
1482 lines
42 KiB
Raw Normal View History

;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2004-2015. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; RTL8169 driver for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Copyright 2007 mike.dld, ;;
;; mike.dld@gmail.com ;;
;; ;;
;; port to net branch by hidnplayr ;;
;; ;;
;; References: ;;
;; r8169.c - linux driver (etherboot project) ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
format PE DLL native
entry START
CURRENT_API = 0x0200
__DEBUG__ = 1
__DEBUG_LEVEL__ = 2 ; 1 = verbose, 2 = errors only
section '.flat' readable writable executable
include '../proc32.inc'
include '../struct.inc'
include '../macros.inc'
include '../fdo.inc'
include '../netdrv.inc'
REG_MAC0 = 0x0 ; Ethernet hardware address
REG_MAR0 = 0x8 ; Multicast filter
REG_TxDescStartAddr = 0x20
REG_TxHDescStartAddr = 0x28
REG_FLASH = 0x30
REG_ERSR = 0x36
REG_ChipCmd = 0x37
REG_TxPoll = 0x38
REG_IntrMask = 0x3C
REG_IntrStatus = 0x3E
REG_TxConfig = 0x40
REG_RxConfig = 0x44
REG_RxMissed = 0x4C
REG_Cfg9346 = 0x50
REG_Config0 = 0x51
REG_Config1 = 0x52
REG_Config2 = 0x53
REG_Config3 = 0x54
REG_Config4 = 0x55
REG_Config5 = 0x56
REG_MultiIntr = 0x5C
REG_PHYAR = 0x60
REG_PHYstatus = 0x6C
REG_RxMaxSize = 0xDA
REG_CPlusCmd = 0xE0
REG_RxDescStartAddr = 0xE4
REG_ETThReg = 0xEC
REG_FuncEvent = 0xF0
REG_FuncEventMask = 0xF4
REG_FuncPresetState = 0xF8
REG_FuncForceEvent = 0xFC
; InterruptStatusBits
ISB_SYSErr = 0x8000
ISB_PCSTimeout = 0x4000
ISB_SWInt = 0x0100
ISB_TxDescUnavail = 0x80
ISB_RxFIFOOver = 0x40
ISB_LinkChg = 0x20
ISB_RxOverflow = 0x10
ISB_TxErr = 0x08
ISB_TxOK = 0x04
ISB_RxErr = 0x02
ISB_RxOK = 0x01
; RxStatusDesc
SD_RxRES = 0x00200000
SD_RxCRC = 0x00080000
SD_RxRUNT = 0x00100000
SD_RxRWT = 0x00400000
; ChipCmdBits
CMD_Reset = 0x10
CMD_RxEnb = 0x08
CMD_TxEnb = 0x04
CMD_RxBufEmpty = 0x01
; Cfg9346Bits
CFG_9346_Lock = 0x00
CFG_9346_Unlock = 0xC0
; rx_mode_bits
RXM_AcceptErr = 0x20
RXM_AcceptRunt = 0x10
RXM_AcceptBroadcast = 0x08
RXM_AcceptMulticast = 0x04
RXM_AcceptMyPhys = 0x02
RXM_AcceptAllPhys = 0x01
; RxConfigBits
RXC_FIFOShift = 13
RXC_DMAShift = 8
; TxConfigBits
TXC_InterFrameGapShift = 24
TXC_DMAShift = 8 ; DMA burst value (0-7) is shift this many bits
; PHYstatus
PHYS_TBI_Enable = 0x80
PHYS_TxFlowCtrl = 0x40
PHYS_RxFlowCtrl = 0x20
PHYS_1000bpsF = 0x10
PHYS_100bps = 0x08
PHYS_10bps = 0x04
PHYS_LinkStatus = 0x02
PHYS_FullDup = 0x01
; GIGABIT_PHY_registers
PHY_1000_CTRL_REG = 9
PHY_Restart_Auto_Nego = 0x0200
PHY_Enable_Auto_Nego = 0x1000
PHY_Auto_Neco_Comp = 0x0020
PHY_Cap_10_Half = 0x0020
PHY_Cap_10_Full = 0x0040
PHY_Cap_100_Half = 0x0080
PHY_Cap_100_Full = 0x0100
; PHY_1000_CTRL_REG = 9
PHY_Cap_1000_Full = 0x0200
PHY_Cap_1000_Half = 0x0100
PHY_Cap_PAUSE = 0x0400
PHY_Cap_ASYM_PAUSE = 0x0800
PHY_Cap_Null = 0x0
; _MediaType
MT_10_Half = 0x01
MT_10_Full = 0x02
MT_100_Half = 0x04
MT_100_Full = 0x08
MT_1000_Full = 0x10
TBI_RESET = 0x80000000
TBI_LOOPBACK = 0x40000000
TBI_NW_ENABLE = 0x20000000
TBI_NW_RESTART = 0x10000000
TBI_LINK_OK = 0x02000000
TBI_NW_COMPLETE = 0x01000000
; _DescStatusBit
DSB_OWNbit = 0x80000000
DSB_EORbit = 0x40000000
DSB_FSbit = 0x20000000
DSB_LSbit = 0x10000000
RX_BUF_SIZE = 1514 ; Rx Buffer size
; max supported gigabit ethernet frame size -- must be at least (dev->mtu+14+4)
TX_FIFO_THRESH = 256 ; In bytes
RX_FIFO_THRESH = 7 ; 7 means NO threshold, Rx buffer level before first PCI xfer
RX_DMA_BURST = 7 ; Maximum PCI burst, '6' is 1024
TX_DMA_BURST = 7 ; Maximum PCI burst, '6' is 1024
ETTh = 0x3F ; 0x3F means NO threshold
EarlyTxThld = 0x3F ; 0x3F means NO early transmit
RxPacketMaxSize = 0x0800 ; Maximum size supported is 16K-1
InterFrameGap = 0x03 ; 3 means InterFrameGap = the shortest one
HZ = 1000
;end if
MCFG_METHOD_01 = 0x01
