IgorA c65339bd59 add program 'TextEditor' version 29.12.09
git-svn-id: svn://kolibrios.org@1338 a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2009-12-28 23:19:20 +00:00

601 lines
10 KiB

push eax ebx
call CanSave
cmp al,1
jne @f
push thread
push msgbox_2
call [mb_create] ;message: save changes in file?
;mov eax,5
;mov ebx,50
;int 0x40
push msgbox_2_funct
call [mb_setfunctions]
jmp .ret_f
call On_NewFile
pop ebx eax
push eax
mov al,1
call Clear
call draw_but_toolbar
call draw_main_win
pop eax
call but_SaveFile
cmp byte[err_sav],0
jne @f
call On_NewFile
push eax
call CanSave
cmp al,1
jne @f
push thread
push msgbox_5
call [mb_create] ;message: save changes in file?
push msgbox_5_funct
call [mb_setfunctions]
jmp .ret_f
call On_OpenFile
pop eax
push eax ebx
mov eax,70
mov [run_file_70.func_n], 0
mov [run_file_70.param1], 0
mov [run_file_70.param2], 0
mov [run_file_70.param3], maxChars-2 ;sizeof.symbol
m2m [run_file_70.param4], [tex]
mov [run_file_70.rezerv], 0
push dword[edit1.text]
pop dword[run_file_70.name]
mov ebx,run_file_70
int 0x40
cmp eax,0
je @f
cmp eax,6
je @f
cmp ax,10
jl .zifra_0_9
mov al,'?'
sub ax,48
add ax,48
mov byte[msgbox_4.err],al
push thread
push msgbox_4
call [mb_create] ;message: Can-t open text file!
jmp .ret_f
mov [err_opn],1
cmp ebx,-1
je .ret_f
;if open file
call OpenFile
call draw_but_toolbar
call draw_main_win
cmp ebx,maxChars-2
jl .ret_f
push thread
push msgbox_1
call [mb_create]
pop ebx eax
push eax ebx ecx edx
call CanSave
cmp al,0
je .no_save
mov ecx,maxChars
call mem_Alloc
push eax
mov edx,[tex]
xor ecx,ecx
call IteratNext
cmp edx,[tex_1]
jle @f ;edx = [tex] or edx = [tex]+sizeof.symbol
mov bl,[edx]
mov byte[eax],bl
inc eax
inc ecx
jmp @b
cmp ecx,0
je @f
pop eax
mov [run_file_70.param4],eax
push eax
mov eax,70
mov [run_file_70.func_n], 2
mov [run_file_70.param1], 0
mov [run_file_70.param2], 0
mov [run_file_70.param3], ecx
mov [run_file_70.rezerv], 0
push [edit1.text]
pop [run_file_70.name]
mov ebx,run_file_70
int 0x40
mov [err_sav],al
cmp eax,0
je .no_msg
; cmp eax,6
; je @f
cmp ax,10
jl .zifra_0_9
mov al,'?'
sub ax,48
add ax,48
mov byte[msgbox_6.err],al
push thread
push msgbox_6
call [mb_create] ;message: Can-t save text file!
jmp @f
m2m [ls_tim],[ch_tim]
pop ecx
call mem_Free
pop edx ecx ebx eax
push eax ebx ecx edx edi
call GetPos
mov eax,[edit2.text]
mov bl,byte[eax]
call GetFindRezult
cmp bh,1
je @f ; find
call IteratNext
cmp edx,[tex_1]
jle @f
jmp @b
cmp bh,0
je @f
call GetTexCoords
inc ebx ;move cursor right
mov [sel.x1],ebx
mov [sel.y1],eax
mov edx,eax
mov ecx,ebx
call GoToPos
mov edx,edi
call GetTexCoords
mov [sel.x0],ebx
mov [sel.y0],eax
call draw_main_win
jmp .end_find
push thread
push msgbox_7
call [mb_create] ;message: Can not find text
pop edi edx ecx ebx eax
; eax - text need find
; bl - first symbol to find
; edx - first symbol pointer
; bh - rezult
; edx - last text position (if find sucess)
; edi - first symbol pointer
push eax
mov bh,1
mov edi,edx ;copy edx
cmp byte[edx],bl
jne .no_text
inc eax ;*** get next symbol (in find text) ***
mov bl,byte[eax]
cmp bl,0
je @f ;end of find text
call IteratNext ;*** get next symbol (in editor text) ***
cmp edx,[tex_1]
jle @f ;end of editor text
jmp @b
xor bh,bh
mov edx,edi ;restore edx
pop eax
mov bl,byte[eax] ;restore bl
cmp byte[panel_id],TE_PANEL_SYNTAX
jne @f
push dword tree1
call dword [tl_node_get_data]
pop dword [fn_col_option]
call InitColText
call CmColored
call draw_main_win
push eax ebx ecx edx
call GetPos
push edx
call ItPervColorTag
cmp edx,[tex_1]
jle @f
call GetTexCoords
mov [sel.x0],ebx
mov [sel.y0],eax
pop edx
call ItNextColorTag
cmp edx,[tex_1]
jle @f
call GetTexCoords
mov [sel.x1],ebx
mov [sel.y1],eax
