Added old VNC client, converted to work with net branch.

git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
This commit is contained in:
hidnplayr 2012-04-14 18:22:38 +00:00
parent 6b6bbac3ce
commit ac28d0fed6
5 changed files with 954 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
call draw_window_logon ; at first, draw the window
still_logon: ; main cycle of application begins here
mov eax,10 ; wait here for event
checkevent_logon: ; Check what event was called _logon: this will be used to return from textbox focus
dec eax ; redraw request ?
jz red_logon
dec eax ; key in buffer ?
jz key_logon
dec eax ; button in buffer ?
jz button_logon
jmp still_logon
key_logon: ; key event handler
mov al,2 ; eax was zero so will now be 2
mcall ; just read it and ignore
cmp ah,13
jne still_logon ; return to main loop
ret ; enter key was pressed => return to logon
button_logon: ; eax was zero so will now be 17
mov al,17 ; get id
cmp ah,1 ; close ?
jz close_logon
cmp ah,2 ; logon ?
je connect_logon
cmp ah,5 ; first ?
jz dstbtn_logon
mov dword[addr],first
jmp rk_logon
mov dword[addr],second
mov edi,[addr] ; load the address of the string
xor al,al ; mov al,0 ; the symbol we will search for
mov ecx,STRLEN+1 ; length of the string (+1)
cld ; search forward
repne scasb ; do search now
inc ecx ; we've found a zero or ecx became 0
mov eax,STRLEN+1
sub eax,ecx ; eax = address of <0> character
mov [temp],eax ; position
cmp dword[addr],dword second
jne @f
mov dword [passlen],eax
call print_text_logon
mov edi,[addr] ; address of string
add edi,[temp] ; cursor position
mov eax,10 ; wait for event
cmp eax,2 ; button presed ?
jne checkevent_logon ; a key is pressed or redraw is nessesary, goto checkevent
mcall ; eax = 2, read button
shr eax,8
cmp eax,8
jnz .nobs_logon ; BACKSPACE
cmp edi,[addr]
jz .waitev_logon
dec edi
mov byte[edi],0
cmp dword[addr],second
jne @f
dec [passlen]
call print_text_logon
jmp .waitev_logon
cmp eax,13 ; ENTER
je still_logon
cmp eax,192
jne .noclear_logon
xor al,al
mov edi,[addr]
mov ecx,STRLEN
rep stosb
mov edi,[addr]
call print_text_logon
jmp .waitev_logon
mov [edi],al
cmp dword[addr],second
jne @f
inc [passlen]
call print_text_logon
inc edi
mov esi,[addr]
add esi,STRLEN
cmp esi,edi
jnz .waitev_logon
jmp still_logon
; print strings (source & destination)
mov eax, 8
mov ebx, 105*65536+200
mov ecx, 31*65536+13
mov edx, 4
mov esi, 0xEBEBEB
cmp byte[mode],0
je @f
mov ecx, 49*65536+12
inc edx
mov eax, 4 ; function 4 _logon: write text to window
mov ebx, 107*65536+34 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
xor ecx, ecx ; color of text RRGGBB
mov edx, first ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi, STRLEN ; text length
cmp byte[mode],0
je dont_draw_pass
add ebx,16
mov edi,[passlen]
cmp edi,0
jle dont_draw_pass
dec edi
mov edx, passchar
mov esi, 1
add ebx,6*65536
jmp @r
or eax,-1
mcall 12, 1 ; start window draw
xor eax, eax ; function 0 _logon: define and draw window
mov ebx, 160*65536+330 ; [x start] *65536 + [x size]
mov ecx, 160*65536+100 ; [y start] *65536 + [y size]
mov edx, 0x13DDDDDD ; color of work area RRGGBB
mov edi, title ; WINDOW LABEL
mov eax, 8 ; LOGON BUTTON
mov ebx, 220*65536+85
mov ecx, 63*65536+16
mov edx, 2
mov esi, 0xCCCCCC
