(* Copyright 2021 Anton Krotov This file is part of CEdit. CEdit is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. CEdit is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with CEdit. If not, see . *) MODULE Text; IMPORT List, Lines, G := Graph, U := Utils, RW, Search, E := Encodings, CB := Clipboard, K := KolibriOS, ChangeLog, File, Lang := Languages; CONST SPACE = Lines.SPACE; TAB = Lines.TAB; TAB1 = Lines.TAB1; lenEOL = CB.lenEOL; mark_width = 2; pad_left = mark_width + 3; pad_top = 0; inter = 2; TYPE tPoint* = RECORD X*, Y*: INTEGER END; pPoint = POINTER TO tPoint; tString* = ARRAY 1000 OF WCHAR; tLine = Lines.tLine; tGuard = POINTER TO RECORD (ChangeLog.tGuard) selected: BOOLEAN; cursor, select2, scroll: tPoint; CurX: INTEGER END; tText* = POINTER TO RECORD (List.tList) cursor, select, select2: pPoint; scroll: tPoint; CurX: INTEGER; modified*: BOOLEAN; edition*: tGuard; comments, numbers*, guard, search, cs, whole: BOOLEAN; curLine: tLine; lang*: INTEGER; enc, eol: INTEGER; table: Search.IdxTable; foundList: List.tList; idxData: Search.tBuffer; foundSel: INTEGER; searchText: tString; chLog*: ChangeLog.tLog; maxLength*: INTEGER; fileName*: RW.tFileName END; tProcedure = PROCEDURE; VAR pdelete: PROCEDURE (text: tText); ShowCursor: PROCEDURE; colors*: RECORD text, back, seltext, selback, modified, saved, curline, numtext, numback: INTEGER; comment, string, escape, num, delim, key1, key2, key3: INTEGER END; canvas: G.tCanvas; drawCursor: BOOLEAN; padding: RECORD left, top: INTEGER END; size, textsize: tPoint; charWidth, charHeight: INTEGER; PROCEDURE setLang* (text: tText; lang: INTEGER); BEGIN text.lang := lang; text.comments := TRUE; Lang.setCurLang(text.lang) END setLang; PROCEDURE setName* (text: tText; name: RW.tFileName); VAR ext: RW.tFileName; BEGIN text.fileName := name; U.getFileName(name, ext, "."); U.upcase(ext); setLang(text, Lang.getLang(ext)) END setName; PROCEDURE getPos* (text: tText; VAR x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN x := text.cursor.X + 1; y := text.cursor.Y + 1 END getPos; PROCEDURE getScroll* (text: tText; VAR x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN x := text.scroll.X; y := text.scroll.Y END getScroll; PROCEDURE getTextSize* (VAR x, y: INTEGER); BEGIN x := textsize.X; y := textsize.Y END getTextSize; PROCEDURE getTextRect* (VAR left, top, rigth, bottom: INTEGER); BEGIN left := padding.left - 1; top := padding.top - 1; rigth := size.X - 1; bottom := top + size.Y - 1; END getTextRect; PROCEDURE toggleNumbers* (text: tText); BEGIN text.numbers := ~text.numbers END toggleNumbers; PROCEDURE toggleCursor*; BEGIN drawCursor := ~drawCursor END toggleCursor; PROCEDURE showCursor*; BEGIN drawCursor := TRUE END showCursor; PROCEDURE hideCursor*; BEGIN drawCursor := FALSE END hideCursor; PROCEDURE getChar (line: tLine; i: INTEGER): WCHAR; VAR res: WCHAR; BEGIN IF i >= line.length THEN res := 0X ELSE res := Lines.getChar(line, i) END RETURN res END getChar; PROCEDURE getString (src: tLine; pos, cnt: INTEGER; VAR dst: ARRAY OF WCHAR): INTEGER; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE (pos < src.length) & (cnt > 0) DO IF i < LEN(dst) - 1 THEN dst[i] := getChar(src, pos); INC(i) END; INC(pos); DEC(cnt) END; dst[i] := 0X RETURN i END getString; PROCEDURE NextLine (VAR line: tLine); BEGIN line := line.next(tLine) END NextLine; PROCEDURE PrevLine (VAR line: tLine); BEGIN line := line.prev(tLine) END PrevLine; PROCEDURE SetColor (textColor, backColor: INTEGER); BEGIN G.SetTextColor(canvas, textColor); G.SetBkColor(canvas, backColor) END SetColor; PROCEDURE ProcessComments (line: tLine; VAR depth, pos: INTEGER; minDepth, n: INTEGER; lang: INTEGER); VAR cond: INTEGER; BEGIN cond := 0; WHILE (pos <= n) & (depth > minDepth) DO Lang.comments(line, depth, cond, pos, n, lang); INC(pos) END; DEC(pos) END ProcessComments; PROCEDURE Comments (text: tText); VAR line: tLine; i: INTEGER; BEGIN line := text.first(tLine); line.cin := 0; line.cout := 0; i := 0; ProcessComments(line, line.cout, i, -1, line.length - 1, text.lang); NextLine(line); WHILE line # NIL DO line.cin := line.prev(tLine).cout; line.cout := line.cin; i := 0; ProcessComments(line, line.cout, i, -1, line.length - 1, text.lang); NextLine(line) END; text.comments := FALSE END Comments; PROCEDURE parse (text: tText; line: tLine; y: INTEGER; backColor: INTEGER; lang: INTEGER); VAR c: WCHAR; i, n, k: INTEGER; cond, depth: INTEGER; color: INTEGER; hex: BOOLEAN; isDgt: PROCEDURE (c: WCHAR): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE PrintLex (text: tText; line: tLine; lexStart, lexEnd: INTEGER; y: INTEGER; color, backColor: INTEGER); VAR lexLen: INTEGER; BEGIN SetColor(color, backColor); lexLen := MAX(MIN(line.length - lexStart, lexEnd - lexStart + 1), 0); G.TextOut(canvas, padding.left + (lexStart - text.scroll.X) * charWidth, y, Lines.getPChar(line, lexStart), lexLen, color) END PrintLex; PROCEDURE PrintComment (text: tText; line: tLine; VAR depth, i: INTEGER; w, y: INTEGER; backColor: INTEGER); VAR lexStart: INTEGER; color: INTEGER; BEGIN IF (text.lang = Lang.langLua) & ~ODD(depth) THEN color := colors.string ELSIF (text.lang = Lang.langIni) & (depth = 1) THEN color := colors.key2 ELSIF (text.lang = Lang.langPascal) & (depth = 3) THEN color := colors.key3 ELSE color := colors.comment END; lexStart := MAX(i - w, 0); ProcessComments(line, depth, i, 0, line.length - 1, text.lang); PrintLex(text, line, lexStart, i, y, color, backColor) END PrintComment; PROCEDURE cap (c: WCHAR): WCHAR; BEGIN IF U.cap(c) THEN END RETURN c END cap; PROCEDURE UL (c: WCHAR): BOOLEAN; RETURN (cap(c) = "U") OR (cap(c) = "L") END UL; PROCEDURE FL (c: WCHAR): BOOLEAN; RETURN (cap(c) = "F") OR (cap(c) = "L") END FL; PROCEDURE ident (text: tText; VAR i: INTEGER; first, y: INTEGER; line: tLine; backColor: INTEGER; cs: BOOLEAN); VAR c: WCHAR; lexLen: INTEGER; s: ARRAY 32 OF WCHAR; color: INTEGER; BEGIN c := getChar(line, i); WHILE U.isLetter(c) OR (c = "_") OR U.isDigit(c) DO INC(i); c := getChar(line, i); END; DEC(i); lexLen := getString(line, first, i - first + 1, s); IF ~cs THEN U.upcase16(s) END; IF Lang.isKey(s, text.lang, 1) THEN color := colors.key1 ELSIF Lang.isKey(s, text.lang, 2) THEN color := colors.key2 ELSIF Lang.isKey(s, text.lang, 3) THEN color := colors.key3 ELSE color := colors.text END; IF color # colors.text