;;                                                                 ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2010-2015. All rights reserved.    ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License       ;;
;;                                                                 ;;
;;  rhine.asm                                                      ;;
;;                                                                 ;;
;;  Ethernet driver for Kolibri OS                                 ;;
;;                                                                 ;;
;;  This driver is based on the via-rhine driver from              ;;
;;  the etherboot 5.0.6 project. The copyright statement is        ;;
;;                                                                 ;;
;;          GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE                             ;;
;;             Version 2, June 1991                                ;;
;;                                                                 ;;
;;    Rewritten in flat assembler by Asper (asper.85@mail.ru)      ;;
;;            and hidnplayr (hidnplayr@gmail.com)                  ;;
;;                                                                 ;;
;;  See file COPYING for details                                   ;;
;;                                                                 ;;
;;                                                                 ;;

format PE DLL native
entry START

        CURRENT_API             = 0x0200
        COMPATIBLE_API          = 0x0100
        API_VERSION             = (COMPATIBLE_API shl 16) + CURRENT_API

        MAX_DEVICES             = 16

        __DEBUG__               = 1
        __DEBUG_LEVEL__         = 2     ; 1 = all, 2 = errors only

        TX_RING_SIZE            = 4
        RX_RING_SIZE            = 4

        ; max time out delay time
        W_MAX_TIMEOUT           = 0x0FFF

        ; Size of the in-memory receive ring.
        RX_BUF_LEN_IDX          = 3     ; 0==8K, 1==16K, 2==32K, 3==64K

        ; PCI Tuning Parameters
        ; Threshold is bytes transferred to chip before transmission starts.
        TX_FIFO_THRESH          = 256   ; In bytes, rounded down to 32 byte units.

        ; The following settings are log_2(bytes)-4:  0 == 16 bytes .. 6==1024.
        RX_FIFO_THRESH          = 4     ; Rx buffer level before first PCI transfer.
        RX_DMA_BURST            = 4     ; Maximum PCI burst, '4' is 256 bytes
        TX_DMA_BURST            = 4

section '.flat' readable writable executable

include '../proc32.inc'
include '../struct.inc'
include '../macros.inc'
include '../fdo.inc'
include '../netdrv.inc'

; VIA Rhine Register Definitions
byPAR0                          = 0x00
byRCR                           = 0x06
byTCR                           = 0x07
byCR0                           = 0x08
byCR1                           = 0x09
byISR0                          = 0x0c
byISR1                          = 0x0d
byIMR0                          = 0x0e
byIMR1                          = 0x0f
byMAR0                          = 0x10
byMAR1                          = 0x11
byMAR2                          = 0x12
byMAR3                          = 0x13
byMAR4                          = 0x14
byMAR5                          = 0x15
byMAR6                          = 0x16
byMAR7                          = 0x17
dwCurrentRxDescAddr             = 0x18
dwCurrentTxDescAddr             = 0x1c
dwCurrentRDSE0                  = 0x20
dwCurrentRDSE1                  = 0x24
dwCurrentRDSE2                  = 0x28
dwCurrentRDSE3                  = 0x2c
dwNextRDSE0                     = 0x30
dwNextRDSE1                     = 0x34
dwNextRDSE2                     = 0x38
dwNextRDSE3                     = 0x3c
dwCurrentTDSE0                  = 0x40
dwCurrentTDSE1                  = 0x44
dwCurrentTDSE2                  = 0x48
dwCurrentTDSE3                  = 0x4c
dwNextTDSE0                     = 0x50
dwNextTDSE1                     = 0x54
dwNextTDSE2                     = 0x58
dwNextTDSE3                     = 0x5c
dwCurrRxDMAPtr                  = 0x60
dwCurrTxDMAPtr                  = 0x64
byMPHY                          = 0x6c
byMIISR                         = 0x6d
byBCR0                          = 0x6e
byBCR1                          = 0x6f
byMIICR                         = 0x70
byMIIAD                         = 0x71
wMIIDATA                        = 0x72
byEECSR                         = 0x74
byTEST                          = 0x75
byGPIO                          = 0x76
byCFGA                          = 0x78
byCFGB                          = 0x79
byCFGC                          = 0x7a
byCFGD                          = 0x7b
wTallyCntMPA                    = 0x7c
wTallyCntCRC                    = 0x7d
bySTICKHW                       = 0x83
byWOLcrClr                      = 0xA4
byWOLcgClr                      = 0xA7
byPwrcsrClr                     = 0xAC

