
198 lines
3.9 KiB
Raw Normal View History

; <--- description --->
; compiler: FASM 1.54
; name: MenuetOS RUN
; version: 0.02
; last update: 28/09/2004
; written by: Ivan Poddubny
; e-mail: ivan-yar@bk.ru
; <--- include all MeOS stuff --->
include "lang.inc"
include "macros.inc"
;;;lang fix en
; <--- start of MenuetOS application --->
;include "DEBUG.INC"
; <--- start of code --->
call draw_window ; at first create and draw the window
wait_event: ; main cycle
mcall 10
cmp eax, 1 ; if event == 1
je redraw ; jump to redraw handler
cmp eax, 2 ; else if event == 2
je key ; jump to key handler
cmp eax, 3 ; else if event == 3
je button ; jump to button handler
jmp wait_event ; else return to the start of main cycle
redraw: ; redraw event handler
call draw_window
jmp wait_event
key: ; key event handler
mcall 2
cmp ah, 13
je _run
cmp ah, 8
je .backspace
mov bl, ah
mov eax, [position]
mov [filename + eax], bl
inc [position]
call draw_string
jmp wait_event
xor eax, eax
cmp [position], eax
je wait_event
dec [position]
call draw_string
jmp wait_event
button: ; button event handler
mcall 17
cmp ah, 10
je _run
dec ah
jne wait_event ; return if button id != 1
or eax, -1 ; exit application
int 0x40
mcall 58, fileinfo
; dps "58th function returned "
; dpd eax
; newline
jmp _exit
mcall 12, 1
mcall 14
and eax, 0xFFFF
sub eax, 100
shl eax, 16
add eax, 80
mov ecx, eax
mov ebx, 148*65536+400 ; (window_cx)*65536+(window_sx)
mov edx, 0x03DDDDDD ; work area color & window type 3
mcall 0
mov ebx, 8*65536+8 ; coordinates
mov ecx, 0x10ffffff ; color & font N1
mov edx, header ; address of text
mov esi, header.size ; length of text
mcall 4
mpack ebx, 10, 26
mov ecx, 0
mov edx, message
mov esi, message.size
mpack ebx, 385-(runbtn.size*6), runbtn.size*6+4
mpack ecx, 56, 14
mov edx, 10
mov esi, 0xa0a0a0
mcall 8
; mpack ebx, 385-runbtn.size*6-findbtn.size*6-8, findbtn.size*6+4
; inc edx
; mcall 8
; mpack ebx, 388-runbtn.size*6-findbtn.size*6-7, 59
; mov ecx, 0
; mov edx, findbtn
; mov esi, findbtn.size
; mcall 4
mpack ebx, 388-runbtn.size*6, 59
mov ecx, 0
mov edx, runbtn
mov esi, runbtn.size
mcall 4
call draw_string
mcall 12, 2
mpack ebx, 10, 380
mpack ecx, 38, 14
mov edx, 0xA0A0A0
mcall 13
mpack ebx, 14, 41
mov ecx, 0
mov edx, filename
mov esi, [position]
mcall 4
; <--- initialised data --->
position dd filename.size
lsz header,\
ru, "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20>ணࠬ<E0AEA3><E0A0AC>",\
en, "Start program"
lsz message,\
ru, "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD> <20><><E4A0A9>:",\
en, "Enter path to file:"
; lsz findbtn,\
; ru, "<22><><EFBFBD><EFBFBD><EFBFBD>...",\
; en, "Find..."
lsz runbtn,\
en, "Run"
.mode dd 16
dd 0
.param dd 0
dd 0
.workarea dd workarea
sz filename, "/rd/1/"
rb 122
; <--- uninitialised data --->
workarea rb 4096
; <--- end of MenuetOS application --->