; Run with OpenDialog ;

org 0

STACK_SIZE     equ 256
KEY_EVENT      equ 2
MOUSE_EVENT    equ 6

BUTTON_RUN     equ 10

MENUET01       db 'MENUET01'
version        dd 1
program.start  dd start_
program.end    dd end_
program.memory dd end_ + STACK_SIZE
program.stack  dd end_ + STACK_SIZE
program.params dd 0
program.path   dd 0

include 'lang.inc'

; ======================================================================= ;
; set.event
        mov eax, 40
        mov ebx, 39
        int 64

        push sz_box_lib
        call load.library
        mov [box_lib], eax

        push dword[box_lib]
        push sz_edit_box
        call getprocaddress
        mov [edit_box_draw], eax

        push dword[box_lib]
        push sz_edit_box_key
        call getprocaddress
        mov [edit_box_key], eax

        push dword[box_lib]
        push sz_edit_box_mouse
        call getprocaddress
        mov [edit_box_mouse], eax

        push dword[box_lib]
        push sz_edit_box_set_text
        call getprocaddress
        mov [edit_box_set_text], eax

        push sz_proc_lib
        call load.library
        mov [proc_lib], eax

        push dword[proc_lib]
        push sz_OpenDialog_init
        call getprocaddress
        mov [opendialog_init], eax

        push dword[proc_lib]
        push sz_OpenDialog_start
        call getprocaddress
        mov [opendialog_start], eax

; memory.allocate:
        mov eax, 68
        mov ebx, 12
        mov ecx, 4096 + 4096 + 4096
        int 64

        mov [od.procinfo], eax

        add eax, 1024
        mov [od.filename_area], eax

        add eax, 4096 - 1024
        mov [od.opendir_path], eax

        add eax, 4096
        mov [od.openfile_path], eax

        push od
        call [opendialog_init]

; get.screen.size
        mov eax, 61
        mov ebx,  1
        int 64

        mov [screen], eax
        movzx eax,  word[screen.width]
        shr   eax, 3
        lea   eax, [eax*2 + eax]
        add   eax, 72
        mov [window.width], eax

; skin.height
        mov eax, 48
        mov ebx, 4
        int 64

        add eax, 64
        mov [window.height], eax

        movzx eax,  word[screen.width]
        sub   eax, [window.width]
        shr   eax, 1
        mov [window.left], eax

        movzx eax,  word[screen.height]
        sub   eax, [window.height]
        sub   eax, 24
        mov [window.top], eax

        mov eax, [window.width]
        sub eax, 20
        mov [edit1.width], eax

        mov eax, [od.openfile_path]
        mov [edit1.text], eax

        call on_redraw
; ----------------------- ;
; wait.event
        mov eax, 10
        int 64
        cmp eax, REDRAW_EVENT
        jne .check_key
        call on_redraw
        jmp .loop
; ----------------------- ;
        cmp eax, KEY_EVENT
        jne .check_button
        mov eax, 2
        int 64
        cmp ah, 13
        jne .no_key_enter
        call on_button_run
        jmp .loop
; ----------------------- ;
        cmp ah, 185
        jne .no_key_insert
        call on_button_browse
        jmp .loop
        push edit1
        call [edit_box_key]
        jmp .loop
; ----------------------- ;
        cmp eax, BUTTON_EVENT
        jne .check_mouse
; get.button.number
        mov eax, 17
        int 64
        cmp ah, 1
        jne .check_button_run
; program.terminate
        or eax, -1
        int 64
; ----------------------- ;
        cmp ah, BUTTON_RUN
        jne .check_button_browse
        call on_button_run
        jmp .loop
; ----------------------- ;
        cmp ah, BUTTON_BROWSE
        jne .loop
        call on_button_browse
        jmp .loop
; ----------------------- ;
        cmp eax, MOUSE_EVENT
        jne .loop
        push edit1
        call [edit_box_mouse]
        jmp .loop