;---------------------  Exioaddr Definitions -------------------------

; Bits in the RCR register
RCR_RRFT2               = 0x80
RCR_RRFT1               = 0x40
RCR_RRFT0               = 0x20
RCR_PROM                = 0x10
RCR_AB                  = 0x08
RCR_AM                  = 0x04
RCR_AR                  = 0x02
RCR_SEP                 = 0x01
; Bits in the TCR register
TCR_RTSF                = 0x80
TCR_RTFT1               = 0x40
TCR_RTFT0               = 0x20
TCR_OFSET               = 0x08
TCR_LB1                 = 0x04    ; loopback[1]
TCR_LB0                 = 0x02    ; loopback[0]
; Bits in the CR0 register
CR0_RDMD                = 0x40    ; rx descriptor polling demand
CR0_TDMD                = 0x20    ; tx descriptor polling demand
CR0_TXON                = 0x10
CR0_RXON                = 0x08
CR0_STOP                = 0x04    ; stop NIC, default = 1
CR0_STRT                = 0x02    ; start NIC
CR0_INIT                = 0x01    ; start init process
; Bits in the CR1 register
CR1_SFRST               = 0x80    ; software reset
CR1_RDMD1               = 0x40    ; RDMD1
CR1_TDMD1               = 0x20    ; TDMD1
CR1_KEYPAG              = 0x10    ; turn on par/key
CR1_DPOLL               = 0x08    ; disable rx/tx auto polling
CR1_FDX                 = 0x04    ; full duplex mode
CR1_ETEN                = 0x02    ; early tx mode
CR1_EREN                = 0x01    ; early rx mode
; Bits in the CR register
CR_RDMD                 = 0x0040  ; rx descriptor polling demand
CR_TDMD                 = 0x0020  ; tx descriptor polling demand
CR_TXON                 = 0x0010
CR_RXON                 = 0x0008
CR_STOP                 = 0x0004  ; stop NIC, default = 1
CR_STRT                 = 0x0002  ; start NIC
CR_INIT                 = 0x0001  ; start init process
CR_SFRST                = 0x8000  ; software reset
CR_RDMD1                = 0x4000  ; RDMD1
CR_TDMD1                = 0x2000  ; TDMD1
CR_KEYPAG               = 0x1000  ; turn on par/key
CR_DPOLL                = 0x0800  ; disable rx/tx auto polling
CR_FDX                  = 0x0400  ; full duplex mode
CR_ETEN                 = 0x0200  ; early tx mode
CR_EREN                 = 0x0100  ; early rx mode
; Bits in the IMR0 register
IMR0_CNTM               = 0x80
IMR0_BEM                = 0x40
IMR0_RUM                = 0x20
IMR0_TUM                = 0x10
IMR0_TXEM               = 0x08
IMR0_RXEM               = 0x04
IMR0_PTXM               = 0x02
IMR0_PRXM               = 0x01
; define imrshadow
IMRShadow               = 0x5AFF
; Bits in the IMR1 register
IMR1_INITM              = 0x80
IMR1_SRCM               = 0x40
IMR1_NBFM               = 0x10
IMR1_PRAIM              = 0x08
IMR1_RES0M              = 0x04
IMR1_ETM                = 0x02
IMR1_ERM                = 0x01
; Bits in the ISR register
ISR_INITI               = 0x8000
ISR_SRCI                = 0x4000
ISR_ABTI                = 0x2000
ISR_NORBF               = 0x1000
ISR_PKTRA               = 0x0800
ISR_RES0                = 0x0400
ISR_ETI                 = 0x0200
ISR_ERI                 = 0x0100
ISR_CNT                 = 0x0080
ISR_BE                  = 0x0040
ISR_RU                  = 0x0020
ISR_TU                  = 0x0010
ISR_TXE                 = 0x0008
ISR_RXE                 = 0x0004
ISR_PTX                 = 0x0002
ISR_PRX                 = 0x0001
; Bits in the ISR0 register
ISR0_CNT                = 0x80
ISR0_BE                 = 0x40
ISR0_RU                 = 0x20
ISR0_TU                 = 0x10
ISR0_TXE                = 0x08
ISR0_RXE                = 0x04
ISR0_PTX                = 0x02
ISR0_PRX                = 0x01
; Bits in the ISR1 register
ISR1_INITI              = 0x80
ISR1_SRCI               = 0x40
ISR1_NORBF              = 0x10
ISR1_PKTRA              = 0x08
ISR1_ETI                = 0x02
ISR1_ERI                = 0x01
; Bits in the MIISR register
MIISR_MIIERR            = 0x08
MIISR_MRERR             = 0x04
MIISR_LNKFL             = 0x02
MIISR_SPEED             = 0x01
; Bits in the MIICR register
MIICR_MAUTO             = 0x80
MIICR_RCMD              = 0x40
MIICR_WCMD              = 0x20
MIICR_MDPM              = 0x10
MIICR_MOUT              = 0x08
MIICR_MDO               = 0x04
MIICR_MDI               = 0x02
MIICR_MDC               = 0x01
; Bits in the EECSR register
EECSR_EEPR              = 0x80    ; eeprom programmed status, 73h means programmed
EECSR_EMBP              = 0x40    ; eeprom embedded programming
EECSR_AUTOLD            = 0x20    ; eeprom content reload
EECSR_DPM               = 0x10    ; eeprom direct programming
EECSR_CS                = 0x08    ; eeprom CS pin
EECSR_SK                = 0x04    ; eeprom SK pin
EECSR_DI                = 0x02    ; eeprom DI pin
EECSR_DO                = 0x01    ; eeprom DO pin
; Bits in the BCR0 register
BCR0_CRFT2              = 0x20
BCR0_CRFT1              = 0x10
BCR0_CRFT0              = 0x08
BCR0_DMAL2              = 0x04
BCR0_DMAL1              = 0x02
BCR0_DMAL0              = 0x01
; Bits in the BCR1 register
BCR1_CTSF               = 0x20
BCR1_CTFT1              = 0x10
BCR1_CTFT0              = 0x08
BCR1_POT2               = 0x04
BCR1_POT1               = 0x02
BCR1_POT0               = 0x01
; Bits in the CFGA register
CFGA_EELOAD             = 0x80    ; enable eeprom embedded and direct programming
CFGA_JUMPER             = 0x40
CFGA_MTGPIO             = 0x08
CFGA_T10EN              = 0x02
CFGA_AUTO               = 0x01
; Bits in the CFGB register
CFGB_PD                 = 0x80
CFGB_POLEN              = 0x02
CFGB_LNKEN              = 0x01
; Bits in the CFGC register
CFGC_M10TIO             = 0x80
CFGC_M10POL             = 0x40
CFGC_PHY1               = 0x20
CFGC_PHY0               = 0x10
CFGC_BTSEL              = 0x08
CFGC_BPS2               = 0x04    ; bootrom select[2]
CFGC_BPS1               = 0x02    ; bootrom select[1]
CFGC_BPS0               = 0x01    ; bootrom select[0]
; Bits in the CFGD register
CFGD_GPIOEN             = 0x80
CFGD_DIAG               = 0x40
CFGD_MAGIC              = 0x10
CFGD_RANDOM             = 0x08
CFGD_CFDX               = 0x04
CFGD_CEREN              = 0x02
CFGD_CETEN              = 0x01
; Bits in RSR
RSR_RERR                = 0x00000001
RSR_CRC                 = 0x00000002
RSR_FAE                 = 0x00000004
RSR_FOV                 = 0x00000008
RSR_LONG                = 0x00000010
RSR_RUNT                = 0x00000020
RSR_SERR                = 0x00000040
RSR_BUFF                = 0x00000080
RSR_EDP                 = 0x00000100
RSR_STP                 = 0x00000200
RSR_CHN                 = 0x00000400
RSR_PHY                 = 0x00000800
RSR_BAR                 = 0x00001000
RSR_MAR                 = 0x00002000
RSR_RXOK                = 0x00008000
; Bits in TSR
TSR_NCR0                = 0x00000001
TSR_NCR1                = 0x00000002
TSR_NCR2                = 0x00000004
TSR_NCR3                = 0x00000008
TSR_COLS                = 0x00000010
TSR_CDH                 = 0x00000080
TSR_ABT                 = 0x00000100
TSR_OWC                 = 0x00000200
TSR_CRS                 = 0x00000400
TSR_UDF                 = 0x00000800
TSR_TBUFF               = 0x00001000
TSR_SERR                = 0x00002000
TSR_JAB                 = 0x00004000
TSR_TERR                = 0x00008000
TSR_OWN_BIT             = 0x80000000

