;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; ;; ;; ;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2015. All rights reserved. ;; ;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;; ;; ;; ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; $Revision$ ;********************************************************** ; Direct work with floppy disk drive ;********************************************************** ; Source code author - Kulakov Vladimir Gennadievich. ; Adaptation and improvement - Mario79. ;give_back_application_data: ; give back to application ; mov edi,[TASK_BASE] ; mov edi,[edi+TASKDATA.mem_start] ; add edi,ecx give_back_application_data_1: mov esi, FDD_BUFF;FDD_DataBuffer ;0x40000 mov ecx, 128 cld rep movsd ret ;take_data_from_application: ; take from application ; mov esi,[TASK_BASE] ; mov esi,[esi+TASKDATA.mem_start] ; add esi,ecx take_data_from_application_1: mov edi, FDD_BUFF;FDD_DataBuffer ;0x40000 mov ecx, 128 cld rep movsd ret ; Controller operations result codes (FDC_Status) FDC_Normal = 0 ; normal finish FDC_TimeOut = 1 ; time out error FDC_DiskNotFound = 2 ; no disk in drive FDC_TrackNotFound = 3 ; track not found FDC_SectorNotFound = 4 ; sector not found ; Maximum values of the sector coordinates (specified ; values correspond to the parameters of the standard ; 3-inch 1.44 MB floppy disk) MAX_Track = 79 MAX_Head = 1 MAX_Sector = 18 uglobal ; Timer tick counter TickCounter dd ? ; Operation completion code with the floppy disk drive controller FDC_Status DB ? ; Interrupt flag from floppy disk drive FDD_IntFlag DB ? ; The moment of the beginning of the last operation with FDD FDD_Time DD ? ; Drive number FDD_Type db 0 ; Sector coordinates FDD_Track DB ? FDD_Head DB ? FDD_Sector DB ? ; Operation result block FDC_ST0 DB ? FDC_ST1 DB ? FDC_ST2 DB ? FDC_C DB ? FDC_H DB ? FDC_R DB ? FDC_N DB ? ; Read operation repetition counter ReadRepCounter DB ? ; Recalibration operation repetition counter RecalRepCounter DB ? endg ; Memory area for storing the readed sector ;FDD_DataBuffer: times 512 db 0 ;DB 512 DUP (?) fdd_motor_status db 0 timer_fdd_motor dd 0 ;************************************** ;* INITIALIZATION OF DMA MODE FOR FDD * ;************************************** Init_FDC_DMA: pushad mov al, 0 out 0x0c, al; reset the flip-flop to a known state. mov al, 6 ; mask channel 2 so we can reprogram it. out 0x0a, al mov al, [dmamode]; 0x46 -> Read from floppy - 0x4A Write to floppy out 0x0b, al mov al, 0 out 0x0c, al; reset the flip-flop to a known state. mov eax, 0xD000 out 0x04, al; set the channel 2 starting address to 0 shr eax, 8 out 0x04, al shr eax, 8 out 0x81, al mov al, 0 out 0x0c, al; reset flip-flop mov al, 0xff;set count (actual size -1) out 0x5, al mov al, 0x1;[dmasize] ;(0x1ff = 511 / 0x23ff =9215) out 0x5, al mov al, 2 out 0xa, al popad ret ;*********************************** ;* WRITE BYTE TO FDC DATA PORT * ;* Parameters: * ;* AL - byte to write. * ;*********************************** FDCDataOutput: ; DEBUGF 1,'K : FDCDataOutput(%x)',al ; pusha push eax ecx edx mov AH, AL ; remember byte to AH ; Reset controller state variable mov [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal ; Check the readiness of the controller to receive data mov DX, 3F4h ; (FDC state port) mov ecx, 0x10000 ; set