; ======================================================================= ;
        push dword[edit1.text]
        call extractrunpathandparams

        mov eax, 70
        mov ebx, file_info
        int 64

        mov    dl, byte[lastendpath]
        mov   ecx, [ptrlastendpath]
        mov [ecx], dl

        test eax, eax
        jnge .error
        mov [runresult], dword sz_Program_run_successfully
        jmp .exit

; ----------------------- ;
        cmp al, -5
        jne .31
        mov [runresult], dword sz_File_not_found
        jmp .exit
; ----------------------- ;
        cmp al, -31
        jne .32
        mov [runresult], dword sz_File_is_not_executable
        jmp .exit
; ----------------------- ;
        cmp al, -32
        jne .10
        mov [runresult], dword sz_Too_many_processes
        jmp .exit
; ----------------------- ;
        cmp al, -10
        jne .30
        mov [runresult], dword sz_Access_denied
        jmp .exit
; ----------------------- ;
        cmp al, -30
        jne .unknown
        mov [runresult], dword sz_Out_of_memory
        jmp .exit
; ----------------------- ;
        mov [runresult], dword sz_Unknown_error
; ----------------------- ;
        call on_redraw

; ======================================================================= ;
        push od
        call [opendialog_start]

        mov eax, [od.status]
        test eax, eax
        je .exit

;======== if space exist in filepath, then quote filepath
        mov eax, [od.openfile_path]
; ----------------------- ;
        cmp [eax], byte 0
        je .no_space
        cmp [eax], byte 32 ;space
        je .space
        inc eax
        jmp .check_space
; ----------------------- ;
        inc eax
        cmp [eax], byte 0
        jne .find_end_zero
        mov [eax + 2], byte 0
        mov [eax + 1], byte 34 ; quote
; ----------------------- ;
        dec eax

        mov dl, byte [eax ]
        mov [eax + 1], dl

        cmp eax, [od.openfile_path]
        jne .shift_path
        mov [eax ], byte 34 ; quote


        push dword[od.openfile_path]
        push edit1
        call [edit_box_set_text]
; ----------------------- ;

; ======================================================================= ;
; redraw.start
        mov eax, 12
        mov ebx, 1
        int 64
; get.standart.colors
        mov eax, 48
        mov ebx, 3
        mov ecx, sc
        mov edx, 40
        int 64

        mov eax, [sc.work_graph]
        mov [edit1.shift_color], eax

        mov eax, [sc.work_graph]
        mov [edit1.focus_border_color], eax

        mov eax, [sc.frames]
        mov [edit1.blur_border_color], eax

        mov eax, [sc.work_text]
        mov [edit1.text_color], eax

; draw.window
        xor eax, eax
        mov ebx, [window.left]
        shl ebx, 16
        add ebx, [window.width]
        mov ecx, [window.top]
        shl ecx, 16
        add ecx, [window.height]
        mov edx, [sc.work]
        or  edx, 34000000h
        mov edi, sz_run
        int 64

        mov  eax, [window.width]
        sub  eax, 318
        shr  eax, 1
        sub  eax, 5
        push eax
        push 5
        push sz_Type_name_of_program
        push dword [sc.work_text]
        call draw.text

; ====================| browse button |====================
        push 20
        push  5
        push 38
        push 42
        push 17
        call draw.button

        push  3
        push 42
        push sz_browse
        push dword [sc.work_button_text]
        call draw.text

; ====================| run button |====================
        push 10
        mov  eax, [window.width]
        sub  eax, 57
        push eax
        push 38
        push 42
        push 17
        call draw.button

        mov  eax, [window.width]
        sub  eax, 56
        push eax
        push 42
        push sz_run
        push dword [sc.work_button_text]
        call draw.text
 ; =====================================================

        mov eax, 57
        push eax
        mov eax, [window.height]
        sub eax, 44
        push eax
        push dword[runresult]
        push dword [sc.work_text]
        call draw.text

        push edit1
        call [edit_box_draw]

