forked from KolibriOS/kolibrios
3175 lines
73 KiB
3175 lines
73 KiB
format MS COFF
public EXPORTS
section '.flat' code readable align 16
include '../../../../'
include '../../../../'
mem.alloc dd ? ;äãªæ¨ï ¤«ï ¢ë¤¥«¥¨ï ¯ ¬ïâ¨
|| dd ? ;äãªæ¨ï ¤«ï ®á¢®¡®¦¤¥¨ï ¯ ¬ïâ¨
mem.realloc dd ? ;äãªæ¨ï ¤«ï ¯¥à¥à á¯à¥¤¥«¥¨ï ¯ ¬ïâ¨
dll.load dd ?
buf2d_data equ dword[edi] ;¤ ë¥ ¡ãä¥à ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
buf2d_w equ dword[edi+8] ;è¨à¨ ¡ãä¥à
buf2d_h equ dword[edi+12] ;¢ëá®â ¡ãä¥à
buf2d_l equ word[edi+4]
buf2d_t equ word[edi+6] ;®âáâ㯠ᢥàåã
buf2d_size_lt equ dword[edi+4] ;®âáâ㯠᫥¢ ¨ á¯à ¢ ¤«ï ¡ãä¥à
buf2d_color equ dword[edi+16] ;梥â ä® ¡ãä¥à
buf2d_bits equ byte[edi+20] ;ª®«¨ç¥á⢮ ¡¨â ¢ 1-© â®çª¥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
struct buf_2d_header
img_data dd ?
left dw ? ;+4 left
top dw ? ;+6 top
size_x dd ? ;+8 w
size_y dd ? ;+12 h
color dd ? ;+16 color
bit_pp db ? ;+21 bit in pixel
macro swap v1, v2 {
push v1
push v2
pop v1
pop v2
;ä« £¨, ¤«ï äãªæ¨¨ ®¡à¥§ ¨ï ¡ãä¥à
BUF2D_OPT_CROP_TOP equ 1 ;®¡à¥§ª ᢥàåã
BUF2D_OPT_CROP_LEFT equ 2 ;®¡à¥§ª á«¥¢
BUF2D_OPT_CROP_BOTTOM equ 4 ;®¡à¥§ª ᨧã
BUF2D_OPT_CROP_RIGHT equ 8 ;®¡à¥§ª á¯à ¢
; eax = 㪠§ ⥫ì äãªæ¨î ¢ë¤¥«¥¨ï ¯ ¬ïâ¨
; ebx = ... ®á¢®¡®¦¤¥¨ï ¯ ¬ïâ¨
; ecx = ... ¯¥à¥à á¯à¥¤¥«¥¨ï ¯ ¬ïâ¨
; edx = ... § £à㧪¨ ¡¨¡«¨®â¥ª¨ (¯®ª ¥ ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥âáï)
align 16
mov dword[mem.alloc], eax
mov dword[], ebx
mov dword[mem.realloc], ecx
mov dword[dll.load], edx
include '' ;äãªæ¨¨ à¨á®¢ ¨ï ¢ ¡ãä¥à¥
;ᮧ¤ ¨¥ ¡ãä¥à
align 4
proc buf_create, buf_struc:dword
mov edi,dword[buf_struc]
mov ecx,buf2d_w
mov ebx,buf2d_h
imul ecx,ebx
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne @f
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] ; 24 bit = 3
;;;inc ecx ;§ ¯ ᮩ ¡ ©â ¢ ª®æ¥ ¡ãä¥à , çâ®-¡ë ¥ £«î稫¨ ¥ª®â®àë¥ äãªæ¨¨ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ïå ªà âëå 4Š
cmp buf2d_bits,32
jne @f
shl ecx,2 ; 32 bit = 4
invoke mem.alloc,ecx
mov buf2d_data,eax
stdcall buf_clear,edi,buf2d_color ;®ç¨á⪠¡ãä¥à ä®®¢ë¬ 梥⮬
;ᮧ¤ ¨¥ ¡ãä¥à ®á®¢¥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï rgb
align 4
proc buf_create_f_img, buf_struc:dword, rgb_data:dword
mov edi,dword[buf_struc]
mov ecx,buf2d_w
cmp ecx,1
jl .error
mov ebx,buf2d_h
cmp ebx,1
jl .error
imul ecx,ebx
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne @f
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] ; 24 bit = 3
cmp buf2d_bits,32
jne @f
shl ecx,2 ; 32 bit = 4
invoke mem.alloc,ecx
mov buf2d_data,eax
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne @f
mov esi,[rgb_data]
or esi,esi
jz @f
mov edi,eax ;eax=buf2d_data
rep movsb ;ª®¯¨à㥬 ¡¨âë ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï ¢ ¡ãä¥à
jmp .end_create
stdcall buf_clear,edi,buf2d_color ;®ç¨á⪠¡ãä¥à ä®®¢ë¬ 梥⮬
jmp .end_create
stdcall print_err,sz_buf2d_create_f_img,txt_err_size_0
;äãªæ¨ï ¤«ï ®¡à¥§ ¨ï ¡ãä¥à®¢ 8 ¨ 24 ¡¨âëå, ¯® § ¤ ®¬ã 梥âã.
;¯ à ¬¥âà opt § ¤ ¥âáï ª®¬¡¨ 樥© ª®áâ â:
; BUF2D_OPT_CROP_TOP - ®¡à¥§ª ᢥàåã
; BUF2D_OPT_CROP_LEFT - ®¡à¥§ª á«¥¢
; BUF2D_OPT_CROP_BOTTOM - ®¡à¥§ª ᨧã
; BUF2D_OPT_CROP_RIGHT - ®¡à¥§ª á¯à ¢
align 4
proc buf_crop_color, buf_struc:dword, color:dword, opt:dword
crop_r dd ?
mov edi,dword[buf_struc]
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne .24end_f
jae .24no_crop_bottom
mov eax,dword[color]
mov edx,eax ;ax = colors - r,g
shr edx,16 ;dl = color - b
mov ecx,buf2d_h
cmp ecx,1
jle .24no_crop_bottom ;¯à®¢¥à塞 á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¢ëá®â ¡ãä¥à 1 ¯¨ªá¥«ì
mov ebx,buf2d_w
imul ecx,ebx
lea esi,[ecx+ecx*2] ;esi=3*ecx
add esi,buf2d_data
sub esi,3
cmp word[esi],ax
jne @f
cmp byte[esi+2],dl
jne @f
loop @b
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*2]
xor edx,edx
mov eax,buf2d_h
imul eax,ebx
add eax,buf2d_data ;eax - 㪠§ â¥«ì ª®¥æ ¡ãä¥à ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
add esi,ebx
cmp esi,eax
jge @f
inc edx ;¢ëç¨á«ï¥¬ ç¨á«® ¯®«ëå áâப ¤«ï ®¡à¥§ ¨ï
loop @b
cmp edx,0
je .24no_crop_bottom
cmp edx,buf2d_h
jge .24no_crop_bottom ;çâ®-¡ë ¥ ¯®«ãç¨âì ¯ãá⮩ ¡ãä¥à
sub buf2d_h,edx ;㬥ìè ¥¬ ¢ëá®âã ¡ãä¥à
mov ecx,buf2d_h
imul ecx,ebx ;ecx = ®¢ë© à §¬¥à ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
invoke mem.realloc,buf2d_data,ecx
mov buf2d_data,eax ; á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¨§¬¥¨«áï 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥
bt dword[opt],BUF2D_BIT_OPT_CROP_TOP
jae .24no_crop_top
mov eax,dword[color]
mov edx,eax ;ax = colors - r,g
shr edx,16 ;dl = color - b
mov esi,buf2d_data
mov ecx,buf2d_h
cmp ecx,1
jle .24no_crop_top ;¯à®¢¥à塞 á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¢ëá®â ¡ãä¥à 1 ¯¨ªá¥«ì
dec ecx ;¯à¨ ®¡à¥§ ¨¨ ¤®«¦ ®áâ âìáï ¬¨¨¬ã¬ 1- áâப ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov ebx,buf2d_w
imul ecx,ebx
cmp word[esi],ax
jne @f
cmp byte[esi+2],dl
jne @f
add esi,3
loop @b
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*2]
xor edx,edx
sub esi,ebx
cmp esi,buf2d_data
jl @f
inc edx ;¢ëç¨á«ï¥¬ ç¨á«® ¯®«ëå áâப ¤«ï ®¡à¥§ ¨ï
loop @b
cmp edx,0
je .24no_crop_top
xor eax,eax
sub eax,edx
mov ebx,buf2d_h
sub ebx,edx
stdcall buf_offset_h, edi, eax, edx, ebx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¢ ¡ãä¥à¥ ¢¢¥àå (eax<0)
sub buf2d_h,edx ;㬥ìè ¥¬ ¢ëá®âã ¡ãä¥à
mov ecx,buf2d_h
add buf2d_t,dx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ ®âáâ㯠¢¨§, ç¨á«® ®¡à¥§ ëå áâப
mov ebx,buf2d_w
imul ecx,ebx
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
invoke mem.realloc,buf2d_data,ecx
mov buf2d_data,eax ; á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¨§¬¥¨«áï 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥
bt dword[opt],BUF2D_BIT_OPT_CROP_RIGHT
jae .24no_crop_right
mov eax,dword[color]
mov edx,eax ;ax = colors - r,g
shr edx,16 ;dl = color - b
mov ebx,buf2d_w
cmp ebx,1
jle .24no_crop_right ; á«ãç © ¥á«¨ è¨à¨ ¡ãä¥à 1 ¯¨ªá¥«ì
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*2]
mov esi,ebx
imul esi,buf2d_h
add esi,buf2d_data ;esi - 㪠§ â¥«ì ª®¥æ ¡ãä¥à ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
mov dword[crop_r],0
sub esi,3 ;¤¢¨£ ¥¬áï 1-ã ª®«®ªã ¢«¥¢®
mov ecx,buf2d_h ;¢®ááâ ®¢«¥¨¥ ecx ¤«ï ®¢®£® 横«
cmp word[esi],ax
jne .24found_right
cmp byte[esi+2],dl
jne .24found_right
sub esi,ebx ;¯àë£ ¥¬ ¢¥àåîî áâபã
loop @b
inc dword[crop_r]
mov ecx,buf2d_w
dec ecx ;1 ª®«®ª § ¯ á
cmp dword[crop_r],ecx
jge .24found_right
sub esi,3 ;¤¢¨£ ¥¬áï 1-ã ª®«®ªã ¢«¥¢®
mov ecx,buf2d_h ;¢®ááâ ®¢«¥¨¥ ecx ¤«ï ®¢®£® 横«
add esi,ebx ;¯àë£ ¥¬ ¨¦îî áâபã
cmp word[esi],ax
jne .24found_right
cmp byte[esi+2],dl
jne .24found_right
loop @b
inc dword[crop_r]
mov ecx,buf2d_w
dec ecx ;1 ª®«®ª § ¯ á
cmp dword[crop_r],ecx
jl .24found_beg_right
cmp dword[crop_r],0
je .24no_crop_right
mov ecx,buf2d_w
sub ecx,dword[crop_r]
stdcall img_rgb_crop_r, buf2d_data, buf2d_w, ecx, buf2d_h ;®¡à¥§ ¥¬ ¡ãä¥à, ¯® ®¢®¬ã à §¬¥àã
mov buf2d_w,ecx ;áâ ¢¨¬ ®¢ãî è¨à¨ã ¤«ï ¡ãä¥à
mov ebx,buf2d_h
imul ecx,ebx
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
invoke mem.realloc,buf2d_data,ecx
mov buf2d_data,eax ; á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¨§¬¥¨«áï 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥
bt dword[opt],BUF2D_BIT_OPT_CROP_LEFT
jae .24no_crop_left
mov eax,dword[color]
mov edx,eax ;ax = colors - r,g
shr edx,16 ;dl = color - b
mov ebx,buf2d_w
cmp ebx,1
jle .24no_crop_left ; á«ãç © ¥á«¨ è¨à¨ ¡ãä¥à 1 ¯¨ªá¥«ì
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*2]
mov esi,buf2d_data ;esi - 㪠§ ⥫ì 箫® ¡ãä¥à ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
mov dword[crop_r],0
mov ecx,buf2d_h ;¢®ááâ ®¢«¥¨¥ ecx ¤«ï ®¢®£® 横«
cmp word[esi],ax
jne .24found_left
cmp byte[esi+2],dl
jne .24found_left
add esi,ebx ;¯àë£ ¥¬ ¨¦îî áâபã
loop @b
inc dword[crop_r]
add esi,3 ;¤¢¨£ ¥¬áï 1-ã ª®«®ªã ¢¯à ¢®
mov ecx,buf2d_w
dec ecx ;1 ª®«®ª § ¯ á
cmp dword[crop_r],ecx
jge .24found_left
mov ecx,buf2d_h ;¢®ááâ ®¢«¥¨¥ ecx ¤«ï ®¢®£® 横«
sub esi,ebx ;¯àë£ ¥¬ ¢¥àåîî áâபã
cmp word[esi],ax
jne .24found_left
cmp byte[esi+2],dl
jne .24found_left
loop @b
inc dword[crop_r]
add esi,3 ;¤¢¨£ ¥¬áï 1-ã ª®«®ªã ¢¯à ¢®
mov ecx,buf2d_w
dec ecx ;1 ª®«®ª § ¯ á
cmp dword[crop_r],ecx
jl .24found_beg_left
cmp dword[crop_r],0
je .24no_crop_left
mov ecx,buf2d_w
sub ecx,dword[crop_r]
stdcall img_rgb_crop_l, buf2d_data, buf2d_w, ecx, buf2d_h ;®¡à¥§ ¥¬ ¡ãä¥à, ¯® ®¢®¬ã à §¬¥àã
mov buf2d_w,ecx ;áâ ¢¨¬ ®¢ãî è¨à¨ã ¤«ï ¡ãä¥à
mov ebx,buf2d_h
imul ecx,ebx
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
invoke mem.realloc,buf2d_data,ecx
mov buf2d_data,eax ; á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¨§¬¥¨«áï 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥
mov eax,dword[crop_r]
add buf2d_l,ax
cmp buf2d_bits,8
jne .8end_f
jae .8no_crop_bottom
mov eax,dword[color]
mov esi,buf2d_data
mov ecx,buf2d_h
cmp ecx,1
jle .8no_crop_bottom ;¯à®¢¥à塞 á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¢ëá®â ¡ãä¥à 1 ¯¨ªá¥«ì
mov ebx,buf2d_w
imul ecx,ebx
mov esi,ecx
add esi,buf2d_data
dec esi
cmp byte[esi],al
jne @f
loop @b
xor edx,edx
mov eax,buf2d_h
imul eax,ebx
add eax,buf2d_data ;eax - 㪠§ â¥«ì ª®¥æ ¡ãä¥à ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
add esi,ebx
cmp esi,eax
jge @f
inc edx
loop @b
cmp edx,0
je .8no_crop_bottom
cmp edx,buf2d_h
jge .8no_crop_bottom ;çâ®-¡ë ¥ ¯®«ãç¨âì ¯ãá⮩ ¡ãä¥à
sub buf2d_h,edx ;㬥ìè ¥¬ ¢ëá®âã ¡ãä¥à
mov ecx,buf2d_h
imul ecx,ebx ;ecx = ®¢ë© à §¬¥à ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
invoke mem.realloc,buf2d_data,ecx
mov buf2d_data,eax ; á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¨§¬¥¨«áï 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥
bt dword[opt],BUF2D_BIT_OPT_CROP_TOP
