#include #include #include #include #include #include typedef struct { size_t length; size_t capacity; char *data; } String; typedef struct { char *image; int imageSize; const char *errorMessage; int bytesPerSector; int sectorsPerClaster; int reservedSectorCount; int numberOfFats; int maxRootEntries; int totalSectors; int sectorsPerFat; int firstFat; int rootDirectory; int dataRegion; } Fat12; typedef int (*ForEachCallback)(const char *, size_t, const uint8_t *, void *); // system-dependent static void mkdir(const char *name); // misc static void mkdir_p(const char *_name); // create folder creating its parents static uint16_t get16(const void *_from, int index); // get uint16_t from array at offset static uint32_t get32(const void *_from, int index); // get uint32_t from array at offset // fat12 static int fat12__getItemNameSize(const void *_folderEntry); static void fat12__getItemName(const void *_folderEntry, void *_name); static int fat12__getNextClaster(const Fat12 *this, int currentClaster); static int fat12__getFile(const Fat12 *this, void *_buffer, int size, int claster); static int fat12__getOffsetByClaster(const Fat12 *this, int claster); static int fat12__forEachFile_handleFolderEntry(const Fat12 *this, int folderEntryOffset, String *name, ForEachCallback callback, void *callbackParam); static int fat12__forEachFile_handleFolder(const Fat12 *this, int claster, String *name, ForEachCallback callback, void *callbackParam); static int fat12__forEachFile(const Fat12 *this, ForEachCallback callback, void *callbackParam); static int fat12__open(Fat12 *this, const char *img); static int fat12__error(Fat12 *this, const char *errorMessage); static void mkdir(const char *name) { struct { int fn; int unused[4]; char b; const char *path __attribute__((packed)); } info; memset(&info, 0, sizeof(info)); info.fn = 9; info.b = 0; info.path = name; asm volatile ("int $0x40"::"a"(70), "b"(&info)); } static void mkdir_p(const char *_name) { char *name = calloc(strlen(_name) + 1, 1); strcpy(name, _name); char *ptr = name; while (ptr) { if (ptr != name) { *ptr = '/'; } ptr = strchr(ptr + 1, '/'); if (ptr) { *ptr = 0; } mkdir(name); } } static uint32_t get32(const void *_from, int index) { const uint8_t *from = _from; return from[index] | (from[index + 1] << 8) | (from[index + 2] << 16) | (from[index + 3] << 24); } static uint16_t get16(const void *_from, int index) { const uint8_t *from = _from; return from[index] | (from[index + 1] << 8); } static int fat12__getNextClaster(const Fat12 *this, int currentClaster) { int nextClasterOffset = this->firstFat + currentClaster + (currentClaster >> 1); if (currentClaster % 2 == 0) { return get16(this->image, nextClasterOffset) & 0xfff; } else { return get16(this->image, nextClasterOffset) >> 4; } } static int fat12__getFile(const Fat12 *this, void *_buffer, int size, int claster) { int offset = 0; char *buffer = _buffer; while (claster < 0xff7) { int toCopy = this->bytesPerSector * this->sectorsPerClaster; void *clasterPtr = &this->image[fat12__getOffsetByClaster(this, claster)]; claster = fat12__getNextClaster(this, claster); // if next claster is END OF FILE claster, copy only rest of file if (claster >= 0xff7) { toCopy = size % toCopy; } memcpy(&buffer[offset], clasterPtr, toCopy); offset += toCopy; } return 1; } static int fat12__getOffsetByClaster(const Fat12 *this, int claster) { return this->dataRegion + (claster - 2) * this->bytesPerSector * this->sectorsPerClaster; } static int fat12__getItemNameSize(const void *_folderEntry) { const uint8_t *folderEntry = _folderEntry; // Long File Name entry, not a file itself if ((folderEntry[11] & 0x0f) == 0x0f) { return 0; } if ((folderEntry[11 - 32] & 0x0f) != 0x0f) { // regular file "NAME8888" '.' "EXT" '\0' int length = 13; for (int i = 10; folderEntry[i] == ' ' && i != 7; i--) { length--; } for (int i = 7; folderEntry[i] == ' ' && i != 0 - 1; i--) { length--; } if (folderEntry[8] == ' ') { length--; } // no ext - no'.' return length; } else { // file with long name // format of Long File Name etries is described in fat12__getItemName int length = 1; for (int i = 1; i < 255 / 13; i++) { //! TODO: Add UTF-16 support length += 13; if (folderEntry[i * -32] & 0x40) { // if first char from back is 0xffff, this is stub after name // otherwice is last character, so we can return calculated length if (get16(folderEntry, i * -32 + 30) == 0xffff) { length--; } else { return length; } if (get16(folderEntry, i * -32 + 28) == 0xffff) { length--; } else { return length; } if (get16(folderEntry, i * -32 + 24) == 0xffff) { length--; } else { return length; } if (get16(folderEntry, i * -32 + 22) == 0xffff) { length--; } else { return length; } if (get16(folderEntry, i * -32 + 20) == 0xffff) { length--; } else { return length; } if (get16(folderEntry, i * -32 + 18) == 0xffff) { length--; } else { return length; } if (get16(folderEntry, i * -32 + 16) == 0xffff) { length--; } else { return length; } if (get16(folderEntry, i * -32 + 14) == 0xffff) { length--; } else { return length; } if (get16(folderEntry, i * -32 + 9) == 0xffff) { length--; } else { return length; } if (get16(folderEntry, i * -32 + 7) == 0xffff) { length--; } else { return length; } if (get16(folderEntry, i * -32 + 5) == 0xffff) { length--; } else { return length; } if (get16(folderEntry, i * -32 + 3) == 0xffff) { length--; } else { return length; } if (get16(folderEntry, i * -32 + 1) == 0xffff) { length--; } else { return length; } return length; } } } return 0; // WAT? } static void fat12__getItemName(const void *_folderEntry, void *_name) { const uint8_t *folderEntry = _folderEntry; uint8_t *name = _name; if ((folderEntry[11 - 32] & 0x0f) != 0x0f) { int length = 8; memset(name, 0, 13); memcpy(name, folderEntry, 8); while (name[length - 1] == ' ') { length--; } if (folderEntry[9] != ' ') { name[length++] = '.'; memcpy(&name[length], &folderEntry[8], 3); length += 3; } while (name[length - 1] == ' ') { length--; } name[length] = '\0'; } else { // previous folder entries hold long name in format: // 0 sequence nmber (in turn back to first Long File Name entry, from 1) // 1 - 10 file name next characters in utf-16 // 11 file attributes (0x0f - LFN entry) // 12 reserved // 13 checksum // 14 - 25 file name next characters // 26 - 27 reserved // 28 - 31 file name next characters // in these entries name placed in sequential order // but first characters are located in first previous entry // next characters - in next previous etc. // if current entry is orificated by 0x40 - the entry is last (cinains last characters) // unneed places for characters in the last entry are filled by 0xff int length = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 255 / 13; i++) { //! TODO: Add unicode support name[length++] = folderEntry[i * -32 + 1]; name[length++] = folderEntry[i * -32 + 3]; name[length++] = folderEntry[i * -32 + 5]; name[length++] = folderEntry[i * -32 + 7]; name[length++] = folderEntry[i * -32 + 9]; name[length++] = folderEntry[i * -32 + 14]; name[length++] = folderEntry[i * -32 + 16]; name[length++] = folderEntry[i * -32 + 18]; name[length++] = folderEntry[i * -32 + 20]; name[length++] = folderEntry[i * -32 + 22]; name[length++] = folderEntry[i * -32 + 24]; name[length++] = folderEntry[i * -32 + 28]; name[length++] = folderEntry[i * -32 + 30]; if (folderEntry[i * -32] & 0x40) { while (name[length - 1] == 0xff) { name[--length] = 0; } name[length++] = 0; return; } } } } static int fat12__forEachFile_handleFolderEntry(const Fat12 *this, int folderEntryOffset, String *name, ForEachCallback callback, void *callbackParam) { int nameSize = 0; if (this->image[folderEntryOffset] == 0) { return 1; } // zero-entry, not file nor folder nameSize = fat12__getItemNameSize(&this->image[folderEntryOffset]); // includes sizeof '\0' if (nameSize != 0) { while (name->capacity < name->length + nameSize + 1) { name->capacity += name->capacity / 2; name->data = realloc(name->data, name->capacity); } name->data[name->length++] = '/'; fat12__getItemName(&this->image[folderEntryOffset], &name->data[name->length]); name->length += nameSize - 1; if ((this->image[folderEntryOffset + 11] & 0x10)) { // the item is folder // handle folder only if it isn't current folder or parent one if (memcmp(&this->image[folderEntryOffset], ". ", 11) && memcmp(&this->image[folderEntryOffset], ".. ", 11)) { if (!fat12__forEachFile_handleFolder(this, get16(this->image, folderEntryOffset + 26), name, callback, callbackParam)) { return 0; } } } else { // the item is a regular file void *buffer = NULL; int size = get32(this->image, folderEntryOffset + 28); int cluster = get16(this->image, folderEntryOffset + 26); buffer = malloc(size); if (!fat12__getFile(this, buffer, size, cluster)) { free(buffer); return 0; } callback(name->data, size, buffer, callbackParam); free(buffer); } name->length -= nameSize - 1; // substract length of current item name name->length--; // substract length of '/' name->data[name->length] = '\0'; } return 1; } static int fat12__forEachFile_handleFolder(const Fat12 *this, int claster, String *name, ForEachCallback callback, void *callbackParam) { for (; claster < 0xff7; claster = fat12__getNextClaster(this, claster)) { int offset = fat12__getOffsetByClaster(this, claster); for (int i = 0; i < (this->bytesPerSector * this->sectorsPerClaster / 32); i++) { if (!fat12__forEachFile_handleFolderEntry(this, offset + 32 * i, name, callback, callbackParam)) { return 0; } } } return 1; } static int fat12__forEachFile(const Fat12 *this, ForEachCallback callback, void *callbackParam) { String name = { 0 }; name.capacity = 4096; name.data = malloc(name.capacity); name.length = 0; name.data[0] = '\0'; for (int i = 0; i < this->maxRootEntries; i++) { if (!fat12__forEachFile_handleFolderEntry(this, this->rootDirectory + 32 * i, &name, callback, callbackParam)) { free(name.data); return 0; } } free(name.data); return 1; } static int fat12__open(Fat12 *this, const char *img) { FILE *fp = NULL; if (!