superturbocat2001 6db1f4dd5a - Module files are removed from the source folder.
- Removed fasm debug module. 
- Added debug function to "kolibri" module.

git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
2020-12-25 23:07:44 +00:00

164 lines
6.0 KiB

#include "tp.h"
#include <kos32sys.h>
typedef unsigned short int uint16_t;
typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
extern void _tp_raise(TP,tp_obj);
extern tp_obj tp_dict(TP);
extern tp_obj tp_method(TP,tp_obj self,tp_obj v(TP));
extern tp_obj tp_number(tp_num v);
extern tp_obj tp_list(TP);
extern void _tp_list_append(TP,_tp_list *self, tp_obj v);
extern tp_obj tp_call(TP, const char *mod, const char *fnc, tp_obj params);
extern void _tp_call(TP,tp_obj *dest, tp_obj fnc, tp_obj params);
extern int tp_bool(TP,tp_obj v);
extern tp_obj tp_has(TP,tp_obj self, tp_obj k);
// #define _cdecl __attribute__((cdecl))
extern int (* _cdecl con_printf)(const char* format,...);
static tp_obj kolibri_show(TP)
tp_obj self = TP_TYPE(TP_DICT);
uint16_t xpos = (uint16_t)(tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("x")).number.val);
uint16_t ypos = (uint16_t)tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("y")).number.val;
uint16_t height = (uint16_t)tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("height")).number.val;
uint16_t width = (uint16_t)tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("width")).number.val;
uint16_t fixedsize = (uint16_t)tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("fixedsize")).number.val;
uint32_t bgcolor = (uint32_t)tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("bgcolor")).number.val;
uint32_t status;
uint32_t style;
uint32_t x = xpos * 0x10000 + width;
uint32_t y = ypos * 0x10000 + height;
if (fixedsize)
style = 0;
style = 0x33000000 + (bgcolor & 0xFFFFFF);
asm volatile ("int $0x40"::"a"(12), "b"(1));
asm volatile ("int $0x40"::
"a"(0), "b"(x), "c"(y), "d"(style),
"S"(0), "D"(0));
asm volatile ("int $0x40"::"a"(12), "b"(2));
/* If window has additional handler, run it. */
if (tp_bool(tp, tp_has(tp, self, tp_string("on_show"))))
tp_obj result;
tp_obj fnc = tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("on_show"));
tp_obj param_list = tp_list(tp); /* Prepare parameters. */
_tp_list_append(tp, param_list.list.val, self);
_tp_call(tp, &result, fnc, param_list);
return tp_None;
static void window_function(void)
uint32_t ev;
/* Wait for event. */
do {
asm volatile("int $0x40":"=a"(ev):"a"(10));
} while(ev != 3);
asm volatile("int $040"::"a"(-1));
static tp_obj kolibri_default_handler(TP)
return tp_None;
/* Run window_function() in separated thread. */
static tp_obj kolibri_run(TP)
tp_obj self = TP_TYPE(TP_DICT);
tp_obj redraw = tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("show"));
tp_obj result;
tp_obj key_handler = tp_None;
tp_obj button_handler = tp_None;
int button_id;
uint32_t ev;
int leave=0;
tp_obj param_list;
/* Obtain handlers. */
if (tp_bool(tp, tp_has(tp, self, tp_string("on_key"))))
key_handler = tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("on_key"));
if (tp_bool(tp, tp_has(tp, self, tp_string("on_button"))))
button_handler = tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("on_button"));
asm volatile("int $0x40":"=a"(ev):"a"(10));
switch (ev)
case 1:
_tp_call(tp, &result, redraw, tp_None);
case 2:
if (key_handler.type == TP_FNC)
param_list = tp_list(tp); /* Prepare parameters. */
_tp_list_append(tp, param_list.list.val, self);
oskey_t key;
key = get_key();
_tp_list_append(tp, param_list.list.val, tp_number(key.code));
_tp_call(tp, &result, key_handler, param_list);
case 3:
button_id = get_os_button();
if (button_id == 1)
leave = 1;
else if (button_handler.type == TP_FNC)
param_list = tp_list(tp); /* Prepare parameters. */
_tp_list_append(tp, param_list.list.val, self);
_tp_list_append(tp, param_list.list.val, tp_number(button_id));
_tp_call(tp, &result, button_handler, param_list);
con_printf("Got unknown event %d\n", ev);
return tp_None;
static tp_obj kolibri_print_text(TP)
tp_obj self = TP_TYPE(TP_DICT);
uint32_t textcolor = (uint32_t)tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("textcolor")).number.val;
uint16_t x = (uint16_t)tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("curx")).number.val;
uint16_t y = (uint16_t)tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("cury")).number.val;
uint32_t ofs;
uint32_t width = (uint32_t)tp_get(tp, self, tp_string("width")).number.val;
tp_obj text = TP_TYPE(TP_STRING);
draw_text_sys((char *)text.string.val, x, y, text.string.len, textcolor);
/* Update cursor position. */
ofs = 6 * text.string.len;
tp_set(tp, self, tp_string("cury"), tp_number(y + 9 * ((x + ofs) / width)));
tp_set(tp, self, tp_string("curx"), tp_number((x + ofs)%width));
return tp_None;
tp_obj kolibri_mainwindow(TP)
tp_obj obj = tp_dict(tp);
obj = tp_dict(tp);
tp_set(tp, obj, tp_string("x"), TP_TYPE(TP_NUMBER));
tp_set(tp, obj, tp_string("y"), TP_TYPE(TP_NUMBER));
tp_set(tp, obj, tp_string("height"), TP_TYPE(TP_NUMBER));
tp_set(tp, obj, tp_string("width"), TP_TYPE(TP_NUMBER));
tp_set(tp, obj, tp_string("curx"), tp_number(0));
tp_set(tp, obj, tp_string("cury"), tp_number(0));
tp_set(tp, obj, tp_string("fixedsize"), TP_TYPE(TP_NUMBER));
tp_set(tp, obj, tp_string("textcolor"), tp_number(0x202020));
tp_set(tp, obj, tp_string("bgcolor"), tp_number(0xFFFFFF));
tp_set(tp, obj, tp_string("show"), tp_method(tp, obj, kolibri_show));
tp_set(tp, obj, tp_string("run"), tp_method(tp, obj, kolibri_run));
/*tp_set(tp, obj, tp_string("keyhandler"), tp_method(tp, obj, kolibri_default_handler));
tp_set(tp, obj, tp_string("buttonhandler"), tp_method(tp, obj, kolibri_default_handler));*/
tp_set(tp, obj, tp_string("print_text"), tp_method(tp, obj, kolibri_print_text));
return obj;