
567 lines
17 KiB
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;; ;;
;; Copyright (C) KolibriOS team 2010-2013. All rights reserved. ;;
;; Distributed under terms of the GNU General Public License ;;
;; ;;
;; netcfg.asm - Network driver control center for KolibriOS ;;
;; ;;
;; Written by hidnplayr@kolibrios.org ;;
;; ;;
;; Version 2, June 1991 ;;
;; ;;
format binary as ""
org 0x0
db 'MENUET01' ; 8 byte id
dd 0x01 ; header version
dd START ; start of code
dd IM_END ; size of image
dd (I_END+0x100) ; memory for app
dd (I_END+0x100) ; esp
dd param, 0x0 ; I_Param , I_Icon
type_ethernet equ 1
include '../../macros.inc'
; first, check boot parameters
cmp byte[param], 0
je .noparams
mcall 40, 0
push .exit
cmp byte[param], 'A' ; A for All
je Get_PCI_Info
cmp byte[param], 'F' ; F for First
je Get_PCI_Info
mcall -1
call draw_window
mcall 10 ; wait here for event
dec eax ; redraw request ?
jz red
dec eax ; key in buffer ?
jz key
dec eax ; button in buffer ?
jz button
jmp still
red: ; redraw
mcall 9, Proc_Info, -1 ; window redraw requested so get new window coordinates and size
mov eax, [Proc_Info.box.left]; store the window coordinates into the Form Structure
mov [Form + 2], ax ; x start position
mov eax, [Proc_Info.box.top];
mov [Form + 6], ax ; ystart position
mov eax, [Proc_Info.box.width] ;
mov [Form], ax ; window width
mov eax, [Proc_Info.box.height] ;
mov [Form + 4] ,ax ; window height
call draw_window ; go redraw window now
jmp still
key: ; key
mcall 2 ; just read it and ignore
jmp still
button: ; button
mcall 17 ; get id
cmp ah, 1 ; button id = 1 ?
jne @f
exit: mcall -1 ; close this program
cmp eax,0x0000ff00
jg load_drv
cmp ah, 4
je hook
cmp ah, 5
je reset
cmp ah, 6
je unload
jmp still
shr eax, 16
mov word [selected], ax
mov bl , 6 ; get a dword
mov bh , ah ; bus
mov ch , al ; dev
mov cl , 0 ; offset to device/vendor id
mcall 62 ; get ID's
mov word [PCI_Vendor], ax
shr eax, 16
mov word [PCI_Device], ax
call get_drv_ptr
mov ecx, eax
mcall 68, 16
mov [IOCTL.handle], eax
call draw_window
cmp [IOCTL.handle], 0
jne still
mcall 4, 20 shl 16 + 30, 1 shl 31 + 0x00ff0000 , load_error
jmp still
mov ax , [selected]
test ax , ax
jz still
mov [hardwareinfo.pci_dev], al
mov [hardwareinfo.pci_bus], ah
mov [IOCTL.io_code], 1 ; SRV_HOOK
mov [IOCTL.inp_size], 3
mov [IOCTL.input], hardwareinfo
mov [IOCTL.out_size], 0
mov [IOCTL.output], 0
mcall 68, 17, IOCTL
mov byte[drivernumber], al
jmp still
movzx ebx, byte[drivernumber]
mcall 74,,2
jmp still
movzx ebx, byte[drivernumber]
mcall 74,,3
jmp still
mcall 12, 1 ; start of draw
mcall 0, dword [Form], dword [Form + 4], 0x13ffffff, 0x805080d0, title
call Get_PCI_Info ; get pci version and last bus, scan for and draw each pci device
cmp edx, 20 shl 16 + 110
je .nonefound
mcall 4, 20 shl 16 + 100, 1 shl 31 + 0x00000000 , caption
cmp [selected], 0
jz .done
cmp [IOCTL.handle] ,0
jz .done
mcall 8, 18 shl 16 + 100, 35 shl 16 + 18, 4, 0x00007f00
mcall ,, 55 shl 16 + 18, 5, 0x0000007f
mcall ,, 75 shl 16 + 18, 6, 0x007f0000