jae .8no_crop_top
mov eax,dword[color]
mov esi,buf2d_data
mov ecx,buf2d_h
cmp ecx,1
jle .8no_crop_top ;¯à®¢¥à塞 á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¢ëá®â ¡ãä¥à 1 ¯¨ªá¥«ì
dec ecx ;¯à¨ ®¡à¥§ ¨¨ ¤®«¦ ®áâ âìáï ¬¨¨¬ã¬ 1- áâப ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov ebx,buf2d_w
imul ecx,ebx
cmp byte[esi],al
jne @f
inc esi
loop @b
xor edx,edx
sub esi,ebx
cmp esi,buf2d_data
jl @f
inc edx
loop @b
cmp edx,0
je .8no_crop_top
xor eax,eax
sub eax,edx
mov ebx,buf2d_h
sub ebx,edx
stdcall buf_offset_h, edi, eax, edx, ebx
mov ecx,buf2d_h
sub ecx,edx
mov buf2d_h,ecx ;㬥ìè ¥¬ ¢ëá®âã ¡ãä¥à
add buf2d_t,dx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ ®âáâ㯠¢¨§, ç¨á«® ®¡à¥§ ëå áâப
mov ebx,buf2d_w
imul ecx,ebx
invoke mem.realloc,buf2d_data,ecx
mov buf2d_data,eax ; á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¨§¬¥¨«áï 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥
bt dword[opt],BUF2D_BIT_OPT_CROP_RIGHT
jae .8no_crop_right
mov eax,dword[color]
mov ebx,buf2d_w
cmp ebx,1
jle .8no_crop_right ; á«ãç © ¥á«¨ è¨à¨ ¡ãä¥à 1 ¯¨ªá¥«ì
mov esi,ebx
imul esi,buf2d_h
add esi,buf2d_data ;esi - 㪠§ â¥«ì ª®¥æ ¡ãä¥à ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
xor edx,edx
dec esi ;¤¢¨£ ¥¬áï 1-ã ª®«®ªã ¢«¥¢®
mov ecx,buf2d_h ;¢®ááâ ®¢«¥¨¥ ecx ¤«ï ®¢®£® 横«
cmp byte[esi],al
jne .8found
sub esi,ebx ;¯àë£ ¥¬ ¢¥àåîî áâபã
loop @b
inc edx
mov ecx,buf2d_w
dec ecx ;1 ª®«®ª § ¯ á
cmp edx,ecx
jge .8found
dec esi ;¤¢¨£ ¥¬áï 1-ã ª®«®ªã ¢«¥¢®
mov ecx,buf2d_h ;¢®ááâ ®¢«¥¨¥ ecx ¤«ï ®¢®£® 横«
add esi,ebx ;¯àë£ ¥¬ ¨¦îî áâபã
cmp byte[esi],al
jne .8found
loop @b
inc edx
mov ecx,buf2d_w
dec ecx ;1 ª®«®ª § ¯ á
cmp edx,ecx
jl .8found_beg
cmp edx,0
je .8no_crop_right
mov ecx,buf2d_w
sub ecx,edx
stdcall img_gray_crop_r, buf2d_data, buf2d_w, ecx, buf2d_h ;®¡à¥§ ¥¬ ¡ãä¥à, ¯® ®¢®¬ã à §¬¥àã
mov buf2d_w,ecx ;áâ ¢¨¬ ®¢ãî è¨à¨ã ¤«ï ¡ãä¥à
mov ebx,buf2d_h
imul ecx,ebx
invoke mem.realloc,buf2d_data,ecx
mov buf2d_data,eax ; á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¨§¬¥¨«áï 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥
bt dword[opt],BUF2D_BIT_OPT_CROP_LEFT
jae .8no_crop_left
mov eax,dword[color]
mov ebx,buf2d_w
cmp ebx,1
jle .8no_crop_left ; á«ãç © ¥á«¨ è¨à¨ ¡ãä¥à 1 ¯¨ªá¥«ì
mov esi,buf2d_data ;esi - 㪠§ ⥫ì 箫® ¡ãä¥à ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
mov edx,0
mov ecx,buf2d_h ;¢®ááâ ®¢«¥¨¥ ecx ¤«ï ®¢®£® 横«
cmp word[esi],ax
jne .8found_left
add esi,ebx ;¯àë£ ¥¬ ¨¦îî áâபã
loop @b
inc edx
inc esi ;¤¢¨£ ¥¬áï 1-ã ª®«®ªã ¢¯à ¢®
mov ecx,buf2d_w
dec ecx ;1 ª®«®ª § ¯ á
cmp edx,ecx
jge .8found_left
mov ecx,buf2d_h ;¢®ááâ ®¢«¥¨¥ ecx ¤«ï ®¢®£® 横«
sub esi,ebx ;¯àë£ ¥¬ ¢¥àåîî áâபã
cmp word[esi],ax
jne .8found_left
loop @b
inc edx
inc esi ;¤¢¨£ ¥¬áï 1-ã ª®«®ªã ¢¯à ¢®
mov ecx,buf2d_w
dec ecx ;1 ª®«®ª § ¯ á
cmp edx,ecx
jl .8found_beg_left
cmp edx,0
je .8no_crop_left
mov ecx,buf2d_w
sub ecx,edx
stdcall img_gray_crop_l, buf2d_data, buf2d_w, ecx, buf2d_h ;®¡à¥§ ¥¬ ¡ãä¥à, ¯® ®¢®¬ã à §¬¥àã
mov buf2d_w,ecx ;áâ ¢¨¬ ®¢ãî è¨à¨ã ¤«ï ¡ãä¥à
mov ebx,buf2d_h
imul ecx,ebx
invoke mem.realloc,buf2d_data,ecx
mov buf2d_data,eax ; á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¨§¬¥¨«áï 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥
mov eax,edx
add buf2d_l,ax
;®¡à¥§ ¥¬ 梥⮥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ á ¯à ¢®© áâ®à®ë
;data_rgb - pointer to rgb data
;size_w_old - width img in pixels
;size_w_new - new width img in pixels
;size_h - height img in pixels
align 4
proc img_rgb_crop_r, data_rgb:dword, size_w_old:dword, size_w_new:dword, size_h:dword
mov eax, dword[size_w_old]
lea eax, dword[eax+eax*2] ;eax = width(old) * 3(rgb)
mov ebx, dword[size_w_new]
lea ebx, dword[ebx+ebx*2] ;ebx = width(new) * 3(rgb)
mov edx, dword[size_h]
mov edi, dword[data_rgb] ;edi - ¯®«ãç ¥â ¤ ë¥
mov esi, edi
add edi, ebx
add esi, eax
dec edx ;㬥ìè ¥¬ áç¥â稪 ®áâ ¢è¨åáï áâப 1
cmp edx,0
jle @f
mov ecx, ebx
rep movsb ;¯¥à¥®á (ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥) áâப¨ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
add esi,eax ;¯¥à¥å®¤ ®¢ãî áâà®çªã ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
sub esi,ebx
jmp @b
;®¡à¥§ ¥¬ á¥à®¥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ á ¯à ¢®© áâ®à®ë
;data_gray - pointer to gray data
;size_w_old - width img in pixels
;size_w_new - new width img in pixels
;size_h - height img in pixels
align 4
proc img_gray_crop_r, data_gray:dword, size_w_old:dword, size_w_new:dword, size_h:dword
mov eax, dword[size_w_old]
mov ebx, dword[size_w_new]
mov edx, dword[size_h]
mov edi, dword[data_gray] ;edi - ¯®«ãç ¥â ¤ ë¥
mov esi, edi
add edi, ebx
add esi, eax
dec edx ;㬥ìè ¥¬ áç¥â稪 ®áâ ¢è¨åáï áâப 1
cmp edx,0
jle @f
mov ecx, ebx
rep movsb ;¯¥à¥®á (ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥) áâப¨ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
add esi,eax ;¯¥à¥å®¤ ®¢ãî áâà®çªã ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
sub esi,ebx
jmp @b
;®¡à¥§ ¥¬ 梥⮥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ á «¥¢®© áâ®à®ë
;data_rgb - pointer to rgb data
;size_w_old - width img in pixels
;size_w_new - new width img in pixels
;size_h - height img in pixels
align 4
proc img_rgb_crop_l, data_rgb:dword, size_w_old:dword, size_w_new:dword, size_h:dword
mov edi,dword[data_rgb]
mov esi,edi
mov eax,dword[size_w_old]
mov ebx,dword[size_w_new]
cmp eax,ebx
jle .end_f ;áâ àë© à §¬¥à ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï ¥ ¬®¦¥â ¡ëâì ¬¥ìè¥ ®¢®£® (¯à¨ ãá«®¢¨¨ ®¡à¥§ ¨ï ª à⨪¨)
lea eax,[eax+eax*2]
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*2]
sub eax,ebx
mov edx,dword[size_h] ;¢ëá®â ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
add esi,eax
mov ecx,ebx
rep movsb
dec edx
cmp edx,0
jg @b
;®¡à¥§ ¥¬ á¥à®¥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ á «¥¢®© áâ®à®ë
;data_gray - pointer to gray data
;size_w_old - width img in pixels
;size_w_new - new width img in pixels
;size_h - height img in pixels
align 4
proc img_gray_crop_l, data_gray:dword, size_w_old:dword, size_w_new:dword, size_h:dword
mov edi,dword[data_gray]
mov esi,edi
mov eax,dword[size_w_old]
mov ebx,dword[size_w_new]
cmp eax,ebx
jle .end_f ;áâ àë© à §¬¥à ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï ¥ ¬®¦¥â ¡ëâì ¬¥ìè¥ ®¢®£® (¯à¨ ãá«®¢¨¨ ®¡à¥§ ¨ï ª à⨪¨)
sub eax,ebx
mov edx,dword[size_h] ;¢ëá®â ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
add esi,eax
mov ecx,ebx
rep movsb
dec edx
cmp edx,0
jg @b
;hoffs - ª®««¨ç¥á⢮ ¯¨ªá¥«¥© ª®âàë¥ ¯®¤¨¬ ¥âáï/®¯ã᪠¥âáï ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥
;img_t - ¢ëá®â , á ª®â®à®© ç¨ ¥âáï ¤¢¨£ îé ïáï ç áâì ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
align 4
proc buf_offset_h, buf_struc:dword, hoffs:dword, img_t:dword, img_h:dword ;ᤢ¨£ ¥â ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¯® ¢ëá®â¥
mov edi,dword[buf_struc]
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne .end_move_24
mov eax,[hoffs]
cmp eax,0
je .end_move_24
mov ebx,buf2d_w
mov edx,dword[img_t]
mov ecx,dword[img_h] ;ecx - ¢ëá®â ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ëå ¤ ëå
cmp ecx,buf2d_h
jge .end_f ;®è¨¡®ç®¥ ãá«®¢¨¥, ¢ëá®â ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï ¬¥ìè¥ ç¥¬ ¢ëá®â ᤢ¨£ ¥¬®£® ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
imul ecx,ebx ;ecx - ª®««¨ç¥á⢮ ¯¨ªá¥«¥© ¢ ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ëå ¤ ëå
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
imul ebx,edx
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*2]
mov esi,buf2d_data
add esi,ebx
add edx,eax ;edx = img_t+hoffs (hoffs<0)
mov ebx,buf2d_w
imul ebx,edx
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*2]
mov edi,buf2d_data ;¯®§¨æ¨ï, ªã¤ ¡ã¤¥â ¤¢¨£ âìáï ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥
add edi,ebx
cmp eax,0
jg .move_down_24
;¤¢¨£ ¥¬ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¢¢¥àå
rep movsb
jmp .end_f
;¤¢¨£ ¥¬ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¢¨§
add esi,ecx
dec esi
add edi,ecx
dec edi
rep movsb
jmp .end_f
;stdcall print_err,sz_buf2d_offset_h,txt_err_n24b
cmp buf2d_bits,8
jne .end_move_8
mov eax,[hoffs]
cmp eax,0
je .end_move_8
;¤¢¨£ ¥¬ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¢¢¥àå
mov ebx,buf2d_w
mov edx,dword[img_t]
mov ecx,dword[img_h] ;ecx - ¢ëá®â ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ëå ¤ ëå
cmp ecx,buf2d_h
jge .end_f ;®è¨¡®ç®¥ ãá«®¢¨¥, ¢ëá®â ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï ¬¥ìè¥ ç¥¬ ¢ëá®â ᤢ¨£ ¥¬®£® ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
imul ecx,ebx ;ecx - ª®««¨ç¥á⢮ ¯¨ªá¥«¥© ¢ ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ëå ¤ ëå
imul ebx,edx
mov esi,buf2d_data
add esi,ebx
add edx,eax ;edx = img_t+hoffs (hoffs<0)
mov ebx,buf2d_w
imul ebx,edx
mov edi,buf2d_data ;¯®§¨æ¨ï, ªã¤ ¡ã¤¥â ¤¢¨£ âìáï ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥
add edi,ebx
cmp eax,0
jg .move_down_8
rep movsb
jmp .end_f
;¤¢¨£ ¥¬ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¢¨§
add esi,ecx
dec esi
add edi,ecx
dec edi
rep movsb
jmp .end_f
align 4
proc buf_delete, buf_struc:dword
push eax edi
mov edi,dword[buf_struc]
pop edi eax
; new_w - ®¢ ï è¨à¨ (¥á«¨ 0 â® ¥ ¬¥ï¥âáï)
; new_h - ®¢ ï ¢ëá®â (¥á«¨ 0 â® ¥ ¬¥ï¥âáï)
; options - ¯ à ¬¥âàë ¨§¬¥¥¨ï ¡ãä¥à (1 - ¨§¬¥ïâì à §¬¥à ¡ãä¥à ,
; 2 - ¨§¬¥ïâì ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¢ ¡ãä¥à¥, 3 - ¨§¬¥ïâì ¡ãä¥à ¨ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥)
align 4
proc buf_resize, buf_struc:dword, new_w:dword, new_h:dword, options:dword
mov edi,dword[buf_struc]
cmp buf2d_bits,8
jne .8bit
bt dword[options],1 ;ᦠ⨥ ¨§®¡à.