CB_DELAY_LOOP_WAIT      = 10      ; 10ms
; enabled mask value of irq
W_IMR_MASK_VALUE        = 0x1BFF  ; initial value of IMR

; Ethernet address filter type
PKT_TYPE_DIRECTED       = 0x0001  ; obsolete, directed address is always accepted
PKT_TYPE_MULTICAST      = 0x0002
PKT_TYPE_BROADCAST      = 0x0008
PKT_TYPE_LONG           = 0x2000
PKT_TYPE_RUNT           = 0x4000
PKT_TYPE_ERROR          = 0x8000  ; accept error packets, e.g. CRC error

; Loopback mode

NIC_LB_NONE             = 0x00
NIC_LB_INTERNAL         = 0x01
NIC_LB_PHY              = 0x02    ; MII or Internal-10BaseT loopback

PKT_BUF_SZ              = 1514

PCI_REG_MODE3           = 0x53
MODE3_MIION             = 0x04    ; in PCI_REG_MOD3 OF PCI space

; VIA Rhine revisions
VT86C100A       = 0x00
VTunknown0      = 0x20
VT6102          = 0x40
VT8231          = 0x50 ; Integrated MAC
VT8233          = 0x60 ; Integrated MAC
VT8235          = 0x74 ; Integrated MAC
VT8237          = 0x78 ; Integrated MAC
VTunknown1      = 0x7C
VT6105          = 0x80
VT6105_B0       = 0x83
VT6105L         = 0x8A
VT6107          = 0x8C
VTunknown2      = 0x8E
VT6105M         = 0x90

; Rx status bits
RX_SBITS_RERR                   = 1 shl 0
RX_SBITS_CRC_ERROR              = 1 shl 1
RX_SBITS_FAE                    = 1 shl 2
RX_SBITS_FOV                    = 1 shl 3
RX_SBITS_TOOLONG                = 1 shl 4
RX_SBITS_RUNT                   = 1 shl 5
RX_SBITS_SERR                   = 1 shl 6
RX_SBITS_BUFF                   = 1 shl 7
RX_SBITS_EDP                    = 1 shl 8
RX_SBITS_STP                    = 1 shl 9
RX_SBITS_CHN                    = 1 shl 10
RX_SBITS_PHY                    = 1 shl 11
RX_SBITS_BAR                    = 1 shl 12
RX_SBITS_MAR                    = 1 shl 13
RX_SBITS_RESERVED_1             = 1 shl 14
RX_SBITS_RXOK                   = 1 shl 15
RX_SBITS_FRAME_LENGTH           = 0x7FF shl 16
RX_SBITS_RESERVED_2             = 0xF shl 27
RX_SBITS_OWN_BIT                = 1 shl 31

; Rx control bits
RX_CBITS_RX_BUF_SIZE            = 0x7FF
RX_CBITS_RESERVED_1             = 0x1FFFF shl 15

; Tx status bits
TX_SBITS_NCR0                   = 1 shl 0
TX_SBITS_NCR1                   = 1 shl 1
TX_SBITS_NCR2                   = 1 shl 2
TX_SBITS_NCR3                   = 1 shl 3
TX_SBITS_COLS                   = 1 shl 4
TX_SBITS_RESERVED_1             = 1 shl 5
TX_SBITS_CDH                    = 1 shl 7
TX_SBITS_ABT                    = 1 shl 8
TX_SBITS_OWC                    = 1 shl 9
TX_SBITS_CRS                    = 1 shl 10
TX_SBITS_UDF                    = 1 shl 11
TX_SBITS_TBUFF                  = 1 shl 12
TX_SBITS_SERR                   = 1 shl 13
TX_SBITS_JAB                    = 1 shl 14
TX_SBITS_TERR                   = 1 shl 15
TX_SBITS_RESERVED_2             = 0x7FFF shl 16
TX_SBITS_OWN_BIT                = 1 shl 31

; Tx control bits
TX_CBITS_TX_BUF_SIZE            = 0x7FF
TX_CBITS_CHN                    = 1 shl 15
TX_CBITS_CRC                    = 1 shl 16
TX_CBITS_RESERVED_1             = 0xF shl 17
TX_CBITS_STP                    = 1 shl 21
TX_CBITS_EDP                    = 1 shl 22
TX_CBITS_IC                     = 1 shl 23
TX_CBITS_RESERVED_2             = 0xFF shl 24

; Offsets to the device registers.
        StationAddr             = 0x00
        RxConfig                = 0x06
        TxConfig                = 0x07
        ChipCmd                 = 0x08
        IntrStatus              = 0x0C
        IntrEnable              = 0x0E
        MulticastFilter0        = 0x10
        MulticastFilter1        = 0x14
        RxRingPtr               = 0x18
        TxRingPtr               = 0x1C
        GFIFOTest               = 0x54
        MIIPhyAddr              = 0x6C
        MIIStatus               = 0x6D
        PCIBusConfig            = 0x6E
        MIICmd                  = 0x70
        MIIRegAddr              = 0x71
        MIIData                 = 0x72
        MACRegEEcsr             = 0x74
        ConfigA                 = 0x78
        ConfigB                 = 0x79
        ConfigC                 = 0x7A
        ConfigD                 = 0x7B
        RxMissed                = 0x7C
        RxCRCErrs               = 0x7E
        MiscCmd                 = 0x81
        StickyHW                = 0x83
        IntrStatus2             = 0x84
        WOLcrClr                = 0xA4
        WOLcgClr                = 0xA7
        PwrcsrClr               = 0xAC

