Added port HydraCastleLabyrinth.

git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
turbocat 2022-01-03 16:16:46 +00:00
parent cb09ffbbd3
commit 74e4f2673b
124 changed files with 24111 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,339 @@
Version 2, June 1991
Copyright (C) 1989, 1991 Free Software Foundation, Inc., <>
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
The licenses for most software are designed to take away your
freedom to share and change it. By contrast, the GNU General Public
License is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change free
software--to make sure the software is free for all its users. This
General Public License applies to most of the Free Software
Foundation's software and to any other program whose authors commit to
using it. (Some other Free Software Foundation software is covered by
the GNU Lesser General Public License instead.) You can apply it to
your programs, too.
When we speak of free software, we are referring to freedom, not
price. Our General Public Licenses are designed to make sure that you
have the freedom to distribute copies of free software (and charge for
this service if you wish), that you receive source code or can get it
if you want it, that you can change the software or use pieces of it
in new free programs; and that you know you can do these things.
To protect your rights, we need to make restrictions that forbid
anyone to deny you these rights or to ask you to surrender the rights.
These restrictions translate to certain responsibilities for you if you
distribute copies of the software, or if you modify it.
For example, if you distribute copies of such a program, whether
gratis or for a fee, you must give the recipients all the rights that
you have. You must make sure that they, too, receive or can get the
source code. And you must show them these terms so they know their
We protect your rights with two steps: (1) copyright the software, and
(2) offer you this license which gives you legal permission to copy,
distribute and/or modify the software.
Also, for each author's protection and ours, we want to make certain
that everyone understands that there is no warranty for this free
software. If the software is modified by someone else and passed on, we
want its recipients to know that what they have is not the original, so
that any problems introduced by others will not reflect on the original
authors' reputations.
Finally, any free program is threatened constantly by software
patents. We wish to avoid the danger that redistributors of a free
program will individually obtain patent licenses, in effect making the
program proprietary. To prevent this, we have made it clear that any
patent must be licensed for everyone's free use or not licensed at all.
The precise terms and conditions for copying, distribution and
modification follow.
0. This License applies to any program or other work which contains
a notice placed by the copyright holder saying it may be distributed
under the terms of this General Public License. The "Program", below,
refers to any such program or work, and a "work based on the Program"
means either the Program or any derivative work under copyright law:
that is to say, a work containing the Program or a portion of it,
either verbatim or with modifications and/or translated into another
language. (Hereinafter, translation is included without limitation in
the term "modification".) Each licensee is addressed as "you".
Activities other than copying, distribution and modification are not
covered by this License; they are outside its scope. The act of
running the Program is not restricted, and the output from the Program
is covered only if its contents constitute a work based on the
Program (independent of having been made by running the Program).
Whether that is true depends on what the Program does.
1. You may copy and distribute verbatim copies of the Program's
source code as you receive it, in any medium, provided that you
conspicuously and appropriately publish on each copy an appropriate
copyright notice and disclaimer of warranty; keep intact all the
notices that refer to this License and to the absence of any warranty;
and give any other recipients of the Program a copy of this License
along with the Program.
You may charge a fee for the physical act of transferring a copy, and
you may at your option offer warranty protection in exchange for a fee.
2. You may modify your copy or copies of the Program or any portion
of it, thus forming a work based on the Program, and copy and
distribute such modifications or work under the terms of Section 1
above, provided that you also meet all of these conditions:
a) You must cause the modified files to carry prominent notices
stating that you changed the files and the date of any change.
b) You must cause any work that you distribute or publish, that in
whole or in part contains or is derived from the Program or any
part thereof, to be licensed as a whole at no charge to all third
parties under the terms of this License.
c) If the modified program normally reads commands interactively
when run, you must cause it, when started running for such
interactive use in the most ordinary way, to print or display an
announcement including an appropriate copyright notice and a
notice that there is no warranty (or else, saying that you provide
a warranty) and that users may redistribute the program under
these conditions, and telling the user how to view a copy of this
License. (Exception: if the Program itself is interactive but
does not normally print such an announcement, your work based on
the Program is not required to print an announcement.)
These requirements apply to the modified work as a whole. If
identifiable sections of that work are not derived from the Program,
and can be reasonably considered independent and separate works in
themselves, then this License, and its terms, do not apply to those
sections when you distribute them as separate works. But when you
distribute the same sections as part of a whole which is a work based
on the Program, the distribution of the whole must be on the terms of
this License, whose permissions for other licensees extend to the
entire whole, and thus to each and every part regardless of who wrote it.
Thus, it is not the intent of this section to claim rights or contest
your rights to work written entirely by you; rather, the intent is to
exercise the right to control the distribution of derivative or
collective works based on the Program.
In addition, mere aggregation of another work not based on the Program
with the Program (or with a work based on the Program) on a volume of
a storage or distribution medium does not bring the other work under
the scope of this License.
3. You may copy and distribute the Program (or a work based on it,
under Section 2) in object code or executable form under the terms of
Sections 1 and 2 above provided that you also do one of the following:
a) Accompany it with the complete corresponding machine-readable
source code, which must be distributed under the terms of Sections
1 and 2 above on a medium customarily used for software interchange; or,
b) Accompany it with a written offer, valid for at least three
years, to give any third party, for a charge no more than your
cost of physically performing source distribution, a complete
machine-readable copy of the corresponding source code, to be
distributed under the terms of Sections 1 and 2 above on a medium
customarily used for software interchange; or,
c) Accompany it with the information you received as to the offer
to distribute corresponding source code. (This alternative is
allowed only for noncommercial distribution and only if you
received the program in object code or executable form with such
an offer, in accord with Subsection b above.)
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for
making modifications to it. For an executable work, complete source
code means all the source code for all modules it contains, plus any
associated interface definition files, plus the scripts used to
control compilation and installation of the executable. However, as a
special exception, the source code distributed need not include
anything that is normally distributed (in either source or binary
form) with the major components (compiler, kernel, and so on) of the
operating system on which the executable runs, unless that component
itself accompanies the executable.
If distribution of executable or object code is made by offering
access to copy from a designated place, then offering equivalent
access to copy the source code from the same place counts as
distribution of the source code, even though third parties are not
compelled to copy the source along with the object code.
4. You may not copy, modify, sublicense, or distribute the Program
except as expressly provided under this License. Any attempt
otherwise to copy, modify, sublicense or distribute the Program is
void, and will automatically terminate your rights under this License.
However, parties who have received copies, or rights, from you under
this License will not have their licenses terminated so long as such
parties remain in full compliance.
5. You are not required to accept this License, since you have not
signed it. However, nothing else grants you permission to modify or
distribute the Program or its derivative works. These actions are
prohibited by law if you do not accept this License. Therefore, by
modifying or distributing the Program (or any work based on the
Program), you indicate your acceptance of this License to do so, and
all its terms and conditions for copying, distributing or modifying
the Program or works based on it.
6. Each time you redistribute the Program (or any work based on the
Program), the recipient automatically receives a license from the
original licensor to copy, distribute or modify the Program subject to
these terms and conditions. You may not impose any further
restrictions on the recipients' exercise of the rights granted herein.
You are not responsible for enforcing compliance by third parties to
this License.
7. If, as a consequence of a court judgment or allegation of patent
infringement or for any other reason (not limited to patent issues),
conditions are imposed on you (whether by court order, agreement or
otherwise) that contradict the conditions of this License, they do not
excuse you from the conditions of this License. If you cannot
distribute so as to satisfy simultaneously your obligations under this
License and any other pertinent obligations, then as a consequence you
may not distribute the Program at all. For example, if a patent
license would not permit royalty-free redistribution of the Program by
all those who receive copies directly or indirectly through you, then
the only way you could satisfy both it and this License would be to
refrain entirely from distribution of the Program.
If any portion of this section is held invalid or unenforceable under
any particular circumstance, the balance of the section is intended to
apply and the section as a whole is intended to apply in other
It is not the purpose of this section to induce you to infringe any
patents or other property right claims or to contest validity of any
such claims; this section has the sole purpose of protecting the
integrity of the free software distribution system, which is
implemented by public license practices. Many people have made
generous contributions to the wide range of software distributed
through that system in reliance on consistent application of that
system; it is up to the author/donor to decide if he or she is willing
to distribute software through any other system and a licensee cannot
impose that choice.
This section is intended to make thoroughly clear what is believed to
be a consequence of the rest of this License.
8. If the distribution and/or use of the Program is restricted in
certain countries either by patents or by copyrighted interfaces, the
original copyright holder who places the Program under this License
may add an explicit geographical distribution limitation excluding
those countries, so that distribution is permitted only in or among
countries not thus excluded. In such case, this License incorporates
the limitation as if written in the body of this License.
9. The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
of the General Public License from time to time. Such new versions will
be similar in spirit to the present version, but may differ in detail to
address new problems or concerns.
Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the Program
specifies a version number of this License which applies to it and "any
later version", you have the option of following the terms and conditions
either of that version or of any later version published by the Free
Software Foundation. If the Program does not specify a version number of
this License, you may choose any version ever published by the Free Software
10. If you wish to incorporate parts of the Program into other free
programs whose distribution conditions are different, write to the author
to ask for permission. For software which is copyrighted by the Free
Software Foundation, write to the Free Software Foundation; we sometimes
make exceptions for this. Our decision will be guided by the two goals
of preserving the free status of all derivatives of our free software and
of promoting the sharing and reuse of software generally.
How to Apply These Terms to Your New Programs
If you develop a new program, and you want it to be of the greatest
possible use to the public, the best way to achieve this is to make it
free software which everyone can redistribute and change under these terms.
To do so, attach the following notices to the program. It is safest
to attach them to the start of each source file to most effectively
convey the exclusion of warranty; and each file should have at least
the "copyright" line and a pointer to where the full notice is found.
Copyright (C) {year} {fullname}
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
Also add information on how to contact you by electronic and paper mail.
If the program is interactive, make it output a short notice like this
when it starts in an interactive mode:
Gnomovision version 69, Copyright (C) year name of author
Gnomovision comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY; for details type `show w'.
This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it
under certain conditions; type `show c' for details.
The hypothetical commands `show w' and `show c' should show the appropriate
parts of the General Public License. Of course, the commands you use may
be called something other than `show w' and `show c'; they could even be
mouse-clicks or menu items--whatever suits your program.
You should also get your employer (if you work as a programmer) or your
school, if any, to sign a "copyright disclaimer" for the program, if
necessary. Here is a sample; alter the names:
Yoyodyne, Inc., hereby disclaims all copyright interest in the program
`Gnomovision' (which makes passes at compilers) written by James Hacker.
{signature of Ty Coon}, 1 April 1989
Ty Coon, President of Vice
This General Public License does not permit incorporating your program into
proprietary programs. If your program is a subroutine library, you may
consider it more useful to permit linking proprietary applications with the
library. If this is what you want to do, use the GNU Lesser General
Public License instead of this License.

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
CC = kos32-gcc
LD = kos32-ld
OBJCOPY = kos32-objcopy
KPACK = kpack
STRIP = kos32-strip
HCL = hcl
SDK_DIR = $(abspath ../../sdk)
CFLAGS = -c -O2 -std=c11 -mpreferred-stack-boundary=2 -fno-ident -fomit-frame-pointer -fno-stack-check \
-fno-stack-protector -mno-stack-arg-probe -fno-exceptions -fno-asynchronous-unwind-tables \
-ffast-math -mno-ms-bitfields -march=pentium-mmx \
-U__WIN32__ -U_Win32 -U_WIN32 -U__MINGW32__ -UWIN32 -D_KOLIBRI \
-D_GNU_SOURCE=1 -Wno-missing-field-initializers -D_SDL -DUSE_SDL=1 -DOGG_MUSIC
LDFLAGS = -static -S -nostdlib -T $(SDK_DIR)/sources/newlib/ --image-base 0 --subsystem native
INCLUDES = -I$(SDK_DIR)/sources/newlib/libc/include -I$(SDK_DIR)/sources/SDL-1.2.2_newlib/include -I$(SDK_DIR)/sources/SDL_mixer-1.2.12 -Isrc
src/collision.o \
src/effect.o \
src/enemy.o \
src/game.o \
src/hero.o \
src/ini.o \
src/inventory.o \
src/main.o \
src/object.o \
src/options.o \
src/PHL.o \
src/platform.o \
src/qda.o \
src/stagedata.o \
src/text.o \
src/titlescreen.o \
src/weapon.o \
src/enemies/batboss.o \
src/enemies/bat.o \
src/enemies/bee.o \
src/enemies/boar.o \
src/enemies/boomknight.o \
src/enemies/crab.o \
src/enemies/devil.o \
src/enemies/dodo.o \
src/enemies/dog.o \
src/enemies/firewheel.o \
src/enemies/fish.o \
src/enemies/garm.o \
src/enemies/gas.o \
src/enemies/ghoul.o \
src/enemies/golem.o \
src/enemies/gyra.o \
src/enemies/heads.o \
src/enemies/hydra.o \
src/enemies/jellyfish.o \
src/enemies/knight.o \
src/enemies/lolidra.o \
src/enemies/pendulum.o \
src/enemies/podoboo.o \
src/enemies/poisonknight.o \
src/enemies/pumpkin.o \
src/enemies/seal.o \
src/enemies/skeleton.o \
src/enemies/skull.o \
src/enemies/slime.o \
src/enemies/slug.o \
src/enemies/thwomp.o \
src/enemies/waterjumper.o \
SDL_OBJS = src/sdl/audio.o \
src/sdl/input.o \
src/sdl/graphics.o \
src/sdl/system.o \
MISC_OBJS = src/misc.o
LIBS = -lSDL_mixer -lvorbis -logg -lSDLn -lsound -lgcc -lc.dll
$(STRIP) -S $(HCL)
$(OBJCOPY) $(HCL) -O binary
$(KPACK) --nologo $(HCL)
%.o : %.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(INCLUDES) -o $@ $<

View File

@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# Hydra Castle Labyrinth
![HCL build status]( "HCL build status")
This version of Hydra Castle Labyrinth is based on the 3DS port (see below for original notice)
This version use SDL (either 1.2 or 2.0) and build on Linux, OpenPandora, PocketCHIP and ODROID.
You'll need SDL and SDL_mixer to build, either version 1.2 or 2.0.
The SDL2 version use SDL Renderer and so is hardware accelerated.
The SDL1.2 version use plain bitmap (no OpenGL or GLES needed).
On Debian and friend, to prepare and build, you can do (if you never build anything before, start with `sudo apt install build-essential git`):
For SDL1.2
sudo apt install libsdl-dev libsdl-mixer1.2-dev cmake
cd ~
git clone
cd hydracastlelabyrinth
cmake .
For SDL2.0
sudo apt install libsdl2-2.0-dev libsdl2-mixer2.0-dev cmake
cd ~
git clone
cd hydracastlelabyrinth
cmake . -DUSE_SDL2=ON
To hear music, you can optionnaly use timidity, but it will play OGG track by default.
sudo apt install timidity
And launch the game with
To start windowed 640x480 game. You can have fullscreen with `./hcl -f` or `./hcl -d` to have fullscreen at current desktop resolution.
![sreenshot on Pandora](screenshot.png "screenshot on Pandora")
# Web Version
You can play an Emscripten version directly on your browser here:
# Original Notice
**This work has been done by an anon from /hbg/ on and not me!**
I've asked the original author about what license to use and he allowed me to use the GPLv2.
Therefore consider each file to be licensed under the GPLv2, even if there is no disclaimer inside of each file.
You will have gotten a copy of the license as part of the git and if not, get a copy from ``.
Original author notes:
Source code for the fan-made port of Hydra Castle Labyrinth for 3DS
Anything related to the PSP and Wii are unfinished.
(Yes, it does look like a 3rd grader programmed this.)
The game's originally done by E.Hashimoto (a.k.a. Buster).
You can download some of his works under this [link](

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 450 B

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@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
#include "PHL.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "qda.h"
#include "game.h"
void PHL_Init()
PHL_AudioInit(); // DBG
#ifdef _3DS
Result rc = romfsInit();
/*if (rc) {
printf("romfsInit: %08lX\n", rc);
printf("\nromfs Init Successful!\n");
WHITE = 0;
RED = 1;
void PHL_Deinit()
#ifdef _3DS
//Extracts bmps from the bmp.qda archive file
PHL_Surface PHL_LoadQDA(char* fname)
PHL_Surface surf;
int numofsheets = 29;
for (int i = 0; i < numofsheets; i++)
if (strcmp(fname, (char*)headers[i].fileName) == 0) { //Match found
//printf("\nMatch Found: %s", fname);
surf = PHL_LoadBMP(i);
i = numofsheets; //End search
return surf;
void PHL_DrawTextBold(char* txt, int dx, int dy, int col)
int i, cx, cy;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(txt); i++)
cx = (txt[i] - 32) * 16;
cy = 32 * col;
while (cx >= 512) {
cx -= 512;
cy += 16;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(dx + (16 * i), dy, cx, cy, 16, 16, images[imgBoldFont]);
void PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered(char* txt, int dx, int dy, int col)
if (dy < 640 && dy > -16) {
int stringW = strlen(txt) * 16;
PHL_DrawTextBold(txt, dx - (stringW / 2), dy, col);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
PHL stands for Portable Homebrew Library
#ifndef PHL_H
#define PHL_H
#ifdef _3DS
#include "3ds/system.h"
#include "3ds/graphics.h"
#include "3ds/input.h"
#include "3ds/audio.h"
#ifdef _WII
#include "wii/system.h"
#include "wii/graphics.h"
#include "wii/input.h"
#include "wii/audio.h"
#ifdef _PSP
#include "psp/system.h"
#include "psp/graphics.h"
#include "psp/input.h"
#include "psp/audio.h"
#ifdef _SDL
#ifdef _SDL2
#include "sdl2/system.h"
#include "sdl2/graphics.h"
#include "sdl2/input.h"
#include "sdl2/audio.h"
#include "sdl/system.h"
#include "sdl/graphics.h"
#include "sdl/input.h"
#include "sdl/audio.h"
typedef struct {
int x, y, w, h;
} PHL_Rect;
void PHL_Init();
void PHL_Deinit();
extern int WHITE, RED, YELLOW;
PHL_Surface PHL_LoadQDA(char* fname);
void PHL_DrawTextBold(char* txt, int dx, int dy, int col);
void PHL_DrawTextBoldCentered(char* txt, int dx, int dy, int col);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
inline void littleBigEndian (void *x, int sz) {
unsigned char *toConvert = (unsigned char *)(x);
unsigned char tmp;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sz/2; ++i) {
tmp = toConvert[i];
toConvert[i] = toConvert[sz - i - 1];
toConvert[sz - i - 1] = tmp;
inline void BE16(uint16_t* w) {littleBigEndian(w, 2);}
inline void BE32(uint32_t* i) {littleBigEndian(i, 4);}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,336 @@
#include "collision.h"
#include "math.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "PHL.h"
#include "object.h"
int checkMix(Mask r, Mask c);
int checkRect(Mask r1, Mask r2);
int checkCircle(Mask c1, Mask c2);
int checkCollision(Mask m1, Mask m2)
if (m1.unused != 1 && m2.unused != 1) {
if ( == 0 && == 0) {
return checkRect(m1, m2);
}else if ( == 1 && == 1) {
return checkCircle(m1, m2);
}else if ( == 1 && == 0) {
return checkMix(m2, m1);
}else if ( == 0 && == 1) {
return checkMix(m1, m2);
return 0;
int checkCollisionXY(Mask m, int x, int y)
int result = 0;
if (m.unused != 1) {
if ( == 1) {
if (sqrt( pow(x - m.x, 2) + pow(y - m.y, 2) ) <= m.w) {
result = 1;
if (x < m.x || x > m.x + m.w || y < m.y || y > m.y + m.h) {
result = 1;
return result;
//Returns 1 or 0 depending on if there is a collision with a type of tile
int checkTileCollision(int type, Mask m)
int result = 0;
if (m.x < 0) {
m.x = 0;
}else if (m.x + m.w > 640) {
m.x = 640 - m.w;
if (m.y < 0) {
m.y = 0;
}else if (m.y + m.h > 480) {
m.y = 480 - m.h;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int tileX = (int)m.x / 40;
int tileY = (int)m.y / 40;
if (i == 1) {
tileX = (int)((m.x + m.w - 1) / 40);
}else if (i == 2) {
tileY = (int)((m.y + m.h - 1) / 40);
}else if (i == 3) {
tileX = (int)((m.x + m.w - 1) / 40);
tileY = (int)((m.y + m.h - 1) / 40);
if (collisionTiles[tileX][tileY] == type) {
result = 1;
i = 4;
return result;
//Returns a tile's demension. Overkill for a lot of situations.