mcall 4, 33 shl 16 + 42, 1 shl 31 + 0x00ffffff , btn_start
mcall , 33 shl 16 + 62, , btn_reset
mcall , 36 shl 16 + 82, , btn_stop
jmp .done
mcall 4, 20 shl 16 + 30, 1 shl 31 + 0x00ff0000 , nonefound
mcall 12, 2 ; end of draw
;* Gets the PCI Version and Last Bus
mcall 62, 0
mov word [PCI_Version], ax
mcall 62, 1
mov byte [PCI_LastBus], al
;* Get all devices on PCI Bus
mov edx, 20 shl 16 + 110 ; set start write position
cmp al , 0xff ; 0xFF means no pci bus found
jne Pci_Exists ;
ret ; if no bus then leave
mov byte [V_Bus], 0 ; reset varibles
mov byte [V_Dev], 0 ;
mov bl , 6 ; get a dword
mov bh , byte [V_Bus] ; bus of pci device
mov ch , byte [V_Dev] ; device number/function
mov cl , 0 ; offset to device/vendor id
mcall 62 ; get ID's
cmp ax, 0 ; Vendor ID should not be 0 or 0xFFFF
je nextDev ; check next device if nothing exists here
cmp ax, 0xffff ;
je nextDev ;
mov word [PCI_Vendor], ax ; There is a device here, save the ID's
shr eax, 16 ;
mov word [PCI_Device], ax ;
mov bl , 4 ; Read config byte
mov bh , byte [V_Bus] ; Bus #
mov ch , byte [V_Dev] ; Device # on bus
mov cl , 0x08 ; Register to read (Get Revision)
mcall 62 ; Read it
mov byte [PCI_Rev], al ; Save it
mov cl , 0x0b ; Register to read (Get class)
mcall 62 ; Read it
mov byte [PCI_Class], al ; Save it
mov cl , 0x0a ; Register to read (Get Subclass)
mcall 62 ; Read it
mov byte [PCI_SubClass], al ; Save it
mov cl , 0x09 ; Register to read (Get Interface)
mcall 62 ; Read it
mov [PCI_Interface], al ; Save it
mov cl , 0x3c ; Register to read (Get IRQ)
@@: mcall 62 ; Read it
mov [PCI_IRQ], al ; Save it
cmp byte [PCI_Class], 2 ; network controller
je @f
cmp byte [PCI_Class], 6 ; bridge type device
jne nextDev
cmp byte [PCI_SubClass], 7 ; Cardbus bridge
jne nextDev
mov bl, 6 ; get a dword
mov bh, byte [V_Bus] ; bus of pci device
mov ch, byte [V_Dev] ; device number/function
mov cl, 0x40 ; offset to subsystem device/vendor id
mcall 62 ; get ID's
mov word [PCI_Device], ax ; There is a device here, save the ID's
shr eax, 16 ;
mov word [PCI_Vendor], ax ;
cmp byte[param], 0
jne load_and_start
mov cl, 0x0e
mcall 62
push eax
call Print_New_Device ; print device info to screen
pop eax
test al, al
js nextDev
test byte [V_Dev], 7
jnz nextDev
or byte [V_Dev], 7
inc [V_Dev] ; lower 3 bits are the function number
jnz Start_Enum ; jump until we reach zero
mov byte [V_Dev], 0 ; reset device number
inc byte [V_Bus] ; next bus
mov al , byte [PCI_LastBus] ; get last bus
cmp byte [V_Bus], al ; was it last bus
jbe Start_Enum ; if not jump to keep searching
call get_drv_ptr
cmp eax, lbl_none
je .next
mov ecx, eax
mcall 68, 16
test eax, eax
jz .next
mov [IOCTL.handle], eax
mov al, [V_Dev]
mov [hardwareinfo.pci_dev], al
mov al, [V_Bus]
mov [hardwareinfo.pci_bus], al
mov [IOCTL.io_code], 1 ; SRV_HOOK
mov [IOCTL.inp_size], 3
mov [IOCTL.input], hardwareinfo
mov [IOCTL.out_size], 0
mov [IOCTL.output], 0
mcall 68, 17, IOCTL
cmp byte[param], 'A'
je nextdev2
jmp exit
;* Print device info to screen
push edx ; Magic ! (to print a button...)