jnc @f
bt dword[options],0 ;¨§¬¥. ¡ãä¥à
jnc .end_f
jmp .end_f
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne .24bit
bt dword[options],1 ;ᦠ⨥ ¨§®¡à.
jnc .24_end_r
mov eax,dword[new_w]
cmp eax,1
jl @f
cmp eax,buf2d_w
jge @f
;ᦠ⨥ ¯® è¨à¨¥
stdcall img_rgb24_wresize, buf2d_data,buf2d_w,buf2d_h,eax
jmp .24_r_h
mov eax,buf2d_w
.24_r_h: ;eax - è¨à¨ ¡ãä¥à ¨«¨ è¨à¨ ᦠ⮣® ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
mov ebx,dword[new_h]
cmp ebx,1
jl @f
cmp ebx,buf2d_h
jge @f
;ᦠ⨥ ¯® ¢ëá®â¥
stdcall img_rgb24_hresize, buf2d_data,eax,buf2d_h,ebx
bt dword[options],0 ;¨§¬¥. ¡ãä¥à
jnc .end_f
mov eax,dword[new_w]
cmp eax,1
jl @f
mov buf2d_w,eax
mov ecx,buf2d_w
mov eax,dword[new_h]
cmp eax,1
jl @f
mov buf2d_h,eax
mov ebx,buf2d_h
imul ecx,ebx
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] ; 24 bit = 3
invoke mem.realloc,buf2d_data,ecx ;¨§¬¥ï¥¬ ¯ ¬ïâì § ¨¬ ¥¬ãî ¡ãä¥à®¬
mov buf2d_data,eax ; á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¨§¬¥¨«áï 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥
align 4
rot_table: ;â ¡«¨æ ¤«ï 㪠§ ¨ï ¯®¤äãªæ¨¨ ¤«ï ¯®¢®à®â®¢
dd buf_rotate.8b90,buf_rotate.24b90,buf_rotate.32b90,\
;¯®¢®à®â ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï 90 ¨«¨ 180 £à ¤ãᮢ
align 4
proc buf_rotate, buf_struc:dword, angle:dword
n_data dd ?
dec_h dd ? ;ç¨á«® ¡ ©â, ¤«ï 㬥ìè¥¨ï ª®®à¤¨ âë y
mov edi,[buf_struc]
mov ebx,buf2d_w
mov ecx,buf2d_h
lea eax,[rot_table]
cmp dword[angle],90 ;¯à®¢¥àª 㣫 ¯®¢®à®â
je .beg_0
cmp dword[angle],180
jne @f
add eax,12
jmp .beg_0
jmp .end_f
.beg_0: ;¯à®¢¥àª ¡¨â®á⨠¡ãä¥à
cmp buf2d_bits,8
jne @f
jmp dword[eax]
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne @f
add eax,4
jmp dword[eax]
cmp buf2d_bits,32
jne @f
add eax,8
jmp dword[eax]
jmp .end_f
.8b90: ;¯®¢®à®â 8 ¡¨â®£® ¡ãä¥à 90 £à ¤ãᮢ
mov edx,ecx ;edx - buf_h
imul ecx,ebx
invoke mem.alloc,ecx ;¢ë¤¥«ï¥¬ ¢à¥¬¥ãî ¯ ¬ïâì
cmp eax,0
je .end_f
mov [n_data],eax
mov [dec_h],ecx
inc dword[dec_h]
;copy buf --> mem
mov edi,[buf_struc]
mov esi,buf2d_data
mov edi,eax ;[n_data]
dec edx ;ª®à¥ªâ¨à㥬 edx 1 ¡ ©â, ¤«ï ª®¬¯¥á 樨 ᤢ¨£ ¢ movsb
add edi,edx
xor eax,eax
add edi,edx
inc eax
cmp eax,ebx
jl @f
xor eax,eax
sub edi,[dec_h]
loop .cycle_0
;change buf_w <---> buf_h
mov esi,[n_data]
mov edi,[buf_struc]
mov edi,buf2d_data
mov ecx,ebx
inc edx ;¨á¯à ¢«ï¥¬ ᪮४â¨à®¢ ë© edx
imul ecx,edx
;copy buf <-- mem
rep movsb
jmp .change_w_h
.24b90: ;¯®¢®à®â 24 ¡¨â®£® ¡ãä¥à 90 £à ¤ãᮢ
mov esi,ecx
imul esi,ebx
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
mov edx,ecx ;edx - buf_h * 3
imul ecx,ebx
invoke mem.alloc,ecx ;¢ë¤¥«ï¥¬ ¢à¥¬¥ãî ¯ ¬ïâì
cmp eax,0
je .end_f
mov [n_data],eax
mov [dec_h],ecx
add dword[dec_h],3
;copy buf --> mem
mov edi,[buf_struc]
mov ecx,esi
mov esi,buf2d_data
mov edi,eax ;[n_data]
sub edx,3 ;ª®à¥ªâ¨à㥬 edx 3 ¡ ©â , ¤«ï ª®¬¯¥á 樨 ᤢ¨£
add edi,edx
xor eax,eax
add edi,edx
inc eax
cmp eax,ebx
jl @f
xor eax,eax
sub edi,[dec_h]
loop .cycle_1
;copy buf <-- mem
mov esi,[n_data]
mov edi,[buf_struc]
mov edi,buf2d_data
mov ecx,ebx
add edx,3 ;¨á¯à ¢«ï¥¬ ᪮४â¨à®¢ ë© edx
imul ecx,edx
rep movsb
jmp .change_w_h
.32b90: ;¯®¢®à®â 32 ¡¨â®£® ¡ãä¥à 90 £à ¤ãᮢ
shl ecx,2
mov edx,ecx ;edx - buf_h * 4
imul ecx,ebx
invoke mem.alloc,ecx ;¢ë¤¥«ï¥¬ ¢à¥¬¥ãî ¯ ¬ïâì
cmp eax,0
je .end_f
mov [n_data],eax
mov [dec_h],ecx
add dword[dec_h],4
;copy buf --> mem
mov edi,[buf_struc]
shr ecx,2
mov esi,buf2d_data
mov edi,eax ;[n_data]
sub edx,4 ;ª®à¥ªâ¨à㥬 edx 4 ¡ ©â , ¤«ï ª®¬¯¥á 樨 ᤢ¨£ ¢ movsd
add edi,edx
xor eax,eax
add edi,edx
inc eax
cmp eax,ebx
jl @f
xor eax,eax
sub edi,[dec_h]
loop .cycle_2
;copy buf <-- mem
mov esi,[n_data]
mov edi,[buf_struc]
mov edi,buf2d_data
mov ecx,ebx
add edx,4 ;¨á¯à ¢«ï¥¬ ᪮४â¨à®¢ ë© edx
imul ecx,edx
shr ecx,2
rep movsd
;jmp .change_w_h
.change_w_h: ;change buf_w <---> buf_h
mov edi,[buf_struc]
mov eax,buf2d_w
mov ebx,buf2d_h
mov buf2d_h,eax
mov buf2d_w,ebx
jmp .end_f
.8b180: ;¯®¢®à®â 8 ¡¨â®£® ¡ãä¥à 180 £à ¤ãᮢ
mov edi,buf2d_data
mov esi,edi
imul ecx,ebx
add esi,ecx
dec esi
shr ecx,1 ;ecx - ç¨á«® ¯¨ªá¥«¥© ¡ãä¥à : 2
mov ah,byte[edi]
mov byte[esi+1],ah
mov byte[edi],al
inc edi
loop @b
jmp .end_f
.24b180: ;¯®¢®à®â 24 ¡¨â®£® ¡ãä¥à 180 £à ¤ãᮢ
mov esi,buf2d_data
mov edi,esi
imul ecx,ebx
mov eax,ecx
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
add edi,ecx
sub edi,3
shr eax,1
mov ecx,eax ;ecx - ç¨á«® ¯¨ªá¥«¥© ¡ãä¥à : 2
mov edx,eax
mov bx,word[edi]
mov word[esi-3],bx
mov bl,byte[edi+2]
mov byte[esi-1],bl
mov byte[edi+2],al
mov word[edi],dx
sub edi,3
loop @b
jmp .end_f
.32b180: ;¯®¢®à®â 32 ¡¨â®£® ¡ãä¥à 180 £à ¤ãᮢ
mov edi,buf2d_data
mov esi,edi
imul ecx,ebx
shl ecx,2
add esi,ecx
sub esi,4
shr ecx,3 ;ecx - ç¨á«® ¯¨ªá¥«¥© ¡ãä¥à : 2
mov ebx,dword[edi]
mov dword[esi+4],ebx
mov dword[edi],eax
add edi,4
loop @b
;jmp .end_f
align 4
proc buf_flip_h, buf_struc:dword
mov edi,[buf_struc]
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne .end_24
mov esi,buf2d_data
mov eax,buf2d_w
mov ecx,eax
shr ecx,1
dec eax
lea eax,[eax+eax*2]
mov ebx,buf2d_h
mov edi,esi
add esi,eax
add eax,3
push ecx edi esi
align 4
;swap word[edi] <-> word[esi]
mov dx,[edi]
mov [esi-2],dx
;swap byte[edi] <-> byte[esi]
mov dl,[edi]
mov [esi-1],dl
sub esi,6
loop @b
pop esi edi ecx
add edi,eax
add esi,eax
dec ebx
or ebx,ebx
jnz .cycle_24
jmp .end_32
cmp buf2d_bits,32
jne .end_32
mov esi,buf2d_data
mov eax,buf2d_w
dec eax
shl eax,2
mov ebx,buf2d_h
mov edi,esi
add esi,eax
add eax,4
mov ecx,eax
shr ecx,3
push edi esi
align 4
;swap dword[edi] <-> dword[esi]
mov edx,[edi]
mov [esi-4],edx
sub esi,8
loop @b
pop esi edi
add edi,eax
add esi,eax
dec ebx
or ebx,ebx
jnz .cycle_32
;®âà §¨âì ¯® ¢¥à⨪ «¨ (¢¥àå ¨ ¨§ ¬¥ïîâáï ¬¥áâ ¬¨)
align 4
proc buf_flip_v, buf_struc:dword
line_pix dd ? ;ª®«. ¯¨ªá¥«¥© ¢ «¨¨¨ ¡ãä¥à
line_2byte dd ? ;ª®«. ¡ ©â ¢ «¨¨¨ ¡ãä¥à * 2
mov edi,[buf_struc]
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne .end_24
mov edx,buf2d_w
mov [line_pix],edx
mov ebx,buf2d_h
lea edx,[edx+edx*2]
mov esi,edx
imul esi,ebx
sub esi,edx
add esi,buf2d_data ;㪠§ â¥«ì ¨¦îî «¨¨î
shr ebx,1 ;ª®«. «¨¥©ëå 横«®¢
shl edx,1
mov [line_2byte],edx
mov edi,buf2d_data
xchg edi,esi
cmp ebx,0
jle .end_32 ;§¤¥áì ¢ë室 ¨§ äãªæ¨¨ (¯®â®¬ã .end_24 ¥ ¯®¤å®¤¨â)
mov ecx,[line_pix]
align 4
mov dx,word[edi]
mov word[esi-2],dx
mov ah,byte[edi]
mov byte[esi-1],ah
loop @b
sub edi,[line_2byte]
dec ebx
jmp .flip_24
cmp buf2d_bits,32
jne .end_32
mov edx,buf2d_w
mov [line_pix],edx
mov ebx,buf2d_h
shl edx,2
mov esi,edx
imul esi,ebx
sub esi,edx
add esi,buf2d_data ;㪠§ â¥«ì ¨¦îî «¨¨î
shr ebx,1 ;ª®«. «¨¥©ëå 横«®¢
shl edx,1
mov [line_2byte],edx
mov edi,buf2d_data
xchg edi,esi
cmp ebx,0
jle .end_32
mov ecx,[line_pix]
align 4
mov edx,dword[edi]
mov dword[esi-4],edx
loop @b
sub edi,[line_2byte]
dec ebx
jmp .flip_32
; ᦠ⨥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï ¯® è¨à¨¥ ¢ 2 à § (à §¬¥àë ¡ãä¥à ¥ ¬¥ïîâáï)
align 4
proc buf_img_wdiv2, buf_struc:dword
mov edi,dword[buf_struc]
cmp buf2d_bits,8
jne @f
mov eax,buf2d_w
mov ecx,buf2d_h
imul ecx,eax
stdcall img_8b_wdiv2, buf2d_data,ecx
