; ; MHC archiver for MenuetOS - very fast compression tool ; ; version 0.09 ; ; Written by Nikita Lesnikov (nlo_one@mail.ru, Republic of Belarus, Sluck) ; ;============================================================================== ; ; Brief file format description: ; ; +-----------+------------------------+ ; File structure: | Method ID | Compressed data | ; +-----------+------------------------+ ; ; Methods list: ; ; 0. LZP (order-2 specified specially for *.ASM,*.RAW and MeOS executables) ; ; New methods can be easily added without loss of compatibility ; with older versions ; ;============================================================================== ; SYSTEM HEADER use32 org 0x0 db "MENUET01" dd 0x01 dd ENTRANCE dd MHC_END dd 0x300000 ; 3 megs of memory needed dd 0x2FF000 dd 0x0 dd 0x0 include 'lang.inc' include 'macros.inc' ; CODE AREA ENTRANCE: ; ======== user interface ========= call draw_window ; draw the window still: mov eax,10 ; wait for event int 0x40 cmp eax,1 ; redraw? jnz no_redraw call draw_window no_redraw: cmp eax,2 ; key pressed? jz key cmp eax,3 ; button pressed? jz button jmp still ; Key handler key: mov eax,2 ; read it int 0x40 shr eax,8 cmp byte [editstate],0 jz still cmp al,8 ; backspace jnz no_bksp cmp byte [editpos],0 jz no_del_last dec byte [editpos] xor ebx,ebx mov bl,byte [editpos] add ebx,cmfile cmp byte [editstate],2 jnz no_add_base_1 add ebx,12 no_add_base_1: mov byte [ebx],32 no_del_last: call draw_info jmp still no_bksp: cmp al,13 ; enter jnz no_enter mov byte [editstate],0 call draw_info jmp still no_enter: cmp eax,dword 31 jbe no_lit cmp eax,dword 95 jb capital sub eax,32 capital: xor ebx,ebx mov bl,byte [editpos] add ebx,cmfile cmp byte [editstate],2 jnz no_add_base_2 add ebx,12 no_add_base_2: mov byte [ebx],al inc byte [editpos] cmp byte [editpos],12 jnz no_null_state mov byte [editstate],0 no_null_state: call draw_info no_lit: jmp still ; Button handler button: mov eax,17 int 0x40 cmp ah,1 jnz no_quit mov eax,-1 int 0x40 no_quit: cmp ah,4 jnz nofirst cld mov byte [editstate],1 mov edi,cmfile mov eax,0x20202020 mov ecx,3 rep stosd mov byte [editpos],0 mov byte [msgid],0 call draw_info nofirst: cmp ah,5 jnz nosecond cld mov byte [editstate],2 mov edi,iofile mov eax,0x20202020 mov ecx,3 rep stosd mov byte [editpos],0 mov byte [msgid],0 call draw_info nosecond: cmp ah,2 jnz no_compress call compress no_compress: cmp ah,3 jnz no_decompress call decompress no_decompress: cmp ah,6 jnz no_delete_io pusha mov eax,32 mov ebx,iofile int 0x40 popa no_delete_io: cmp ah,7 jnz no_delete_archive pusha mov eax,32 mov ebx,cmfile int 0x40 popa no_delete_archive: jmp still ; WINDOW DRAW draw_window: mov eax,12 ; Start redrawing mov ebx,1 int 0x40 xor eax,eax ; Define window mov ebx,100*65536+240 mov ecx,100*65536+130 mov edx,0x03AAAAAA mov esi,0x80777777 mov edi,0x00777777 int 0x40 mov eax,4 ; Draw all needed texts mov ebx,8*65536+8 mov ecx,0x00FFFFFF mov edx,title mov esi,arclab-title int 0x40 xor ecx,ecx mov edx,arclab mov esi,unplab-arclab add ebx,10*65536+28 int 0x40 mov edx,unplab mov