; redraw.finish
        mov eax, 12
        mov ebx, 2
        int 64


; ======================================================================= ;
        xor ecx, ecx

        mov eax, [esp + 4]
        mov [runpath], eax

        movzx eax, byte [eax]
        cmp eax, 34
        jne .start_without_quote

        inc ecx
; ----------------------- ;
        mov eax, [runpath]
        movzx eax, byte [eax + ecx]
        cmp eax, 34
        jne .not_quote

        mov eax, [runpath]
        mov [eax + ecx], byte 0

        mov eax, [runpath]
        add eax, ecx
        mov [ptrlastendpath], eax
        mov [lastendpath], byte 34
        inc ecx
; ----------------------- ;
        mov eax, [runpath]
        movzx eax, byte [eax + ecx]
        cmp al, 32
        jne .skipped1
        inc ecx
        jmp .skip_space1
; ----------------------- ;
        mov eax, [runpath]
        add eax, ecx
        mov [runparams], eax
        inc dword [runpath]
        jmp .exit
; ----------------------- ;
        mov eax, [runpath]
        movzx eax, byte [eax + ecx]

        test eax, eax
        jne .not_zero1
        mov eax, [runpath]
        add eax, ecx
        mov [runparams], eax
        mov eax, [runpath]
        add eax, ecx
        mov [ptrlastendpath], eax
        mov [lastendpath], byte 0
        jmp .exit
; ----------------------- ;
        inc ecx
        jmp .loop1
; ----------------------- ;
; ----------------------- ;
        mov eax, [runpath]
        movzx eax, byte [eax + ecx]
        cmp eax, 32
        jne .not_space

        mov eax, [runpath]
        mov [eax + ecx], byte 0

        mov eax, [runpath]
        add eax, ecx
        mov [ptrlastendpath], eax
        mov [lastendpath], byte 32
        inc ecx
; ----------------------- ;
        mov eax, [runpath]
        movzx eax, byte [eax + ecx]
        cmp al, 32
        jne .skipped2
        inc ecx
        jmp .skip_space2
; ----------------------- ;
        mov eax, [runpath]
        add eax, ecx
        mov [runparams], eax
        jmp .exit
; ----------------------- ;
        mov eax, [runpath]
        movzx eax, byte [eax + ecx]

        test eax, eax
        jne .not_zero2
        mov eax, [runpath]
        add eax, ecx
        mov [runparams], eax
        mov eax, [runpath]
        add eax, ecx
        mov [ptrlastendpath], eax
        mov [lastendpath], byte 0
        jmp .exit
; ----------------------- ;
        inc ecx
        jmp .loop2
; ----------------------- ;
        ret 4

; ======================================================================= ;
        mov eax, 8
        mov ebx, [esp + 16]
        shl ebx, 16
        add ebx, [esp + 8]
        mov ecx, [esp + 12]
        shl ecx, 16
        add ecx, [esp + 4]
        mov edx, [esp + 20]
        mov esi, [sc.work_button]
        int 64
        ret 20
; ======================================================================= ;
        mov eax, 4
        mov ebx, [esp + 16]
        shl ebx, 16
        add ebx, [esp + 12]
        mov ecx, 2147483648
        or  ecx, [esp + 4]
        mov edx, [esp + 8]
        int 64
        ret 16
; ======================================================================= ;
        mov eax, 68
        mov ebx, 19
        mov ecx, [esp + 4]
        int 64
        ret 4
; ======================================================================= ;
        mov  edx, [esp + 8] ; hlib
        xor  eax, eax
        test edx, edx ; If hlib = 0 then goto .end
        jz  .end
; ----------------------- ;
        cmp  [edx], dword 0 ; If end of export table then goto .end
        jz  .end

        xor  eax, eax
        mov  esi, [edx]
        mov  edi, [esp + 4] ; name
; ----------------------- ;
        jne  .fail
        or   al, al
        jnz  .next_
        jmp  .ok
; ----------------------- ;
        add  edx, 8
        jmp  .next
; ----------------------- ;
.ok:               ; return address
        mov  eax, [edx + 4]
; ----------------------- ;
        ret 8

        dd 7
        dd 0
        dd 0
        dd 0
        dd 0
        db 0
        dd 0

