#define CLIP_TOP 1 #define CLIP_BOTTOM 2 #define CLIP_RIGHT 4 #define CLIP_LEFT 8 typedef struct { int xmin; int ymin; int xmax; int ymax; }clip_t; static int _L1OutCode( clip_t *clip, int x, int y ) /*================================= Verify that a point is inside or outside the active viewport. */ { int flag; flag = 0; if( x < clip->xmin ) { flag |= CLIP_LEFT; } else if( x > clip->xmax ) { flag |= CLIP_RIGHT; } if( y < clip->ymin ) { flag |= CLIP_TOP; } else if( y > clip->ymax ) { flag |= CLIP_BOTTOM; } return( flag ); }; static void block_inter( clip_t *clip, int *x, int *y, int flag ) /*====================================================== Find the intersection of a block with a boundary of the viewport. */ { if( flag & CLIP_TOP ) { *y = clip->ymin; } else if( flag & CLIP_BOTTOM ) { *y = clip->ymax; } else if( flag & CLIP_RIGHT ) { *x = clip->xmax; } else if( flag & CLIP_LEFT ) { *x = clip->xmin; } } int BlockClip(clip_t *clip, int *x1, int *y1, int *x2, int* y2 ) /*============================================================== Clip a block with opposite corners (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) to the active viewport based on the Cohen-Sutherland algorithm for line clipping. Return the clipped coordinates and a decision drawing flag ( 0 draw : 1 don't draw ). */ { int flag1; int flag2; flag1 = _L1OutCode( clip, *x1, *y1 ); flag2 = _L1OutCode( clip, *x2, *y2 ); for( ;; ) { if( flag1 & flag2 ) break; /* trivially outside */ if( flag1 == flag2 ) break; /* completely inside */ if( flag1 == 0 ) { block_inter( clip, x2, y2, flag2 ); flag2 = _L1OutCode( clip, *x2, *y2 ); } else { block_inter( clip, x1, y1, flag1 ); flag1 = _L1OutCode( clip, *x1, *y1 ); } } return( flag1 & flag2 ); } int blit_clip(clip_t *dst_clip,int *dst_x,int *dst_y, clip_t *src_clip,int *src_x, int *src_y, u32_t *w, u32_t *h) { int sx0, sy0, sx1, sy1; sx0 = *src_x; sy0 = *src_y; sx1 = sx0 + *w - 1; sy1 = sy0 + *h - 1; if( ! BlockClip( src_clip, &sx0, &sy0, &sx1, &sy1)) { int dx0, dy0, dx1, dy1; dx0 = *dst_x + sx0 - *src_x; dy0 = *dst_y + sy0 - *src_y; dx1 = dx0 + sx1 - sx0; dy1 = dy0 + sy1 - sy0; if( ! BlockClip( dst_clip, &dx0, &dy0, &dx1, &dy1)) { *w = dx1 - dx0 + 1; *h = dy1 - dy0 + 1; *src_x += dx0 - *dst_x; *src_y += dy0 - *dst_y; *dst_x = dx0; *dst_y = dy0; return 0; }; } return 1; };