esi,fin_text-unplab add ebx,18 int 0x40 pusha ; mov eax,8 ; Buttons ; mov ebx,222*65536+10 ; mov ecx,6*65536+10 ; mov edx,1 ; mov esi,0x555555 ; int 0x40 mov eax,8 mov ebx,15*65536+100 mov ecx,70*65536+13 mov edx,2 int 0x40 inc edx add ebx,110*65536 int 0x40 inc edx mov ebx,214*65536+11 mov ecx,33*65536+11 int 0x40 inc edx add ecx,18*65536 int 0x40 inc edx mov ebx,15*65536+100 mov ecx,86*65536+13 int 0x40 inc edx add ebx,110*65536 int 0x40 popa mov ecx,0x00FFFFFF mov edx,keylab mov esi,dellab-keylab add ebx,19 int 0x40 mov edx,dellab mov esi,title-dellab add ebx,16 int 0x40 call draw_info mov eax,12 ; Finish redrawing mov ebx,2 int 0x40 ret draw_info: ; Draw filenames and compressor state activecolor equ 0x00112299 pusha ; Save registers mov eax,13 ; Clean draw area mov ebx,127*65536+85 mov ecx,33*65536+33 mov edx,0x00AAAAAA int 0x40 mov eax,4 ; Draw filenames mov ebx,134*65536+36 mov edx,cmfile xor ecx,ecx mov esi,12 cmp byte [editstate],1 jnz no_active_1 mov ecx,activecolor no_active_1: int 0x40 xor ecx,ecx cmp byte [editstate],2 jnz no_active_2 mov ecx,activecolor no_active_2: add ebx,18 add edx,12 int 0x40 mov eax,13 ; Clean info area mov ebx,14*65536+210 mov ecx,107*65536+14 mov edx,0x00AAAAAA int 0x40 cmp byte [msgid],0 ; Draw info string jz notype mov ebx,16*65536+110 xor ecx,ecx mov esi,16 mov al, byte [msgid] dec al shl al,4 xor ah,ah xor edx,edx mov dx,ax add edx,msgtable mov eax,4 int 0x40 notype: popa ; Restore registers ret ; interface data if lang eq de keylab db " PACKEN ENTPACKEN" dellab db " LOESCHE I/O LOESCHE *.MHC" title db "MHC 0.09" arclab db "GEOACJTE DATEI:" unplab db "EIN/AUSGABE DATEI:" fin_text: cmfile db "FILENAME.MHC" iofile db "FILENAME.XYZ" msgtable: db "PACKE... " db "ENTPACKE... " db "KEIN I/O! " db "KEINE *.MHC! " db "FALSCHE METHODe!" else keylab db " COMPRESS DECOMPRESS" dellab db " DELETE I/O DELETE *.MHC" title db "MHC 0.09" arclab db "COMPRESSED FILE:" unplab db "INPUT/OUTPUT FILE:" fin_text: cmfile db "FILENAME.MHC" iofile db "FILENAME.XYZ" msgtable: db "COMPRESSING... " db "DECOMPRESSING..." db "I/O NOT FOUND! " db "*.MHC NOT FOUND!" db "INVALID METHOD! " end if editstate db 0 editpos db 0 msgid db 0 ; ======== compression/decompression engine ======== ; Adresses declaration hashtable equ MHC_END ifile equ hashtable+65536*4 ofile equ ifile+1000000 compress: ; File compression call fill_filebufs mov eax,6 mov ebx,iofile xor ecx,ecx mov edx,ecx not edx mov esi,ifile int 0x40 cmp eax,0xFFFFFFFF jnz compress_filefound ; i/o file not found mov byte [msgid],3 call draw_info ret compress_filefound: mov byte [msgid],1 call draw_info jmp lzp_compress ; compress with order-2 LZP compress_dumpdata: push edx mov eax,32 mov ebx,cmfile int 0x40 mov eax,33 pop edx mov ebx,cmfile mov ecx,ofile xor esi,esi int 0x40 mov byte [msgid],0 call draw_info ret decompress: ; File decompression call fill_filebufs mov eax,6 mov ebx,cmfile xor ecx,ecx mov edx,ecx not edx mov esi,ofile int 0x40 cmp eax,0xFFFFFFFF jnz decompress_filefound ; *.mhc file not found mov byte [msgid],4 call draw_info ret decompress_filefound: cmp byte [ofile],0 ; Invalid method! jz right_method mov byte [msgid],5 call draw_info ret right_method: mov byte [msgid],2 call draw_info jmp lzp_decompress decompress_dumpdata: push edx mov eax,32 mov ebx,iofile int 0x40 mov eax,33 pop edx mov ebx,iofile mov ecx,ifile xor esi,esi int 0x40 mov byte [msgid],0 call draw_info ret fill_filebufs: ; Fill filebufs with garbage to simplify matching pusha cld mov eax,0xF7D9A03F ; <- "magic number" :) just garbage... mov ecx,2000000/4 mov edi,ifile rep stosd popa ret ; ==== algorithms section ==== ; Method 0: LZP compression algorithm lzp_compress: ; EDX - how much bytes to dump cld ; clear direction flag mov esi,ifile ; init pointers mov edi,ofile push eax ; write header: ID0+4bfilesize => total 5 bytes xor eax,eax stosb pop eax stosd pusha ; fill hash table mov eax,ifile mov edi,hashtable mov ecx,65536 rep stosd popa add eax,esi ; calculate endpointer mov dword [endpointer],eax movsw ; copy three bytes movsb mov dword [controlp],edi inc edi mov byte [controld],0 mov byte [controlb],0 c_loop: cmp dword [endpointer],esi ; check end of file ja c_loop_ok jmp finish_c_loop c_loop_ok: call chash call compare jz two_match_c lodsb mov byte [literal],al call chash call compare jz lit_match_c mov al,0 call putbit mov al,byte [literal] stosb movsb jmp end_c_loop lit_match_c: mov al,1 call putbit mov al,0 call putbit mov al,byte [literal] stosb jmp encode_match two_match_c: mov al,1 call putbit call putbit encode_match: call incpos call compare jz one_c mov al,0 call putbit jmp end_c_loop one_c: call incpos mov al,1 call putbit call compare jnz ec1 call incpos call compare jnz ec2 call incpos call compare jnz ec3 call incpos mov al,1 call putbit call putbit call compare jnz ec4 call incpos call compare jnz ec5 call incpos call compare jnz ec6 call incpos call compare jnz ec7 call incpos call compare jnz ec8 call incpos call compare jnz ec9 call incpos call compare jnz ec10 call incpos mov al,1 call putbit call putbit call putbit xor ecx,ecx match_loop_c: cmp esi,dword [endpointer] jae out_match_loop_c call compare jnz out_match_loop_c inc ecx call incpos jmp match_loop_c out_match_loop_c: mov al,0xFF out_lg: cmp ecx,255 jb out_lg_out stosb sub ecx,255 jmp out_lg out_lg_out: mov al,cl stosb jmp end_c_loop ec10: mov al,1 call putbit call putbit mov al,0 call putbit jmp end_c_loop ec9: mov al,1 call putbit mov al,0 call putbit mov al,1 call putbit jmp end_c_loop ec8: mov al,1 call putbit mov al,0 call putbit call putbit jmp end_c_loop ec7: mov al,0 call putbit mov al,1 call putbit call putbit jmp end_c_loop ec6: mov al,0 call putbit mov al,1 call putbit mov al,0 call putbit jmp end_c_loop ec5: mov al,0 call putbit call putbit mov al,1 call putbit jmp end_c_loop ec4: mov al,0 call putbit call putbit call putbit jmp end_c_loop ec3: mov al,1 call putbit mov al,0 call putbit jmp end_c_loop ec2: mov al,0 call putbit mov al,1 call putbit jmp end_c_loop ec1: mov al,0 call putbit call putbit end_c_loop: jmp c_loop finish_c_loop: mov eax,dword [controlp] ; store last tagbyte mov bl,byte [controld] mov [eax], byte bl sub edi,ofile ; calculate dump size mov edx,edi jmp compress_dumpdata ; LZP decompression algorithm lzp_decompress: ; EDX - how much bytes to dump cld mov edi,ifile mov esi,ofile+1 pusha ; fill hash table mov eax,ifile mov edi,hashtable mov ecx,65536 rep stosd popa lodsd mov ebx,edi add ebx,eax mov dword [endpointer],ebx movsw movsb lodsb mov byte [controld],al mov byte [controlb],0 d_loop: cmp dword [endpointer],edi ja d_loop_ok jmp finish_d_loop d_loop_ok: call getbit cmp al,0 jnz match_d call dhash movsb call dhash movsb jmp end_d_loop match_d: call getbit cmp al,0 jnz no_literal_before_match call dhash movsb no_literal_before_match: call dhash mov ecx,1 call copymatch call getbit cmp al,0 jz end_d_loop mov ecx,1 call copymatch call getbit cmp al,0 jz dc2 mov ecx,2 call copymatch call getbit cmp al,0 jz end_d_loop mov ecx,1 call copymatch call getbit cmp al,0 jz dc4 mov ecx,4 call copymatch call getbit cmp al,0 jz dc5 call getbit cmp al,0 jz dc6 mov ecx,3 call copymatch do: lodsb xor ecx,ecx mov cl,al call copymatch cmp al,0xFF jnz end_do jmp do end_do: jmp end_d_loop dc6: mov ecx,2 call copymatch jmp end_d_loop dc5: call getbit cmp al,0 jz ndc5 mov ecx,1 call copymatch ndc5: jmp end_d_loop dc4: call getbit cmp al,0 jz ndc4 call getbit mov ecx,3 cmp al,1 jz ndcc4 dec ecx ndcc4: call copymatch jmp end_d_loop ndc4: call getbit cmp al,0 jz ndccc4 mov ecx,1 call copymatch ndccc4: jmp end_d_loop dc2: call getbit cmp al,0 jz ndc2 mov ecx,1 call copymatch ndc2: end_d_loop: jmp d_loop finish_d_loop: mov edx, dword [ofile+1] jmp decompress_dumpdata ; LZP subroutines putbit: ; bit -> byte tag, AL holds bit for output pusha mov cl,byte [controlb] shl al,cl mov bl,byte [controld] or bl,al mov byte [controld],bl inc cl cmp cl,8 jnz just_increment mov byte [controlb],0 mov byte [controld],0 push edi mov edi, dword [controlp] mov al,bl stosb pop edi mov dword [controlp],edi popa inc edi ret just_increment: mov byte [controlb],cl popa ret getbit: ; tag byte -> bit, AL holds input push ecx mov al,byte [controld] mov cl,byte [controlb] shr al,cl and al,1 inc cl cmp cl,8 jnz just_increment_d mov byte [controlb],0 push eax lodsb mov byte [controld],al pop eax pop ecx ret just_increment_d: mov byte [controlb],cl pop ecx ret chash: ; calculate hash -> mp -> fill position pusha xor eax,eax mov al, byte [esi-1] mov ah, byte [esi-2] shl eax,2 add eax,hashtable mov edx,dword [eax] mov dword [mp],edx mov dword [eax],esi popa ret dhash: ; calculate hash -> mp -> fill position pusha xor eax,eax mov al, byte [edi-1] mov ah, byte [edi-2] shl eax,2 add eax,hashtable mov edx,dword [eax] mov dword [mp],edx mov dword [eax],edi popa ret copymatch: ; ECX bytes from [mp] to [rp] push esi mov esi,dword [mp] rep movsb mov dword [mp],esi pop esi ret compare: ; compare [mp] with [cpos] push edi push esi mov edi,dword [mp] cmpsb pop esi pop edi ret incpos: inc dword [mp] inc esi ret ; LZP algorithm data endpointer dd 0 controlp dd 0 controlb db 0 controld db 0 mp dd 0 literal db 0 MHC_END: ; the end... - Nikita Lesnikov (nlo_one)