MCFG_METHOD_02 = 0x02
MCFG_METHOD_03 = 0x03
MCFG_METHOD_04 = 0x04
MCFG_METHOD_05 = 0x05
MCFG_METHOD_11 = 0x0b
MCFG_METHOD_12 = 0x0c
MCFG_METHOD_13 = 0x0d
MCFG_METHOD_14 = 0x0e
MCFG_METHOD_15 = 0x0f
PCFG_METHOD_1 = 0x01 ; PHY Reg 0x03 bit0-3 == 0x0000
PCFG_METHOD_2 = 0x02 ; PHY Reg 0x03 bit0-3 == 0x0001
PCFG_METHOD_3 = 0x03 ; PHY Reg 0x03 bit0-3 == 0x0002
struct tx_desc
status dd ?
vlan_tag dd ?
buf_addr dq ?
tx_desc.buf_soft_addr = NUM_TX_DESC*sizeof.tx_desc
struct rx_desc
status dd ?
vlan_tag dd ?
buf_addr dq ?
rx_desc.buf_soft_addr = NUM_RX_DESC*sizeof.rx_desc
struct device ETH_DEVICE
io_addr dd ?
pci_bus dd ?
pci_dev dd ?
irq_line db ?
rb 3 ; align 4
mmio_addr dd ? ; memory map physical address
pcfg dd ?
mcfg dd ?
cur_rx dd ? ; Index into the Rx descriptor buffer of next Rx pkt
cur_tx dd ? ; Index into the Tx descriptor buffer of next Rx pkt
last_tx dd ?
mac_version dd ?
rb 0x100-($ and 0xff) ; align 256
tx_ring rb NUM_TX_DESC * sizeof.tx_desc * 2
rb 0x100-($ and 0xff) ; align 256
rx_ring rb NUM_RX_DESC * sizeof.rx_desc * 2
intr_mask = ISB_LinkChg or ISB_RxOverflow or ISB_RxFIFOOver or ISB_TxErr or ISB_TxOK or ISB_RxErr or ISB_RxOK
rx_config = (RX_FIFO_THRESH shl RXC_FIFOShift) or (RX_DMA_BURST shl RXC_DMAShift) or 0x0000000E
macro udelay msec {
push esi ecx
mov esi, msec
invoke Sleep
pop ecx esi
macro WRITE_GMII_REG RegAddr, value {
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_PHYAR
if value eq ax
and eax, 0x0000ffff
or eax, 0x80000000 + (RegAddr shl 16)
mov eax, 0x80000000 + (RegAddr shl 16) + value
end if
out dx, eax
macro READ_GMII_REG RegAddr {
local .error, .done
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_PHYAR
mov eax, RegAddr shl 16
out dx, eax
jz .error
in eax, dx
and eax, 0xFFFF
jmp .done
or eax, -1
align 4
PHY_WAIT_READ: ; io addr must already be set to REG_PHYAR
udelay 1 ;;;1000
push ecx
mov ecx, 2000
; Check if the RTL8169 has completed writing/reading to the specified MII register
in eax, dx
test eax, 0x80000000
jnz .exit
udelay 1 ;;;100
loop @b
pop ecx
align 4
PHY_WAIT_WRITE: ; io addr must already be set to REG_PHYAR
udelay 1 ;;;1000
push ecx
mov ecx, 2000
; Check if the RTL8169 has completed writing/reading to the specified MII register
in eax, dx
test eax, 0x80000000
jz .exit
udelay 1 ;;;100
loop @b
pop ecx
;; ;;
;; proc START ;;
;; ;;
;; (standard driver proc) ;;
proc START c, reason:dword, cmdline:dword
cmp [reason], DRV_ENTRY
jne .fail
DEBUGF 2,"Loading driver\n"
invoke RegService, my_service, service_proc
xor eax, eax
;; ;;
;; proc SERVICE_PROC ;;
;; ;;
;; (standard driver proc) ;;
proc service_proc stdcall, ioctl:dword
mov edx, [ioctl]
mov eax, [edx + IOCTL.io_code]
cmp eax, 0 ;SRV_GETVERSION
jne @F
cmp [edx + IOCTL.out_size], 4
jb .fail
mov eax, [edx + IOCTL.output]
mov [eax], dword API_VERSION
xor eax, eax
cmp eax, 1 ;SRV_HOOK
jne .fail
cmp [edx + IOCTL.inp_size], 3 ; Data input must be at least 3 bytes
jb .fail
mov eax, [edx + IOCTL.input]
cmp byte [eax], 1 ; 1 means device number and bus number (pci) are given
jne .fail ; other types arent supported for this card yet
; check if the device is already listed
mov esi, device_list
mov ecx, [devices]
test ecx, ecx
jz .firstdevice
; mov eax, [edx + IOCTL.input] ; get the pci bus and device numbers
mov ax, [eax+1] ;
mov ebx, [esi]
cmp al, byte[ebx + device.pci_bus]
jne @f
cmp ah, byte[ebx + device.pci_dev]
je .find_devicenum ; Device is already loaded, let's find it's device number
add esi, 4
loop .nextdevice
; This device doesnt have its own eth_device structure yet, lets create one
cmp [devices], MAX_DEVICES ; First check if the driver can handle one more card
jae .fail
allocate_and_clear ebx, sizeof.device, .fail ; Allocate memory to put the device structure in