(fp = fopen(img, "rb"))) { return fat12__error(this, "Can't open imput file"); } fseek(fp, 0, SEEK_END); this->imageSize = ftell(fp); rewind(fp); if (!(this->image = malloc(this->imageSize))) { return fat12__error(this, "Can't allocate memory for image"); } fread(this->image, 1, this->imageSize, fp); fclose(fp); this->bytesPerSector = *(uint16_t *)((uintptr_t)this->image + 11); this->sectorsPerClaster = *(uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)this->image + 0x0d); this->reservedSectorCount = *(uint16_t *)((uintptr_t)this->image + 0x0e); this->numberOfFats = *(uint8_t *)((uintptr_t)this->image + 0x10); this->maxRootEntries = *(uint16_t *)((uintptr_t)this->image + 0x11); this->totalSectors = *(uint16_t *)((uintptr_t)this->image + 0x13); if (!this->totalSectors) { this->totalSectors = *(uint32_t *)((uintptr_t)this->image + 0x20); } this->sectorsPerFat = *(uint16_t *)((uintptr_t)this->image + 0x16); this->firstFat = (0 + this->reservedSectorCount) * this->bytesPerSector; this->rootDirectory = this->firstFat + this->numberOfFats * this->sectorsPerFat * this->bytesPerSector; this->dataRegion = this->rootDirectory + this->maxRootEntries * 32; con_printf("\nBytes per sector: %d\n", this->bytesPerSector); con_printf("Sectors per claster: %d\n", this->sectorsPerClaster); con_printf("Reserver sector count: %d\n", this->reservedSectorCount); con_printf("Number of FATs: %d\n", this->numberOfFats); con_printf("Max root entries: %d\n", this->maxRootEntries); con_printf("Total sectors: %d\n", this->totalSectors); con_printf("Sectors per FAT: %d\n", this->sectorsPerFat); con_printf("First FAT: %d\n", this->firstFat); con_printf("Root directory: %d\n", this->rootDirectory); con_printf("Data region: %d\n\n", this->dataRegion); return 1; } static int fat12__error(Fat12 *this, const char *errorMessage) { this->errorMessage = errorMessage; return 0; } static int handleError(const Fat12 *fat12) { con_printf("Error in Fat12: %s\n", fat12->errorMessage); con_exit(0); return -1; } static int callback(const char *name, size_t size, const uint8_t *data, void *param) { FILE *fp = NULL; String *outputPath = param; while (outputPath->capacity < outputPath->length + strlen(name) + 1 + 1) { outputPath->capacity += outputPath->capacity / 2; outputPath->data = realloc(outputPath->data, outputPath->capacity); } strcat(outputPath->data, name); { // don't let mkdir_p create folder where file should be located char *fileNameDelim = NULL; // no slash = no folders to create, outputPath->data contains only file name // yes, I know, outputPath->data always contains '/', but who knows... if ((fileNameDelim = strrchr(outputPath->data, '/'))) { *fileNameDelim = '\0'; mkdir_p(outputPath->data); *fileNameDelim = '/'; } } con_printf("Extracting %s\n", outputPath->data); if (!(fp = fopen(outputPath->data, "wb"))) { perror(NULL); } fwrite(data, 1, size, fp); fclose(fp); outputPath->data[outputPath->length] = '\0'; return 0; } int main(int argc, char **argv) { Fat12 fat12 = { 0 }; char *imageFile = NULL; String outputFolder = { 0 }; int exit = 0; char app_title[] = "UnImg - kolibri.img file unpacker"; if (con_init_console_dll_param(-1, -1, -1, 350, app_title)) return -1; if (argc < 2) { con_write_asciiz(" Usage:\n"); con_write_asciiz(" unimg \"/path/to/kolibri.img\" \"/optional/extract/path\" [-e]\n"); con_write_asciiz(" where optional key [-e] is exit on success"); con_exit(0); return -1; } else { imageFile = argv[1]; con_printf("File: %s\n", imageFile); } outputFolder.capacity = 4096; outputFolder.data = malloc(outputFolder.capacity); //! ACHTUNG: possible buffer overflow, is 4096 enough in KolibriOS? if (argc >= 3 && argv[2][0] != '-') strcpy(outputFolder.data, argv[2]); else { strcpy(outputFolder.data, "/tmp0/1"); strcat(outputFolder.data, strrchr(imageFile, '/')); } outputFolder.length = strlen(outputFolder.data); // handle -e parameter - exit on success if (argc >= 3 && !strcmp(argv[argc - 1], "-e")) { exit = 1; } if (!fat12__open(&fat12, imageFile)) { return handleError(&fat12); } if (!fat12__forEachFile(&fat12, callback, &outputFolder)) { return handleError(&fat12); } con_write_asciiz("\nDONE!\n\n"); con_exit(exit); }