2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
;; ;;
;; flat assembler source ;;
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
;; Copyright (c) 1999-2006, Tomasz Grysztar ;;
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
;; All rights reserved. ;;
;; ;;
;; Menuet port by VT ;;
;; ;;
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
MAGIC1 = 6*(text.line_size-1)+6*2+2
MAGIC2 = 14
MAGIC3 = 1
MAGIC4 = 7
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
OUTPUTXY = (5+MAGIC4) shl 16 + MAGIC2*3+MAGIC3+MAGIC4+1+2
MAX_PATH = 100
APP_MEMORY = 0x00800000
;; Menuet header
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id
dd 0x01 ; header version
dd START ; program start
dd program_end ; program image size
dd APP_MEMORY ; required amount of memory
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
dd 0xDFFF0 ; stack
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
dd params,0x0 ; parameters,icon
include 'lang.inc'
include 'fasm.inc'
center fix true
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
START: ; Start of execution
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
cmp [params],0
jz noparams
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
mov ecx,10
mov al,' '
mov edi,infile
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
push ecx
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
rep stosd
mov ecx,[esp]
mov edi,outfile
rep stosd
pop ecx
mov edi,path
rep stosd
mov esi,params
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
; DEBUGF "params: %s\n",esi
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
mov edi,infile
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
call mov_param_str
; mov edi,infile
; DEBUGF " input: %s\n",edi
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
inc esi
mov edi,outfile
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
call mov_param_str
; mov edi,outfile
; DEBUGF "output: %s\n",edi
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
inc esi
mov edi,path
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
call mov_param_str
; mov edi,path
; DEBUGF " path: %s\n",edi
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
cmp [esi], dword ',run'
jne @f
mov [_run_outfile],1
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
mov [_mode],CONSOLE_MODE
jmp start
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
call draw_window
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
mcall 10 ; Wait here for event
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
dec eax ; Redraw request
jz red
dec eax ; Key in buffer
jz key
dec eax ; Button in buffer
jz button
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
jmp still
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
red: ; Redraw
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
call draw_window
jmp still
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
key: ; Key
mcall 2 ; Read it and ignore
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
jmp still
button: ; Button in Window
mcall 17
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
cmp ah,2 ; Start compiling
je start
cmp ah,3 ; Start compiled file
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
jnz norunout
mov edx,outfile
call make_fullpaths
mcall 58,file_info_start
; xor ecx,ecx
jmp still
mov ecx,[skinh]
add ecx,MAGIC3+MAGIC2/2-3
mov [ya],ecx
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
cmp ah,11 ; Infile
je f1