; Fill in the direct call addresses into the struct
mov [ebx + device.reset], reset
mov [ebx + device.transmit], transmit
mov [ebx + device.unload], unload
mov [ebx + device.name], my_service
; save the pci bus and device numbers
mov eax, [edx + IOCTL.input]
movzx ecx, byte[eax+1]
mov [ebx + device.pci_bus], ecx
movzx ecx, byte[eax+2]
mov [ebx + device.pci_dev], ecx
; Now, it's time to find the base io addres of the PCI device
stdcall PCI_find_io, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev]
mov [ebx + device.io_addr], eax
; We've found the io address, find IRQ now
invoke PciRead8, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.interrupt_line
mov [ebx + device.irq_line], al
DEBUGF 2,"Hooking into device, dev:%x, bus:%x, irq:%x, addr:%x\n",\
[ebx + device.pci_dev]:1,[ebx + device.pci_bus]:1,[ebx + device.irq_line]:1,[ebx + device.io_addr]:8
; Ok, the eth_device structure is ready, let's probe the device
; Because initialization fires IRQ, IRQ handler must be aware of this device
mov eax, [devices] ; Add the device structure to our device list
mov [device_list + 4*eax], ebx ; (IRQ handler uses this list to find device)
inc [devices] ;
call probe ; this function will output in eax
test eax, eax
jnz .err2 ; If an error occured, exit
mov [ebx + device.type], NET_TYPE_ETH
invoke NetRegDev
cmp eax, -1
je .destroy
; If the device was already loaded, find the device number and return it in eax
DEBUGF 2,"Trying to find device number of already registered device\n"
invoke NetPtrToNum ; This kernel procedure converts a pointer to device struct in ebx
; into a device number in edi
mov eax, edi ; Application wants it in eax instead
DEBUGF 2,"Kernel says: %u\n", eax
; If an error occured, remove all allocated data and exit (returning -1 in eax)
; todo: reset device into virgin state
dec [devices]
DEBUGF 2,"removing device structure\n"
invoke KernelFree, ebx
or eax, -1
align 4
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"init_board\n"
; Make the device a bus master
invoke PciRead32, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.command
invoke PciWrite32, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.command, eax
; Soft reset the chip
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_ChipCmd
mov al, CMD_Reset
out dx, al
; Check that the chip has finished the reset
mov ecx, 1000
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_ChipCmd
in al, dx
test al, CMD_Reset
jz @f
udelay 10
loop @b
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_TxConfig
in eax, dx
mov ecx, eax
and ecx, dword[esi]
cmp ecx, dword[esi+4]
je @f
add esi, 4*4
jmp @r
mov eax, [esi+8]
mov [ebx + device.mac_version], eax
mov eax, [esi+12]
mov [ebx + device.name], eax
DEBUGF 2, "Detected chip: %s\n", eax
xor eax, eax
; Function
; probe
; Description
; Searches for an ethernet card, enables it and clears the rx buffer
; If a card was found, it enables the ethernet -> TCPIP link
; Destroyed registers
; eax, ebx, ecx, edx
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"probe\n"
call init_board
call read_mac
call PHY_config
DEBUGF 1,"Set MAC Reg C+CR Offset 0x82h = 0x01h\n"
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0x82
mov al, 0x01
out dx, al
cmp [ebx + device.mcfg], MCFG_METHOD_03
jae @f
DEBUGF 1,"Set PCI Latency=0x40\n"
; Adjust PCI latency to be at least 64
invoke PciRead8, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.max_latency
cmp al, 64
jae @f
mov al, 64
invoke PciWrite8, [ebx + device.pci_bus], [ebx + device.pci_dev], PCI_header00.max_latency, eax
cmp [ebx + device.mcfg], MCFG_METHOD_02
jne @f
DEBUGF 1,"Set MAC Reg C+CR Offset 0x82h = 0x01h\n"
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0x82
mov al, 0x01
out dx, al
DEBUGF 1,"Set PHY Reg 0x0bh = 0x00h\n"