PHL_Rect getTileCollision(int type, Mask m)
PHL_Rect result;
result.x = -1;
result.y = -1;
result.w = 40;
result.h = 40;
if (m.x < 0) {
m.x = 0;
}else if (m.x + m.w > 640) {
m.x = 640 - m.w;
if (m.y < 0) {
m.y = 0;
}else if (m.y + m.h > 480) {
m.y = 480 - m.h;
//PHL_DrawRect(mask.x, mask.y, mask.w, mask.h, PHL_NewRGB(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int tileX = (int)m.x / 40;
int tileY = (int)m.y / 40;
if (i == 1) {
tileX = (int)((m.x + m.w - 1) / 40);
}else if (i == 2) {
tileY = (int)((m.y + m.h - 1) / 40);
}else if (i == 3) {
tileX = (int)((m.x + m.w - 1) / 40);
tileY = (int)((m.y + m.h - 1) / 40);
if (collisionTiles[tileX][tileY] == type) {
result.x = tileX * 40;
result.y = tileY * 40;
i = 4;
//PHL_DrawRect(result.x, result.y, 40, 40, PHL_NewRGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0x00));
//PHL_DrawRect(tileX * 40, tileY * 40, 40, 40, PHL_NewRGB(0x00, 0xFF, 0x00));
return result;
int checkTileCollisionXY(int type, int x, int y)
int result = 0;
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
}else if (x > 640) {
x = 640;
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
}else if (y > 480) {
y = 480;
int tileX = (int)x / 40;
int tileY = (int)y / 40;
if (collisionTiles[tileX][tileY] == type) {
result = 1;
return result;
PHL_Rect getTileCollisionXY(int type, int x, int y)
PHL_Rect result;
result.x = -1;
result.y = -1;
result.w = 40;
result.h = 40;
if (x < 0) {
x = 0;
}else if (x > 640) {
x = 640;
if (y < 0) {
y = 0;
}else if (y > 480) {
y = 480;
int tileX = (int)x / 40;
int tileY = (int)y / 40;
if (collisionTiles[tileX][tileY] == type) {
result.x = tileX * 40;
result.y = tileY * 40;
return result;
void PHL_DrawMask(Mask m)
if ( == 0) {
PHL_DrawRect(m.x, m.y, m.w, m.h, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
}else if ( == 1) {
PHL_DrawRect(m.x - m.w, m.y - m.w, m.w * 2, m.w * 2, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
int checkMix(Mask r, Mask c)
int insidex = 0, insidey = 0;
if (c.x >= r.x && c.x <= r.x + r.w) {
insidex = 1;
if (c.y >= r.y && c.y <= r.y + r.h) {
insidey = 1;
//Check if circle center is inside rectangle
if (insidex == 1 && insidey == 1) {
else if (insidex == 1) {
if ((c.y < r.y && r.y - c.y <= c.w) ||
(c.y > (r.y + r.h) && c.y - (r.y + r.h) <= c.w)) {
return 0;
}else if (insidey == 1) {
if ((c.x < r.x && r.x - c.x <= c.w) ||
(c.x > (r.x + r.w) && c.x - (r.x + r.w) <= c.w)) {
return 0;
//Check points
if (sqrt( pow(r.x - c.x, 2) + pow(r.y - c.y, 2) ) <= c.w) {
}else if (sqrt( pow(r.x + r.w - c.x, 2) + pow(r.y - c.y, 2) ) <= c.w) {
}else if (sqrt( pow(r.x - c.x, 2) + pow(r.y + r.h - c.y, 2) ) <= c.w) {
}else if (sqrt( pow(r.x + r.w - c.x, 2) + pow( r.y + r.h - c.y, 2) ) <= c.w) {
return 0;
return 1;
int checkRect(Mask r1, Mask r2)
if (r1.x > r2.x + r2.w ||
r1.x + r1.w < r2.x ||
r1.y > r2.y + r2.h ||
r1.y + r1.h < r2.y)
return 0;
return 1;
int checkCircle(Mask c1, Mask c2)
int maxdis = c1.w + c2.w;
int dis = sqrt(pow(c2.x - c1.x, 2) + pow(c2.y - c1.y, 2));
if (dis <= maxdis) {
return 1;
return 0;
//Heavier tile collision that omits destroyable blocks
PHL_Rect getTileCollisionWeapon(int type, Mask m)
PHL_Rect result;
result.x = -1;
result.y = -1;
result.w = 40;
result.h = 40;
if (m.x < 0) {
m.x = 0;
}else if (m.x + m.w > 640) {
m.x = 640 - m.w;
if (m.y < 0) {
m.y = 0;
}else if (m.y + m.h > 480) {
m.y = 480 - m.h;
//PHL_DrawRect(mask.x, mask.y, mask.w, mask.h, PHL_NewRGB(0x00, 0x00, 0xFF));
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
int tileX = (int)m.x / 40;
int tileY = (int)m.y / 40;
if (i == 1) {
tileX = (int)((m.x + m.w - 1) / 40);
}else if (i == 2) {
tileY = (int)((m.y + m.h - 1) / 40);
}else if (i == 3) {
tileX = (int)((m.x + m.w - 1) / 40);
tileY = (int)((m.y + m.h - 1) / 40);
if (collisionTiles[tileX][tileY] == type) {
result.x = tileX * 40;
result.y = tileY * 40;
//Check if destroyable block
int a;
for (a = 0; a < MAX_OBJECTS; a++) {
if (objects[a] != NULL) {
if (objects[a]->type == 3) {
Destroyable* d = objects[a]->data;
if (result.x == d->x && result.y == d->y) {
result.x = -1;
result.y = -1;
if (result.x != -1) {
i = 4;
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#include "PHL.h"
typedef struct {
int circle; //1 if circle, 0 is rectangle
int x, y;
int w, h; //width is the radius if it's a circle
int unused;
} Mask;
void PHL_DrawMask(Mask m);
int checkCollision(Mask m1, Mask m2);
int checkTileCollision(int type, Mask m);
PHL_Rect getTileCollision(int type, Mask m);
int checkCollisionXY(Mask m, int x, int y);
int checkTileCollisionXY(int type, int x, int y);
PHL_Rect getTileCollisionXY(int type, int x, int y);
PHL_Rect getTileCollisionWeapon(int type, Mask m);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,384 @@
#include "effect.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "PHL.h"
#include "hero.h"
#include "collision.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void createEffect(int type, int x, int y)
createEffectExtra(type, x, y, 0, 0, 0);
void createEffectExtra(int t, int x, int y, double hsp, double vsp, int val)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_EFFECTS; i++) {
if (effects[i] == NULL) {
Effect* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
e->id = i;
e->type = t;
e->x = x;
e->y = y;
e->vsp = vsp;
e->hsp = hsp;
e->grav = 0;
e->imageIndex = 0;
e->imageSpeed = 0;
e->cropx = 0;
e->cropy = 0;
e->width = 40;
e->height = 40;
e->image = imgMisc20;
e->timer = 60;
e->visible = 1;
e->val1 = 0;
e->loop = 0;
e->frames = 0;
e->depth = 1;
//Sword collision
if (e->type == 1) {
e->cropx = 440;
e->cropy = 40;
e->imageSpeed = 0.25;
e->timer = 19;
//Enemy poof
else if (e->type == 2) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndBom01], CHN_EFFECTS);
e->width = 64;
e->height = 64;
e->imageSpeed = 0.33;
e->timer = 30;
e->image = imgMisc32;
//Dust after landing from a fall - left/right
else if (e->type == 3) {
e->cropx = 320;
e->cropy = 80;
e->hsp = -1;
if (hsp > 0) {
e->hsp = 1;
e->cropx = 0;
e->imageSpeed = 0.33;
e->timer = 8 * (1 / e->imageSpeed);
//Block destroy/debris
else if (e->type == 4) {
e->grav = 0.2;
e->loop = 1;
e->frames = 4;
e->timer = 60;
//Set flash offset
if ((e->hsp > 0 && val == 0) || (e->hsp > 0 && val == 1)) {
e->timer -= 1;
e->imageSpeed = 0.34;
int size = (rand() % 2) + 1;
e->cropx = 0;
if (e->hsp < 0) {
e->cropx = 160;
if (size == 1) { //Big
e->cropy = 40;
}else{ //Small
e->cropy = 440;
//Chest sparkle
else if (e->type == 5) {
/*e->x -= 20;
e->y -= 20;
e->x += -20 + (rand() % 40) + 1;
e->y += -20 + (rand() % 40) + 1;
e->x -= 20;
e->y -= 20;
e->cropx = 440;
e->cropy = 120;
e->imageSpeed = 0.3;
e->timer = 16;
e->depth = 0;
//Charge orbs
else if (e->type == 6) {
e->x -= 20;
e->y -= 20;
e->cropx = 0;
e->cropy = 200;
e->val1 = (rand() % 360) + 1;
e->imageSpeed = 0.3;
e->timer = 20;
e->depth = 0;
//Poison bubble
else if (e->type == 7) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_EFFECTS);
e->x -= 30;
e->x += (rand() % 20) + 1;
e->cropx = 280;
e->cropy = 120;
e->timer = 35;
e->vsp = -2;
e->imageIndex = 0;
e->imageSpeed = 0.16;
e->depth = 0;
//Stone break free
else if (e->type == 8) {
e->image = imgMisc32;
e->cropy = 64;
e->width = 64;
e->height = 64;
e->imageSpeed = 0.32;
e->timer = 18;
//Tiny stone debris
else if (e->type == 9) {
e->x -= 20;
e->y -= 20;
e->image = imgMisc20;
e->cropy = 40;
e->cropx = 320 + ((rand() % 3) * 40);
e->imageSpeed = 0;
e->vsp = -2 - (0.25 * (rand() % 8));
e->hsp = -1 + (0.25 * (rand() % 8));
e->grav = 0.1;
e->timer = 60;
e->depth = 0;
//Lava top animation
else if (e->type == 10) {
e->cropy = 40;
e->cropx = 80;
e->imageSpeed = 0.125;
e->depth = -1;
e->loop = 1;
e->frames = 3;
e->timer = 100;
e->image = imgTiles;
//Water top animation
else if (e->type == 11) {
e->cropy = 40;
e->cropx = 240;
e->imageSpeed = 0.125;
e->depth = -1;
e->loop = 1;
e->frames = 4;
e->timer = 100;
e->image = imgTiles;
//Hero Air Bubble
else if (e->type == 12) {
e->x -= 20;
e->val1 = e->x; //Start x
e->y -= 20;
e->cropx = 440;
e->loop = 1;
e->frames = 2;
e->imageSpeed = 0.2;
e->timer = 120;
e->vsp = -0.5;
e->depth = 0;
//Water splash
else if (e->type == 13) {
e->cropx = 200;
e->imageSpeed = 0.1;
e->timer = 55;
e->grav = 0.1;
//Lava splash
else if (e->type == 14) {
e->cropx = 400;
e->cropy = 200;
e->imageSpeed = 0.1;
e->timer = 55;
e->grav = 0.1;
effects[i] = e;
void effectStep(Effect* e)
e->x += e->hsp;
e->y += e->vsp;
e->vsp += e->grav;
e->imageIndex += e->imageSpeed;
if (e->loop == 1) {
if (e->imageIndex >= e->frames) {
e->imageIndex -= e->frames;
if (e->type == 12) { //Hero Air Bubble
e->x = e->val1 + 5 * sin((e->timer * 5) * 3.14159 / 180);
if (checkTileCollisionXY(4, e->x + 20, e->y + 20) == 0) {
e->timer = 0;
if (e->type == 10 || e->type == 11) { //Lava top
e->timer = 100;
if (e->type == 4 || e->type == 9 || e->type == 12) { //Stone Rubble
if (e->timer <= 30 && e->timer % 2 != 0) {
e->visible = 0;
e->visible = 1;
else if (e->type == 6) { //Charge orb
if (e->timer % 2 == 0) {
e->visible = 1;
e->x = herox + ((e->timer * 3) * sin(e->val1 * 3.14159 / 180)) - 20;
e->y = heroy + ((e->timer * 3) * cos(e->val1 * 3.14159 / 180));
e->visible = 0;
e->timer -= 1;
if (e->timer <= 0) {
void effectDraw(Effect* e)
//if (e->type != 4 || (e->timer > 30 || e->timer % 2 == 0)) {
if (e->visible == 1) {
if (e->type == 7) { //Poison Bubble
int animation[6] = {0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3};
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(e->x, e->y, e->cropx + (e->width * (animation[(int)e->imageIndex])), e->cropy, e->width, e->height, images[e->image]);
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(e->x, e->y, e->cropx + (e->width * ((int)e->imageIndex)), e->cropy, e->width, e->height, images[e->image]);
void effectDestroy(int id)
if (effects[id] != NULL) {
effects[id] = NULL;
void createRockSmash(int x, int y)
x -= 20;
int randvsp = (rand() % 3) + 1;
createEffectExtra(4, x, y, -1.5, -2 - randvsp, 0);
randvsp = (rand() % 3) + 1;
createEffectExtra(4, x, y, -1, -5 - randvsp, 1);
randvsp = (rand() % 3) + 1;
createEffectExtra(4, x, y, 1.5, -2 - randvsp, 0);
randvsp = (rand() % 3) + 1;
createEffectExtra(4, x, y, 1, -5 - randvsp, 1);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndBom02], 2);
void createSplash(int x, int y)
double chsp = 0,
cvsp = 0;
x -= 20;
chsp = -0.25 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -1.5 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(13, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
chsp = 0.25 + ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -1.5 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(13, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
chsp = -0.25 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -0.5 - ((rand() % 4) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(13, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
chsp = 0.25 + ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -0.5 - ((rand() % 4) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(13, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndWater01], CHN_EFFECTS);
void createLavaSplash(int x, int y)
double chsp = 0,
cvsp = 0;
x -= 20;
chsp = -0.25 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -1.5 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(14, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
chsp = 0.25 + ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -1.5 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(14, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
chsp = -0.25 - ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -0.5 - ((rand() % 4) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(14, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
chsp = 0.25 + ((rand() % 9) * 0.25);
cvsp = -0.5 - ((rand() % 4) * 0.25);
createEffectExtra(14, x, y, chsp, cvsp, 0);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot07], CHN_EFFECTS);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#ifndef EFFECTS_H
#define EFFECTS_H
typedef struct {
int id, type;
double x, y,
vsp, hsp, grav,
imageIndex, imageSpeed;
int cropx, cropy;
int width, height;
int image, timer;
int visible;
int val1;
int loop, frames;
int depth;
} Effect;
void createEffect(int type, int x, int y);
void createEffectExtra(int t, int x, int y, double hsp, double vsp, int val);
void effectStep(Effect* e);
void effectDraw(Effect* e);
void effectDestroy(int id);
void createRockSmash(int x, int y);
void createSplash(int x, int y);
void createLavaSplash(int x, int y);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
#include "bat.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void batStep(Bat* b);
void batDraw(Bat* b);
void createBat(int x, int y, int type)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* result = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof *result);
Bat* b = /*(Bat*)*/malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->x = b->xstart = x;
b->y = b->ystart = y;
b->type = type;
b->imageIndex = 5;
b->counter = 0;
b->timer = 0;
b->state = 0;
b->dir = 1;
result->data = b;
result->enemyStep = batStep;
result->enemyDraw = batDraw;
result->type = 1;
enemies[i] = result;
void batStep(Bat* b)
if (b->state == 0)
b->imageIndex = 5;
//wait for hero to get near
if (b->timer <= 0) {
Mask area; = 0;
area.unused = 0;
area.x = b->xstart - 60;
area.y = b->ystart;
area.w = 160; area.h = 100;
if (checkCollisionXY(area, herox, heroy + 20)) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi07], CHN_ENEMIES);
b->state = 1;
b->timer = 270;
if (b->type == 1) {
b->counter = 1;
if (herox < b->x + 20) {
b->dir = -1;
b->dir = 1;
b->timer -= 1;
else if (b->state == 1)
b->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (b->imageIndex >= 5) {
b->imageIndex -= 5;
//Rotation angle
b->timer += 4;
if (b->timer >= 360) {
b->timer -= 360;
b->y = b->ystart + 30 + (30 * sin(b->timer * 3.14159 / 180));
//Red bat
if (b->type == 1) {
b->x += 2 * b->dir;
//Return to perch
if (b->timer == 270) {
if (b->type == 1 && b->counter > 0) {
b->dir *= -1;
b->timer = 270;
b->counter -= 1;
b->state = 0;
b->timer = 70;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 32;
mask.h = 28;
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = b->y;
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, heroMask)) {
heroHit(10, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
createEffect(2, b->x - 12, b->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(b->x + 20, b->y);
void batDraw(Bat* b)
int cropX = 0,
cropY = 120;
if (b->type == 1) {
cropX = 400;
cropY = 280;
cropX += (int)b->imageIndex * 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x, b->y - 4, cropX, cropY, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#ifndef BAT_H
#define BAT_H
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int xstart, ystart;
int type; //0 = gray | 1 = red
int dir;
double imageIndex;
int counter, timer, state;
} Bat;
void createBat(int x, int y, int type);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,319 @@
#include "batboss.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "heads.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int boss2flag = 5;
//void updateBatMask(Batboss* b);
void batbossStep(Batboss* b);
void batbossDraw(Batboss* b);
void createBatboss(int x, int y)
if (flags[boss2flag] == 0) { //have not beaten boss 2
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss03.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof *e);
Batboss* b = /*(Batboss*)*/malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->vsp = 0;
b->hsp = 0;
b->grav = 0.1;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->ypos = y;
b->rot = 0;
b->hp = 35;
b->invincible = 0;
b->state = 0;
b->timer = 0;
b->mode = 0; //0 for flame, 1 for tornado stomp
b->mask.unused = b-> = 0;
b->mask.w = 100;
b->mask.h = 68;
//Setup phase
b->state = 0;
b->hsp = 2;
b->ypos = b->y - 24;
b->timer = 60;
e->data = b;
e->enemyStep = batbossStep;
e->enemyDraw = batbossDraw;
e->type = 41;
enemies[i] = e;
void batbossStep(Batboss* b)
char dead = 0;
//Wing flap
if (b->state == 0 || b->state == 1 || b->state == 2 || b->state == 5 || b->state == 6) {
b->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (b->imageIndex >= 2) {
b->imageIndex -= 2;
if (b->state == 3 || b->state == 4) {
b->imageIndex += 0.2;
if (b->imageIndex >= 5) {
b->imageIndex -= 3;
if (b->timer > 0) {
b->timer -= 1;
if (b->invincible > 0) {
b->invincible -= 1;
//Large vertical movement
if (b->state == 0 || b->state == 1) {
b->rot += 2;
if (b->rot >= 360) { b->rot -= 360; }
b->y = b->ypos - (40 * sin(b->rot * 3.14159 / 180));
//Small vertical movement
if (b->state == 2) {
b->rot += 2;
if (b->rot >= 360) { b->rot -= 360; }
b->y = b->ypos - (20 * sin(b->rot * 3.14159 / 180));
//Horizontal movement
if (b->state == 0) {
b->x += b->hsp;
if (b->x >= 520 || b->x <= 120) { //Hit walls
b->hsp *= -1;
if (b->timer <= 0) {
b->state = 1;
//Slow to halt
else if (b->state == 1) {
b->x += b->hsp;
if (b->x >= 520 || b->x <= 120) { //Hit walls
b->hsp *= -1;
double rate = 0.03;
if (b->hsp > 0) {
b->hsp -= rate;
if (b->hsp <= 0) { b->hsp = 0; }
else if (b->hsp < 0) {
b->hsp += rate;
if (b->hsp >= 0) { b->hsp = 0; }
if (b->hsp == 0 && b->rot <= 2) {
b->state = 2;
b->timer = 60;
else if (b->state == 2) {
if (b->timer == 1) {
//Shoot flame
int fx = b->x;
int fy = b->y + 24;
int fangle = (atan2(heroy - fy, fx - (herox - 20)) * 180 / 3.14159) + 270;
createFireball(fx, fy, fangle, b->id);
createFireball(fx, fy, fangle - 15, b->id);
createFireball(fx, fy, fangle + 15, b->id);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot03], CHN_ENEMIES);
if (b->timer <= 0 && b->rot <= 2) {
if (b->mode == 0) {
b->state = 0;
b->timer = 60;
b->hsp = 2;
b->mode = 1;
b->mode = 0;
b->state = 3;
b->imageIndex = 2;
b->vsp = -4;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot06], CHN_ENEMIES);
if (herox < b->x) {
b->hsp *= -1;
else if (b->state == 3) {
b->y += b->vsp;
b->vsp += b->grav;
if (b->vsp >= 6) { b->vsp = 6; }
//Hit floor
if (b->y >= 480 - 176) {
b->y = 480 - 176;
b->state = 4;
b->timer = 120;
quakeTimer = 30;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit04], CHN_ENEMIES);
b->hsp = 1;
if (b->x > herox) {
b->hsp *= -1;
else if (b->state == 4) {
b->x += b->hsp;
if (b->timer <= 0 || b->x >= 520 || b->x <= 120) {
b->state = 5;
b->timer = 80 + (rand() % 61);
else if (b->state == 5) {
b->y -= 1;
if (b->timer <= 0) {
b->state = 0;
b->ypos = b->y;
b->rot = 0;
b->timer = 60;
b->hsp = 2;
if (b->x > herox) {
b->hsp *= -1;
else if (b->state == 6) {
b->y += 0.2;
if (b->timer % 12 == 0) {
createEffect(2, b->x - 64 + (rand() % 100), b->y + (rand() % 80));
if (b->timer <= 0) {
dead = 1;
if (b->state != 6) {
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
if (b->state == 3 || b->state == 4) {
mask.w = 64;
mask.h = 96;
mask.y = b->y;
mask.w = 100;
mask.h = 68;
mask.y = b->y + 18;
mask.x = b->x - (mask.w / 2);
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(30, b->x);
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
b->invincible = 15;
b->hp -= 1;
if (b->hp <= 0) {
b->state = 6;
b->timer = 180;
b->invincible = 200;
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
flags[boss2flag] = 1;
void batbossDraw(Batboss* b)
if (b->invincible % 2 == 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x - 64, b->y, (int)b->imageIndex * 128, 0, 128, 96, images[imgBoss]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#ifndef BATBOSS_H
#define BATBOSS_H
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double hsp, vsp, grav;
double imageIndex;
double ypos;
double rot;
int hp;
int state, timer, mode;
int invincible;
} Batboss;
void createBatboss(int x, int y);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,214 @@
#include "bee.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void beeStep(Bee* b);
void beeDraw(Bee* b);
void createBee(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof *e);
Bee* b = /*(Bee*)*/malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->xstart = b->x;
b->ystart = b->y;
b->hsp = 0;
b->vsp = 0;
b->timer = 0;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->dir = 1;
b->state = 0;
b->hoverdir = 180;
if (dir == 1) {
b->hoverdir = 0;
b->dir = -1;
e->data = b;
e->enemyStep = beeStep;
e->enemyDraw = beeDraw;
e->type = 24;
enemies[i] = e;
void beeStep(Bee* b)
b->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (b->imageIndex >= 3) {
b->imageIndex -= 3;
//Mindless hovering
if (b->state == 0)
b->hoverdir += 2.6;
if (b->hoverdir >= 360) {
b->hoverdir -= 360;
b->dir = 1;
if (b->hoverdir <= 180) {
b->dir = -1;
b->x = b->xstart + (20 * cos(b->hoverdir * 3.14159 /180));
//If player is within range
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.x = b->x - 80;
area.y = b->y;
area.w = 200;
area.h = 100;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask())) {
b->state = 1;
b->dir = 1;
if (b->x + 20 > herox) {
b->dir = -1;
b->hsp = -5.5 * b->dir;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndBee01], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Fly backwards
else if (b->state == 1)
b->hsp += 0.25 * b->dir;
if ((b->dir == 1 && b->hsp >= 0) || (b->dir == -1 && b->hsp <= 0)) {
b->hsp = 0;
b->state = 2;
b->vsp = 3.75;
//Fly downwards
else if (b->state == 2)
b->vsp -= 0.1;
if (b->vsp <= 0) {
b->state = 3;
b->vsp = 0;
b->dir = 1;
if (b->x + 20 > herox) {
b->dir = -1;
b->hsp = 3 * b->dir;
//Fly diaganal
else if (b->state == 3)
b->vsp -= 0.1;
if (b->vsp < -3) {
b->vsp = -3;
if (b->y <= b->ystart) {
b->state = 4;
b->vsp = 0;
b->y = b->ystart;
if (b->x < b->xstart) {
b->dir = 1;
b->dir = -1;
b->hsp = b->dir;
//Fly back to start
else if (b->state == 4)
if ((b->dir == 1 && b->x >= b->xstart) || (b->dir == -1 && b->x <= b->xstart)) {
b->state = 0;
b->hsp = 0;
b->hoverdir = 0;
b->x += b->hsp;
b->y += b->vsp;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 24;
mask.h = 32;
mask.y = b->y + 6;
mask.x = b->x + 14;
if (b->dir == -1) {
mask.x = b->x + 2;
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon Collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
createEffect(2, b->x - 12, b->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(b->x + 20, b->y);
void beeDraw(Bee* b)
int cropx = 280;
if (b->dir == -1) {
cropx += 120;
cropx += (int)b->imageIndex * 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x, b->y, cropx, 480, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#ifndef BEE_H
#define BEE_H
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int xstart, ystart;
double hsp, vsp;
double imageIndex;
int dir, state, timer;
double hoverdir;
} Bee;
void createBee(int x, int y, int dir);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,221 @@
#include "boar.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void boarStep(Boar* b);
void boarDraw(Boar* b);
void createBoar(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof *e);
Boar* b = /*(Boar*)*/malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->hp = 3;
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->hsp = 0;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->dir = 1;
b->blink = 0;
b->state = 0;
b->timer = 0;
e->data = b;
e->enemyStep = boarStep;
e->enemyDraw = boarDraw;
e->type = 26;
enemies[i] = e;
void boarStep(Boar* b)
//Setup mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = 32;
mask.h = 28;
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = b->y + 40 - mask.h;
//Blink animation
if (b->blink > 0) {
b->blink -= 1;
if (b->state == 0)
b->imageIndex += 0.15;
if (b->imageIndex >= 8) {
b->imageIndex -= 8;
//if player gets near
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.x = b->x - 80;
area.y = b->y - 40;
area.w = 200;
area.h = 80;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
b->state = 1;
b->timer = -1;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->dir = 1;
if (herox < b->x + 20) {
b->dir = -1;
//Rev up
else if (b->state == 1)
b->timer += 1;
//Play sound
if (b->timer % 10 == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot01], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Create effect
if (b->timer % 16 == 0) {
if (b->dir == 1) {
createEffectExtra(3, b->x + 20 - 30, b->y + 8, -1, 0, 0);
if (b->dir == -1) {
createEffectExtra(3, b->x + 20 - 10, b->y + 8, 1, 0, 0);
if (b->timer >= 60) {
b->state = 2;
b->hsp = 3;
else if (b->state == 2)
b->x += b->hsp * b->dir;
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
//Collide with wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
b->x -= b->hsp * b->dir;
b->dir *= -1;
//On edge
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.x += mask.w * b->dir;
mask.y += 1;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
b->dir *= -1;
mask.y -= 1;
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
b->hsp -= 0.05;
if (b->hsp <= 0) {
b->state = 0;
//Running animation
if (b->state == 1 || b->state == 2) {
b->imageIndex += 0.2;
if (b->imageIndex >= 2) {
b->imageIndex -= 2;
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(30, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
b->hp -= 1;
b->blink = 15;
if (b->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, b->x - 12, b->y - 12);
spawnCollectable(b->x + 20, b->y);
void boarDraw(Boar* b)
if (b->blink % 2 == 0)
int cropx = 0, cropy = 360;
int drawx = b->x, drawy = b->y;
if (b->state == 0) {
int animation[8] = {0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 3, 4, 3};
cropx = 160 + (animation[(int)b->imageIndex] * 40);
cropx = (int)b->imageIndex * 40;
if (b->dir == -1) {
cropx += 80;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(drawx, drawy, cropx, cropy, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#ifndef BOAR_H
#define BOAR_H
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
double x, y;
double hsp;
double imageIndex;
int blink;
int dir;
int state;
int timer;
} Boar;
void createBoar(int x, int y);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
#include "boomknight.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void boomknightStep(Boomknight* b);
void boomknightDraw(Boomknight* b);
void boomStep(Boom* b);
void boomDraw(Boom* b);
void createBoomknight(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Boomknight* b = malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->hp = 2;
b->blink = 0;
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->dir = 1;
if (herox < b->x + 20) {
b->dir = -1;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->state = 0;
b->timer = 0;
e->data = b;
e->enemyStep = boomknightStep;
e->enemyDraw = boomknightDraw;
e->type = 31;
enemies[i] = e;
void boomknightStep(Boomknight* b)
b->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (b->imageIndex >= 2) {
b->imageIndex -= 2;
if (b->blink > 0) {
b->blink -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 30;
mask.h = 32;
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = b->y + (40 - mask.h);
if (b->state == 0) {
double hsp = 0.5;
b->x += hsp * b->dir;
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
//Hit wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
b->dir *= -1;
//On edge
mask.x += mask.w * b->dir;
mask.y += 20;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
b->dir *= -1;
//Player is close
if (b->timer <= 0) {
Mask area;
{ = area.unused = 0;
area.w = 120;
area.h = 40;
area.x = b->x + 20;
if (b->dir == -1) {
area.x -= area.w;
area.y = b->y;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
b->state = 1;
b->timer = 0;
b->timer -= 1;
else if (b->state == 1) {
b->imageIndex = 0;
if (b->timer >= 15) {
b->imageIndex = 2;
b->timer += 1;
if (b->timer == 15) {
createBoom(b->x, b->y, b->dir);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi05], CHN_ENEMIES);
if (b->timer >= 110) {
b->state = 0;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->timer = 120;
//Update Mask
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = b->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Hero Collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon Collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
b->hp -= 1;
b->blink = 15;
if (b->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, b->x - 12, b->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(b->x + 20, b->y);
void boomknightDraw(Boomknight* b)
if (b->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = 400 + ((int)b->imageIndex * 40);