; Bits in the interrupt status/mask registers.
        IntrRxDone              = 0x0001
        IntrRxErr               = 0x0004
        IntrRxEmpty             = 0x0020
        IntrTxDone              = 0x0002
        IntrTxError             = 0x0008
        IntrTxUnderrun          = 0x0010
        IntrPCIErr              = 0x0040
        IntrStatsMax            = 0x0080
        IntrRxEarly             = 0x0100
        IntrRxOverflow          = 0x0400
        IntrRxDropped           = 0x0800
        IntrRxNoBuf             = 0x1000
        IntrTxAborted           = 0x2000
        IntrLinkChange          = 0x4000
        IntrRxWakeUp            = 0x8000
        IntrNormalSummary       = 0x0003
        IntrAbnormalSummary     = 0xC260
        IntrTxDescRace          = 0x080000        ; mapped from IntrStatus2
        IntrTxErrSummary        = 0x082218

        DEFAULT_INTR            = (IntrRxDone or IntrRxErr or IntrRxEmpty or IntrRxOverflow or IntrRxDropped or IntrRxNoBuf)
        RX_BUF_LEN              = (8192 shl RX_BUF_LEN_IDX)

struct  rx_head
        status          dd ?
        control         dd ?
        buff_addr       dd ?    ; address
        next_desc       dd ?    ;

        buff_addr_virt  dd ?
                        rd 3    ; alignment

struct  tx_head
        status          dd ?
        control         dd ?
        buff_addr       dd ?    ; address
        next_desc       dd ?    ;

        buff_addr_virt  dd ?
                        rd 3    ; alignment

struct  device          ETH_DEVICE

        io_addr         dd ?
        pci_dev         dd ?
        pci_bus         dd ?
        revision        db ?
        irq_line        db ?
        chip_id         dw ?

        cur_rx          dw ?
        cur_tx          dw ?
        last_tx         dw ?

        rb 0x100 - ($ and 0xff) ; align 256
        tx_ring         rb sizeof.tx_head*TX_RING_SIZE

        rb 0x100 - ($ and 0xff) ; align 256
        rx_ring         rb sizeof.rx_head*RX_RING_SIZE


;;                        ;;
;; proc START             ;;
;;                        ;;
;; (standard driver proc) ;;

proc START c, reason:dword, cmdline:dword

        cmp     [reason], DRV_ENTRY
        jne     .fail

        DEBUGF  1,"Loading driver\n"
        invoke  RegService, my_service, service_proc

        xor     eax, eax


;;                        ;;
;; proc SERVICE_PROC      ;;
;;                        ;;
;; (standard driver proc) ;;

proc service_proc stdcall, ioctl:dword

        mov     edx, [ioctl]
        mov     eax, [edx + IOCTL.io_code]


        cmp     eax, 0 ;SRV_GETVERSION
        jne     @F

        cmp     [edx + IOCTL.out_size], 4
        jb      .fail
        mov     eax, [edx + IOCTL.output]
        mov     [eax], dword API_VERSION

        xor     eax, eax

        cmp     eax, 1 ;SRV_HOOK
        jne     .fail

        cmp     [edx + IOCTL.inp_size], 3               ; Data input must be at least 3 bytes
        jb      .fail

        mov     eax, [edx + IOCTL.input]
        cmp     byte [eax], 1                           ; 1 means device number and bus number (pci) are given
        jne     .fail                                   ; other types aren't supported for this card yet

; check if the device is already listed

        mov     esi, device_list
        mov     ecx, [devices]
        test    ecx, ecx
        jz      .firstdevice

;        mov     eax, [edx + IOCTL.input]                ; get the pci bus and device numbers
        mov     ax, [eax+1]                             ;
        mov     ebx, [esi]
        cmp     al, byte[ebx + device.pci_bus]
        jne     @f
        cmp     ah, byte[ebx + device.pci_dev]
        je      .find_devicenum                         ; Device is already loaded, let's find it's device number
        add     esi, 4
        loop    .nextdevice

; This device doesn't have its own eth_device structure yet, lets create one
        cmp     [devices], MAX_DEVICES                  ; First check if the driver can handle one more card
        jae     .fail

        allocate_and_clear ebx, sizeof.device, .fail    ; Allocate the buffer for device structure

; Fill in the direct call addresses into the struct

        mov     [ebx + device.reset], reset
        mov     [ebx + device.transmit], transmit
        mov     [ebx + device.unload], unload
        mov     [ebx + device.name], my_service

; save the pci bus and device numbers

        mov     eax, [edx + IOCTL.input]
        movzx   ecx, byte[eax+1]
        mov     [ebx + device.pci_bus], ecx
        movzx   ecx, byte[eax+2]
        mov     [ebx + device.pci_dev], ecx

; Now, it's time to find the base io address of the PCI device

        stdcall PCI_find_io, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev]
        mov     [ebx + device.io_addr], eax

; We've found the io address, find IRQ now

        invoke  PciRead8, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.interrupt_line
        mov     [ebx + device.irq_line], al

        DEBUGF  1,"Hooking into device, dev:%x, bus:%x, irq:%x, addr:%x\n",\
        [ebx + device.pci_dev]:1,[ebx + device.pci_bus]:1,[ebx + device.irq_line]:1,[ebx + device.io_addr]:4

