forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
Programs: fasm updated to 1.67.14, small fixes in desktop, stackcfg, calc, board, pipes, freecell, big cleanup of unused programs, added some applications from distr... git-svn-id: svn:// a494cfbc-eb01-0410-851d-a64ba20cac60
168 lines
2.8 KiB
168 lines
2.8 KiB
bt dword [flags],0
jnc .not_shooted
cmp byte [ed_buffer.1],0
je .no_file_name
mov edi,sign_n_input
call zstr_to_int
mov [sign_n],al
; £¥¥à¨à㥬 ¨¬ï ä ©«
xor eax,eax
mov ecx,1056
mov edi,file_name
rep stosb ; § ¯®«ï¥¬ ã«ï¬¨
mov esi,ed_buffer.1
mov edi,file_name
mov ah,[esi]
test ah,ah
jz .str_end
cmp ah,'*'
jne .no_insert_number
jmp .insert_number
mov [edi],ah
inc edi
inc esi
jmp .next
bt word [ch6.flags],1
jnc @f
mov eax,[cur_number]
;mov ebx,4
movsx ebx,byte [sign_n]
push ebx
call int_to_str
pop ebx
add edi,ebx
inc esi
jmp .next
; ¢ë¤¥«ï¥¬ ¯ ¬ïâì
mov ecx,[scr_buf.end_ptr]
mov [sf_buf.bmp_header],ecx
add ecx,0x36
mov [sf_buf.bmp_area],ecx
movsx ebx,word [scr_buf.width]
movsx edx,word [scr_buf.height]
imul ebx,edx
lea ebx,[ebx*3]
add ecx,ebx
mov [sf_buf.end],ecx
add ecx,4096
xor ebx,ebx
inc ebx
movr eax,64
int 0x40
; § ¯®«ï¥¬ áâàãªâãàã ¤«ï á®åà ¥¨ï ä ©«
mov edi,fs_struc
mov [edi],dword 2
mov eax,[sf_buf.bmp_header]
mov ebx,[sf_buf.end]
sub ebx,eax
mov [edi+12],ebx
mov [edi+16],eax
mov [edi+21],dword file_name
; § ¯®«ï¥¬ § £®«®¢®ª bmp
mov edi,[sf_buf.bmp_header]
mov [edi],word 'BM'
mov ebx,[sf_buf.end]
sub ebx,[sf_buf.bmp_area]
mov [edi+34],ebx ; à §¬¥à ª à⨪¨
mov [edi+10],dword 0x36 ; à §¬¥à § £®«®¢ª
add ebx,0x36
mov [edi+2],ebx ; à §¬¥à ä ©«
mov [edi+14],dword 0x28
movsx eax,word [scr_buf.width]
mov [edi+18],eax ; £®à¨§®â «ìë© à §¬¥à
movsx eax,word [scr_buf.height]
mov [edi+22],eax ; ¢¥à⨪«ìë© à §¬¥à
mov [edi+26],word 1
mov [edi+28],word 24
; ª®¯¨à㥬 ¨ ¯¥à¥¢®à 稢 ¥¬
mov esi,[scr_buf.ptr]
mov edi,[sf_buf.bmp_area]
mov edx,[sf_buf.end]
sub edx,edi
movsx ecx,word [scr_buf.height]
push ecx
movsx ecx,word [scr_buf.width]
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
mov ebx,ecx
mov ah,[esi+ebx]
mov [edi+edx],ah
dec ebx
dec edx
loop .next_byte
movsx ecx,word [scr_buf.width]
lea ecx,[ecx*3]
add esi,ecx
pop ecx
loop .next_str
; á®åà 塞
draw_status saving
mov eax,70
mov ebx,fs_struc
int 0x40
test eax,eax
jne save_error
inc dword [cur_number]
call draw_number
draw_status saved_ok
draw_status no_file_name
draw_status not_shooted
cmp al,5
jne @f
mov [status.text],dword bad_file_name
cmp al,8
jne @f
mov [status.text],dword disk_filled
cmp al,9
jne @f
mov [status.text],dword bad_fat_table
cmp al,10
jne @f
mov [status.text],dword ac_den
cmp al,11
jne @f
mov [status.text],dword device_er
call send_draw_status
ret |