include '' use16 ;org 0 rom_header: ; PnP Option ROM header rom_signature dw 0xAA55 ; +0 : magic rom_length db BIOS_BOOT_BLOCK_SIZE ; +2 : number of 512byte blocks rom_entry: jmp init_entry ; +3 : initialization entry point db 'AZ' rom_reserved rb 0x11 ; +7 : reserved (17 bytes) rom_pci_struc dw pci_header ; +18h : offset to PCI data structure rom_expansion dw pnp_header ; +1Ah : offset to expansion header structure align 16 pnp_header: ; PnP Expansion Header pnp_signature db '$PnP' ; +0 : magic pnp_revision db 1 ; +4 : revision pnp_length db 2 ; +5 : length (in 16byte paragraphs) pnp_next dw 0 ; +6 : offset of the next header (0 if none) pnp_reserv1 db 0 ; +8 pnp_checksum db 0 ; +9 : checksum pnp_devid dd 0x0 ; +A : device identifier pnp_manstr dw manstr ; +E : pointer to manufacturer string pnp_prodstr dw prodstr ; +10 : pointer to product name string pnp_devtype1 db 2 ; +12 : device type code pnp_devtype2 dw 0x000 pnp_devind db 0x14 ; +15 : device indicators pnp_bcv dw 0 ; +16 : boot connection vector (must be 0) pnp_discv dw 0 ; +18 : disconnect vector pnp_bev dw boot_entry ; +1A : boot entry vector pnp_reserv2 dw 0 ; +1C pnp_info dw 0 ; +1E : static resource information vector align 16 pci_header: ; PCI Data Structure pci_magic db 'PCIR' ; +0 : magic pci_vendor dw BIOS_PCI_VENDOR ; +4 : pci_device dw BIOS_PCI_DEVICE ; +6 : sb700 PCI bridge pci_vdata dw 0 ; +8 : vital product data offset pci_length dw 0x18 ; +A : PCI data structure length pci_classrev dd BIOS_PCI_CLASS ; +C : rev.00 + class 04.00.00 pci_size dw BIOS_BOOT_BLOCK_SIZE ; +10 : image length (512byte blocks) pci_rev dw 0 ; +12 pci_codetype db 0 ; +14 : x86 pci_indicator db 0x80 ; +15 : last image pci_reserved dw 0 align 4 manstr: db 'Kolibri-A Operation System',0 prodstr: db 'ver.ROM-0.1',0 align 4 boot_entry: @@: boot_failure: int 18h ; return to BIOS Boot sequence align 4 init_entry: xor ax, ax mov [cs:rom_length], al mov al, 0x20 retf check = 0 repeat $-$$ load a byte from $$+%-1 check = a + check end repeat check_byte db 0x100 - (check mod 256) times (512-$) db 0