#include "sst.h" #include <math.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> void attakreport(void) { if (future[FCDBAS] < 1e30) { proutn("Starbase in "); cramlc(1, batx, baty); prout(" is currently under attack."); proutn("It can hold out until Stardate "); cramf(future[FCDBAS], 0,1); prout("."); } if (isatb == 1) { proutn("Starbase in "); cramlc(1, d.isx, d.isy); prout(" is under Super-commander attack."); proutn("It can hold out until Stardate "); cramf(future[FSCDBAS], 0, 1); prout("."); } } void report(int f) { char *s1,*s2,*s3; chew(); s1 = (thawed?"thawed ":""); switch (length) { case 1: s2="short"; break; case 2: s2="medium"; break; case 4: s2="long"; break; default: s2="unknown length"; break; } switch (skill) { case SNOVICE: s3="novice"; break; case SFAIR: s3="fair"; break; case SGOOD: s3="good"; break; case SEXPERT: s3="expert"; break; case SEMERITUS: s3="emeritus"; break; default: s3="skilled"; break; } printf("\nYou %s playing a %s%s %s game.\n", alldone? "were": "are now", s1, s2, s3); if (skill>SGOOD && thawed && !alldone) prout("No plaque is allowed."); if (tourn) printf("This is tournament game %d.\n", tourn); if (f) printf("Your secret password is \"%s\"\n",passwd); printf("%d of %d Klingon ships have been destroyed", d.killk+d.killc+d.nsckill, inkling); if (d.killc) printf(", including %d Commander%s.\n", d.killc, d.killc==1?"":"s"); else if (d.killk+d.nsckill > 0) prout(", but no Commanders."); else prout("."); if (skill > SFAIR) printf("The Super Commander has %sbeen destroyed.\n", d.nscrem?"not ":""); if (d.rembase != inbase) { proutn("There "); if (inbase-d.rembase==1) proutn("has been 1 base"); else { proutn("have been "); crami(inbase-d.rembase, 1); proutn(" bases"); } proutn(" destroyed, "); crami(d.rembase, 1); prout(" remaining."); } else printf("There are %d bases.\n", inbase); if (REPORTS || iseenit) { /* Don't report this if not seen and either the radio is dead or not at base! */ attakreport(); iseenit = 1; } if (casual) printf("%d casualt%s suffered so far.\n", casual, casual==1? "y" : "ies"); #ifdef CAPTURE if (brigcapacity != brigfree) printf("%d Klingon%s in brig.\n", brigcapacity-brigfree, brigcapacity-brigfree>1 ? "s" : ""); if (kcaptured > 0) printf("%d captured Klingon%s turned in to Star Fleet.\n", kcaptured, kcaptured>1 ? "s" : ""); #endif if (nhelp) printf("There were %d call%s for help.\n", nhelp, nhelp==1 ? "" : "s"); if (ship == IHE) { proutn("You have "); if (nprobes) crami(nprobes,1); else proutn("no"); proutn(" deep space probe"); if (nprobes!=1) proutn("s"); prout("."); } if (REPORTS && future[FDSPROB] != 1e30) { if (isarmed) proutn("An armed deep space probe is in"); else proutn("A deep space probe is in"); cramlc(1, probecx, probecy); prout("."); } if (icrystl) { if (cryprob <= .05) prout("Dilithium crystals aboard ship...not yet used."); else { int i=0; double ai = 0.05; while (cryprob > ai) { ai *= 2.0; i++; } printf("Dilithium crystals have been used %d time%s.\n", i, i==1? "" : "s"); } } skip(1); } void lrscan(void) { int x, y; chew(); if (damage[DLRSENS] != 0.0) { /* Now allow base's sensors if docked */ if (condit != IHDOCKED) { prout("LONG-RANGE SENSORS DAMAGED."); return; } skip(1); proutn("Starbase's long-range scan for"); } else { skip(1); proutn("Long-range scan for"); } cramlc(1, quadx, quady); skip(1); if (coordfixed) for (y = quady+1; y >= quady-1; y--) { for (x = quadx-1; x <= quadx+1; x++) { if (x == 0 || x > 8 || y == 0 || y > 8) printf(" -1"); else { printf("%5d", d.galaxy[x][y]); // If radio works, mark star chart so // it will show current information. // Otherwise mark with current // value which is fixed. starch[x][y] = damage[DRADIO] > 0 ? d.galaxy[x][y]+1000 :1; } } putchar('\n'); } else for (x = quadx-1; x <= quadx+1; x++) { for (y = quady-1; y <= quady+1; y++) { if (x == 0 || x > 8 || y == 0 || y > 8) printf(" -1"); else { printf("%5d", d.galaxy[x][y]); // If radio works, mark star chart so // it will show current information. // Otherwise mark with current // value which is fixed. starch[x][y] = damage[DRADIO] > 0 ? d.galaxy[x][y]+1000 :1; } } putchar('\n'); } } void dreprt(void) { int jdam = FALSE, i; chew(); for (i = 1; i <= ndevice; i++) { if (damage[i] > 0.0) { if (!jdam) { skip(1); prout("DEVICE -REPAIR TIMES-"); prout(" IN FLIGHT DOCKED"); jdam = TRUE; } printf(" %16s ", device[i]); cramf(damage[i]+0.05, 8, 2); proutn(" "); cramf(docfac*damage[i]+0.005, 8, 2); skip(1); } } if (!jdam) prout("All devices functional."); } void chart(int nn) { int i,j; chew(); skip(1); if (stdamtim != 1e30 && stdamtim != d.date && condit == IHDOCKED) { prout("Spock- \"I revised the Star Chart from the"); prout(" starbase's records.\""); skip(1); } if (nn == 0) prout("STAR CHART FOR THE KNOWN GALAXY"); if (stdamtim != 1e30) { if (condit == IHDOCKED) { /* We are docked, so restore chart from base information -- these values won't update! */ stdamtim = d.date; for (i=1; i <= 8 ; i++) for (j=1; j <= 8; j++) if (starch[i][j] == 1) starch[i][j] = d.galaxy[i][j]+1000; } else { proutn("(Last surveillance update "); cramf(d.date-stdamtim, 0, 1); prout(" stardates ago.)"); } } if (nn ==0) skip(1); prout(" 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8"); prout(" ----------------------------------------"); if (nn==0) prout(" -"); if (coordfixed) for (j = 8; j >= 1; j--) { printf("%d -", j); for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { if (starch[i][j] < 0) // We know only about the bases printf(" .1."); else if (starch[i][j] == 0) // Unknown printf(" ..."); else if (starch[i][j] > 999) // Memorized value printf("%5d", starch[i][j]-1000); else printf("%5d", d.galaxy[i][j]); // What is actually there (happens when value is 1) } prout(" -"); } else for (i = 1; i <= 8; i++) { printf("%d -", i); for (j = 1; j <= 8; j++) { if (starch[i][j] < 0) // We know only about the bases printf(" .1."); else if (starch[i][j] == 0) // Unknown printf(" ..."); else if (starch[i][j] > 999) // Memorized value printf("%5d", starch[i][j]-1000); else printf("%5d", d.galaxy[i][j]); // What is actually there (happens when value is 1) } prout(" -"); } if (nn == 0) { skip(1); crmshp(); proutn(" is currently in"); cramlc(1, quadx, quady); skip(1); } } void srscan(int l) { static char requests[][3] = {"","da","co","po","ls","wa","en","to","sh","kl","ti"}; char *cp; int leftside=TRUE, rightside=TRUE, i, j, jj, k=0, nn=FALSE; int goodScan=TRUE; switch (l) { case 1: // SRSCAN if (damage[DSRSENS] != 0) { /* Allow base's sensors if docked */ if (condit != IHDOCKED) { prout("SHORT-RANGE SENSORS DAMAGED"); goodScan=FALSE; } else prout("[Using starbase's sensors]"); } if (goodScan) starch[quadx][quady] = damage[DRADIO]>0.0 ? d.galaxy[quadx][quady]+1000:1; scan(); if (isit("chart")) nn = TRUE; if (isit("no")) rightside = FALSE; chew(); prout("\n 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10"); break; case 2: // REQUEST while (scan() == IHEOL) printf("Information desired? "); chew(); for (k = 1; k <= 10; k++) if (strncmp(citem,requests[k],min(2,strlen(citem)))==0) break; if (k > 10) { prout("UNRECOGNIZED REQUEST. Legal requests are:\n" " date, condition, position, lsupport, warpfactor,\n" " energy, torpedoes, shields, klingons, time."); return; } // no "break" case 3: // STATUS chew(); leftside = FALSE; skip(1); } for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { int jj = (k!