mov ebx, 18 shl 16
mov bx , [Form]
sub bx , 36
mov cx , dx
dec cx
shl ecx, 16
add ecx, 9
movzx edx, byte [V_Bus]
shl dx , 8
mov dl , byte [V_Dev]
mov esi, 0x0000c0ff ; color: yellow if selected, blue otherwise
cmp word [selected], dx
jne @f
mov esi, 0x00c0c000
shl edx, 8
or dl , 0xff
mcall 8
pop edx
xor esi, esi ; Color of text
movzx ecx, word [PCI_Vendor] ; number to be written
mcall 47, 0x00040100 ; Write Vendor ID
add edx, (4*6+18) shl 16
movzx ecx, word [PCI_Device] ; get Vendor ID
mcall ; Draw Vendor ID to Window
add edx, (4*6+18) shl 16
movzx ecx, byte [V_Bus] ; get bus number
mcall ,0x00020100 ; draw bus number to screen
add edx, (2*6+18) shl 16
movzx ecx, byte [V_Dev] ; get device number
shr ecx, 3 ; device number is bits 3-7
mcall ; Draw device Number To Window
add edx, (2*6+18) shl 16
movzx ecx, byte [PCI_Rev] ; get revision number
mcall ; Draw Revision to screen
add edx, (2*6+18) shl 16
movzx ecx, [PCI_IRQ]
cmp cl , 0x0f ; IRQ must be between 0 and 15
ja @f
;Write Names
movzx ebx, dx ; Set y position
or ebx, 230 shl 16 ; set Xposition
; Prints the Vendor's Name based on Vendor ID
mov edx, VendorsTab
mov cx , word[PCI_Vendor]
.fn: mov ax , [edx]
add edx, 6
test ax , ax
jz .find
cmp ax , cx
jne .fn
.find: mov edx, [edx - 4]
mcall 4,, 0x80000000 ; lets print the vendor Name
; Get description based on Class/Subclass
mov eax, dword [PCI_Class]
and eax, 0xffffff
xor edx, edx
xor esi, esi
.fnc: inc esi
mov ecx, [Classes + esi * 8 - 8]
cmp cx , 0xffff
je .endfc
cmp cx , ax
jne .fnc
test ecx, 0xff000000
jz @f
mov edx, [Classes + esi * 8 - 4]
jmp .fnc
@@: cmp eax, ecx
jne .fnc
xor edx, edx
.endfc: test edx, edx
jnz @f
mov edx, [Classes + esi * 8 - 4]
add ebx, 288 shl 16
mcall 4,, 0x80000000,, 32 ; draw the text
movzx edx, bx ; get y coordinate
add edx, 0x0014000A ; add 10 to y coordinate and set x coordinate to 20
; Print Driver Name
push edx
add ebx, 120 shl 16
push ebx
call get_drv_ptr
mov edx, eax
pop ebx
mcall 4,,0x80000000 ; lets print the vendor Name
pop edx
mov eax, driverlist ; eax will be the pointer to latest driver title
mov ebx, driverlist ; ebx is the current pointer
mov ecx, dword[PCI_Vendor] ; the device/vendor id of we want to find
inc ebx
cmp byte[ebx],0
jne driverloop
inc ebx ; the device/vendor id list for the driver eax is pointing to starts here.
cmp dword[ebx],0
je nextdriver
cmp dword[ebx],ecx
je driverfound
add ebx,4
jmp deviceloop
add ebx,4
cmp dword[ebx],0
je nodriver
mov eax,ebx
jmp driverloop
mov eax, lbl_none ; lets print the vendor Name
include 'vendors.inc'
include 'drivers.inc'
Form: dw 800 ; window width (no more, special for 800x600)
dw 100 ; window x start
dw 220 ; window height
dw 100 ; window y start
title db 'Network Driver Control Center', 0
caption db 'Vendor Device Bus Dev Rev IRQ Company Description DRIVER',0
nonefound db 'No compatible devices were found!',0
btn_start db 'Start device',0
btn_reset db 'Reset device',0
btn_stop db 'Stop device',0
lbl_none db 'none',0
load_error db 'Could not load driver!',0
.type db 1 ; pci
.pci_bus db ?
.pci_dev db ?
.handle dd ?
.io_code dd ?
.input dd ?
.inp_size dd ?
.output dd ?
.out_size dd ?
drivernumber db ?
MAC dp ?
type db ?
selected dw ?
V_Bus db ?
V_Dev db ?
PCI_Version dw ?
PCI_LastBus db ?
PCI_Vendor dw ?
PCI_Device dw ?
PCI_Bus db ?
PCI_Dev db ?
PCI_Rev db ?
; don`t change order!!!
PCI_Class db ?
PCI_SubClass db ?
PCI_Interface db ?
PCI_IRQ db ?
Proc_Info process_information
param rb 1024