; 2022, Edited by Coldy ; Added changes for auto load & linking format binary as "kex" use32 org 0x0 db 'MENUET01' dd 0x02 ; 2 - for enable autoload feature dd START dd IM_END dd MEM dd MEM dd 0 dd 0 ; { Begin of KX header (this need for recognition by dll.obj) db 'KX',0 ; Signature/Magic db 0 ; Revision db 1000000b ; Flags0 (user app w/import) db 0 ; Flags1 dw 0 ; Reserved dd @IMPORT ; Pointer to import table ; } End of KX header include '../../../../../../macros.inc' include '../../../../../../proc32.inc' include '../../../../../../KOSfuncs.inc' ; no needed for autoload ;include '../../../../../dll.inc' ;include '../../../../../debug-fdo.inc' ;__DEBUG__ = 1 ;__DEBUG_LEVEL__ = 2 START: ; Disabled, dll.obj doing this ;stdcall dll.Load, @IMPORT ;test eax, eax ;jnz exit cinvoke libc_strlen, test_str1 ;DEBUGF 2, "%d", eax mcall SF_SYS_MISC, SSF_MEM_ALLOC, eax mov [test_str2], eax cinvoke libc_sprintf, [test_str2], format_str, str_var, [dec_var], dword [float_var], dword[float_var+4], [hex_var] cinvoke libc_puts, test_str1 cinvoke libc_puts, [test_str2] cinvoke libc_strcmp, test_str1, [test_str2] test eax, eax jz print_succ jmp print_fail print_succ: cinvoke libc_puts, success_msg jmp exit print_fail: cinvoke libc_puts, failed_msg exit: mcall SF_SYS_MISC, SSF_MEM_FREE, [test_str2] //mcall SF_TERMINATE_PROCESS - disabled, dll.obj also doing this ret ; data format_str db "%s %d %f 0x%x", 0 test_str1 db "Test 463 -26.432100 0x9d81", 0 test_str2 dd 0 str_var db "Test",0 dec_var dd 463 float_var dq -26.4321 hex_var dd 40321 success_msg db "Test successful!", 0 failed_msg db "Test failed!", 0 align 4 @IMPORT: library libc, 'libc.obj' import libc, \ libc_sprintf, 'sprintf', \ libc_strcmp, 'strcmp', \ libc_strlen, 'strlen', \ libc_puts, 'puts' IM_END: align 4 rb 1024 ; stack MEM: