scroll_bar scroll_wv = { 15,200,398,44,0,2,115,15,0,0xeeeeee,0xBBBbbb,0xeeeeee,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1}; enum { ALIGN_LEFT, ALIGN_CENTER, ALIGN_RIGHT}; struct _style { byte b, i, u, s, pre, blq, li, li_tab, align; }; struct TWebBrowser { llist list; _style style; dword draw_line_width; DrawBufer DrawBuf; void Prepare(); void SetStyle(); void DrawStyle(); void DrawPage(); void DrawScroller(); void LoadInternalPage(); void NewLine(); void Perenos(); void BufEncode(); } WB1; byte link, ignor_text, cur_encoding, t_html, t_body; dword bufpointer; dword o_bufpointer; dword bufsize; dword text_colors[300]; dword text_color_index; dword link_color_inactive; dword link_color_active; dword bg_color; int stroka; int stolbec; int tab_len; int anchor_line_num; char URL[10000]; char header[2048]; char line[500]; char tagparam[10000]; char tag[100]; char attr[1200]; char val[4096]; char anchor[256]; #include "..\TWB\history.h" #include "..\TWB\links.h" #include "..\TWB\colors.h" #include "..\TWB\unicode_tags.h" #include "..\TWB\img_cache.h" #include "..\TWB\parce_tag.h" //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::DrawStyle() { int start_x, start_y, line_length, stolbec_len, body_magrin=5; if (!header) { ChangeCharset("UTF-8", "CP866", #line); strcpy(#header, #line); strcat(#header, " -"); strcat(#header, #version); line = 0; return; } if (t_html) && (!t_body) return; if (line) && (!anchor) { start_x = stolbec * list.font_w + body_magrin * DrawBuf.zoom + list.x; start_y = stroka * list.line_h + body_magrin; stolbec_len = utf8_strlen(#line); line_length = stolbec_len * list.font_w * DrawBuf.zoom; WriteBufText(start_x, start_y, list.font_type, text_colors[text_color_index], #line, buf_data); if (style.b) WriteBufText(start_x+1, start_y, list.font_type, text_colors[text_color_index], #line, buf_data); if (style.i) { stolbec++; DrawBuf.Skew(start_x, start_y, line_length, list.line_h); } // bug with zoom>1 if (style.s) DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, list.line_h / 2 - DrawBuf.zoom + start_y, line_length, DrawBuf.zoom, text_colors[text_color_index]); if (style.u) DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, list.line_h - DrawBuf.zoom - DrawBuf.zoom + start_y, line_length, DrawBuf.zoom, text_colors[text_color_index]); if (link) { DrawBuf.DrawBar(start_x, list.line_h - DrawBuf.zoom - DrawBuf.zoom + start_y, line_length, DrawBuf.zoom, text_colors[text_color_index]); UnsafeDefineButton(start_x-2, start_y-1 + list.y, line_length + 3, DrawBuf.zoom * list.font_h, PageLinks.count + 400 + BT_HIDE, 0xB5BFC9); PageLinks.AddText(#line, line_length, list.line_h, UNDERLINE); } stolbec += stolbec_len; } } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::LoadInternalPage(dword bufpos, in_filesize){ bufsize = in_filesize; bufpointer = bufpos; Prepare(); } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::Prepare(){ word bukva[2]; int j; byte ignor_param; char temp[768]; dword bufpos = bufpointer; int line_len; style.b = style.i = style.u = style.s = style.blq = t_html = t_body = = link = ignor_text = text_color_index = text_colors[0] = style.li_tab = 0; style.align = ALIGN_LEFT; link_color_inactive = 0x0000FF; link_color_active = 0xFF0000; bg_color = 0xFFFFFF; DrawBuf.Fill(bg_color); PageLinks.Clear(); strcpy(#header, #version); stroka = -list.first; stolbec = 0; line = 0; draw_line_width = list.w * DrawBuf.zoom; //for plaint text use CP866 for other UTF if (strstri(bufpointer, "html")) { style.pre = 0; cur_encoding = CH_CP866; //WB1.list.SetFont(8, 14, 10111000b); //list.line_h = list.font_h + 4; } else { style.pre = 1; cur_encoding = CH_UTF8; //WB1.list.SetFont(8, 14, 10001000b); //list.line_h = list.font_h + 4; } for ( ; (bufpointer+bufsize > bufpos) && (ESBYTE[bufpos]!