call print_text_logon
cmp byte[mode], 0
je servermode_
mov eax, 4 ; function 4 write text to window
mov ebx, 25*65536+33 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
xor ecx, ecx
mov edx, userstr ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi, passstr-userstr ; text length
add bl,19
mov edx, passstr ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi, connectstr-passstr ; text length
jmp drawtherest_
mov eax, 4 ; function 4 write text to window
mov ebx, 25*65536+33 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
xor ecx, ecx
mov edx, serverstr ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi, userstr-serverstr ; text length
mov ebx, 240*65536+67 ; [x start] *65536 + [y start]
mov edx, connectstr ; pointer to text beginning
mov esi, connect_e-connectstr ; text length
inc ebx
title db 'Kolibrios VNC client by HIDNPLAYR',0
first: db ''
second: rb STRLEN
passchar db '*'
passlen dd 0
addr dd 0
temp dd 0
mode db 0 ; 0 = connection details, 1 = authentication
serverstr: db 'server:'
userstr: db 'username:'
passstr: db 'password:'
connectstr: db 'connect !'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
mov ax,[frame.y] ;
mov bx,[screen.width] ;
mul bx ;
shl edx,16 ;
mov dx,ax ; [screen.width]*[frame.y]
movzx eax,[frame.x]
add edx,eax ; [screen.width]*[frame.y]+[frame.x]
mov eax,3 ;
mul edx ; ([screen.width]*[frame.y]+[frame.x])*3
add eax,framebuffer_data ;
push eax ; framebuffer_data+([screen.width]*[frame.y]+[frame.x])*3
mov ax,[frame.width] ;
mov bx,3 ;
mul bx ;
shl edx,16 ;
mov dx,ax ; [frame.width]*3
pop eax ;
add edx,eax ; framebuffer_data+([screen.width]*[frame.y]+[frame.x])*3+[frame.width]*3
push eax ;
push edx ;
mov ax,[frame.height] ;
dec ax ;
mov bx,3 ;
mul bx ;
mov bx,[screen.width] ;
mul bx ;
shl edx,16 ;
mov dx,ax ;
mov ecx,edx ;
pop edx ;
add ecx,edx ; mov ecx,edx+([frame.height]-1)*[screen.width]*3
pop ebx
cmp ebx,ecx
jge next_rectangle
; add esi,2 ; 32 bit code RAW - OK
; mov al,[esi] ;
; mov [ebx],al ;
; inc ebx ;
; dec esi ;
; ;
; mov al,[esi] ;
; mov [ebx],al ;
; inc ebx ;
; dec esi ;
; ;
; mov al,[esi] ;
; mov [ebx],al ;
; inc ebx ;
; add esi,4 ;
; push ecx ; 16 bit code RAW
; mov cl,51
; mov ax,[esi] ;
; xchg al,ah
; and al,00011111b ;
; xchg al,ah
; mul cl
; mov [ebx],al ;
; inc ebx ;
; mov ax,[esi] ;
; xchg al,ah
; shr ax,5 ;
; xchg al,ah
; and al,00011111b ;
; mul cl
; mov [ebx],al ;
; inc ebx ;
; mov ax,[esi] ;
; xchg al,ah
; shr ax,10 ;
; and al,00011111b ;
; mul cl
; mov [ebx],al ;
; inc ebx ;
; inc esi ;
; inc esi ;
; pop ecx
push ecx ; 8 bit code RAW - OK
mov cl,85 ;
mov al,[esi] ;
shr al,4 ;
and al,3 ;
mul cl ;
mov [ebx],al ;
inc ebx ;
mov al,[esi] ;
shr al,2 ;
and al,3 ;
mul cl ;
mov [ebx],al ;
inc ebx ;
mov al,[esi] ;
and al,3 ;
mul cl ;
mov byte[ebx],al ;
inc ebx ;
inc esi ;
pop ecx ;
cmp ebx,edx
jl .pixelloop32
push edx
push ebx
mov ax,[screen.width]
mov bx,3
mul bx
shl edx,16
mov dx,ax
mov eax,edx
pop ebx
pop edx
add ebx,eax ; eax = [screen.width]*3
add edx,eax
push edx
push ebx
mov ax,[frame.width]
mov bx,3
mul bx
shl edx,16
mov dx,ax
mov eax,edx
pop ebx
pop edx
sub ebx,eax ; eax = [frame.width]*3
jmp .pixelloop32

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
struct pixel_format
bpp db ?