timeout counter @@TestRS: in AL, DX ; read the RS register and AL, 0C0h ; get digits 6 and 7 cmp AL, 80h ; check digits 6 and 7 je @@OutByteToFDC loop @@TestRS ; Time out error ; DEBUGF 1,' timeout\n' mov [FDC_Status], FDC_TimeOut jmp @@End_5 ; Write byte to data port @@OutByteToFDC: inc DX mov AL, AH out DX, AL ; DEBUGF 1,' ok\n' @@End_5: ; popa pop edx ecx eax ret ;****************************************** ;* READ BYTE FROM FDC DATA PORT * ;* Procedure doesnt have input params. * ;* Output : * ;* AL - byte read. * ;****************************************** FDCDataInput: push ECX push DX ; Reset controller state variable mov [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal ; Check the readiness of the controller to receive data mov DX, 3F4h ;(FDC state port) mov ecx, 0x10000 ; set timeout counter @@TestRS_1: in AL, DX ; read the RS register and AL, 0C0h ; get digits 6 and 7 cmp AL, 0C0h ; check digits 6 and 7 je @@GetByteFromFDC loop @@TestRS_1 ; Time out error ; DEBUGF 1,'K : FDCDataInput: timeout\n' mov [FDC_Status], FDC_TimeOut jmp @@End_6 ; Get byte from data port @@GetByteFromFDC: inc DX in AL, DX ; DEBUGF 1,'K : FDCDataInput: %x\n',al @@End_6: pop DX pop ECX ret ;********************************************* ;* FDC INTERRUPT HANDLER * ;********************************************* FDCInterrupt: ; dbgstr 'FDCInterrupt' ; Set the interrupt flag mov [FDD_IntFlag], 1 mov al, 1 ret ;******************************************* ;* WAIT FOR INTERRUPT FROM FDC * ;******************************************* WaitFDCInterrupt: pusha ; Reset operation status byte mov [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal ; Zero out the tick counter mov eax, [timer_ticks] mov [TickCounter], eax ; Wait for the floppy disk interrupt flag to be set @@TestRS_2: call change_task cmp [FDD_IntFlag], 0 jnz @@End_7 ; interrupt occured mov eax, [timer_ticks] sub eax, [TickCounter] cmp eax, 200;50 ;25 ;5 ; wait 5 ticks jb @@TestRS_2 ; jl @@TestRS_2 ; Time out error ; dbgstr 'WaitFDCInterrupt: timeout' mov [FDC_Status], FDC_TimeOut @@End_7: popa ret ;*********************************** ;* Turn on the motor of drive "A:" * ;*********************************** FDDMotorON: ; dbgstr 'FDDMotorON' pusha ; cmp [fdd_motor_status],1 ; je fdd_motor_on mov al, [flp_number] cmp [fdd_motor_status], al je fdd_motor_on ; Reset the FDD controller mov DX, 3F2h ; motor control port mov AL, 0 out DX, AL ; Select and turn on the drive motor cmp [flp_number], 1 jne FDDMotorON_B ; call FDDMotorOFF_B mov AL, 1Ch ; Floppy A jmp FDDMotorON_1 FDDMotorON_B: ; call FDDMotorOFF_A mov AL, 2Dh ; Floppy B FDDMotorON_1: out DX, AL ; Zero out the tick counter mov eax, [timer_ticks] mov [TickCounter], eax ; wait 0.5 s @@dT: call change_task mov eax, [timer_ticks] sub eax, [TickCounter] cmp eax, 50 ;10 jb @@dT ; Read results of RESET command push 4 ; DEBUGF 1,'K : floppy reset results:' @@: mov al, 8 call FDCDataOutput call FDCDataInput ; DEBUGF 1,' %x',al call FDCDataInput ; DEBUGF 1,' %x',al dec dword [esp] jnz @b ; DEBUGF 1,'\n' pop eax cmp [flp_number], 1 jne fdd_motor_on_B mov [fdd_motor_status], 1 jmp fdd_motor_on fdd_motor_on_B: mov [fdd_motor_status], 2 fdd_motor_on: call save_timer_fdd_motor popa ret ;***************************************** ;* SAVING TIME STAMP * ;***************************************** save_timer_fdd_motor: mov eax, [timer_ticks] mov [timer_fdd_motor], eax ret ;***************************************** ;* CHECK THE MOTOR SHUTDOWN DELAY * ;***************************************** proc check_fdd_motor_status_has_work? cmp [fdd_motor_status], 0 jz .no mov eax, [timer_ticks] sub eax, [timer_fdd_motor] cmp eax, 500 jb .no .yes: xor eax, eax inc eax ret .no: xor eax, eax ret endp align 4 check_fdd_motor_status: cmp [fdd_motor_status], 0 je end_check_fdd_motor_status_1 mov eax, [timer_ticks] sub eax, [timer_fdd_motor] cmp eax, 500 jb end_check_fdd_motor_status call FDDMotorOFF mov [fdd_motor_status], 0 end_check_fdd_motor_status_1: end_check_fdd_motor_status: ret ;********************************** ;* TURN OFF MOTOR OF DRIVE * ;********************************** FDDMotorOFF: ; dbgstr 'FDDMotorOFF' push AX push DX cmp [flp_number], 1 jne FDDMotorOFF_1 call FDDMotorOFF_A jmp FDDMotorOFF_2 FDDMotorOFF_1: call FDDMotorOFF_B FDDMotorOFF_2: pop DX pop AX ; clearing caching flags due to information obsolescence or [floppy_media_flags+0], FLOPPY_MEDIA_NEED_RESCAN or [floppy_media_flags+1], FLOPPY_MEDIA_NEED_RESCAN ret FDDMotorOFF_A: mov DX, 3F2h ; motor control port mov AL, 0Ch ; Floppy A out DX, AL ret FDDMotorOFF_B: mov DX, 3F2h ; motor control port mov AL, 5h ; Floppy B out DX, AL ret ;******************************* ;* RECALIBRATE DRIVE "A:" * ;******************************* RecalibrateFDD: ; dbgstr 'RecalibrateFDD' pusha call save_timer_fdd_motor ; Clear the interrupt flag mov [FDD_IntFlag], 0 ; Send the "Recalibration" command mov AL, 07h call FDCDataOutput mov AL, [flp_number] dec AL call FDCDataOutput ; Wait for the operation to complete call WaitFDCInterrupt cmp [FDC_Status], 0 jne .fail ; Read results of RECALIBRATE command ; DEBUGF 1,'K : floppy recalibrate results:' mov al, 8 call FDCDataOutput call FDCDataInput push eax ; DEBUGF 1,' %x',al call FDCDataInput ; DEBUGF 1,' %x',al ; DEBUGF 1,'\n' pop eax test al, 0xC0 jz @f mov [FDC_Status], FDC_DiskNotFound @@: .fail: call save_timer_fdd_motor popa ret ;***************************************************** ;* TRACK SEARCH * ;* Parameters are passed through global variables: * ;* FDD_Track - track number (0-79); * ;* FDD_Head - head number (0-1). * ;* Result of operation is written to FDC_Status. * ;***************************************************** SeekTrack: ; dbgstr 'SeekTrack' pusha call save_timer_fdd_motor ; Clear the interrupt flag mov [FDD_IntFlag], 0 ; Send "Search" command mov AL, 0Fh call FDCDataOutput ; Send head / drive number byte mov AL, [FDD_Head] shl AL, 2 call FDCDataOutput ; Send track number byte mov AL, [FDD_Track] call FDCDataOutput ; Wait for the operation to complete call WaitFDCInterrupt cmp [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal jne @@Exit ; Save search result mov AL, 08h call FDCDataOutput call FDCDataInput mov [FDC_ST0], AL call FDCDataInput mov [FDC_C], AL ; Check search result ; Is search finished? test [FDC_ST0], 100000b je @@Err ; Is the specified track found? mov AL, [FDC_C] cmp AL, [FDD_Track] jne @@Err ; Does the head number match the specified one? ; The H bit (Head Address) in ST0 will always return a "0" (c) 82077AA datasheet, ; description of SEEK command. So we can not verify the proper head. ; mov