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne @f
mov eax,buf2d_w
mov ecx,buf2d_h
imul ecx,eax
stdcall img_rgb24_wdiv2, buf2d_data,ecx
cmp buf2d_bits,32
jne @f
mov eax,buf2d_w
mov ecx,buf2d_h
imul ecx,eax
stdcall img_rgba32_wdiv2, buf2d_data,ecx
;data_8b - pointer to rgb data
;size - count img pixels (size img data / 3(rgb) )
align 4
proc img_8b_wdiv2 data_8b:dword, size:dword
mov eax,dword[data_8b]
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
@@: ;§ ⥬¥¨¥ 梥⠯¨ªá¥«¥©
shr byte[eax],1
inc eax
loop @b
mov eax,dword[data_8b]
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
shr ecx,1
@@: ;á«®¦¥¨¥ 梥⮢ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov bl,byte[eax+1] ;ª®¯¨à㥬 梥â á®á¥¤¥£® ¯¨ªá¥«ï
add byte[eax],bl
add eax,2
loop @b
mov eax,dword[data_8b]
inc eax
mov ebx,eax
inc ebx
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
shr ecx,1
dec ecx ;«¨è¨© ¯¨ªá¥«ì
@@: ;¯®¤¦ ⨥ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov dl,byte[ebx]
mov byte[eax],dl
inc eax
add ebx,2
loop @b
;data_rgb - pointer to rgb data
;size - count img pixels (size img data / 3(rgb) )
align 4
proc img_rgb24_wdiv2 data_rgb:dword, size:dword
mov eax,dword[data_rgb]
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
@@: ;§ ⥬¥¨¥ 梥⠯¨ªá¥«¥©
shr byte[eax],1
inc eax
loop @b
mov eax,dword[data_rgb]
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
shr ecx,1
@@: ;á«®¦¥¨¥ 梥⮢ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov bx,word[eax+3] ;ª®¯¨à㥬 梥â á®á¥¤¥£® ¯¨ªá¥«ï
add word[eax],bx
mov bl,byte[eax+5] ;ª®¯¨à㥬 梥â á®á¥¤¥£® ¯¨ªá¥«ï
add byte[eax+2],bl
add eax,6 ;=2*3
loop @b
mov eax,dword[data_rgb]
add eax,3
mov ebx,eax
add ebx,3
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
shr ecx,1
dec ecx ;«¨è¨© ¯¨ªá¥«ì
@@: ;¯®¤¦ ⨥ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov edx,dword[ebx]
mov word[eax],dx
shr edx,16
mov byte[eax+2],dl
add eax,3
add ebx,6
loop @b
;data_rgba - pointer to rgba data
;size - count img pixels (size img data / 4(rgba) )
align 4
proc img_rgba32_wdiv2 data_rgba:dword, size:dword
mov eax,dword[data_rgba]
mov eax,dword[data_rgba]
mov ebx,eax
add ebx,4
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
shr ecx,1
@@: ;ᬥ訢 ¨¥ 梥⮢ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
call combine_colors_1
mov [eax],edx
add eax,8 ;=2*4
add ebx,8
loop @b
mov eax,dword[data_rgba]
add eax,4
mov ebx,eax
add ebx,4
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
shr ecx,1
dec ecx ;«¨è¨© ¯¨ªá¥«ì
@@: ;¯®¤¦ ⨥ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov edx,dword[ebx]
mov dword[eax],edx
add eax,4
add ebx,8
loop @b
; ᦠ⨥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï ¯® ¢ëá®â¥ ¢ 2 à § (¢ëá®â ¡ãä¥à ¥ ¬¥ï¥âáï)
align 4
proc buf_img_hdiv2, buf_struc:dword
mov edi,dword[buf_struc]
cmp buf2d_bits,8
jne @f
mov eax,buf2d_w
mov ecx,buf2d_h
imul ecx,eax
stdcall img_8b_hdiv2, buf2d_data,ecx,eax
jmp .end_f ;edi ¯®àâ¨âáï ¢ äãªæ¨¨, ¯®â®¬ã ¨á¯®«ì§®¢ ¨¥ buf2d_bits ®¯ á®
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne @f
mov eax,buf2d_w
mov ecx,buf2d_h
imul ecx,eax
stdcall img_rgb24_hdiv2, buf2d_data,ecx,eax
jmp .end_f
cmp buf2d_bits,32
jne @f
mov eax,buf2d_w
mov ecx,buf2d_h
imul ecx,eax
shl eax,2
stdcall img_rgba32_hdiv2, buf2d_data,ecx,eax
;jmp .end_f
;data_8b - pointer to 8 bit data
;size - count img pixels (size img data)
;size_w - width img in pixels
align 4
proc img_8b_hdiv2, data_8b:dword, size:dword, size_w:dword
mov eax,dword[data_8b] ;eax =
mov ecx,dword[size]
@@: ;§ ⥬¥¨¥ 梥⠯¨ªá¥«¥©
shr byte[eax],1
inc eax
loop @b
mov eax,dword[data_8b] ;eax =
mov esi,dword[size_w]
mov ebx,esi
add ebx,eax
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
shr ecx,1
xor edi,edi
@@: ;á«®¦¥¨¥ 梥⮢ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov dl,byte[ebx] ;ª®¯¨à㥬 梥⠨¦¥£® ¯¨ªá¥«ï
add byte[eax],dl
inc eax
inc ebx
inc edi
cmp edi,dword[size_w]
jl .old_line
add eax,esi
add ebx,esi
xor edi,edi
loop @b
mov eax,dword[data_8b] ;eax =
add eax,esi ;esi = width*3(rgb)
mov ebx,eax
add ebx,esi
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
shr ecx,1
sub ecx,dword[size_w] ;«¨èïï áâப ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
xor edi,edi
@@: ;¯®¤¦ ⨥ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov dl,byte[ebx] ;ª®¯¨à㥬 梥⠨¦¥£® ¯¨ªá¥«ï
mov byte[eax],dl
inc eax
inc ebx
inc edi
cmp edi,dword[size_w]
jl .old_line_2
add ebx,esi
xor edi,edi
loop @b
;data_rgb - pointer to rgb data
;size - count img pixels (size img data / 3(rgb) )
;size_w - width img in pixels
align 4
proc img_rgb24_hdiv2, data_rgb:dword, size:dword, size_w:dword
mov eax,dword[data_rgb] ;eax =
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
@@: ;§ ⥬¥¨¥ 梥⠯¨ªá¥«¥©
shr byte[eax],1
inc eax
loop @b
mov eax,dword[data_rgb] ;eax =
mov esi,dword[size_w]
lea esi,[esi+esi*2] ;esi = width*3(rgb)
mov ebx,esi
add ebx,eax
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
shr ecx,1
xor edi,edi
@@: ;á«®¦¥¨¥ 梥⮢ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov dx,word[ebx] ;ª®¯¨à㥬 梥⠨¦¥£® ¯¨ªá¥«ï
add word[eax],dx
mov dl,byte[ebx+2] ;ª®¯¨à㥬 梥⠨¦¥£® ¯¨ªá¥«ï
add byte[eax+2],dl
add eax,3
add ebx,3
inc edi
cmp edi,dword[size_w]
jl .old_line
add eax,esi
add ebx,esi
xor edi,edi
loop @b
mov eax,dword[data_rgb] ;eax =
add eax,esi ;esi = width*3(rgb)
mov ebx,eax
add ebx,esi
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
shr ecx,1
sub ecx,dword[size_w] ;«¨èïï áâப ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
xor edi,edi
@@: ;¯®¤¦ ⨥ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov edx,dword[ebx] ;ª®¯¨à㥬 梥⠨¦¥£® ¯¨ªá¥«ï
mov word[eax],dx
shr edx,16
mov byte[eax+2],dl
add eax,3
add ebx,3
inc edi
cmp edi,dword[size_w]
jl .old_line_2
add ebx,esi
xor edi,edi
loop @b
;data_rgba - pointer to rgba data
;size - count img pixels (size img data / 4(rgba) )
;size_w_b - width img in bytes
align 4
proc img_rgba32_hdiv2, data_rgba:dword, size:dword, size_w_b:dword
mov eax,dword[data_rgba] ;eax =
mov ebx,dword[size_w_b]
add ebx,eax
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
shr ecx,1
xor edi,edi
@@: ;ᬥ訢 ¨¥ 梥⮢ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
call combine_colors_1
mov dword[eax],edx
add eax,4
add ebx,4
add edi,4
cmp edi,dword[size_w_b]
jl .old_line
add eax,dword[size_w_b]
add ebx,dword[size_w_b]
xor edi,edi
loop @b
mov eax,dword[data_rgba] ;eax =
mov ebx,dword[size_w_b]
add eax,ebx
add ebx,eax
mov ecx,dword[size] ;ecx = size
shl ecx,1
sub ecx,dword[size_w_b] ;«¨èïï áâப ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
shr ecx,2
xor edi,edi
@@: ;¯®¤¦ ⨥ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov edx,dword[ebx] ;ª®¯¨à㥬 梥⠨¦¥£® ¯¨ªá¥«ï
mov dword[eax],edx
add eax,4
add ebx,4
add edi,4
cmp edi,dword[size_w_b]
jl .old_line_2
add ebx,dword[size_w_b]
xor edi,edi
loop @b
; eax - 㪠§ ⥫ì 32-¡¨âë© æ¢¥â
; ebx - 㪠§ ⥫ì 32-¡¨âë© æ¢¥â
; edx - 32-¡¨âë© æ¢¥â ᬥè ë© á ãç¥â®¬ ¯à®§à ç®áâ¨
; esi
align 4
proc combine_colors_1 uses ecx edi
c_blye dd ?
c_green dd ?
c_red dd ?