depth db ?
big_endian db ?
true_color db ?
red_max dw ?
green_max dw ?
blue_max dw ?
red_shift db ?
green_shift db ?
blue_shift db ?
padding rb 3
struct framebuffer
width dw ?
height dw ?
pixelformat pixel_format
name_length dd ?
name rb 256

View File

@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
DEBUGF 1, 'I am the thread!\n'
mcall 40, 1 shl 7
; resolve name
push esp ; reserve stack place
invoke getaddrinfo, first, 0, 0, esp
pop esi
; test for error
test eax, eax
jnz exit
mov eax, [esi+addrinfo.ai_addr]
mov eax, [eax+sockaddr_in.sin_addr]
mov [sockaddr1.ip], eax
; DEBUGF 1, 'Connecting to %u.%u.%u.%u:%u\n', \
; [server_ip]:1, [server_ip+1]:1, \
; [server_ip+2]:1, [server_ip+3]:1, \
; [server_port]:2
mcall socket, AF_INET4, SOCK_STREAM, 0
mov [socketnum], eax
mcall connect, [socketnum], sockaddr1, 18
call wait_for_data
cmp dword [receive_buffer], 'RFB '
jne no_rfb
DEBUGF 1, 'received: %s\n', receive_buffer
mcall send, [socketnum], handshake, 12, 0
DEBUGF 1, 'Sending handshake: protocol version\n'
call wait_for_data
cmp dword [receive_buffer], 0x00000000
je invalid_security
cmp dword [receive_buffer], 0x01000000
je no_security
cmp dword [receive_buffer], 0x02000000
je vnc_security
jmp exit
mov byte[mode], 1
call red_logon
mcall send, [socketnum], shared, 1, 0
DEBUGF 1, 'Sending handshake: shared session?\n'
mcall 23, 100*TIMEOUT
call wait_for_data ; now the server should send init message
DEBUGF 1, 'Serverinit: bpp: %u depth: %u bigendian: %u truecolor: %u\n', \
[receive_buffer+framebuffer.pixelformat.bpp]:1, \
[receive_buffer+framebuffer.pixelformat.depth]:1, \
[receive_buffer+framebuffer.pixelformat.big_endian]:1, \
mov eax, dword [receive_buffer]
mov dword [fbur.width], eax
bswap eax
mov dword [screen], eax
mcall send, [socketnum], pixel_format8, 20, 0
DEBUGF 1, 'Sending pixel format\n'
call read_data
; eth.write_tcp [socket],8,encodings
; DEBUGF 1,'Sending encoding info\n'
; call read_data
mov byte [thread_ready], 1
mov [], 2
mcall send, [socketnum], fbur, 10, 0
mcall 23, 100
call read_data ; Read the data into the buffer
; cmp eax, 2
; jb mainloop
DEBUGF 1,'Data received, %u bytes\n', eax
cmp byte [receive_buffer],0
je framebufferupdate
cmp byte [receive_buffer],1
je setcolourmapentries
cmp byte [receive_buffer],2
je bell
cmp byte [receive_buffer],3
je servercuttext
jmp thread_loop
align 4
mov ax, word [receive_buffer+2]
xchg al, ah
mov di, ax
DEBUGF 1, 'Framebufferupdate: %u frames\n', di
mov esi, receive_buffer+4
jmp rectangle_loop
call drawbuffer
dec di
test di, di
jz request_rfb
mov edx, [esi]
bswap edx
mov ebx, edx
shr edx, 16
mov [frame.x], dx
mov [frame.y], bx
add esi, 4
mov ecx, [esi]
bswap ecx
mov eax, ecx
shr ecx, 16
mov [frame.width], cx
mov [frame.height], ax
