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Copyright (c) 1990-2000 Info-ZIP. All rights reserved.
See the accompanying file LICENSE, version 2000-Apr-09 or later
(the contents of which are also included in zip.h) for terms of use.
If, for some reason, all these files are missing, the Info-ZIP license
also may be found at: ftp://ftp.info-zip.org/pub/infozip/license.html
This file implements the getenv() function.
# Background:
# Under Unix: Each Process (= running Program) has a set of
# associated variables. The variables are called enviroment
# variables and, together, constitute the process environment.
# These variables include the search path, the terminal type,
# and the user's login name.
# Unfortunatelly the MacOS has no equivalent. So we need
# a file to define the environment variables.
# Name of this file is "MacZip.Env". It can be placed
# in the current folder of MacZip or in the
# preference folder of the system disk.
# If MacZip founds the "MacZip.Env" file in the current
# the folder of MacZip the "MacZip.Env" file in the
# preference folder will be ignored.
# An environment variable has a name and a value:
# Name=Value
# Note: Spaces are significant:
# ZIPOPT=-r and
# ZIPOPT = -r are different !!!
/* Includes */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unix.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include <Folders.h>
#include "pathname.h"
#include "helpers.h"
/* Module level Vars */
static char ListAllKeyValues = 0;
static unsigned LineNumber = 0;
static char CompletePath[NAME_MAX];
Boolean IgnoreEnvironment = false; /* used by dialog.c and initfunc.c
of the Mainapp */
/* Macros, typedefs */
typedef struct _EnviromentPair {
char *key;
char *value;
} EnviromentPair;
#define MAX_COMMAND 1024
/* Prototypes */
int get_char(FILE *file);
void unget_char(int ch,FILE *file);
int get_string(char *string,int size, FILE *file, char *terms);
void skip_comments(FILE *file);
char *load_entry(FILE *file);
char *getenv(const char *name);
EnviromentPair *ParseLine(char *line);
OSErr FSpFindFolder_Name(short vRefNum, OSType folderType,
Boolean createFolder,FSSpec *spec, unsigned char *name);
FILE * FSp_fopen(ConstFSSpecPtr spec, const char * open_mode);
void ShowAllKeyValues(void);
void Set_LineNum(unsigned ln);
/* Functions */
/* get_string(str, max, file, termstr) : like fgets() but
* (1) has terminator string which should include \n
* (2) will always leave room for the null
* (3) uses get_char() so LineNumber will be accurate
* (4) returns EOF or terminating character, whichever
int get_string(char *string, int size, FILE *file, char *terms)
int ch;
while (EOF != (ch = get_char(file)) && !strchr(terms, ch)) {
if (size > 1) {
*string++ = (char) ch;
if (size > 0)
*string = '\0';
return ch;
void Set_LineNum(unsigned ln)
LineNumber = ln;
/* get_char(file) : like getc() but increment LineNumber on newlines
int get_char(FILE *file)
int ch;
ch = getc(file);
if (ch == '\n')
Set_LineNum(LineNumber + 1);
return ch;
/* skip_comments(file) : read past comment (if any)
void skip_comments(FILE *file)
int ch;
while (EOF != (ch = get_char(file)))
/* ch is now the first character of a line.
while (ch == ' ' || ch == '\t')
ch = get_char(file);
if (ch == EOF)
/* ch is now the first non-blank character of a line.
if (ch != '\n' && ch != '#')
/* ch must be a newline or comment as first non-blank
* character on a line.
while (ch != '\n' && ch != EOF)
ch = get_char(file);
/* ch is now the newline of a line which we're going to
* ignore.
if (ch != EOF)
unget_char(ch, file);
/* unget_char(ch, file) : like ungetc but do LineNumber processing
void unget_char(int ch, FILE *file)
ungetc(ch, file);
if (ch == '\n')
Set_LineNum(LineNumber - 1);
/* this function reads one file entry -- the next -- from a file.
* it skips any leading blank lines, ignores comments, and returns
* NULL if for any reason the entry can't be read and parsed.
char *load_entry(FILE *file)
int ch;
static char cmd[MAX_COMMAND];
ch = get_string(cmd, MAX_COMMAND, file, "\n");
if (ch == EOF)
return NULL;
return cmd;
EnviromentPair *ParseLine(char *line)
char *tmpPtr;
static EnviromentPair *Env;
unsigned short length = strlen(line);
Env->key = "";
Env->value = "";
for (tmpPtr = line; *tmpPtr; tmpPtr++)
if (*tmpPtr == '=')
*tmpPtr = 0;
Env->key = line;
if (strlen(Env->key) < length)
Env->value = ++tmpPtr;
return Env;
return Env;
char *getenv(const char *name)
FILE *fp;
char *LineStr = NULL;
EnviromentPair *Env1;
FSSpec spec;
OSErr err;
if (IgnoreEnvironment)
return NULL; /* user wants to ignore the environment vars */
if (name == NULL)
return NULL;
/* try open the file in the current folder */
fp = FSp_fopen(&spec,"r");
if (fp == NULL)
{ /* Okey, lets try open the file in the preference folder */
fp = FSp_fopen(&spec,"r");
if (fp == NULL)
return NULL; /* there is no enviroment-file */
LineStr = load_entry(fp);
while (LineStr != NULL)
{ /* parse the file line by line */
Env1 = ParseLine(LineStr);
if (strlen(Env1->value) > 0)
{ /* we found a key/value pair */
if (ListAllKeyValues)
printf("\n Line:%3d [%s] = [%s]",LineNumber,Env1->key,Env1->value);
if (stricmp(name,Env1->key) == 0)
{ /* we found the value of a given key */
return Env1->value;
LineStr = load_entry(fp); /* read next line */
return NULL;
OSErr FSpFindFolder_Name(
short vRefNum, /* Volume reference number. */
OSType folderType, /* Folder type taken by FindFolder. */
Boolean createFolder, /* Should we create it if non-existant. */
FSSpec *spec, /* Pointer to resulting directory. */
unsigned char *name) /* Name of the file in the folder */
short foundVRefNum;
long foundDirID;
OSErr err;
err = FindFolder(vRefNum, folderType, createFolder,
&foundVRefNum, &foundDirID);
if (err != noErr)
return err;
err = FSMakeFSSpec(foundVRefNum, foundDirID, name, spec);
return err;
void ShowAllKeyValues(void)
OSErr err;
FSSpec spec;
Boolean tmpIgnoreEnvironment = IgnoreEnvironment;
ListAllKeyValues = 1;
IgnoreEnvironment = false;
if (err != 0)
{ /* Okey, lets try open the file in the preference folder */
GetFullPathFromSpec(CompletePath,&spec, &err);
if (err != 0)
return; /* there is no enviroment-file */
printf("\nLocation of the current \"MacZip.Env\" file:\n [%s]",CompletePath);
printf("\n\nList of all environment variables\n");
getenv(" ");
/* restore used variables */
ListAllKeyValues = 0;
LineNumber = 0;
IgnoreEnvironment = tmpIgnoreEnvironment;