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x0b, 0x0000 ; w 0x0b 15 0 0
; if TBI is not enabled
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_PHYstatus
in al, dx
test al, PHYS_TBI_Enable
jz .tbi_dis
; enable 10/100 Full/Half Mode, leave PHY_AUTO_NEGO_REG bit4:0 unchanged
and eax, 0x0C1F
or eax, PHY_Cap_10_Half or PHY_Cap_10_Full or PHY_Cap_100_Half or PHY_Cap_100_Full
; enable 1000 Full Mode
WRITE_GMII_REG PHY_1000_CTRL_REG, PHY_Cap_1000_Full or PHY_Cap_1000_Half ; rtl8168
; Enable auto-negotiation and restart auto-nigotiation
WRITE_GMII_REG PHY_CTRL_REG, PHY_Enable_Auto_Nego or PHY_Restart_Auto_Nego
udelay 1 ; 100
mov ecx, 200 ; 10000
DEBUGF 1, "Waiting for auto-negotiation to complete\n"
; wait for auto-negotiation process
@@: dec ecx
jz @f
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
udelay 1 ; 100
test eax, PHY_Auto_Neco_Comp
jz @b
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_PHYstatus
in al, dx
jmp @f
udelay 1 ; 100
DEBUGF 1, "auto-negotiation complete\n"
; Function
; rt8169_reset
; Description
; Place the chip (ie, the ethernet card) into a virgin state
; Destroyed registers
; eax, ebx, ecx, edx
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"resetting\n"
call init_ring
test eax, eax
jnz .err
call hw_start
; clear packet/byte counters
xor eax, eax
lea edi, [ebx + device.bytes_tx]
mov ecx, 6
rep stosd
mov [ebx + device.mtu], 1500
call detect_link
DEBUGF 2,"init OK!\n"
xor eax, eax
DEBUGF 2,"failed!\n"
or eax, -1
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"hw_PHY_config: priv.mcfg=%d, priv.pcfg=%d\n", [ebx + device.mcfg], [ebx + device.pcfg]
cmp [ebx + device.mcfg], MCFG_METHOD_04
jne .not_4
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
; WRITE_GMII_REG 0x1F, 0x0001
; WRITE_GMII_REG 0x1b, 0x841e
; WRITE_GMII_REG 0x0e, 0x7bfb
; WRITE_GMII_REG 0x09, 0x273a
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x1F, 0x0002
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x01, 0x90D0
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x1F, 0x0000
jmp .exit
cmp [ebx + device.mcfg], MCFG_METHOD_02
je @f
cmp [ebx + device.mcfg], MCFG_METHOD_03
jne .not_2_or_3
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x1F, 0x0001
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x15, 0x1000
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x18, 0x65C7
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0x0000
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x03, 0x00A1
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x02, 0x0008
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x01, 0x1020
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x00, 0x1000
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0x0800
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0x0000
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0x7000
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x01, 0x0140
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x00, 0x0077
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0x7800
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0x7000
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0xA000
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0xA800
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0xA000
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0xB000
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x01, 0x0140
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0xB800
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0xB000
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0xF000
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0xF800
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0xF000
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x04, 0x0000