if (b->dir == -1) {
cropX += 120;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x, b->y, cropX, 400, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
//Enemy boomerang
void createBoom(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Boom* b = malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->dir = dir;
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->hsp = 6 * b->dir;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->timer = 90;
e->data = b;
e->enemyStep = boomStep;
e->enemyDraw = boomDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void boomStep(Boom* b)
b->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (b->imageIndex >= 8) {
b->imageIndex -= 8;
b->x += b->hsp;
double fric = 0.125;
b->hsp -= fric * b->dir;
//Hero collision
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 24;
mask.h = 24;
mask.x = b->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = b->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(10, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
b->timer -= 1;
if (b->timer <= 0) {
createEffectExtra(5, b->x + 20, b->y + 20, 0, 0, 0);
void boomDraw(Boom* b)
int cropX = (int)b->imageIndex * 40;
if (b->dir == -1) {
cropX += 320;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x, b->y, cropX, 360, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
int blink;
double x, y;
int dir;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer;
} Boomknight;
void createBoomknight(int x, int y);
typedef struct {
int id;
int dir;
double x, y;
double hsp;
double imageIndex;
int timer;
} Boom;
void createBoom(int x, int y, int dir);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,509 @@
#include "crab.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int boss3flag = 13;
void crabStep(Crab* c);
void crabDraw(Crab* c);
void updateCrabMask(Crab* c);
void crabDestroy(Crab* c);
void electricityStep(Electricity* e);
void electricityDraw(Electricity* e);
void createCrab(int x, int y)
if (flags[boss3flag] == 0) { //have not beaten boss 3
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss06.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
//Boss start
Enemy* e = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof(Enemy));
Crab* c = /*(Crab*)*/malloc(sizeof(Crab));
c->id = i;
//c->hp = 1;
c->hp = 35;
c->invincible = 0;
c->x = x;
c->y = y;
c->vsp = 0;
c->hsp = 0;
c->imageIndex = 0;
c->state = 0;
c->timer = 0;
c->counter = 0;
c->mask.unused = 0;
c-> = 1;
c->mask.w = 33;
c->mask.h = 33;
//Setup phase
c->timer = 60;
e->data = c;
e->enemyStep = crabStep;
e->enemyDraw = crabDraw;
e->type = 42;
enemies[i] = e;
void crabStep(Crab* c)
char dead = 0;
double grav = 0.15;
if (c->invincible > 0) {
c->invincible -= 1;
if (c->state == 0)
c->imageIndex = 0;
if (c->timer <= 0) {
c->timer = 0;
if (c->counter == 2 || c->counter == 5) { //Goto roll
c->state = 3;
if (c->counter == 5) {
c->counter = 0;
c->counter = 3;
}else if (c->counter == 3) {
c->state = 2;
c->state = 1; //Goto shoot
c->timer -= 1;
//Shoot Electric orbs
else if (c->state == 1)
//Create orbs
if (c->timer == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi05], CHN_ENEMIES);
double angle = (atan2(heroy + 20 - (c->y + 60), c->x - (herox - 20)) * 180 / 3.14159) + 270;
createElectricity(c->x, c->y + 60, angle - 45, c->id);
createElectricity(c->x, c->y + 60, angle - 22.5, c->id);
createElectricity(c->x, c->y + 60, angle, c->id);
createElectricity(c->x, c->y + 60, angle + 22.5, c->id);
createElectricity(c->x, c->y + 60, angle + 45, c->id);
if (c->timer >= 20) {
c->state = 2;
c->timer = 0;
c->timer += 1;
else if (c->state == 2)
c->imageIndex = 1;
//Hopping down or hopping up
int hopup = 1;
if (c->counter > 2) {
hopup = 0;
if (c->timer == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndJump02], CHN_ENEMIES);
c->vsp = -6.5;
if (hopup == 0) {
c->vsp = -1.5;
c->timer = 1;
//Vertical velocity
c->y += c->vsp;
c->vsp += grav;
if (c->vsp >= 6) {
c->vsp = 6;
//Check if onground
if ((hopup == 1 && c->vsp > 0) || (hopup == 0 && c->vsp >= 6)) {
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.w = 40;
area.h = 10;
area.x = c->x - (area.w / 2);
area.y = c->y + (80 - area.h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, area);
if (collide.x != -1) {
c->y = collide.y - 80;
c->state = 0;
c->counter += 1;
c->timer = 25;
if (c->counter == 2 || c->counter == 5) {
c->timer = 3;
//Roll hop
else if (c->state == 3)
if (c->hsp > 0) {
c->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (c->hsp < 0) {
c->imageIndex -= 0.25;
if (c->imageIndex < 2) { c->imageIndex += 4; }
if (c->imageIndex >= 6) { c->imageIndex -= 4; }
if (c->timer == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit04], CHN_ENEMIES);
c->timer = 1;
c->vsp = -1.5;
c->imageIndex = 2;
if (c->x > 320) {
c->hsp = -8;
c->hsp = 8;
c->y += c->vsp;
c->vsp += grav;
//Check if onground
if (c->vsp > 0) {
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.w = 40;
area.h = 10;
area.x = c->x - (area.w / 2);
area.y = c->y + (80 - area.h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, area);
if (collide.x != -1) {
c->y = collide.y - 80;
c->state = 4;
if (c->state == 4)
if (c->hsp > 0) {
c->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (c->hsp < 0) {
c->imageIndex -= 0.25;
if (c->imageIndex < 2) { c->imageIndex += 4; }
if (c->imageIndex >= 6) { c->imageIndex -= 4; }
c->x += c->hsp;
//Collide with wall
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.w = area.h = c->mask.w * 2;
area.x = c->x - c->mask.w;
area.y = c->y + (40 - c->mask.h);
if (checkTileCollision(1, area) == 1) {
c->state = 5;
c->timer = 0;
//Bounce off wall
if (c->state == 5)
if (c->timer == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit04], CHN_ENEMIES);
c->timer = 1;
c->vsp = -2;
c->hsp = 2;
if (c->x > 320) {
c->hsp *= -1;
c->imageIndex = 1;
c->x += c->hsp;
c->y += c->vsp;
c->vsp += grav;
//Check if onground
if (c->vsp > 0) {
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.w = 40;
area.h = 10;
area.x = c->x - (area.w / 2);
area.y = c->y + (80 - area.h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, area);
if (collide.x != -1) {
c->y = collide.y - 80;
c->state = 0;
c->timer = 65;
else if (c->state == 6)
c->imageIndex = 1;
c->y += 0.2;
c->timer -= 1;
if (c->timer % 12 == 0) {
createEffect(2, c->x - 64 + (rand() % 100), c->y + (rand() % 80));
if (c->timer <= 0) {
dead = 1;
if (dead == 0) {
if (c->state != 6) {
//Update Mask
c->mask.x = c->x;
c->mask.y = c->y + 40;
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(c->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
c->invincible = 15;
c->hp -= 1;
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(c->mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(30, c->x);
if (c->hp <= 0) {
c->state = 6;
c->timer = 180;
c->invincible = 200;
void crabDraw(Crab* c)
if (c->invincible % 2 == 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(c->x - 40, c->y, (int)c->imageIndex * 80, 0, 80, 80, images[imgBoss]);
void updateCrabMask(Crab* c)
c->mask.x = c->x;
c->mask.y = c->y + 40;
void crabDestroy(Crab* c)
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
flags[boss3flag] = 1;
void createElectricity(int x, int y, double angle, int minid)
int i;
for (i = minid; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof *e);
Electricity* el = /*(Electricity*)*/malloc(sizeof *el);
el->id = i;
el->x = x;
el->y = y;
//Fix angle
if (angle < 0) {
angle += 360;
if (angle >= 360) {
angle -= 360;
el->angle = angle;
el->imageIndex = 0;
el->mask.unused = 0;
el-> = 1;
el->mask.w = 16;
el->mask.h = 16;
el->mask.x = x;
el->mask.y = y;
e->data = el;
e->enemyStep = electricityStep;
e->enemyDraw = electricityDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
int thisid = -1;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
if (i <= minid) {
thisid = i;
if (thisid == -1) {
for (i = minid + 1; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
enemies[i] = enemies[minid];
Crab* c = enemies[i]->data;
c->id = i;
thisid = minid;
if (thisid != -1) {
Enemy* e = (Enemy*)malloc(sizeof(Enemy));
Electricity* el = (Electricity*)malloc(sizeof(Electricity));
el->id = thisid;
el->x = x;
el->y = y;
//Fix angle
if (angle < 0) {
angle += 360;
if (angle >= 360) {
angle -= 360;
el->angle = angle;
el->imageIndex = 0;
el->mask.unused = 0;
el-> = 1;
el->mask.w = 16;
el->mask.h = 16;
el->mask.x = x;
el->mask.y = y;
e->data = el;
e->enemyStep = electricityStep;
e->enemyDraw = electricityDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[thisid] = e;
void electricityStep(Electricity* e)
double spd = 3;
e->x += spd * sin(e->angle * 3.14159 / 180);
e->y += spd * cos(e->angle * 3.14159 / 180);
//Update Mask
e->mask.x = e->x;
e->mask.y = e->y;
//Collide with Shield
if (checkCollision(shieldMask, e->mask) == 1) {
createEffect(1, e->x - 20, e->y - 20);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
//Collide with Hero
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), e->mask) == 1) {
if (heroHit(25, e->x) == 1) {
e->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (e->imageIndex >= 3) {
e->imageIndex -= 3;
//Outside of screen
if (e->x < -20 || e->x > 660 || e->y < -20 || e->y > 500) {
void electricityDraw(Electricity* e)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(e->x - 20, e->y - 20, 40 + ((int)e->imageIndex * 40), 0, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
#ifndef CRAB_H
#define CRAB_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp, invincible;
double x, y;
double hsp, vsp;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer, counter;
Mask mask;
} Crab;
void createCrab(int x, int y);
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double angle;
double imageIndex;
Mask mask;
} Electricity;
void createElectricity(int x, int y, double angle, int minid);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,458 @@
#include "devil.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int boss6flag = 31;
void devilStep(Devil* d);
void devilDraw(Devil* d);
void orbStep(Orb* o);
void orbDraw(Orb* o);
void createDevil(int x, int y)
if (flags[boss6flag] == 0) { //have not beaten boss 6
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss04.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof *e);
Devil* d = /*(Devil*)*/malloc(sizeof *d);
d->id = i;
d->x = x;
d->y = y;
d->ystart = d->y;
d->newystart = d->ystart;
d->hsp = -2.5;
d->hp = 100;
//d->hp = 1;
d->state = 0;
d->timer = 0;
d->blink = 0;
d->boblen = 32;
d->bobspd = 3;
d->tailangle = 90;
d->rotcounter = 0;
d->bobcounter = 0;
d->bobspd = 3;
d->rotspd = 1;
d->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = d;
e->enemyStep = devilStep;
e->enemyDraw = devilDraw;
e->type = 45;
enemies[i] = e;
void devilStep(Devil* d)
char dead = 0;
d->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (d->imageIndex >= 2) {
d->imageIndex -= 2;
if (d->blink > 0) {
d->blink -= 1;
if (d->state != 4) {
d->bobcounter += d->bobspd;
if (d->bobcounter >= 360) {
d->bobcounter -= 360;
d->y = d->ystart + (d->boblen * cos(d->bobcounter * 3.14159 / 180));
//Swing tail
d->rotcounter += d->rotspd;
if (d->rotcounter >= 360) {
d->rotcounter -= 360;
d->tailangle = 90 + (55 * cos(d->rotcounter * 3.14159 / 180));
if (d->state == 0 || d->state == 2)
d->rotspd = 1;
d->boblen = 32;
d->bobspd = 3;
//Re-align ystart
if (d->ystart > d->newystart) {
d->ystart -= 1;
if (d->ystart < d->newystart) {
d->ystart += 1;
d->x += d->hsp;
//Slow Down
double rate = 0.016;
if (d->hsp < 0) {
d->hsp += rate;
if (d->hsp >= 0) {
d->hsp = 0;
if (d->hsp > 0) {
d->hsp -= rate;
if (d->hsp <= 0) {
d->hsp = 0;
if (d->hsp == 0) {
d->timer = 0;
if (d->state == 0) {
d->state = 1;
if (d->state == 2) {
if ((d->rotcounter >= 90 && d->rotcounter <= 90 + d->rotspd) || (d->rotcounter >= 270 && d->rotcounter <= 270 + d->rotspd)) {
d->state = 3;
//mid room pause
else if (d->state == 1)
d->timer += 1;
if (d->timer >= 60) {
if (d->state == 1) {
d->hsp = 2.5;
if (herox < d->x) {
d->hsp *= -1;
d->state = 2;
else if (d->state == 3)
d->rotspd = 3;
d->boblen = 10;
d->bobspd = 10;
d->timer += 1;
//Shoot orbs
if (d->timer == 120 || d->timer == 240 || d->timer == 360) {
int aim = (atan2((heroy + 20) - d->y, d->x - herox) * 180 / 3.14159) + 270;
int spawnY = d->y + 20;
createOrb(d->x, spawnY, aim + 22);
createOrb(d->x, spawnY, aim + 11);
createOrb(d->x, spawnY, aim);
createOrb(d->x, spawnY, aim - 11);
createOrb(d->x, spawnY, aim - 22);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot03], CHN_ENEMIES);
if (d->timer == 360) {
d->state = 0;
d->hsp = 2.5;
if (d->x > 320) {
d->hsp *= -1;
int chaseY = heroy - d->ystart;
if (chaseY > 52) { chaseY = 52; }
if (chaseY < -52) { chaseY = -52; }
d->newystart = d->ystart + chaseY;
if (d->state == 4) {
d->rotspd = 3;
d->y += 0.2;
d->timer -= 1;
if (d->timer % 12 == 0) {
createEffect(2, d->x - 64 + (rand() % 100), d->y - 64 + (rand() % 80));
if (d->timer <= 0) {
dead = 1;
if (d->state != 4) {
//Setup masks
Mask masks[6];
//Head mask
masks[0].unused = masks[0].circle = 0;
masks[0].w = 100;
masks[0].h = 104;
masks[0].x = d->x - (masks[0].w / 2);
masks[0].y = d->y - (masks[0].h / 2);
//Link masks
for (int i = 1; i < 5; i++) {
int taildis[4] = {54, 80, 108, 134};
int taillag[4] = {10, 15, 10, 5};
double newtailangle = 90 + (55 * cos((d->rotcounter - taillag[i-1]) * 3.14159 / 180));
masks[i].unused = 0;
masks[i].circle = 1;
masks[i].w = 16;
masks[i].h = 16;
masks[i].x = d->x + (taildis[i-1] * cos(newtailangle * 3.14159 / 180));
masks[i].y = d->y + (taildis[i-1] * sin(newtailangle * 3.14159 / 180));
//Barb mask
masks[5].unused = masks[5].circle = 0;
masks[5].w = 40;
masks[5].h = 40;
masks[5].x = (d->x + (160 * cos(d->tailangle * 3.14159 / 180))) - (masks[5].w / 2);
masks[5].y = (d->y + (160 * sin(d->tailangle * 3.14159 / 180))) - (masks[5].h / 2);
int hitHead = 0;
for (int a = 0; a < 6; a++)
if (a == 0 || a == 5) {
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(masks[a], getHeroMask())) {
int damage = 25;
if (a == 0) {
damage = 50;
if (heroHit(damage, masks[a].x + (masks[a].w / 2)) == 1) {
if (a == 5) { //Barb
//Weapon collision
if (hitHead == 0) {
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(masks[a], weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
if (a == 0) {
d->hp -= 1;
d->blink = 15;
hitHead = 1;
if (d->hp <= 0) {
d->state = 4;
d->timer = 180;
d->blink = 200;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
if (dead == 1) {
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
flags[boss6flag] = 1;
void devilDraw(Devil* d)
if (d->blink % 2 == 0)
int dx, dy;
//Draw tail
int taildis[4] = {54, 80, 108, 134};
int taillag[4] = {10, 15, 10, 5};
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
double newtailangle = 90 + (55 * cos((d->rotcounter - taillag[i]) * 3.14159 / 180));
dx = d->x + (taildis[i] * cos(newtailangle * 3.14159 / 180)) - 32;
dy = d->y + (taildis[i] * sin(newtailangle * 3.14159 / 180)) - 32;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(dx, dy, 0, 128, 64, 64, images[imgBoss]);
//Draw Head
dx = d->x - 64;
dy = d->y - 64;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(dx, dy, (int)d->imageIndex * 128, 0, 128, 128, images[imgBoss]);
//Draw Tail Tip
dx = d->x + (160 * cos(d->tailangle * 3.14159 / 180)) - 32;
dy = d->y + (160 * sin(d->tailangle * 3.14159 / 180)) - 32;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(dx, dy, 64, 128, 64, 64, images[imgBoss]);
//Stone Orbs
void createOrb(int x, int y, double dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = /*(Enemy*)*/malloc(sizeof *e);
Orb* o = /*(Orb*)*/malloc(sizeof *o);
o->id = i;
o->x = x;
o->y = y;
o->dir = dir;
o->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = o;
e->enemyStep = orbStep;
e->enemyDraw = orbDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void orbStep(Orb* o)
char dead = 0;
o->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (o->imageIndex >= 4) {
o->imageIndex -= 4;
int spd = 4;
o->x += spd * sin(o->dir * 3.14159 / 180);
o->y += spd * cos(o->dir * 3.14159 / 180);
Mask mask;
mask.unused = 0; = 1;
mask.w = 6;
mask.x = o->x;
mask.y = o->y;
//Collide with shield
/*if (checkCollision(mask, shieldMask)) {
createEffect(1, o->x - 20, o->y - 20);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
dead = 1;
//Hit player
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask)) {
heroHit(25, mask.x);
//Collide with weapon
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
createEffect(2, o->x - 32, o->y - 32);
dead = 1;
//Destroy if outside of room
if (o->x < -20 || o->x > 660 || o->y < -20 || o->y > 500) {
dead = 1;
//Finally erase object
if (dead == 1) {
void orbDraw(Orb* o)
int animation[4] = {0, 1, 0, 2};
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(o->x - 20, o->y - 20, 440 + (animation[(int)o->imageIndex] * 40), 480, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#ifndef DEVIL_H
#define DEVIL_H
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double ystart, newystart;
double hsp;
int hp;
int state, timer;
int blink;
int boblen, bobspd;
double tailangle, bobcounter, rotcounter, rotspd;
double imageIndex;
} Devil;
void createDevil(int x, int y);
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double dir;
double imageIndex;
} Orb;
void createOrb(int x, int y, double dir);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,587 @@
#include "dodo.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void dodoStep(Dodo* d);
void dodoDraw(Dodo* d);
Mask updateDodoMask(Dodo* d, Mask mask);
int dodoWallCollision(Dodo* d, Mask mask);
int boss1flag = 1;
void createDodo(int x, int y, int flag)
char miniboss = 0;
if (flag != 0) {
miniboss = 1;
flag = boss1flag;
if (flags[flag] == 0) {
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss01.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
if (miniboss == 0) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Dodo* d = malloc(sizeof *d);
d->id = i;
d->x = x;
d->y = y;
d->vsp = -6;
d->hsp = 0;
d->grav = 0.2;
d->onground = 0;
d->dir = -1;
if (herox > d->x) {
d->dir = 1;
d->imageIndex = 0;
d->timer = 0;
d->state = 2;
d->hp = 45;
d->blink = 0;
d->tojump = 1;
d->jumptoggle = 0;
d->flag = flag;
e->data = d;
e->enemyStep = dodoStep;
e->enemyDraw = dodoDraw;
e->type = 40;
enemies[i] = e;
void dodoStep(Dodo* d)
char dead = 0;
double fric = 0.06;
//Animation vars
double imgspd = 0;
int frames = 0;
if (d->timer > 0) {
d->timer -= 1;
if (d->blink > 0) {
d->blink -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 56;
mask.h = 56;
mask = updateDodoMask(d, mask);
if (d->state == 0)
d->hsp = 0;
d->vsp = 0;
imgspd = 0.1;
frames = 4;
//End state
if (d->timer <= 0) {
//Go to chase
if (d->tojump == 0) {
d->state = 1;
d->timer = 260;
d->tojump = 1;
//Go to windup
else {
d->state = 3;
d->timer = 30;
if (d->onground == 0) {
d->state = 6;
d->imageIndex = 1;
else if (d->state == 1)
imgspd = 0.2;
frames = 4;
if ( (d->dir == -1 && herox < d->x) || (d->dir == 1 && herox > d->x) ) {
d->hsp += (fric / 2) * d->dir;
//limit speed
if (d->hsp > 3) {
d->hsp = 3;
if (d->hsp < -3) {
d->hsp = -3;
//Turn around
d->hsp -= fric * d->dir;
//Done slowing down
if ( (d->dir == 1 && d->hsp <= 0) || (d->dir == -1 && d->hsp >= 0) ) {
d->hsp = 0;
d->state = 4;
d->imageIndex = 0;
//Stop running
if (d->timer <= 0) {
if (d->hsp >= 1 || d->hsp <= -1) {
d->state = 5;
if (d->onground == 0) {
d->state = 6;
d->imageIndex = 1;
//Turn around
else if (d->state == 4)
imgspd = 0;
d->imageIndex += 0.2;
//Done turning around
if (d->imageIndex >= 3) {
d->dir *= -1;
d->state = 1;
d->imageIndex = 0;
if (d->onground == 0) {
d->state = 6;
d->imageIndex = 1;
if (d->state == 2)
//Set image
imgspd = 0;
d->imageIndex = 0;
if (d->vsp < 0) {
d->imageIndex = 1;
//Face hsp
if (d->hsp > 0) {
d->dir = 1;
if (d->hsp < 0) {
d->dir = -1;
if (d->onground == 1) {
d->state = 5;
d->tojump = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit04], CHN_ENEMIES);
quakeTimer = 30;
createEffectExtra(3, d->x - 30, d->y + 50, -1, 0, 0);
createEffectExtra(3, d->x - 10, d->y + 50, 1, 0, 0);
if (d->state == 3)
//Set image
imgspd = 0;
d->imageIndex = 0;
if (d->timer <= 0) {
d->state = 2;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndJump01], CHN_ENEMIES);
if (d->jumptoggle == 0) {
d->jumptoggle = 1;
d->vsp = -3;
d->hsp = 2 * d->dir;
d->jumptoggle = 0;
d->hsp = 1.5 * d->dir;
d->vsp = -6;
//Slide to a stop
else if (d->state == 5)
if (d->hsp > 0) {
d->hsp -= fric;
if (d->hsp <= 0) {
d->hsp = 0;
else if (d->hsp < 0) {
d->hsp += fric;
if (d->hsp >= 0) {
d->hsp = 0;
//Go to idle
if (d->hsp == 0) {
d->state = 0;
d->timer = 140;
if (d->state == 6)
//Set image
imgspd = 0;
d->imageIndex = 0;
//Face hsp
if (d->hsp > 0) {
d->dir = 1;
if (d->hsp < 0) {
d->dir = -1;
if (d->onground == 1) {
d->state = 5;
d->tojump = 1;
if (d->state == 7)
imgspd = 0.2;
frames = 4;
d->y += 0.2;
if (d->blink % 12 == 0) {
createEffect(2, d->x - 72 + (rand() % 80), d->y - 12 + (rand() % 76));
if (d->blink <= 0) {
dead = 1;
//Horizontal movement
if (d->hsp != 0) {
d->x += d->hsp;
//Wall collision
if (d->state != 6) {
if (dodoWallCollision(d, mask) == 1) {
d->hsp *= -1;
if (d->state == 1) {
d->state = 5;
//Vertical movement
if (d->vsp != 0) {
d->y += d->vsp;
mask = updateDodoMask(d, mask);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (d->vsp < 0) {
d->y = collide.y + 40 - (96 - 14 - mask.h);
else if (d->vsp > 0) {
d->y = collide.y - 96 + 14;
//Check if onground
mask = updateDodoMask(d, mask);
mask.y += 1;
if (!checkTileCollision(1, mask)) {
d->onground = 0;
d->onground = 1;
mask.y -= 1;
if (d->onground == 0) {
d->vsp += d->grav;
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
d->blink = 15;
d->hp -= 1;
if (d->hp <= 0) {
d->state = 7;
d->blink = 180;
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(30, d->x);
if (imgspd != 0) {
d->imageIndex += imgspd;
if (d->imageIndex >= frames) {
d->imageIndex -= frames;
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
//Is the level 1 boss
if (d->flag == boss1flag) {
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
flags[d->flag] = 1;
void dodoDraw(Dodo* d)
if (d->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = 0,
cropY = 0;
int dirW = 0;
if (d->state == 0) {
dirW = 0;
int frame = 0;
if (d->dir == 1) {
int animation[4] = {0, 6, 7, 6};
frame = animation[(int)d->imageIndex];
int animation[4] = {3, 8, 9, 8};
frame = animation[(int)d->imageIndex];
cropX = frame * 96;
while (cropX >= 576) {
cropX -= 576;
cropY += 96;
else if (d->state == 1 || d->state == 7) {
dirW = 288;
int animation[4] = {0, 1, 0, 2};
cropX = animation[(int)d->imageIndex] * 96;
else if (d->state == 2) {
dirW = 192;
cropY = 192;
cropX = (int)d->imageIndex * 96;
//Turn around
else if (d->state == 4) {
dirW = 0;
cropY = 288;
if (d->dir == 1) {
int animation[3] = {0, 1, 2};
cropX = animation[(int)d->imageIndex] * 96;
int animation[3] = {2, 1, 0};
cropX = animation[(int)d->imageIndex] * 96;
else if (d->state == 3 || d->state == 5 || d->state == 6) {
dirW = 192;
cropX = 0;
cropY = 192;
//Direction offset
if (dirW != 0 && d->dir == -1) {
cropX += dirW;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(d->x - 48, d->y, cropX, cropY, 96, 96, images[imgBoss]);
Mask updateDodoMask(Dodo* d, Mask mask)
mask.x = d->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = d->y + (96 - 14 - mask.h);
return mask;
int dodoWallCollision(Dodo* d, Mask mask)
int result = 0;
mask = updateDodoMask(d, mask);
//Stay inside of room
if (d->x < 24) {
result = 1;
d->x = 24;
else if (d->x > 616) {
result = 1;
d->x = 616;
//Tile collision
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
result = 1;
if (d->hsp > 0) {
d->x = collide.x - (mask.w / 2);
d->x = collide.x + 40 + (mask.w / 2);
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#ifndef DODO_H
#define DODO_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double vsp, hsp, grav;
int dir, onground;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer, hp;
int blink;
int tojump, jumptoggle;
int flag;
//Mask mask;
} Dodo;
void createDodo(int x, int y, int flag);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,294 @@
#include "dog.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void dogStep(Dog* d);
void dogDraw(Dog* d);
int hitWall(Dog* d, Mask mask);
void createDog(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Dog* d = malloc(sizeof *d);
d->id = i;
d->hp = 3;
d->blink = 0;
d->x = x;
d->y = y;
d->hsp = 0;
d->vsp = 0;
d->imageIndex = 0;
d->dir = 1;
if (herox < d->x) {
d->dir = -1;
d->state = 0;
d->timer = 0;
d->counter = 0;
e->data = d;
e->enemyStep = dogStep;
e->enemyDraw = dogDraw;
e->type = 30;
enemies[i] = e;
void dogStep(Dog* d)
double grav = 0.175;
char onground = 0;
char wallhit = 0;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 32;
mask.h = 32;
mask.x = d->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = d->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Blink animation
if (d->blink > 0) {
d->blink -= 1;
//Horizontal movement
d->x += d->hsp;
mask.x = d->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
//Wall collision
if (hitWall(d, mask) == 1) {
wallhit = 1;
mask.x = d->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
//Vertical Movement
d->vsp += grav;
d->y += d->vsp;
mask.y = d->y + (40 - mask.h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (d->vsp >= 0) {
onground = 1;
d->vsp = 0;
d->y = collide.y - 40;
if (d->vsp < 0) {
d->y = collide.y + 40 - (40 - mask.h);
mask.y = d->y + (40 - mask.h);
if (d->state == 0)
double fric = 0.1;
d->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (d->imageIndex >= 2) {
d->imageIndex -= 2;
//Collide with wall
if (wallhit == 1 && onground == 1) {
d->hsp *= -1;
//Slide to hault
if (d->hsp > 0) {
d->dir = 1;
d->hsp -= fric;
if (d->hsp <= 0) {
d->hsp = 0;
if (d->hsp < 0) {
d->dir = -1;
d->hsp += fric;
if (d->hsp >= 0) {
d->hsp = 0;
//Player is close
if (d->hsp == 0) {
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.w = 220;
area.h = 60;
area.x = d->x - 90;
area.y = d->y - 20;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
d->state = 1;
d->counter = 0;
d->vsp = 1;
else if (d->state == 1)
int spd = 2;
d->hsp = spd * d->dir;
//Land on floor
if (onground == 1) {
d->counter += 1;
d->vsp = -1.5;
if (d->counter == 3) {
d->vsp = -4;
if (d->counter == 4) {
d->state = 0;
d->counter = 0;
d->vsp = 0;
d->hsp = spd * d->dir;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi05], CHN_ENEMIES);
d->dir = 1;
if (herox < d->x + 20) {
d->dir = -1;
d->imageIndex = 1;
if (d->vsp < 0) {
d->imageIndex = 2;
//Update mask to be safe
mask.x = d->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = d->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
if (heroHit(10, mask.x + (mask.w / 2)) == 1) {
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
d->blink = 15;
d->hp -= 1;
if (d->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, d->x - 12, d->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(d->x + 20, d->y);
void dogDraw(Dog* d)
if (d->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = 240 + ((int)d->imageIndex * 40);
if (d->dir == -1) {
cropX += 120;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(d->x, d->y, cropX, 40, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
int hitWall(Dog* d, Mask mask)
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
int dir = 1;
if (d->hsp < 0) {
dir = -1;
d->x = collide.x + 20 - ((20 + (mask.w / 2)) * dir) - 20;
return 1;
if (d->x < -20) {
d->x = -20;
return 1;
if (d->x > 620) {
d->x = 620;
return 1;
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#ifndef DOG_H
#define DOG_H
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
int blink;
double x, y;
double vsp, hsp;
double imageIndex;
int dir;
int state, timer, counter;
} Dog;
void createDog(int x, int y);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
#include "firewheel.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void firewheelRotate(Firewheel* f, int clockwise);
void firewheelStep(Firewheel* f);
void firewheelDraw(Firewheel* f);
void createFirewheel(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Firewheel* f = malloc(sizeof *f);
f->id = i;
f->x = x;
f->y = y;
f->imageIndex = 0;
f->hp = 2;
f->blink = 0;
f->hsp = 1;
f->vsp = 0;
f->wallx = 0;
f->wally = 1;
f->timer = 0;
if (x % 40 != 0) {
f->timer = 20;
//Start on ceiling
