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INI library

INI files are text files with the following structure:
[name of the first section]
Parameter1 = value1
Parameter2 = Value2
[name of the second section]
Parameter3 = Value3

All lines starting with the character ';' are considered comments and are ignored.

Keyboard shortcut syntax:
arbitrary number of modifiers Ctrl / Alt / Shift / LCtrl / LAlt / LShift / RCtrl / RAlt / RShift, followed by a latin letter, number or key name.
Proper names have the following keys:
F1 - F12
Home End; PgUp; PgDn; Ins, she is Insert; Del, she is Delete;
Tab Plus Esc Enter Backspace Space (space);
Left (left arrow); Right (right arrow); Up (up arrow); Down (down arrow).
You can write a string with any case of characters. Individual parts are written either together or separated by a plus.
For example:
Ctrl + Alt + Backspace
RCtrl + RShift