forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
1017 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
1017 lines
19 KiB
Executable File
func color_24_to_4_bits
push edx
mov dl,0
cmp al,85 ; blue
jbe .p13green
or dl,0x01
cmp al,170
jbe .p13green
or dl,0x08
shr eax,8
cmp al,85 ; green
jbe .p13red
or dl,0x02
cmp al,170
jbe .p13red
or dl,0x08
cmp ah,85 ; red
jbe .p13cont
or dl,0x04
cmp ah,170
jbe .p13cont
or dl,0x08
mov eax,edx
pop edx
func vm_mike_draw_rect.04 ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////
; eax - x start
; ebx - y start
; ecx - x end
; edx - y end
; edi - color
;- eax(ebx) [x start]*65536 + [x size]
;- ebx(ecx) [y start]*65536 + [y size]
;- ecx(edx) color 0x00RRGGBB
jif eax,e,ecx,.exit
jif ebx,e,edx,.exit
call get_cursor_rect
push eax
mov eax,edi
call color_24_to_4_bits
mov edi,eax
pop eax
mov ebp,[0x3010]
movsx esi,word[ebp-0x3000+0]
add eax,esi
add ecx,esi
movsx esi,word[ebp-0x3000+4]
add ebx,esi
add edx,esi
; add eax,[ebp-0x3000+0]
; add ebx,[ebp-0x3000+4]
; add ecx,[ebp-0x3000+0]
; add edx,[ebp-0x3000+4]
mov esi,[0x00003000]
mov esi,[CLIP_RECTS+esi*4]
mov ebp,[esi]
or ebp,ebp
jz .exit
add esi,4
.nx: jif ecx,le,[rr.left],.skip
jif eax,ge,[rr.right],.skip
jif edx,le,[],.skip
jif ebx,ge,[rr.bottom],.skip
jif eax,ge,[rr.left],@f
mov eax,[rr.left]
@@: jif ebx,ge,[],@f
mov ebx,[]
@@: jif ecx,l,[rr.right],@f
mov ecx,[rr.right]
@@: jif edx,l,[rr.bottom],@f
mov edx,[rr.bottom]
@@: call is_intersect_rc
jc .put
cmp [mouse_invisible],0
jne .put
call [SF.draw_mouse_under]
mov [mouse_invisible],1
.put: sub edx,ebx
push edx edi ebx eax
mov edi,ebx
shl edi,6
shl ebx,4
add edi,ebx
shr eax,3
add edi,eax
add edi,0x000A0000
pop eax ebx
mov ebx,eax
mov esi,ecx
sub esi,eax
mov dx,0x03CE
;edi = Offset in VMem
;esi = Length
;ebx = x
; dx = Graphix Controller
mov cl,bl ; Get StartBit
and ecx,07h
mov eax,esi
add eax,ecx
cmp eax,8 ; Is x+Length<One Byte
jb .D_One
mov ax,0xff08 ; 11111111b | BitMask Register
shr ah,cl ; BitMask
out dx,ax ; Write BitMask
push ecx
mov ah,[esp+4]
mov ecx,[esp+4+4]
push edi
.D_LL: ; Draw Left of Box
mov al,[edi]
mov [edi],ah
add edi,80 ; edi:=edi+80
dec ecx
jnz .D_LL
pop edi
inc edi
pop ecx
mov ax,0xFF08 ; BitMask Register
out dx,ax ; Write BitMask
mov eax,esi
mov ch,8
sub ch,cl
movzx ecx,ch
sub eax,ecx
shr eax,3 ; Length div 8
push edi ebx
mov ebx,[esp+8+4]
mov edx,eax
mov al,[esp+8]
mov ecx,edx
rep stosb
add edi,80
sub edi,edx
dec ebx
jnz .D_LC
pop ebx edi
add edi,edx
mov ecx,ebx ; ecx:=x+Length
add ecx,esi
and ecx,07h ; ecx and 07
mov ah,0ffh
shr ah,cl ; BitMask
jz .D_End
not ah
mov al,8 ; BitMask Register
mov dx,03ceh ; Graphics Controller
out dx,ax ; Write BitMask
mov ecx,[esp+4]
mov al,[esp]
mov ah,[edi]
mov [edi],al
add edi,80
dec ecx
jnz .D_LR
jmp .D_End
mov ah,0ffh
shr ah,cl ; Left BitMask
add ebx,esi