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x1F, 0x0000
WRITE_GMII_REG 0x0B, 0x0000
jmp .exit
DEBUGF 1,"mcfg=%d, discard hw PHY config\n", [ebx + device.mcfg]
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"set_rx_mode\n"
; Too many to filter perfectly -- accept all multicasts
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_RxConfig
in eax, dx
and eax, 0xff7e1880
or eax, rx_config or (RXM_AcceptBroadcast or RXM_AcceptMulticast or RXM_AcceptMyPhys)
out dx, eax
; Multicast hash filter
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_MAR0 + 0
or eax, -1
out dx, eax
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_MAR0 + 4
out dx, eax
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"init_ring\n"
xor eax, eax
mov [ebx + device.cur_rx], eax
mov [ebx + device.cur_tx], eax
mov [ebx + device.last_tx], eax
lea edi, [ebx + device.tx_ring]
mov ecx, (NUM_TX_DESC * sizeof.tx_desc) / 4 * 2
rep stosd
lea edi, [ebx + device.rx_ring]
mov ecx, (NUM_RX_DESC * sizeof.rx_desc) / 4
rep stosd
lea edi, [ebx + device.rx_ring]
mov ecx, NUM_RX_DESC
push ecx
invoke NetAlloc, RX_BUF_SIZE+NET_BUFF.data
test eax, eax
jz .err
mov dword [edi + rx_desc.buf_soft_addr], eax
invoke GetPhysAddr
add eax, NET_BUFF.data
mov dword [edi + rx_desc.buf_addr], eax
mov [edi + rx_desc.status], DSB_OWNbit or RX_BUF_SIZE
add edi, sizeof.rx_desc
pop ecx
dec ecx
jnz .loop
or [edi - sizeof.rx_desc + rx_desc.status], DSB_EORbit
xor eax, eax
pop eax
or eax, -1
align 4
DEBUGF 1,"hw_start\n"
; attach int handler
movzx eax, [ebx + device.irq_line]
DEBUGF 1,"Attaching int handler to irq %x\n", eax:1
invoke AttachIntHandler, eax, int_handler, ebx
test eax, eax
jnz @f
DEBUGF 2,"Could not attach int handler!\n"
or eax, -1
; Soft reset the chip
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_ChipCmd
mov al, CMD_Reset
out dx, al
DEBUGF 1,"Waiting for chip to reset... "
; Check that the chip has finished the reset
mov ecx, 1000
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_ChipCmd
@@: in al, dx
test al, CMD_Reset
jz @f
udelay 10
loop @b
DEBUGF 1,"done!\n"
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_Cfg9346
mov al, CFG_9346_Unlock
out dx, al
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_ChipCmd
mov al, CMD_TxEnb or CMD_RxEnb
out dx, al
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_ETThReg
mov al, ETTh
out dx, al
; For gigabit rtl8169
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_RxMaxSize
mov ax, RxPacketMaxSize
out dx, ax
; Set Rx Config register
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_RxConfig
in ax, dx
and eax, 0xff7e1880
or eax, rx_config
out dx, eax
; Set DMA burst size and Interframe Gap Time
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_TxConfig
mov eax, (TX_DMA_BURST shl TXC_DMAShift) or (InterFrameGap shl TXC_InterFrameGapShift)
out dx, eax
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_CPlusCmd
in ax, dx
out dx, ax
in ax, dx
or ax, 1 shl 3
cmp [ebx + device.mcfg], MCFG_METHOD_02
jne @f
cmp [ebx + device.mcfg], MCFG_METHOD_03
jne @f
or ax,1 shl 14
DEBUGF 1,"Set MAC Reg C+CR Offset 0xE0: bit-3 and bit-14\n"
jmp .set
DEBUGF 1,"Set MAC Reg C+CR Offset 0xE0: bit-3\n"
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_CPlusCmd
out dx, ax
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0xE2
; mov ax, 0x1517
; out dx, ax
; mov ax, 0x152a
; out dx, ax
; mov ax, 0x282a
; out dx, ax
xor ax, ax
out dx, ax
xor eax, eax
mov [ebx + device.cur_rx], eax
lea eax, [ebx + device.tx_ring]
invoke GetPhysAddr
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_TxDescStartAddr
out dx, eax
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_TxDescStartAddr + 4
xor eax, eax
out dx, eax
lea eax, [ebx + device.rx_ring]