Mask mask; = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 40;
mask.h = 40;
mask.x = f->x;
mask.y = f->y + 10;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
f->wally = -1;
f->hsp *= -1;
f->dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
f->hsp *= -1;
f->dir = -1;
e->data = f;
e->enemyStep = firewheelStep;
e->enemyDraw = firewheelDraw;
e->type = 27;
enemies[i] = e;
void firewheelStep(Firewheel* f)
f->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (f->imageIndex >= 4) {
f->imageIndex -= 4;
if (f->blink > 0) {
f->blink -= 1;
int spd = 2;
f->x += spd * f->hsp;
f->y += spd * f->vsp;
//Setup mask
Mask mask; = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 40;
mask.h = 40;
mask.x = f->x;
mask.y = f->y;
//Check if ready to change angle
if ( (f->hsp != 0 && (int)f->x % 20 == 0) || (f->vsp != 0 && (int)f->y % 20 == 0) )
int doCheck = 1;
while (doCheck == 1) {
doCheck = 0;
//Check on edge
mask.x += (f->wallx * 10);
mask.y += (f->wally * 10);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
//Outside of room
if (f->y <= -40) {
collide.x = 1;
//On edge
if (collide.x == -1) {
int tempHsp = f->hsp;
int tempVsp = f->vsp;
f->hsp = f->wallx;
f->vsp = f->wally;
f->wallx = -tempHsp;
f->wally = -tempVsp;
doCheck = 1;
//Hit wall
else {
mask.x = f->x;
mask.y = f->y;
mask.x += f->hsp * 10;
mask.y += f->vsp * 10;
collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
//Outside of room
if (collide.x == -1) {
if (f->y <= -40 && f->vsp != 1) {
collide.x = 1;
//Did collide with wall
if (collide.x != -1) {
int tempWallx = f->wallx;
int tempWally = f->wally;
f->wallx = f->hsp;
f->wally = f->vsp;
f->hsp = -tempWallx;
f->vsp = -tempWally;
doCheck = 1;
mask.x += f->hsp * 10;
mask.y += f->vsp * 10;
//Collide with wall
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
//Outside of room
if (collide.x == -1) {
if (mask.y <= 0 && f->vsp < 0) {
collide.x = f->x;
collide.y = -40;
collide.w = 40;
collide.h = 40;
//Did collide with wall
if (collide.x != -1) {
int tempWallx = f->wallx;
int tempWally = f->wally;
f->wallx = f->hsp;
f->wally = f->vsp;
f->hsp = -tempWallx;
f->vsp = -tempWally;
//Edge rotate
mask.x = f->x;
mask.y = f->y;
mask.x += (f->wallx * 10);
mask.y += (f->wally * 10);
collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
int tempHsp = f->hsp;
int tempVsp = f->vsp;
f->hsp = f->wallx;
f->vsp = f->wally;
f->wallx = -tempHsp;
f->wally = -tempVsp;
//Update Mask
mask.w = 30;
mask.h = 30;
mask.x = f->x + 5;
mask.y = f->y + 5;
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(20, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
for (int i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
f->hp -= 1;
f->blink = 15;
if (f->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, f->x - 12, f->y - 12);
spawnCollectable(f->x + 20, f->y);
void firewheelDraw(Firewheel* f)
if (f->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cy = 80;
if (f->dir == -1) {
cy += 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(f->x, f->y, 480 + ((int)f->imageIndex * 40), cy, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double imageIndex;
int hp;
int blink;
int dir;
int hsp, vsp;
int wallx, wally;
int timer;
} Firewheel;
void createFirewheel(int x, int y, int dir);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
#include "fish.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../collision.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void createFish(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Fish* f = malloc(sizeof *f);
f->id = i;
f->x = f->xstart = x;
f->y = y;
f->imageIndex = 0;
f->spd = 1;
f->turning = 0;
f->dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
f->dir = -1;
f->spd = -1;
f-> = f->mask.unused = 0;
f->mask.x = x + 3;
f->mask.y = y + 6;
f->mask.w = 34;
f->mask.h = 32;
e->data = f;
e->enemyStep = fishStep;
e->enemyDraw = fishDraw;
e->type = 13;
enemies[i] = e;
void fishStep(Fish* f)
double fric = 0.02;
f->x += f->spd;
f->mask.x = f->x + 3;
if (f->turning == 0) {
f->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (f->imageIndex >= 2) {
f->imageIndex -= 2;
f->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (f->imageIndex >= 3) {
f->turning = 0;
if (f->dir == 1) {
if (f->x > f->xstart + 25) {
f->spd -= fric;
if (f->spd < 0) {
f->dir = -1;
f->turning = 1;
f->imageIndex = 0;
f->spd += fric;
if (f->spd > 1) {
f->spd = 1;
}else if (f->dir == -1) {
if (f->x < f->xstart - 25) {
f->spd += fric;
if (f->spd > 0) {
f->dir = 1;
f->turning = 1;
f->imageIndex = 0;
f->spd -= fric;
if (f->spd < -1) {
f->spd = -1;
if (checkCollision(f->mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, f->x + 20);
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(f->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
createEffect(2, f->x - 12, f->y - 12);
spawnCollectable(f->x + 20, f->y);
void fishDraw(Fish* f)
int thisImage = 0;
if (f->turning == 1) {
if (f->dir == -1) {
int animation[3] = {4, 6, 5};
thisImage = animation[(int)f->imageIndex];
int animation[3] = {5, 6, 4};
thisImage = animation[(int)f->imageIndex];
thisImage = f->imageIndex;
if (f->spd < 0) {
thisImage += 2;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(f->x, f->y, 360 + (thisImage * 40), 360, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
#ifndef FISH_H
#define FISH_H
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int xstart;
double imageIndex;
double spd;
int dir, turning;
Mask mask;
} Fish;
void createFish(int x, int y, int dir);
void fishStep(Fish* f);
void fishDraw(Fish* f);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,578 @@
#include "garm.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
int boss7flag = 47;
void garmStep(Garm* g);
void garmDraw(Garm* g);
void garmrockStep(Garmrock* g);
void garmrockDraw(Garmrock* g);
void createGarm(int x, int y)
if (flags[boss7flag] == 0) { //have not beaten boss 7
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss07.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Garm* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->hp = 105;
//g->hp = 1;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->hsp = 0;
g->vsp = 0;
g->dir = -1;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->state = 0;
g->timer = 0;
g->blink = 0;
g->substate = 0;
g->wallcounter = 0;
g->targx = 0;
e->data = g;
e->enemyStep = garmStep;
e->enemyDraw = garmDraw;
e->type = 46;
enemies[i] = e;
void garmStep(Garm* g)
char dead = 0;
//Blink animation
if (g->blink > 0) {
g->blink -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 88;
mask.h = 104;
mask.x = g->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = g->y + (120 - mask.h);
//Stand still
if (g->state == 0)
g->imageIndex += 0.0625;
if (g->imageIndex >= 2) {
g->imageIndex -= 2;
//End state
g->timer += 1;
if (g->timer >= 60) {
g->state = 1;
//g->vsp = -4.5;
g->counter = 0;
g->timer = 0;
//PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi09], CHN_ENEMIES);
else if (g->state == 1)
g->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (g->imageIndex >= 3) {
g->imageIndex -= 3;
if (g->timer > 0) {
g->vsp = 0;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->timer -= 1;
if (g->timer <= 0) {
//End state
if (g->counter >= 3) {
g->state = 2;
g->counter = 0;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->vsp = -6;
g->hsp = 8;
if (g->x > herox) {
g->hsp *= -1;
if (g->substate == 0) {
g->wallcounter = 1;
g->substate = 1;
g->wallcounter = 2;
g->substate = 0;
g->vsp = -5;
else if (g->timer == 0) {
double grav = 0.25;
if (g->timer == 0) {
g->y += g->vsp;
g->vsp += grav;
mask.y = g->y + (120 - mask.h);
//Land on ground
if (g->vsp >= 0 && g->timer == 0) {
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
g->y = collide.y - 120;
mask.y = g->y + (120 - mask.h);
g->vsp = 0;
g->timer = 3;
g->counter += 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi09], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Leap towards wall
else if (g->state == 2)
double grav = 0.25;
//Set image
if (g->hsp > 0) {
g->imageIndex = 0;
if (g->hsp < 0) {
g->imageIndex = 1;
g->y += g->vsp;
g->vsp += grav;
mask.y = g->y + (120 - mask.h);
g->x += g->hsp;
mask.x = g->x - (mask.w / 2);
if (g->wallcounter > 0)
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
g->wallcounter -= 1;
if (g->hsp < 0) {
g->x = collide.x + 40 + (mask.w / 2);
if (g->hsp > 0) {
g->x = collide.x - (mask.w / 2);
g->state = 3;
g->timer = 0;
//Ground pound
else {
char action = 0;
if ( (g->hsp > 0 && g->x > g->targx) || (g->hsp < 0 && g->x < g->targx) ) {
action = 1;
//Wall collision backup
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (g->hsp < 0) {
g->x = collide.x + 40 + (mask.w / 2);
if (g->hsp > 0) {
g->x = collide.x - (mask.w / 2);
action = 1;
if (action == 1) {
g->state = 4;
g->vsp = -4;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndWolf01], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Grab wall
else if (g->state == 3)
g->timer += 1;
if (g->timer > 5) {
g->state = 2;
g->vsp = -6;
g->hsp *= -1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi09], CHN_ENEMIES);
g->targx = herox;
if (g->wallcounter <= 0) {
//Get distance from player
int dis = g->x - g->targx;
if (dis < 0) {
dis *= -1;
if (dis < 200 || g->substate == 1) {
g->hsp /= 2;
//Ground pound
else if (g->state == 4)
double grav = 0.2;
g->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (g->imageIndex >= 3) {
g->imageIndex -= 3;
g->y += g->vsp;
g->vsp += grav;
mask.y = g->y + (120 - mask.h);
//Collide with floor
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
g->y = collide.y - 120;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit04], CHN_ENEMIES);
quakeTimer = 30;
g->state = 0;
g->timer = -20;
//Create rocks
createGarmrock(g->x + 64, g->y + 100, 2, -4);
createGarmrock(g->x + 34, g->y + 100, 1, -5);
createGarmrock(g->x - 34, g->y + 100, -1, -5);
createGarmrock(g->x - 64, g->y + 100, -2, -4);
createEffectExtra(3, g->x - 50, g->y + 90, -1, 0, 0);
createEffectExtra(3, g->x + 10, g->y + 90, 1, 0, 0);
if (g->state == 5) {
g->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (g->imageIndex >= 3) {
g->imageIndex -= 3;
g->y += 0.2;
if (g->blink % 12 == 0) {
createEffect(2, g->x - 64 + (rand() % 100), g->y + 60 - 64 + (rand() % 80));
if (g->blink <= 0) {
dead = 1;
if (dead == 0) {
//Update Mask
mask.x = g->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = g->y + (120 - mask.h);
//Hero collision
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask) == 1) {
heroHit(40, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
g->hp -= 1;
g->blink = 15;
if (g->hp <= 0) {
g->state = 5;
g->blink = 200;
if (dead == 1) {
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
flags[boss7flag] = 1;
void garmDraw(Garm* g)
if (g->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = 0,
cropY = 0;
//Jump Spinning
if ((g->state == 1 && g->timer == 0) || g->state == 4 || g->state == 5) {
cropY = 128;
cropX = 256;
if (g->state == 2) {
cropY = 128;
//Wall grab
if (g->state == 3) {
cropX = 384;
cropX += (int)g->imageIndex * 128;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x - 64, g->y - 8, cropX, cropY, 128, 128, images[imgBoss]);
void createGarmrock(int x, int y, double hsp, double vsp)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Garmrock* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->hp = 3;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->hsp = hsp;
g->vsp = vsp;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->counter = 0;
g->inwall = 0;
g->blink = 0;
e->data = g;
e->enemyStep = garmrockStep;
e->enemyDraw = garmrockDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void garmrockStep(Garmrock* g)
char dead = 0;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 44;
mask.h = 44;
mask.x = g->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = g->y - (mask.h / 2);
g->imageIndex += 0.2;
if (g->imageIndex >= 4) {
g->imageIndex -= 4;
if (g->blink > 0) {
g->blink -= 1;
//Horizontal movement
g->x += g->hsp;
mask.x = g->x - (mask.w / 2);
g->inwall = 0;
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
g->inwall = 1;
//Vertical movement
double grav = 0.1;
g->y += g->vsp;
g->vsp += grav;
mask.y = g->y - (mask.h / 2);
if (g->inwall == 0 && g->counter == 0) {
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
g->counter = 1;
g->y = collide.y - (mask.h / 2);
g->vsp = -2;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit06], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Update mask
mask.x = g->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = g->y - (mask.h / 2);
//Hero collision
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask) == 1) {
heroHit(30, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
g->hp -= 1;
g->blink = 15;
if (g->hp <= 0) {
dead = 1;
createRockSmash(g->x, g->y + 20);
//Destroy when out of room
if (mask.y > 480) {
dead = 1;
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
void garmrockDraw(Garmrock* g)
if (g->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = 256,
cropY = 192;
if (g->hsp < 0) {
cropX = 512;
cropX += (int)g->imageIndex * 64;
while (cropX >= 640) {
cropX -= 640;
cropY += 64;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x - 32, g->y - 32, cropX, cropY, 64, 64, images[imgMisc32]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#ifndef GARM_H
#define GARM_H
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
double x, y;
double hsp, vsp;
int dir;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer, blink, counter;
int wallcounter, substate;
int targx;
} Garm;
void createGarm(int x, int y);
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
double x, y;
double vsp, hsp;
double imageIndex;
int counter;
int blink;
int inwall;
} Garmrock;
void createGarmrock(int x, int y, double hsp, double vsp);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
#include "gas.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void gasStep(Gas* g);
void gasDraw(Gas* g);
void createGas(int x, int y, int temp)
if (temp == 0 || hasKey[7] == 0) {
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Gas* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->state = 0;
g->timer = 0;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->mask.unused = g-> = 0;
g->mask.w = g->mask.h = 24;
g->mask.x = x + 20 - (g->mask.w / 2);
g->mask.y = y + 40 - g->mask.h;
e->data = g;
e->enemyStep = gasStep;
e->enemyDraw = gasDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void gasStep(Gas* g)
if (g->state != 0) {
g->imageIndex += 0.2;
if (g->state == 0) { //Wait
Mask tempMask; = tempMask.unused = 0;
tempMask.x = g->x - 100;
tempMask.y = g->y - 20;
tempMask.w = 240;
tempMask.h = 60;
if (checkCollisionXY(tempMask, herox, heroy + 20)) {
g->state = 1;
g->imageIndex = 3;
g->timer = 32;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndGas01], CHN_ENEMIES);
else if (g->state == 1 || g->state == 3) { //Small puff
if (g->imageIndex >= 5) {
g->imageIndex -= 2;
g->timer -= 1;
if (g->timer <= 0) {
if (g->state == 3) {
g->state = 0;
g->state = 2;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->timer = 175;
else if (g->state == 2) { //Big puff
if (g->imageIndex >= 3) {
g->imageIndex -= 3;
g->timer -= 1;
if (g->timer <= 0) {
g->state = 3;
g->timer = 120;
g->imageIndex = 3;
if (hasItem[7] != 1) { //Does not have gas mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = mask.h = 24;
mask.x = g->x + 20 - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = g->y + 40 - mask.h;
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask)) {
if (heroHit(15, g->x + 20)) {
void gasDraw(Gas* g)
if (g->state != 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x, g->y, (int)g->imageIndex * 40, 400, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#ifndef GAS_H
#define GAS_H
//#include "../enemy.h"
//#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int state, timer;
double imageIndex;
//Mask mask;
} Gas;
void createGas(int x, int y, int temp);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,218 @@
#include "ghoul.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void ghoulStep(Ghoul* g);
void ghoulDraw(Ghoul* g);
void createGhoul(int x, int y, int type)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Ghoul* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->hp = 2;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->vsp = 0;
g->grav = 0.1;
g->dir = 0;
g->type = type;
g->onground = 0;
g->timer = 0;
g->state = 0;
g->invincible = 0;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g-> = 0;
g->mask.unused = 1;
g->mask.w = 24;
g->mask.h = 32;
g->mask.x = g->x + ((40 - g->mask.w) / 2);
g->mask.y = g->y + (40 - g->mask.h);
e->data = g;
e->enemyStep = ghoulStep;
e->enemyDraw = ghoulDraw;
e->type = 18;
enemies[i] = e;
void ghoulStep(Ghoul* g)
if (g->invincible > 0) {
g->invincible -= 1;
if (g->state == 0) { //Wait
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.w = 280;
area.h = 80;
area.x = g->x - 120;
area.y = g->y - 20;
if (checkCollisionXY(area, herox, heroy + 20) == 1) {
g->state = 1;
g->mask.unused = 0;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->dir = 1;
if (herox < g->x + 20) {
g->dir = -1;
else if (g->state == 1) { //Pop-up
g->imageIndex += 0.16;
if (g->imageIndex >= 4) {
g->state = 2;
g->vsp = -1;
g->imageIndex = 0;
else if (g->state == 2) { //Walking
g->mask.unused = 0;
if (g->onground == 0) {
//Vertical movement
g->y += g->vsp;
g->vsp += g->grav;
g->mask.y = g->y + (40 - g->mask.h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, g->mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, g->mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
g->onground = 1;
g->vsp = 0;
g->y = collide.y - 40;
g->mask.y = g->y + (40 - g->mask.h);
g->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (g->imageIndex >= 2) {
g->imageIndex -= 2;
double hsp = 1;
if ((int)g->imageIndex == 0) {
hsp = 0.5;
if (g->type == 1) {
hsp *= 2;
g->x += hsp * g->dir;
g->mask.x = g->x + ((40 - g->mask.w) / 2);
if (g->onground == 1) {
if ((g->x < -20 || g->x > 660) || checkTileCollision(1, g->mask) == 1) {
g->dir *= -1;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, g->mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
g->x = collide.x + (40 * g->dir);
else {
//check on ledge
g->mask.w = 5;
if (g->dir == 1) {
g->mask.x = g->x + 30;
if (g->dir == -1) {
g->mask.x = g->x + 5;
g->mask.y += 20;
if (checkTileCollision(1, g->mask) == 0 && checkTileCollision(3, g->mask) == 0) {
g->dir *= -1;
g->mask.w = 24;
g->mask.x = g->x + ((40 - g->mask.w) / 2);
g->mask.y = g->y + (40 - g->mask.h);
g->mask.x = g->x + ((40 - g->mask.w) / 2);
g->mask.y = g->y + (40 - g->mask.h);
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(g->mask, getHeroMask())) {
if (heroHit(10, g->x + 20) == 1 && g->type == 1) {
//Weapon Collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(g->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
g->hp -= 1;
g->invincible = 15;
if (g->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, g->x - 12, g->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(g->x + 20, g->y);
void ghoulDraw(Ghoul* g)
if (g->state != 0 && g->invincible % 2 == 0) {
int cx = (int)g->imageIndex * 40,
cy = 160;
if (g->state == 1) {
cx += 160;
if (g->dir == -1) {
cx += 80;
//Purple palette
cy += 160 * g->type;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x, g->y, cx, cy, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
#ifndef GHOUL_H
#define GHOUL_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
double x, y;
double vsp, grav;
int type;
int onground;
int dir;
int state, timer, invincible;
double imageIndex;
Mask mask;
} Ghoul;
void createGhoul(int x, int y, int type);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
#include "golem.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void golemStep(Golem* g);
void golemDraw(Golem* g);
void createGolem(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Golem* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->hp = 4;
g->dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
g->dir = -1;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->state = 0;
g->blink = 0;
e->data = g;
e->enemyStep = golemStep;
e->enemyDraw = golemDraw;
e->type = 28;
enemies[i] = e;
void golemStep(Golem* g)
double imageSpeed = 0.2;
if (g->blink > 0) {
g->blink -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = 36;
mask.h = 36;
mask.x = g->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = g->y + (40 - mask.h);
if (g->state == 0)
g->imageIndex += imageSpeed * g->dir;
if (g->imageIndex >= 8) {
g->imageIndex -= 8;
if (g->imageIndex < 0) {
g->imageIndex += 8;
double hsp = 1;
g->x += hsp * g->dir;
mask.x = g->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
char nextState = 0;
//Check on ledge
mask.x += 30 * g->dir;
mask.y += 10;
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 0 && checkTileCollision(3, mask) == 0) {
nextState = 1;
mask.x = g->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = g->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Collide with wall
mask.x += hsp * g->dir;
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
nextState = 1;
mask.x = g->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
if (nextState == 1) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi10], CHN_ENEMIES);
g->state = 1;
g->imageIndex = 0;
else if (g->state == 1)
g->imageIndex += imageSpeed;
if (g->imageIndex >= 12) {
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->state = 0;
g->dir *= -1;
//Hero Collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
if (g->state == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
g->hp -= 1;
g->blink = 15;
if (g->hp <= 0) {
createRockSmash(mask.x + (mask.w / 2), mask.y + (mask.h / 2));
spawnCollectable(g->x + 20, g->y);
void golemDraw(Golem* g)
if (g->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = 320,
cropY = 160;
int drawY = g->y;
if (g->state == 0) {
cropX += (int)g->imageIndex * 40;
drawY += 2;
cropY = 280;
cropX = 240;
int animation[12] = {0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 2, 1, 0};
cropX += animation[(int)g->imageIndex] * 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x, drawY, cropX, cropY, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#ifndef GOLEM_H
#define GOLEM_H
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double imageIndex;
int hp;
int dir;
int state;
int blink;
} Golem;
void createGolem(int x, int y, int dir);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
#include "gyra.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void gyraStep(Gyra* g);
void gyraDraw(Gyra* g);
void gyraDestroy(Gyra* g);
int boss4flag = 21;
void createGyra(int x, int y)
if (flags[boss4flag] == 0) { //have not yet beaten boss 4
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss02.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
//Boss start
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Gyra* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->hp = 50;
//g->hp = 1;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->targx = g->x;
g->targy = g->y;
g->state = 0;
g->timer = 260;
g->counter = 0;
g->invincible = 0;
g->dir = 0;
g->imageIndex = 0;
g->targx = g->x - 32;
g->targy = g->y + 64;
g->dir = 160;
g->x = g->targx + (80 * sin(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
g->y = g->targy + (80 * cos(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
int a;
for (a = 0; a < 144; a++) {
g->xrecord[a] = g->x;
g->yrecord[a] = g->y;
e->data = g;
e->enemyStep = gyraStep;
e->enemyDraw = gyraDraw;
e->type = 43;
enemies[i] = e;
void gyraStep(Gyra* g)
g->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (g->imageIndex >= 2) {
g->imageIndex -= 2;
int pattern[6] = {0, 1, 2, 1, 0, 2};
//Move in a circle
if (g->state == 0)
int len = 80;
if (g->timer == 0) {
g->targx = g->x + (len * sin((g->dir + 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
g->targy = g->y + (len * cos((g->dir + 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
g->dir -= 90;
g->timer = 250;
g->dir += 1.5;
if (g->dir >= 360) {
g->dir -= 360;
g->x = g->targx + (len * sin(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
g->y = g->targy + (len * cos(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
g->timer -= 1;
if (g->timer <= 0) {
g->counter += 1;
g->state = pattern[g->counter];
if (g->state != 1 && (g->x < 40 || g->x > 600 || g->y < 40 || g->y > 440)) {
g->state = 1;
g->timer = 0;
else if (g->state == 1)
if (g->timer == 0) {
g->targx = herox;
g->targy = heroy + 20;
g->dir += 90;
g->timer = 320;
double spd = 2;
double diralt = 1.2;
double targdir = (atan2(g->targy - g->y, g->x - g->targx) * 180 / 3.14159) + 270;
targdir = g->dir - targdir;
while (targdir >= 360) { targdir -= 360; }
while (targdir < 0) { targdir += 360; }
if (targdir > 180) {
g->dir += diralt;
if (targdir < 180) {
g->dir -= diralt;
g->x += spd * sin(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180);
g->y += spd * cos(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180);
//Get (close) to targ coords
g->timer -= 1;
if (g->timer <= 0 || sqrt( pow(g->x - g->targx, 2) + pow(g->y - g->targy, 2) ) <= spd * 2) {
g->counter += 1;
if (g->counter >= 5) {
g->counter = 0;
g->state = pattern[g->counter];
g->timer = 0;
//Oval movement
else if (g->state == 2)
int wlen = 120,
hlen = 80;
if (g->timer == 0) {
g->targx = g->x + (wlen * sin((g->dir - 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
g->targy = g->y + (hlen * cos((g->dir - 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
g->dir += 90;
g->timer = 200;
g->dir -= 1.5;
if (g->dir < 0) {
g->dir += 360;
g->x = g->targx + (wlen * sin(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
g->y = g->targy + (hlen * cos(g->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
g->timer -= 1;
if (g->timer <= 0) {
g->counter += 1;
if (g->counter >= 5) {
g->counter = 0;
g->state = pattern[g->counter];
if (g->state != 1 && (g->x < 40 || g->x > 600 || g->y < 40 || g->y > 440)) {
g->state = 1;
g->timer = 0;
if (g->state == 3)
g->timer -= 1;
if (g->timer <= 0) {
g->timer = 12;
int cx = g->xrecord[128 - (g->counter * 16)],
cy = g->yrecord[128 - (g->counter * 16)];
createEffect(2, cx - 32, cy - 32);
g->counter += 1;
if (g->counter == 9) {
//Update tail record
int i;
for (i = 142; i >= 0; i--) {
g->xrecord[i + 1] = g->xrecord[i];
g->yrecord[i + 1] = g->yrecord[i];
g->xrecord[0] = g->x;
g->yrecord[0] = g->y;
//for (i = 8; i >= 0; i--) {
for (i = 0; i <= 8; i++) {
int cx = g->x, cy = g->y;
if (i != 0) {
cx = g->xrecord[i * 16];
cy = g->yrecord[i * 16];
Mask mask;
mask.unused = 0; = 1;
mask.x = cx;
mask.y = cy;
mask.w = mask.h = 28;
int a;
for (a = 0; a < MAX_WEAPONS; a++) {
if (weapons[a] != NULL) {
if (weapons[a]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[a]->weaponMask)) {
g->invincible = -15;
if (i == 8) {
g->hp -= 1;
g->invincible = 15;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
//Hit player
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask)) {
if (heroHit(30, mask.x) && i == 0) {
if (g->hp <= 0) {
g->state = 3;
g->timer = 0;
g->counter = 0;
g->invincible = 200;
if (g->invincible > 0) {
g->invincible -= 1;
if (g->invincible < 0) {
g->invincible += 1;
void gyraDraw(Gyra* g)
if (g->invincible <= 0 || g->invincible % 2 == 0) {
//Draw Tail Tip
if (g->state != 3 || g->counter <= 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->xrecord[126] - 40, g->yrecord[126] - 40, 320 + ((int)g->imageIndex * 80), 0, 80, 80, images[imgBoss]);
//Draw Tail
int i;
for (i = 7; i > 0; i--) {
if (g->state != 3 || g->counter <= (7 - i) + 1) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->xrecord[i * 16] - 40, g->yrecord[i * 16] - 40, 160 + ((int)g->imageIndex * 80), 0, 80, 80, images[imgBoss]);
//Draw Head
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x - 40, g->y - 40, (int)g->imageIndex * 80, 0, 80, 80, images[imgBoss]);
//PHL_DrawRect(g->targx, g->targy, 10, 10, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
//heroAmmo = g->state;
int i;
for (i = 8; i >= 0; i--) {
int cx = g->x, cy = g->y;
if (i != 0) {
cx = g->xrecord[i * 16];
cy = g->yrecord[i * 16];
PHL_DrawRect(cx, cy, 10, 10, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
void gyraDestroy(Gyra* g)
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
flags[boss4flag] = 1;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#ifndef GYRA_H