AL, [FDC_ST0] ; and AL, 100b ; shr AL, 2 ; cmp AL, [FDD_Head] ; jne @@Err ; Operation completed successfully ; dbgstr 'SeekTrack: FDC_Normal' mov [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal jmp @@Exit @@Err: ; Track not found ; dbgstr 'SeekTrack: FDC_TrackNotFound' mov [FDC_Status], FDC_TrackNotFound @@Exit: call save_timer_fdd_motor popa ret ;******************************************************* ;* READING A DATA SECTOR * ;* Parameters are passed through global variables: * ;* FDD_Track - track number (0-79); * ;* FDD_Head - head number (0-1); * ;* FDD_Sector - sector number (1-18). * ;* Result of operation is written to FDC_Status. * ;* If the read operation is successful, the contents * ;* of the sector will be written to FDD_DataBuffer. * ;******************************************************* ReadSector: ; dbgstr 'ReadSector' pushad call save_timer_fdd_motor ; Clear the interrupt flag mov [FDD_IntFlag], 0 ; Set transmit speed to 500 Kb / s mov AX, 0 mov DX, 03F7h out DX, AL ; Initialize the DMA channel mov [dmamode], 0x46 call Init_FDC_DMA ; Send "Data read" command mov AL, 0E6h ; reading in multi-track mode call FDCDataOutput mov AL, [FDD_Head] shl AL, 2 or AL, [flp_number] dec AL call FDCDataOutput mov AL, [FDD_Track] call FDCDataOutput mov AL, [FDD_Head] call FDCDataOutput mov AL, [FDD_Sector] call FDCDataOutput mov AL, 2 ; sector size code (512 byte) call FDCDataOutput mov AL, 18 ;+1; 3Fh ;number of sectors per track call FDCDataOutput mov AL, 1Bh ; GPL value call FDCDataOutput mov AL, 0FFh; DTL value call FDCDataOutput ; Waiting for an interrupt at the end of the operation call WaitFDCInterrupt cmp [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal jne @@Exit_1 ; Read the operation completion status call GetStatusInfo test [FDC_ST0], 11011000b jnz @@Err_1 ; dbgstr 'ReadSector: FDC_Normal' mov [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal jmp @@Exit_1 @@Err_1: ; dbgstr 'ReadSector: FDC_SectorNotFound' mov [FDC_Status], FDC_SectorNotFound @@Exit_1: call save_timer_fdd_motor popad ret ;******************************************************* ;* READ SECTOR (WITH RETRY OF OPERATION ON FAILURE) * ;* Parameters are passed through global variables: * ;* FDD_Track - track number (0-79); * ;* FDD_Head - head number (0-1); * ;* FDD_Sector - sector number (1-18). * ;* Result of operation is written to FDC_Status. * ;* If the read operation is successful, the contents * ;* of the sector will be written to FDD_DataBuffer. * ;******************************************************* ReadSectWithRetr: pusha ; Reset the recalibration repetition counter mov [RecalRepCounter], 0 @@TryAgain: ; Reset the read operation retry counter mov [ReadRepCounter], 0 @@ReadSector_1: call ReadSector cmp [FDC_Status], 0 je @@Exit_2 cmp [FDC_Status], 1 je @@Err_3 ; Three times repeat reading inc [ReadRepCounter] cmp [ReadRepCounter], 3 jb @@ReadSector_1 ; Three times repeat recalibration call RecalibrateFDD call SeekTrack inc [RecalRepCounter] cmp [RecalRepCounter], 3 jb @@TryAgain @@Exit_2: popa ret @@Err_3: popa ret ;******************************************************* ;* WRITE DATA SECTOR * ;* Parameters are passed through global variables: * ;* FDD_Track - track number (0-79); * ;* FDD_Head - head number (0-1); * ;* FDD_Sector - sector number (1-18). * ;* Result of operation is written to FDC_Status. * ;* If the write operation is successful, the contents * ;* of FDD_DataBuffer will be written to the sector * ;******************************************************* WriteSector: ; dbgstr 'WriteSector' pushad call save_timer_fdd_motor ; Clear the interrupt flag mov [FDD_IntFlag], 0 ; Set transmit speed to 500 Kb / s mov AX, 0 mov DX, 03F7h out DX, AL ; Initialize the DMA channel mov [dmamode], 0x4A call Init_FDC_DMA ; Send "Write data" command mov AL, 0xC5 ;0x45 ; write in multi-track mode call FDCDataOutput mov AL, [FDD_Head] shl AL, 2 or AL, [flp_number] dec AL call FDCDataOutput mov AL, [FDD_Track] call FDCDataOutput mov AL, [FDD_Head] call FDCDataOutput mov AL, [FDD_Sector] call FDCDataOutput mov AL, 2 ; sector size code (512 bytes) call FDCDataOutput mov AL, 18; 3Fh ; sectors per track call FDCDataOutput mov AL, 1Bh ; GPL value call FDCDataOutput mov AL, 0FFh; DTL value call FDCDataOutput ; Waiting for an interrupt at the end of the operation call WaitFDCInterrupt cmp [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal jne @@Exit_3 ; Reading the completion status of the operation call GetStatusInfo test [FDC_ST0], 11000000b ;11011000b jnz @@Err_2 mov [FDC_Status], FDC_Normal jmp @@Exit_3 @@Err_2: mov [FDC_Status], FDC_SectorNotFound @@Exit_3: call save_timer_fdd_motor popad ret ;******************************************************* ;* WRITE SECTOR (WITH REPEAT ON FAILURE) * ;* Parameters are passed through global variables: * ;* FDD_Track - track number (0-79); * ;* FDD_Head - head number (0-1); * ;* FDD_Sector - sector number (1-18). * ;* Result of operation is written to FDC_Status. * ;* If the write operation is successful, the contents * ;* of FDD_DataBuffer will be written to the sector * ;******************************************************* WriteSectWithRetr: pusha ; Reset the recalibration repetition counter mov [RecalRepCounter], 0 @@TryAgain_1: ; Reset the read operation retry counter mov [ReadRepCounter], 0 @@WriteSector_1: call WriteSector cmp [FDC_Status], 0 je @@Exit_4 cmp [FDC_Status], 1 je @@Err_4 ; Three times repeat writing inc [ReadRepCounter] cmp [ReadRepCounter], 3 jb @@WriteSector_1 ; Three times repeat recalibration call RecalibrateFDD call SeekTrack inc [RecalRepCounter] cmp [RecalRepCounter], 3 jb @@TryAgain_1 @@Exit_4: popa ret @@Err_4: popa ret ;********************************************* ;* GET INFORMATION ABOUT THE RESULT OF THE OPERATION ;********************************************* GetStatusInfo: push AX call FDCDataInput mov [FDC_ST0], AL call FDCDataInput mov [FDC_ST1], AL call FDCDataInput mov [FDC_ST2], AL call FDCDataInput mov [FDC_C], AL call FDCDataInput mov [FDC_H], AL call FDCDataInput mov [FDC_R], AL call FDCDataInput mov [FDC_N], AL pop AX ret ; Interface for disk subsystem. ; Assume fixed capacity for 1.44M. FLOPPY_CAPACITY = 2880 ; in sectors iglobal align 4 floppy_functions: dd .size dd 0 ; no close() function dd 0 ; no closemedia() function dd floppy_querymedia dd floppy_read dd floppy_write dd 0 ; no flush() function dd 0 ; no adjust_cache_size() function .size = $ - floppy_functions endg uglobal floppy_media_flags rb 2 n_sector dd 0 ; temporary save for sector value flp_number db 0 ; 1- Floppy A, 2-Floppy B old_track db 0 ; old