movzx edi,byte[eax+3]
cmp edi,255
je .c0z
movzx esi,byte[ebx+3]
cmp esi,255
je .c1z
cmp edi,esi
je .c0_c1
;¯¥à¥¢®à 稢 ¥¬ § ç¥¨ï ¯à®§à ç®á⥩
neg edi
inc edi
add edi,255
neg esi
inc esi
add esi,255
movzx ecx,byte[eax]
imul ecx,edi
mov [c_blye],ecx
movzx ecx,byte[ebx]
imul ecx,esi
add [c_blye],ecx
movzx ecx,byte[eax+1]
imul ecx,edi
mov [c_green],ecx
movzx ecx,byte[ebx+1]
imul ecx,esi
add [c_green],ecx
movzx ecx,byte[eax+2]
imul ecx,edi
mov [c_red],ecx
movzx ecx,byte[ebx+2]
imul ecx,esi
add [c_red],ecx
push eax ebx
xor ebx,ebx
mov eax,[c_red]
xor edx,edx
mov ecx,edi
add ecx,esi
div ecx
mov bl,al
shl ebx,16
mov eax,[c_green]
xor edx,edx
div ecx
mov bh,al
mov eax,[c_blye]
xor edx,edx
div ecx
mov bl,al
shr ecx,1
;¯¥à¥¢®à 稢 ¥¬ § ç¥¨ï ¯à®§à ç®áâ¨
neg ecx
inc ecx
add ecx,255
shl ecx,24
add ebx,ecx
mov edx,ebx
pop ebx eax
jmp .end_f
.c0_c1: ;¥á«¨ ¯à®§à ç®á⨠®¡®¨å 梥⮢ ᮢ¯ ¤ îâ
mov edx,dword[eax]
shr edx,1
and edx,011111110111111101111111b
mov esi,dword[ebx]
shr esi,1
and esi,011111110111111101111111b
add edx,esi
ror edi,8 ;¯¥à¥¬¥é ¥¬ § 票¥ ¯à®§à ç®á⨠¢ áâ à訩 ¡ ©â edi
or edx,edi
jmp .end_f
.c0z: ;¥á«¨ 梥⠢ eax ¯à®§à çë©
mov edx,dword[ebx]
movzx edi,byte[ebx+3]
jmp @f
.c1z: ;¥á«¨ 梥⠢ ebx ¯à®§à çë©
mov edx,dword[eax]
add edi,255 ;¤¥« ¥¬ 梥⠯®«®¢¨ã ¯à®§à çë¬
shr edi,1
cmp edi,255
jl @f
mov edi,255 ;¬ ªá¨¬ «ì ï ¯à®§à ç®áâì ¥ ¡®«¥¥ 255
shl edi,24
and edx,0xffffff ;ᨬ ¥¬ áâ àãî ¯à®§à ç®áâì
add edx,edi
; ᦠ⨥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï ¯® è¨à¨¥ (à §¬¥àë ¡ãä¥à ¥ ¬¥ïîâáï)
; data_rgb - pointer to rgb data
; size_w - width img in pixels
; size_h - height img in pixels
; size_w_new - new width img in pixels
align 16
proc img_rgb24_wresize, data_rgb:dword, size_w:dword, size_h:dword, size_w_new:dword
pr dd 0
pg dd 0
pb dd 0
img_n dd ? ;㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥ ®¢®£® ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
lines dd ?
;eax - delta for inp. img
;ebx - delta for outp. img
;esi - pointer to data_rgb
mov esi,[data_rgb]
mov [img_n],esi
mov eax,[size_h]
mov [lines],eax
align 4
mov eax,[size_w_new]
mov ecx,[size_w]
mov ebx,ecx
align 4
cmp eax,ebx
jg .else_0
;ª®¯¨àã¥¬ë© ¯¨ªá¥«ì ¬ ªá¨¬ «ì® ¢«¨ï¥â १ã«ìâ â
; ª ¯«¨¢ ¥¬ rgb ¤«ï ¨â¥à¯®«ï樨 ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov edx,[size_w_new]
movzx edi,byte[esi]
imul edi,edx
add [pb],edi
movzx edi,byte[esi+1]
imul edi,edx
add [pg],edi
movzx edi,byte[esi+2]
imul edi,edx
add [pr],edi
cmp eax,ebx
je .d2_add
jmp .if_0_end
;ª®¯¨àã¥¬ë© ¯¨ªá¥«ì ¯®¯ ¤¥â £à ¨æã ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov edx,ebx
sub edx,eax
add edx,[size_w_new]
movzx edi,byte[esi]
imul edi,edx
add [pb],edi
movzx edi,byte[esi+1]
imul edi,edx
add [pg],edi
movzx edi,byte[esi+2]
imul edi,edx
add [pr],edi
;á®åà 塞 £®â®¢®¥ rgb
push eax
mov edi,[img_n]
mov eax,[pb]
xor edx,edx
div dword[size_w] ;eax /= [size_w]
mov eax,[pg]
xor edx,edx
div dword[size_w] ;eax /= [size_w]
mov eax,[pr]
xor edx,edx
div dword[size_w] ;eax /= [size_w]
pop eax
add dword[img_n],3 ;next pixel
;®¡®¢«ï¥¬ rgb ¤«ï ®¢®£® ¯¨ªá¥«ï
mov edx,eax
sub edx,ebx
movzx edi,byte[esi]
imul edi,edx
mov [pb],edi
movzx edi,byte[esi+1]
imul edi,edx
mov [pg],edi
movzx edi,byte[esi+2]
imul edi,edx
mov [pr],edi
add ebx,[size_w]
add eax,[size_w_new]
add esi,3 ;next pixel
dec ecx
jnz .cycyle_1
dec dword[lines]
jnz .cycyle_0
; ᦠ⨥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï ¯® ¢ëá®â¥ (à §¬¥àë ¡ãä¥à ¥ ¬¥ïîâáï)
; data_rgb - pointer to rgb data
; size_w - width img in pixels
; size_h - height img in pixels
; size_h_new - new height img in pixels
align 16
proc img_rgb24_hresize, data_rgb:dword, size_w:dword, size_h:dword, size_h_new:dword
pr dd 0
pg dd 0
pb dd 0
img_n dd ? ;㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥ ®¢®£® ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï
cols dd ?
lin_b dd ? ;à §¬¥à «¨¨¨ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï ¢ ¡ ©â å
data_n dd ? ;㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥ ¤«ï ®¢®£® á⮫¡æ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
;eax - delta for inp. img
;ebx - delta for outp. img
;esi - pointer to data_rgb
mov esi,[data_rgb]
mov [data_n],esi
mov eax,[size_w]
mov [cols],eax
lea eax,[eax+eax*2]
mov [lin_b],eax
align 4
mov eax,[size_h_new]
mov ecx,[size_h]
mov ebx,ecx
mov esi,[data_n]
mov [img_n],esi
add dword[data_n],3 ;¯¥à¥å®¤ á«¥¤ãî騩 á⮫¡¥æ ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
align 4
cmp eax,ebx
jg .else_0
;ª®¯¨àã¥¬ë© ¯¨ªá¥«ì ¬ ªá¨¬ «ì® ¢«¨ï¥â १ã«ìâ â
; ª ¯«¨¢ ¥¬ rgb ¤«ï ¨â¥à¯®«ï樨 ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov edx,[size_h_new]
movzx edi,byte[esi]
imul edi,edx
add [pb],edi
movzx edi,byte[esi+1]
imul edi,edx
add [pg],edi
movzx edi,byte[esi+2]
imul edi,edx
add [pr],edi
cmp eax,ebx
je .d2_add
jmp .if_0_end
;ª®¯¨àã¥¬ë© ¯¨ªá¥«ì ¯®¯ ¤¥â £à ¨æã ¯¨ªá¥«¥©
mov edx,ebx
sub edx,eax
add edx,[size_h_new]
movzx edi,byte[esi]
imul edi,edx
add [pb],edi
movzx edi,byte[esi+1]
imul edi,edx
add [pg],edi
movzx edi,byte[esi+2]
imul edi,edx
add [pr],edi
;á®åà 塞 £®â®¢®¥ rgb
push eax
mov edi,[img_n]
mov eax,[pb]
xor edx,edx
div dword[size_h] ;eax /= [size_h]
mov eax,[pg]
xor edx,edx
div dword[size_h] ;eax /= [size_h]
mov eax,[pr]
xor edx,edx
div dword[size_h] ;eax /= [size_h]
pop eax
mov edx,[lin_b]
add dword[img_n],edx ;next pixel
;®¡®¢«ï¥¬ rgb ¤«ï ®¢®£® ¯¨ªá¥«ï
mov edx,eax
sub edx,ebx
movzx edi,byte[esi]
imul edi,edx
mov [pb],edi
movzx edi,byte[esi+1]
imul edi,edx
mov [pg],edi
movzx edi,byte[esi+2]
imul edi,edx
mov [pr],edi
add ebx,[size_h]
add eax,[size_h_new]
add esi,[lin_b] ;next pixel
dec ecx
jnz .cycyle_1
dec dword[cols]
jnz .cycyle_0
;¯à¥®¡à §®¢ ¨¥ ¡ãä¥à ¨§ 24-¡¨â®£® ¢ 8-¡¨âë©
; spectr - ®¯à¥¤¥«ï¥â ª ª®© ᯥªâà ¡à âì ¯à¨ ¯à¥®¡à §®¢ ¨¨ 0-ᨨ©, 1-§¥«¥ë©, 2-ªà áë©
align 4
proc buf_conv_24_to_8, buf_struc:dword, spectr:dword
mov edi,dword[buf_struc]
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne .error0
mov eax,buf2d_w
cmp eax,1
jl .error1
mov ecx,buf2d_h
cmp ecx,1
jl .error1
imul ecx,eax
mov esi,ecx
;ebx - ¯ ¬ïâì ¨§ ª®â®à®© ª®¯¨àã¥âáï
;edx - ¯ ¬ïâì ªã¤ ª®¯¨àã¥âáï
mov edx,buf2d_data
mov ebx,edx
cmp [spectr],3
jge @f
add ebx,[spectr]
mov al,byte[ebx]
mov byte[edx],al
add ebx,3
inc edx
loop @b
mov buf2d_bits,8
invoke mem.realloc,buf2d_data,esi ;㬥ìè ¥¬ ¯ ¬ïâì § ¨¬ ¥¬ãî ¡ãä¥à®¬
jmp .end_conv
stdcall print_err,sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_8,txt_err_n24b
jmp .end_conv
stdcall print_err,sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_8,txt_err_size_0
;¯à¥®¡à §®¢ ¨¥ ¡ãä¥à ¨§ 24-¡¨â®£® ¢ 32-¡¨âë©
align 4
proc buf_conv_24_to_32, buf_struc:dword, buf_str8:dword
mov edi,dword[buf_struc]
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne .error1
mov ecx,buf2d_w
mov ebx,buf2d_h
imul ebx,ecx
mov ecx,ebx ;ecx = size 8 b
shl ebx,2 ;ebx = size 32 b
invoke mem.realloc,buf2d_data,ebx ;㢥«¨ç¨¢ ¥¬ ¯ ¬ïâì § ¨¬ ¥¬ãî ¡ãä¥à®¬
mov buf2d_data,eax ; á«ãç © ¥á«¨ ¨§¬¥¨«áï 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥
mov buf2d_bits,32
mov edx,ebx ;edx = size 32 b
sub ebx,ecx ;ebx = size 24 b
mov eax,ecx
;eax - à §¬¥à 8 ¡¨âëå ¤ ëå
;ebx - à §¬¥à 24 ¡¨âëå ¤ ëå
;edx - à §¬¥à 32 ¡¨âëå ¤ ëå
add ebx,buf2d_data
add edx,buf2d_data
mov edi,dword[buf_str8]
cmp buf2d_bits,8
jne .error2
add eax,buf2d_data
mov edi,edx
;eax - 㪠§ â¥«ì ª®¥æ 8 ¡¨âëå ¤ ëå
;ebx - 㪠§ â¥«ì ª®¥æ 24 ¡¨âëå ¤ ëå
;edi - 㪠§ â¥«ì ª®¥æ 32 ¡¨âëå ¤ ëå
sub edi,4 ;®â¨¬ ¥¬ ¢ ç «¥ 横« ,
sub ebx,3 ; ¯®â®¬ã, ç⮠㪠§ ⥫¨ áâ®ïâ
dec eax ; § ¯à¥¤¥« ¬¨ ¡ãä¥à®¢
mov edx,dword[ebx]
mov dword[edi],edx
mov dl,byte[eax]
mov byte[edi+3],dl
loop @b
jmp .end_conv
stdcall print_err,sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_32,txt_err_n24b
jmp .end_conv
stdcall print_err,sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_32,txt_err_n8b
;äãªæ¨ï ª®¯¨àã¥â ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¨§ ¡ãä¥à buf_source (24b|32b) ¢ buf_destination (24b)
; 㪠§ë¢ îâáï ª®®à¤¨ âë ¢áâ ¢ª¨ ¡ãä¥à buf_source ®â®á¨â¥«ì® buf_destination
; ¯à®§à ç®áâì ¯à¨ ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¨ ¥ ãç¨âë¢ ¥âáï
align 4
proc buf_bit_blt, buf_destination:dword, coord_x:dword, coord_y:dword, buf_source:dword
lost_bytes dd ? ;ç¨á«® ¯®â¥àïëå ¡ ©â®¢ ¢ áâப¥ ª®¯¨à㥬®£® ¨§®¡à ¦¥ï (â¥å çâ® ¥ ¢« §ïâ ¢ ¡ãä¥à)
mov edi,[buf_source]
cmp buf2d_bits,24
je .sou24
cmp buf2d_bits,32
je .sou32
jmp .copy_end ;ä®à¬ â ¡ãä¥à ¥ ¯®®¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï
.sou24: ;¢ ¨áâ®ç¨ª¥ 24 ¡¨â ï ª à⨪
mov eax,buf2d_w
mov edx,buf2d_h ;¢ëá®â ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
mov esi,buf2d_data ;¤ ë¥ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
mov edi,[buf_destination]
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne .copy_end ;ä®à¬ â ¡ãä¥à ¥ ¯®®¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï
mov ebx,[coord_x] ;¢ ebx ¢à¥¬¥® áâ ¢¨¬ ®âáâ㯠¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï (¤«ï ¯à®¢¥àª¨)
cmp ebx,buf2d_w ;¯à®¢¥à塞 ¢« §¨â «¨ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¯® è¨à¨¥
jge .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¯®«®áâìî ¢ë« §¨â § ¯à ¢ãî áâ®à®ã
mov ebx,buf2d_h ;ebx - ¢ëá®â ®á®¢®£® ¡ãä¥à
mov ecx,[coord_y]
cmp ecx,0
jge @f
;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨ â coord_y<0 (1-ï áâனª )
add edx,ecx ;㬥ìè ¥¬ ¢ëá®âã ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
cmp edx,0
jle .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ª®¯¨à㥬®¥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ 室¨âáï ¯®«®áâìî ¤ ¢¥à奩 £à ¨æ¥© ¡ãä¥à (coord_y<0 ¨ |coord_y|>buf_source.h)
neg ecx
imul ecx,eax
