;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2018. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;; ;; ;; ;; GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE ;; ;; Version 2, June 1991 ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; socket_connect: ; ignore if status is not "disconnected" cmp [status], STATUS_DISCONNECTED jne .reconnect if TIMESTAMP call print_timestamp end if mov esi, str_connecting call print_asciiz mov esi, irc_server_name call print_asciiz mov al, 10 call print_char ; update status inc [status] ; was STATUS_DISCONNECTED, now STATUS_RESOLVING ; resolve name push esp ; reserve stack place push esp ; fourth parameter push 0 ; third parameter push 0 ; second parameter push irc_server_name call [getaddrinfo] pop esi ; test for error test eax, eax jnz .fail_dns ; fill in ip in sockstruct mov eax, [esi + addrinfo.ai_addr] mov eax, [eax + sockaddr_in.sin_addr] mov [sockaddr1.ip], eax ; free allocated memory push esi call [freeaddrinfo] ; update status inc [status] ; connect mcall socket, AF_INET4, SOCK_STREAM, 0 cmp eax, -1 jz .fail mov [socketnum], eax mcall connect, [socketnum], sockaddr1, 18 cmp eax, -1 jz .fail_refused ret .fail: mov [status], STATUS_DISCONNECTED if TIMESTAMP call print_timestamp end if mov esi, str_sockerr call print_asciiz ret .fail_dns: mov [status], STATUS_DISCONNECTED if TIMESTAMP call print_timestamp end if mov esi, str_dnserr call print_asciiz ret .fail_refused: mov [status], STATUS_DISCONNECTED if TIMESTAMP call print_timestamp end if mov esi, str_refused call print_asciiz ret .reconnect: if TIMESTAMP call print_timestamp end if mov esi, str_reconnect call print_asciiz mov esi, quit_msg call quit_server jmp socket_connect socket_write_userinfo: ; create packet in packetbuf mov edi, packetbuf mov eax, 'NICK' stosd mov al, ' ' stosb mov esi, user_nick mov ecx, MAX_NICK_LEN .loop: lodsb test al, al jz .done stosb dec ecx jnz .loop .done: mov ax, 0x0a0d stosw mov eax, 'USER' stosd mov al, ' ' stosb mov esi, user_nick mov ecx, MAX_NICK_LEN .loop2: lodsb test al, al jz .done2 stosb dec ecx jnz .loop2 .done2: mov eax, ' 8 *' stosd mov ax, ' :' stosw mov al, ' ' stosb mov esi, user_real_name mov ecx, MAX_REAL_LEN .loop3: lodsb test al, al jz .done3 stosb dec ecx jnz .loop3 .done3: mov ax, 0x0a0d stosw lea esi, [edi - packetbuf] mcall send, [socketnum], packetbuf, , 0 ret process_network_event: ; values for status: 0, 1, 2, 3 mov eax, [status] dec eax ; 0 = STATUS_DISCONNECTED - do nothing ; (ignore network events if we are disconnected from network) js .nothing ; 1 = STATUS_RESOLVING jz .nothing ; 2 = STATUS_CONNECTING dec eax jz .connecting ; 3 = STATUS_CONNECTED jmp .connected .nothing: ret .connecting: call socket_write_userinfo ; The connection has been established, change status from "connecting" to "connected". inc [status] .connected: call socket_receive ret socket_receive: pusha ; FIXME: make this a proper stream! .nextpacket: mcall recv, [socketnum], packetbuf, PACKETBUF_SIZE, MSG_DONTWAIT ; read a packet inc eax ; check if we got any data jz .done ; TODO: handle errors! dec eax jz .disconnected ; ok we have data, now feed it to the command splicer mov ecx, eax mov esi, packetbuf ; esi = start pointer .nextcommand: mov edi, servercommand .byteloop: lodsb cmp al, 10 je .got_command cmp al, 13 je .got_command stosb dec ecx jnz .byteloop ;;; FIXME jmp .nextpacket ; we have a command, call the serverparser .got_command: mov byte[edi], 0 ; mark the end of the command push esi ecx call server_parser pop ecx esi test ecx, ecx jnz .nextcommand .done: popa ret .disconnected: if TIMESTAMP call print_timestamp end if mov esi, str_srv_disconnected call print_asciiz mov [status], STATUS_DISCONNECTED mcall close, [socketnum] popa ret