value track flp_label rb 15*2 ; Label and ID of inserted floppy disk align 4 ; Hardware does not allow to work with two floppies in parallel, ; so there is one mutex guarding access to any floppy. floppy_mutex MUTEX endg ; Meaning of bits in floppy_media_flags FLOPPY_MEDIA_PRESENT = 1 ; media was present when last asked FLOPPY_MEDIA_NEED_RESCAN = 2 ; media was possibly changed, need to rescan FLOPPY_MEDIA_LABEL_CHANGED = 4 ; temporary state iglobal floppy1_name db 'fd',0 floppy2_name db 'fd2',0 endg ; This function is called in boot process. ; It creates filesystems /fd and/or /fd2, if the system has one/two floppy drives. proc floppy_init mov ecx, floppy_mutex call mutex_init ; First floppy is present if [DRIVE_DATA] and 0xF0 is nonzero. test byte [DRIVE_DATA], 0xF0 jz .no1 stdcall disk_add, floppy_functions, floppy1_name, 1, DISK_NO_INSERT_NOTIFICATION .no1: ; Second floppy is present if [DRIVE_DATA] and 0x0F is nonzero. test byte [DRIVE_DATA], 0x0F jz .no2 stdcall disk_add, floppy_functions, floppy2_name, 2, DISK_NO_INSERT_NOTIFICATION .no2: ret endp ; Returns information about disk media. ; Floppy drives do not support insert notifications, ; DISK_NO_INSERT_NOTIFICATION is set, ; the disk subsystem calls this function before each filesystem operation. ; If the media has changed, return error for the first call as signal ; to finalize work with old media and the true geometry for the second call. ; Assume that media is (possibly) changed anytime when motor is off. proc floppy_querymedia virtual at esp+4 .userdata dd ? .info dd ? end virtual ; 1. Acquire the global lock. mov ecx, floppy_mutex call mutex_lock mov edx, [.userdata] ; 1 for /fd, 2 for /fd2 ; 2. If the media was reported and has been changed, forget it and report an error. mov al, [floppy_media_flags+edx-1] and al, FLOPPY_MEDIA_PRESENT + FLOPPY_MEDIA_NEED_RESCAN cmp al, FLOPPY_MEDIA_PRESENT + FLOPPY_MEDIA_NEED_RESCAN jnz .not_reported .no_media: mov [floppy_media_flags+edx-1], 0 .return_no_media: mov ecx, floppy_mutex call mutex_unlock mov eax, DISK_STATUS_NO_MEDIA retn 8 .not_reported: ; 3. If we are in the temporary state LABEL_CHANGED, this is the second call ; after intermediate DISK_STATUS_NO_MEDIA due to media change; ; clear the flag and return the current geometry without rereading the bootsector. cmp [floppy_media_flags+edx-1], FLOPPY_MEDIA_LABEL_CHANGED jz .report_geometry ; 4. Try to read the bootsector. mov [flp_number], dl mov [FDC_Status], 0 call floppy_read_bootsector ; 5. If reading bootsector failed, assume that media is not present. mov edx, [.userdata] cmp [FDC_Status], 0 jnz .no_media ; 6. Check whether the previous status is "present". If not, go to 10. push esi edi imul edi, edx, 15 add edi, flp_label-15 mov esi, FDD_BUFF+39 mov ecx, 15 test [floppy_media_flags+edx-1], FLOPPY_MEDIA_PRESENT jz .set_label ; 7. Compare the old label with the current one. rep cmpsb ; 8. If the label has not changed, go to 11. jz .ok ; 9. If the label has changed, store it, enter temporary state LABEL_CHANGED ; and report DISK_STATUS_NO_MEDIA. ; dbgstr 'floppy label changed' add esi, ecx add edi, ecx mov ecx, 15 sub esi, ecx sub edi, ecx rep movsb mov [floppy_media_flags+edx-1], FLOPPY_MEDIA_LABEL_CHANGED pop edi esi jmp .return_no_media .set_label: ; 10. The previous state was "not