add esi, 4
mov eax, [esi]
add esi, 4
mov ebx, esi
sub ebx, receive_buffer+12
DEBUGF 1, 'frame: width=%u height=%u x=%u y=%u offset:%u encoding:',\
[frame.width]:2, [frame.height]:2, [frame.x]:2, [frame.y]:2, ebx
cmp eax, 0
je encoding_raw
; cmp eax, 1
; je encoding_copyrect
cmp eax, 2
je encoding_RRE
cmp eax, 5
je encoding_hextile
cmp eax, 16
je encoding_ZRLE
mov ebx, esi
sub ebx, receive_buffer+8
DEBUGF 1, '\nunknown encoding: %u (offset %u)\n', eax, ebx
jmp bell
jmp thread_loop
jmp next_rectangle
DEBUGF 1, 'hextile\n'
jmp next_rectangle
jmp next_rectangle
DEBUGF 1, 'Server sent SetColourMapEntries message\n'
jmp thread_loop
mcall 55, 55, , , beep
jmp thread_loop
DEBUGF 1, 'Server cut text\n'
jmp thread_loop
mov [datapointer], receive_buffer
mcall 23, 100*TIMEOUT
mcall recv, [socketnum], [datapointer], 4096, 0
cmp eax, -1
je .done
add [datapointer], eax
cmp eax, 4096
je .loop
mov eax, [datapointer]
sub eax, receive_buffer
mcall 23, 500
mcall recv, [socketnum], receive_buffer, 4096, 0
cmp eax, -1
je wait_for_data
test eax, eax
jz wait_for_data

View File

@ -0,0 +1,283 @@
; VNC Client for kolibrios by hidnplayr
format binary as ""
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id
dd 0x01 ; header version
dd START ; start of code
dd I_END ; size of image
dd IM_END ; memory for app
dd IM_END ; esp
dd 0x0 , 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Path
__DEBUG__ equ 1
__DEBUG_LEVEL__ equ 1
STRLEN = 64 ; password and server max length
xpos = 4 ; coordinates of image
ypos = 22 ;
TIMEOUT = 5 ; timeout in seconds
include '../'
include '../'
include '../'
include '../'
include '../'
include '../'
include ''
include ''
include ''
include ''
mcall 68, 11 ; init heap
; load libraries
stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT
test eax, eax
jnz exit
call red_logon
mcall 40, 0 ; no events
mcall 67, 0, 0, 0, 0 ; resize the window (hide it)
mcall 51, 1, thread_start, thread_stack
DEBUGF 1,'Thread created: %u\n', eax
mcall 5, 10
cmp byte [thread_ready], 0
je @r
mcall 40, 100111b ; mouse, button, key, redraw
mov edx, dword [screen]
movzx esi, dx
shr edx, 16
add edx, 2*xpos
add esi, ypos+xpos
mcall 67, 10, 10 ; resize the window
mcall 23, 50 ; wait for event, 0,5s timeout
dec eax
jz redraw
dec eax
jz key
dec eax
jz button
sub eax, 3
jz mouse
jmp mainloop
DEBUGF 1,'Sending key event\n'
mcall 2
mov byte [keyevent.key+3], ah
mcall send, [socketnum], keyevent, 8, 0
jmp mainloop
DEBUGF 1,'Sending mouse event\n'
mcall 37, 1 ; get mouse pos
sub eax, xpos shl 16 + ypos
bswap eax
mov [pointerevent.x], ax
shr eax, 16
mov [pointerevent.y], ax
mcall 37, 2 ; get mouse buttons
test al, 00000010b ; test if right button was pressed (bit 1 in kolibri)
jz @f