#define GYRA_H
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
double x, y;
double xrecord[144];
double yrecord[144];
int state, timer, counter;
int targx, targy;
int invincible;
double dir;
double imageIndex;
} Gyra;
void createGyra(int x, int y);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,838 @@
#include "heads.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void headStep(Head* h);
void headDraw(Head* h);
void bulletStep(Bullet* b);
void bulletDraw(Bullet* b);
void fireballStep(Fireball* f);
void fireballDraw(Fireball* f);
void laserStep(Laser* l);
void laserDraw(Laser* l);
void flameStep(Flame* f);
void flameDraw(Flame* f);
void rockStep(Rock* r);
void rockDraw(Rock* r);
void airStep(Air* a);
void airDraw(Air* a);
void createHead(int type, int x, int y, int dir, int offset, int cooloff)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Head* h = malloc(sizeof *h);
h->id = i;
h->type = type;
h->x = x;
h->y = y;
h->state = 0;
h->hp = 5;
h->invincible = 0;
h->counter = 0;
h->dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
h->dir = -1;
h->timer = 30 * offset;
h->cooloff = 60;
if (cooloff != 0) {
h->cooloff = 30 * cooloff;
e->type = -1;
if (h->type == 0) {
e->type = 4;
h->cooloff = 120;
else if (h->type == 1) {
e->type = 6;
else if (h->type == 2) {
e->type = 5;
else if (h->type == 3) {
e->type = 7;
h->cooloff = 120;
else if (h->type == 4) {
e->type = 10;
h->dir = 0;
else if (h->type == 5) {
e->type = 25;
h->dir = 0;
e->data = h;
e->enemyStep = headStep;
e->enemyDraw = headDraw;
enemies[i] = e;
void headStep(Head* h)
int RHYNO = 0,
DEMON = 3,
FIRE = 4,
JAR = 5;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.x = h->x;
mask.y = h->y + 1;
mask.w = 40;
mask.h = 39;
if (h->invincible > 0) {
h->invincible -= 1;
if (h->timer > 0) {
h->timer -= 1;
if (h->state == 0)
char endstate = 0;
if (h->timer <= 0) {
if (h->type == RHYNO || h->type == DEMON) {
Mask area; = area.unused = 0;
area.h = 80;
area.w = 400;
area.y = h->y - 20;
area.x = h->x;
if (h->dir == -1) {
area.x -= area.w - 40;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
endstate = 1;
endstate = 1;
//Move onto next state
if (endstate == 1) {
h->state = 1;
h->timer = 30;
else if (h->state == 1)
//Shoot projectile
if (h->timer <= 0) {
//Play Sound
int soundtoplay[6] = {sndShot03, sndShot04, sndFire01, sndHit06, sndShot03, sndShot06};
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[soundtoplay[h->type]], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Set vars
h->state = 0;
h->timer = h->cooloff;
//Create projectile
//Rhyno head
if (h->type == RHYNO) {
createBullet(mask.x + (mask.w / 2), h->y + 24, h->dir, h->id);
//Medusa head
if (h->type == MEDUSA) {
createLaser(h->x, h->y, h->dir);
//Dragon head
if (h->type == DRAGON) {
createFlame(h->x + 20 + (20 * h->dir), h->y - 10, h->dir);
//Demon head
if (h->type == DEMON) {
createRock(h->x + (20 * h->dir), h->y, h->dir);
//Fireball Statue
if (h->type == FIRE) {
createFireball(h->x + 20, h->y + 20, (atan2(heroy - h->y, h->x - (herox - 20)) * 180 / 3.14159) + 270, h->id);
//Air Jar
if (h->type == JAR) {
h->state = 3;
h->timer = 12;
h->counter = 0;
//Air Jar
else if (h->state == 3)
if (h->timer <= 0) {
h->counter += 1;
h->timer = 12;
createAir(h->x, h->y - 20);
if (h->counter >= 6) {
h->counter = 0;
h->state = 0;
h->timer = h->cooloff;
//Hit player
if (h->type != JAR) {
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask)) {
heroHit(10, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
h->hp -= 1;
h->invincible = 15;
if (h->hp <= 0) {
createRockSmash(h->x + 20, h->y + 20);
spawnCollectable(h->x + 20, h->y);
void headDraw(Head* h)
if (h->invincible % 2 == 0)
int sheetX[6] = {0, 320, 160, 240, 560, 400};
int sheetY[6] = {80, 80, 80, 120, 0, 120};
int cropX = sheetX[h->type];
int addx[6] = {6, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0};
int frames = 2;
//Change dir
if (h->dir == 0) {
frames = 1;
frames = 2;
if (h->dir == -1) {
cropX += 40;
//White flash
if (h->state == 1 && h->timer % 6 < 3) {
cropX += 40 * frames;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(h->x - (addx[h->type] * h->dir), h->y, cropX, sheetY[h->type], 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
void createBullet(int x, int y, int dir, int minid)
int i;
for (i = minid; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Bullet* b = malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->hsp = dir * 4;
b->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = b;
e->enemyStep = bulletStep;
e->enemyDraw = bulletDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void bulletStep(Bullet* b)
char dead = 0;
b->x += b->hsp;
//Create Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = 0; = 1;
mask.w = mask.h = 10;
mask.x = b->x;
mask.y = b->y;
if (b->hsp > 0) {
b->imageIndex += 0.33;
b->imageIndex -= 0.33;
if (b->imageIndex < 0) {
b->imageIndex += 4;
if (b->imageIndex >= 4) {
b->imageIndex -= 4;
//Collide with wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
createEffect(1, b->x - 20, b->y - 20);
dead = 1;
//Collide with hero
//Shield collision
if (checkCollision(mask, shieldMask) == 1) {
dead = 1;
createEffect(1, b->x - 20, b->y - 20);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), mask)) {
heroHit(10, mask.x);
//Destroy if outside of view
if (b->x > 660 || b->x < -20 || b->y < -20 || b->y > 520) {
dead = 1;
if (dead == 1) {
void bulletDraw(Bullet* b)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x - 20, b->y - 20, 160 + (40 * (int)b->imageIndex), 480, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
void createFireball(int x, int y, int angle, int minid)
//General idea: try to place fireball over spawner
int i;
for (i = minid; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Fireball* f = malloc(sizeof *f);
f->id = i;
f->x = x;
f->y = y;
f->spd = 3;
f->imageIndex = 0;
f->angle = angle;
f-> = 1;
f->mask.unused = 0;
f->mask.x = x;
f->mask.y = y;
f->mask.w = f->mask.h = 14;
e->data = f;
e->enemyStep = fireballStep;
e->enemyDraw = fireballDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void fireballStep(Fireball* f)
f->x += (f->spd) * sin(f->angle * 3.14159 / 180);
f->y += (f->spd) * cos(f->angle * 3.14159 / 180);
f->mask.x = f->x;
f->mask.y = f->y;
f->imageIndex += 0.5;
if (f->imageIndex >= 8) {
f->imageIndex -= 8;
//Collide with shield
if (checkCollision(f->mask, shieldMask)) {
createEffect(1, f->x - 20, f->y - 20);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
//Hit player
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), f->mask)) {
heroHit(10, f->mask.x);
//Destroy if outside of view
if (f->x > 660 || f->x < -20 || f->y < -20 || f->y > 520) {
void fireballDraw(Fireball* f)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(f->x - 20, f->y - 20, 320 + (40 * (int)f->imageIndex), 440, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
void createLaser(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Laser* l = malloc(sizeof *l);
l->id = i;
l->x = x;
l->y = y;
l->dir = dir;
l->imageIndex = 0;
l-> = l->mask.unused = 0;
l->mask.x = x;
l->mask.y = y + 17;
l->mask.w = 40;
l->mask.h = 6;
e->data = l;
e->enemyStep = laserStep;
e->enemyDraw = laserDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void laserStep(Laser* l)
char dead = 0;
l->x += l->dir * 10;
l->mask.x = l->x;
l->imageIndex += 0.34;
if (l->imageIndex >= 2) {
l->imageIndex -= 2;
if (checkCollision(shieldMask, l->mask)) { //Hit shield
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
createEffect(1, l->x + (20 * l->dir), l->y);
dead = 1;
}else if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), l->mask)) {
heroHit(15, l->x + 20);
if (dead == 0) {
if (checkTileCollision(1, l->mask)) {
createEffect(1, l->x + (20 * l->dir), l->y);
dead = 1;
if (dead == 0) {
if (l->mask.x > 640 || l->mask.x + l->mask.w <= 0) {
void laserDraw(Laser* l)
int dx = 0,
dy = 480;
if (l->dir == -1) {
dx += 80;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(l->x, l->y, dx + (((int)l->imageIndex) * 40), dy, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
//Dragon Flame
void createFlame(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Flame* f = malloc(sizeof *f);
f->id = i;
f->x = x;
f->y = y;
f->dir = dir;
f->timer = 60;
f->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = f;
e->enemyStep = flameStep;
e->enemyDraw = flameDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void flameStep(Flame* f)
f->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (f->timer > 0) {
if (f->imageIndex >= 3) {
f->imageIndex -= 3;
f->timer -= 1;
if (f->timer == 0) {
f->imageIndex = 3;
//Hero Collision
Mask mask; = mask.unused = 0;
mask.x = f->x;
mask.y = f->y + 16;
mask.w = 120;
mask.h = 18;
if (f->dir == -1) {
mask.x -= 120;
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
int centerX = mask.x + 60 - (60 * f->dir);
//Hero is on ladder
if (getHeroState() == 3) {
centerX = herox;
heroHit(30, centerX);
if (f->timer < 0 && f->imageIndex >= 6) {
void flameDraw(Flame* f)
int drawX = f->x,
drawY = f->y;
int cropX = 0,
cropY = 0;
if (f->dir == -1) {
cropX += 720;
drawX -= 120;
cropX += 120 * (int)f->imageIndex;
while (cropX >= 600) {
cropX -= 600;
cropY += 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(drawX, drawY, cropX, cropY, 120, 40, images[imgMisc6020]);
//Demon Rock
void createRock(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Rock* r = malloc(sizeof *r);
r->id = i;
r->x = x;
r->y = y;
r->vsp = -3;
r->dir = dir;
r->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = r;
e->enemyStep = rockStep;
e->enemyDraw = rockDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void rockStep(Rock* r)
char dead = 0;
r->imageIndex += 0.25 * r->dir;
if (r->imageIndex >= 8) {
r->imageIndex -= 8;
if (r->imageIndex < 0) {
r->imageIndex += 8;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.x = r->x + 2;
mask.y = r->y + 2;
mask.w = 36;
mask.h = 36;
int hsp = 3;
double grav = 0.12;
r->y += r->vsp;
r->vsp += grav;
//Collide with floor
mask.y = r->y + 2;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit06], CHN_ENEMIES);
r->y = collide.y - mask.h - 2;
r->vsp = -3;
mask.y = r->y + 2;
r->x += hsp * r->dir;
//Collide with wall
mask.x = r->x + 2;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
dead = 1;
//Hero collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(20, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
if (dead == 1) {
createRockSmash(r->x + 20, r->y);
void rockDraw(Rock* r)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(r->x, r->y, 320 + ((int)r->imageIndex * 40), 160, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
//Air Stream
void createAir(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Air* a = malloc(sizeof *a);
a->id = i;
a->x = x;
a->y = y;
a->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = a;
e->enemyStep = airStep;
e->enemyDraw = airDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
//Air Puff
void airStep(Air* a)
Mask mask; = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 36;
mask.h = 30;
mask.x = a->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
a->imageIndex += 0.5;
if (a->imageIndex >= 2) {
a->imageIndex -= 2;
a->y -= 6;
mask.y = a->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Collide with player
if (getHeroState() != 2) {
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
if (hasItem[27] == 0) {
heroHit(10, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Floating stuff
if (getHeroVsp() > -5) {
//destroy if outside of room
if (mask.y + mask.h < 0) {
void airDraw(Air* a)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(a->x, a->y, (int)a->imageIndex * 40, 560, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
#ifndef HEADS_H
#define HEADS_H
#include "../collision.h"
//Goblin/medusa/dragon head statues
typedef struct {
int id, type; //0 = Rhyno head | 1 = Goblin | 2 = Dragon | 3 = Demon | 4 = Fireball | 5 = Air Jar
int state, timer;
double x, y;
int dir;
int hp, invincible;
int cooloff;
int counter;
//Mask mask;
} Head;
void createHead(int type, int x, int y, int dir, int offset, int cooloff);
//Bullet from Rhyno statues
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int hsp;
double imageIndex;
//Mask mask;
} Bullet;
void createBullet(int x, int y, int dir, int minid); //Minid is the spawner's id
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int angle;
int spd;
double imageIndex;
Mask mask;
} Fireball;
void createFireball(int x, int y, int angle, int minid);
//Medusa lazer
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int dir;
double imageIndex;
Mask mask;
} Laser;
void createLaser(int x, int y, int dir);
//Dragon flame
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int dir;
int timer;
double imageIndex;
} Flame;
void createFlame(int x, int y, int dir);
//Demon Boulder
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double vsp;
int dir;
double imageIndex;
} Rock;
void createRock(int x, int y, int dir);
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double imageIndex;
} Air;
void createAir(int x, int y);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
#ifndef HYDRA_H
#define HYDRA_H
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp, blink;
double x, y;
double hsp, vsp;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer;
int patternCounter;
char onground;
char noheads;
int headid[4];
} Hydra;
void createHydra(int x);
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp, blink;
int dir;
int position; //0 = lower 1 = higher
double imageIndex;
double neckRot;
int state, timer, counter;
int bodyid;
double bodyposX[7];
double bodyposY[7];
} Hydrahead;
int createHydrahead(int dir, int position, int bodyid);
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double hsp, vsp;
char inwall;
char bounce;
double imageIndex;
} Hydragoop;
void createHydragoop(int x, int y, int hsp, int vsp);
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double vsp;
char bounce;
double imageIndex;
} Hydrarock;
void createHydrarock();
typedef struct {
int id;
int timer;
double x, y;
double angle;
double imageIndex;
} Hydrashock;
void createHydrashock(int x, int y);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
#include "jellyfish.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void jellyfishStep(Jellyfish* j);
void jellyfishDraw(Jellyfish* j);
void createJellyfish(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Jellyfish* j = malloc(sizeof *j);
j->id = i;
j->x = x;
j->y = j->ystart = y;
j->ystart += 20;
j->spd = 0;
j->angle = 0;
j->state = 0;
j->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = j;
e->enemyStep = jellyfishStep;
e->enemyDraw = jellyfishDraw;
e->type = 20;
enemies[i] = e;
void jellyfishStep(Jellyfish* j)
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = mask.h = 30;
mask.x = j->x + 20 - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = j->y + 20 - (mask.h / 2);
//Idle float
if (j->state == 0)
j->imageIndex += 0.06;
if (j->imageIndex >= 4) {
j->imageIndex -= 4;
j->angle += 2.5;
if (j->angle >= 360) { j->angle -= 360; }
j->y = j->ystart + (20 * sin(j->angle * 3.14159 / 180));
//Update mask
mask.y = j->y + 20 - (mask.h / 2);
//if player is close enough
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.w = area.h = 160;
area.x = j->x - 60;
area.y = j->y - 60;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
j->state = 1;
j->spd = 0;
if (j->state == 1)
if (j->spd == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_ENEMIES);
j->spd = 3;
//Move Right
if (herox > j->x + 20) {
//Move Up
if (heroy < j->y) {
j->angle = 135;
//Move Down
else {
j->angle = 45;
//Move Left
//Move Up
if (heroy < j->y) {
j->angle = 225;
//Move Down
else {
j->angle = 315;
j->x += (j->spd) * sin(j->angle * 3.14159 / 180);
j->y += (j->spd) * cos(j->angle * 3.14159 / 180);
//Slow down
j->spd -= 0.075;
if (j->spd <= 0) {
j->spd = 0;
j->state = 2;
if (j->state == 2)
if (j->spd == 0) {
j->spd = 1;
j->ystart = j->y - 20;
j->angle = 80;
j->angle += 2.5;
if (j->angle >= 360) { j->angle -= 360; }
j->y = j->ystart + (20 * sin(j->angle * 3.14159 / 180));
if (j->angle >= 180) {
j->state = 0;
j->ystart = j->y - 20;
j->angle = 100;
//Update Mask
mask.x = j->x + 20 - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = j->y + 20 - (mask.h / 2);
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, j->x + 20);
//Sword collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
spawnCollectable(j->x + 20, j->y);
createEffect(2, j->x - 12, j->y - 12);
void jellyfishDraw(Jellyfish* j)
int frame = 0;
//if (j->state == 0) {
int animation[4] = { 0, 1, 0, 2};
frame = animation[(int)j->imageIndex];
if (j->state == 1) {
if (j->angle == 135) {
frame = 3;
else if (j->angle == 225) {
frame = 4;
else if (j->angle == 315) {
frame = 5;
else {
frame = 6;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(j->x, j->y, frame * 40, 520, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int ystart;
double spd;
double angle;
int state;
double imageIndex;
} Jellyfish;
void createJellyfish(int x, int y);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,232 @@
#include "knight.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void knightDestroy(Knight* k);
void createKnight(int x, int y, int type)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Knight* k = malloc(sizeof *k);
k->id = i;
k->type = type;
k->x = x;
k->y = y;
//They face the player when they are spawned
k->dir = -1;
if (herox > x + 20) {
k->dir = 1;
k->vsp = 0;
k->grav = 0.2;
k->state = 0;
k->timer = 60 + (((rand() % 5) + 1) * 60);
k->imageIndex = 0;
k->hp = 2;
//Shield Knight
if (k->type == 1) {
k->hp = 3;
k->invincible = 0;
k->shieldhit = 0;
k-> = 0;
k->mask.unused = 0;
k->mask.x = x + 4;
k->mask.y = y + 8;
k->mask.w = 32;
k->mask.h = 32;
e->data = k;
e->enemyStep = knightStep;
e->enemyDraw = knightDraw;
e->type = 3;
enemies[i] = e;
void knightStep(Knight* k)
if (k->shieldhit > 0) {
k->shieldhit -= 1;
if (k->invincible > 0) {
k->invincible -= 1;
if (k->state == 0) { //Walk
k->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (k->imageIndex >= 2) {
k->imageIndex -= 2;
double spd = 1;
if (k->type == 1) {
spd = 0.5;
spd *= k->dir;
k->x += spd;
k->mask.x = k->x + 4;
k->mask.y = k->y + 8;
Mask emask; = emask.unused = 0;
emask.w = 16;
emask.h = 32;
emask.x = k->x + 12;
emask.y = k->y + 8;
//Turn when colliding with a wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, emask)) {
k->dir *= -1;
//Turn when on an edge
k->mask.x += k->mask.w * k->dir;
k->mask.y += 1;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, k->mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, k->mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
k->dir *= -1;
if (k->x + 20 >= 640 || k->x + 20 <= 0) {
k->dir *= -1;
k->mask.x = k->x + 4;
k->mask.y = k->y + 8;
k->timer -= 1;
if (k->timer <= 0) {
k->state = 1;
k->timer = 120;
k->imageIndex = 0;
else if (k->state == 1) { //Wait
k->timer -= 1;
if (k->timer <= 0) {
k->state = 0;
k->dir = 1;
if (herox < k->x + 20) {
k->dir = -1;
k->timer = 60 + (((rand() % 5) + 1) * 60);
//Green Sword Knight
if (k->type == 0) {
//Hit player
Mask swordMask;
swordMask.unused = 0; = 0;
swordMask.x = k->x + (24 * k->dir);
swordMask.y = k->y + 20;
swordMask.w = 40;
swordMask.h = 10;
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), swordMask)) {
heroHit(30, k->x + 20);
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), k->mask)) {
heroHit(15, k->x + 20);
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(k->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
char gotHit = 1;
int weapondir = weapons[i]->dir;
//Shield Collision
if (k->type == 1) {
if (weapondir == k->dir * -1) {
gotHit = 0;
k->shieldhit = 15;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
if (gotHit == 1) {
k->hp -= 1;
k->invincible = 15;
if (k->hp <= 0) {
void knightDraw(Knight* k)
if (k->invincible % 2 == 0) {
int cx = 0, cy = 200;
//Green Knight's Sword
if (k->type == 0) {
int swordimg = 0;
if (k->dir == -1) {
swordimg = 1;
int posx = 24, posy = 8;
if ((int)k->imageIndex == 1) {
posx -= 2;
posy -= 2;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(k->x + (posx * k->dir), k->y + posy, 160 + (swordimg * 40), 200, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
//Shield Knight
if (k->type == 1) {
cx = 240;
if (k->dir == -1) {
cx += 80;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(k->x, k->y, cx + ((int)k->imageIndex * 40), cy, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
void knightDestroy(Knight* k)
createEffect(2, k->x - 12, k->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(k->x + 20, k->y);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#ifndef KNIGHT_H
#define KNIGHT_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id, type;
double x, y,
vsp, grav;
int dir, state, timer;
double imageIndex;
int hp, invincible;
int shieldhit;
Mask mask;
} Knight;
void createKnight(int x, int y, int type);
void knightStep(Knight* k);
void knightDraw(Knight* k);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,367 @@
#include "lolidra.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
int boss5flag = 38;
void lolidraDestroy(Lolidra* l);
int getNumOfMinions();
void createLolidra(int x, int y)
if (flags[boss5flag] == 0) { //have not beaten boss 5
images[imgBoss] = PHL_LoadQDA("boss05.bmp");
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
//Boss start
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Lolidra* l = malloc(sizeof *l);
l->id = i;
l->x = x;
l->y = y;
l->positionY = l->y;
l->imageIndex = 0;
l->hoverRot = 0;
l->hp = 100;
//l->hp = 1;
l->state = 0;
l->invincible = 0;
l->visible = 1;
l->timer = 0;
l->counter = 0;
l->mask.unused = 0;
l-> = 1;
l->mask.w = 46;
l->mask.h = 0;
l->mask.x = l->x;
l->mask.y = l->y;
e->data = l;
e->enemyStep = lolidraStep;
e->enemyDraw = lolidraDraw;
e->type = 44;
enemies[i] = e;
void lolidraStep(Lolidra* l)
char dead = 0;
l->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (l->imageIndex >= 3) {
l->imageIndex -= 3;
if (l->invincible > 0) {
l->invincible -= 1;
//Spawn minions
if (l->state == 0)
if (l->counter < 5) {
l->counter += 1;
if (getNumOfMinions() < 10) {
l->counter = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_ENEMIES);
createMinion(l->x, l->y - 10);
l->timer += 1;
if (l->timer >= 600){
l->counter = 0;
l->timer = 0;
l->state = 1;
l->invincible = 20;
else if (l->state == 1 || l->state == 3)
if (l->invincible <= 0) {
l->visible = 0;
if (l->timer == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi10], CHN_ENEMIES);
l->timer += 1;
if (l->timer >= 330) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi03], CHN_ENEMIES);
l->timer = 0;
l->visible = 1;
l->invincible = 20;
l->x = herox;
l->positionY = heroy - 40;
if (l->state == 1) {
l->state = 2;
if (l->state == 3) {
l->state = 0;
else if (l->state == 2)
l->timer += 1;
if (l->timer >= 180) {
l->timer = 0;
l->state = 3;
l->invincible = 20;
else if (l->state == 4)
l->y += 0.2;
l->timer -= 1;
l->invincible -= 1;
if (l->timer % 12 == 0) {
createEffect(2, l->x - 64 + (rand() % 128), l->y - 64 + (rand() % 128));
if (l->timer <= 0) {
dead = 1;
if (dead == 0)
if (l->state != 4) {
l->hoverRot += 5;
if (l->hoverRot >= 360) {
l->hoverRot -= 360;
l->y = l->positionY + (5 * sin(l->hoverRot * 3.14159 / 180));
//Update Mask
l->mask.x = l->x;
l->mask.y = l->y;
if (l->visible == 1) {
//Collide with Hero
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), l->mask) == 1) {
heroHit(30, l->x);
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(l->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
l->invincible = 15;
l->hp -= 1;
if (l->hp <= 0) {
l->state = 4;
l->timer = 180;
l->invincible = 200;
void lolidraDraw(Lolidra* l)
if (l->visible == 1 && l->invincible % 2 == 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(l->x - 64, l->y - 74, ((int)l->imageIndex) * 128, 0, 128, 128, images[imgBoss]);
void lolidraDestroy(Lolidra* l)
bossDefeatedFlag = 1;
roomSecret = 1;
flags[boss5flag] = 1;
void createMinion(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Minion* m = malloc(sizeof *m);
m->id = i;
m->state = 0;
m->timer = 0;
m->x = x;
m->y = y;
m->positionY = m->y;
m->dir = rand() % 360;
m->spd = 8;
m->imageIndex = 0;
m-> = 1;
m->mask.unused = 0;
m->mask.w = 10;
m->mask.x = 0;
m->mask.y = 0;
e->data = m;
e->enemyStep = minionStep;
e->enemyDraw = minionDraw;
e->type = 23;
enemies[i] = e;
void minionStep(Minion* m)
char dead = 0;
m->imageIndex += 0.2;
if (m->imageIndex >= 2) {
m->imageIndex -= 2;
//Slow down
if (m->state == 0)
if (m->spd > 0) {
m->spd -= 0.3;
if (m->spd <= 0) {
m->positionY = m->y;
m->spd = 0;
m->dir = 0;
m->state = 1;
else if (m->state == 1)
m->dir += 5;
if (m->dir >= 360) {
m->dir -= 360;
m->y = m->positionY + (10 * sin(m->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
m->timer += 1;
if (m->timer >= 120) {
m->timer = 0;
m->state = 2;
m->spd = (rand() % 2) + 1;
m->dir = (atan2(heroy + 20 - m->y, m->x - herox) * 180 / 3.14159) + 270;
else if (m->state == 2)
m->timer += 1;
if (m->timer >= 120) {
createEffect(5, m->x, m->y);
dead = 1;
if (dead == 0)
if (m->spd != 0) {
m->x += m->spd * sin(m->dir * 3.14159 / 180);
m->y += m->spd * cos(m->dir * 3.14159 / 180);
//Update Mask
m->mask.x = m->x;
m->mask.y = m->y;
//Collide with Hero
if (checkCollision(getHeroMask(), m->mask) == 1) {
if (heroHit(10, m->x) == 1) {
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(m->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
createEffect(2, m->x - 32, m->y - 32);
void minionDraw(Minion* m)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(m->x - 32, m->y - 32, ((int)m->imageIndex) * 64, 128, 64, 64, images[imgBoss]);
int getNumOfMinions()
int result = 0;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] != NULL) {
if (enemies[i]->type == 23) {
result += 1;
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
#ifndef LOLIDRA_H
#define LOLIDRA_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double positionY;
double imageIndex, hoverRot;
int hp, state, invincible,
visible, timer, counter;
Mask mask;
} Lolidra;
void createLolidra(int x, int y);
void lolidraStep(Lolidra* l);
void lolidraDraw(Lolidra* l);
typedef struct {
int id;
int state;
int timer;
double x, y;
double positionY;
double imageIndex;
double dir, spd;
Mask mask;
} Minion;
void createMinion(int x, int y);
void minionStep(Minion* m);
void minionDraw(Minion* m);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
#include "pendulum.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void createPendulum(int x, int y, int side)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Pendulum* p = malloc(sizeof *p);
p->id = i;
p->x = x;
p->y = y;
p->angle = 0;
p->rotCounter = 180;
if (side == 1) {
p->rotCounter += 180;
p-> = 1;
p->mask.unused = 0;
p->mask.w = 24;
p->mask.x = 0;
p->mask.y = 0;
e->data = p;
e->enemyStep = pendulumStep;
e->enemyDraw = pendulumDraw;
e->type = 22;
enemies[i] = e;
void pendulumStep(Pendulum* p)
p->rotCounter += 2;
if (p->rotCounter >= 360) {
p->rotCounter -= 360;
p->angle += (3.15 * cos(p->rotCounter * 3.14159 / 180));
//Update Mask
p->mask.x = p->x + (96 * cos((p->angle + 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
p->mask.y = p->y + (96 * sin((p->angle + 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(p->mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, p->mask.x);
void pendulumDraw(Pendulum* p)
int drawX = p->x,
drawY = p->y;
int len[] = {0, 16, 32, 48, 66, 96};
int cropX[] = {64, 64, 64, 64, 0, 576};
int cropY[] = {128, 128, 128, 128, 128, 64};
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
drawX = p->x + (len[i] * cos((p->angle + 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
drawY = p->y + (len[i] * sin((p->angle + 90) * 3.14159 / 180));
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(drawX- 32, drawY - 32, cropX[i], cropY[i], 64, 64, images[imgMisc32]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
#ifndef PENDULUM_H
#define PENDULUM_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double rotCounter, angle;
Mask mask;
} Pendulum;
void createPendulum(int x, int y, int side);
void pendulumStep(Pendulum* p);
void pendulumDraw(Pendulum* p);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,176 @@