dec ebx
and ebx,07h
mov ecx,7
sub ecx,ebx
mov bl,0ffh
shl bl,cl ; Right BitMask
and ah,bl ; Full BitMask
mov al,8 ; BitMask Register
out dx,ax ; Write BitMask
mov ecx,[esp+4]
mov al,[esp]
mov dl,[edi] ; Fill Latches
mov [edi],al ; Write Pixel
add edi,80
dec ecx
jnz .D_L
pop edi
add esp,4
add esi,SR
dec ebp
jnz .nx
func vm_mike_draw_line.04 ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////
; eax(ebx) [x start] shl 16 + [x end]
; ebx(ecx) [y start] shl 16 + [y end]
; ecx(edx) colour 0x00RRGGBB
; edi = 0x00000001 force
push 0
test ecx,0x01000000
jnz .exit
call get_cursor_rect
mov eax,ecx
call color_24_to_4_bits
; mov [esp+4*8],ecx
mov [esp+4*8],al
movsx eax,word[esp+4*7] ; x end
cmp ax,[esp+4*7+2] ; x start
je dl.vert_line
movsx eax,word[esp+4*4] ; y end
cmp ax,[esp+4*4+2] ; y start
je dl.horz_line
add esp,4
push eax
mov cl,al
and cl,7
mov ax,0x8008
shr ah,cl
mov dx,0x03CE
out dx,ax
pop eax
mov ecx,[esp+4*8]
test edi,1
jnz .forced
mov esi,[0x00003000]
mov esi,[CLIP_RECTS+esi*4]
mov edi,[esi]
or edi,edi
jz .exit
add esi,4
.nx: movsx ebx,word[esp+4*4+2] ; y start
movsx edx,word[esp+4*4] ; y end
cmp ebx,edx
je .exit
jl @f
xchg ebx,edx
@@: jif eax,l,[rr.left],.skip
jif eax,ge,[rr.right],.skip
jif edx,l,[],.skip
jif ebx,ge,[rr.bottom],.skip
jif ebx,ge,[],@f
mov ebx,[]
@@: jif edx,l,[rr.bottom],@f
mov edx,[rr.bottom]
dec edx
@@: call is_intersect_vln
jc .put
cmp [mouse_invisible],0
jne .put
call [SF.draw_mouse_under]
mov [mouse_invisible],1
.put: push ebx eax
mov ebp,ebx
shl ebp,6
shl ebx,4
add ebp,ebx
shr eax,3
add ebp,eax
add ebp,0x000A0000
pop eax ebx
@@: mov ch,[ebp]
mov [ebp],cl
add ebp,80
inc ebx
cmp ebx,edx
jle @b
add esi,SR
dec edi
jnz .nx
add esp,4
jif eax,l,[viewport.left],.exit
jif eax,ge,[viewport.right],.exit
movsx ebx,word[esp+4*4+2] ; y start
movsx edx,word[esp+4*4] ; y end
jif ebx,e,edx,.exit
jl @f
xchg ebx,edx
@@: jif edx,l,[],.exit
jif ebx,ge,[viewport.bottom],.exit
jif ebx,ge,[],@f
mov ebx,[]
@@: jif edx,l,[viewport.bottom],@f
mov edx,[viewport.bottom]
dec edx
@@: mov edi,1
jmp .draw
mov ecx,[esp+4*8]
test edi,1
jnz .forced
mov esi,[0x00003000]
mov esi,[CLIP_RECTS+esi*4]
mov edi,[esi]
or edi,edi
jz .exit
add esi,4
.nx: movsx ebx,word[esp+4*7+2] ; x start
movsx edx,word[esp+4*7] ; x end
cmp ebx,edx
je .exit
jl @f
xchg ebx,edx
@@: jif eax,l,[],.skip
jif eax,ge,[rr.bottom],.skip
jif edx,l,[rr.left],.skip
jif ebx,ge,[rr.right],.skip
jif ebx,ge,[rr.left],@f
mov ebx,[rr.left]
@@: jif edx,l,[rr.right],@f
mov edx,[rr.right]
dec edx
@@: call is_intersect_hln
jc .put
cmp [mouse_invisible],0
jne .put
call [SF.draw_mouse_under]
mov [mouse_invisible],1
.put: push edi ebx eax
mov edi,eax
shl edi,6
shl eax,4
add edi,eax
shr ebx,3
add edi,ebx
add edi,0x000A0000
pop eax ebx
push eax ebx edx esi ecx
mov esi,edx
sub esi,ebx
inc esi
mov dx,0x03CE
;edi = Offset in VMem
