(* Copyright 2016, 2022 Anton Krotov This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program. If not, see . *) MODULE OpenDlg; IMPORT sys := SYSTEM, KOSAPI, S := Strings; TYPE DRAW_WINDOW = PROCEDURE; TDialog = RECORD type, procinfo, com_area_name, com_area, opendir_path, dir_default_path, start_path: INTEGER; draw_window: DRAW_WINDOW; status*, openfile_path, filename_area: INTEGER; filter_area: POINTER TO RECORD size: INTEGER; filter: ARRAY 4096 OF CHAR END; X, Y: INTEGER; procinf: ARRAY 1024 OF CHAR; s_com_area_name: ARRAY 32 OF CHAR; s_opendir_path, s_dir_default_path, FilePath*, FileName*: ARRAY 4096 OF CHAR END; Dialog* = POINTER TO TDialog; PROCEDURE [stdcall, "Proc_lib.obj", ""] OpenDialog_start (od: Dialog); END; PROCEDURE [stdcall, "Proc_lib.obj", ""] OpenDialog_init (od: Dialog); END; PROCEDURE Show*(od: Dialog; Width, Height: INTEGER); BEGIN IF od # NIL THEN od.X := Width; od.Y := Height; OpenDialog_start(od) END END Show; PROCEDURE Create*(draw_window: DRAW_WINDOW; type: INTEGER; def_path, filter: ARRAY OF CHAR): Dialog; VAR res: Dialog; n, i: INTEGER; PROCEDURE replace(VAR str: ARRAY OF CHAR; c1, c2: CHAR); VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := LENGTH(str) - 1; WHILE i >= 0 DO IF str[i] = c1 THEN str[i] := c2 END; DEC(i) END END replace; BEGIN NEW(res); IF res # NIL THEN NEW(res.filter_area); IF res.filter_area # NIL THEN res.s_com_area_name := "FFFFFFFF_open_dialog"; res.com_area := 0; res.type := type; res.draw_window := draw_window; COPY(def_path, res.s_dir_default_path); COPY(filter, res.filter_area.filter); n := LENGTH(res.filter_area.filter); FOR i := 0 TO 3 DO res.filter_area.filter[n + i] := "|" END; res.filter_area.filter[n + 4] := 0X; res.X := 0; res.Y := 0; res.s_opendir_path := res.s_dir_default_path; res.FilePath := ""; res.FileName := ""; res.status := 0; res.filter_area.size := LENGTH(res.filter_area.filter); res.procinfo := sys.ADR(res.procinf[0]); res.com_area_name := sys.ADR(res.s_com_area_name[0]); res.start_path := sys.SADR("/sys/File managers/opendial"); res.opendir_path := sys.ADR(res.s_opendir_path[0]); res.dir_default_path := sys.ADR(res.s_dir_default_path[0]); res.openfile_path := sys.ADR(res.FilePath[0]); res.filename_area := sys.ADR(res.FileName[0]); replace(res.filter_area.filter, "|", 0X); OpenDialog_init(res) ELSE DISPOSE(res) END END RETURN res END Create; PROCEDURE Destroy*(VAR od: Dialog); BEGIN IF od # NIL THEN DISPOSE(od.filter_area); DISPOSE(od) END END Destroy; END OpenDlg.