; Ok, the eth_device structure is ready, let's probe the device
        call    probe                                                   ; this function will output in eax
        test    eax, eax
        jnz     .err                                                    ; If an error occurred, exit

        mov     eax, [devices]                                          ; Add the device structure to our device list
        mov     [device_list+4*eax], ebx                                ; (IRQ handler uses this list to find device)
        inc     [devices]                                               ;

        mov     [ebx + device.type], NET_TYPE_ETH
        invoke  NetRegDev

        cmp     eax, -1
        je      .destroy


; If the device was already loaded, find the device number and return it in eax

        DEBUGF  1,"Trying to find device number of already registered device\n"
        invoke  NetPtrToNum                                             ; This kernel procedure converts a pointer to device struct in ebx
                                                                        ; into a device number in edi
        mov     eax, edi                                                ; Application wants it in eax instead
        DEBUGF  1,"Kernel says: %u\n", eax

; If an error occurred, remove all allocated data and exit (returning -1 in eax)

        ; todo: reset device into virgin state

        invoke  KernelFree, ebx

        or      eax, -1


;;                                                                        ;;
;;        Actual Hardware dependent code starts here                      ;;
;;                                                                        ;;


        DEBUGF  1, "Probing\n"

; Make the device a bus master
        invoke  PciRead32, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.command
        or      al, PCI_CMD_MASTER
        invoke  PciWrite32, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.command, eax

; get device id
        invoke  PciRead16, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.device_id
        mov     [ebx + device.chip_id], ax

        mov     esi, chiplist
        cmp     word[esi+2], ax
        je      .got_it
        add     esi, 8
        cmp     esi, chiplist + 6*8
        jbe     .loop
        DEBUGF  2, "Unknown chip: 0x%x, continuing anyway\n", ax
        jmp     .done
        mov     eax, dword[esi+4]
        mov     [ebx + device.name], eax
        DEBUGF  1, "Chip type = %s\n", eax

; get revision id.
        invoke  PciRead8, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.revision_id
        mov     [ebx + device.revision], al

        movzx   eax, [ebx + device.revision]
        DEBUGF  1, "Card revision = 0x%x\n", eax

; D-Link provided reset code (with comment additions)
        cmp     al, 0x40
        jb      .below_x40

        mov     ax, [ebx + device.chip_id]
        DEBUGF  1, "Enabling Sticky Bit Workaround for Chip_id: 0x%x\n", ax

        ; clear sticky bit before reset & read ethernet address
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], bySTICKHW
        in      al, dx
        and     al, 0xFC
        out     dx, al

        ; (bits written are cleared?)
        ; disable force PME-enable
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byWOLcgClr
        mov     al, 0x80
        out     dx, al

        ; disable power-event config bit
        mov     al, 0xFF
        out     dx, al

        ; clear power status (undocumented in vt6102 docs?)
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byPwrcsrClr
        out     dx, al


; Reset the chip to erase previous misconfiguration.
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byCR0
        mov     ax, CR_SFRST
        out     dx, ax

; if vt3043 delay after reset
        cmp     [ebx + device.revision], 0x40
        jae     @f
        mov     esi, 200 ; 2000ms
        invoke  Sleep

; polling till software reset complete
        mov     ecx, W_MAX_TIMEOUT
        in      ax, dx
        test    ax, CR_SFRST
        jz      @f
        loop    .poll_again
        DEBUGF  1, "Soft reset timeout!\n"

; issue AUTOLoad in EECSR to reload eeprom
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byEECSR
        mov     al, 0x20
        out     dx, al

; if vt3065 delay after reset
        cmp     [ebx + device.revision], 0x40
        jb      .not_vt3065

        ; delay 10ms to let MAC stable
        mov     esi, 1 ; 10ms
        invoke  Sleep

        ; for 3065D, EEPROM reloaded will cause bit 0 in MAC_REG_CFGA
        ; turned on.  it makes MAC receive magic packet
        ; automatically. So, we turn it off. (D-Link)

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byCFGA
        in      al, dx
        and     al, 0xFE
        out     dx, al

        ; turn on bit2 in PCI configuration register 0x53 , only for 3065
        invoke  PciRead8, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_REG_MODE3
        or      al, MODE3_MIION
        invoke  PciWrite8, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_REG_MODE3, eax

; back off algorithm, disable the right-most 4-bit off CFGD
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byCFGD
        in      al, dx
        and     al, not (CFGD_RANDOM or CFGD_CFDX or CFGD_CEREN or CFGD_CETEN)
        out     dx, al

; reload eeprom
        call    reload_eeprom

; read MAC
        call    read_mac

; restart MII auto-negotiation
        stdcall WriteMII, 0, 1 shl 9, 1

        DEBUGF  1, "Analyzing Media type, this may take several seconds"

        mov     ecx, 5
        mov     esi, 1
        invoke  Sleep

        stdcall ReadMII, 1
        test    eax, 0x0020
        jnz     .read_done
        loop    .read_again
        DEBUGF  1, "timeout!\n"
        DEBUGF  1, "OK\n"

if 0

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0x6C
        in      al, dx
        and     eax, 0xFF
        DEBUGF  1, "MII : Address %x\n", ax

        stdcall ReadMII, 1
        DEBUGF  1, "status 0x%x\n", ax

        stdcall ReadMII, 4
        DEBUGF  1, "advertising 0x%x\n", ax

        stdcall ReadMII, 5
        DEBUGF  1, "link 0x%x\n", ax

end if

; query MII to know LineSpeed, duplex mode
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], MIIStatus
        in      al, dx
        test    al, MIISR_SPEED
        jz      .100mbps
        DEBUGF  1, "Linespeed=10Mbs\n"
        jmp     @f

        DEBUGF  1, "Linespeed=100Mbs\n"

        call    QueryAuto

        test    eax, 1
        jz      .halfduplex

        DEBUGF  1, "Fullduplex\n"
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byCR0
        mov     ax, CR_FDX
        out     dx, ax
        jmp     @f

        DEBUGF  1, "Halfduplex\n"

; set MII 10 FULL ON, only apply in vt3043
        cmp     [ebx + device.chip_id], 0x3043
        jne     @f
        stdcall WriteMII, 0x17, 1 shl 1, 1