=0 ? k : i); if (leftside) { if (coordfixed) { printf("%2d ", 11-i); for (j = 1; j <= 10; j++) { if (goodScan || (abs((11-i)-secty)<= 1 && abs(j-sectx) <= 1)) printf("%c ",quad[j][11-i]); else printf("- "); } } else { printf("%2d ", i); for (j = 1; j <= 10; j++) { if (goodScan || (abs(i-sectx)<= 1 && abs(j-secty) <= 1)) printf("%c ",quad[i][j]); else printf("- "); } } } if (rightside) { switch (jj) { case 1: printf(" Stardate %.1f", d.date); break; case 2: if (condit != IHDOCKED) newcnd(); switch (condit) { case IHRED: cp = "RED"; break; case IHGREEN: cp = "GREEN"; break; case IHYELLOW: cp = "YELLOW"; break; case IHDOCKED: cp = "DOCKED"; break; } printf(" Condition %s", cp); #ifdef CLOAKING if (iscloaked) printf(", CLOAKED"); #endif break; case 3: printf(" Position "); cramlc(0, quadx, quady); putchar(','); cramlc(0, sectx, secty); break; case 4: printf(" Life Support "); if (damage[DLIFSUP] != 0.0) { if (condit == IHDOCKED) printf("DAMAGED, supported by starbase"); else printf("DAMAGED, reserves=%4.2f", lsupres); } else printf("ACTIVE"); break; case 5: printf(" Warp Factor %.1f", warpfac); break; case 6: printf(" Energy %.2f", energy); break; case 7: printf(" Torpedoes %d", torps); break; case 8: printf(" Shields "); if (damage[DSHIELD] != 0) printf("DAMAGED,"); else if (shldup) printf("UP,"); else printf("DOWN,"); printf(" %d%% %.1f units", (int)((100.0*shield)/inshld + 0.5), shield); break; case 9: printf(" Klingons Left %d", d.remkl); break; case 10: printf(" Time Left %.2f", d.remtime); break; } } skip(1); if (k!=0) return; } if (nn) chart(1); } void eta(void) { int key, ix1, ix2, iy1, iy2, prompt=FALSE; int wfl; double ttime, twarp, tpower; if (damage[DCOMPTR] != 0.0) { prout("COMPUTER DAMAGED, USE A POCKET CALCULATOR."); skip(1); return; } if (scan() != IHREAL) { prompt = TRUE; chew(); proutn("Destination quadrant and/or sector? "); if (scan()!=IHREAL) { huh(); return; } } iy1 = aaitem +0.5; if (scan() != IHREAL) { huh(); return; } ix1 = aaitem + 0.5; if (scan() == IHREAL) { iy2 = aaitem + 0.5; if (scan() != IHREAL) { huh(); return; } ix2 = aaitem + 0.5; } else { // same quadrant ix2 = ix1; iy2 = iy1; ix1 = quady; // ya got me why x and y are reversed! iy1 = quadx; } if (ix1 > 8 || ix1 < 1 || iy1 > 8 || iy1 < 1 || ix2 > 10 || ix2 < 1 || iy2 > 10 || iy2 < 1) { huh(); return; } dist = sqrt(square(iy1-quadx+0.1*(iy2-sectx))+ square(ix1-quady+0.1*(ix2-secty))); wfl = FALSE; if (prompt) prout("Answer \"no\" if you don't know the value:"); while (TRUE) { chew(); proutn("Time or arrival date? "); if (scan()==IHREAL) { ttime = aaitem; if (ttime > d.date) ttime -= d.date; // Actually a star date if (ttime <= 1e-10 || (twarp=(floor(sqrt((10.0*dist)/ttime)*10.0)+1.0)/10.0) > 10) { prout("We'll never make it, sir."); chew(); return; } if (twarp < 1.0) twarp = 1.0; break; } chew(); proutn("Warp factor? "); if (scan()== IHREAL) { wfl = TRUE; twarp = aaitem; if (twarp<1.0 || twarp > 10.0) { huh(); return; } break; } prout("Captain, certainly you can give me one of these."); } while (TRUE) { chew(); ttime = (10.0*dist)/square(twarp); tpower = dist*twarp*twarp*twarp*(shldup+1); if (tpower >= energy) { // Suggestion from Ethan Staffin -- give amount needed prout("Insufficient energy, sir: we would need "); cramf(tpower, 1, 1); proutn (" units."); if (shldup==0 || tpower > energy*2.0) { if (!wfl) return; proutn("New warp factor to try? "); if (scan() == IHREAL) { wfl = TRUE; twarp = aaitem; if (twarp<1.0 || twarp > 10.0) { huh(); return; } continue; } else { chew(); skip(1); return; } } prout("But if you lower your shields,"); proutn("remaining"); tpower /= 2; } else proutn("Remaining"); proutn(" energy will be "); cramf(energy-tpower, 1, 1); prout("."); if (wfl) { proutn("And we will arrive at stardate "); cramf(d.date+ttime, 1, 1); prout("."); } else if (twarp==1.0) prout("Any warp speed is adequate."); else { proutn("Minimum warp needed is "); cramf(twarp, 1, 2); skip(1); proutn("and we will arrive at stardate "); cramf(d.date+ttime, 1, 2); prout("."); } if (d.remtime < ttime) prout("Unfortunately, the Federation will be destroyed by then."); if (twarp > 6.0) prout("You'll be taking risks at that speed, Captain"); if ((isatb==1 && d.isy == ix1 && d.isx == iy1 && future[FSCDBAS]< ttime+d.date)|| (future[FCDBAS]<ttime+d.date && baty==ix1 && batx == iy1)) prout("The starbase there will be destroyed by then."); proutn("New warp factor to try? "); if (scan() == IHREAL) { wfl = TRUE; twarp = aaitem; if (twarp<1.0 || twarp > 10.0) { huh(); return; } } else { chew(); skip(1); return; } } }