arrea],0 no_exit_from_work_arrea: mov al,[Activate_instrument] test al,al jnz no_activated_later call GetScreenCordinats mov eax,[ScreenX] mov ebx,[ScreenY] add eax,[PosX] add ebx,[PosY] mov [OldX],eax mov [OldY],ebx no_activated_later: mov eax,[PointerToPicture] mov ebx,[ReserveArray] mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] mov edx,[OldX] shl edx,16 add edx,[OldY] mov esi,[ScreenX] mov edi,[ScreenY] add esi,[PosX] add edi,[PosY] call calculate_line mov ecx,eax mov edx,[Color] mov esi,[Color] shr edx,16 xor ebx,ebx mov eax,[ReserveArray] pensil_next_pixel_draw: mov ebx,[eax] mov [ebx],si mov [ebx+2],dl add eax,4 dec ecx jnz pensil_next_pixel_draw mov eax,[ScreenX] mov ebx,[ScreenY] add eax,[PosX] add ebx,[PosY] mov [OldX],eax mov [OldY],ebx call MovePictureToWorkScreen mov [Activate_instrument],1 ret no_pensil: ;*************************draw brush******************** cmp eax,11 jne no_brush mov [Last_instrument],eax jmp no_lastik_ lastik_in: mov eax,[Color] mov [SColor],eax mov [Color],0xffffff no_lastik_: mov eax,[ScreenX] mov ebx,[ScreenY] mov ecx,[Brush_SizeX] mov edx,[Brush_SizeY] add eax,[PosX] add ebx,[PosY] add eax,ecx add ebx,edx cmp eax,[Picture_SizeX] jl no_max_pos_x mov eax,[Picture_SizeX] no_max_pos_x: cmp ebx,[Picture_SizeY] jl no_max_pos_y mov ebx,[Picture_SizeY] no_max_pos_y: cmp eax,ecx ja no_min_pos_x mov eax,[Brush_SizeX] no_min_pos_x: cmp ebx,edx ja no_min_pos_y mov ebx,[Brush_SizeY] no_min_pos_y: sub eax,[Brush_SizeX] sub ebx,[Brush_SizeY] mov [x],eax mov [y],ebx mov al,[exit_from_work_arrea] test al,al jz no_exit_from_work_arrea_brush and [Activate_instrument],0 and [exit_from_work_arrea],0 no_exit_from_work_arrea_brush: mov al,[Activate_instrument] test al,al jnz no_new_brush_xy mov eax,[x] mov ebx,[y] mov [OldX],eax mov [OldY],ebx mov [Activate_instrument],1 no_new_brush_xy: mov eax,[PointerToPicture] mov ebx,[ReserveArray] add ebx,4 mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] mov edx,[OldX] shl edx,16 add edx,[OldY] mov esi,[x] mov edi,[y] call calculate_line mov ebx,[ReserveArray] mov [ebx],eax ;procedure drawing of brush mov ebx,[ReserveArray] mov ecx,[ebx] mov edx,[Color] mov esi,[Color] shr edx,16 add ebx,4 mov edi,[Number_Brush] imul edi,20*20 next_pixel_put_brush: mov eax,[ebx] push eax push ecx xor ebp,ebp and [counter2],0 vertical_width_brush: and [counter],0 horizontal_width_brush: xor ecx,ecx mov cl,byte[Brush_color+edi+ebp] test cl,cl jz no_draw_pixel_brush mov [eax],si mov [eax+2],dl no_draw_pixel_brush: add eax,3 inc ebp inc [counter] cmp [counter],20 jne horizontal_width_brush mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] sub ecx,20 lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] add eax,ecx inc [counter2] cmp [counter2],20 jne vertical_width_brush pop ecx pop eax add ebx,4 dec ecx jnz next_pixel_put_brush mov eax,[x] mov ebx,[y] mov [OldX],eax mov [OldY],ebx mov al,[lastik_is_active] test al,al jz no_lastik_active mov eax,[SColor] mov [Color],eax and [lastik_is_active],0 no_lastik_active: call MovePictureToWorkScreen mov eax,[Current_instrument] mov [Last_instrument],eax ret no_brush: ;*************************pipetka*********************** cmp eax,15 jne no_pipetka mov eax,[ScreenY] mov ebx,[Picture_SizeX] add eax,[PosY] imul eax,ebx add eax,[ScreenX] add eax,[PosX] lea eax,[eax+eax*2] add eax,[PointerToPicture] mov ebx,[eax] and ebx,0xffffff mov [Color],ebx mcall SF_DRAW_RECT, ((ci_panel_x_pos+130) shl 