; turn on MII link change
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIICR
        in      al, dx
        and     al, 0x7F
        out     dx, al
        push    eax

        call    MIIDelay

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIIAD
        mov     al, 0x41
        out     dx, al

        call    MIIDelay

        pop     eax
        or      al, 0x80
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIICR
        out     dx, al

;* ETH_RESET - Reset adapter                                              *;


        DEBUGF  1, "reset\n"

; attach int handler
        movzx   eax, [ebx + device.irq_line]
        DEBUGF  1,"Attaching int handler to irq %x\n", eax:1
        invoke  AttachIntHandler, eax, int_handler, ebx
        test    eax, eax
        jz      .err

; Soft reset the chip.
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byCR0
        mov     ax, CR_SFRST
        out     dx, ax

        call    MIIDelay

; Initialize rings
        call    init_ring
        test    eax, eax
        jnz     .err

; Set Multicast
        call    set_rx_mode

; set TCR RCR threshold to store and forward
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byBCR0
        mov     al, 0x3E
        out     dx, al

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byBCR1
        mov     al, 0x38
        out     dx, al

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byRCR
        mov     al, 0x2C
        out     dx, al

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byTCR
        mov     al, 0x60
        out     dx, al

; Set Fulldupex
        call    QueryAuto
        test    eax, eax        ; full duplex?
        jz      @f

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byCFGD
        mov     al, CFGD_CFDX
        out     dx, al

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byCR0
        mov     ax, CR_FDX
        out     dx, ax

; ENABLE interrupts
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byIMR0
        mov     ax, DEFAULT_INTR
        out     dx, ax


        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byCR0
        in      ax, dx
        and     ax, not CR_STOP
        or      ax, CR_STRT or CR_TXON or CR_RXON or CR_DPOLL
        out     dx, ax

; Set the mtu, kernel will be able to send now
        mov     [ebx + device.mtu], 1514

; Set link state to unknown
        mov     [ebx + device.state], ETH_LINK_UNKNOWN

; say reset was successful
        xor     eax, eax

        DEBUGF  2,"Error!\n"
        or      eax, -1

align 4

        call    reset
        push    eax edx
        DEBUGF  1, "rhine disable\n"

        ; Switch to loopback mode to avoid hardware races.
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byTCR
        mov     al, 0x61
        out     dx, al

        ; Stop the chip's Tx and Rx processes.
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byCR0
        mov     ax, CR_STOP
        out     dx, ax
        pop     edx eax


align 4

        DEBUGF  1, "Reload eeprom\n"

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byEECSR
        mov     al, 0x20
        out     dx, al
        ; Typically 2 cycles to reload.
        mov     ecx, 150
        in      al, dx
        test    al, 0x20
        jz      @f
        loop    .reload
        DEBUGF  2, "Reload eeprom: timeout!\n"


; Initialize the Rx and Tx rings, along with various 'dev' bits.
align 4

        DEBUGF  1, "Init ring\n"

        lea     edi, [ebx + device.rx_ring]
        mov     eax, edi
        invoke  GetPhysAddr
        mov     esi, eax
        push    esi
        mov     ecx, RX_RING_SIZE
        add     esi, sizeof.rx_head
        mov     [edi + rx_head.status], RX_SBITS_OWN_BIT
        mov     [edi + rx_head.control], PKT_BUF_SZ
        push    ecx
        invoke  NetAlloc, PKT_BUF_SZ+NET_BUFF.data
        pop     ecx
        test    eax, eax
        jz      .out_of_mem
        mov     [edi + rx_head.buff_addr_virt], eax
        invoke  GetPhysAddr
        add     eax, NET_BUFF.data
        mov     [edi + rx_head.buff_addr], eax                        ; buffer ptr
        mov     [edi + rx_head.next_desc], esi                        ; next head
        add     edi, sizeof.rx_head
        dec     ecx
        jnz     .rx_init
        pop     [edi - sizeof.rx_head + rx_head.next_desc]            ; Mark the last entry as wrapping the ring.

        lea     edi, [ebx + device.tx_ring]
        mov     eax, edi
        invoke  GetPhysAddr
        mov     esi, eax
        push    esi
        mov     ecx, TX_RING_SIZE
        add     esi, sizeof.tx_head
        mov     [edi + tx_head.status], 0
        mov     [edi + tx_head.control], 0x00E08000
        mov     [edi + tx_head.buff_addr], 0
        mov     [edi + tx_head.next_desc], esi
        mov     [edi + tx_head.buff_addr_virt], 0
        add     edi, sizeof.tx_head
        dec     ecx
        jnz     .tx_init
        pop     [edi - sizeof.tx_head + tx_head.next_desc]              ; Mark the last entry as wrapping the ring.

; write Descriptors to MAC
        lea     eax, [ebx + device.rx_ring]
        invoke  GetPhysAddr
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], dwCurrentRxDescAddr
        out     dx, eax

        lea     eax, [ebx + device.tx_ring]
        invoke  GetPhysAddr
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], dwCurrentTxDescAddr
        out     dx, eax

        xor     eax, eax
        mov     [ebx + device.cur_rx], ax
        mov     [ebx + device.cur_tx], ax
        mov     [ebx + device.last_tx], ax

        xor     eax, eax

        add     esp, 4
        or      eax, -1

align 4

        DEBUGF  1, "Query Auto\n"

        push    ecx
        stdcall ReadMII, 0x04   ; advertised
        mov     ecx, eax
        stdcall ReadMII, 0x05
        and     ecx, eax

        xor     eax, eax
        test    ecx, 0x100
        jnz     .one

        and     ecx, 0x1C0
        cmp     ecx, 0x40
        jne     .zero
        inc     eax
        DEBUGF  1, "AutoNego OK!\n"
        pop     ecx


proc    ReadMII stdcall, byMIIIndex:dword

;        DEBUGF  1, "ReadMII Index=%x\n", [byMIIIndex]

        push    esi ebx ecx edx

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIIAD
        in      al, dx
        mov     bl, al