invoke GetPhysAddr
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_RxDescStartAddr
out dx, eax
xor eax, eax
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_RxDescStartAddr + 4
out dx, eax
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_Cfg9346
mov al, CFG_9346_Lock
out dx, al
udelay 10
xor eax, eax
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_RxMissed
out dx, eax
call set_rx_mode
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
; no early-rx interrupts
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_MultiIntr
in ax, dx
and ax, 0xF000
out dx, ax
; set interrupt mask
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_IntrMask
mov ax, intr_mask
out dx, ax
xor eax, eax
align 4
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_MAC0
xor ecx, ecx
lea edi, [ebx + device.mac]
mov ecx, 6
; Get MAC address. FIXME: read EEPROM
in al, dx
inc edx
loop @r
DEBUGF 1,"MAC = %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x\n",\
[ebx + device.mac+0]:2,[ebx + device.mac+1]:2,[ebx + device.mac+2]:2,[ebx + device.mac+3]:2,[ebx + device.mac+4]:2,[ebx + device.mac+5]:2
align 4
ret 6
; Function
; transmit
; Description
; Transmits a packet of data via the ethernet card
; Destroyed registers
; eax, edx, esi, edi
proc transmit stdcall bufferptr
mov esi, [bufferptr]
DEBUGF 1,"Transmitting packet, buffer:%x, size:%u\n", [bufferptr], [esi + NET_BUFF.length]
lea eax, [esi + NET_BUFF.data]
DEBUGF 1,"To: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x From: %x-%x-%x-%x-%x-%x Type:%x%x\n",\
cmp [esi + NET_BUFF.length], 1514
ja .fail
cmp [esi + NET_BUFF.length], 60
jb .fail
; Find currentTX descriptor address
mov eax, sizeof.tx_desc
mul [ebx + device.cur_tx]
lea esi, [ebx + device.tx_ring + eax]
DEBUGF 1,"Using TX desc: %x\n", esi
; Check if the descriptor is in use
test [esi + tx_desc.status], DSB_OWNbit
jnz .desc
; Program the packet pointer
mov eax, [bufferptr]
mov ecx, [eax + NET_BUFF.length]
mov [esi + tx_desc.buf_soft_addr], eax
add eax, [eax + NET_BUFF.offset]
invoke GetPhysAddr
mov dword [esi + tx_desc.buf_addr], eax
; Program the packet size
mov eax, ecx
or eax, DSB_OWNbit or DSB_FSbit or DSB_LSbit
cmp [ebx + device.cur_tx], NUM_TX_DESC - 1
jne @f
or eax, DSB_EORbit
mov [esi + tx_desc.status], eax
; Set the polling bit (start transmission)
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_TxPoll
mov al, 0x40 ; set polling bit
out dx, al
; Update TX descriptor
inc [ebx + device.cur_tx]
and [ebx + device.cur_tx], NUM_TX_DESC - 1
; Update stats
inc [ebx + device.packets_tx]
add dword [ebx + device.bytes_tx], ecx
adc dword [ebx + device.bytes_tx + 4], 0
xor eax, eax
DEBUGF 2,"Descriptor is still in use!\n"
DEBUGF 2,"Transmit failed\n"
invoke NetFree, [bufferptr]
or eax, -1
;; ;;
;; Interrupt handler ;;
;; ;;
align 4
push ebx esi edi
; find pointer of device wich made IRQ occur
mov ecx, [devices]
test ecx, ecx
jz .nothing
mov esi, device_list
mov ebx, [esi]
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_IntrStatus
in ax, dx
out dx, ax ; ACK all interrupts
cmp ax, 0xffff ; if so, hardware is no longer present
je .nothing
test ax, ax
jnz .got_it
add esi, 4
dec ecx
jnz .nextdevice
pop edi esi ebx
xor eax, eax
ret ; If no device was found, abort (The irq was probably for a device, not registered to this driver)
DEBUGF 1,"Device: %x Status: %x\n", ebx, ax
; Receive
test ax, ISB_RxOK
jz .no_rx
push ax
push ebx
pop ebx
mov eax, sizeof.rx_desc
mul [ebx + device.cur_rx]
lea esi, [ebx + device.rx_ring + eax]
DEBUGF 1,"RxDesc.status = 0x%x\n", [esi + rx_desc.status]
mov ecx, [esi + rx_desc.status]
test ecx, DSB_OWNbit
jnz .rx_return
DEBUGF 1,"cur_rx = %u\n", [ebx + device.cur_rx]
test ecx, SD_RxRES
jnz .rx_reuse
push ebx
push .rx_loop
and ecx, 0x00001FFF