present". Copy the label. rep movsb .ok: pop edi esi .report_geometry: ; 11. Fill DISKMEDIAINFO structure. mov ecx, [.info] and [ecx+DISKMEDIAINFO.Flags], 0 mov [ecx+DISKMEDIAINFO.SectorSize], 512 mov dword [ecx+DISKMEDIAINFO.Capacity], FLOPPY_CAPACITY and dword [ecx+DISKMEDIAINFO.Capacity+4], 0 ; 12. Update state: media is present, data are actual. mov [floppy_media_flags+edx-1], FLOPPY_MEDIA_PRESENT ; 13. Release the global lock and return successful status. mov ecx, floppy_mutex call mutex_unlock xor eax, eax retn 8 endp proc floppy_read_bootsector pushad mov [FDD_Track], 0 ; Cylinder mov [FDD_Head], 0 ; Head mov [FDD_Sector], 1 ; Sector call FDDMotorON call RecalibrateFDD cmp [FDC_Status], 0 jne .nothing call SeekTrack cmp [FDC_Status], 0 jne .nothing call ReadSectWithRetr .nothing: popad ret endp read_chs_sector: call calculate_chs call ReadSectWithRetr ret save_chs_sector: call calculate_chs call WriteSectWithRetr ret calculate_chs: mov bl, [FDD_Track] mov [old_track], bl mov ebx, 18 xor edx, edx div ebx inc edx mov [FDD_Sector], dl mov edx, eax shr eax, 1 and edx, 1 mov [FDD_Track], al mov [FDD_Head], dl mov dl, [old_track] cmp dl, [FDD_Track] je no_seek_track_1 call SeekTrack no_seek_track_1: ret ; Writes one or more sectors to the device. proc floppy_write mov dl, 1 jmp floppy_read_write endp ; Reads one or more sectors from the device. proc floppy_read mov dl, 0 endp ; Common part of floppy_read and floppy_write. proc floppy_read_write userdata:dword, buffer:dword, start_sector:qword, numsectors_ptr:dword virtual at ebp-8 .sectors_todo dd ? .operation db ? end virtual push edx ; save operation code to [.operation] ; 1. Get number of sectors to read/write ; and zero number of sectors that were actually read/written. mov eax, [numsectors_ptr] push dword [eax] ; initialize [.sectors_todo] and dword [eax], 0 push ebx esi edi ; save used registers to be stdcall ; 2. Acquire the global lock. mov ecx, floppy_mutex call mutex_lock ; 3. Set floppy number for this operation. mov edx, [userdata] mov [flp_number], dl ; 4. Read/write sector-by-sector. .operation_loop: ; 4a. Check that the sector is inside the media. cmp dword [start_sector+4], 0 jnz .end_of_media mov eax, dword [start_sector] cmp eax, FLOPPY_CAPACITY jae .end_of_media ; 4b. For read operation, call read_chs_sector and then move data from FDD_BUFF to [buffer]. ; For write operation, move data from [buffer] to FDD_BUFF and then call save_chs_sector. cmp [.operation], 0 jz .read mov esi, [buffer] mov edi, FDD_BUFF mov ecx, 512/4 rep movsd mov [buffer], esi call save_chs_sector jmp @f .read: call read_chs_sector mov esi, FDD_BUFF mov edi, [buffer] mov ecx, 512/4 rep movsd mov [buffer], edi @@: ; 4c. If there was an error, propagate it to the caller. cmp [FDC_Status], 0 jnz .fail ; 4d. Otherwise, increment number of sectors processed and continue the loop. mov eax, [numsectors_ptr] inc dword [eax] inc dword [start_sector] dec [.sectors_todo] jnz .operation_loop ; 5. Release the global lock and return with the correct status. push 0 .return: mov ecx, floppy_mutex call mutex_unlock pop eax pop edi esi ebx ; restore used registers to be stdcall ret ; this translates to leave/retn N and purges local variables .fail: push -1 jmp .return .end_of_media: push DISK_STATUS_END_OF_MEDIA jmp .return endp