#include "podoboo.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../effect.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void podobooStep(Podoboo* p);
void podobooDraw(Podoboo* p);
void createPodoboo(int x, int y, int offset, int height)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Podoboo* p = malloc(sizeof *p);
p->id = i;
p->x = x;
p->y = p->ystart = y;
p->hp = 2;
p->blink = 0;
p->yoffset = p->rot = 0;
p->vsp = 0;
p->grav = 0.13;
p->jumpheight = -5;
if (height == 1) {
p->jumpheight = -5.4;
if (height == 1) {
p->jumpheight = -7;
p->imageIndex = 0;
p->timer = 30 * offset;
p->state = 0;
e->data = p;
e->enemyStep = podobooStep;
e->enemyDraw = podobooDraw;
e->type = 15;
enemies[i] = e;
void podobooStep(Podoboo* p)
if (p->blink > 0) {
p->blink -= 1;
p->timer -= 1;
//Float in lava
if (p->state == 0)
p->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (p->imageIndex >= 2) {
p->imageIndex -= 2;
//Bob movement
p->rot += 5;
if (p->rot >= 360) {
p->rot -= 360;
p->y = p->ystart + (5 * sin(p->rot * 3.14159 / 180));
if (p->timer <= 0) {
p->state = 1;
createLavaSplash(p->x + 20, p->y);
p->y = p->ystart;
p->vsp = p->jumpheight;
//In air
else if (p->state == 1)
p->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (p->imageIndex >= 3) {
p->imageIndex -= 3;
p->y += p->vsp;
p->vsp += p->grav;
//Land in lava again
if (p->vsp > 0 && p->y >= p->ystart) {
createLavaSplash(p->x + 20, p->y);
p->y = p->ystart;
p->state = 0;
p->vsp = 0;
p->timer = 60;
//Create Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = mask.h = 30;
mask.x = p->x + 5;
mask.y = p->y + 5;
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
p->hp -= 1;
p->blink = 15;
if (p->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, p->x - 12, p->y - 12);
spawnCollectable(p->x + 20, p->y);
void podobooDraw(Podoboo* p)
if (p->blink % 2 == 0) {
int thisImage = p->imageIndex;
if (p->state == 1) {
thisImage += 2;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(p->x, p->y, 280 + (40 * thisImage), 520, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#ifndef PODOBOO_H
#define PODOBOO_H
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int ystart;
int hp;
int blink;
int rot;
double yoffset;
double vsp, grav;
double jumpheight;
double imageIndex;
int timer, state;
} Podoboo;
void createPodoboo(int x, int y, int offset, int height);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
#include "poisonknight.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void poisonknightStep(Poisonknight* p);
void poisonknightDraw(Poisonknight* p);
void goopStep(Goop* g);
void goopDraw(Goop* g);
void createPoisonknight(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Poisonknight* p = malloc(sizeof *p);
p->id = i;
p->hp = 2;
p->x = x;
p->y = y;
p->imageIndex = 0;
p->dir = 1;
if (herox < p->x) {
p->dir = -1;
p->blink = 0;
p->timer = 0;
p->state = 0;
e->data = p;
e->enemyStep = poisonknightStep;
e->enemyDraw = poisonknightDraw;
e->type = 29;
enemies[i] = e;
void poisonknightStep(Poisonknight* p)
char dead = 0;
p->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (p->imageIndex >= 2) {
p->imageIndex -= 2;
if (p->blink > 0) {
p->blink -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 38;
mask.h = 36;
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = p->y + (40 - mask.h);
if (p->state == 0) {
double hsp = 1;
p->x += hsp * p->dir;
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
//Hit wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
p->dir *= -1;
//On wall edge
else {
mask.x += mask.w * p->dir;
mask.y += 10;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
p->dir *= -1;
//Hero is close enough
if (p->timer <= 0) {
Mask area; = area.unused = 0;
area.x = p->x - 110;
area.y = p->y;
area.w = 260;
area.h = 40;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
p->dir = 1;
if (herox < p->x + 20) {
p->dir = -1;
p->imageIndex = 1;
p->timer = 0;
p->state = 1;
p->timer -= 1;
else if (p->state == 1)
p->imageIndex = 1;
p->timer += 1;
if (p->timer >= 15) {
p->state = 2;
p->timer = 0;
p->imageIndex = 2;
//Shoot goop
else if (p->state == 2)
//Shoot goop
if (p->timer == 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi05], CHN_ENEMIES);
createGoop(p->x + (20 * p->dir), p->y - 2, p->dir);
p->imageIndex = 2;
p->timer += 1;
if (p->timer >= 25) {
p->state = 0;
p->timer = 240;
//Update Mask
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = p->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
p->hp -= 1;
p->blink = 15;
if (p->hp <= 0) {
dead = 1;
createEffect(2, p->x - 12, p->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(p->x + 20, p->y);
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
void poisonknightDraw(Poisonknight* p)
if (p->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = (int)p->imageIndex * 40;
if (p->dir == -1) {
cropX += 120;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(p->x, p->y, cropX, 280, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
//Poison Goop
void createGoop(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Goop* g = malloc(sizeof *g);
g->id = i;
g->x = x;
g->y = y;
g->dir = dir;
g->imageIndex = 0;
e->data = g;
e->enemyStep = goopStep;
e->enemyDraw = goopDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void goopStep(Goop* g)
char dead = 0;
g->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (g->imageIndex >= 3) {
g->imageIndex -= 3;
int hsp = 4;
g->x += hsp * g->dir;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 22;
mask.h = 22;
mask.x = g->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = g->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
//Collide with hero
//Collide with shield
if (checkCollision(mask, shieldMask) == 1) {
dead = 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
createEffect(1, g->x, g->y);
//Collide with hero
else if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
if (heroHit(10, mask.x + (mask.w / 2)) == 1) {
//Collide with wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
dead = 1;
createEffect(1, g->x, g->y);
//Destroy if out of room
if (g->x + 40 < 0 || g->x > 640) {
dead = 1;
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
void goopDraw(Goop* g)
int cropX = 400 + ((int)g->imageIndex * 40);
if (g->dir == -1) {
cropX += 120;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(g->x, g->y, cropX, 520, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
double x, y;
double imageIndex;
int dir;
int blink;
int timer;
int state;
} Poisonknight;
void createPoisonknight(int x, int y);
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int dir;
double imageIndex;
} Goop;
void createGoop(int x, int y, int dir);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,375 @@
#include "pumpkin.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void pumpkinenemyStep(Pumpkinenemy* p);
void pumpkinenemyDraw(Pumpkinenemy* p);
void pumpkinheadStep(Pumpkinhead* p);
void pumpkinheadDraw(Pumpkinhead* p);
void createPumpkinenemy(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Pumpkinenemy* p = malloc(sizeof *p);
p->id = i;
p->hp = 3;
p->blink = 0;
p->x = x;
p->y = y;
p->dir = 1;
if (herox < p->x + 20) {
p->dir = -1;
p->imageIndex = 0;
p->state = 0;
p->timer = 0;
e->data = p;
e->enemyStep = pumpkinenemyStep;
e->enemyDraw = pumpkinenemyDraw;
e->type = 32;
enemies[i] = e;
void pumpkinenemyStep(Pumpkinenemy* p)
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = 20;
mask.h = 38;
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = p->y + (40 - mask.h);
p->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (p->imageIndex >= 2) {
p->imageIndex -= 2;
if (p->blink > 0) {
p->blink -= 1;
if (p->state == 0)
double hsp = 0.5;
p->x += hsp * p->dir;
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
//Hit wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1 || mask.x > 640 || mask.x + mask.w < 0) {
p->dir *= -1;
//On edge
mask.x += mask.w * p->dir;
mask.y += 20;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
p->dir *= -1;
//Player is close
if (p->timer <= 0) {
Mask area;
{ = area.unused = 0;
area.w = 240;
area.h = 80;
area.x = p->x - 100;
area.y = p->y - 40;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
p->state = 1;
p->timer = 0;
p->dir = 1;
if (herox < p->x + 20) {
p->dir = -1;
p->timer -= 1;
else if (p->state == 1) {
p->imageIndex = 0;
if (p->timer >= 15) {
p->imageIndex = 2;
p->timer += 1;
if (p->timer == 15) {
createPumpkinhead(p->x, p->y - 6, p->dir);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi05], CHN_ENEMIES);
if (p->timer >= 40) {
p->state = 0;
p->imageIndex = 0;
p->timer = 300;
//Update Mask
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = p->y + (40 - mask.h);
//Hero Collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon Collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
p->hp -= 1;
p->blink = 15;
if (p->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, p->x - 12, p->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(p->x + 20, p->y);
void pumpkinenemyDraw(Pumpkinenemy* p)
if (p->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cropX = (int)p->imageIndex * 40;
if (p->dir == -1) {
cropX += 120;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(p->x, p->y, cropX, 560, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
//Pumpkin bomb head
void createPumpkinhead(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Pumpkinhead* p = malloc(sizeof *p);
p->id = i;
p->dir = dir;
p->x = x;
p->y = y;
p->vsp = -2;
p->imageIndex = 0;
p->state = 0;
p->timer = 0;
e->data = p;
e->enemyStep = pumpkinheadStep;
e->enemyDraw = pumpkinheadDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void pumpkinheadStep(Pumpkinhead* p)
char dead = 0;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
{ = mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 20;
mask.h = 22;
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = p->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
//Pumpkin head
if (p->state == 0)
char explode = 0;
p->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (p->imageIndex >= 2) {
p->imageIndex -= 2;
int hsp = 3;
p->x += hsp * p->dir;
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
p->x = collide.x + 20 - ((20 + (mask.w / 2)) * p->dir) - 20;
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
p->dir *= -1;
double grav = 0.15;
p->y += p->vsp;
p->vsp += grav;
mask.y = p->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
p->y = collide.y - 40;
explode = 1;
//Update Mask
mask.x = p->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = p->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
if (explode == 1) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndBom03], CHN_ENEMIES);
p->state = 1;
p->imageIndex = 0;
p->timer = 0;
//Outside of room
if (mask.y > 480 || mask.x > 640 || mask.x + mask.w < 0) {
dead = 1;
else if (p->state == 1)
//Update Mask
mask.w = 68;
mask.h = 66;
mask.x = p->x - 44 + 64 - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = p->y - 44 + (84 - mask.h);
p->imageIndex += 0.33;
if (p->imageIndex >= 12) {
dead = 1;
//Hero Collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(40, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
void pumpkinheadDraw(Pumpkinhead* p)
if (p->state == 0) {
int cropX = (int)p->imageIndex * 40;
if (p->dir == -1) {
cropX += 80;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(p->x, p->y, cropX, 240, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
if (p->state == 1) {
int cropX = (int)p->imageIndex * 128;
int cropY = 0;
while (cropX >= 640) {
cropX -= 640;
cropY += 96;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(p->x - 44, p->y - 44, cropX, cropY, 128, 96, images[imgExplosion]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
#ifndef PUMPKIN_H
#define PUMPKIN_H
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
int blink;
double x, y;
int dir;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer;
} Pumpkinenemy;
void createPumpkinenemy(int x, int y);
typedef struct {
int id;
int dir;
double x, y;
double vsp;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer;
} Pumpkinhead;
void createPumpkinhead(int x, int y, int dir);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
#include "seal.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../collision.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void sealStep(Seal* s);
void sealDraw(Seal* s);
void createSeal(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Seal* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
s->hp = 2;
s->x = x;
s->y = y;
s->imageIndex = 0;
s->dir = 1;
if (x + 20 > herox) {
s->dir = -1;
s->state = 0;
s->timer = 0;
s->invincible = 0;
e->data = s;
e->enemyStep = sealStep;
e->enemyDraw = sealDraw;
e->type = 19;
enemies[i] = e;
void sealStep(Seal* s)
if (s->invincible > 0) {
s->invincible -= 1;
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = mask.h = 28;
mask.x = s->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = s->y + (40 - mask.h);
if (s->state == 0)
s->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (s->imageIndex >= 2) {
s->imageIndex -= 2;
//Check if hit a wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
s->dir *= -1;
//Check if on edge
mask.x += mask.w * s->dir;
mask.y += mask.h;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
s->dir *= -1;
mask.x = s->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = s->y + (40 - mask.h);
s->x += 0.5 * s->dir;
if (s->timer <= 0) {
//Check if player is close enough
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.x = s->x - 40;
area.y = s->y;
area.w = 120;
area.h = 120;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
s->state = 1;
s->timer = -1;
s->timer -= 1;
//Rear back
else if (s->state == 1)
if (s->timer == -1) {
s->imageIndex = 4;
s->timer = 20;
s->timer -= 1;
if (s->timer <= 0) {
s->state = 2;
s->timer = -1;
s->imageIndex = 0;
//Tounge attack
else if (s->state == 2)
if (s->timer == -1) {
s->timer = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndGet01], CHN_ENEMIES);
int animation[41] = {0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4,
4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 3, 3,
2, 2, 1, 1, 0, 0, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5 };
s->imageIndex = animation[(int)s->timer];
//Update mask height to fit tounge
int len[6] = { 18, 38, 58, 64, 66, 0};
mask.h += len[(int)s->imageIndex];
s->timer += 1;
if (s->timer >= 41) {
s->state = 0;
s->timer = 120;
s->imageIndex = 0;
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(10, s->x + 20);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
s->hp -= 1;
s->invincible = 15;
if (s->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, s->x - 12, s->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(s->x + 20, s->y);
void sealDraw(Seal* s)
if (s->invincible % 2 == 0) {
int cx = 400 + ((int)s->imageIndex * 40);
if (s->state == 0) {
if (s->dir == -1) {
cx += 80;
if (s->state == 2) {
cx = 600;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x, s->y, cx, 200, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
//Draw tounge
if (s->state == 2) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x, s->y + 28, 200 + ((int)s->imageIndex * 40), 0, 40, 80, images[imgMisc2040]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#ifndef SEAL_H
#define SEAL_H
typedef struct {
int id, hp;
double x, y;
double imageIndex;
int dir, state, timer;
int invincible;
} Seal;
void createSeal(int x, int y);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,298 @@
#include "skeleton.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void skeletonStep(Skeleton* s);
void skeletonDraw(Skeleton* s);
void boneStep(Bone* b);
void boneDraw(Bone* b);
void createSkeleton(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Skeleton* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
s->x = x;
s->y = y;
s->imageIndex = 0;
s->dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
s->dir = -1;
s->hsp = 0.5 * s->dir;
s->hp = 2;
s->state = 0;
s->timer = 0;
s->invincible = 0;
s->mask.unused = s-> = 0;
s->mask.w = 24;
s->mask.h = 36;
s->mask.x = s->x + 8;
s->mask.y = s->y + 4;
e->data = s;
e->enemyStep = skeletonStep;
e->enemyDraw = skeletonDraw;
e->type = 17;
enemies[i] = e;
void skeletonStep(Skeleton* s)
if (s->invincible > 0) {
s->invincible -= 1;
//Collide with wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, s->mask) == 1) {
s->hsp *= -1;
//Check if on ledge
int tempdir = 1;
if (s->hsp < 0) {
tempdir = -1;
s->mask.x += tempdir * s->mask.w;
s->mask.y += 10;
if (checkTileCollision(1, s->mask) == 0 && checkTileCollision(3, s->mask) == 0) {
s->hsp *= -1;
s->mask.y -= 10;
s->mask.x = s->x + 8;
s->x += s->hsp;
if (s->timer >= 0) {
s->timer -= 1;
//Walk around
if (s->state == 0)
s->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (s->hsp < 0) {
s->dir = -1;
s->hsp = -0.5;
}else if (s->hsp > 0) {
s->dir = 1;
s->hsp = 0.5;
s->hsp = 0.5 * s->dir;
if (s->timer <= 0) {
//If hero is too close
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.x = s->x - 80;
area.y = s->y - 20;
area.w = 200;
area.h = 80;
if (checkCollision(area, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
s->state = 1;
s->timer = 30;
s->hsp = 0;
s->dir = 1;
if (herox < s->mask.x + (s->mask.w / 2)) {
s->dir = -1;
else if (s->state == 1)
s->hsp = 0;
s->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (s->timer <= 0) {
s->state = 2;
s->hsp = 2.5 * -s->dir;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi05], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Slide backwards
else if (s->state == 2)
s->imageIndex = 0;
double fric = 0.075;
if (s->hsp > 0) {
s->hsp -= fric;
if (s->hsp <= 0) { s->hsp = 0; }
else if (s->hsp < 0) {
s->hsp += fric;
if (s->hsp >= 0) { s->hsp = 0; }
if (s->hsp == 0) {
s->state = 3;
s->timer = 30;
createBone(s->x, s->y, s->dir);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndShot05], CHN_ENEMIES);
//Throw bone
else if (s->state == 3)
s->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (s->timer <= 0) {
s->timer = 0;
s->state = 0;
if (s->imageIndex >= 2) {
s->imageIndex -= 2;
//Update mask
s->mask.x = s->x + 8;
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(s->mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(10, s->x + 20);
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(s->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
s->hp -= 1;
s->invincible = 15;
if (s->hp <= 0) {
createRockSmash(s->x + 20, s->y + 20);
spawnCollectable(s->x + 20, s->mask.y + s->mask.h - 40);
void skeletonDraw(Skeleton* s)
if (s->invincible % 2 == 0) {
int dx = 160 + ((int)s->imageIndex * 40);
if (s->dir == -1) {
dx += 80;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x, s->y, dx, 240, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);
void createBone(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Bone* b = malloc(sizeof *b);
b->id = i;
b->x = x;
b->y = y;
b->hsp = dir * 0.75;
b->vsp = -4;
b->grav = 0.1;
b->imageIndex = 0;
b->mask.unused = 0;
b-> = 1;
b->mask.w = 12;
b->mask.h = 12;
b->mask.x = b->x + 20;
b->mask.y = b->y + 20;
e->data = b;
e->enemyStep = boneStep;
e->enemyDraw = boneDraw;
e->type = -1;
enemies[i] = e;
void boneStep(Bone* b)
if (b->hsp < 0) {
b->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (b->imageIndex >= 4) {
b->imageIndex -= 4;
b->imageIndex -= 0.25;
if (b->imageIndex < 0) {
b->imageIndex += 4;
b->x += b->hsp;
b->y += b->vsp;
b->vsp += b->grav;
//Update Mask
b->mask.x = b->x + 20;
b->mask.y = b->y + 20;
if (b->y > 480) {
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(b->mask, shieldMask)) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_EFFECTS);
createEffect(1, b->x, b->y);
if (checkCollision(b->mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(10, b->x + 20);
void boneDraw(Bone* b)
int img = 320 + ((int)b->imageIndex * 40);
if (b->hsp > 0) {
img += 160;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(b->x, b->y, img, 240, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
#ifndef SKELETON_H
#define SKELETON_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double hsp;
double imageIndex;
int dir;
int hp;
int state, timer, invincible;
Mask mask;
} Skeleton;
void createSkeleton(int x, int y, int dir);
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double hsp, vsp, grav;
double imageIndex;
Mask mask;
} Bone;
void createBone(int x, int y, int dir);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,174 @@
#include "skull.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
void skullStep(Skull* s);
void skullDraw(Skull* s);
void createSkull(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Skull* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
//X/Y in center of sprite
s->x = x + 20;
s->y = y + 20;
s->yoffset = 0;
s->rot = 0;
s->state = 0;
s->timer = 0;
s->imageIndex = 0;
s->dir = 0;
e->data = s;
e->enemyStep = skullStep;
e->enemyDraw = skullDraw;
e->type = 12;
enemies[i] = e;
void skullStep(Skull* s)
double imageSpeed = 0;
if (s->state == 0)
imageSpeed = 0.2;
if (s->timer > 0) {
s->timer -= 1;
Mask tempmask;
tempmask.unused = = 0;
tempmask.x = s->x - 100;
tempmask.y = s->y - 100;
tempmask.w = tempmask.h = 200;
if (checkCollisionXY(tempmask, herox, heroy + 20)) {
//Calculate distance
//int dis = sqrt(pow(s->x - herox, 2) + pow(s->y - (heroy + 20), 2));
//if (dis <= 100) {
s->state = 1;
//s->dir = (rand() % 8) * 45;
s->dir = (rand() % 360) + 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi08], CHN_ENEMIES);
s->timer = 130;
else if (s->state == 1)
imageSpeed = 0.3;
int spd = 2;
s->x += (spd * cos(s->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
s->y += (spd * sin(s->dir * 3.14159 / 180));
double herodir = ((atan2((heroy + 20) - s->y, herox - s->x) * 180) / 3.14159);
if (herodir >= 360) {
herodir -= 360;
if (herodir < 0) {
herodir += 360;
double tempdir = s->dir - herodir;
if (tempdir < 0) {
tempdir += 360;
if (tempdir < 180) {
s->dir -= 2;
s->dir += 2;
if (s->dir >= 360) {
s->dir -= 360;
if (s->dir < 0) {
s->dir += 360;
s->timer -= 1;
if (s->timer <= 0) {
s->state = 0;
s->timer = 10;
s->imageIndex += imageSpeed;
if (s->imageIndex >= 4) {
s->imageIndex -= 4;
//Hover offset
s->rot += 5;
if (s->rot >= 360) {
s->rot -= 360;
s->yoffset = (5 * sin(s->rot * 3.14159 / 180));
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = 0; = 1;
mask.x = s->x;
mask.y = s->y;
mask.w = mask.h = 10;
//Hero collision
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, mask.x);
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
createEffect(2, s->x - 32, s->y - 32);
spawnCollectable(s->x, s->y - 20);
void skullDraw(Skull* s)
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x - 20, s->y + s->yoffset - 20, 480 + ((int)s->imageIndex * 40), 40, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#ifndef SKULL_H
#define SKULL_H
typedef struct {
int id, state, timer;
double x, y;
double yoffset;
int rot;
double dir;
double imageIndex;
} Skull;
void createSkull(int x, int y);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,228 @@
#include "slime.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../collision.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../weapon.h"
void slimeStep(Slime* s);
void slimeDraw(Slime* s);
void createSlime(int x, int y, int type, int offset)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* result = malloc(sizeof *result);
Slime* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
s->x = x + 20;
s->y = y;
s->type = type;
s->offset = offset;
s->hp = 1;
s->state = 0;
s->counter = 0;
s->timer = 0;
s->grav = 0.125;
s->vsp = 0;
s->hsp = 0;
s->imageIndex = 0;
result->data = s;
result->enemyStep = slimeStep;
result->enemyDraw = slimeDraw;
result->type = 0;
enemies[i] = result;
void slimeStep(Slime* s)
char dead = 0;
//Stay within room
if (s->x > 640) {
s->x = 640;
if (s->x < 0) {
s->x = 0;
//Setup Rectangle Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = 0; = 0;
mask.w = 24;
mask.h = 24;
mask.x = s->x - (mask.w / 2);
mask.y = s->y + 28 - (mask.h / 2);
if (s->state == 0)
s->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (s->imageIndex >= 6) {
s->imageIndex = 0;
if (s->offset <= 0) {
s->state = 1;
//Red/Yellow Slime
if (s->type == 1 || s->type == 2)
s->hsp = 1;
if (s->type == 2) {
s->hsp = 1.5;
if ((int)(rand() % 2) == 0) {
s->hsp *= -1;
if (s->counter < 2) {
s->vsp = -2;
s->counter += 1;
s->vsp = -4;
s->counter = 0;
s->offset -= 1;
else if (s->state == 1)
//Red/Yellow Slime
if (s->type == 1 || s->type == 2)
s->x += s->hsp;
mask.x = s->x - (mask.w / 2);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (s->hsp > 0) {
s->x = collide.x - (mask.w / 2);
}else if (s->hsp < 0) {
s->x = collide.x + 40 + (mask.w / 2);
mask.x = s->x - (mask.w / 2);
s->y += s->vsp;
s->vsp += s->grav;
mask.y = s->y + 28 - (mask.h / 2);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (s->vsp >= 0) {
s->state = 0;
s->hsp = 0;
s->y = collide.y - 40;
s->y = collide.y + 40 - (40 - mask.h) + 1;
//Setup Collision Mask
mask.unused = 0; = 1;
mask.w = 12;
mask.x = s->x;
mask.y = s->y + 28;
//Fell in a pit
if (s->y > 480) {
dead = 1;
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, heroMask)) {
int dmg[3] = {10, 20, 20};
if (heroHit(dmg[s->type], s->x) == 1 && s->type == 2) {
//Sword collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
spawnCollectable(s->x, s->y + 6);
createEffect(2, s->x - 32, s->y - 12);
dead = 1;
//Destroy object
if (dead == 1) {
void slimeDraw(Slime* s)
int cropX = 0,
cropY = 0;
if (s->state == 0) {
int image[6] = { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6 };
cropX = image[(int)s->imageIndex] * 40;
else if (s->state == 1) {
cropX = 200;
if (s->vsp >= 0) {
cropX += 40;
//Color offsets
int addX[3] = {0, 280, 0};
int addY[3] = {0, 0, 480};
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x - 20, s->y + 12, cropX + addX[s->type], cropY + addY[s->type], 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
#ifndef SLIME_H
#define SLIME_H
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
int type; //0 = blue | 1 = red | 2 = yellow
int offset;
double vsp, hsp, grav;
double imageIndex;
int counter, timer, state;
int hp;
} Slime;
void createSlime(int x, int y, int type, int offset);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
#include "slug.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void slugStep(Slug* s);
void slugDraw(Slug* s);
void createSlug(int x, int y, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Slug* s = malloc(sizeof *s);
s->id = i;
s->x = x;
s->y = y;
s->imageIndex = 0;
s->vsp = 0;
s->dir = 1;
if (dir == 1) {
s->dir = -1;
e->data = s;
e->enemyStep = slugStep;
e->enemyDraw = slugDraw;
e->type = 2;
enemies[i] = e;
void slugStep(Slug* s)
//Create Mask
Mask mask;
{ = 0;
mask.unused = 0;
mask.w = 32;
mask.h = 24;
mask.x = s->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = s->y + (40 - mask.h);
s->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (s->imageIndex >= 4) {
s->imageIndex -= 4;
//Check if on ground
int onground = 1;
mask.y += 1;
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 0 && checkTileCollision(3, mask) == 0) {
onground = 0;
mask.y -= 1;
if (onground == 0) {
double grav = 0.2;
s->y += s->vsp;
s->vsp += grav;
//Land on ground
mask.y = mask.y + (40 - mask.h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
s->y = collide.y - 40;
s->vsp = 0;
//Check if on ledge
mask.x += mask.w * s->dir;
mask.y += 1;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
s->dir *= -1;
//Horizontal movement
double hsp = 0.5;
s->x += s->dir * hsp;
//Check if hit a wall
mask.x = s->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = s->y + (40 - mask.h);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
s->dir *= -1;
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask()) == 1) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask) == 1) {
createEffect(2, s->x - 12, s->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(s->x + 20, s->y);
void slugDraw(Slug* s)
int anim[4] = { 1, 0, 2, 0 };
int cropx = anim[(int)s->imageIndex] * 40;
if (s->dir == -1) {
cropx += 120;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(s->x, s->y + 10, cropx, 40, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#ifndef SLUG_H
#define SLUG_H
typedef struct {
int id;
int dir;
double x, y, vsp;
double imageIndex;
} Slug;
void createSlug(int x, int y, int dir);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,265 @@