=0); bufpos++;) { bukva = ESBYTE[bufpos]; if (ignor_text) && (bukva!='<') continue; switch (bukva) { case 0x0a: if (style.pre) { chrcat(#line, ' '); bukva = temp = NULL; Perenos(); break; } case '\9': if (style.pre) //иначе идём на 0x0d { tab_len = strlen(#line) % 4; if (!tab_len) tab_len = 4; for (j=0; j';') && (j<7); j++, bufpos++;) { bukva = ESBYTE[bufpos]; chrcat(#tag, bukva); } if (bukva = GetUnicodeSymbol()) goto DEFAULT_MARK; break; case '<': bufpos++; tag = attr = tagparam = ignor_param = NULL; if (ESBYTE[bufpos] == '!') //фильтрация внутри , дерзко { bufpos++; if (ESBYTE[bufpos] == '-') { HH_: do { bufpos++; if (bufpointer + bufsize <= bufpos) break 2; } while (ESBYTE[bufpos] <>'-'); bufpos++; if (ESBYTE[bufpos] <>'-') goto HH_; } } while (ESBYTE[bufpos] !='>') && (bufpos < bufpointer + bufsize) //получаем тег и его параметры { bukva = ESBYTE[bufpos]; if (bukva == '\9') || (bukva == '\x0a') || (bukva == '\x0d') bukva = ' '; if (!ignor_param) && (bukva <>' ') { if (strlen(#tag) list.column_max) Perenos(); DrawStyle(); line = NULL; if (tag) SetStyle(WB1.DrawBuf.zoom * 5 + list.x, stroka * list.line_h + list.y + 5); //обработка тегов tag = attr = tagparam = ignor_param = NULL; break; default: DEFAULT_MARK: if (bukva<=15) bukva=' '; line_len = utf8_strlen(#line); if (!style.pre) && (bukva == ' ') { if (line[line_len-1]==' ') break; //no double spaces if (!stolbec) && (!line) break; //no paces at the beginning of the line } if (line_len < sizeof(line)) chrcat(#line, bukva); if (stolbec + line_len > list.column_max) Perenos(); } } DrawStyle(); NewLine(); DrawPage(); if (list.first == 0) list.count = stroka; if (anchor) //если посреди текста появится новый якорь - будет бесконечный цикл { anchor=NULL; list.first=anchor_line_num; Prepare(); } } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::Perenos() { int perenos_num; char new_line_text[4096]; perenos_num = strrchr(#line, ' '); if (!perenos_num) && (utf8_strlen(#line)>list.column_max) perenos_num=list.column_max; strcpy(#new_line_text, #line + perenos_num); line[perenos_num] = 0x00; DrawStyle(); strcpy(#line, #new_line_text); NewLine(); } //============================================================================================ char oldtag[100]; void TWebBrowser::SetStyle(int left1, top1) { dword hr_color; byte opened; byte meta_encoding; //проверяем тег открывается или закрывается if (tag[0] == '/') { opened = 0; strcpy(#tag, #tag+1); } else opened = 1; if (istag("html")) { t_html = opened; return; } if (istag("script")) || (istag("style")) || (istag("binary")) || (istag("select")) { ignor_text = opened; return; } if (istag("form")) if (!opened) ignor_text = false; if(istag("title")) { if (opened) header=NULL; else if (!stroka) DrawTitle(#header); //тег закрылся - вывели строку return; } if (ignor_text) return; IF(istag("q")) { if (opened) strcat(#line, " \""); if (!opened) strcat(#line, "\" "); return; } if (anchor) && (isattr("id=")) { //очень плохо!!! потому что если не последний тег, работать не будет if (!strcmp(#anchor, #val)) anchor_line_num=list.first+stroka; } if (istag("body")) { t_body = opened; do{ if (isattr("link=")) link_color_inactive = GetColor(#val); if (isattr("alink=")) link_color_active = GetColor(#val); if (isattr("text=")) text_colors[0]=GetColor(#val); if (isattr("bgcolor=")) { bg_color=GetColor(#val); DrawBuf.Fill(bg_color); } } while(GetNextParam()); if (opened) && (cur_encoding==CH_NULL) debugln("Document has no information about encoding, UTF will be used"); return; } if (istag("a")) { if (opened) { if (link) IF(text_color_index > 0) text_color_index--; //если предыдущий тег а не был закрыт do{ if (isattr("href=")) { if (stroka - 1 > list.visible) || (stroka < -2) return; text_color_index++; text_colors[text_color_index] = text_colors[text_color_index-1]; link = 1; text_colors[text_color_index] = link_color_inactive; PageLinks.AddLink(#val, DrawBuf.zoom * stolbec * list.font_w + left1, top1-DrawBuf.zoom); } if (anchor) && (isattr("name=")) { if (!strcmp(#anchor, #val)) { anchor_line_num=list.first+stroka; } } } while(GetNextParam()); } else { link = 0; IF(text_color_index > 0) text_color_index--; } return; } if (istag("font")) { if (opened) { text_color_index++; text_colors[text_color_index] = text_colors[text_color_index-1]; do{ if (isattr("color=")) text_colors[text_color_index] = GetColor(#val); } while(GetNextParam()); } else if (text_color_index > 0) text_color_index--; return; } if (istag("div")) || (istag("header")) || (istag("article")) || (istag("footer")) { IF(oldtag[0] != 'h') NewLine(); if (isattr("bgcolor=")) { bg_color=GetColor(#val); DrawBuf.Fill(bg_color); } return; } if (istag("p")) { IF(oldtag[0] == 'h') return; NewLine(); IF(opened) NewLine(); return; } if (istag("br")) { NewLine(); return; } if (istag("tr")) { if (opened) { NewLine(); strcat(#line, "| "); } return; } if (istag("td")) || (istag("th")) { if (!opened) strcat(#line, " | "); return; } if (istag("b")) || (istag("strong")) || (istag("big")) { style.b = opened; return; } if (istag("i")) || (istag("em")) || (istag("subtitle")) { style.i=opened; return; } if (istag("u")) || (istag("ins")) { style.u=opened; return;} if (istag("s")) || (istag("strike")) || (istag("del")) { style.s=opened; return; } if (istag("dd")) { stolbec += 5; return; } if (istag("blockquote")) { style.blq = opened; return; } if (istag("pre")) || (istag("code")) { style.pre = opened; return; } if (istag("img")) { ImgCache.Images( left1, top1, WB1.list.w); return; } /* if (istag("center")) { if (opened) style.align = ALIGN_CENTER; if (!opened) { NewLine(); style.align = ALIGN_LEFT; } return; } if (istag("right")) { if (opened) style.align = ALIGN_RIGHT; if (!opened) { NewLine(); style.align = ALIGN_LEFT; } return; } */ if (istag("h1")) || (istag("h2")) || (istag("h3")) || (istag("h4")) || (istag("caption")) { NewLine(); if (opened) && (stroka>1) NewLine(); strcpy(#oldtag, #tag); if (opened) { if (isattr("align=")) && (isval("center")) style.align = ALIGN_CENTER; if (isattr("align=")) && (isval("right")) style.align = ALIGN_RIGHT; style.b = 1; } if (!opened) { style.align = ALIGN_LEFT; style.b = 0; } return; } else oldtag=NULL; if (istag("dt")) { = opened; if (opened) NewLine(); return; } if (istag("li")) || (istag("dt")) //надо сделать вложенные списки { = opened; if (opened) { NewLine(); if (stroka > -1) && (stroka - 2 < list.visible) DrawBuf.DrawBar(style.li_tab * 5 * list.font_w * DrawBuf.zoom + list.x, list.line_h / 2 - DrawBuf.zoom - DrawBuf.zoom, DrawBuf.zoom*2, DrawBuf.zoom*2, 0x555555); } return; } if (istag("ul")) || (istag("ol")) { if (!opened) { = opened; style.li_tab--; NewLine(); } else style.li_tab++; } if (istag("hr")) { if (anchor) || (stroka < -1) { stroka+=2; return; } if (strcmp(#attr, "color=") == 0) hr_color = GetColor(#val); else hr_color = 0x999999; NewLine(); DrawBuf.DrawBar(5, list.line_h/2, list.w-10, 1, hr_color); NewLine(); } if (istag("meta")) || (istag("?xml")) { do{ if (isattr("charset=")) || (isattr("content=")) || (isattr("encoding=")) { strcpy(#val, #val[strrchr(#val, '=')]); //поиск в content= strlwr(#val); if (isval("utf-8")) || (isval("utf8")) meta_encoding = CH_UTF8; else if (isval("koi8-r")) || (isval("koi8-u")) meta_encoding = CH_KOI8; else if (isval("windows-1251")) || (isval("windows1251")) meta_encoding = CH_CP1251; else if (isval("iso-8859-5")) || (isval("iso8859-5")) meta_encoding = CH_ISO8859_5; else if (isval("dos")) || (isval("cp-866")) meta_encoding = CH_CP866; if (cur_encoding!=meta_encoding) BufEncode(meta_encoding); return; } } while(GetNextParam()); return; } } void TWebBrowser::BufEncode(int set_new_encoding) { int bufpointer_realsize; cur_encoding = set_new_encoding; if (o_bufpointer==0) { o_bufpointer = malloc(bufsize); strcpy(o_bufpointer, bufpointer); } else { strcpy(bufpointer, o_bufpointer); } } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::DrawScroller() { scroll_wv.max_area = list.count; scroll_wv.cur_area = list.visible; scroll_wv.position = list.first; scroll_wv.all_redraw = 0; scroll_wv.start_x = list.x + list.w; scroll_wv.start_y = list.y; scroll_wv.size_y = list.h; scroll_wv.start_x = list.w * DrawBuf.zoom + list.x; scrollbar_v_draw(#scroll_wv); } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::NewLine() { int onleft, ontop; onleft = list.x + 5; ontop = stroka * list.line_h + list.y + 5; if (t_html) && (!t_body) return; if (stroka * list.line_h + 5 >= 0) && ( stroka + 1 * list.line_h + 5 < list.h) && (!anchor) { if (style.align == ALIGN_CENTER) && (DrawBuf.zoom==1) DrawBuf.AlignCenter(onleft,ontop,list.w,list.line_h,stolbec * list.font_w); if (style.align == ALIGN_RIGHT) && (DrawBuf.zoom==1) DrawBuf.AlignRight(onleft,ontop,list.w,list.line_h,stolbec * list.font_w); } stroka++; if (style.blq) stolbec = 6; else stolbec = 0; if ( stolbec = style.li_tab * 5; } //============================================================================================ int istag(dword text) { if (!strcmp(#tag,text)) return 1; else return 0; } int isattr(dword text) { if (!strcmp(#attr,text)) return 1; else return 0; } int isval(dword text) { if (!strcmp(#val,text)) return 1; else return 0; } //============================================================================================ void TWebBrowser::DrawPage() { PutPaletteImage(list.first * list.line_h * DrawBuf.bufw * 4 + buf_data+8, DrawBuf.bufw, list.h, DrawBuf.bufx, DrawBuf.bufy, 32, 0); DrawScroller(); }