;esi = Length
;ebx = x
; dx = Graphix Controller
mov cl,bl ; Get StartBit
and ecx,07h
mov eax,esi
add eax,ecx
cmp eax,8 ; Is x+Length<One Byte
jb .D_One
mov ax,0xFF08 ; 11111111b | BitMask Register
shr ah,cl ; BitMask
out dx,ax ; Write BitMask
mov al,[edi]
mov eax,[esp]
mov [edi],al
inc edi
mov ax,0xFF08 ; BitMask | BitMask Register
out dx,ax ; Write BitMask
mov eax,esi
mov ch,8
sub ch,cl
mov cl,ch
xor ch,ch
sub eax,ecx
shr eax,3 ; Length div 8
mov ecx,eax
mov eax,[esp]
rep stosb
mov ecx,ebx ; ecx:=x+Length
add ecx,esi
and ecx,07h ; ecx and 07
mov ah,0ffh
shr ah,cl ; BitMask
jz .D_End
not ah
mov al,8 ; BitMask Register
out dx,ax ; Write BitMask
mov cl,[edi]
mov eax,[esp]
mov [edi],al
jmp .D_End
mov ax,0xff08 ; | BitMask Register
shr ah,cl ; Left BitMask
add ebx,esi
dec ebx
and ebx,07h
mov ecx,7
sub ecx,ebx
mov bl,0ffh
shl bl,cl ; Right BitMask
and ah,bl ; Full BitMask
out dx,ax ; Write BitMask
mov dl,[edi] ; Fill Latches
mov eax,[esp]
mov [edi],al ; Write Pixel
pop ecx esi edx ebx eax edi
; mov ebp,[bytes_per_scanline]
; imul ebp,eax
; lea ebp,[ebp+ebx*4]
; add ebp,[lfb_address]
; @@: test ecx,0x01000000
; jz .dr
; mov ecx,[ebp]
; not ecx
; or ecx,0x01000000
; .dr: mov [ebp],ecx
; add ebp,4
; inc ebx
; cmp ebx,edx
; jle @b
add esi,SR
dec edi
jnz .nx
add esp,4
jif eax,l,[],.exit
jif eax,ge,[viewport.bottom],.exit
movsx ebx,word[esp+4*7+2] ; x start
movsx edx,word[esp+4*7] ; x end
cmp ebx,edx
je .exit
jl @f
xchg ebx,edx
@@: jif edx,l,[viewport.left],.exit
jif ebx,ge,[viewport.right],.exit
jif ebx,ge,[viewport.left],@f
mov ebx,[viewport.left]
@@: jif edx,l,[viewport.right],@f
mov edx,[viewport.right]
dec edx
@@: mov edi,1
jmp .draw
func vm_mike_put_pixel.04 ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////
; eax = x coordinate
; ebx = y coordinate
; ecx = ?? RR GG BB ; 0x01000000 negation
; edi = 0x00000001 force
; mov edx,[bytes_per_scanline]
; imul edx,ebx
; lea edx,[edx+eax*4]
; add edx,[lfb_address]
; test ecx,0x01000000
; jz @f
; mov ecx,[edx]
; not ecx
@@: test edi,1
jnz .forced
mov esi,[0x00003000]
mov esi,[CLIP_RECTS+esi*4]
mov edi,[esi]
or edi,edi
jz .exit
add esi,4
@@: jif eax,l,[rr.left],.skip
jif eax,ge,[rr.right],.skip
jif ebx,l,[],.skip
jif ebx,ge,[rr.bottom],.skip
call get_cursor_rect
call is_intersect_pt
jc .put
cmp [mouse_invisible],0
jne .put
call [SF.draw_mouse_under]
mov [mouse_invisible],1
.put:;mov [edx],ecx
; mov ax,SegA000 {Calculate Offset}
; mov es,ax
; mov bx,[y]
mov edi,ebx
shl edi,6 ; 80*y
shl ebx,4
add edi,ebx
push ecx
mov cl,al
shr eax,3 ; /8
add edi,eax ; 80*y + (x/8)
and cl,7 ; Get Bit that Changes
mov ax,0x8008
shr ah,cl
mov dx,0x03CE
out dx,ax
add edi,0x000A0000
call color_24_to_4_bits
mov ah,[edi] ; dummy read
mov [edi],al
add esi,SR
dec edi
jnz @b
jmp .exit
jif eax,l,[viewport.left],.exit
jif ebx,l,[],.exit