16)+21,\ ((ci_panel_y_pos+28) shl 16)+21, [Color] ret no_pipetka: ;************************lastik************************* cmp eax,13 jne no_lastik mov [Last_instrument],eax mov [lastik_is_active],1 jmp lastik_in no_lastik: ;************************Flood Fill********************* cmp eax,14 jne no_FloodFill mov eax,[PointerToPicture] mov ebx,[PointerToEditBufer] mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] imul ecx,[Picture_SizeY] lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] shl ecx,1 cmp ecx,mem_flood_f ja normal_size_of_bufer mov ebx,[ReserveArray] normal_size_of_bufer: add ebx,4 mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] mov edx,[ScreenX] add edx,[PosX] shl edx,16 add edx,[ScreenY] add edx,[PosY] mov esi,[Picture_SizeX] dec esi shl esi,16 add esi,[Picture_SizeY] dec esi mov edi,[Color] call flood_fill call MovePictureToWorkScreen ret no_FloodFill: ;************************spray************************** cmp eax,12 jne no_spray cmp [Activate_instrument],0 jne no_null_spray mov [Activate_instrument],1 ret no_null_spray: mov eax,[ScreenX] mov ebx,[ScreenY] mov ecx,[Brush_SizeX] mov edx,[Brush_SizeY] add eax,[PosX] add ebx,[PosY] add eax,ecx add ebx,edx cmp eax,[Picture_SizeX] jl no_max_pos_x_spray mov eax,[Picture_SizeX] no_max_pos_x_spray: cmp ebx,[Picture_SizeY] jl no_max_pos_y_spray mov ebx,[Picture_SizeY] no_max_pos_y_spray: cmp eax,ecx ja no_min_pos_x_spray mov eax,[Brush_SizeX] no_min_pos_x_spray: cmp ebx,edx ja no_min_pos_y_spray mov ebx,[Brush_SizeY] no_min_pos_y_spray: sub eax,[Brush_SizeX] sub ebx,[Brush_SizeY] mov edi,0;[Number_Brush] imul edi,20*20 mov [x],eax mov [y],ebx mov ebp,[Picture_SizeX] xor edx,edx brush_y_spray: xor ecx,ecx brush_x_spray: ;calculate position in array of spray mov esi,edx lea esi,[esi+esi*4] ;esi=esi*5 shl esi,2 ;esi=(esi*3)*4 add esi,ecx add esi,edi ;read byte from array xor eax,eax mov al,[Spray_color+esi] test eax,eax jz no_color_spray mov eax,[x] mov ebx,[y] add eax,ecx add ebx,edx imul ebx,ebp; ebp=[Picture_SizeX] add eax,ebx lea eax,[eax+eax*2] add eax,[PointerToPicture] mov ebx,[Color] mov [eax],bx shr ebx,16 mov [eax+2],bl no_color_spray: inc ecx cmp ecx,20 jl brush_x_spray inc edx cmp edx,20 jl brush_y_spray call MovePictureToWorkScreen ret no_spray: ;************************palette************************ cmp eax,51 jne no_palette mov eax,20 mov ebx,ci_palete_y_pos mov ecx,32*10+32*5+7 mov edx,140 mov esi,1 call draw_volume_rectangle mov [x],20+5 mov [y],ci_palete_y_pos+10 mov edi,256 xor esi,esi next_rectangle: mov ebx,[x] mov ecx,[y] mov edx,[palitra+esi] and edx,0xffffff shl ebx,16 shl ecx,16 add ebx,13 add ecx,13 mcall SF_DRAW_RECT add [x],15 cmp [x],20+15*32 jl no_new_line mov [x],20+5 add [y],15 no_new_line: add esi,4 dec edi jnz next_rectangle wait_events: mcall SF_WAIT_EVENT cmp eax,1 jne @f ret @@: cmp eax,2 jne no_keys mcall SF_GET_KEY jmp wait_events no_keys: cmp eax,3 jne no_buttons mcall SF_GET_BUTTON jmp wait_events no_buttons: cmp eax,6 jne wait_events call GetMouseClick test eax,eax jz wait_events call GetMouseCoordinats mov [x],20+5 mov [y],ci_palete_y_pos+10 mov [counter],0 next_rectangle_column: mov eax,[x] mov ebx,[y] mov ecx,[MouseX] mov edx,[MouseY] mov esi,13 mov edi,13 call columnus test eax,eax jz no_columnus_color mov eax,[counter] shl eax,2 mov ebx,[palitra+eax] and ebx,0xffffff mov [Color],ebx no_columnus_color: add [x],15 cmp [x],20+15*32 jl no_new_line_column