cmp ah,12 ; Outfile
je f2
cmp ah,13 ; Path
je f3
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
dec ah ; Close application
jnz still
mcall -1
skinh dd ?
mcall 12,1 ; Start of draw
get_sys_colors 1,0
mcall 0,<50,280>,<50,250>,[sc.work] ; Draw Window
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
draw_caption header,header.size ; Draw Window Label Text
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
mov ecx,[skinh-2]
mov cx,word[skinh]
madd ecx,MAGIC3,MAGIC3
mov ebx,[pinfo.x_size]
madd ebx,5,-5
push ecx
madd ecx,MAGIC2*3+2,MAGIC2*3+2
mcall 38,,,[sc.work_graph]
pop ecx
sub ebx,MAGIC1+3
madd ecx,MAGIC2,MAGIC2
madd ecx,MAGIC2,MAGIC2
madd ecx,MAGIC2,MAGIC2
push ebx
mpack ebx,MAGIC1+5,MAGIC1+5
sub cx,MAGIC2*3
mov ebx,[esp-2]
pop bx
add esp,2
mpack ebx,5,MAGIC1-1
mpack ecx,[skinh],MAGIC2-2
madd ecx,MAGIC3+1,0
mcall 8,,,0x4000000B ; Button: Enter Infile
madd ecx,MAGIC2,0
mcall ,,,0x4000000C ; Button: Enter Outfile
madd ecx,MAGIC2,0
mcall ,,,0x4000000D ; Button: Enter Path
mpack ebx,[pinfo.x_size],MAGIC1
msub ebx,MAGIC1+5+1,0
mpack ecx,[skinh],MAGIC2*3/2-1
madd ecx,MAGIC3,0
mcall ,,,0x00000002,[sc.work_button]
madd ecx,MAGIC2*3/2+1,0
mcall ,,,0x00000003
mpack ebx,5+6,[skinh] ; Draw Window Text
add bx,MAGIC3+MAGIC2/2-3
mov ecx,[sc.work_text]
mov edx,text
mov esi,text.line_size
mov eax,4
add ebx,MAGIC2
add edx,text.line_size
cmp byte[edx],'x'
jne newline
mov ebx,[pinfo.x_size]
sub ebx,MAGIC1+5+1-9
shl ebx,16
mov bx,word[skinh]
add bx,MAGIC3+(MAGIC2*3/2-1)/2-3
mcall ,,[sc.work_button_text],s_compile,7
add ebx,MAGIC2*3/2+1
mcall ,,,s_run
mpack ebx,MAGIC1+5+6,[skinh]
add ebx,MAGIC3+MAGIC2/2-3+MAGIC2*0
mov esi,[pinfo.x_size]
sub esi,MAGIC1*2+5*2+6+3
mov eax,esi
mov cl,6
div cl
cmp al,MAX_PATH
jbe @f
mov al,MAX_PATH
@@: movzx esi,al
mcall 4,,[sc.work_text],infile
add ebx,MAGIC2
mcall ,,,outfile
add ebx,MAGIC2
mcall ,,,path
call draw_messages
mcall 12,2 ; End of Draw
bottom_right dd ?
mov eax,13 ; clear work area
mpack ebx,5+MAGIC4-2,[pinfo.x_size]
sub ebx,5*2+MAGIC4*2-1-2*2
mpack ecx,[skinh],[pinfo.y_size]
madd ecx,MAGIC2*3+MAGIC3+MAGIC4+1,-(MAGIC2*3+MAGIC3+MAGIC4*2+5)+2
mov word[bottom_right+2],bx
mov word[bottom_right],cx
msub [bottom_right],7,11
add [bottom_right],OUTPUTXY
sub ecx,[skinh]
mov edx,[sc.work]
int 0x40
_cy = 0
_sy = 2
_cx = 4
_sx = 6
push ebx ecx
mpack ebx,5+MAGIC4-3,5+MAGIC4-2
add bx,[esp+_cx]
mov ecx,[esp+_sy-2]
mov cx,[esp+_sy]
msub ecx,1,1
mcall 38,,,[sc.work_graph]
mov si,[esp+_cy]
add cx,si
shl esi,16
add ecx,esi
madd ecx,1,1
mpack ebx,5+MAGIC4-3,5+MAGIC4-3
mov esi,[esp+_sy-2]
mov si,cx
mov ecx,esi
mov si,[esp+_cx]
add bx,si
shl esi,16
add ebx,esi
madd ebx,1,1
pop ecx ebx
; read string
f1: mov [addr],infile
add [ya],MAGIC2*0
jmp rk
f2: mov [addr],outfile
add [ya],MAGIC2*1
jmp rk
f3: mov [addr],path
add [ya],MAGIC2*2
mov edi,[addr]
mov al,0
mov ecx,MAX_PATH
add edi,ecx
dec edi
repe scasb
sub ecx,MAX_PATH
neg ecx
mov al,$1C ; ''
add edi,2
push edi
rep stosb
call print_text
pop edi
f11:mcall 10
cmp eax,2
jne read_done
mcall; 2
shr eax,8
cmp al,13
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
je read_done
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
cmp al,8
jne nobs
cmp edi,[addr]
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
je f11
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
sub edi,1
mov byte[edi],$1C ; '_'
call print_text
jmp f11
movzx ebx,al
sub ebx,$20
jle f11
sub al,[sub_table+ebx]
mov ecx,[addr]
add ecx,MAX_PATH