jif eax,ge,[viewport.right],.exit
jif ebx,ge,[viewport.bottom],.exit
; mov ax,SegA000 {Calculate Offset}
; mov es,ax
; mov bx,[y]
mov edi,ebx
shl edi,6 ; 80*y
shl ebx,4
add edi,ebx
push ecx
mov cl,al
shr eax,3 ; /8
add edi,eax ; 80*y + (x/8)
and cl,7 ; Get Bit that Changes
mov ax,0x8008
shr ah,cl
mov dx,0x03CE
out dx,ax
add edi,0x000A0000
pop eax
call color_24_to_4_bits
mov ah,[edi] ; dummy read
mov [edi],al
func vm_mike_get_pixel.04 ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////
; eax = x coordinate
; ebx = y coordinate
clr_table dd \
mov edi,ebx
shl edi,6 ; 80*y
shl ebx,4
add edi,ebx
mov cl,al
shr eax,3 ; /8
add edi,eax ; 80*y + (x/8)
add edi,0x000A0000
and ecx,7
neg ecx
add cl,7
mov dx,0x03CE
xor bl,bl
mov ah,3
mov al,4
out dx,al
inc dx
mov al,ah
out dx,al
dec dx
mov al,[edi]
shr al,cl
and al,1
xchg cl,ah
shl al,cl
xchg cl,ah
or bl,al
dec ah
jns @1
and ebx,0x0000000F
mov eax,[ebx*4+clr_table]
mov [esp+4*6],eax
func vm_mike_put_image.04 ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////
; eax(ebx) pointer to image in memory - RRGGBBRRGGBB..
; ebx(ecx) image size [x]*65536+[y]
; ecx(edx) image position in window [x]*65536+[y]
; ret: eax 0 succesful, 1 overlapped
mov eax,ebx
mov ebx,ecx
mov ecx,edx
jif ebx,z,0x0000FFFF,.exit,test
jif ebx,z,0xFFFF0000,.exit,test
call get_cursor_rect
mov ebp,eax
movsx eax,word[esp+4*6+2]
movsx ebx,word[esp+4*6]
movsx ecx,word[esp+4*4+2]
movsx edx,word[esp+4*4]
lea edi,[ecx*3]
push edi
add ecx,eax
add edx,ebx
mov edi,[0x00003010]
movsx esi,word[edi-0x3000+0]
add eax,esi
add ecx,esi
movsx esi,word[edi-0x3000+4]
add ebx,esi
add edx,esi
; add eax,[esi-0x3000+0]
; add ebx,[esi-0x3000+4]
; add ecx,[esi-0x3000+0]
; add edx,[esi-0x3000+4]
mov esi,[0x00003000]
mov esi,[CLIP_RECTS+esi*4]
mov edi,[esi]
or edi,edi
jz .exit
add esi,4
.nx: jif ecx,l,[rr.left],.skip
jif eax,ge,[rr.right],.skip
jif edx,l,[],.skip
jif ebx,ge,[rr.bottom],.skip
jif eax,ge,[rr.left],@f
mov eax,[rr.left]
@@: jif ebx,ge,[],@f
mov ebx,[]
@@: jif ecx,l,[rr.right],@f
mov ecx,[rr.right]
@@: jif edx,l,[rr.bottom],@f
mov edx,[rr.bottom]
@@: call is_intersect_rc
jc .put
cmp [mouse_invisible],0
jne .put
call [SF.draw_mouse_under]
mov [mouse_invisible],1
mov esi,ebx
sub esi,[esp+4*4]
imul esi,[esp+4*8]
mov edi,eax
sub edi,[esp+4*7]
lea edi,[edi*3]
add esi,edi
add esi,ebp
mov edi,ebx
mov ebp,ebx
shl edi,6 ; 80*y
shl ebp,4
add edi,ebp
add edi,0x000A0000
.xxx: push eax edx esi edi ebx eax
or ebp,-1
mov edx,0x03CE
@@: mov eax,[esp]
push ecx edi
mov cl,al
shr eax,3 ; /8
add edi,eax ; 80*y + (x/8)
mov eax,0x8008
and cl,7 ; Get Bit that Changes
shr ah,cl
out dx,ax
dec esi
and eax,0x00FFFFFF
cmp eax,ebp
jne .ppp
mov cl,bl
jmp .ppp.2
mov ebp,eax
call color_24_to_4_bits
mov bl,al
mov al,[edi] ; dummy read
mov [edi],cl
pop edi ecx
inc dword[esp]
cmp [esp],ecx
jl @b