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] ;¯® 3 ¡ ©â ¯¨ªá¥«ì
add esi,ecx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ 㪠§ ⥫ì á ª®¯¨à㥬묨 ¤ 묨, á ãç¥â®¬ ¯à®¯ã襮© ç áâ¨
xor ecx,ecx ;®¡ã«ï¥¬ ª®®à¤¨ âã coord_y
cmp ecx,ebx
jge .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨ â 'y' ¡®«ìè¥ ¢ëá®âë ¡ãä¥à
add ecx,edx ;ecx - ¨¦ïï ª®®à¤¨ â ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
cmp ecx,ebx
jle @f
sub ecx,ebx
sub edx,ecx ;㬥ìè ¥¬ ¢ëá®âã ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨, ¢ á«ãç¥ ª®£¤ ® ¢ë« §¨â § ¨¦îî £à ¨æã
mov ebx,buf2d_w
mov ecx,[coord_y] ;ecx ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥¬ ¤«ï ¢à¥¬¥ëå 楫¥©
cmp ecx,0
jg .end_otr_c_y_24
;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨ â coord_y<=0 (2-ï áâனª )
mov ecx,[coord_x]
jmp @f
imul ecx,ebx
add ecx,[coord_x]
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
add ecx,buf2d_data
sub ebx,eax
mov edi,ecx ;edi 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥ ¡ãä¥à , ªã¤ ¡ã¤¥â ¯à®¨§¢®¤¨âáï ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥
mov dword[lost_bytes],0
mov ecx,[coord_x]
cmp ecx,0
jge @f
neg ecx
cmp eax,ecx ;eax - è¨à¨ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
jle .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ª®¯¨à㥬®¥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ 室¨âáï ¯®«®áâìî § «¥¢®© £à ¨æ¥© ¡ãä¥à (coord_x<0 ¨ |coord_x|>buf_source.w)
sub eax,ecx ;㪮à 稢 ¥¬ ª®¯¨à㥬ãî áâபã
add ebx,ecx ;㤫¨ï¥¬ áâப㠤«ï ᤢ¨£ £« ¢®© ª à⨪¨ ¡ãä¥à
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
mov [lost_bytes],ecx
add esi,ecx
add edi,ecx ;edi 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥ ¡ãä¥à , ªã¤ ¡ã¤¥â ¯à®¨§¢®¤¨âáï ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥
xor ecx,ecx
cmp ecx,ebx
jle @f
sub ecx,ebx
sub eax,ecx ;㪮à 稢 ¥¬ ª®¯¨à㥬ãî áâபã
add ebx,ecx ;㤫¨ï¥¬ áâப㠤«ï ᤢ¨£ £« ¢®© ª à⨪¨ ¡ãä¥à
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2] ;ecx - ç¨á«® ¯¨ªá¥«¥© ¢ 1-© áâப¥ ª à⨪¨, ª®â®àë¥ ¢ë« §ïâ § ¯à ¢ãî áâ®à®ã
add [lost_bytes],ecx
lea eax,[eax+eax*2] ;ª®««¨ç¥á⢮ ¡ ©â ¢ 1-© áâப¥ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*2] ;ª®««¨ç¥á⢮ ¡ ©â ¢ 1-© áâப¥ ¡ãä¥à ¬¨ãá ç¨á«® ¡ ©â ¢ 1-© áâப¥ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
cmp [lost_bytes],0
jg .copy_1
.copy_0: ;¯à®á⮥ ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥
mov ecx,eax
rep movsb
add edi,ebx
dec edx
cmp edx,0
jg .copy_0
jmp .copy_end
.copy_1: ;¥ ¯à®á⮥ ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥ (ª à⨪ ¢ë« §¨â § ¯à ¢ãî áâ®à®ã)
mov ecx,eax
rep movsb
add edi,ebx
add esi,[lost_bytes] ;¤®¡ ¢«ï¥¬ ¡ ©âë, ª®â®àë¥ ¢ë« §ïâ § ¯à ¢ãî £à ¨æã
dec edx
cmp edx,0
jg .copy_1
jmp .copy_end
.sou32: ;¢ ¨áâ®ç¨ª¥ 32 ¡¨â ï ª à⨪
mov eax,buf2d_w
mov edx,buf2d_h ;¢ëá®â ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
mov esi,buf2d_data ;¤ ë¥ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
mov edi,[buf_destination]
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne .copy_end ;ä®à¬ â ¡ãä¥à ¥ ¯®®¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï
mov ebx,[coord_x] ;¢ ebx ¢à¥¬¥® áâ ¢¨¬ ®âáâ㯠¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï (¤«ï ¯à®¢¥àª¨)
cmp ebx,buf2d_w ;¯à®¢¥à塞 ¢« §¨â «¨ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¯® è¨à¨¥
jge .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¯®«®áâìî ¢ë« §¨â § ¯à ¢ãî áâ®à®ã
mov ebx,buf2d_h ;ebx - ¢ëá®â ®á®¢®£® ¡ãä¥à
mov ecx,[coord_y]
cmp ecx,0
jge @f
;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨ â coord_y<0 (1-ï áâனª )
add edx,ecx ;㬥ìè ¥¬ ¢ëá®âã ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
cmp edx,0
jle .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ª®¯¨à㥬®¥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ 室¨âáï ¯®«®áâìî ¤ ¢¥à奩 £à ¨æ¥© ¡ãä¥à (coord_y<0 ¨ |coord_y|>buf_source.h)
neg ecx
imul ecx,eax
shl ecx,2 ;¯® 4 ¡ ©â ¯¨ªá¥«ì
add esi,ecx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ 㪠§ ⥫ì á ª®¯¨à㥬묨 ¤ 묨, á ãç¥â®¬ ¯à®¯ã襮© ç áâ¨
xor ecx,ecx ;®¡ã«ï¥¬ ª®®à¤¨ âã coord_y
cmp ecx,ebx
jge .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨ â 'y' ¡®«ìè¥ ¢ëá®âë ¡ãä¥à
add ecx,edx ;ecx - ¨¦ïï ª®®à¤¨ â ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
cmp ecx,ebx
jle @f
sub ecx,ebx
sub edx,ecx ;㬥ìè ¥¬ ¢ëá®âã ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨, ¢ á«ãç¥ ª®£¤ ® ¢ë« §¨â § ¨¦îî £à ¨æã
mov ebx,buf2d_w
;mov ecx,ebx ;ecx ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥¬ ¤«ï ¢à¥¬¥ëå 楫¥©
;imul ecx,[coord_y]
;add ecx,[coord_x]
mov ecx,[coord_y] ;ecx ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥¬ ¤«ï ¢à¥¬¥ëå 楫¥©
cmp ecx,0
jg .end_otr_c_y_32
;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨ â coord_y<=0 (2-ï áâனª )
mov ecx,[coord_x]
jmp @f
imul ecx,ebx
add ecx,[coord_x]
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
add ecx,buf2d_data
sub ebx,eax
mov edi,ecx ;edi 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥ ¡ãä¥à , ªã¤ ¡ã¤¥â ¯à®¨§¢®¤¨âáï ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥
mov dword[lost_bytes],0
mov ecx,[coord_x]
cmp ecx,0
jge @f
neg ecx
cmp eax,ecx ;eax - è¨à¨ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
jle .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ª®¯¨à㥬®¥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ 室¨âáï ¯®«®áâìî § «¥¢®© £à ¨æ¥© ¡ãä¥à (coord_x<0 ¨ |coord_x|>buf_source.w)
sub eax,ecx ;㪮à 稢 ¥¬ ª®¯¨à㥬ãî áâபã
add ebx,ecx ;㤫¨ï¥¬ áâப㠤«ï ᤢ¨£ £« ¢®© ª à⨪¨ ¡ãä¥à
shl ecx,2
mov [lost_bytes],ecx
add esi,ecx
add edi,ecx ;edi 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥ ¡ãä¥à , ªã¤ ¡ã¤¥â ¯à®¨§¢®¤¨âáï ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥
xor ecx,ecx
cmp ecx,ebx
jle @f
sub ecx,ebx
sub eax,ecx ;㪮à 稢 ¥¬ ª®¯¨à㥬ãî áâபã
add ebx,ecx ;㤫¨ï¥¬ áâப㠤«ï ᤢ¨£ £« ¢®© ª à⨪¨ ¡ãä¥à
shl ecx,2 ;ecx - ç¨á«® ¯¨ªá¥«¥© ¢ 1-© áâப¥ ª à⨪¨, ª®â®àë¥ ¢ë« §ïâ § ¯à ¢ãî áâ®à®ã
add [lost_bytes],ecx
;eax - ª®««¨ç¥á⢮ ¯¨ªá¥«¥© ¢ 1-© áâப¥ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*2] ;ª®««¨ç¥á⢮ ¡ ©â ¢ 1-© áâப¥ ¡ãä¥à ¬¨ãá ç¨á«® ¡ ©â ¢ 1-© áâப¥ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
cmp [lost_bytes],0
jg .copy_3
.copy_2: ;¯à®á⮥ ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥
mov ecx,eax
inc esi
loop @b
add edi,ebx
dec edx
cmp edx,0
jg .copy_2
jmp .copy_end
.copy_3: ;¥ ¯à®á⮥ ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥ (ª à⨪ ¢ë« §¨â § ¯à ¢ãî áâ®à®ã)
mov ecx,eax
inc esi
loop @b
add edi,ebx
add esi,[lost_bytes] ;¤®¡ ¢«ï¥¬ ¡ ©âë, ª®â®àë¥ ¢ë« §ïâ § ¯à ¢ãî £à ¨æã
dec edx
cmp edx,0
jg .copy_3
; esi = pointer to color1 + transparent
; edi = pointer to background color2
; [edi] = combine color
align 4
push ax bx cx dx
mov bx,0x00ff ;---get transparent---
movzx cx,byte[esi+3] ;pro
sub bx,cx ;256-pro
movzx ax,byte[esi]
imul ax,bx
movzx dx,byte[edi]
imul dx,cx
add ax,dx
mov byte[edi],ah
movzx ax,byte[esi+1]
imul ax,bx
movzx dx,byte[edi+1]
imul dx,cx
add ax,dx
mov byte[edi+1],ah
movzx ax,byte[esi+2]
imul ax,bx
movzx dx,byte[edi+2]
imul dx,cx
add ax,dx
mov byte[edi+2],ah
pop dx cx bx ax
;äãªæ¨ï ª®¯¨àã¥â ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¨§ ¡ãä¥à buf_source (32b) ¢ buf_destination (24b)
; 㪠§ë¢ îâáï ª®®à¤¨ âë ¢áâ ¢ª¨ ¡ãä¥à buf_source ®â®á¨â¥«ì® buf_destination
; ¯à¨ ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¨ ãç¨âë¢ ¥âáï ¯à®§à ç®áâì
align 4
proc buf_bit_blt_transp, buf_destination:dword, coord_x:dword, coord_y:dword, buf_source:dword
lost_bytes dd ? ;ç¨á«® ¯®â¥àïëå ¡ ©â®¢ ¢ áâப¥ ª®¯¨à㥬®£® ¨§®¡à ¦¥ï (â¥å çâ® ¥ ¢« §ïâ ¢ ¡ãä¥à)
mov edi,[buf_source]
cmp buf2d_bits,32
jne .copy_end ;ä®à¬ â ¡ãä¥à ¥ ¯®®¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï
mov eax,buf2d_w
mov edx,buf2d_h ;¢ëá®â ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
mov esi,buf2d_data ;¤ ë¥ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
mov edi,[buf_destination]
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne .copy_end ;ä®à¬ â ¡ãä¥à ¥ ¯®®¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï
mov ebx,buf2d_h ;ebx - ¢ëá®â ®á®¢®£® ¡ãä¥à
mov ecx,[coord_y]
cmp ecx,0
jge @f
;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨ â coord_y<0 (1-ï áâனª )
add edx,ecx ;㬥ìè ¥¬ ¢ëá®âã ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
cmp edx,0
jle .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ª®¯¨à㥬®¥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ 室¨âáï ¯®«®áâìî ¤ ¢¥à奩 £à ¨æ¥© ¡ãä¥à (coord_y<0 ¨ |coord_y|>buf_source.h)
neg ecx
imul ecx,eax
shl ecx,2 ;¯® 4 ¡ ©â ¯¨ªá¥«ì
add esi,ecx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ 㪠§ ⥫ì á ª®¯¨à㥬묨 ¤ 묨, á ãç¥â®¬ ¯à®¯ã襮© ç áâ¨
xor ecx,ecx ;®¡ã«ï¥¬ ª®®à¤¨ âã coord_y
cmp ecx,ebx
jge .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨ â 'y' ¡®«ìè¥ ¢ëá®âë ¡ãä¥à
add ecx,edx ;ecx - ¨¦ïï ª®®à¤¨ â ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
cmp ecx,ebx
jle @f
sub ecx,ebx
sub edx,ecx ;㬥ìè ¥¬ ¢ëá®âã ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨, ¢ á«ãç¥ ª®£¤ ® ¢ë« §¨â § ¨¦îî £à ¨æã
mov ebx,buf2d_w
mov ecx,ebx ;ecx ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥¬ ¤«ï ¢à¥¬¥ëå 楫¥©
cmp [coord_y],0
jg .end_otr_c_y
;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨ â coord_y<=0 (2-ï áâனª )
mov ecx,[coord_x]
jmp @f
imul ecx,[coord_y]
add ecx,[coord_x]
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
add ecx,buf2d_data
sub ebx,eax
mov edi,ecx ;edi 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥ ¡ãä¥à , ªã¤ ¡ã¤¥â ¯à®¨§¢®¤¨âáï ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥
mov dword[lost_bytes],0
mov ecx,[coord_x]
cmp ecx,0
jge @f
neg ecx
cmp eax,ecx ;eax - è¨à¨ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