cmp edi,ecx
jae f11
mov [edi],al
call print_text
inc edi
jmp f11
mov ecx,[addr]
add ecx,MAX_PATH
sub ecx,edi
mov al,0;' '
rep stosb
call print_text
jmp still
mpack ebx,MAGIC1+5+6,[pinfo.x_size]
sub ebx,MAGIC1*2+5*2+6+3
movzx esi,bx
mov ecx,[ya-2]
mov cx,8
mcall 13,,,[sc.work]
mpack ebx,MAGIC1+5+6,[ya]
mov eax,esi
mov cl,6
div cl
cmp al,MAX_PATH
jbe @f
mov al,MAX_PATH
@@: movzx esi,al
mcall 4,,[sc.work_text],[addr]
sz header,'FASM FOR MENUET'
db ' INFILE:'
.line_size = $-text
db ' PATH:'
db 'x'
s_compile db 'COMPILE'
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
s_run db ' RUN '
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
infile db 'EXAMPLE.ASM'
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
times MAX_PATH+$-infile db 0
outfile db 'EXAMPLE'
times MAX_PATH+$-outfile db 0
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
path db '/RD/1/'
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
times MAX_PATH+$-path db 0
lf db 13,10,0
addr dd 0x0
ya dd 0x0
zero db 0x0
mov al,[esi]
cmp al,','
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
je @f
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
cmp al,0
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
je @f
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
mov [edi],al
inc esi
inc edi
jmp @b
mov al,0
cmp [_mode],NORMAL_MODE
jne @f
call draw_messages
push [skinh]
pop [textxy]
add [textxy],OUTPUTXY
mov esi,_logo
call display_string
; Fasm native code
mov [input_file],infile
mov [output_file],outfile
call init_memory
call make_timestamp
mov [start_time],eax
call preprocessor
call parser
call assembler
call formatter
call display_user_messages
movzx eax,[current_pass]
inc eax
call display_number
mov esi,_passes_suffix
call display_string
call make_timestamp
sub eax,[start_time]
xor edx,edx
mov ebx,100
div ebx
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
or eax,eax
jz display_bytes_count
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
xor edx,edx
mov ebx,10
div ebx
push edx
call display_number
mov dl,'.'
call display_character
pop eax
call display_number
mov esi,_seconds_suffix
call display_string
mov eax,[written_size]
call display_number
mov esi,_bytes_suffix
call display_string
xor al,al
cmp [_run_outfile],0
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
je @f
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
mov edx,outfile
call make_fullpaths
mov eax,58
mov ebx,file_info_start
xor ecx,ecx
int 0x40
jmp exit_program
include 'system.inc'
include 'version.inc'
include 'errors.inc'
include 'expressi.inc'
include 'preproce.inc'
include 'parser.inc'
include 'assemble.inc'
include 'formats.inc'
include 'x86_64.inc'
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
include 'tables.inc'
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
_logo db 'flat assembler version ',VERSION_STRING,13,10,0
_passes_suffix db ' passes, ',0
_seconds_suffix db ' seconds, ',0
_bytes_suffix db ' bytes.',13,10,0
_include db 'INCLUDE',0
_counter db 4,'0000'
2006-07-28 13:39:16 +00:00
_mode dd NORMAL_MODE
2006-01-03 09:43:31 +00:00
_run_outfile dd 0
times $41 db $00
times $1A db $20
times $25 db $00
times $10 db $20
times $30 db $00
times $10 db $50
times $04 db $00,$01
times $08 db $00
params db 0 ; 'TINYPAD.ASM,TINYPAD,/HD/1/TPAD4/',
rb 1000h
align 4
include 'variable.inc'
program_base dd ?
buffer_address dd ?
memory_setting dd ?
start_time dd ?
sc system_colors
pinfo process_information