THEN PrintLex(text, line, first, i, y, color, backColor) END END ident; PROCEDURE String (text: tText; line: tLine; VAR i: INTEGER; y: INTEGER; backColor: INTEGER); VAR k, j, Start, End: INTEGER; c: WCHAR; BEGIN k := i; Lang.SkipString(line, i, line.length - 1, text.lang); PrintLex(text, line, k, i, y, colors.string, backColor); IF text.lang IN Lang.escLang THEN Start := k + 1; End := i - 1; k := Start; WHILE k <= End DO c := getChar(line, k); IF c = "\" THEN j := k; Lang.SkipEsc(line, k, line.length - 1, text.lang); PrintLex(text, line, j, k, y, colors.escape, backColor) END; INC(k) END END END String; BEGIN depth := line.cin; n := line.length - 1; i := 0; IF (depth > 0) & (n >= 0) THEN PrintComment(text, line, depth, i, 2, y, backColor) END; cond := 0; WHILE i <= n DO c := getChar(line, i); IF lang = Lang.langFasm THEN IF c = ";" THEN PrintLex(text, line, i, n, y, colors.comment, backColor); i := n ELSIF (c = "'") OR (c = '"') THEN String(text, line, i, y, backColor) ELSIF (U.isLetter(c) OR (c = "_")) THEN ident(text, i, i, y, line, backColor, Lang.isCS(lang)) ELSIF U.isDigit(c) THEN hex := FALSE; k := i; INC(i); c := getChar(line, i); IF (cap(c) = "X") & (getChar(line, i - 1) = "0") THEN INC(i); hex := TRUE END; WHILE U.isHex(cap(getChar(line, i))) DO INC(i) END; IF (cap(getChar(line, i)) = "H") & ~hex THEN INC(i) END; DEC(i); PrintLex(text, line, k, i, y, colors.num, backColor) END ELSIF (lang = Lang.langC) OR (lang = Lang.langJSON) THEN IF depth = 0 THEN IF c = "/" THEN IF cond = 0 THEN cond := 1 ELSE PrintLex(text, line, i - 1, n, y, colors.comment, backColor); cond := 0; i := n END ELSIF (c = "*") & (cond = 1) THEN depth := 1; INC(i); PrintComment(text, line, depth, i, 2, y, backColor); cond := 0 ELSIF U.isLetter(c) OR (c = "_") OR (c = "'") OR (c = '"') THEN k := i; IF (c = "'") OR (c = '"') THEN String(text, line, i, y, backColor); ELSE ident(text, i, i - ORD((lang = Lang.langC) & (i > 0) & (getChar(line, i - 1) = "#")), y, line, backColor, Lang.isCS(lang)) END; IF lang = Lang.langJSON THEN WHILE Lines.isSpace(getChar(line, i + 1)) DO INC(i) END; IF getChar(line, i + 1) = ":" THEN PrintLex(text, line, k, i, y, colors.key1, backColor) END END; cond := 0 ELSIF U.isDigit(c) THEN k := i; INC(i); c := getChar(line, i); IF c = "." THEN DEC(i); c := getChar(line, i) END; IF (cap(c) = "X") & (getChar(line, i - 1) = "0") THEN REPEAT INC(i); c := getChar(line, i) UNTIL ~U.isHex(cap(c)); IF UL(c) THEN INC(i) END ELSIF UL(c) THEN INC(i) ELSIF U.isDigit(c) THEN REPEAT INC(i) UNTIL ~U.isDigit(getChar(line, i)); c := getChar(line, i); IF UL(c) THEN INC(i) ELSIF c = "." THEN INC(i); WHILE U.isDigit(getChar(line, i)) DO INC(i) END; c := getChar(line, i); IF cap(c) = "E" THEN INC(i); c := getChar(line, i); IF (c = "+") OR (c = "-") THEN INC(i) END; IF U.isDigit(getChar(line, i)) THEN WHILE U.isDigit(getChar(line, i)) DO INC(i) END; c := getChar(line, i); IF FL(c) THEN INC(i) END END ELSIF FL(c) THEN INC(i) END END END; DEC(i); PrintLex(text, line, k, i, y, colors.num, backColor); cond := 0 ELSE cond := 0 END ELSIF depth = 1 THEN IF c = "*" THEN cond := 1 ELSIF (c = "/") & (cond = 1) THEN cond := 0; depth := 0 ELSE cond := 0 END END ELSIF lang = Lang.langOberon THEN IF (depth = 0) & (c = "/") THEN IF cond = 3 THEN PrintLex(text, line, i - 1, n, y, colors.comment, backColor); cond := 0; i := n ELSE cond := 3 END ELSIF (depth = 0) & ((c = "'") OR (c = '"')) THEN String(text, line, i, y, backColor); cond := 0 ELSIF (depth = 0) & U.isDigit(c) THEN color := colors.num; k := i; INC(i); WHILE U.isHex(getChar(line, i)) DO INC(i) END; IF i <= n THEN IF getChar(line, i) = "." THEN INC(i); IF getChar(line, i) = "." THEN DEC(i) END; WHILE U.isDigit(getChar(line, i)) DO INC(i) END; IF getChar(line, i) = "E" THEN INC(i); IF (getChar(line, i) = "+") OR (getChar(line, i) = "-") THEN INC(i) END; WHILE U.isDigit(getChar(line, i)) DO INC(i) END END ELSIF getChar(line, i) = "H" THEN INC(i) ELSIF getChar(line, i) = "X" THEN color := colors.string; INC(i) END END; DEC(i); PrintLex(text, line, k, i, y, color, backColor); cond := 0 ELSIF (depth = 0) & (U.isLetter(c) OR (c = "_")) THEN ident(text, i, i, y, line, backColor, Lang.isCS(lang)); cond := 0 ELSIF c = "(" THEN cond := 1 ELSIF c = "*" THEN IF cond = 1 THEN INC(depth); INC(i); PrintComment(text, line, depth, i, 2, y, backColor); cond := 0 ELSE cond := 2 END ELSIF c = ")" THEN IF cond = 2 THEN IF depth > 0 THEN DEC(depth) END END; cond := 0 ELSE cond := 0 END ELSIF lang = Lang.langLua THEN IF depth = 0 THEN IF c = "-" THEN IF cond = 1 THEN IF Lang.LuaLong(line, i + 1) >= 0 THEN depth := Lang.LuaLong(line, i + 1)*2 + 1; INC(i); PrintComment(text, line, depth, i, 2, y, backColor) ELSE PrintLex(text, line, i - 1, n, y, colors.comment, backColor); i := n END; cond := 0 ELSE cond := 1 END ELSIF c = "[" THEN cond := 0; k := Lang.LuaLong(line, i); IF k >= 0 THEN depth := (k + 1)*2; INC(i, 2); PrintComment(text, line, depth, i, 2, y, backColor); cond := 0 END ELSIF (c = "'") OR (c = '"') THEN String(text, line, i, y, backColor); cond := 0 ELSIF U.isDigit(c) THEN k := i; IF (c = "0") & (cap(getChar(line, i + 1)) = "X") THEN isDgt := U.isHex; hex := TRUE; INC(i, 2) ELSE isDgt := U.isDigit; hex := FALSE END; WHILE isDgt(cap(getChar(line, i))) DO INC(i) END; IF getChar(line, i) = "." THEN INC(i); IF getChar(line, i) = "." THEN DEC(i) END; WHILE isDgt(cap(getChar(line, i))) DO INC(i) END END; IF (cap(getChar(line, i)) = "E") OR hex & (cap(getChar(line, i)) = "P") THEN INC(i); IF (getChar(line, i) = "-") OR (getChar(line, i) = "+") THEN INC(i) END; WHILE isDgt(cap(getChar(line, i))) DO INC(i) END END; DEC(i); PrintLex(text, line, k, i, y, colors.num, backColor); cond := 0 ELSIF U.isLetter(c) OR (c = "_") THEN ident(text, i, i, y, line, backColor, Lang.isCS(lang)); cond := 0 ELSE cond := 0 END ELSIF depth > 0 THEN IF (cond = 0) & (c = "]") THEN cond := 1 ELSIF (cond >= 1) & (c = "=") THEN INC(cond) ELSIF (cond >= 1) & (c = "]") & (cond * 2 - depth MOD 2 = depth) THEN depth := 0; cond := 0 ELSE cond := 0 END END ELSIF lang = Lang.langPascal THEN IF depth = 0 THEN IF c = "(" THEN cond := 1 ELSIF (c = "*") & (cond = 1) THEN depth := 2; INC(i); PrintComment(text, line, depth, i, 2, y, backColor); cond := 0 ELSIF c = "/" THEN IF cond = 2 THEN PrintLex(text, line, i - 1, n, y, colors.comment, backColor); cond := 0; i := n ELSE cond := 2 END ELSIF c = "'" THEN String(text, line, i, y, backColor); cond := 0 ELSIF c = "{" THEN IF getChar(line, i + 1) = "$" THEN depth := 3 ELSE depth := 1 END; INC(i); PrintComment(text, line, depth, i, 1, y, backColor); cond := 0 ELSIF c = "#" THEN k := i; INC(i); WHILE U.isDigit(getChar(line, i)) DO INC(i) END; DEC(i); PrintLex(text, line, k, i, y, colors.string, backColor); cond := 0 ELSIF c = "$" THEN IF (i > 0 ) & (getChar(line, i - 1) = "#") THEN color := colors.string ELSE color := colors.num END; k := i; INC(i); WHILE U.isHex(cap(getChar(line, i))) DO INC(i) END; DEC(i); PrintLex(text, line, k, i, y, color, backColor); cond := 0 ELSIF U.isDigit(c) THEN k := i; WHILE U.isDigit(getChar(line, i)) DO INC(i) END; IF getChar(line, i) = "." THEN INC(i); IF getChar(line, i) = "." THEN DEC(i) END; WHILE U.isDigit(getChar(line, i)) DO INC(i) END; IF cap(getChar(line, i)) = "E" THEN INC(i); IF (getChar(line, i) = "-") OR (getChar(line, i) = "+") THEN INC(i) END; WHILE U.isDigit(getChar(line, i)) DO INC(i) END END END; DEC(i); PrintLex(text, line, k, i, y, colors.num, backColor); cond := 0 ELSIF (U.isLetter(c) OR (c = "_")) THEN ident(text, i, i, y, line, backColor, Lang.isCS(lang)); cond := 0 ELSE cond := 0 END ELSIF depth IN {1, 3} THEN IF c = "}" THEN depth := 0 END ELSIF depth = 2 THEN IF c = "*" THEN cond := 1 ELSIF (c = ")") & (cond = 1) THEN depth := 0; cond := 0 ELSE cond := 0 END END ELSIF lang = Lang.langIni THEN IF depth = 0 THEN IF (c = ";") OR (c = "#") THEN PrintLex(text, line, i, n, y, colors.comment, backColor); i := n ELSIF c = '"' THEN String(text, line, i, y, backColor) ELSIF c = "[" THEN depth := 1; INC(i); PrintComment(text, line, depth, i, 1, y, backColor) ELSIF U.isDigit(c) THEN k := i; WHILE U.isDigit(getChar(line, i)) DO INC(i) END; DEC(i); PrintLex(text, line, k, i, y, colors.num, backColor) ELSIF (U.isLetter(c) OR (c = "_")) THEN ident(text, i, i, y, line, backColor, Lang.isCS(lang)) END ELSIF depth = 1 THEN IF c = "]" THEN depth := 0 END END END; INC(i) END END parse; PROCEDURE leadingSpaces (line: tLine): INTEGER; VAR i: INTEGER; BEGIN i := 0; WHILE Lines.isSpace(getChar(line, i)) DO INC(i) END RETURN i END leadingSpaces; PROCEDURE plain (text: tText; eot: BOOLEAN): CB.tBuffer; VAR buf: CB.tBuffer; size: INTEGER; line: tLine; BEGIN size := 0; line := text.first(tLine); WHILE line # NIL DO line.pos := size; INC(size, line.length); NextLine(line); IF line # NIL THEN INC(size, CB.lenEOL) END END; IF eot THEN INC(size, 2) END; buf := CB.create(size); line := text.first(tLine); WHILE line # NIL DO CB.append(buf, line, 0, line.length - 1); NextLine(line); IF line # NIL THEN CB.eol(buf) END END; IF eot THEN CB.appends(buf, 0X + 0X, 0, 1) END RETURN buf END plain; PROCEDURE search* (text: tText; s: ARRAY OF WCHAR; cs, whole: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN; VAR pos: List.tItem; res: BOOLEAN; plainText: Search.tBuffer; BEGIN plainText := NIL; WHILE text.foundList.count # 0 DO pos := List.pop(text.foundList); DISPOSE(pos) END; text.whole := whole; text.cs := cs; text.searchText := s; IF ~cs THEN U.upcase16(text.searchText) END; IF text.searchText # "" THEN plainText := plain(text, TRUE); text.idxData := Search.index(plainText, text.table, cs); Search.find(plainText, text.table, text.searchText, whole, text.foundList); res := text.foundList.count > 0 ELSE res := TRUE END; CB.destroy(plainText); CB.destroy(text.idxData); text.search := FALSE; text.foundSel := 0 RETURN res END search; PROCEDURE modify (text: tText); BEGIN text.modified := TRUE; text.comments := TRUE; text.search := TRUE; text.guard := TRUE END modify; PROCEDURE setEnc* (text: tText; enc: INTEGER); BEGIN IF text.enc # enc THEN ChangeLog.changeInt(text.enc, enc); text.enc := enc; modify(text) END END setEnc; PROCEDURE setEol* (text: tText; eol: INTEGER); BEGIN IF text.eol # eol THEN ChangeLog.changeInt(text.eol, eol); text.eol := eol; modify(text) END END setEol; PROCEDURE getEnc* (text: tText): INTEGER; RETURN text.enc END getEnc; PROCEDURE getEol* (text: tText): INTEGER; RETURN text.eol END getEol; PROCEDURE DelLine (text: tText; line: tLine); BEGIN List._delete(text, line); Lines.destroy(line); modify(text) END DelLine; PROCEDURE setSelect (text: tText); BEGIN IF text.select = text.cursor THEN text.select2^ := text.cursor^; text.select := text.select2 END END setSelect; PROCEDURE resetSelect* (text: tText); BEGIN text.select := text.cursor END resetSelect; PROCEDURE getLine (text: tText; n: INTEGER): tLine; VAR item: List.tItem; BEGIN item := List.getItem(text, n); RETURN item(tLine) END getLine; PROCEDURE SetPos* (text: tText; x, y: INTEGER); VAR deltaY, n, L, R: INTEGER; cursor: pPoint; c: WCHAR; (* trimLength: INTEGER; *) BEGIN cursor := text.cursor; y := MIN(MAX(y, 0), text.count - 1); deltaY := y - cursor.Y; IF deltaY # 0 THEN cursor.Y := y; (* trimLength := Lines.trimLength(text.curLine); IF text.curLine.length # trimLength THEN Lines.setChar(text.curLine, trimLength, 0X); text.curLine.length := trimLength END;*) IF deltaY = 1 THEN NextLine(text.curLine) ELSIF deltaY = -1 THEN PrevLine(text.curLine) ELSE text.curLine := getLine(text, y) END END; cursor.X := MIN(MAX(x, 0), text.curLine.length); c := getChar(text.curLine, cursor.X); IF c = TAB1 THEN n := cursor.X; WHILE getChar(text.curLine, n) = TAB1 DO INC(n) END; R := n - cursor.X; n := cursor.X; WHILE getChar(text.curLine, n) # TAB DO DEC(n) END; L := cursor.X - n; IF L < R THEN DEC(cursor.X, L) ELSE INC(cursor.X, R) END END; IF text.scroll.Y > cursor.Y THEN text.scroll.Y := cursor.Y ELSIF text.scroll.Y + textsize.Y <= cursor.Y THEN text.scroll.Y := cursor.Y - textsize.Y + 1 END; IF text.scroll.X > cursor.X THEN text.scroll.X := cursor.X ELSIF text.scroll.X + textsize.X <= cursor.X THEN text.scroll.X := cursor.X - textsize.X + 1 END; IF (text.select.Y = cursor.Y) & (text.select.X > text.curLine.length) THEN text.select.X := text.curLine.length END; setSelect(text); text.foundSel := 0; ShowCursor; text.CurX := -1 END SetPos; PROCEDURE getSelect (text: tText; VAR selBeg, selEnd: tPoint); BEGIN selBeg := text.cursor^; selEnd := text.select^; IF (selBeg.Y > selEnd.Y) OR (selBeg.Y = selEnd.Y) & (selBeg.X > selEnd.X) THEN selBeg := text.select^; selEnd := text.cursor^ END END getSelect; PROCEDURE selected* (text: tText): BOOLEAN; RETURN (text.cursor.X # text.select.X) OR (text.cursor.Y # text.select.Y) END selected; PROCEDURE delSelect (text: tText); VAR selBeg, selEnd: tPoint; line, last, cur: tLine; BEGIN getSelect(text, selBeg, selEnd); IF (selBeg.Y = selEnd.Y) & (selBeg.X < selEnd.X) THEN line := text.curLine; Lines.delCharN(line, selBeg.X, selEnd.X - selBeg.X); Lines.modify(line); text.cursor^ := selBeg; resetSelect(text); SetPos(text, text.cursor.X, text.cursor.Y); modify(text) ELSIF selBeg.Y < selEnd.Y THEN SetPos(text, selBeg.X, selBeg.Y); line := text.curLine; Lines.delCharN(line, selBeg.X, line.length - selBeg.X); last := getLine(text, selEnd.Y); Lines.delCharN(last, 0, selEnd.X); cur := line.next(tLine); WHILE cur # last DO DelLine(text, cur); cur := line.next(tLine) END; resetSelect(text); SetPos(text, text.cursor.X, text.cursor.Y); pdelete(text); modify(text) END; resetSelect(text) END delSelect; PROCEDURE delete (text: tText); VAR i, n: INTEGER; nextLine, curLine: tLine; BEGIN IF selected(text) THEN delSelect(text) ELSE i := text.cursor.X; curLine := text.curLine; IF i < curLine.length THEN n := i; INC(i); IF getChar(curLine, i - 1) = TAB THEN WHILE getChar(curLine, i) = TAB1 DO INC(i) END END; Lines.delCharN(curLine, n, i - n); Lines.modify(curLine); modify(text) ELSE nextLine := curLine.next(tLine); IF nextLine # NIL THEN Lines.insert2(curLine, i, nextLine); DelLine(text, nextLine); Lines.modify(curLine); modify(text) END END END; setSelect(text) END delete; PROCEDURE move (text: tText; d: INTEGER); VAR pos: INTEGER; BEGIN pos := text.cursor.X + d; WHILE getChar(text.curLine, pos) = TAB1 DO INC(pos, d) END; SetPos(text, pos, text.cursor.Y) END move; PROCEDURE BkSpace (text: tText); VAR i, k, n: INTEGER; curLine, line, line2: tLine; BEGIN IF selected(text) THEN delSelect(text) ELSE resetSelect(text); curLine := text.curLine; IF text.cursor.X > 0 THEN i := text.cursor.X; n := leadingSpaces(curLine); modify(text); IF n < i THEN move(text, -1); delete(text) ELSE n := i; line := curLine.prev(tLine); line2 := line; k := n; WHILE (line # NIL) & (k >= n) DO IF Lines.trimLength(line) # 0 THEN k := leadingSpaces(line); line2 := line; END; PrevLine(line) END; IF k >= n THEN k := 0 END; n := k; Lines.delCharN(curLine, 0, i); Lines.insert3(curLine, 0, k); WHILE k > 0 DO Lines.setChar(curLine, k - 1, getChar(line2, k - 1)); DEC(k) END; Lines.modify(curLine); SetPos(text, n, text.cursor.Y) END ELSE PrevLine(curLine); IF curLine # NIL THEN SetPos(text, curLine.length, text.cursor.Y - 1); delete(text) END END END; setSelect(text) END BkSpace; PROCEDURE enter (text: tText); VAR n: INTEGER; curLine, newLine, line, line2: tLine; BEGIN delSelect(text); newLine := Lines.create(FALSE); modify(text); curLine := text.curLine; IF text.cursor.X < curLine.length THEN Lines.wrap(curLine, newLine, text.cursor.X); Lines.modify(curLine) END; List._insert(text, curLine, newLine); SetPos(text, 0, text.cursor.Y + 1); line := text.curLine.prev(tLine); n := -1; WHILE (line # NIL) & (n = -1) DO IF (*line.length*)Lines.trimLength(line) # 0 THEN n := leadingSpaces(line); line2 := line END; PrevLine(line) END; IF n = -1 THEN n := 0 END; Lines.insert3(text.curLine, 0, n); SetPos(text, n, text.cursor.Y); resetSelect(text); WHILE n > 0 DO Lines.setChar(text.curLine, n - 1, getChar(line2, n - 1)); DEC(n) END; Lines.modify(newLine) END enter; PROCEDURE incIndent (line: tLine); VAR c: WCHAR; i: INTEGER; BEGIN Lines.modify(line); Lines.insert3(line, 0, Lines.tab); IF Lines.tabs THEN c := TAB1 ELSE c := SPACE END; i := Lines.tab - 1; WHILE i >= 0 DO Lines.setChar(line, i, c); DEC(i) END; IF Lines.tabs THEN Lines.setChar(line, 0, TAB) END END incIndent; PROCEDURE decIndent (line: tLine): BOOLEAN; VAR n: INTEGER; BEGIN n := leadingSpaces(line); IF n > 0 THEN Lines.delCharN(line, 0, MIN(Lines.tab, n)); Lines.modify(line) END RETURN n > 0 END decIndent; PROCEDURE Indent* (text: tText; incr: BOOLEAN); VAR i: INTEGER; line: tLine; selBeg, selEnd: tPoint; modified: BOOLEAN; BEGIN getSelect(text, selBeg, selEnd); i := selEnd.Y - selBeg.Y + 1; line := getLine(text, selBeg.Y); modified := incr; WHILE i > 0 DO IF incr THEN incIndent(line) ELSE modified := decIndent(line) OR modified END; NextLine(line); DEC(i) END; line := getLine(text, selEnd.Y); text.select^ := selBeg; text.select.X := 0; SetPos(text, line.length, selEnd.Y); IF modified THEN modify(text) END END Indent; PROCEDURE input* (text: tText; code: INTEGER); VAR curLine: tLine; PROCEDURE tab (text: tText); VAR i, x: INTEGER; curLine: tLine; c: WCHAR; BEGIN delSelect(text); curLine := text.curLine; x := text.cursor.X; i := Lines.tab - x MOD Lines.tab; Lines.insert3(curLine, x, i); SetPos(text, x + i, text.cursor.Y); IF Lines.tabs THEN c := TAB1 ELSE c := SPACE END; WHILE i > 0 DO Lines.setChar(curLine, x + i - 1, c); DEC(i) END; IF Lines.tabs THEN Lines.setChar(curLine, x + i, TAB) END; Lines.modify(curLine); modify(text) END tab; BEGIN IF (code >= ORD(SPACE)) & (code # 127) THEN delSelect(text); curLine := text.curLine; Lines.insert(curLine, text.cursor.X, WCHR(code)); Lines.modify(curLine); modify(text); SetPos(text, text.cursor.X + 1, text.cursor.Y) ELSIF code = 8 THEN BkSpace(text) ELSIF code = -8 THEN IF selected(text) THEN Indent(text, FALSE) END ELSIF code = 9 THEN IF selected(text) THEN Indent(text, TRUE) ELSE tab(text) END ELSIF code = 13 THEN enter(text) END END input; PROCEDURE scroll* (text: tText; h, v: INTEGER); BEGIN INC(text.scroll.X, h); INC(text.scroll.Y, v); text.scroll.X := MIN(MAX(text.scroll.X, 0), text.maxLength); text.scroll.Y := MIN(MAX(text.scroll.Y, 0), text.count - 1) END scroll; PROCEDURE save* (text: tText; name: RW.tFileName): BOOLEAN; CONST tempFile = "/tmp0/1/cedit~.tmp"; VAR line: tLine; file: RW.tOutput; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN ChangeLog.setGuard(text.edition); file := RW.create(tempFile, text.enc, text.eol); IF file # NIL THEN ChangeLog.delSaved; line := text.first(tLine); WHILE line # NIL DO RW.putString(file, line, Lines.trimLength(line)); NextLine(line); IF line # NIL THEN RW.newLine(file) END END; res := RW.close(file) ELSE res := FALSE END; IF res THEN res := File.Copy(tempFile, name); IF res THEN text.modified := FALSE; ChangeLog.save(text.edition); line := text.first(tLine); WHILE line # NIL DO IF line.modified THEN Lines.save(line) END; NextLine(line) END END