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIICR
        in      al, dx
        mov     bh, al
        and     al, 0x7F
        out     dx, al

        call    MIIDelay

        mov     al, byte [byMIIIndex]
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIIAD
        out     dx, al

        call    MIIDelay

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIICR
        in      al, dx
        or      al, 0x40
        out     dx, al

        mov     ecx, 200
        in      al, dx
        test    al, 0x40
        jz      @f

        mov     esi, 10
        invoke  Sleep
        dec     ecx
        jnz     .read_again
        DEBUGF  2, "ReadMII: timeout!\n"

        call    MIIDelay

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIIAD
        in      ax, dx

        push    eax
        mov     ax, bx
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIIAD
        out     dx, al

        shr     ax, 8
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIICR
        out     dx, al

        call    MIIDelay

        pop     eax
        and     eax, 0xFFFF
        rol     ax, 8

        pop     edx ecx ebx esi

proc    WriteMII stdcall, byMIISetByte:dword, byMIISetBit:dword, byMIIOP:dword

;        DEBUGF  1, "WriteMII SetByte=%x SetBit=%x OP=%x\n", [byMIISetByte], [byMIISetBit], [byMIIOP]

        push    ebx eax ecx edx

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIIAD
        in      al, dx
        mov     bl, al

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIICR
        in      al, dx
        mov     bh, al
        and     al, 0x7F
        out     dx, al

        call    MIIDelay

        mov     al, byte [byMIISetByte]
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIIAD
        out     dx, al

        call    MIIDelay

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIICR
        in      al, dx
        or      al, 0x40
        out     dx, al

        mov     ecx, 200
        in      al, dx
        test    al, 0x40
        jz      .done

        mov     esi, 10
        invoke  Sleep
        dec     ecx
        jnz     .read_again0
        DEBUGF  2, "WriteMII: timeout (1)\n"

        call    MIIDelay

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], wMIIDATA
        in      ax, dx

        mov     ecx, [byMIISetBit]
        rol     cx, 8

        cmp     byte [byMIIOP], 0
        jne     @f
        not     ecx
        and     ax, cx
        jmp     .end_mascarad
        or      ax, cx

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], wMIIDATA
        out     dx, ax

        call    MIIDelay

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIICR
        in      al, dx
        or      al, 0x20
        out     dx, al

        mov     ecx, 200
        in      al, dx
        test    al, 0x20
        jz      @f

        mov     esi, 10
        invoke  Sleep
        dec     ecx
        jnz     .read_again1
        DEBUGF  2, "WriteMII timeout (2)\n"

        call    MIIDelay

        mov     ax, bx
        and     al, 0x7F
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIIAD
        out     dx, al

        shr     ax, 8
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMIICR
        out     dx, al

        call    MIIDelay

        pop     edx ecx eax ebx

align 4

        mov     ecx, 0x7FFF
        in      al, 0x61
        in      al, 0x61
        in      al, 0x61
        in      al, 0x61
        loop    @b


align 4

        DEBUGF  1, "Set RX mode\n"

        ; ! IFF_PROMISC
        mov     eax, 0xffffffff
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMAR0
        out     dx, eax

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byMAR4
        out     dx, eax

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byRCR
        mov     al, 0x6C                ; thresh or rx_mode
        out     dx, al


; Beware of PCI posted writes
macro IOSYNC
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], StationAddr
        in      al, dx

align 4

        lea     edi, [ebx + device.mac]
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byPAR0
        mov     ecx, 6
        in      al, dx
        inc     edx
        dec     ecx
        jnz     .next

        DEBUGF  1,"MAC = %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x\n", \
        [ebx + device.mac+0]:2,[ebx + device.mac+1]:2,[ebx + device.mac+2]:2,[ebx + device.mac+3]:2,[ebx + device.mac+4]:2,[ebx + device.mac+5]:2


;;                                         ;;
;; Transmit                                ;;
;;                                         ;;
;; In: buffer pointer in [esp+4]           ;;
;;     pointer to device structure in ebx  ;;
;;                                         ;;
align 4
proc transmit stdcall bufferptr


        mov     esi, [bufferptr]
        DEBUGF  1,"Transmitting packet, buffer:%x, size:%u\n", [bufferptr], [esi + NET_BUFF.length]
        lea     eax, [esi + NET_BUFF.data]
        DEBUGF  1,"To: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x From: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x Type:%x%x\n",\

        cmp     [esi + NET_BUFF.length], 1514
        ja      .fail
        cmp     [esi + NET_BUFF.length], 60
        jb      .fail

        movzx   eax, [ebx + device.cur_tx]
        mov     ecx, sizeof.tx_head
        mul     ecx
        lea     edi, [ebx + device.tx_ring]
        add     edi, eax

        cmp     [edi + tx_head.buff_addr_virt], 0
        jne     .fail

        mov     eax, esi
        mov     [edi + tx_head.buff_addr_virt], eax
        add     eax, [eax + NET_BUFF.offset]
        invoke  GetPhysAddr
        mov     [edi + tx_head.buff_addr], eax
        mov     ecx, [esi + NET_BUFF.length]
        and     ecx, TX_CBITS_TX_BUF_SIZE
        or      ecx,  0x00E08000
        mov     [edi + tx_head.control], ecx
        or      [edi + tx_head.status], TX_SBITS_OWN_BIT

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], byCR1
        in      al, dx
        or      al, CR1_TDMD1
        out     dx, al

        inc     [ebx + device.cur_tx]
        and     [ebx + device.cur_tx], TX_RING_SIZE-1

        ;outw(IMRShadow,byIMR0); ;

; Update stats
        inc     [ebx + device.packets_tx]
        mov     ecx, [esi + NET_BUFF.length]
        add     dword [ebx + device.bytes_tx], ecx
        adc     dword [ebx + device.bytes_tx + 4], 0

        DEBUGF  1,"Transmit OK\n"
        xor     eax, eax

        DEBUGF  2,"Transmit failed\n"
        invoke  NetFree, [bufferptr]
        or      eax, -1