jle .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ª®¯¨à㥬®¥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ 室¨âáï ¯®«®áâìî § «¥¢®© £à ¨æ¥© ¡ãä¥à (coord_x<0 ¨ |coord_x|>buf_source.w)
sub eax,ecx ;㪮à 稢 ¥¬ ª®¯¨à㥬ãî áâபã
add ebx,ecx ;㤫¨ï¥¬ áâப㠤«ï ᤢ¨£ £« ¢®© ª à⨪¨ ¡ãä¥à
shl ecx,2
mov [lost_bytes],ecx
add esi,ecx
shr ecx,2
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
add edi,ecx ;edi 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥ ¡ãä¥à , ªã¤ ¡ã¤¥â ¯à®¨§¢®¤¨âáï ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥
xor ecx,ecx
cmp ecx,ebx
jle @f
sub ecx,ebx
sub eax,ecx ;㪮à 稢 ¥¬ ª®¯¨à㥬ãî áâபã
add ebx,ecx ;㤫¨ï¥¬ áâப㠤«ï ᤢ¨£ £« ¢®© ª à⨪¨ ¡ãä¥à
shl ecx,2 ;ecx - ç¨á«® ¯¨ªá¥«¥© ¢ 1-© áâப¥ ª à⨪¨, ª®â®àë¥ ¢ë« §ïâ § ¯à ¢ãî áâ®à®ã
add [lost_bytes],ecx
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*2] ;ª®««¨ç¥á⢮ ¡ ©â ¢ 1-© áâப¥ ¡ãä¥à ¬¨ãá ç¨á«® ¡ ©â ¢ 1-© áâப¥ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
cmp [lost_bytes],0
jg .copy_1
.copy_0: ;¯à®á⮥ ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥
mov ecx,eax
call combine_colors_0
add edi,3
add esi,4
loop @b
add edi,ebx
dec edx
cmp edx,0
jg .copy_0
jmp .copy_end
.copy_1: ;¥ ¯à®á⮥ ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥ (ª à⨪ ¢ë« §¨â § ¯à ¢ãî áâ®à®ã)
mov ecx,eax
call combine_colors_0
add edi,3
add esi,4
loop @b
add edi,ebx
add esi,[lost_bytes] ;¤®¡ ¢«ï¥¬ ¡ ©âë, ª®â®àë¥ ¢ë« §ïâ § ¯à ¢ãî £à ¨æã
dec edx
cmp edx,0
jg .copy_1
; ebx - color1
; esi = pointer to transparent
; edi = pointer to background color2
; [edi] = combine color
align 4
push ax ebx cx dx si
mov cl,byte[esi] ;pro
xor ch,ch
mov si,0x00ff ;---get transparent---
sub si,cx ;256-pro
movzx ax,bl
shr ebx,8
imul ax,si
movzx dx,byte[edi]
imul dx,cx
add ax,dx
mov byte[edi],ah
movzx ax,bl
shr ebx,8
imul ax,si
movzx dx,byte[edi+1]
imul dx,cx
add ax,dx
mov byte[edi+1],ah
movzx ax,bl
imul ax,si
movzx dx,byte[edi+2]
imul dx,cx
add ax,dx
mov byte[edi+2],ah
pop si dx cx ebx ax
;äãªæ¨ï ª®¯¨àã¥â ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¨§ ¡ãä¥à buf_source (8b) ¢ buf_destination (24b)
; 㪠§ë¢ îâáï ª®®à¤¨ âë ¢áâ ¢ª¨ ¡ãä¥à buf_source ®â®á¨â¥«ì® buf_destination
align 4
proc buf_bit_blt_alpha, buf_destination:dword, coord_x:dword, coord_y:dword, buf_source:dword, color:dword
lost_bytes dd ? ;ç¨á«® ¯®â¥àïëå ¡ ©â®¢ ¢ áâப¥ ª®¯¨à㥬®£® ¨§®¡à ¦¥ï (â¥å çâ® ¥ ¢« §ïâ ¢ ¡ãä¥à)
dest_w_bytes dd ? ;ª®««¨ç¥á⢮ ¡ ©â ¢ ¡ãä¥à¥ ¯à¨¥¬¨ª¥ ¯® è¨à¨¥ - è¨à¨ ¢áâ ¢«ï¥¬®© ª à⨪¨
mov edi,[buf_source]
cmp buf2d_bits,8
jne .error1 ;ä®à¬ â ¡ãä¥à ¥ ¯®®¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï
mov eax,buf2d_w ;è¨à¨ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
mov edx,buf2d_h ;¢ëá®â ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
mov esi,buf2d_data ;¤ ë¥ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
mov edi,[buf_destination]
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne .error2 ;ä®à¬ â ¡ãä¥à ¥ ¯®®¤¥à¦¨¢ ¥âáï
mov ebx,[coord_x] ;¢ ebx ¢à¥¬¥® áâ ¢¨¬ ®âáâ㯠¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï (¤«ï ¯à®¢¥àª¨)
cmp ebx,buf2d_w ;¯à®¢¥à塞 ¢« §¨â «¨ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¯® è¨à¨¥
jge .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ ¯®«®áâìî ¢ë« §¨â § ¯à ¢ãî áâ®à®ã
mov ebx,buf2d_h ;ebx - ¢ëá®â ®á®¢®£® ¡ãä¥à
mov ecx,[coord_y]
cmp ecx,0
jge @f
;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨ â coord_y<0 (1-ï áâனª )
add edx,ecx ;㬥ìè ¥¬ ¢ëá®âã ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
cmp edx,0
jle .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ª®¯¨à㥬®¥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ 室¨âáï ¯®«®áâìî ¤ ¢¥à奩 £à ¨æ¥© ¡ãä¥à (coord_y<0 ¨ |coord_y|>buf_source.h)
neg ecx
imul ecx,eax
add esi,ecx ;ᤢ¨£ ¥¬ 㪠§ ⥫ì á ª®¯¨à㥬묨 ¤ 묨, á ãç¥â®¬ ¯à®¯ã襮© ç áâ¨
xor ecx,ecx ;®¡ã«ï¥¬ ª®®à¤¨ âã coord_y
cmp ecx,ebx
jge .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨ â 'y' ¡®«ìè¥ ¢ëá®âë ¡ãä¥à
add ecx,edx ;ecx - ¨¦ïï ª®®à¤¨ â ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
cmp ecx,ebx
jle @f
sub ecx,ebx
sub edx,ecx ;㬥ìè ¥¬ ¢ëá®âã ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨, ¢ á«ãç¥ ª®£¤ ® ¢ë« §¨â § ¨¦îî £à ¨æã
mov ebx,buf2d_w
mov ecx,[coord_y] ;ecx ¨á¯®«ì§ã¥¬ ¤«ï ¢à¥¬¥ëå 楫¥©
cmp ecx,0
jg .end_otr_c_y
;¥á«¨ ª®®à¤¨ â coord_y<=0 (2-ï áâனª )
mov ecx,[coord_x]
jmp @f
imul ecx,ebx
add ecx,[coord_x]
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
add ecx,buf2d_data ;buf2d_data ¤ ë¥ ®á®¢®£® ¡ãä¥à
sub ebx,eax ;ebx - è¨à¨ ®á®¢®£® ¡ãä¥à ¬¨ãá è¨à¨ à¨á㥬®£® ¡ãä¥à
mov edi,ecx ;edi 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥ ¡ãä¥à , ªã¤ ¡ã¤¥â ¯à®¨§¢®¤¨âáï ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥
mov dword[lost_bytes],0
mov ecx,[coord_x]
cmp ecx,0
jge @f
neg ecx
cmp eax,ecx ;eax - è¨à¨ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
jle .copy_end ;¥á«¨ ª®¯¨à㥬®¥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨¥ 室¨âáï ¯®«®áâìî § «¥¢®© £à ¨æ¥© ¡ãä¥à (coord_x<0 ¨ |coord_x|>buf_source.w)
sub eax,ecx ;㪮à 稢 ¥¬ ª®¯¨à㥬ãî áâபã
add ebx,ecx ;㤫¨ï¥¬ áâப㠤«ï ᤢ¨£ £« ¢®© ª à⨪¨ ¡ãä¥à
mov [lost_bytes],ecx
add esi,ecx
lea ecx,[ecx+ecx*2]
add edi,ecx ;edi 㪠§ â¥«ì ¤ ë¥ ¡ãä¥à , ªã¤ ¡ã¤¥â ¯à®¨§¢®¤¨âáï ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥
xor ecx,ecx
cmp ecx,ebx
jle @f
sub ecx,ebx
sub eax,ecx ;㪮à 稢 ¥¬ ª®¯¨à㥬ãî áâபã
add ebx,ecx ;㤫¨ï¥¬ áâப㠤«ï ᤢ¨£ £« ¢®© ª à⨪¨ ¡ãä¥à
;ecx - ç¨á«® ¯¨ªá¥«¥© ¢ 1-© áâப¥ ª à⨪¨, ª®â®àë¥ ¢ë« §ïâ § ¯à ¢ãî áâ®à®ã
add [lost_bytes],ecx
lea ebx,[ebx+ebx*2] ;ª®««¨ç¥á⢮ ¡ ©â ¢ 1-© áâப¥ ¡ãä¥à ¬¨ãá ç¨á«® ¡ ©â ¢ 1-© áâப¥ ª®¯¨à㥬®© ª à⨪¨
mov [dest_w_bytes],ebx
mov ebx,[color]
cmp dword[lost_bytes],0
jg .copy_1
.copy_0: ;¯à®á⮥ ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥
mov ecx,eax
call combine_colors_2
add edi,3
inc esi
loop @b
add edi,[dest_w_bytes]
dec edx
cmp edx,0
jg .copy_0
jmp .copy_end
.copy_1: ;¥ ¯à®á⮥ ª®¯¨à®¢ ¨¥ (ª à⨪ ¢ë« §¨â § «¥¢ãî ¨/¨«¨ ¯à ¢ãî áâ®à®ã)
mov ecx,eax
call combine_colors_2
add edi,3
inc esi
loop @b
add edi,[dest_w_bytes]
add esi,[lost_bytes] ;¤®¡ ¢«ï¥¬ ¡ ©âë, ª®â®àë¥ ¢ë« §ïâ § ¯à ¢ãî £à ¨æã
dec edx
cmp edx,0
jg .copy_1
jmp .copy_end
stdcall print_err,sz_buf2d_bit_blt_alpha,txt_err_n8b
jmp .copy_end
stdcall print_err,sz_buf2d_bit_blt_alpha,txt_err_n24b
align 4
proc print_err, fun:dword, mes:dword ;¢ë¢®¤¨¬ á®®¡é¥¨¥ ®¡ 訡ª¥ ¤®áªã ®â« ¤ª¨
mov eax,63
mov ebx,1
mov esi,[fun]
mov cl,byte[esi]
int 0x40
inc esi
cmp byte[esi],0
jne @b
mov cl,':'
int 0x40
mov cl,' '
int 0x40
mov esi,[mes]
mov cl,byte[esi]
int 0x40
inc esi
cmp byte[esi],0
jne @b
align 4
proc buf_filter_dither, buffer:dword, algor:dword
mov edi,[buffer]
cmp buf2d_bits,24
jne .error
mov edx,buf2d_w
mov esi,buf2d_h
mov edi,buf2d_data
;edi - pointer to 24bit bitmap
;edx - x size
;esi - y size
lea edx,[edx+edx*2]
imul esi,edx
;®¯à¥¤¥«ï¥¬ ª ª®© «£®à¨â¬ ¨á¯®«ì§®¢ âì
cmp dword[algor],0
jne @f
call dither_0
jmp .dither_end
cmp dword[algor],1
jne @f
call dither_1
jmp .dither_end
cmp dword[algor],2
jne @f
call dither_2
jmp .dither_end
cmp dword[algor],3
jne @f
call dither_3
jmp .dither_end
call dither_4
jmp .dither_end
stdcall print_err,sz_buf2d_filter_dither,txt_err_n24b
align 16
dither_0: ; Sierra Filter Lite algorithm
newp_0: ; Dithering cycle
xor ebx,ebx ; At first threshold
movzx ecx,byte[edi]
cmp cl,255
test cl,cl
jns @f
dec ebx
sub ecx,255
mov [edi],bl ; putpixel
sar ecx,1 ; error/2
;adc ecx,0 ; round to integer
movzx eax,byte[edi+3] ; pixel (x+1;y)
add eax,ecx ; add error/2 to (x+1;y)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok
cmp eax,255
jle .ok
or al,255
mov [edi+3],al ; putpixel
sar ecx,1 ; error/4
adc ecx,0 ; round to integer
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx-3] ; pixel (x-1;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add error/4 to (x-1;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok1
cmp eax,255
jle .ok1
or al,255
mov [edi+edx-3],al ; putpixel
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx] ; pixel (x;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add error/4 to (x;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok2
cmp eax,255
jle .ok2
or al,255
mov [edi+edx],al ; putpixel
inc edi
dec esi
jnz newp_0
align 16
dither_1: ; Floyd-Steinberg algorithm
newp_1: ; Dithering cycle
xor ebx,ebx ; At first threshold
movzx ecx,byte[edi]
cmp cl,255
test cl,cl
jns @f
dec ebx
sub ecx,255
mov [edi],bl ; putpixel
sar ecx,4 ; error/16
adc ecx,0 ; round to integer
mov ebx,ecx
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx+3] ; pixel (x+1;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add error/16 to (x+1;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok
cmp eax,255
jle .ok
or al,255
mov [edi+edx+3],al ;putpixel
imul ecx,3
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx-3] ; pixel (x-1;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add 3*error/16 to (x-1;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok1
cmp eax,255
jle .ok1
or al,255
mov [edi+edx-3],al ;putpixel
mov ecx,ebx
imul ecx,5
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx] ; pixel (x;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add 5*error/16 to (x;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok2
cmp eax,255
jle .ok2
or al,255
mov [edi+edx],al ;putpixel
mov ecx,ebx
imul ecx,7
movzx eax,byte[edi+3] ; pixel (x+1;y)
add eax,ecx ; add 7*error/16 to (x+1;y)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok3
cmp eax,255
jle .ok3
or al,255
mov [edi+3],al ;putpixel
inc edi
dec esi
jnz newp_1
align 16
dither_2: ; Burkes algorithm
newp_2: ; Dithering cycle