mov [x],20+5 add [y],15 no_new_line_column: inc [counter] cmp [counter],257 jne next_rectangle_column mcall SF_SLEEP,10 call drawwin mov eax,[Last_instrument] mov [Current_instrument],eax ret no_palette: ;************************draw line********************** cmp eax,16 jne no_line mov [Last_instrument],eax mov al,[Activate_instrument] test al,al jnz no_new_line_xy mov eax,[ScreenX] mov ebx,[ScreenY] add eax,[PosX] add ebx,[PosY] mov [OldX],eax mov [OldY],ebx mov [Activate_instrument],1 xor eax,eax mov ecx,mem_flood_f/4 mov edi,[ReserveArray] cld rep stosd ret no_new_line_xy: ;put saved pixels square_width_put ;calculate line mov ebx,[ReserveArray] add ebx,4 mov eax,[PointerToPicture] mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] mov edx,[OldX] shl edx,16 add edx,[OldY] mov esi,[ScreenX] mov edi,[ScreenY] add esi,[PosX] add edi,[PosY] mov ebp,[Picture_SizeX] sub ebp,[line_width] cmp esi,ebp jl no_minimum_x_line mov esi,ebp no_minimum_x_line: mov ebp,[Picture_SizeY] sub ebp,[line_width] cmp edi,ebp jl no_minimum_y_line mov edi,ebp no_minimum_y_line: call calculate_line ;save color pixels in ReserveArray square_width_save ;draw calculated pixels on work arrea draw_calc_pixels width_pixels call MovePictureToWorkScreen ret no_line: ;************************draw rectangle***************** cmp eax,17 jne no_rectangle mov [Last_instrument],eax mov al,[Activate_instrument] test al,al jnz no_new_rectangle_xy mov eax,[ScreenX] mov ebx,[ScreenY] add eax,[PosX] add ebx,[PosY] mov [OldX],eax mov [OldY],ebx mov [Activate_instrument],1 xor eax,eax mov ecx,mem_flood_f/4 mov edi,[ReserveArray] cld rep stosd ret no_new_rectangle_xy: ;put saved pixels square_width_put ;calculate line mov ebx,[ReserveArray] add ebx,4 mov eax,[PointerToPicture] mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] mov edx,[OldX] shl edx,16 add edx,[OldY] mov esi,[ScreenX] mov edi,[ScreenY] add esi,[PosX] add edi,[PosY] mov ebp,[Picture_SizeX] sub ebp,[line_width] cmp esi,ebp jl no_minimum_x_rectangle mov esi,ebp no_minimum_x_rectangle: mov ebp,[Picture_SizeY] sub ebp,[line_width] cmp edi,ebp jl no_minimum_y_rectangle mov edi,ebp no_minimum_y_rectangle: call calculate_rectangle ;save color pixels in ReserveArray square_width_save ;draw calculated pixels on work arrea draw_calc_pixels width_pixels_rectangle call MovePictureToWorkScreen ret no_rectangle: ;************************draw circle******************** cmp eax,18 jne no_circle mov [Last_instrument],eax mov al,[Activate_instrument] test al,al jnz no_new_circle_xy mov eax,[ScreenX] mov ebx,[ScreenY] add eax,[PosX] add ebx,[PosY] mov [OldX],eax mov [OldY],ebx mov [Activate_instrument],1 xor eax,eax mov ecx,mem_flood_f/4 mov edi,[ReserveArray] cld rep stosd ret no_new_circle_xy: ;put saved pixels square_width_put mov esi,[ScreenX] mov edi,[ScreenY] add esi,[PosX] add edi,[PosY] sub esi,[OldX] jns no_sign_x_circle neg esi shr esi,1 neg esi add esi,[OldX] jmp no_plus_sign_x_circle no_sign_x_circle: shr esi,1 add esi,[OldX] no_plus_sign_x_circle: sub edi,[OldY] jns no_sign_y_circle neg edi shr edi,1 neg edi add edi,[OldY] jmp no_plus_sign_y_circle no_sign_y_circle: shr edi,1 add edi,[OldY] no_plus_sign_y_circle: mov [x],esi mov [y],edi mov esi,[ScreenX] mov edi,[ScreenY] add esi,[PosX] add edi,[PosY] sub esi,[OldX] jns no_sign_x_circle_r neg esi no_sign_x_circle_r: sub edi,[OldY] jns no_sign_y_circle_r neg edi no_sign_y_circle_r: mov [Dx_],esi mov [Dy_],edi ;finit fild [Dx_] fmul st0,st0 fild [Dy_] fmul st0,st0 fadd st0,st1 fsqrt fistp [Radius] fistp [Icon_X] mov esi,[Radius] shr esi,1 cmp esi,0 jne no_null_radius mov [Radius],1 no_null_radius: mov [Radius],esi mov edi,[x] mov ebp,[y] add edi,esi add ebp,esi mov edx,[Picture_SizeX] sub edx,[line_width] cmp edi,edx jl no_limit_x_circle sub edi,edx sub [Radius],edi no_limit_x_circle: mov edx,[Picture_SizeY] sub edx,[line_width] cmp ebp,edx jl no_limit_y_circle sub ebp,edx sub [Radius],ebp no_limit_y_circle: mov edi,[x] mov ebp,[y] sub edi,[Radius] jns no_minimum_x_circle add [Radius],edi no_minimum_x_circle: sub ebp,[Radius] jns no_minimum_y_circle add [Radius],ebp no_minimum_y_circle: ;calculate circle mov ebx,[ReserveArray] add ebx,4 mov eax,[PointerToPicture] mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] mov edx,[x] shl edx,16 add edx,[y] mov esi,[Radius] call calculate_circle ;save color pixels in ReserveArray square_width_save ;draw calculated pixels on work arrea draw_calc_pixels width_pixels call MovePictureToWorkScreen ret no_circle: ;************************zoom 1************************* cmp eax,45 jne no_1_ mov [k],1 call scrollbar_move_00 and [Current_instrument],0 ;??? call drawwin ret no_1_: ;************************zoom 2************************* cmp eax,46 jne no_2_ mov [k],2 call drawwin call scrollbar_move_00 and [Current_instrument],0 ret no_2_: ;************************zoom 3************************* cmp eax,47 jne no_3_ mov [k],3 call drawwin call scrollbar_move_00 and [Current_instrument],0 ret no_3_: ;************************zoom 4************************* cmp eax,48 jne no_4_ mov [k],4 call drawwin call scrollbar_move_00 and [Current_instrument],0 ret no_4_: ;************************zoom 8************************* cmp eax,49 jne no_8_ mov [k],8 call drawwin call scrollbar_move_00 and [Current_instrument],0 ret no_8_: ;************************zoom 16************************ cmp eax,50 jne no_16_ mov [k],16 call drawwin call scrollbar_move_00 and [Current_instrument],0 ret no_16_: ;***************allocation of a countour**************** cmp eax,21 jne no_allocation mov [Activate_instrument],1 call GetScreenCordinats bt [MouseBut],8 ;left button down jnc .left_but_down cmp [crossing],2 jne @f ;move old selection mov eax,[crossing_old_x] mov ebx,[crossing_old_y] mov ecx,[ScreenX] mov edx,[ScreenY] add ecx,[PosX] add edx,[PosY] mov esi,[rectangular_shade_x] mov edi,[rectangular_shade_y] sub esi,eax sub edi,ebx call columnus test eax,eax jz @f mov [crossing],3 mov [OldX],ecx mov [OldY],edx jmp selection_update @@: ;start new selection mov eax,[ScreenX] add eax,[PosX] mov [crossing_old_x],eax mov [rectangular_shade_x],eax mov eax,[ScreenY] add eax,[PosY] mov [crossing_old_y],eax mov [rectangular_shade_y],eax mov [crossing],1 jmp selection_update .left_but_down: bt [MouseBut],0 ;left button press jnc .no_mouse_move cmp [crossing],3 jne .no_sel_move ;move selection mov eax,[ScreenX] add eax,[PosX] sub eax,[OldX] add [OldX],eax mov ebx,[crossing_old_x] add ebx,eax cmp ebx,0 jge @f ;exit from left border sub eax,ebx @@: add [crossing_old_x],eax add [rectangular_shade_x],eax mov eax,[ScreenY] add eax,[PosY] sub eax,[OldY] add [OldY],eax mov ebx,[crossing_old_y] add ebx,eax cmp ebx,0 jge @f ;exit from top border sub eax,ebx @@: add [crossing_old_y],eax add [rectangular_shade_y],eax jmp selection_update .no_sel_move: ;resize selection mov eax,[ScreenX] add