;;                   ;;
;; Interrupt handler ;;
;;                   ;;

align 4

        push    ebx esi edi

        DEBUGF  1,"INT\n"

; Find pointer of device which made IRQ occur
        mov     ecx, [devices]
        test    ecx, ecx
        jz      .nothing
        mov     esi, device_list
        mov     ebx, [esi]

        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], IntrStatus
        in      ax, dx
        out     dx, ax                  ; send it back to ACK
        test    ax, ax
        jnz     .got_it
        add     esi, 4
        dec     ecx
        jnz     .nextdevice
        pop     edi esi ebx
        xor     eax, eax

        ret                             ; If no device was found, abort (The irq was probably for a device, not registered to this driver)

        DEBUGF  1, "status=0x%x\n", ax

        push    ax

        test    ax, IntrRxDone
        jz      .not_RX

        push    ebx
        pop     ebx

; Get the current descriptor pointer
        movzx   eax, [ebx + device.cur_rx]
        mov     ecx, sizeof.rx_head
        mul     ecx
        lea     edi, [ebx + device.rx_ring]
        add     edi, eax

; Check it's status
        test    [edi + rx_head.status], RX_SBITS_OWN_BIT
        jnz     .not_RX

        DEBUGF  1, "Packet status = 0x%x\n", [edi + rx_head.status]

; TODO: check error bits

; get length
        mov     ecx, [edi + rx_head.status]
        and     ecx, RX_SBITS_FRAME_LENGTH
        shr     ecx, 16
        sub     ecx, 4                          ; We dont want CRC

; Update stats
        add     dword [ebx + device.bytes_rx], ecx
        adc     dword [ebx + device.bytes_rx + 4], 0
        inc     [ebx + device.packets_rx]

; Push packet pointer, kernel will need it..
        push    ebx
        push    .more_RX                        ; return ptr
        mov     eax, [edi + rx_head.buff_addr_virt]
        push    eax
        mov     [eax + NET_BUFF.length], ecx
        mov     [eax + NET_BUFF.device], ebx
        mov     [eax + NET_BUFF.offset], NET_BUFF.data

; reset the RX descriptor
        push    edi
        invoke  NetAlloc, PKT_BUF_SZ+NET_BUFF.data
        pop     edi
        mov     [edi + rx_head.buff_addr_virt], eax
        invoke  GetPhysAddr
        add     eax, NET_BUFF.data
        mov     [edi + rx_head.buff_addr], eax
        mov     [edi + rx_head.status], RX_SBITS_OWN_BIT

; Use next descriptor next time
        inc     [ebx + device.cur_rx]
        and     [ebx + device.cur_rx], RX_RING_SIZE - 1

; At last, send packet to kernel
        jmp     [EthInput]

        pop     ax

        test    ax, IntrTxDone
        jz      .not_TX

        movzx   eax, [ebx + device.last_tx]
        mov     ecx, sizeof.tx_head
        mul     ecx
        lea     edi, [ebx + device.tx_ring]
        add     edi, eax

        test    [edi + tx_head.status], TX_SBITS_OWN_BIT
        jnz     .not_TX

        cmp     [edi + tx_head.buff_addr_virt], 0
        je      .not_TX

        DEBUGF  1,"Freeing buffer 0x%x\n", [edi + tx_head.buff_addr_virt]

        push    [edi + tx_head.buff_addr_virt]
        mov     [edi + tx_head.buff_addr_virt], 0
        invoke  NetFree

        inc     [ebx + device.last_tx]
        and     [ebx + device.last_tx], TX_RING_SIZE - 1

        jmp     .loop_tx


        ; On Rhine-II, Bit 3 indicates Tx descriptor write-back race.
if 0
        cmp     [ebx + device.chip_id], 0x3065
        jne     @f
        push    ax
        xor     eax, eax
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], IntrStatus2
        in      al, dx
        shl     eax, 16
        pop     ax
end if

if 0

        ; Acknowledge all of the current interrupt sources ASAP.
        xor     ecx, ecx
        test    eax, IntrTxDescRace
        jz      @f
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], IntrStatus2
        push    ax
        mov     al, 0x08
        out     dx, al
        pop     ax
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
        set_io  [ebx + device.io_addr], IntrStatus
        out     dx, ax

end if

        pop     edi esi ebx
        xor     eax, eax
        inc     eax


; End of code

data fixups
end data

include '../peimport.inc'

my_service      db 'RHINE',0                    ; max 16 chars including zero

                dd 0x30431106, rhine_3043;, RHINE_IOTYPE, RHINE_I_IOSIZE, CanHaveMII or ReqTxAlign or HasV1TxStat
                dd 0x61001106, rhine_6100;, RHINE_IOTYPE, RHINE_I_IOSIZE, CanHaveMII or ReqTxAlign or HasV1TxStat
                dd 0x30651106, rhine_6102;, RHINE_IOTYPE, RHINEII_IOSIZE, CanHaveMII or HasWOL
                dd 0x31061106, rhine_6105;, RHINE_IOTYPE, RHINEII_IOSIZE, CanHaveMII or HasWOL
; Duplicate entry, with 'M' features enabled.
;                dd 0x31061106, rhine_6105;, RHINE_IOTYPE, RHINEII_IOSIZE, CanHaveMII or HasWOL or HasIPChecksum or HasVLAN
                dd 0x30531106, rhine_3053;, RHINE_IOTYPE, RHINEII_IOSIZE, CanHaveMII or HasWOL
                dd 0

rhine_3043      db "VIA VT3043 Rhine", 0
rhine_6100      db "VIA VT86C100A Rhine", 0
rhine_6102      db "VIA VT6102 Rhine-II", 0
rhine_6105      db "VIA VT6105LOM Rhine-III (3106)", 0
rhine_3053      db "VIA VT6105M Rhine-III (3053 prototype)", 0

include_debug_strings                           ; All data which FDO uses will be included here

align 4
devices         dd 0
device_list     rd MAX_DEVICES                  ; This list contains all pointers to device structures the driver is handling