#include "thwomp.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../PHL.h"
#include "../effect.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void thwompStep(Thwomp* t);
void thwompDraw(Thwomp* t);
void createThwomp(int x, int y, int type, int offset, int delay, int dir)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Thwomp* t = malloc(sizeof *t);
t->id = i;
t->x = x;
t->y = y;
t->vsp = 0;
t->grav = 0.3;
t->imageIndex = 0;
t->type = type;
t->state = 0;
t->timer = offset * 30;
t->delay = delay * 30;
//default delay is 60
if (delay == 0) {
t->delay = 60;
t->dir = dir;
t->hp = 3;
t->blink = 0;
e->data = t;
e->enemyStep = thwompStep;
e->enemyDraw = thwompDraw;
e->type = 16;
enemies[i] = e;
void thwompStep(Thwomp* t)
t->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (t->imageIndex >= 3) {
t->imageIndex -= 3;
if (t->blink > 0) {
t->blink -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = mask.h = 36;
mask.x = t->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = t->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
if (t->state == 0) {
t->vsp = 0;
if (t->type == 0) {
Mask area;
area.unused = = 0;
area.x = t->x - 40;
area.y = t->y;
area.w = 120;
area.h = 160;
if (checkCollisionXY(area, herox, heroy)) {
t->state = 1;
t->timer -= 1;
if (t->timer <= 0) {
t->state = 1;
else if (t->state == 1) {
if (t->dir == 0) {
t->y += t->vsp;
if (t->dir == 1) {
t->x -= t->vsp;
if (t->dir == 2) {
t->x += t->vsp;
t->vsp += t->grav;
if (t->vsp >= 7) {
t->vsp = 7;
//Update Mask
mask.x = t->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = t->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
int effX = t->x,
effY = t->y;
if (t->dir == 0) {
t->y = collide.y - 40;
effY = t->y + 20;
if (t->dir == 1) {
t->x = collide.x + 40;
effX = t->x - 20;
if (t->dir == 2) {
t->x = collide.x - 40;
effX = t->x + 20;
t->state = 2;
t->timer = 60;
createEffect(1, effX, effY);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit07], CHN_ENEMIES);
else if (t->state == 2) {
if (t->type == 1) { //Automatic
t->timer -= 1;
if (t->timer <= 0) {
t->state = 3;
else if (t->state == 3) { //rise up
if (t->dir == 0) {
t->y -= 2;
if (t->dir == 1) {
t->x += 2;
if (t->dir == 2) {
t->x -= 2;
//Update Mask
mask.x = t->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = t->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
if (t->dir == 0) {
mask.y -= 4;
if (t->dir == 1) {
mask.x += 4;
if (t->dir == 2) {
mask.x -= 4;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x != -1) {
if (t->dir == 0) {
t->y = collide.y + 40 + 2;
if (t->dir == 1) {
t->x = collide.x - 40 + 2;
if (t->dir == 2) {
t->x = collide.x + 40 + 2;
t->state = 0;
t->timer = t->delay;
//Update Mask
mask.x = t->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = t->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
if (hasItem[16] == 1) { //Has blue paper
t->hp -= 1;
t->blink = 15;
if (t->hp <= 0) {
createRockSmash(t->x + 20, t->y + 20);
spawnCollectable(t->x + 20, t->y);
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndHit03], CHN_WEAPONS);
void thwompDraw(Thwomp* t)
if (t->blink % 2 == 0) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(t->x, t->y, 240 + ((int)t->imageIndex * 40), 400, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#ifndef THWOMP_H
#define THWOMP_H
//#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double vsp, grav;
double imageIndex;
int type, state, timer, dir;
int hp, blink;
int delay;
} Thwomp;
void createThwomp(int x, int y, int type, int offset, int delay, int dir);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,356 @@
#include "waterjumper.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "../game.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include "../collision.h"
void waterJumperStep(WaterJumper* w);
void waterJumperDraw(WaterJumper* w);
void createWaterJumper(int x, int y, int type, int offset, int height)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
WaterJumper* w = malloc(sizeof *w);
w->id = i;
w->type = type;
w->x = x;
w->y = w->ystart = y;
w->hp = 1;
w->hsp = w->vsp = 0;
w->grav = 0.115;
w->yoffset = 0;
w->imageIndex = 0;
w->blink = 0;
w->timer = 60;
w->timer += 60 * offset;
w->rot = 0;
w->state = 0;
if (type == 1) {
w->hp = 2;
w->timer = 60 * offset;
//Specific offset timer
if (offset > 10) {
w->timer = offset;
w->height = height;
w->mask.unused = w-> = 0;
w->mask.x = x + 8;
w->mask.y = y + 8;
w->mask.w = 24;
w->mask.h = 24;
e->data = w;
e->enemyStep = waterJumperStep;
e->enemyDraw = waterJumperDraw;
e->type = 14;
enemies[i] = e;
void waterJumperStep(WaterJumper* w)
if (w->blink > 0) {
w->blink -= 1;
if (w->timer > 0) {
w->timer -= 1;
//Setup Mask
Mask mask;
mask.unused = = 0;
mask.w = 24;
mask.h = 24;
mask.x = w->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = w->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
if (w->state == 0)
w->imageIndex += 0.1;
if (w->imageIndex >= 2) {
w->imageIndex -= 2;
w->rot += 5;
if (w->rot >= 360) {
w->rot -= 360;
w->y = w->ystart + (5 * sin(w->rot * 3.14159 / 180));
//Hop out of water
if (w->timer <= 0) {
w->state = 1;
w->timer = -1;
createSplash(w->x + 20, w->y);
w->y = w->ystart;
//In air
else if (w->state == 1)
w->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (w->imageIndex >= 3) {
w->imageIndex -= 3;
//Green type
if (w->type == 0)
//State Start
if (w->timer == -1) {
w->timer = 0;
w->vsp = -5.5;
w->hsp = -2;
if (w->x + 20 < herox) {
w->hsp *= -1;
//Horizontal Movement
w->x += w->hsp;
//Land in water
if (w->vsp > 0 && w->y >= w->ystart) {
createSplash(w->x + 20, w->y);
w->y = w->ystart;
w->state = 0;
w->hsp = w->vsp = 0;
w->timer = 120;
//Blue type
//State Start
if (w->timer == -1) {
w->timer = 0;
if (w->height == 2) {
w->vsp = -5.5;
else if (w->height == 3) {
w->vsp = -6;
else if (w->height == 4) {
w->vsp = -7;
else if (w->height == 5) {
w->vsp = -7.5;
//Land on expected ground
if (w->vsp > 0) {
if (w->y >= w->ystart - 22 - (w->height * 40)) {
w->y = w->ystart - 22 - (w->height * 40);
w->imageIndex = 5;
w->state = 2;
w->timer = 240;
w->hsp = 2;
if (herox < w->x + 20) {
w->hsp *= -1;
//Vertical Movement
w->y += w->vsp;
w->vsp += w->grav;
else if (w->state == 2) {
w->imageIndex += 0.16;
if (w->imageIndex >= 7) {
w->imageIndex -= 2;
w->x += w->hsp;
mask.x = w->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
//Hit wall
if (checkTileCollision(1, mask) == 1) {
w->hsp *= -1;
//Turn on edge
mask.x += (mask.w / 2) * w->hsp;
mask.y += mask.h;
PHL_Rect collide = getTileCollision(1, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
collide = getTileCollision(3, mask);
if (collide.x == -1) {
w->hsp *= -1;
//End walk
if (w->timer <= 0) {
w->state = 3;
w->timer = -1;
//Jump Down
else if (w->state == 3)
if (w->timer == -1) {
w->timer = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi02], CHN_ENEMIES);
w->vsp = -4;
w->imageIndex = 2;
w->imageIndex += 0.25;
if (w->imageIndex >= 5) {
w->imageIndex -= 3;
w->y += w->vsp;
w->vsp += w->grav;
if (w->vsp > 6) {
w->vsp = 6;
//Land in Water
if (w->y >= w->ystart) {
w->state = 0;
createSplash(w->x + 20, w->y);
w->timer = 60;
//Update Mask
mask.x = w->x + ((40 - mask.w) / 2);
mask.y = w->y + ((40 - mask.h) / 2);
//Collide with hero
if (checkCollision(mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, mask.x + (mask.w / 2));
//Weapon collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (weapons[i]->cooldown == 0) {
if (checkCollision(mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
w->blink = 15;
w->hp -= 1;
if (w->hp <= 0) {
createEffect(2, w->x - 12, w->y - 12);
spawnCollectable(w->x + 20, w->y);
void waterJumperDraw(WaterJumper* w)
if (w->blink % 2 == 0) {
int cx = (int)w->imageIndex * 40;
if (w->state == 1) {
cx += 80;
if (w->type == 1) {
cx += 200;
if (w->state == 2 && w->hsp < 0) {
cx += 80;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(w->x, w->y, cx, 440, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
#include "../enemy.h"
typedef struct {
int id, type;
double x, y;
int hp;
int blink;
int ystart, rot;
double yoffset;
double hsp, vsp, grav;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer;
int height;
} WaterJumper;
void createWaterJumper(int x, int y, int type, int offset, int height);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
#include "wizard.h"
#include "../enemy.h"
#include "../game.h"
#include "../hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void createWizard(int x, int y)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_ENEMIES; i++) {
if (enemies[i] == NULL) {
Enemy* e = malloc(sizeof *e);
Wizard* w = malloc(sizeof *w);
w->id = i;
w->x = x;
w->y = y;
w->imageIndex = 0;
w->state = 0;
w->timer = 50;
w->visible = 1;
w-> = w->mask.unused = 0;
w->mask.w = 24;
w->mask.h = 38;
w->mask.x = w->x + 8;
w->mask.y = w->y + 2;
e->data = w;
e->enemyStep = wizardStep;
e->enemyDraw = wizardDraw;
e->type = 21;
enemies[i] = e;
void wizardStep(Wizard* w)
w->imageIndex += 0.3;
if (w->imageIndex >= 3) {
w->imageIndex -= 3;
//Stand still
if (w->state == 0) {
w->timer -= 1;
if (w->timer <= 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi10], CHN_ENEMIES);
w->state = 1;
w->timer = 15;
else if (w->state == 1 || w->state == 3) {
if (w->visible == 0) {
w->visible = 1;
w->visible = 0;
w->timer -= 1;
if (w->timer <= 0) {
if (w->state == 1) {
w->state = 2;
w->timer = 60;
else if (w->state == 3) {
w->visible = 1;
w->state = 0;
w->timer = 50;
else if (w->state == 2) {
w->visible = 0;
w->timer -= 1;
if (w->timer <= 0) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi03], CHN_ENEMIES);
w->state = 3;
w->timer = 15;
//Horizontal Jump
int gridX = w->x / 40,
gridY = w->y / 40,
lastGridX = gridX;
do {
gridX = (rand() % 16) + 1;
} while (collisionTiles[gridX][gridY] != 0 ||
collisionTiles[gridX][gridY+1] != 1 ||
gridX == lastGridX);
w->x = gridX * 40;
w->mask.x = w->x + 8;
if (w->state == 0 || w->state == 3) {
//Hit Player
if (checkCollision(w->mask, getHeroMask())) {
heroHit(15, w->x + 20);
//Weapon Collision
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++) {
if (weapons[i] != NULL) {
if (checkCollision(w->mask, weapons[i]->weaponMask)) {
createEffect(2, w->x - 12, w->y - 6);
spawnCollectable(w->x + 20, w->y);
void wizardDraw(Wizard* w)
if (w->visible == 1) {
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(w->x, w->y, 520 + (((int)w->imageIndex) * 40), 480, 40, 40, images[imgEnemies]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
#ifndef WIZARD_H
#define WIZARD_H
#include "../collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id;
double x, y;
double imageIndex;
int state, timer, visible;
Mask mask;
} Wizard;
void createWizard(int x, int y);
void wizardStep(Wizard* w);
void wizardDraw(Wizard* w);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
#include "enemy.h"
#include "game.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void enemyDestroy(int id)
if (enemies[id] != NULL) {
if (enemies[id]->data != NULL) {
enemies[id]->data = NULL;
enemies[id] = NULL;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
#ifndef ENEMY_H
#define ENEMY_H
typedef struct {
void* data; //Specific enemy struct
void (*enemyStep)();
void (*enemyDraw)();
int type;
} Enemy;
void enemyDestroy(int id);

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
#ifndef GAME_H
#define GAME_H
#include "PHL.h"
#include "enemy.h"
#include "enemies/slime.h"
#include "enemies/bat.h"
#include "enemies/slug.h"
#include "enemies/knight.h"
#include "enemies/heads.h"
#include "enemies/gas.h"
#include "enemies/skull.h"
#include "enemies/fish.h"
#include "enemies/waterjumper.h"
#include "enemies/podoboo.h"
#include "enemies/thwomp.h"
#include "enemies/dodo.h"
#include "enemies/batboss.h"
#include "enemies/crab.h"
#include "enemies/skeleton.h"
#include "enemies/ghoul.h"
#include "enemies/seal.h"
#include "enemies/jellyfish.h"
#include "enemies/wizard.h"
#include "enemies/pendulum.h"
#include "enemies/gyra.h"
#include "enemies/lolidra.h"
#include "enemies/bee.h"
#include "enemies/devil.h"
#include "enemies/firewheel.h"
#include "enemies/boar.h"
#include "enemies/golem.h"
#include "enemies/garm.h"
#include "enemies/poisonknight.h"
#include "enemies/dog.h"
#include "enemies/boomknight.h"
#include "enemies/pumpkin.h"
#include "enemies/hydra.h"
#include "object.h"
#include "effect.h"
#include "weapon.h"
#include "platform.h"
#define TITLE 0
#define GAME 1
#define INVENTORY 2
#define OPTIONS 3
#define SAVING 4
#define LEVELSTART 5
#define GETITEM 6
//Sound channels
#define CHN_MUSIC 0
#define CHN_SOUND 1 //Various sounds, like menus and fanfares
#define CHN_HERO 2
#define CHN_WEAPONS 3
#define CHN_ENEMIES 4
#define CHN_EFFECTS 5
extern Door* lastDoor;
extern int secretTimer;
extern int levelStartTimer;
extern int saveTimer;
extern int quakeTimer;
extern int bellFlag;
extern int bossFlag;
extern int bossDefeatedFlag;
extern char roomDarkness;
//Used for item get message
extern int itemGotX;
extern int itemGotY;
extern int roomSecret;
extern int collisionTiles[16][12];
//Playtime in frames. At 60 frames per second can hold ~828 1/2 days worth of playtime if my math isn't shit
extern unsigned long playTime;
extern unsigned char hasWeapon[5];
extern unsigned char hasItem[28];
extern unsigned char hasKey[8];
//Save data flags
extern unsigned char flags[60];
extern PHL_Background background,
//Game assets
extern PHL_Surface images[15];
extern PHL_Music bgmMusic;
extern PHL_Music bgmSecret;
extern PHL_Music bgmGameover;
extern PHL_Sound sounds[43];
#define MAX_WEAPONS 5
extern Weapon* weapons[MAX_WEAPONS];
#define MAX_OBJECTS 40
extern Object* objects[MAX_OBJECTS];
#define MAX_ENEMIES 20
extern Enemy* enemies[MAX_ENEMIES];
#define MAX_EFFECTS 30
extern Effect* effects[MAX_EFFECTS];
#define MAX_PLATFORMS 10
extern Platform* platforms[MAX_PLATFORMS];
//Graphic names
#define imgTiles 0
#define imgEnemies 1
#define imgHud 2
#define imgMisc20 3
#define imgMisc32 4
#define imgHero 5
#define imgItems 6
#define imgExplosion 7
#define imgBoss 8
#define imgMisc2040 9
#define imgFontKana 10
#define imgBoldFont 11
#define imgDark 12
#define imgMisc6020 13
#define imgTitle01 14
//Sound names
#define sndBee01 0
#define sndBell01 1
#define sndBom01 2
#define sndBom02 3
#define sndBom03 4
#define sndDoor00 5
#define sndFire01 6
#define sndGas01 7
#define sndGet01 8
#define sndGet02 9
#define sndHit01 10
#define sndHit02 11
#define sndHit03 12
#define sndHit04 13
#define sndHit05 14
#define sndHit06 15
#define sndHit07 16
#define sndJump01 17
#define sndJump02 18
#define sndNg 19
#define sndOk 20
#define sndPi01 21
#define sndPi02 22
#define sndPi03 23
#define sndPi04 24
#define sndPi05 25
#define sndPi06 26
#define sndPi07 27
#define sndPi08 28
#define sndPi09 29
#define sndPi10 30
#define sndPower01 31
#define sndPower02 32
#define sndShot01 33
#define sndShot02 34
#define sndShot03 35
#define sndShot04 36
#define sndShot05 37
#define sndShot06 38
#define sndShot07 39
#define sndStep01 40
#define sndWater01 41
#define sndWolf01 42
#ifdef _SDL
extern char savename[4096];
extern char savemap[4096];
#define savename "data/save.tmp"
#define savemap "map/"
#ifdef _KOLIBRI
#define KOS_HCL_SAVES_PATH "/tmp0/1/.hydracastlelabyrinth"
#define KOS_TMP_DIR "/tmp0/1"
void loadImages();
void freeImages();
void loadResources();
void freeResources();
void game();
void gameSetup();
void gameCleanup();
void enterDoor();
void getItemSetup(int itemNum);
int getItemEMStep();
void getItem(int itemNum);
void saveScreen();
void gameEnding();
//void enterDoor(Door* d);
void loadScreen();
void changeScreen(int dx, int dy);
int writeSave(char* fname);
void loadSave(char* fname);
int fileExists(char* fpath);
void playSecret();
void secretCountdown();
int getDrawHP();
void setDrawHP(int val);
int getLevel();
void setBossRoom();
void setAutoSave(char val);
char getAutoSave();

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
#ifndef HERO_H
#define HERO_H
#include "PHL.h"
#include "collision.h"
extern double herox, heroy;
extern double herohp, maxhp;
extern int heroAmmo, maxAmmo;
extern int heroWeapon;
extern Mask heroMask;
extern Mask shieldMask;
void heroSetup();
void heroCleanup();
int heroStep();
void heroDraw();
int heroHit(int damage, int centerx);
void heroPoison();
void heroStone();
Mask getHeroMask();
int getHeroState();
void setHeroState(int s);
int getHeroInvincible();
int getHeroDirection();
void setHeroDirection(int d);
double getHeroImageIndex();
void setHeroImageIndex(double index);
double getHeroVsp();
double getHeroHsp();
void setHeroHsp(double newHsp);
void setHeroVsp(double newVsp);
int getHeroOnground();
void setHeroOnground(int val);
void setHeroTimer(int t);
int getHeroPoisoned();
void heroStun();
void setHeroCanjump(int set);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,395 @@
#include "ini.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "options.h"
#include "PHL.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "text.h"
#include <emscripten.h>
//char* getFileLocation();
char* trimString(char* orig);
void screenLoad(char* first, char* second);
void sizeLoad(char* first, char* second);
void blurLoad(char* first, char* second);
void xbrzLoad(char* first, char* second);
void languageLoad(char* first, char* second);
void autosaveLoad(char* first, char* second);
void musictypeLoad(char* first, char* second);
void musicvolumeLoad(char* first, char* second);
void iniInit()
//Build filepath
char fullPath[128];
#ifdef _SDL
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
strcpy(fullPath, "PROGDIR:.hydracastlelabyrinth/");
#elif defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
strcpy(fullPath, "hcl_data/");
#elif defined(_KOLIBRI)
strcpy(fullPath, KOS_HCL_SAVES_PATH"/");
strcpy(fullPath, getenv("HOME"));
strcat(fullPath, "/.hydracastlelabyrinth/");
#elif defined(_3DS)
strcpy(fullPath, "sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/");
strcpy(fullPath, "");
strcat(fullPath, "system.ini");
FILE* f;
if ( (f = fopen(fullPath, "rt")) )
//File exists - read it
//File does not exists - create it (with default hardcoded settings)
void saveSettings()
//Build filepath
char fullPath[128];
#ifdef _SDL
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
strcpy(fullPath, "PROGDIR:.hydracastlelabyrinth/");
#elif defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
strcpy(fullPath, "hcl_data/");
#elif defined(_KOLIBRI)
strcpy(fullPath, KOS_HCL_SAVES_PATH"/");
strcpy(fullPath, getenv("HOME"));
strcat(fullPath, "/.hydracastlelabyrinth/");
#elif defined(_3DS)
strcpy(fullPath, "sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/");
strcpy(fullPath, "");
strcat(fullPath, "system.ini");
FILE* f;
if ( (f = fopen(fullPath, "wt")) )
fprintf(f, "[disp]");
#ifdef _3DS
fprintf(f, "\r\nscreen=");
if (activeScreen->screen == GFX_BOTTOM) {
fprintf(f, "bottom");
fprintf(f, "top");
#ifdef _PSP
//Screen Size
fprintf(f, "\r\nsize=");
if (getScreenSize() == 1) {
fprintf(f, "1");
else if (getScreenSize() == 2) {
fprintf(f, "2");
else {
fprintf(f, "0");
//Screen Blur
fprintf(f, "\r\nblur=");
if (getBlur() == 1) {
fprintf(f, "on");
fprintf(f, "off");
#ifdef _SDL
//xBRZ Scaling
fprintf(f, "\r\nxbrz=");
if (getXBRZ() == 1) {
fprintf(f, "on");
fprintf(f, "off");
fprintf(f, "\r\n[system]");
fprintf(f, "\r\nlanguage=");
if (getLanguage() == 0) {
fprintf(f, "jp");
if (getLanguage() == 1) {
fprintf(f, "en");
fprintf(f, "\r\nautosave=");
if (getAutoSave() == 1) {
fprintf(f, "on");
fprintf(f, "off");
#ifdef _SDL
fprintf(f, "\r\n[audio]");
fprintf(f, "\r\nmusic_type=%s", getMusicType()?"ogg":"midi");
fprintf(f, "\r\nmusic=%d", music_volume);
// Audio
FS.syncfs(false,function () {
Module.print("File sych'd")
void loadSettings()
//Build filepath
char fullPath[128];
#ifdef _SDL
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
strcpy(fullPath, "PROGDIR:.hydracastlelabyrinth/");
#elif defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
strcpy(fullPath, "hcl_data/");
#elif defined(_KOLIBRI)
strcat(fullPath, KOS_HCL_SAVES_PATH"/");
strcpy(fullPath, getenv("HOME"));
strcat(fullPath, "/.hydracastlelabyrinth/");
#elif defined(_3DS)
strcpy(fullPath, "sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/");
strcpy(fullPath, "");
strcat(fullPath, "system.ini");
FILE* f;
if ( (f = fopen(fullPath, "rt")) )
char line[80];
while ( (fgets(line, 80, f) != NULL) )
char* lineptr = line;
lineptr = trimString(lineptr);
if (lineptr != NULL) {
//Ignore category lines
if (lineptr[0] != '[')
//Check if it has a = delimiter first
int i;
for (i = 0; i < 80; i++) {
if (line[i] == '=')
//Begin line splitting
char* half;
if ( (half = strsep(&lineptr, "=")) != NULL)
//first half
char* fhalf = half;
if ( (half = strsep(&lineptr, "=")) != NULL) {
//Second half
char* shalf = half;
//Load options
screenLoad(fhalf, shalf);
sizeLoad(fhalf, shalf);
blurLoad(fhalf, shalf);
xbrzLoad(fhalf, shalf);
languageLoad(fhalf, shalf);
autosaveLoad(fhalf, shalf);
musictypeLoad(fhalf, shalf);
musicvolumeLoad(fhalf, shalf);
i = 81;
//Build file path
char* getFileLocation()
char fullPath[128];
strcpy(fullPath, "");
#ifdef _CIA
strcat(fullPath, "sdmc:/3ds/HydraCastleLabyrinth/");
strcat(fullPath, "system.ini");
return fullPath;
char* trimString(char* orig)
char* output = orig;
int i, r = 0;
for (i = 0; i < strlen(orig); i++) {
if (orig[i] != ' ' && orig[i] != '\n' && orig[i] != '\r') {
output[r] = orig[i];
orig[r] = 0;
return output;
void screenLoad(char* first, char* second)
#ifdef _3DS
if (strcmp(first, "screen") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "top") == 0) {
swapScreen(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT);
if (strcmp(second, "bottom") == 0) {
void sizeLoad(char* first, char* second)
#ifdef _PSP
if (strcmp(first, "size") == 0) {
if (second[0] == '0') {
//fprintf(debug, "\nsize is 0");
if (second[0] == '1') {
//fprintf(debug, "\nsize is 1");
if (second[0] == '2') {
//fprintf(debug, "\nsize is 2");
void blurLoad(char* first, char* second)
#ifdef _PSP
if (strcmp(first, "blur") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "on") == 0) {
//fprintf(debug, "\nblur is on");
if (strcmp(second, "off") == 0) {
//fprintf(debug, "\nblur is off");
void xbrzLoad(char* first, char* second)
#ifdef _SDL
if (strcmp(first, "xbrz") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "on") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "off") == 0) {
void languageLoad(char* first, char* second)
if (strcmp(first, "language") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "en") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "jp") == 0) {
void autosaveLoad(char* first, char* second)
if (strcmp(first, "autosave") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "on") == 0) {
//fprintf(debug, "\nautosave is on");
if (strcmp(second, "off") == 0) {
//fprintf(debug, "\nautosave is off");
void musicvolumeLoad(char* first, char* second)
#ifdef _SDL
if (strcmp(first, "music") == 0) {
if (second[0] >= '0' && second[0] <= '4') {
music_volume = second[0]-'0';
PHL_MusicVolume(0.25f * music_volume);
void musictypeLoad(char* first, char* second)
#ifdef _SDL
if (strcmp(first, "music_type") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "ogg") == 0) {
if (strcmp(second, "midi") == 0) {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
#ifndef INI_H
#define INI_H
//Functions to handle the "system.ini" file
void iniInit();
void saveSettings();
void loadSettings();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
#include "inventory.h"
#include "PHL.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "text.h"
int cursorX = 0;
int cursorY = 0;
static char tempDark;
void inventorySetup()
tempDark = roomDarkness;
roomDarkness = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi04], CHN_SOUND);
int inventoryEMStep()
int result = -1;
if (inventoryStep() == 1) {
result = 0;
roomDarkness = tempDark;
return result;
void inventory()
char tempDark = roomDarkness;
roomDarkness = 0;
char loop = 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi04], CHN_SOUND);
while (PHL_MainLoop() && loop == 1)
if (inventoryStep() == 1) {
loop = 0;
roomDarkness = tempDark;
int inventoryStep()
char playsnd = 0;
if (btnRight.pressed - btnLeft.pressed != 0) {
cursorX += btnRight.pressed - btnLeft.pressed;
playsnd = 1;
if (btnDown.pressed - btnUp.pressed != 0) {
cursorY += btnDown.pressed - btnUp.pressed;
playsnd = 1;
if (playsnd == 1) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi01], CHN_SOUND);
//Limit cursor
if (cursorX < 0) { cursorX = 6; }
if (cursorX > 6) { cursorX = 0; }
if (cursorY < 0) { cursorY = 3; }
if (cursorY > 3) { cursorY = 0; }
if (btnStart.pressed == 1 || btnDecline.pressed == 1)
return 1;
return 0;
void inventoryDraw()
//Black background
PHL_DrawRect(0, 0, 640, 480, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
PHL_DrawTextBold("SUB WEAPON", 16, 16, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("ITEM", 16, 96, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("KEY", 16, 320, YELLOW);
//Blue rectangles
int i, a, cx, cy;
for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
PHL_DrawRect(18 + (48 * i), 34, 44, 44, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
PHL_DrawRect(20 + (48 * i), 36, 40, 40, PHL_NewRGB(119, 166, 219));
if (hasWeapon[i] == 1) {
cx = (i + 1) * 40;
cx = 0;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(20 + (48 * i), 36, cx, 0, 40, 40, images[imgItems]);
int count = 0;
int imageOrder[28] = { 13, 17, 16, 15, 8, 10, 9,
18, 4, 6, 5, 7, 3, 11,
14, 12, 1, 2, 22, 26, 27,
21, 25, 28, 23, 20, 19, 24 };
for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
for (a = 0; a < 7; a++) {
PHL_DrawRect(18 + (48 * a), 114 + (48 * i), 44, 44, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
PHL_DrawRect(20 + (48 * a), 116 + (48 * i), 40, 40, PHL_NewRGB(119, 166, 219));
if (hasItem[count] == 0) {
cx = 0;
cy = 0;
cy = 0;
cx = (imageOrder[count] + 6) * 40;
while (cx >= 640) {
cy += 40;
cx -= 640;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(20 + (48 * a), 116 + (48 * i), cx, cy, 40, 40, images[imgItems]);
for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
PHL_DrawRect(18 + (48 * i), 338, 44, 44, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
PHL_DrawRect(20 + (48 * i), 340, 40, 40, PHL_NewRGB(119, 166, 219));
if (hasKey[i] == 1) {
cx = 120 + (i * 40);
cy = 80;
cx = 0;
cy = 0;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(20 + (48 * i), 340, cx, cy, 40, 40, images[imgItems]);
//Text box
PHL_DrawRect(16, 400, 606, 46, PHL_NewRGB(255, 255, 255));
PHL_DrawRect(18, 402, 602, 42, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 255));
if (hasItem[cursorX + (cursorY * 7)] == 1) {
int drawX = 32, drawY = 402;
//Draw item name
drawX = drawText(itemName[cursorX + (cursorY * 7) + 5], drawX, drawY);
//Draw item description
drawX = drawCharacter(6, 0, drawX, drawY);
drawText(itemDescription[cursorX + (cursorY * 7)], drawX, drawY);
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(16 + (cursorX * 48), 112 + (cursorY * 48), 0, 96, 48, 48, images[imgHud]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
void inventorySetup();
int inventoryEMStep();
void inventory();
int inventoryStep();
void inventoryDraw();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
#include "PHL.h"
#include "game.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#ifdef ODROID
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <emscripten.h>
#ifdef __amigaos4__
static const char* __attribute__((used)) stackcookie = "$STACK: 1000000";
#ifdef __MORPHOS__
unsigned long __stack = 1000000;
#ifdef _KOLIBRI
extern char* dirname(char*);
extern void setcwd(char*);
void createSaveLocations()
//Force create save data folders
#ifdef _3DS
//3DS builds
mkdir("sdmc:/3ds", 0777);
mkdir("sdmc:/3ds/appdata", 0777);
mkdir("sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth", 0777);
mkdir("sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/data", 0777);
mkdir("sdmc:/3ds/appdata/HydraCastleLabyrinth/map", 0777);
#elif defined(_SDL)
char buff[4096];
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
#elif defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
strcpy(buff, "hcl_data");
#elif defined (_KOLIBRI)
mkdir(KOS_HCL_SAVES_PATH, 777);
strcpy(buff, getenv("HOME"));
strcat(buff, "/.hydracastlelabyrinth");
// if exist first?