pop eax ebx edi esi edx eax
inc ebx
add esi,[esp+4*8]
add edi,80
cmp ebx,edx
jl .xxx
add esi,SR
dec edi
jnz .nx
add esp,4
xor eax,eax
func vm_mike_draw_bg.04 ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////
cmp byte[0x460000-12],1
je .tiled
mov eax,[viewport.left]
mov ebx,[]
mov ecx,[viewport.right]
mov edx,[viewport.bottom]
mov edi,[0x00300000]
jif eax,e,ecx,.exit
jif ebx,e,edx,.exit
call get_cursor_rect
push eax
mov eax,edi
call color_24_to_4_bits
mov edi,eax
pop eax
mov esi,[CLIP_RECTS+4]
mov ebp,[esi]
or ebp,ebp
jz .exit
add esi,4
.nx: jif ecx,le,[rr.left],.skip
jif eax,ge,[rr.right],.skip
jif edx,le,[],.skip
jif ebx,ge,[rr.bottom],.skip
jif eax,ge,[rr.left],@f
mov eax,[rr.left]
@@: jif ebx,ge,[],@f
mov ebx,[]
@@: jif ecx,l,[rr.right],@f
mov ecx,[rr.right]
@@: jif edx,l,[rr.bottom],@f
mov edx,[rr.bottom]
@@: call is_intersect_rc
jc .put
cmp [mouse_invisible],0
jne .put
call [SF.draw_mouse_under]
mov [mouse_invisible],1
.put: sub edx,ebx
push edx edi ebx eax
mov edi,ebx
shl edi,6
shl ebx,4
add edi,ebx
shr eax,3
add edi,eax
add edi,0x000A0000
pop eax ebx
mov ebx,eax
mov esi,ecx
sub esi,eax
mov dx,0x03CE
;edi = Offset in VMem
;esi = Length
;ebx = x
; dx = Graphix Controller
mov cl,bl ; Get StartBit
and ecx,07h
mov eax,esi
add eax,ecx
cmp eax,8 ; Is x+Length<One Byte
jb .D_One
mov ax,0xff08 ; 11111111b | BitMask Register
shr ah,cl ; BitMask
out dx,ax ; Write BitMask
push ecx
mov ah,[esp+4]
mov ecx,[esp+4+4]
push edi
.D_LL: ; Draw Left of Box
mov al,[edi]
mov [edi],ah
add edi,80 ; edi:=edi+80
dec ecx
jnz .D_LL
pop edi
inc edi
pop ecx
mov ax,0xFF08 ; BitMask Register
out dx,ax ; Write BitMask
mov eax,esi
mov ch,8
sub ch,cl
movzx ecx,ch
sub eax,ecx
shr eax,3 ; Length div 8
push edi ebx
mov ebx,[esp+8+4]
mov edx,eax
mov al,[esp+8]
mov ecx,edx
rep stosb
add edi,80
sub edi,edx
dec ebx
jnz .D_LC
pop ebx edi
add edi,edx
mov ecx,ebx ; ecx:=x+Length
add ecx,esi
and ecx,07h ; ecx and 07
mov ah,0ffh
shr ah,cl ; BitMask
jz .D_End
not ah
mov al,8 ; BitMask Register
mov dx,03ceh ; Graphics Controller
out dx,ax ; Write BitMask
mov ecx,[esp+4]
mov al,[esp]
mov ah,[edi]
mov [edi],al
add edi,80
dec ecx
jnz .D_LR
jmp .D_End
mov ah,0ffh
shr ah,cl ; Left BitMask
add ebx,esi
dec ebx
and ebx,07h
mov ecx,7
sub ecx,ebx
mov bl,0ffh
shl bl,cl ; Right BitMask
and ah,bl ; Full BitMask
mov al,8 ; BitMask Register
out dx,ax ; Write BitMask
mov ecx,[esp+4]
mov al,[esp]
mov dl,[edi] ; Fill Latches
mov [edi],al ; Write Pixel
add edi,80
dec ecx
jnz .D_L
pop edi
add esp,4
add esi,SR
dec ebp
jnz .nx
mov eax,bg_address
mov ebx,[bg_width-2]
mov bx,word[bg_height]
xor ecx,ecx
xor edx,edx
.lp1: push eax
pop eax
add edx,[bg_width]
cmp edx,[screen_width]
jae @f
shl edx,16
add ecx,edx
shr edx,16
jmp .lp1
@@: and ecx,0x0000FFFF
xor edx,edx
add ecx,[bg_height]
cmp ecx,[screen_height]
jb .lp1
endf |