add al, 00000010b ; in RFB protocol it is bit 2, so if we add bit 2 again, we'll get bit 3 and bit 1 will remain the same
mov [pointerevent.mask],al
mcall send, [socketnum], pointerevent, 6, 0
jmp mainloop
DEBUGF 1,'Drawing window\n'
mcall 12, 1
mov ebx, dword[screen]
movzx ecx, bx
shr ebx, 16
mov edx, 0x74ffffff
mov edi, name
mcall 0 ; draw window
call drawbuffer
mcall 12, 2
jmp mainloop
mcall 7, framebuffer_data, dword[screen], 0
mcall 17 ; get id
DEBUGF 1, 'Closing time!\n'
mcall close, [socketnum]
mcall -1
DEBUGF 1, 'This is no vnc server!\n'
jmp exit
DEBUGF 1, 'Security error: %s\n', receive_buffer+5
jmp exit
include_debug_strings ; ALWAYS present in data section
handshake db 'RFB 003.003', 10
shared db 0
beep db 0x85,0x25,0x85,0x40,0
pixel_format32 db 0 ; setPixelformat
rb 3 ; padding
.bpp db 32 ; bits per pixel
.depth db 32 ; depth
.big_endian db 0 ; big-endian flag
.true_color db 1 ; true-colour flag
.red_max db 0,255 ; red-max
.green_max db 0,255 ; green-max
.blue_max db 0,255 ; blue-max
.red_shif db 0 ; red-shift
.green_shift db 8 ; green-shift
.blue_shift db 16 ; blue-shift
rb 3 ; padding
pixel_format16 db 0 ; setPixelformat
rb 3 ; padding
.bpp db 16 ; bits per pixel
.depth db 15 ; depth
.big_endian db 0 ; big-endian flag
.true_color db 1 ; true-colour flag
.red_max db 0,31 ; red-max
.green_max db 0,31 ; green-max
.blue_max db 0,31 ; blue-max
.red_shif db 0 ; red-shift
.green_shift db 5 ; green-shift
.blue_shift db 10 ; blue-shift
rb 3 ; padding
pixel_format8 db 0 ; setPixelformat
rb 3 ; padding
.bpp db 8 ; bits per pixel
.depth db 6 ; depth
.big_endian db 0 ; big-endian flag
.true_color db 1 ; true-colour flag
.red_max db 0,3 ; red-max
.green_max db 0,3 ; green-max
.blue_max db 0,3 ; blue-max
.red_shif db 0 ; red-shift
.green_shift db 2 ; green-shift
.blue_shift db 4 ; blue-shift
rb 3 ; padding
encodings db 2 ; setEncodings
rb 1 ; padding
db 1,0 ; number of encodings
db 0,0,0,0 ; raw encoding (DWORD, Big endian order)
db 1,0,0,0 ; Copyrect encoding
fbur db 3 ; frame buffer update request
.inc db 0 ; incremental
.x dw 0
.y dw 0
.width dw 0
.height dw 0
keyevent db 4 ; keyevent
.down db 0 ; down-flag
dw 0 ; padding
.key dd 0 ; key
pointerevent db 5 ; pointerevent
.mask db 0 ; button-mask
.x dw 0 ; x-position
.y dw 0 ; y-position
.port dw 5900
.ip dd 0
rb 10
thread_ready db 0
; import
align 4
library network, 'network.obj'
import network, \
getaddrinfo, 'getaddrinfo', \
freeaddrinfo, 'freeaddrinfo', \
inet_ntoa, 'inet_ntoa'
name db 'VNC client', 0
socketnum dd ?
datapointer dd ?
.width dw ?
.height dw ?
.x dw ?
.y dw ?
.height dw ?
.width dw ?
receive_buffer rb 5*1024*1024 ; 5 mb buffer for received data (incoming frbupdate etc)
framebuffer_data rb 1024*768*3 ; framebuffer
rb 0x1000
rb 0x1000