#ifndef _KOLIBRI
struct stat sb;
if(!(stat(buff, &sb)==0 && S_ISDIR(sb.st_mode)))
mkdir(buff, 0777);
//psp, wii
mkdir("/data", 0777);
mkdir("/map", 0777);
int fileSynched = 0;
int main(int argc, char **argv)
#ifdef _KOLIBRI
// that HEAP32 on &fileSynched looks like a hack, but I needed a way to be sure the DB is read before reading the ini files
Module.print("Will import permanent storage");
FS.syncfs(true, function() {
Module.print("Permanent storage imported");
HEAP32[$0>>2] = 1;
}, &fileSynched);
#ifdef _3DS
#ifdef _SDL
if ( SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_VIDEO) < 0) {
#if defined(PANDORA) || defined(PYRA) || defined(CHIP) || defined(ODROID)
wantFullscreen = 1;
wantFullscreen = 0;
#ifdef CHIP
screenScale = 1;
#elif defined(BITTBOY)
screenScale = 1;
#elif defined(PYRA)
//screenScale = 3;
desktopFS = 1;
#elif defined(ODROID)
desktopFS = 1;
screenScale = 2;
useJoystick = 1;
// get command line arguments
for (int i=1; i<argc; i++)
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-f"))
wantFullscreen = 1;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--fullscreen"))
wantFullscreen = 1;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-d"))
desktopFS = 1;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--desktop"))
desktopFS = 1;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-x1"))
screenScale = 1;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-x2"))
screenScale = 2;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-x3"))
screenScale = 3;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-x4"))
screenScale = 4;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-x5"))
screenScale = 5;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--xbrz"))
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--no-xbrz"))
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-j"))
useJoystick = 0;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "--nojoy"))
useJoystick = 0;
if(!strcmp(argv[i], "-h") || !strcmp(argv[i], "--help")) {
printf("Quick help\n-f|--fullscreen\tUse fullscreen\n-d|--desktop\tdesktop fullscreen\n-x1|-x2|-x3|-x4\tUse screenScale of *1..*4 (default *2 = 640x480)\n-j|-nojoy\tdo not use Joystick\n--xbrz\tUse xBRZ scaling\n--no-xbrz\tNo xBRZ scaling\n");
#ifdef _SDL2
SDL_DisplayMode infos;
SDL_GetCurrentDisplayMode(0, &infos);
screenW = infos.w;
screenH = infos.h;
const SDL_VideoInfo* infos = SDL_GetVideoInfo();
screenH = infos->current_h;
screenW = infos->current_w;
} else {
screenW = 320 * screenScale;
screenH = 240 * screenScale;
printf("Hydra Castle Labyrinth, %s %dx%d scale=x%d%s, using Joystick=%d\n", (wantFullscreen || desktopFS)?"Fullscreen":"Windowed", screenW, screenH, screenScale, getXBRZ()?" xBRZ":"", useJoystick);
//System specific cleanup
#ifdef _PSP
#ifdef _3DS
return 0;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
#include <stdint.h>
#include <string.h>
void *memrchr(const void *m, int c, size_t n)
const unsigned char *s = (const unsigned char*)m;
c = (unsigned char)c;
while (n--) if (s[n]==c) return (void *)(s+n);
return 0;
void setcwd(char* path){
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
::"a"(30), "b"(1), "c"(path)
char *dirname(char *path)
static const char dot[] = ".";
char *last_slash;
last_slash = path != NULL ? strrchr (path, '/') : NULL;
if (last_slash != NULL && last_slash != path && last_slash[1] == '\0')
char *runp;
for (runp = last_slash; runp != path; --runp)
if (runp[-1] != '/')
if (runp != path)
last_slash = (char*)memrchr((void*)path, '/', runp - path);
if (last_slash != NULL)
char *runp;
for (runp = last_slash; runp != path; --runp)
if (runp[-1] != '/')
if (runp == path)
if (last_slash == path + 1)
last_slash = path + 1;
last_slash = runp;
last_slash[0] = '\0';
path = (char *) dot;
return path;
#pragma pack(push,1)
typedef struct{
unsigned p00;
uint64_t p04;
struct {
unsigned p04dw;
unsigned p08dw;
unsigned p12;
union {
unsigned p16;
const char *new_name;
void *bdfe;
void *buf16;
const void *cbuf16;
char p20;
const char *p21;
int kos_mkdir(const char *path, unsigned v)
int status;
ksys70_t dir_opt;
dir_opt.p00 = 9;
dir_opt.p21 = path;
__asm__ __volatile__(
"int $0x40"
:"a"(70), "b"(&dir_opt)
return status;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
#ifndef OBJECT_H
#define OBJECT_H
#include "collision.h"
typedef struct {
void* data; //Specific object struct
void (*objectStep)();
void (*objectDraw)();
int type;
} Object;
void objectDestroy(int id);
//Health/Ammo collectables
typedef struct {
int id, type; //0 for ammo, 1 for heart
double x, y,
vsp, grav;
int blink, canLand, bounce;
} Ammo;
void spawnCollectable(int x, int y);
void createAmmo(int x, int y, int type);
//Destroyable blocks
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int hp/*, invulnerable*/;
int secret;
Mask mask;
} Destroyable;
void createDestroyable(int x, int y, int secret);
//Secret Trigger
typedef struct {
int id, flag;
int type, enemyType;
} SecretTrigger;
void createSecretTrigger(int type, int enemyType, int flag);
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int item, secret;
int visible;
int timer;
Mask mask;
} Chest;
void createChest(int x, int y, int item, int secret);
//Save point
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
double imageIndex;
Mask mask;
} SavePoint;
void createSavePoint(int x, int y, int hidden);
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int open, secret, visible;
int warplevel, warpcoords;
int warpx, warpy;
Mask mask;
} Door;
void createDoor(int x, int y, int level, int coords, int warpx, int warpy, int secret);
//Lock Block
typedef struct {
int id, flag;
int x, y;
int tile;
int invincible;
} LockBlock;
void createLockBlock(int x, int y, int flag);
//Light Switch
typedef struct {
int id, flag;
int x, y;
int activated;
double imageIndex;
} Switch;
void createSwitch(int x, int y, int flag);
//Blue/Red Gates
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int col;
int timer, open;
//int invincible;
double imageIndex;
} Gate;
void createGate(int x, int y, int col);
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int type;
int invincible;
int hp;
} Statue;
void createStatue(int x, int y, int type);
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int flag;
int pressed;
} FloorPad;
void createFloorPad(int x, int y, int flag);
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
int flag;
} Ladder;
void createLadder(int x, int y, int flag);
typedef struct {
int id;
int hp;
int blink;
int x, y;
double imageIndex;
int flag;
} Generator;
void createGenerator(int x, int y, int flag);
//Electric gate
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, y;
double imageIndex;
int flag;
} Shockgate;
void createShockgate(int x, int y, int flag);
//Ending crown
typedef struct {
int id;
int x, ystart;
double y;
double bobRot;
double imageIndex;
int timer;
char visible;
} Crown;
void createCrown(int x, int y);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,381 @@
#include <stdio.h>
#include "options.h"
#include "PHL.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "ini.h"
#include "text.h"
char page = 0;
int optCursor = 0;
int lastOption = -1;
#ifdef _SDL
int musicType = 1;
int getMusicType()
return musicType;
void setMusicType(int t)
#ifndef _KOLIBRI
musicType = t;
// restart music...
musicType = 1; /* MIDI NOT WORK! */
static char tempDark;
static int emOnly;
void optionsSetup(int only)
tempDark = roomDarkness;
roomDarkness = 0;
emOnly = only;
page = only?1:0;
int optionsEMStep()
int loop = 1;
int result = optionsStep();
if (page == 0 && result != -1 && result != 2) {
loop = 0;
if (emOnly && page==0) {
loop = 0;
if(!loop) roomDarkness = tempDark;
return (!loop)?result:-1;
int options(int only)
char tempDark = roomDarkness;
roomDarkness = 0;
int result = -1;
char loop = 1;
if(only) page=1;
while (PHL_MainLoop() && loop == 1)
result = optionsStep();
if (page == 0 && result != -1 && result != 2) {
loop = 0;
if (only && page==0) {
loop = 0;
roomDarkness = tempDark;
return result;
int optionsStep()
int result = -1;
if (btnDown.pressed == 1) {
optCursor += 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi01], CHN_SOUND);
}else if (btnUp.pressed == 1) {
optCursor -= 1;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi01], CHN_SOUND);
//First screen (continue/reset/exit)
if (page == 0) {
//Limit cursor
if (optCursor >= 4) {
optCursor = 0;
if (optCursor < 0) {
optCursor = 3;
if (btnAccept.pressed == 1 || btnStart.pressed == 1) {
result = optCursor;
if (result == 1) {
if (result == 2) {
page = 1;
optCursor = 0;
//No blip on game exit
if (optCursor != 3) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndOk], CHN_SOUND);
if (btnSelect.pressed == 1) {
result = 0;
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndOk], CHN_SOUND);
//Actual options screen
else if (page == 1) {
//Limit cursor
if (optCursor > lastOption) {
optCursor = 0;
if (optCursor < 0) {
optCursor = lastOption;
if (btnAccept.pressed == 1 || btnStart.pressed == 1) {
//Universal settings
if (optCursor == 0) {
if (getLanguage() == JAPANESE) {
if (optCursor == 1) {
if (getAutoSave() == 0) {
#ifdef _3DS
if (optCursor == 2) {
if (activeScreen->screen == GFX_TOP) {
swapScreen(GFX_TOP, GFX_LEFT);
#ifdef _PSP
if (optCursor == 2) {
if (getScreenSize() == 0) {
}else if (getScreenSize() == 1) {
if (optCursor == 3) {
if (getBlur() == 0) {
#ifdef _SDL
// Music type
if(optCursor == 2) {
if(getMusicType() == 0)
// Music volume
if(optCursor == 3) {
music_volume = (music_volume+1)%5;
PHL_MusicVolume(0.25f * music_volume);
// xBRZ
if (optCursor == 4) {
if (getXBRZ() == 0) {
if (optCursor == lastOption) {
page = 0;
else if (btnDecline.pressed == 1) {
page = 0;
if (page == 0) {
return result;
void optionsDraw()
PHL_DrawRect(0, 0, 640, 480, PHL_NewRGB(0, 0, 0));
if (page == 0)
PHL_DrawTextBold("CONTINUE", 254, 144, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("RESET", 278, 176, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("OPTIONS", 262, 208, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("EXIT", 286, 240, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("<", 232, 144 + (32 * optCursor), RED);
PHL_DrawTextBold(">", 390, 144 + (32 * optCursor), RED);
else if (page == 1)
int xleft = 216;
int xright = xleft + 160;
int ydrawstart = 144;
int ydraw = ydrawstart;
int ystep = 32;
int optioncount = 0;
PHL_DrawTextBold("LANGUAGE", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (getLanguage() == 1) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("EN", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (getLanguage() == 0) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("JP", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
PHL_DrawTextBold("SAFE SAVE", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (getAutoSave() == 1) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("ON", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("OFF", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
#ifdef _3DS
PHL_DrawTextBold("SCREEN", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (activeScreen->screen == GFX_TOP) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("TOP", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("BOTTOM", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
#ifdef _PSP
//Screen Size
PHL_DrawTextBold("SCREEN", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (getScreenSize() == 0) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("1:1", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
else if (getScreenSize() == 1) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("FILL", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
else if (getScreenSize() == 2) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("FULL", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
PHL_DrawTextBold("BLUR", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (getBlur() == 1) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("ON", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("OFF", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
#ifdef _SDL
// Music type
PHL_DrawTextBold("MUSIC", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (getMusicType() == 1) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("OGG", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("MIDI", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
// Music volume
PHL_DrawTextBold("MUSIC", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
char buff[50];
sprintf(buff, "%d%%", music_volume*25);
PHL_DrawTextBold(buff, xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
// xBRZ scaling
PHL_DrawTextBold("XBRZ", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (getXBRZ() == 1) {
PHL_DrawTextBold("ON", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
PHL_DrawTextBold("OFF", xright, ydraw, YELLOW);
ydraw += ystep;
PHL_DrawTextBold("BACK", xleft, ydraw, YELLOW);
if (lastOption == -1) {
lastOption = optioncount;
PHL_DrawTextBold(">", xleft - 32, ydrawstart + (ystep * optCursor), RED);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
#ifndef OPTIONS_H
#define OPTIONS_H
void optionsSetup(int only);
int optionsEMStep();
int options(int only);
int optionsStep();
void optionsDraw();
#ifdef _SDL
int getMusicType();
void setMusicType(int t);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
#include "platform.h"
#include "game.h"
#include "PHL.h"
#include "hero.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
void createPlatform(int type, int xstart, int ystart, int xend, int yend, int spd, int secret)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_PLATFORMS; i++) {
if (platforms[i] == NULL) {
Platform* p = malloc(sizeof *p);
p->id = i;
p->type = type;
p->x = p->xstart = xstart;
p->y = p->ystart = ystart;
p->xend = xend;
p->yend = yend;
p->timer = 0;
p->secret = secret;
if (roomSecret == 1) {
p->secret = 0;
p->visible = 1;
if (p->secret == 1) {
p->visible = 0;
if (type == 1) {
p->xend = p->x + 1;
p->yend = p->y;
p->state = 0;
p->spd = spd;
p-> = 0;
p->mask.unused = 0;
if (p->secret == 1) {
p->mask.unused = 1;
p->mask.x = xstart;
p->mask.y = ystart;
p->mask.w = p->mask.h = 40;
platforms[i] = p;
void platformStep(Platform* p)
char isSolid = p->visible;
//Megaman blocks
if (p->type == 2) {
int myStep = p->xend,
maxSteps = p->yend;
p->timer += 1;
if (p->timer >= maxSteps * 60 + 60) {
p->timer = 0;
//Play sound
if (p->timer == myStep * 60) {
PHL_PlaySound(sounds[sndPi03], CHN_SOUND);
if (p->timer > myStep * 60 && p->timer <= (myStep * 60) + 60) {
isSolid = 1;
p->visible = 1;
//Blink effect
if (p->timer > myStep * 60 + 30) {
p->visible = p->timer % 2;
isSolid = 0;
p->mask.unused = 1;
p->visible = 0;
//Fall off platform
if (getHeroMask().x > p->mask.x + p->mask.w || getHeroMask().x + getHeroMask().w < p->mask.x) {
}else if (heroy == p->y - 40 && getHeroVsp() >= 0) {
if (isSolid == 1) {
p->mask.unused = 0;
int targx = p->xend,
targy = p->yend;
if (p->state == 1) {
targx = p->xstart;
targy = p->ystart;
//Check if the player is standing on top
int isontop = 0;
int isabove = 0;
if (getHeroMask().x > p->mask.x + p->mask.w || getHeroMask().x + getHeroMask().w < p->mask.x) {
}else if (heroy == p->y - 40 && getHeroVsp() >= 0) {
isontop = 1;
}else if (heroy < p->y - 40) {
isabove = 1;
//Move platform
if (p->y != targy) {
if (p->y < targy) {
p->y += p->spd;
if (isontop == 1) {
heroy += p->spd;
p->y -= p->spd;
if (isontop == 1) {
heroy -= p->spd;
p->mask.y = p->y;
if (checkCollision(p->mask, getHeroMask()) && isabove == 1) {
heroy = p->y - 40;
if (p->x != targx) {
if (p->x < targx) {
p->x += p->spd;
if (isontop == 1) {
herox += p->spd;
p->x -= p->spd;
if (isontop == 1) {
herox -= p->spd;
if (p->x == targx && p->y == targy) {
if (p->state == 0) {
p->state = 1;
p->state = 0;
if (p->type == 0) //Moving platform
else if (p->type == 1) { //Loose block
if (p->spd != 0) {
p->timer -= 1;
if (p->timer <= 0) {
createRockSmash(p->x + 20, p->y + 20);
if (isontop == 1) {
/*createEffectExtra(4, p->x, p->y, -1, 0, 0);
createEffectExtra(4, p->x, p->y, -1, 0, 1);
createEffectExtra(4, p->x, p->y, 1, 0, 0);
createEffectExtra(4, p->x, p->y, 1, 0, 1);
if (p->spd == 0 && isontop == 1) {
p->spd = 2;
p->timer = 30;
//Update Mask
p->mask.x = p->x;
p->mask.y = p->y;
//p->mask.unused = 1;
if (p->secret == 1) {
if (roomSecret == 1) {
p->mask.unused = 0;
p->visible = 1;
p->secret = 0;
void platformDraw(Platform* p)
if (p->visible == 1) {
int cropX = p->type * 40;
if (p->type == 3) {
cropX = 9 * 40;
PHL_DrawSurfacePart(p->x, p->y, cropX, 400, 40, 40, images[imgMisc20]);
void platformDestroy(int id)
if (platforms[id] != NULL) {
platforms[id] = NULL;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
#ifndef PLATFORM_H
#define PLATFORM_H
#include "collision.h"
typedef struct {
int id, type; //0 = moving platform
double x, y;
int xstart, ystart;
int xend, yend;
int state;
double spd;
int timer;
int secret, visible;
Mask mask;
} Platform;
void createPlatform(int type, int xstart, int ystart, int xend, int yend, int spd, int secret);
void platformStep(Platform* p);
void platformDraw(Platform* p);
void platformDestroy(int id);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
#include "qda.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
#include "amigaos.h"
QDAHeader headers[29];
//Load headers for each image
//Returns: 0 = file not found | 1 = success | 2 = Invalid file
int initQDA()
int result = 0;
FILE* f;
char fullPath[80];
#ifdef _SDL
strcpy(fullPath, "data/");
strcpy(fullPath, "");
#ifdef _3DS
strcat(fullPath, "romfs:/");
strcat(fullPath, "bmp.qda");
if ( (f = fopen(fullPath, "rb")) ) {
result = 1;
//Read header data into memory
int allHeadersSize = 0x1F5C;
unsigned char* QDAFile = (unsigned char*)malloc(allHeadersSize);
int tmp = fread(QDAFile, allHeadersSize, 1, f);
//Check if QDA file is valid
if (QDAFile[4] == 0x51 && QDAFile[5] == 0x44 && QDAFile[6] == 0x41 && QDAFile[7] == 0x30) {
//Load headers separately
int numofsheets = 29;
int headerSize = 0x10C;
int i;
for (i = 0; i < numofsheets; i++) {
//memcpy(&headers[i], &QDAFile[0x100 + (i * headerSize)], sizeof(QDAHeader));
int offset = 256 + (i * headerSize);
memcpy(&headers[i].offset, &QDAFile[offset], 4);
memcpy(&headers[i].size, &QDAFile[offset + 4], 4);
memcpy(&headers[i].bytes, &QDAFile[offset + 8], 4);
memcpy(&headers[i].fileName, &QDAFile[offset + 12], 0x100);
#if defined(__amigaos4__) || defined(__MORPHOS__)
result = 2;
return result;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
#ifndef QDA_H
#define QDA_H
typedef struct {
unsigned long offset;
unsigned long size;
unsigned long bytes;
unsigned char* fileName[256];
} QDAHeader;
extern QDAHeader headers[29]; //names, offsets, and sizes of each sheet
int initQDA();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
#include "audio.h"
#include "../options.h"
#include <SDL.h>
int music_volume = 4;
void PHL_AudioInit()
#ifndef __MORPHOS__
Mix_Init(MIX_INIT_OGG); // midi is on by default
Mix_OpenAudio(44100, MIX_DEFAULT_FORMAT, 2, 4096);
PHL_MusicVolume(0.25f * music_volume);
void PHL_AudioClose()
#ifndef __MORPHOS__
//Same as PHL_LoadSound, but expects a file name without extension
PHL_Music PHL_LoadMusic(char* fname, int loop)
PHL_Music ret;
ret.loop = loop;
char buff[4096];
strcpy(buff, "data/");
strcat(buff, fname);
strcat(buff, getMusicType()?".ogg":".mid");
ret.snd = Mix_LoadMUS(buff);
return ret;
PHL_Sound PHL_LoadSound(char* fname)
char buff[4096];
strcpy(buff, "data/");
strcat(buff, fname);
return Mix_LoadWAV(buff);
void PHL_MusicVolume(float vol)
void PHL_PlayMusic(PHL_Music snd)
Mix_PlayMusic(snd.snd, snd.loop?-1:0);
void PHL_PlaySound(PHL_Sound snd, int channel)
Mix_PlayChannel(channel, snd, 0);
void PHL_StopMusic()
void PHL_StopSound(PHL_Sound snd, int channel)
void PHL_FreeMusic(PHL_Music snd)
snd.snd = NULL;
void PHL_FreeSound(PHL_Sound snd)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
#ifndef SDLAUDIO_H
#define SDLAUDIO_H
#include <SDL_mixer.h>
#include <string.h>
//#define PHL_Music Mix_Music*
#define PHL_Sound Mix_Chunk*
typedef struct
int loop;
Mix_Music* snd;
} PHL_Music;
extern int music_volume;
void PHL_AudioInit();
void PHL_AudioClose();
void PHL_MusicVolume(float vol);
PHL_Music PHL_LoadMusic(char* fname, int loop); //Same as PHL_LoadSound, but expects a file name without extension
PHL_Sound PHL_LoadSound(char* fname);
void PHL_PlayMusic(PHL_Music snd);
void PHL_PlaySound(PHL_Sound snd, int channel);
void PHL_StopMusic();
void PHL_StopSound(PHL_Sound snd, int channel);
void PHL_FreeMusic(PHL_Music snd);
void PHL_FreeSound(PHL_Sound snd);

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More