add ecx, -4 ; we dont need CRC
DEBUGF 1,"data length = %u\n", ecx
mov eax, [esi + rx_desc.buf_soft_addr]
push eax
mov [eax + NET_BUFF.length], ecx
mov [eax + NET_BUFF.device], ebx
mov [eax + NET_BUFF.offset], NET_BUFF.data
; Update stats
add dword [ebx + device.bytes_rx], eax
adc dword [ebx + device.bytes_rx + 4], 0
inc [ebx + device.packets_rx]
; Allocate a new buffer
mov [esi + rx_desc.status], 0
invoke NetAlloc, RX_BUF_SIZE+NET_BUFF.data
test eax, eax
jz .no_more_buffers
mov [esi + rx_desc.buf_soft_addr], eax
invoke GetPhysAddr
add eax, NET_BUFF.data
mov dword [esi + rx_desc.buf_addr], eax
; re set OWN bit
mov eax, DSB_OWNbit or RX_BUF_SIZE
cmp [ebx + device.cur_rx], NUM_RX_DESC - 1
jne @f
or eax, DSB_EORbit
mov [esi + rx_desc.status], eax
; Update rx ptr
inc [ebx + device.cur_rx]
and [ebx + device.cur_rx], NUM_RX_DESC - 1
jmp [EthInput]
mov eax, DSB_OWNbit or RX_BUF_SIZE
cmp [ebx + device.cur_rx], NUM_RX_DESC - 1
jne @f
or eax, DSB_EORbit
mov [esi + rx_desc.status], eax
push ebx
jmp .rx_loop
pop ax
; Transmit cleanup
test ax, ISB_TxOK or ISB_TxErr or ISB_TxDescUnavail
jz .no_tx
push ax
DEBUGF 1,"TX done!\n"
mov ecx, NUM_TX_DESC
lea esi, [ebx + device.tx_ring]
cmp dword [esi + tx_desc.buf_soft_addr], 0
jz .maybenext
test [esi + tx_desc.status], DSB_OWNbit
jnz .maybenext
push ecx
DEBUGF 1,"Freeing up TX desc: %x\n", esi
invoke NetFree, [esi + tx_desc.buf_soft_addr]
pop ecx
and dword [esi + tx_desc.buf_soft_addr], 0
add esi, sizeof.tx_desc
dec ecx
jnz .txloop
pop ax
test ax, ISB_LinkChg
jz .no_linkchange
DEBUGF 2, "Link change detected\n"
call detect_link
pop edi esi ebx
xor eax, eax
inc eax
align 4
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], 0
; set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_TBICSR
; in eax, dx
; test eax, TBI_LinkOK
; jz .down
; mov [ebx + device.state], ETH_LINK_UNKNOWN
; invoke NetLinkChanged
; ret
set_io [ebx + device.io_addr], REG_PHYstatus
in al, dx
test al, PHYS_LinkStatus
jz .down
DEBUGF 2, "Link is up, phystatus=0x%x\n", al
xor ecx, ecx
test al, PHYS_10bps
jz @f
or cl, ETH_LINK_10M
test al, PHYS_100bps
jz @f
or cl, ETH_LINK_100M
test al, PHYS_1000bpsF
jz @f
or cl, ETH_LINK_1G ;or ETH_LINK_FD
test al, PHYS_FullDup
jz @f
or cl, ETH_LINK_FD
mov [ebx + device.state], ecx
invoke NetLinkChanged
DEBUGF 2, "Link is down\n"
mov [ebx + device.state], ETH_LINK_DOWN
invoke NetLinkChanged
; End of code
data fixups
end data
include '../peimport.inc'
my_service db 'RTL8169',0 ; max 16 chars include zero
include_debug_strings ; All data wich FDO uses will be included here
; 8168EP family.
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x50200000, 51, name_49
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x50100000, 50, name_49
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x50000000, 49, name_49
; 8168H family.
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x54100000, 46, name_45
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x54000000, 45, name_45
; 8168G family.
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x5c800000, 44, name_44
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x50900000, 42, name_40
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x4c100000, 41, name_40
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x4c000000, 40, name_40
; 8168F family.
dd 0x7c800000, 0x48800000, 38, name_38
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x48100000, 36, name_35
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x48000000, 35, name_35
; 8168E family.
dd 0x7c800000, 0x2c800000, 34, name_34
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x2c200000, 33, name_32
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x2c100000, 32, name_32
dd 0x7c800000, 0x2c000000, 33, name_32
; 8168D family.
