#Life 1.05 #D Puffer train that creates switch engines. #D #D This is another type of pattern which #D grows quadratically. Half of a quadrant #D of the space is filled with blocks. #D Every 80 generations a new switch #D engine is created. See also SWITCHEN, #D BREEDER, MAX. #D #D by Helmut Postl, 1997. #N #P -29 -70 ............**.....**** ..........**.**...*...* ..........****........* ...........**.....*..* . ......**.........* ....*****........*** ....**....*.....*...* ....**.....*****....* ......**....****.*.** .........***.**...* ...............*.* . . ...................**** ..................*...* .****.................* *...*.............*..* ....* *..*.........** .........****.** .........****** ..........****.....**** ..................*...* ......................* .........*.*.........* ..................** ........** ........**......**...** ........*.......*.***.** ........**.......****** ..................**** . . ........****** .......*.....* .............* .......*....* .........** #P -36 -27 ...................** ..........****....**** .........*...*....**.** .............*......** .........*..* . . .................** .................*.* .................*.** ..................** ..................* . . ...................** ..................**** .**...............**.** ****................** **.** ..** .........****** ........*.....* ..............*....** ........*....*....**** ..........**......**.** ....................** . .............* ............****** ...........*...******** ............**........* .............***......* ..............**.....* ..................** ........**** .......****** .......****.** ...........** #P -13 21 ........**** .......****** .......****.** ...........** . . . .................****** .............****.....* .*.*.........**.*.....* .**..........**..*...* ..*................* ...................** ..................**** ..................**.** ....................** .........****** ........*.....* .**...........* ****....*....* **.**.....**.......** ..**..............**** ..................**.** ....................** . . . .................** ...........***...*.* ........***......*.** ........*.........** ........***.......* . . ...................** ..........****....**** .........*...*....**.** .............*......** .........*..* #P -37 55 ..........**** .........****** .........****.** .............** . . ...............* .............*...*.****** ............***...*.....* ............*.....*.....* *.*.........*.**...*...* **...........***.....* .*...................** ....................**** ....................**.** ......................** ...........****** ..........*.....* ...**...........* ..****....*....* ..**.**.....**.......** ....**..............**** ....................**.** ......................** . . ..........** .........*..* ....***.............** ...*..*........*.....** ...**.**...*...*....** ...........*....*...* .............* . .....................** ............****....**** ...........*...*....**.** ...............*......** ...........*..* #P -18 44 ..** .** . ** #P -36 -57 ..* ** .** #P -34 -46 ** *.* * #P -46 -50 ** *.* * #P -51 -52 ..* ** .** #P -53 -58 ..** **.** **** .** #P -57 -54 * .** #P -68 -53 ....** ****.** ****** .**** #P -66 -47 ..* ** .** #P -71 -33 ..* *.* .** #P -61 -14 .**** *...* ....* *..* #P -59 -1 .** **** **.** ..** #P -51 15 ..** **.** **** .** #P -49 25 .* .** *.* #P -38 44 .**** *...* ....* *..* #P -49 69 *.* ** .* #P -44 76 ** *.* * #P -60 78 .**** *...* ....* *..* #P -75 73 .****** *.....* ......* *....* ..** #P -68 62 .* .** *.*