END; IF File.Delete(tempFile) THEN END; IF ~res THEN ChangeLog.delCurSaved END RETURN res END save; PROCEDURE redoGuard (text: tText; guard: tGuard); BEGIN text.edition := guard; text.cursor^ := guard.cursor; text.select2^ := guard.select2; text.scroll := guard.scroll; text.CurX := guard.CurX; IF guard.selected THEN text.select := text.select2 ELSE text.select := text.cursor END; text.curLine := getLine(text, text.cursor.Y); text.comments := TRUE; text.search := TRUE END redoGuard; PROCEDURE undo* (text: tText); VAR item: List.tItem; guard: tGuard; BEGIN guard := text.edition; item := guard.prev; WHILE (item # NIL) & ~(item IS tGuard) DO item := item.prev END; IF item # NIL THEN guard := item(tGuard); text.edition := guard END; item := ChangeLog.CL.Log.first; WHILE item # guard DO ChangeLog.redo(item); item := item.next END; redoGuard(text, guard); ChangeLog.setGuard(guard); text.modified := ~guard.saved; ShowCursor END undo; PROCEDURE redo* (text: tText); VAR item: List.tItem; guard: tGuard; BEGIN guard := text.edition; item := guard.next; WHILE (item # NIL) & ~(item IS tGuard) DO ChangeLog.redo(item); item := item.next END; IF item # NIL THEN guard := item(tGuard); redoGuard(text, guard) END; ChangeLog.setGuard(guard); text.modified := ~guard.saved; ShowCursor END redo; PROCEDURE getSelCnt* (text: tText; VAR chars, lines: INTEGER); VAR selBeg, selEnd: tPoint; first, last, line: tLine; PROCEDURE charCnt (line: tLine; first, last: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR i, res: INTEGER; BEGIN res := 0; FOR i := first TO last DO IF getChar(line, i) # TAB1 THEN INC(res) END END RETURN res END charCnt; BEGIN IF selected(text) THEN getSelect(text, selBeg, selEnd); first := getLine(text, selBeg.Y); last := getLine(text, selEnd.Y); lines := selEnd.Y - selBeg.Y + 1; IF lines > 1 THEN chars := charCnt(first, selBeg.X, first.length - 1) + charCnt(last, 0, selEnd.X - 1) + lenEOL; line := first.next(tLine) ELSE chars := charCnt(first, selBeg.X, selEnd.X - 1); line := last END; WHILE line # last DO INC(chars, charCnt(line, 0, line.length - 1) + lenEOL); NextLine(line) END ELSE chars := 0; lines := 0 END END getSelCnt; PROCEDURE copy (text: tText); VAR selBeg, selEnd: tPoint; first, line: tLine; cnt, n: INTEGER; buffer: CB.tBuffer; PROCEDURE append (buffer: CB.tBuffer; line: tLine; first, last: INTEGER); BEGIN IF first <= last THEN CB.append(buffer, line, first, last) ELSE IF U.OS = "KOS" THEN CB.appends(buffer, SPACE, 0, 0) END END END append; BEGIN getSelect(text, selBeg, selEnd); first := getLine(text, selBeg.Y); line := first; n := selEnd.Y - selBeg.Y; cnt := 0; WHILE n >= 0 DO INC(cnt, line.length + (lenEOL + ORD(U.OS = "KOS"))); NextLine(line); DEC(n) END; buffer := CB.create(cnt); n := selEnd.Y - selBeg.Y; line := first; IF n = 0 THEN append(buffer, line, selBeg.X, selEnd.X - 1) ELSE append(buffer, line, selBeg.X, line.length - 1); REPEAT DEC(n); CB.eol(buffer); NextLine(line); IF n > 0 THEN append(buffer, line, 0, line.length - 1) END UNTIL n = 0; append(buffer, line, 0, selEnd.X - 1) END; CB.eot(buffer); CB.put(buffer); CB.destroy(buffer) END copy; PROCEDURE paste (text: tText); VAR line, newLine, curLine: tLine; w: INTEGER; cliptext: RW.tInput; eol: BOOLEAN; cursor: pPoint; PROCEDURE lineWidth (line: tLine; pos: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR i, res: INTEGER; c: WCHAR; BEGIN res := pos; i := 0; REPEAT c := getChar(line, i); IF c = TAB THEN INC(res, Lines.tab - res MOD Lines.tab) ELSIF c # TAB1 THEN INC(res) END; INC(i) UNTIL c = 0X RETURN res - pos - 1 END lineWidth; BEGIN line := Lines.create(TRUE); cliptext := RW.clipboard(); delSelect(text); cursor := text.cursor; WHILE (cliptext # NIL) & (RW.getString(cliptext, line, Lines.tabs, eol) >= 0) DO IF line.length > 0 THEN w := lineWidth(line, cursor.X); Lines.insert2(text.curLine, cursor.X, line); Lines.modify(text.curLine); modify(text); SetPos(text, cursor.X + w, cursor.Y); resetSelect(text) END; IF eol THEN newLine := Lines.create(FALSE); modify(text); curLine := text.curLine; IF cursor.X < curLine.length THEN Lines.wrap(curLine, newLine, cursor.X); Lines.modify(curLine) END; List._insert(text, curLine, newLine); Lines.modify(newLine); SetPos(text, 0, cursor.Y + 1); resetSelect(text) END; Lines.destroy(line); line := Lines.create(TRUE) END; Lines.destroy(line); RW.destroy(cliptext) END paste; PROCEDURE searchScroll (text: tText; n: INTEGER); BEGIN IF n - text.scroll.Y > textsize.Y - 1 THEN text.scroll.Y := MAX(n - 2 * textsize.Y DIV 3, 0) ELSIF n < text.scroll.Y THEN text.scroll.Y := MAX(n - textsize.Y DIV 3, 0) END END searchScroll; PROCEDURE goto* (text: tText; n: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; VAR res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN DEC(n); IF (0 <= n) & (n < text.count) THEN resetSelect(text); searchScroll(text, n); SetPos(text, 0, n); res := TRUE ELSE res := FALSE END RETURN res END goto; PROCEDURE toggleLabel* (text: tText); BEGIN text.curLine.label := ~text.curLine.label END toggleLabel; PROCEDURE gotoLabel* (text: tText; frw: BOOLEAN); VAR line: tLine; n: INTEGER; PROCEDURE search (VAR line: tLine; VAR n: INTEGER; frw: BOOLEAN); BEGIN IF frw THEN WHILE (line # NIL) & ~line.label DO NextLine(line); INC(n) END ELSE WHILE (line # NIL) & ~line.label DO PrevLine(line); DEC(n) END END END search; BEGIN n := text.cursor.Y; line := text.curLine; IF frw THEN NextLine(line); INC(n) ELSE PrevLine(line); DEC(n) END; search(line, n, frw); IF line = NIL THEN IF frw THEN n := 0; line := text.first(tLine) ELSE n := text.count - 1; line := text.last(tLine) END; search(line, n, frw) END; IF line # NIL THEN IF goto(text, n + 1) THEN END END END gotoLabel; PROCEDURE changeCase (text: tText; upper: BOOLEAN); VAR i: INTEGER; line: tLine; BEGIN line := text.curLine; i := text.cursor.X - 1; WHILE (i >= 0) & U.isLetter(getChar(line, i)) DO DEC(i) END; IF Lines.chCase(line, i + 1, text.cursor.X - 1, upper) THEN modify(text) END END changeCase; PROCEDURE chCase* (text: tText; upper: BOOLEAN); VAR selBeg, selEnd: tPoint; first, line: Lines.tLine; cnt: INTEGER; modified: BOOLEAN; BEGIN modified := FALSE; IF selected(text) THEN getSelect(text, selBeg, selEnd); first := getLine(text, selBeg.Y); line := first; cnt := selEnd.Y - selBeg.Y; IF cnt = 0 THEN IF Lines.chCase(line, selBeg.X, selEnd.X - 1, upper) THEN