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x28300000, 26, name_25
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x28100000, 25, name_25
dd 0x7c800000, 0x28000000, 26, name_25
; 8168DP family.
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x28800000, 27, name_27
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x28a00000, 28, name_27
; 8168C family.
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x3cb00000, 24, name_18
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x3c900000, 23, name_18
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x3c800000, 18, name_18
dd 0x7c800000, 0x3c800000, 24, name_18
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x3c000000, 19, name_19
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x3c200000, 20, name_19
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x3c300000, 21, name_19
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x3c400000, 22, name_19
dd 0x7c800000, 0x3c000000, 22, name_19
; 8168B family.
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x38000000, 12, name_11
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x38500000, 17, name_10
dd 0x7c800000, 0x38000000, 17, name_10
dd 0x7c800000, 0x30000000, 11, name_11
; 8101 family.
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x34a00000, 09, name_07
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x24a00000, 09, name_07
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x34900000, 08, name_07
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x24900000, 08, name_07
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x34800000, 07, name_07
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x24800000, 07, name_07
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x34000000, 13, name_10
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x34300000, 10, name_10
dd 0x7cf00000, 0x34200000, 16, name_11
dd 0x7c800000, 0x34800000, 09, name_07
dd 0x7c800000, 0x24800000, 09, name_07
dd 0x7c800000, 0x34000000, 16, name_11
dd 0xfc800000, 0x38800000, 15, name_14
dd 0xfc800000, 0x30800000, 14, name_14
; 8110 family.
dd 0xfc800000, 0x98000000, 06, name_05
dd 0xfc800000, 0x18000000, 05, name_05
dd 0xfc800000, 0x10000000, 04, name_04
dd 0xfc800000, 0x04000000, 03, name_03
dd 0xfc800000, 0x00800000, 02, name_02
dd 0xfc800000, 0x00000000, 01, name_01
; Catch-all
dd 0x00000000, 0x00000000, 0, name_unknown
; PCI-devices
name_01 db "RTL8169",0
name_02 db "RTL8169s",0
name_03 db "RTL8110s",0
name_04 db "RTL8169sb/8110sb",0
name_05 db "RTL8169sc/8110sc",0
;name_06 db "RTL8169sc/8110sc",0
; PCI-E devices
name_07 db "RTL8102e",0
;name_08 db "RTL8102e",0
;name_09 db "RTL8102e",0
name_10 db "RTL8101e",0
name_11 db "RTL8168b/8111b",0
;name_12 db "RTL8168b/8111b",0
;name_13 db "RTL8101e",0
name_14 db "RTL8100e",0
;name_15 db "RTL8100e",0
;name_16 db "RTL8168b/8111b",0
;name_17 db "RTL8101e",0
name_18 db "RTL8168cp/8111cp",0
name_19 db "RTL8168c/8111c",0
;name_20 db "RTL8168c/8111c",0
;name_21 db "RTL8168c/8111c",0
;name_22 db "RTL8168c/8111c",0
;name_23 db "RTL8168cp/8111cp",0
;name_24 db "RTL8168cp/8111cp",0
name_25 db "RTL8168d/8111d",0
;name_26 db "RTL8168d/8111d",0
name_27 db "RTL8168dp/8111dp",0
;name_28 db "RTL8168dp/8111dp",0
name_29 db "RTL8105e",0
;name_30 db "RTL8105e",0
;name_31 db "RTL8168dp/8111dp",0
name_32 db "RTL8168e/8111e",0
;name_33 db "RTL8168e/8111e",0
name_34 db "RTL8168evl/8111evl",0
name_35 db "RTL8168f/8111f",0
;name_36 db "RTL8168f/8111f",0
name_37 db "RTL8402",0
name_38 db "RTL8411",0
name_39 db "RTL8106e",0
name_40 db "RTL8168g/8111g",0
;name_41 db "RTL8168g/8111g",0
;name_42 db "RTL8168g/8111g",0
;name_43 db "RTL8106e",0
name_44 db "RTL8411",0
name_45 db "RTL8168h/8111h",0
;name_46 db "RTL8168h/8111h",0
name_47 db "RTL8107e",0
;name_48 db "RTL8107e",0
name_49 db "RTL8168ep/8111ep",0
;name_50 db "RTL8168ep/8111ep",0
;name_51 db "RTL8168ep/8111ep",0
name_unknown db "unknown RTL8169 clone",0
align 4
devices dd 0
device_list rd MAX_DEVICES ; This list contains all pointers to device structures the driver is handling