//stuff for loading images via MeView via IPC by Nable. 2008 //Last changed 13.11.2008 inline fastcall void registerIPCbuffer(dword ECX, dword EDX) //ecx - pointer to buffer, edx - buffer size { EAX=60; EBX=1; $int 0x40 } inline fastcall void build_param_string(dword ESI, dword EDI) //first parameter - pointer to filename string, second - pointer to //the output area for commandline for MeView proc_info _p_info; { _p_info.GetInfo(SelfInfo); EBX = _p_info.ID; EAX = 'NCPI'; //'IPCN' in reversed byte order $STOSD ECX = 8; ___NEW_SYMBOL_OF_PID: $ROL EBX,4 EAX = EBX; EAX &= 0xF; EAX += '0'; $CMP AL,'9' $JBE ___NEW_SYMBOL_OF_PID_PRINT $ADD AL,7 //('A'-'0'-10) ___NEW_SYMBOL_OF_PID_PRINT: $STOSB $LOOP ___NEW_SYMBOL_OF_PID ___NEW_SYMBOL_OF_PATH_COPY: $LODSB $STOSB $OR AL,AL $JNE ___NEW_SYMBOL_OF_PATH_COPY } char _Path2MeView[]="/sys/mv"; inline int RunMV(char* parameters) f70 _run_struct; { _run_struct.func = 7; _run_struct.param1 = 0; _run_struct.param2 = parameters; _run_struct.param3 = _run_struct.param4 = _run_struct.rezerv = 0; _run_struct.name = #_Path2MeView; EAX=70; EBX=#_run_struct; $int 0x40 //EAX (return code) will contain positive PID of new process or negative error code. } int loadimage_viaIPC(char* file_name_to_load, int initial_values) //really it must be IMAGE_INFO* initial_values, but compiler rejected //this, so I had to use 'int initial_values' char param_string[255]; unsigned int _FrameCountTemp; int temp0; //scratch variable int came_size; //sizeof data that came. It's used to shrink unneeded IPC data //added by Nable 13.11.2008 3.36am (begin) int MVsPID; //no comments int MVsSlot; //no comments proc_info _p_info; //this structure will be used to test if MV is alive //added by Nable 13.11.2008 3.36am (end) { int pIPCbuffer = malloc(64); //IPC buffer for the first message can be //rather small but >= 8+8+24 /*Here you can add error checking code, i.e. if(!pIPCbuffer) { ErrorExit("OUT OF MEMORY!"); }; */ registerIPCbuffer(pIPCbuffer,64); DSDWORD[pIPCbuffer+4]=8; //at +4 in IPC buffer is a relative pointer to free place build_param_string(file_name_to_load, #param_string); DSDWORD[pIPCbuffer]=0; //unlock the buffer SetEventMask(01000000b); // 1 << (evIPC-1) //13.11.2008 3.45am Nable's fixes (begin1) MVsPID = RunMV(#param_string); //you can use here your function but don't forget //about parameters (param_string). MVsSlot = PIDtoSlot(MVsPID); WHILE(!(WaitEventTimeout(100))){ //we have only one event - evIPC so return value may be 0 or evIPC but if received 0 it can mean //either MV terminated silently or it just hasn't done the work and we should wait. Test for it _p_info.GetInfo(MVsSlot); IF((_p_info.status_slot > 2)||(_p_info.ID != MVsPID)) return 0; } //13.11.2008 4.26am Nable's fixes ( end1) //else we got the message. Process it. DSDWORD[pIPCbuffer] |= -1; //lock the buffer //the first dword of the message is frame count _FrameCountTemp = DSDWORD[pIPCbuffer+16]; //note that data of the first //message is located at offset 16 in IPC buffer; IF(_FrameCountTemp <= 1) //see docs { ESI = pIPCbuffer+16+12; EDI = initial_values; //offset of CurrentImage structure //Left and top corner's coords (not used in many cases but who knows?) $MOVSD //Width and height $MOVSD //bpp $LODSD $movzx eax,ax CurrentImage.BitsPerPixel = EAX; } //see docs came_size = DSDWORD[pIPCbuffer+24]; //amount of useful data temp0 = came_size + 4096; //+4096 - some reserve realloc(temp0+4096, pIPCbuffer); //+4096 - some reserve registerIPCbuffer(pIPCbuffer, temp0); //re-register IPC buffer with a new size DSDWORD[pIPCbuffer+4]=8; //delete first message, at +4 in IPC buffer is a //relative pointer to free place DSDWORD[pIPCbuffer]=0; //unlock the buffer to receive second msg //13.11.2008 4.26am Nable's fixes ( begin2) WHILE(!(WaitEventTimeout(100))){ //we have only one event - evIPC so return value may be 0 or evIPC but if received 0 it can mean //either MV terminated silently or it just hasn't done the work and we should wait. Test for it _p_info.GetInfo(MVsSlot); IF((_p_info.status_slot > 2)||(_p_info.ID != MVsPID)) return 0; } //13.11.2008 4.26am Nable's fixes ( end2) //if we are here, then we received the second message. if FrameCount==1 then //it's a pure image data (if BitsPerPixel==15, 16, 24 or 32) or //(dword)sizeof(palette[]) then palette[] and then the image. //Parse it as you like, here's my way: registerIPCbuffer(pIPCbuffer, 0); // there are no function 'unregister //IPC buffer' in Kolibri - so I have to use 'dark power' //shrink unneeded IPC data ECX = came_size; $SHR ECX,2 ECX++; //ECX = number of useful dwords EDI = pIPCbuffer; ESI = EDI + 16; $CLD $REP $MOVSD //now we must interpret second message EDI = initial_values; IF(_FrameCountTemp <= 1) { IF(DSDWORD[EDI+24] > 8) //CurrentImage.BitsPerPixel { DSDWORD[EDI+20] = 0; //CurrentImage.pPalette=0 DSDWORD[EDI+16] = pIPCbuffer; //CurrentImage.StartOfImage=pIPCbuffer } ELSE { EAX = pIPCbuffer + 4; DSDWORD[EDI+20] = EAX; //CurrentImage.pPalette=EAX EAX += DSDWORD[EAX-4]; DSDWORD[EDI+16] = EAX; //CurrentImage.StartOfImage = EAX; }; } ELSE { GetNthImageInfo(pIPCbuffer,EDI,0); }; EBX = _FrameCountTemp; return pIPCbuffer; }