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;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2016. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Copyright (C) MenuetOS 2000-2004 Ville Mikael Turjanmaa ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
button.MAX_BUTTONS = 4095
pslot dw ?
id_lo dw ?
left dw ?
width dw ?
top dw ?
height dw ?
id_hi dw ?
dw ?
syscall_button: ;////////////// system function 8 //////////////
;? Define/undefine GUI button object
;; Define button:
;> ebx = pack[16(x), 16(width)]
;> ecx = pack[16(y), 16(height)]
;> edx = pack[8(flags), 24(button identifier)]
;> flags bits:
;> 7 (31) = 0
;> 6 (30) = don't draw button
;> 5 (29) = don't draw button frame when pressed
;> esi = button color
; - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
;; Undefine button:
;> edx = pack[8(flags), 24(button identifier)]
;> flags bits:
;> 7 (31) = 1
; do we actually need to undefine the button?
test edx, 0x80000000
jnz .remove_button
; do we have free button slots available?
mov edi, [BTN_ADDR]
mov eax, [edi]
cmp eax, button.MAX_BUTTONS
jge .exit
; does it have positive size? (otherwise it doesn't have sense)
or bx, bx
jle .exit
or cx, cx
jle .exit
; make coordinates clientbox-relative
push eax
mov eax, [current_slot]
rol ebx, 16
add bx, word[eax + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.left]
rol ebx, 16
rol ecx, 16
add cx, word[eax + APPDATA.wnd_clientbox.top]
rol ecx, 16
pop eax
; basic checks passed, define the button
inc eax
mov [edi], ax
shl eax, 4
add edi, eax
; NOTE: this code doesn't rely on SYS_BUTTON struct,
; please revise it, if you change something.
mov ax, [CURRENT_TASK]
mov ax, dx
stosw ; button id number: bits 0-15
mov eax, ebx
rol eax, 16
stosd ; x start | x size
mov eax, ecx
rol eax, 16
stosd ; y start | y size
mov eax, edx
shr eax, 16
stosw ; button id number: bits 16-31
; do we also need to draw the button?
test edx, 0x40000000
jnz .exit
and esi, 0xFFFFFF
xor edi, edi
push ebx ecx esi
dec cx
dec cx
cmp [buttontype], 1
jnz .draw
cmp cx, 65
jnc .draw
; calculate gradient data
mov eax, esi
shl eax, 8
mov edx, 3
rol eax, 8
shl al, 1
jnc @f
neg al
jnz @f
mov al, 64
cmp al, 65
jc @f
mov al, 64
div cl
shl ax, 8
dec edx
jnz .calculate
mov dl, cl
dec edx
shr edx, 1
shr eax, 8
mov edi, eax
mul edx
add esi, eax
.draw: ; calculate window-relative coordinates
movzx ebp, cx
dec ebp
shr ebx, 16
shr ecx, 16
mov eax, [TASK_BASE]
add ebx, [eax - twdw + WDATA.box.left]
add ecx, [eax - twdw + WDATA.box.top]
mov eax, ebx
inc eax
mov edx, ebx
add dx, [esp+8]
dec edx
mov ebx, ecx
mov ecx, esi
shr ecx, 1
and cx, 7F7Fh
push esi
mov esi, edi
xor edi, edi
call hline ; top border
inc ebx
or ecx, 808080h
call hline ; top light line
pop ecx
inc ebx
call hline ; button body
inc ebx
sub ecx, esi
dec ebp
jnz .next_line
shr ecx, 2
and cx, 3F3Fh
mov ebp, ecx
shl ecx, 1
add ecx, ebp
call hline ; bottom dark line
inc ebx
sub ecx, ebp
call hline ; bottom border
pop ecx
shr ecx, 1
inc edx
push edx
mov edx, ebx
sub bx, [esp+4]
dec edx
inc ebx
cmp [buttontype], 0
jnz @f
dec edx
or ecx, 808080h
call vline ; left light line
inc edx
and ecx, 7F7F7Fh
dec eax
call vline ; left border
pop eax
call vline ; right border
cmp [buttontype], 0
jnz @f
mov ebp, ecx
shr ecx, 1
and cx, 7F7Fh
add ecx, ebp
dec eax
inc ebx
call vline ; right dark line
pop ecx ebx
; FIXME: mutex needed
and edx, 0x00ffffff
mov edi, [BTN_ADDR]
mov ebx, [edi]
inc ebx
imul esi, ebx, sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
add esi, edi
xor ecx, ecx
add ecx, -sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
add esi, sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
dec ebx
jz .exit
add ecx, sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
add esi, -sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
; does it belong to our process?
mov ax, [CURRENT_TASK]
cmp ax, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.pslot]
jne .next_button
; does the identifier match?
mov eax, dword[esi + SYS_BUTTON.id_hi - 2]
mov ax, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.id_lo]
and eax, 0x00ffffff
cmp edx, eax
jne .next_button
; okay, undefine it
push ebx
mov ebx, esi
lea eax, [esi + sizeof.SYS_BUTTON]
call memmove
dec dword[edi]
add ecx, -sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
pop ebx
jmp .next_button
;> eax = pack[8(process slot), 24(button id)]
;> ebx = pack[16(button x coord), 16(button y coord)]
;> cl = mouse button mask this system button was pressed with
; find system button by specified process slot, id and coordinates
push ecx edx esi edi
mov edx, eax
shr edx, 24
and eax, 0x0ffffff
mov edi, [BTN_ADDR]
mov ecx, [edi]
imul esi, ecx, sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
add esi, edi
inc ecx
add esi, sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
dec ecx
jz .popexit
add esi, -sizeof.SYS_BUTTON
; does it belong to our process?
cmp dx, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.pslot]
jne .next_button
; does id match?
mov edi, dword[esi + SYS_BUTTON.id_hi - 2]
mov di, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.id_lo]
and edi, 0x0ffffff
cmp eax, edi
jne .next_button
; does coordinates match?
mov edi, dword[esi + SYS_BUTTON.left - 2]
mov di, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.top]
cmp ebx, edi
jne .next_button
mov eax, esi
pop edi esi edx ecx
mov ebx, dword[eax + SYS_BUTTON.id_hi - 2]
; display button border on press?
test ebx, 0x20000000
jnz .exit
; invert system button border
mov esi, eax
movzx ecx, [esi + SYS_BUTTON.pslot]
shl ecx, 5
add ecx, window_data
mov eax, dword[esi + SYS_BUTTON.left]
mov ebx, dword[esi + SYS_BUTTON.top]
add eax, [ecx + WDATA.box.left]
add ebx, [ecx + WDATA.box.top]
mov ecx, eax
mov edx, ebx
inc ax
inc bx
rol eax, 16
rol ebx, 16
add ax, cx
add bx, dx
dec ax
dec bx
mov esi, 1000000h
call draw_rectangle.forced
pop edi esi edx ecx
;> eax = pack[8(process slot), 24(button id)]
;> ebx = pack[16(button x coord), 16(button y coord)]
;> cl = mouse button mask this system button was pressed with
shl eax, 8
mov al, cl
movzx ebx, byte[BTN_COUNT]
mov [BTN_BUFF + ebx * 4], eax
inc bl
mov [BTN_COUNT], bl