modified := TRUE END ELSE IF Lines.chCase(line, selBeg.X, line.length - 1, upper) THEN modified := TRUE END; WHILE cnt > 1 DO NextLine(line); IF Lines.chCase(line, 0, line.length - 1, upper) THEN modified := TRUE END; DEC(cnt) END; NextLine(line); IF Lines.chCase(line, 0, selEnd.X - 1, upper) THEN modified := TRUE END END END; IF modified THEN modify(text) END END chCase; PROCEDURE UpDown (text: tText; step: INTEGER); VAR temp: INTEGER; BEGIN IF text.CurX = -1 THEN text.CurX := text.cursor.X END; temp := text.CurX; SetPos(text, temp, text.cursor.Y + step); text.CurX := temp END UpDown; PROCEDURE delLine* (text: tText); BEGIN resetSelect(text); IF text.curLine.length > 0 THEN Lines.delCharN(text.curLine, 0, text.curLine.length) END; SetPos(text, 0, text.cursor.Y); IF text.cursor.Y = text.count - 1 THEN BkSpace(text) ELSE delete(text) END END delLine; PROCEDURE dupLine* (text: tText); VAR newLine, curLine: tLine; BEGIN curLine := text.curLine; newLine := Lines.create(FALSE); modify(text); Lines.insert3(newLine, 0, curLine.length); List._insert(text, curLine, newLine); Lines.move(curLine, newLine); Lines.modify(newLine) END dupLine; PROCEDURE exchange (text: tText; first, second: tLine); BEGIN List._exchange(text, first, second); Lines.modify(text.curLine); modify(text); UpDown(text, 0) END exchange; PROCEDURE upLine (text: tText); BEGIN DEC(text.cursor.Y); exchange(text, text.curLine.prev(tLine), text.curLine) END upLine; PROCEDURE downLine (text: tText); BEGIN INC(text.cursor.Y); exchange(text, text.curLine, text.curLine.next(tLine)) END downLine; PROCEDURE MoveLines* (text: tText; down: BOOLEAN); VAR last: tLine; selBeg, selEnd, temp: tPoint; n, step: INTEGER; frw: BOOLEAN; moveLine: PROCEDURE (text: tText); BEGIN getSelect(text, selBeg, selEnd); IF (selBeg.Y > 0) & ~down OR (selEnd.Y < text.count - 1) & down THEN IF down THEN step := -2; moveLine := downLine ELSE step := 2; moveLine := upLine END; frw := (text.cursor.X = selEnd.X) & (text.cursor.Y = selEnd.Y); IF selEnd.Y # selBeg.Y THEN IF down # frw THEN temp := text.cursor^; SetPos(text, 0, text.select.Y); setSelect(text); text.select^ := temp END; last := getLine(text, selEnd.Y); selBeg.X := 0; selEnd.X := last.length; n := selEnd.Y - selBeg.Y + 1; WHILE n > 0 DO moveLine(text); SetPos(text, 0, text.cursor.Y + step); DEC(n) END ELSE moveLine(text) END; IF frw THEN temp := selBeg; selBeg := selEnd; selEnd := temp END; step := step DIV 2; SetPos(text, selBeg.X, selBeg.Y - step); setSelect(text); text.select.X := selEnd.X; text.select.Y := selEnd.Y - step END END MoveLines; PROCEDURE isWordChar (c: WCHAR): BOOLEAN; RETURN U.isLetter(c) OR U.isDigit(c) OR (c = "_") END isWordChar; PROCEDURE getSelectedText* (text: tText; VAR s: ARRAY OF WCHAR); VAR n: INTEGER; selBeg, selEnd: tPoint; BEGIN s[0] := 0X; IF selected(text) & (text.cursor.Y = text.select.Y) THEN getSelect(text, selBeg, selEnd); n := getString(text.curLine, selBeg.X, selEnd.X - selBeg.X, s) END END getSelectedText; PROCEDURE wordSel* (text: tText); VAR n, i, x1, x2: INTEGER; selBeg, selEnd: tPoint; str: tString; curLine: tLine; BEGIN curLine := text.curLine; IF selected(text) & (text.cursor.Y = text.select.Y) THEN getSelect(text, selBeg, selEnd); x1 := selBeg.X; x2 := selEnd.X; n := getString(curLine, x1, x2 - x1, str); ELSE str := "" END; IF str # "" THEN i := 0; WHILE (i < n) & isWordChar(str[i]) DO INC(i) END; IF (i # n) OR ((x1 > 0) & isWordChar(getChar(curLine, x1 - 1))) OR ((x2 < curLine.length) & isWordChar(getChar(curLine, x2))) THEN str := "" END END; IF search(text, str, Lang.isCS(text.lang), TRUE) THEN END END wordSel; PROCEDURE getWordPos (line: tLine; pos: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR c: WCHAR; BEGIN c := getChar(line, pos); IF isWordChar(c) THEN WHILE (pos < line.length) & isWordChar(getChar(line, pos)) DO INC(pos) END ELSIF Lines.isSpace(c) THEN WHILE (pos < line.length) & Lines.isSpace(getChar(line, pos)) DO INC(pos) END ELSE WHILE (pos < line.length) & ~Lines.isSpace(getChar(line, pos)) & ~isWordChar(getChar(line, pos)) DO INC(pos) END END RETURN pos END getWordPos; PROCEDURE key* (text: tText; code: INTEGER; shift, ctrl: BOOLEAN); VAR n, wPos: INTEGER; BEGIN IF shift THEN setSelect(text) ELSE IF (33 <= code) & (code <= 40) THEN IF ~(((code = 38) OR (code = 40)) & ctrl) THEN resetSelect(text) END END END; CASE code OF |33: IF ctrl THEN UpDown(text, text.scroll.Y - text.cursor.Y) ELSE text.scroll.Y := MAX(text.scroll.Y - textsize.Y, 0); UpDown(text, -textsize.Y) END |34: IF ctrl THEN UpDown(text, MIN(text.scroll.Y + textsize.Y - 1, text.count - 1) - text.cursor.Y) ELSE text.scroll.Y := MIN(text.scroll.Y + textsize.Y, text.count - 1); UpDown(text, textsize.Y) END |35: IF ctrl THEN SetPos(text, text.last(tLine).length, text.count - 1) ELSE SetPos(text, text.curLine.length, text.cursor.Y) END |36: IF ctrl THEN SetPos(text, 0, 0) ELSE n := leadingSpaces(text.curLine); IF text.cursor.X > n THEN SetPos(text, n, text.cursor.Y) ELSE SetPos(text, 0, text.cursor.Y) END END |37: IF (text.cursor.X = 0) & (text.curLine.prev # NIL) THEN SetPos(text, text.curLine.prev(tLine).length, text.cursor.Y - 1) ELSE IF ctrl THEN wPos := 0; REPEAT n := wPos; wPos := getWordPos(text.curLine, wPos) UNTIL wPos >= text.cursor.X; move(text, n - text.cursor.X) ELSE move(text, -1) END END |38: IF ctrl THEN MoveLines(text, FALSE) ELSE UpDown(text, -1) END |39: IF (text.cursor.X = text.curLine.length) & (text.curLine.next # NIL) THEN SetPos(text, 0, text.cursor.Y + 1) ELSE IF ctrl THEN move(text, getWordPos(text.curLine, text.cursor.X) - text.cursor.X) ELSE move(text, 1) END END |40: IF ctrl THEN MoveLines(text, TRUE) ELSE UpDown(text, 1) END |46: IF ctrl THEN delLine(text) ELSE delete(text); ShowCursor END |ORD("C"): IF ctrl THEN IF selected(text) THEN copy(text) END END |ORD("X"): IF ctrl THEN IF selected(text) THEN copy(text); delSelect(text) END END |ORD("V"): IF ctrl THEN IF CB.available() THEN paste(text) END END |ORD("A"): IF ctrl THEN text.select2.X := 0; text.select2.Y := 0; text.select := text.select2; SetPos(text, text.last(tLine).length, text.count - 1) END |ORD("L"), ORD("U"): IF ctrl THEN IF selected(text) THEN chCase(text, code = ORD("U")) ELSE changeCase(text, code = ORD("U")) END; ShowCursor END |ORD("D"): IF ctrl THEN dupLine(text) END ELSE END END key; PROCEDURE mouse* (text: tText; x, y: INTEGER); VAR cursorX: INTEGER; BEGIN DEC(x, padding.left); DEC(y, padding.top); cursorX := (x*2) DIV charWidth; SetPos(text, cursorX DIV 2 + cursorX MOD 2 + text.scroll.X, y DIV charHeight + text.scroll.Y) END mouse; PROCEDURE selectWord* (text: tText); VAR cursorX, x1, x2: INTEGER; line: tLine; BEGIN resetSelect(text); cursorX := text.cursor.X; line := text.curLine; x1 := cursorX - 1; IF (cursorX < line.length) & isWordChar(getChar(line, cursorX)) THEN x2 := cursorX; WHILE (x2 < line.length) & isWordChar(getChar(line, x2)) DO INC(x2) END ELSE WHILE (x1 >= 0) & ~isWordChar(getChar(line, x1)) DO DEC(x1) END; x2 := x1 + 1 END; WHILE (x1 >= 0) & isWordChar(getChar(line, x1)) DO DEC(x1) END; INC(x1); IF x1 < x2 THEN SetPos(text, x1, text.cursor.Y); setSelect(text); SetPos(text, x2, text.cursor.Y) END END selectWord; PROCEDURE cursor (text: tText); VAR x, y1, y2, scrollX, scrollY: INTEGER; cursor: pPoint; BEGIN cursor := text.cursor; scrollX := text.scroll.X; scrollY := text.scroll.Y; IF ~((scrollY > cursor.Y) OR (scrollY + textsize.Y <= cursor.Y) OR (scrollX > cursor.X) OR (scrollX + textsize.X <= cursor.X)) THEN x := (cursor.X - scrollX)*charWidth + padding.left; y1 := (cursor.Y - scrollY)*charHeight + padding.top + (inter DIV 2 + 1); y2 := y1 + charHeight - (inter + 2); G.notVLine(canvas, x, y1, y2); G.notVLine(canvas, x - 1, y1, y2) END END cursor; PROCEDURE drawSelect (text: tText; line: tLine; selBeg, selEnd, y: INTEGER); VAR Len, pos, x, firstCharIdx: INTEGER; BEGIN firstCharIdx := MAX(text.scroll.X, selBeg); Len := MAX(MIN(line.length - firstCharIdx, selEnd - firstCharIdx), 0); Len := MIN(Len, textsize.X - pos + 1); SetColor(colors.seltext, colors.selback); pos := MAX((selBeg - text.scroll.X), 0); x := pos*charWidth + padding.left; G.SetColor(canvas, colors.selback); G.FillRect(canvas, x - 2, y - inter DIV 2, x + 1 + Len*charWidth, y - inter DIV 2 + charHeight); G.TextOut(canvas, pos*charWidth + padding.left, y, Lines.getPChar(line, firstCharIdx), Len, colors.seltext) END drawSelect; PROCEDURE mark (line: tLine; y: INTEGER); VAR color, i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF line.modified THEN color := colors.modified ELSIF line.saved THEN color := colors.saved ELSE color := colors.back END; G.SetColor(canvas, color); FOR i := 3 TO mark_width + 2 DO G.VLine(canvas, padding.left - i, y, y + charHeight) END END mark; PROCEDURE setPadding (left, top: INTEGER); BEGIN padding.left := left; padding.top := top; textsize.X := (size.X - padding.left) DIV charWidth; textsize.Y := (size.Y - padding.top) DIV charHeight; END setPadding; PROCEDURE draw* (text: tText); VAR y, n, Len, cnt, i, x: INTEGER; line, firstLine, lastLine: tLine; selBeg, selEnd: tPoint; s: ARRAY 12 OF WCHAR; backColor, numWidth, xNum, wNum: INTEGER; p: Search.tPos; guard: tGuard; BEGIN IF text.search & search(text, text.searchText, text.cs, text.whole) THEN END; IF (text.lang # Lang.langText) & text.comments THEN Comments(text) END; IF text.guard THEN NEW(guard); List.append(ChangeLog.CL.Log, guard); guard.saved := ChangeLog.isFirstGuard(guard); text.edition := guard; text.guard := FALSE ELSE guard := text.edition END; guard.cursor := text.cursor^; guard.select2 := text.select2^; guard.scroll := text.scroll; guard.CurX := text.CurX; guard.selected := text.select = text.select2; G.SetColor(canvas, colors.back); G.clear(canvas); wNum := charWidth; IF text.numbers THEN numWidth := U.lg10(text.count) + 2; xNum := numWidth*wNum - wNum DIV 2; setPadding(numWidth*wNum + pad_left, padding.top); ELSE setPadding(pad_left + wNum*2, padding.top) END; getSelect(text, selBeg, selEnd); y := padding.top + inter DIV 2; n := text.scroll.Y; line := getLine(text, n); firstLine := line; cnt := 0; WHILE (line # NIL) & (cnt < textsize.Y) DO backColor := colors.back; IF (line = text.curLine) & ~selected(text) THEN G.SetColor(canvas, colors.curline); G.FillRect(canvas, padding.left - 2, y - inter DIV 2, size.X - 1, y - inter DIV 2 + charHeight); backColor := colors.curline END; SetColor(colors.text, backColor); Len := MAX(line.length - text.scroll.X, 0); G.TextOut(canvas, padding.left, y, Lines.getPChar(line, text.scroll.X), MIN(Len, textsize.X + 1), colors.delim); IF text.lang # Lang.langText THEN parse(text, line, y, backColor, text.lang) END; mark(line, y - inter DIV 2); IF (selBeg.Y < n) & (n < selEnd.Y) THEN drawSelect(text, line, 0, line.length, y) ELSIF (selBeg.Y = n) & (selEnd.Y = n) & (selBeg.X # selEnd.X) THEN drawSelect(text, line, selBeg.X, selEnd.X, y) ELSIF (selBeg.Y = n) & (selEnd.Y # n) THEN drawSelect(text, line, selBeg.X, line.length, y) ELSIF (selBeg.Y # n) & (selEnd.Y = n) THEN drawSelect(text, line, 0, selEnd.X, y) END; NextLine(line); INC(y, charHeight); INC(n); INC(cnt) END; G.SetColor(canvas, colors.numback); G.FillRect(canvas, 0, 0, padding.left - pad_left (*+ 1*), size.Y - 1); line := firstLine; SetColor(colors.numtext, colors.numback); y := padding.top + inter DIV 2; n := MIN(text.scroll.Y + textsize.Y, text.count); FOR i := text.scroll.Y + 1 TO n DO IF text.numbers THEN IF (i MOD 10 = 0) OR (i - 1 = text.cursor.Y) OR line.label THEN U.int2str(i, s); G.TextOut2(canvas, (numWidth - U.lg10(i) - 1)*wNum - wNum DIV 2, y, s, LENGTH(s)) ELSE G.SetColor(canvas, colors.numtext); G.HLine(canvas, y - inter DIV 2 + charHeight DIV 2, xNum - wNum DIV (1 + ORD(i MOD 5 # 0)), xNum) END END; IF line.label THEN FOR x := wNum DIV 2 TO (padding.left - pad_left) - wNum DIV 2 DO G.notVLine(canvas, x, y, y + charHeight - inter); G.xorVLine(canvas, x, y, y + charHeight - inter) END END; NextLine(line); INC(y, charHeight) END; IF text.searchText # "" THEN cnt := 0; line := firstLine; lastLine := line; WHILE (line # NIL) & (cnt < textsize.Y) DO lastLine := line; NextLine(line); INC(cnt) END; p := text.foundList.first(Search.tPos); WHILE p # NIL DO y := padding.top + inter DIV 2; IF (firstLine.pos <= p.pos) & (p.pos <= lastLine.pos + lastLine.length) THEN line := firstLine; WHILE (line.pos <= p.pos) & (line # lastLine) DO NextLine(line); INC(y, charHeight) END; IF (line # lastLine) & (line # firstLine) OR (line = lastLine) & (line.pos > p.pos) THEN PrevLine(line); DEC(y, charHeight) END; x := (p.pos - line.pos - text.scroll.X)*charWidth + padding.left; n := LENGTH(text.searchText)*charWidth; WHILE n > 0 DO IF x >= padding.left THEN G.notVLine(canvas, x, y, y + charHeight - inter) END; INC(x); DEC(n) END; END; p := p.next(Search.tPos) END END; IF text.foundSel > 0 THEN x := (text.cursor.X - text.scroll.X)*charWidth + padding.left; y := (text.cursor.Y - text.scroll.Y)*charHeight + padding.top + inter DIV 2; n := text.foundSel*charWidth; WHILE n > 0 DO IF x >= padding.left THEN G.xorVLine(canvas, x, y, y + charHeight - inter) END; INC(x); DEC(n) END END; IF drawCursor THEN cursor(text) END; G.SetColor(canvas, K.borderColor); G.VLine(canvas, 0, 0, size.Y - 1); END draw; PROCEDURE switch* (text: tText); BEGIN ChangeLog.set(text.chLog); Lines.setMaxLength(text.maxLength); Lang.setCurLang(text.lang) END switch; PROCEDURE create (fileName: RW.tFileName): tText; VAR text: tText; BEGIN NEW(text); text.maxLength := 64; text.chLog := ChangeLog.create(text.maxLength); NEW(text.cursor); NEW(text.select2); text.cursor.X := 0; text.cursor.Y := 0; resetSelect(text); text.scroll.X := 0; text.scroll.Y := 0; setPadding(padding.left, padding.top); text.curLine := NIL; text.modified := FALSE; text.comments := TRUE; text.search := TRUE; text.cs := FALSE; text.whole := FALSE; text.numbers := TRUE; text.guard := TRUE; text.idxData := NIL; text.edition := NIL; text.foundList := List.create(NIL); text.searchText := ""; text.foundSel := 0; text.CurX := -1; text.lang := Lang.langText; Lang.setCurLang(Lang.langText); setName(text, fileName); ASSERT(text = List.create(text)) RETURN text END create; PROCEDURE setColors* (text, back, seltext, selback, modified, saved, curline, numtext, numback, comment, string, escape, num, delim, key1, key2, key3: INTEGER); BEGIN colors.text := text; colors.back := back; colors.seltext := seltext; colors.selback := selback; colors.modified := modified; colors.saved := saved; colors.curline := curline; colors.numtext := numtext; colors.numback := numback; colors.comment := comment; colors.string := string; colors.escape := escape; colors.num := num; colors.delim := delim; colors.key1 := key1; colors.key2 := key2; colors.key3 := key3; END setColors; PROCEDURE setCanvas* (Canvas: G.tCanvas); BEGIN canvas := Canvas; charWidth := canvas.font.width; charHeight := canvas.font.height + inter END setCanvas; PROCEDURE resize* (width, height: INTEGER); BEGIN size.X := width; size.Y := height; setPadding(padding.left, padding.top) END resize; PROCEDURE destroy* (VAR text: tText); BEGIN IF search(text, "", FALSE, FALSE) THEN END; ChangeLog.destroy(text.chLog); DISPOSE(text.foundList); DISPOSE(text.cursor); DISPOSE(text.select2); DISPOSE(text) END destroy; PROCEDURE open* (name: RW.tFileName; VAR errno: INTEGER): tText; VAR text: tText; file: RW.tInput; n, enc, eol: INTEGER; _eol: BOOLEAN; line: tLine; BEGIN errno := 0; text := create(name); IF text # NIL THEN file := RW.load(name, enc, eol); IF file = NIL THEN destroy(text) END ELSE file := NIL END; IF file # NIL THEN ChangeLog.changeInt(text.enc, enc); ChangeLog.changeInt(text.eol, eol); text.enc := enc; text.eol := eol; line := Lines.create(FALSE); List._append(text, line); REPEAT n := RW.getString(file, line, Lines.tabs, _eol); IF _eol THEN line := Lines.create(FALSE); List._append(text, line) END UNTIL ~_eol; RW.destroy(file); text.curLine := text.first(tLine); SetPos(text, 0, 0); resetSelect(text) ELSE errno := 1 END; IF (text # NIL) & (text.lang # Lang.langText) THEN Comments(text) END RETURN text END open; PROCEDURE findNext* (text: tText; prev: BOOLEAN): BOOLEAN; VAR cursorPos, x, y, X, Y, Len: INTEGER; p: Search.tPos; line: tLine; res: BOOLEAN; BEGIN X := text.cursor.X; Y := text.cursor.Y; text.cursor.X := MIN(text.cursor.X, text.curLine.length); cursorPos := text.curLine.pos + text.cursor.X - ORD(prev) - ORD(~prev & (text.foundSel = 0)); p := text.foundList.first(Search.tPos); WHILE (p # NIL) & (p.pos <= cursorPos) DO p := p.next(Search.tPos) END; IF prev THEN IF p = NIL THEN p := text.foundList.last(Search.tPos) ELSE p := p.prev(Search.tPos) END END; res := p # NIL; IF res THEN y := 0; line := text.first(tLine); WHILE (line.pos <= p.pos) & (line.next # NIL) DO NextLine(line); INC(y) END; IF (line.next # NIL) OR (line.pos > p.pos) THEN PrevLine(line); DEC(y) END; resetSelect(text); searchScroll(text, y); x := p.pos - line.pos; Len := LENGTH(text.searchText); IF x + Len > text.scroll.X + textsize.X THEN text.scroll.X := MAX(x + Len - textsize.X + 3, 0) ELSIF x < text.scroll.X THEN text.scroll.X := MAX(x - 3, 0) END; SetPos(text, x, y); text.foundSel := Len ELSE SetPos(text, X, Y) END RETURN res END findNext; PROCEDURE rewrite (line: tLine; repl: ARRAY OF WCHAR; pos, n: INTEGER); BEGIN IF n > 0 THEN Lines.copy(line) END; WHILE n > 0 DO DEC(n); Lines.setChar(line, pos + n, repl[n]) END END rewrite; PROCEDURE replace* (text: tText; s: ARRAY OF WCHAR; n: INTEGER); VAR line: tLine; sLen, i: INTEGER; BEGIN IF text.foundSel > 0 THEN line := text.curLine; sLen := LENGTH(s); i := text.cursor.X; IF sLen > n THEN Lines.insert3(line, i, sLen - n) END; SetPos(text, i + sLen, text.cursor.Y); rewrite(line, s, i, sLen); IF n > sLen THEN Lines.delCharN(line, text.cursor.X, n - sLen) END; resetSelect(text); Lines.modify(line); modify(text) END END replace; PROCEDURE replaceAll* (text: tText; s: ARRAY OF WCHAR; n: INTEGER): INTEGER; VAR p: Search.tPos; line: tLine; y, k, d, pos, y0: INTEGER; BEGIN resetSelect(text); SetPos(text, 0, 0); line := text.first(tLine); y := 0; y0 := -1; k := 0; d := LENGTH(s) - n; p := text.foundList.first(Search.tPos); WHILE p # NIL DO pos := p.pos; WHILE (line.pos <= pos) & (line.next # NIL) DO NextLine(line); INC(y) END; IF (line.next # NIL) OR (line.pos > pos) THEN PrevLine(line); DEC(y) END; IF y = y0 THEN INC(k, d) ELSE k := 0; y0 := y END; SetPos(text, pos - line.pos + k, y); text.foundSel := n; replace(text, s, n); p := p.next(Search.tPos) END RETURN text.foundList.count END replaceAll; PROCEDURE New* (): tText; VAR text: tText; BEGIN text := create(""); List._append(text, Lines.create(FALSE)); text.curLine := text.first(tLine); ChangeLog.changeInt(text.enc, E.CP866); ChangeLog.changeInt(text.eol, RW.EOL_CRLF); text.enc := E.CP866; text.eol := RW.EOL_CRLF; SetPos(text, 0, 0); resetSelect(text) RETURN text END New; PROCEDURE init* (pShowCursor: tProcedure); BEGIN ShowCursor := pShowCursor; pdelete := delete; drawCursor := TRUE; padding.left := pad_left; padding.top := pad_top; END init; END Text.