367 lines
7.5 KiB
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; This is example using GUI component Text from libGUI.
include 'macros.inc'
db 'MENUET01'
dd 1
dd start
dd i_end
dd 1600
dd 1600
dd 0
dd path
;init hepe of memory
mcall 68,11
;set current dir as ./
call GetPath
;load dll
mcall 68,19,path
test eax,eax
jnz libGUI_loaded
mcall 68,19,sys_libGUI_path
test eax,eax
jnz libGUI_loaded
mcall -1
mov [myexport],eax
;load dll functions
push fnDestroyControl
push [myexport]
call _ksys_cofflib_getproc
mov [destroy_control],eax
push fnSendMessage
push [myexport]
call _ksys_cofflib_getproc
mov [send_message],eax
push fnCraeteButton
push [myexport]
call _ksys_cofflib_getproc
mov [craete_button],eax
push fnCraeteText
push [myexport]
call _ksys_cofflib_getproc
mov [craete_text],eax
;set events mask
mcall 40,1100111b
;get standart colors table
mcall 48,3,ColorsTable,40
;****************Init Butttons****************
mov ecx,[ColorsTable+8]
and ecx,0xffffff
mov [Button1.type],byte 10010001b
mov [Button1.x],80
mov [Button1.y],50
mov [Button1.width],word 70
mov [Button1.height],word 20
mov [Button1.color1],dword ecx
mov [Button1.color2],dword 0xffffff
mov [Button1.text],text1
push Button1
push Parend
call [craete_button]
mov [PointerToControlForButtonExit],eax
mov ecx,[ColorsTable+8]
and ecx,0xffffff
;******************Init Text*****************
mov [Text.type],byte 10000010b
mov [Text.color],0xffffff
mov [Text.background_color],0xff
mov [Text.x],5
mov [Text.y],10
mov [Text.length],36
mov [Text.pointer],text_for_text
push Text
push Parend
call [craete_text]
mov [PointerToControlForText],eax
call draw_window
;send message 1 for redrawing ALL controls
mov [Message],dword 1
push Message
push Parend
call [send_message]
mcall 10
;check for redraw window
cmp eax,1
jne no_window
call draw_window
mov [Message],dword 1
push Message
push Parend
call [send_message]
jmp still
;check for keys events
cmp eax,2
jne no_keys
mcall 2
shr eax,8
mov [Message],dword 2
mov [Message+4],eax
push Message
push Parend
call [send_message]
mov eax,[Message+4]
cmp al,27
je exit
jmp still
;check for pressed butons
cmp eax,3
jne no_buttons
mcall 17
shr eax,8
jmp still
;check for mouse events
cmp eax,6
jne no_mouse
mov [Message],dword 6
mcall 37,1
mov ebx,eax
shr eax,16 ;x
and ebx,0xffff ;y
mov [Message+4],eax
mov [Message+8],ebx
mcall 37,2
mov [Message+12],eax
;send system events to control
push Message
push Parend
call [send_message]
mov eax,[PointerToControlForButtonExit]
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte[eax+45]
cmp bl,11b
jne no_crossing_pressing_button
mov [button_pressed],1
xor ebx,ebx
mov bl,byte[eax+45]
cmp bl,1b
jne no_crossing_button
cmp [button_pressed],1
jne no_crossing_button
jmp exit
jmp still
jmp still
push [PointerToControlForButtonExit]
call [destroy_control]
push [PointerToControlForText]
call [destroy_control]
mcall -1
;*******************Draw window****************
mcall 12,1
xor eax,eax
mov ebx,50
mov ecx,50
shl ebx,16
shl ecx,16
add ebx,250
add ecx,100
mov edx,0x03aabbcc
mov esi,0x805080d0
mov edi,0x005080d0
;call print_controls_information
mcall 12,2
mov ebx,255
mov ecx,path
mov edx,ecx
add edx,ebx
xor eax,eax
mov al,[edx]
cmp eax,'/'
je exit_path
dec ebx
jnz next_symvol
inc edx
mov esi,dll_name
mov edi,edx
mov ecx,10
rep movsb
include 'getproc.asm'
align 4
dll_name db 'libGUI.obj',0
sys_libGUI_path db '/sys/lib/libGUI.obj',0
text1 db 'Exit',0
text_for_text db 'Example of using GUI component text.',0
fnDestroyControl db 'DestroyControl',0
fnSendMessage db 'SendMessage',0
fnCraeteButton db 'CraeteButton',0
fnCraeteText db 'CraeteText',0
myexport dd 0
destroy_control dd 0
send_message dd 0
craete_button dd 0
craete_text dd 0
PointerToControlForButtonExit dd 0
PointerToControlForText dd 0
button_pressed dd 0
path rb 256
Parend: dd 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ;44 bytes
Message rd 4
ColorsTable rd 10
struc BUTTON
.type db 1
.flag db 1
.x dw 1
.y dw 1
.width dw 1
.height dw 1
.image dd 1
.imageX dw 1
.imageY dw 1
.imageSizeX dw 1
.imageSizeY dw 1
.transparentColor dd 1
.text dd 1
.textX dw 1
.textY dw 1
.textcolor dd 1
.color1 dd 1
.color2 dd 1
.mouseX dw 1
.mouseY dw 1
struc TEXT
.type rb 1
.flag rb 1
.color rd 1
.x rd 1
.y rd 1
.length rd 1
.pointer rd 1
.background_color rd 1
Button1 BUTTON