eax,[PosX] mov [rectangular_shade_x],eax mov eax,[ScreenY] add eax,[PosY] mov [rectangular_shade_y],eax jmp selection_update .no_mouse_move: bt [MouseBut],16 ;left button up jnc .left_but_up ;finish selection mov eax,[crossing_old_x] mov ebx,[rectangular_shade_x] cmp eax,ebx jle @f mov [crossing_old_x],ebx mov [rectangular_shade_x],eax @@: mov eax,[crossing_old_y] mov ebx,[rectangular_shade_y] cmp eax,ebx jle @f mov [crossing_old_y],ebx mov [rectangular_shade_y],eax @@: mov [crossing],2 ret .left_but_up: bt [MouseBut],9 ;right button down jnc .right_but_down ;delete select mov [crossing],0 jmp selection_update .right_but_down: if 0 cmp [Paste_flag],1 je @f call PutFonForSprite @@: cmp [DrawSprite_flag],1 jne @f call SaveFonForSprite call DrawSprite @@: end if selection_update: call MovePictureToWorkScreen ret no_allocation: ;*************reflection from left to right************* cmp eax,23 jne no_reflection_from_left_to_right mov ebp,[PointerToPicture] mov edx,[ReserveArray] mov esi,[Picture_SizeX] mov ebx,[Picture_SizeX] lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*2] shr esi,1 next_line_reflection_x: ;copy vertical line to array mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] shr ecx,1 sub ecx,esi lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] add ecx,[PointerToPicture] mov edx,[ReserveArray] and edi,0 copy_to_array_line_reflection_y: mov eax,[ecx] mov ebp,edi lea ebp,[ebp+ebp*2] mov [edx+ebp],ax shr eax,16 mov [edx+ebp+2],al add ecx,ebx inc edi cmp edi,[Picture_SizeY] jne copy_to_array_line_reflection_y mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] shr ecx,1 mov ebp,ecx add ecx,esi dec ecx lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] add ecx,[PointerToPicture] sub ebp,esi lea ebp,[ebp+ebp*2] add ebp,[PointerToPicture] and edi,0 next_line_reflection_y: mov eax,[ecx] and eax,0xffffff mov [ebp],ax shr eax,16 mov [ebp+2],al add ebp,ebx add ecx,ebx inc edi cmp edi,[Picture_SizeY] jnz next_line_reflection_y ;copy vertical line from array to screen mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] shr ecx,1 add ecx,esi dec ecx lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] add ecx,[PointerToPicture] mov edx,[ReserveArray] and edi,0 copy_from_array_to_screen_reflection_y: mov ebp,edi lea ebp,[ebp+ebp*2] xor eax,eax mov eax,[edx+ebp] mov [ecx],ax shr eax,16 mov [ecx+2],al add ecx,ebx inc edi cmp edi,[Picture_SizeY] jne copy_from_array_to_screen_reflection_y dec esi jnz next_line_reflection_x call MovePictureToWorkScreen ret no_reflection_from_left_to_right: ;*************reflection from up to down**************** cmp eax,24 jne no_reflection_from_up_to_down mov esi,[Picture_SizeX] mov edi,esi lea esi,[esi+esi*2] lea edi,[edi+edi*2] imul edi,[Picture_SizeY] mov edx,[ReserveArray] mov ecx,[Picture_SizeY] shr ecx,1 add edi,[PointerToPicture] sub edi,esi mov ebp,[PointerToPicture] next_lines_reflection: ;copy line xor ebx,ebx copy_line_1: xor eax,eax mov al,[edi+ebx] mov [edx+ebx],al inc ebx cmp ebx,esi jne copy_line_1 xor ebx,ebx copy_line_2: xor eax,eax mov al,[ebp+ebx] mov [edi+ebx],al inc ebx cmp ebx,esi jne copy_line_2 xor ebx,ebx copy_line_3: xor eax,eax mov al,[edx+ebx] mov [ebp+ebx],al inc ebx cmp ebx,esi jne copy_line_3 add ebp,esi sub edi,esi dec ecx jnz next_lines_reflection call MovePictureToWorkScreen ret no_reflection_from_up_to_down: ;*********************draw hard contour***************** cmp eax,20 jne no_kontur_ mov [Last_instrument],eax mov al,[Activate_instrument] test al,al jnz no_new_konture_xy mov al,[instrument_used] test al,al jz instrument_not_used mov eax,[used_OldX] mov ebx,[used_OldY] mov [OldX],eax mov [OldY],ebx jmp exit_used_instrument instrument_not_used: mov eax,[ScreenX] mov ebx,[ScreenY] add eax,[PosX] add ebx,[PosY] mov [OldX],eax mov [OldY],ebx exit_used_instrument: mov al,[instrument_used] test al,al jnz instrument_used_true mov [instrument_used],byte 1 instrument_used_true: mov [Activate_instrument],1 xor eax,eax mov ecx,mem_flood_f/4 mov edi,[ReserveArray] rep stosd no_new_konture_xy: ;put saved pixels square_width_put ;calculate line mov ebx,[ReserveArray] add ebx,4 mov eax,[PointerToPicture] mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] mov edx,[OldX] shl edx,16 add edx,[OldY] mov esi,[ScreenX] mov edi,[ScreenY] add esi,[PosX] add edi,[PosY] mov ebp,[Picture_SizeX] sub ebp,[line_width] cmp esi,ebp jl no_minimum_x_konture mov esi,ebp no_minimum_x_konture: mov ebp,[Picture_SizeY] sub ebp,[line_width] cmp edi,ebp jl no_minimum_y_konture mov edi,ebp no_minimum_y_konture: call calculate_line ;save color pixels in ReserveArray square_width_save ;draw calculated pixels on work arrea draw_calc_pixels width_pixels mov eax,[ScreenX] mov ebx,[ScreenY] add eax,[PosX] add ebx,[PosY] mov [used_OldX],eax mov [used_OldY],ebx call MovePictureToWorkScreen ret no_kontur_: ;************************draw ellips******************** cmp eax,19 jne no_ellips mov [Last_instrument],eax mov al,[Activate_instrument] test al,al jnz no_new_ellips_xy mov eax,[ScreenX] mov ebx,[ScreenY] add eax,[PosX] add ebx,[PosY] mov [OldX],eax mov [OldY],ebx mov [Activate_instrument],1 xor eax,eax mov ecx,mem_flood_f/4 mov edi,[ReserveArray] cld rep stosd ret no_new_ellips_xy: ;put saved pixels square_width_put mov esi,[ScreenX] mov edi,[ScreenY] add esi,[PosX] add edi,[PosY] sub esi,[OldX] jns no_sign_x_ellips neg esi shr esi,1 neg esi add esi,[OldX] jmp no_plus_sign_x_ellips no_sign_x_ellips: shr esi,1 add esi,[OldX] no_plus_sign_x_ellips: sub edi,[OldY] jns no_sign_y_ellips neg edi shr edi,1 neg edi add edi,[OldY] jmp no_plus_sign_y_ellips no_sign_y_ellips: shr edi,1 add edi,[OldY] no_plus_sign_y_ellips: mov [x],esi mov [y],edi mov esi,[ScreenX] mov edi,[ScreenY] add esi,[PosX] add edi,[PosY] sub esi,[OldX] jns no_sign_x_ellips_r neg esi no_sign_x_ellips_r: sub edi,[OldY] jns no_sign_y_ellips_r neg edi no_sign_y_ellips_r: cmp edi,0 jnz no_null_a_ellips mov edi,1 no_null_a_ellips: shr esi,1 shr edi,1 mov [a_ellips],esi mov [b_ellips],edi mov edi,[x] mov ebp,[y] add edi,esi add ebp,esi mov edx,[Picture_SizeX] sub edx,[line_width] cmp edi,edx jl no_limit_x_ellips sub edi,edx sub [a_ellips],edi no_limit_x_ellips: mov edx,[Picture_SizeY] sub edx,[line_width] cmp ebp,edx jl no_limit_y_ellips sub ebp,edx sub [b_ellips],ebp no_limit_y_ellips: mov edi,[x] mov ebp,[y] sub edi,[a_ellips] jns no_minimum_x_ellips add [a_ellips],edi no_minimum_x_ellips: sub ebp,[b_ellips] jns no_minimum_y_ellips add [b_ellips],ebp no_minimum_y_ellips: ;calculate circle mov ebx,[ReserveArray] add ebx,4 mov eax,[PointerToPicture] mov ecx,[Picture_SizeX] mov edx,[x] shl edx,16 add edx,[y] mov esi,[a_ellips] shl esi,16 add esi,[b_ellips] call calculate_ellips ;save color pixels in ReserveArray square_width_save ;draw calculated pixels on work arrea draw_calc_pixels width_pixels call MovePictureToWorkScreen ;ret no_ellips: ret