xor ebx,ebx ; At first threshold
movsx ecx,byte[edi]
cmp cl,255
test cl,cl
jns @f
dec ebx
mov [edi],bl ; putpixel
sar ecx,2 ; error/4
adc ecx,0 ; round to integer
movzx eax,byte[edi+3] ; pixel (x+1;y)
add eax,ecx ; add error/4 to (x+1;y)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok
cmp eax,255
jle .ok
or al,255
mov [edi+3],al ; putpixel
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx] ; pixel (x;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add error/4 to (x;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok1
cmp eax,255
jle .ok1
or al,255
mov [edi+edx],al ; putpixel
sar ecx,1 ; error/8
adc ecx,0 ; round to integer
movzx eax,byte[edi+6] ; pixel (x+2;y)
add eax,ecx ; add error/8 to (x+2;y)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok2
cmp eax,255
jle .ok2
or al,255
mov [edi+6],al ; putpixel
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx-3] ; pixel (x-1;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add error/8 to (x-1;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok3
cmp eax,255
jle .ok3
or al,255
mov [edi+edx-3],al ; putpixel
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx+3] ; pixel (x+1;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add error/8 to (x+1;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok4
cmp eax,255
jle .ok4
or al,255
mov [edi+edx+3],al ; putpixel
sar ecx,1 ; error/16
;adc ecx,0 ; round to integer
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx-6] ; pixel (x-2;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add error/16 to (x-2;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok5
cmp eax,255
jle .ok5
or al,255
mov [edi+edx-6],al ; putpixel
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx+6] ; pixel (x+2;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add error/16 to (x+2;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok6
cmp eax,255
jle .ok6
or al,255
mov [edi+edx+6],al ; putpixel
inc edi
dec esi
jnz newp_2
align 16
dither_3: ; Heavyiron_mod algorithm
newp_3: ; Dithering cycle
xor ebx,ebx ; At first threshold
movzx ecx,byte[edi]
cmp cl,255
je .next
test cl,cl
jz .next
jns @f
dec ebx
sub ecx,255
mov [edi],bl ; putpixel
sar ecx,2 ; error/4
movzx eax,byte[edi+3] ; pixel (x+1;y)
add eax,ecx ; add error/4 to (x+1;y)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok
cmp eax,255
jle .ok
or al,255
mov [edi+3],al ; putpixel
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx-3] ; pixel (x-1;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add error/4 to (x-1;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok1
cmp eax,255
jle .ok1
or al,255
mov [edi+edx-3],al ; putpixel
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx] ; pixel (x;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add error/4 to (x;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok2
cmp eax,255
jle .ok2
or al,255
mov [edi+edx],al ; putpixel
inc edi
dec esi
jnz newp_3
align 16
dither_4: ; Atkinson algorithm
newp_4: ; Dithering cycle
xor ebx,ebx ; At first threshold
movsx ecx,byte[edi]
cmp cl,255
je .next
test cl,cl
jz .next
jns @f
dec ebx
mov [edi],bl ; putpixel
sar ecx,3 ; error/8
movzx eax,byte[edi+3] ; pixel (x+1;y)
add eax,ecx ; add error/8 to (x+1;y)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok
cmp eax,255
jle .ok
or al,255
mov [edi+3],al ; putpixel
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx] ; pixel (x;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add error/8 to (x;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok1
cmp eax,255
jle .ok1
or al,255
mov [edi+edx],al ; putpixel
movzx eax,byte[edi+6] ; pixel (x+2;y)
add eax,ecx ; add error/8 to (x+2;y)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok2
cmp eax,255
jle .ok2
or al,255
mov [edi+6],al ; putpixel
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx-3] ; pixel (x-1;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add error/8 to (x-1;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok3
cmp eax,255
jle .ok3
or al,255
mov [edi+edx-3],al ; putpixel
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx+3] ; pixel (x+1;y+1)
add eax,ecx ; add error/8 to (x+1;y+1)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok4
cmp eax,255
jle .ok4
or al,255
mov [edi+edx+3],al ; putpixel
movzx eax,byte[edi+edx+edx] ; pixel (x;y+2)
add eax,ecx ; add error/8 to (x;y+2)
jge @f ; check_overflow
xor eax,eax
jmp .ok5
cmp eax,255
jle .ok5
or al,255
mov [edi+edx+edx],al ; putpixel
inc edi
dec esi
jnz newp_4
include '' ;äãªæ¨¨ ¤«ï à ¡®âë á ¢®ªá¥«ì®© £à 䨪®©
txt_err_size_0 db 'image size < 1 pixel',13,10,0
txt_err_n8b db 'need buffer 8 bit',13,10,0
txt_err_n24b db 'need buffer 24 bit',13,10,0
txt_err_n32b db 'need buffer 32 bit',13,10,0
txt_err_n8_24b db 'need buffer 8 or 24 bit',13,10,0
align 16
dd sz_lib_init, lib_init
dd sz_buf2d_create, buf_create
dd sz_buf2d_create_f_img, buf_create_f_img
dd sz_buf2d_clear, buf_clear
dd sz_buf2d_draw, buf_draw_buf
dd sz_buf2d_delete, buf_delete
dd sz_buf2d_resize, buf_resize
dd sz_buf2d_rotate, buf_rotate
dd sz_buf2d_line, buf_line_brs
dd sz_buf2d_line_sm, buf_line_brs_sm
dd sz_buf2d_rect_by_size, buf_rect_by_size
dd sz_buf2d_filled_rect_by_size, buf_filled_rect_by_size
dd sz_buf2d_circle, buf_circle
dd sz_buf2d_img_hdiv2, buf_img_hdiv2
dd sz_buf2d_img_wdiv2, buf_img_wdiv2
dd sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_8, buf_conv_24_to_8
dd sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_32, buf_conv_24_to_32
dd sz_buf2d_bit_blt, buf_bit_blt
dd sz_buf2d_bit_blt_transp, buf_bit_blt_transp
dd sz_buf2d_bit_blt_alpha, buf_bit_blt_alpha
dd sz_buf2d_curve_bezier, buf_curve_bezier
dd sz_buf2d_convert_text_matrix, buf_convert_text_matrix
dd sz_buf2d_draw_text, buf_draw_text
dd sz_buf2d_crop_color, buf_crop_color
dd sz_buf2d_offset_h, buf_offset_h
dd sz_buf2d_flood_fill, buf_flood_fill
dd sz_buf2d_set_pixel, buf_set_pixel
dd sz_buf2d_get_pixel, buf_get_pixel
dd sz_buf2d_flip_h, buf_flip_h
dd sz_buf2d_flip_v, buf_flip_v
dd sz_buf2d_filter_dither, buf_filter_dither
dd sz_buf2d_vox_brush_create, vox_brush_create
dd sz_buf2d_vox_brush_delete, vox_brush_delete
dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_w_3g, buf_vox_obj_get_img_w_3g
dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_h_3g, buf_vox_obj_get_img_h_3g
dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_1g, buf_vox_obj_draw_1g
dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g, buf_vox_obj_draw_3g
dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_scaled, buf_vox_obj_draw_3g_scaled
dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl, buf_vox_obj_draw_pl
dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl_scaled, buf_vox_obj_draw_pl_scaled
dd sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_shadows, buf_vox_obj_draw_3g_shadows
dd 0,0
sz_lib_init db 'lib_init',0
sz_buf2d_create db 'buf2d_create',0
sz_buf2d_create_f_img db 'buf2d_create_f_img',0
sz_buf2d_clear db 'buf2d_clear',0 ;®ç¨á⪠¡ãä¥à 㪠§ ë¬ æ¢¥â®¬
sz_buf2d_draw db 'buf2d_draw',0
sz_buf2d_delete db 'buf2d_delete',0
sz_buf2d_resize db 'buf2d_resize',0
sz_buf2d_rotate db 'buf2d_rotate',0
sz_buf2d_line db 'buf2d_line',0 ;à¨á®¢ ¨¥ «¨¨¨
sz_buf2d_line_sm db 'buf2d_line_sm',0 ;à¨á®¢ ¨¥ ᣫ ¦¥®© «¨¨¨
sz_buf2d_rect_by_size db 'buf2d_rect_by_size',0 ;à¨á®¢ ¨¥ à ¬ª¨ ¯àאַ㣮«ì¨ª , 2-ï ª®®à¤¨ â § ¤ ¯® à §¬¥àã
sz_buf2d_filled_rect_by_size db 'buf2d_filled_rect_by_size',0 ;à¨á®¢ ¨¥ § «¨â®£® ¯àאַ㣮«ì¨ª , 2-ï ª®®à¤¨ â § ¤ ¯® à §¬¥àã
sz_buf2d_circle db 'buf2d_circle',0 ;à¨á®¢ ¨¥ ®ªà㦮áâ¨
sz_buf2d_img_hdiv2 db 'buf2d_img_hdiv2',0 ;ᦠ⨥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï ¯® ¢ëá®â¥ ¢ 2 à § (à §¬¥à ¡ãä¥à ¥ ¬¥ï¥âáï)
sz_buf2d_img_wdiv2 db 'buf2d_img_wdiv2',0 ;ᦠ⨥ ¨§®¡à ¦¥¨ï ¯® è¨à¨¥ ¢ 2 à § (à §¬¥à ¡ãä¥à ¥ ¬¥ï¥âáï)
sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_8 db 'buf2d_conv_24_to_8',0
sz_buf2d_conv_24_to_32 db 'buf2d_conv_24_to_32',0
sz_buf2d_bit_blt db 'buf2d_bit_blt',0
sz_buf2d_bit_blt_transp db 'buf2d_bit_blt_transp',0
sz_buf2d_bit_blt_alpha db 'buf2d_bit_blt_alpha',0
sz_buf2d_curve_bezier db 'buf2d_curve_bezier',0
sz_buf2d_convert_text_matrix db 'buf2d_convert_text_matrix',0
sz_buf2d_draw_text db 'buf2d_draw_text',0
sz_buf2d_crop_color db 'buf2d_crop_color',0
sz_buf2d_offset_h db 'buf2d_offset_h',0
sz_buf2d_flood_fill db 'buf2d_flood_fill',0
sz_buf2d_set_pixel db 'buf2d_set_pixel',0
sz_buf2d_get_pixel db 'buf2d_get_pixel',0
sz_buf2d_flip_h db 'buf2d_flip_h',0
sz_buf2d_flip_v db 'buf2d_flip_v',0
sz_buf2d_filter_dither db 'buf2d_filter_dither',0
sz_buf2d_vox_brush_create db 'buf2d_vox_brush_create',0
sz_buf2d_vox_brush_delete db 'buf2d_vox_brush_delete',0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_w_3g db 'buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_w_3g',0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_h_3g db 'buf2d_vox_obj_get_img_h_3g',0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_1g db 'buf2d_vox_obj_draw_1g',0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g db 'buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g',0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_scaled db 'buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_scaled',0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl db 'buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl',0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl_scaled db 'buf2d_vox_obj_draw_pl_scaled',0
sz_buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_shadows db 'buf2d_vox_obj_draw_3g_shadows',0