pop edx ecx ebx eax
call draw_but_toolbar
call draw_main_win
jmp still
call but_Copy
call SetUndo
push bx
mov bl,1
call SelTextDel
pop bx
cmp al,1
jne @f
call draw_but_toolbar
call draw_main_win
jmp still
; al = 1 if copy text
push ax
call IsSel
cmp al,0
jne @f
pop ax
ret ;if not selected text
call SelNormalize
push ebx ecx edx esi
mov esi,[seln.x1]
mov ecx,[seln.y1]
call GetPosByParam
mov ebx,edx
mov esi,[seln.x0]
mov ecx,[seln.y0]
call GetPosByParam
mov esi,ebx
xor ecx,ecx
mov ebx,buf
;mov edx,[tex]
cmp edx,[tex_1] ;end of file
jle @f
cmp edx,esi ;end of select
je @f
inc ecx
cmp ecx,BUF_SIZE ;owerflow bufer
je @f
mov al,byte[edx]
mov byte[ebx],al
inc ebx
call IteratNext
jmp @b
add ecx,buf
mov byte[ebx],0
cmp ecx,0
je @f
call draw_but_toolbar
call draw_bufer
pop esi edx ecx ebx ax
push eax bx esi edi
mov esi,buf
call strlen
cmp eax,1
jl @f
call SetUndo
mov esi,eax
mov bx,0x0101
call SelTextDel
mov edi,buf
call TextAdd
call draw_but_toolbar
call draw_main_win
pop edi esi bx eax
jmp still
cmp byte[panel_id],TE_PANEL_NULL
je @f
mov byte[panel_id],TE_PANEL_NULL
mov word[wndMain.left],0
jmp .e_if
mov byte[panel_id],TE_PANEL_FIND
mov word[wndMain.left],TE_PANEL_WIDTH
call EvSize
call draw_main_win
jmp still
jmp still
jmp still
push edi
mov [conv_table],EvUpper
call ConvertSelText
cmp edi,0
je @f
call draw_main_win
pop edi
jmp still
push edi
mov [conv_table],EvLover
call ConvertSelText
cmp edi,0
je @f
call draw_main_win
pop edi
jmp still
push eax ebx
call IsSel
cmp al,0
je @f
call SelNormalize
push esi ecx edx
mov esi,[seln.x0]
mov ecx,[seln.y0]
call GetPosByParam
mov eax,edx
mov esi,[seln.x1]
cmp esi,0
je .beg_str
dec esi
mov ecx,[seln.y1]
call GetPosByParam
;call GetTexPervPos
mov ebx,edx
pop edx ecx esi
;cmp eax,...
;je @f
call Revers
pop ebx eax
call draw_main_win
jmp still
mov eax,[tim_Undo]
cmp [ch_tim],eax
jbe still
inc [tim_Undo]
;call CmColored
jmp red_win
cmp [tim_Undo],1
jb still
dec [tim_Undo]
;call CmColored
jmp red_win
xor [invis],1
jmp red_win
xor byte[mode_colored],1
cmp byte[mode_colored],0
je red_win
call CmColored
; push eax ebx ecx esi edi
; mov eax,dword[cur_x]
; ColToIndexOffset eax,edx
; mov eax,4
; mov ebx,50*65536+75
; mov ecx,0x40ffffff
; mov edi,0x404040
; mov esi,10
; int 0x40
; mov eax,47
; mov ecx,250
; mov esi,0xffff80
; mov edx,50*65536+80
; mov esi,FkPos;[keyW]
; @@:
; mov ebx,0x30001
; cmp dx,300
; jl .no_br
; mov dx,80
; add edx,0x200000
; .no_br:
; add dx,10
; push ecx esi
; mov ecx,esi
; cmp dword[ecx],-1
; jne .no_minus
; mov ebx,0x10000
; mov ecx,1
; .no_minus:
; mov esi,0xffff00
; int 0x40
; pop esi ecx
; add esi,4
; loop @b
; pop edi esi ecx ebx eax
jmp red_win
mov [cur_x],0
mov [cur_y],0
mov [wScr.position],0
mov [hScr.position],0
call draw_but_toolbar
call draw_main_win
cmp byte[panel_id],TE_PANEL_NULL
je @f
mov byte[panel_id],TE_PANEL_NULL
mov word[wndMain.left],0
jmp .e_if
mov byte[panel_id],TE_PANEL_SYNTAX
mov word[wndMain.left],TE_PANEL_WIDTH
call EvSize
call draw_main_win
jmp still
cmp [dragk],1
je @f
call SelStart
mov [dragk],1
push dx
call CurMoveUp
cmp dl,8
jne @f
call OnInitialUpdate
pop dx
call SelMove
call draw_main_win
cmp [dragk],1
je @f
call SelStart
mov [dragk],1
push dx
call CurMoveDown
cmp dl,8
jne @f
call OnInitialUpdate
pop dx
call SelMove
call draw_main_win
cmp [dragk],1
je @f
call SelStart
push dx
call CurMoveLeft
call SelMove
cmp [dragk],1
je @f
mov [dragk],1
mov dl,8
cmp dl,8
jne @f
call OnInitialUpdate
call draw_main_win
jmp .end_f
call draw_cur_line
pop dx
cmp [dragk],1
je @f
call SelStart
push dx
call CurMoveRight
call SelMove
cmp [dragk],1
je @f
mov [dragk],1
mov dl,8
cmp dl,8
jne @f
call OnInitialUpdate
call draw_main_win
jmp .end_f
call draw_cur_line
pop dx