; ; This file is part of the Infinity sound AC97 driver. ; (C) copyright Serge 2006 ; email: infinity_sound@mail.ru ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. PCM_2_16_48 equ 1 PCM_1_16_48 equ 2 PCM_2_16_44 equ 3 PCM_1_16_44 equ 4 PCM_2_16_32 equ 5 PCM_1_16_32 equ 6 PCM_2_16_24 equ 7 PCM_1_16_24 equ 8 PCM_2_16_22 equ 9 PCM_1_16_22 equ 10 PCM_2_16_16 equ 11 PCM_1_16_16 equ 12 PCM_2_16_12 equ 13 PCM_1_16_12 equ 14 PCM_2_16_11 equ 15 PCM_1_16_11 equ 16 PCM_2_8_48 equ 17 PCM_1_8_48 equ 18 PCM_2_8_44 equ 19 PCM_1_8_44 equ 20 PCM_2_8_32 equ 21 PCM_1_8_32 equ 22 PCM_2_8_24 equ 23 PCM_1_8_24 equ 24 PCM_2_8_22 equ 25 PCM_1_8_22 equ 26 PCM_2_8_16 equ 27 PCM_1_8_16 equ 28 PCM_2_8_12 equ 29 PCM_1_8_12 equ 30 PCM_2_8_11 equ 31 PCM_1_8_11 equ 32 SND_PLAY equ 1 SND_STOP equ 2 ; struc SND_DEV ;{ .magic dd 0 ; .size dd 0 ; .count dd 0 ; dd 0 ; .snd_buff dd 16 dup (0) ;} ;virtual at 0 ; SND_DEV SND_DEV ;end virtual ;SND_DEV_SIZE equ 80 struc STREAM { .magic dd 0 .size dd 0 .device dd 0 .format dd 0 .flags dd 0 .work_buff dd 0 .work_read dd 0 .work_write dd 0 .work_count dd 0 .work_top dd 0 .r_buff dd 0 .r_size dd 0 .r_end dd 0 .r_dt dd 0 .r_silence dd 0 .base dd 0 .curr_seg dd 0 .limit dd 0 .buff_size dd 0 .notify_off1 dd 0 .notify_off2 dd 0 .notify_task dd 0 .resample dd 0 } STREAM_SIZE equ 23*4 virtual at 0 STREAM STREAM end virtual struc WAVE_HEADER { .riff_id dd ? .riff_size dd ? .riff_format dd ? .fmt_id dd ? .fmt_size dd ? .format_tag dw ? .channels dw ? .freq dd ? .bytes_sec dd ? .block_align dw ? .bits_sample dw ? .data_id dd ? .data_size dd ? }