.height dw 0
.width  dw 0

.left   dd 0
.top    dd 0
.width  dd 0
.height dd 0

box_lib dd 0

.width              dd 0
.left               dd 5
.top                dd 19
.color              dd 0ffffffffh
.shift_color        dd 0
.focus_border_color dd 0
.blur_border_color  dd 0
.text_color         dd 0
.max                dd 4096
.text               dd 0
.mouse_variable     dd 0
.flags              dd 0x4002 ; always focus
.size               dd 0
.pos                dd 0
.offset             dd 0
.cl_curs_x          dd 0
.cl_curs_y          dd 0
.shift              dd 0
.shift_old          dd 0

edit_box_draw       dd 0
edit_box_key        dd 0
edit_box_mouse      dd 0
edit_box_set_text   dd 0

.frames             dd 0
.grab               dd 0
.grab_button        dd 0
.grab_button_text   dd 0
.grab_text          dd 0
.work               dd 0
.work_button        dd 0
.work_button_text   dd 0
.work_text          dd 0
.work_graph         dd 0

proc_lib            dd 0

.mode               dd 0
.procinfo           dd 0
.com_area_name      dd sz_FFFFFFFF_open_dialog
.com_area           dd 0
.opendir_path       dd 0
.dir_default_path   dd sz_SYS
.start_path         dd sz_opendial_path
.draw_window        dd on_redraw
.status             dd 0
.openfile_path      dd 0
.filename_area      dd 0
.filter_area        dd filefilter
.x_size             dw 414
.x_start            dw 0
.y_size             dw 414
.y_start            dw 0

opendialog_init     dd 0
opendialog_start    dd 0

filefilter          dd 0
runresult           dd sz_empty

lastendpath         db 0
ptrlastendpath      dd 0

sz_empty                    db 0

sz_box_lib                  db "/sys/lib/box_lib.obj",0
sz_edit_box                 db "edit_box",0
sz_edit_box_key             db "edit_box_key",0
sz_edit_box_mouse           db "edit_box_mouse",0
sz_edit_box_set_text        db "edit_box_set_text",0

sz_proc_lib                 db "/sys/lib/proc_lib.obj",0
sz_OpenDialog_init          db "OpenDialog_init",0
sz_OpenDialog_start         db "OpenDialog_start",0
sz_FFFFFFFF_open_dialog     db "FFFFFFFF_open_dialog",0
sz_SYS                      db "/sys",0
sz_opendial_path            db "/sys/File managers/opendial",0

if lang eq it
	sz_Program_run_successfully db "Programma eseguito correttamente",0
	sz_File_not_found           db "File non trovato",0
	sz_File_is_not_executable   db "File non eseguibile",0
	sz_Too_many_processes       db "Troppi processi",0
	sz_Access_denied            db "Accesso negato",0
	sz_Out_of_memory            db "Out of memory",0
	sz_Unknown_error            db "Errore sconosciuto",0

	sz_Type_name_of_program     db "Digita il nome del programma per eseguirlo",0

	sz_run                      db "Esegui ",0
	sz_browse                   db " Naviga",0

	sz_Program_run_successfully db "Program run successfully",0
	sz_File_not_found           db "File not found",0
	sz_File_is_not_executable   db "File is not executable",0
	sz_Too_many_processes       db "Too many processes",0
	sz_Access_denied            db "Access denied",0
	sz_Out_of_memory            db "Out of memory",0
	sz_Unknown_error            db "Unknown error",0

	sz_Type_name_of_program     db "Type name of program, and Kolibri will run it for you",0

	sz_run                      db "  Run  ",0
	sz_browse                   db " Browse ",0
end if
; ======================================================================= ;