
869 lines
28 KiB
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; ------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; KWINE is a fork of program PELoad written by 0CodErr
; author - rgimad
; ------------------------------------------------------------- ;
; standard device (Winbase.h)
%define STD_INPUT_HANDLE -10
%define STD_ERROR_HANDLE -12
; starting point for file pointer move (Winbase.h)
%define FILE_BEGIN 0 ; zero or beginning of file
%define FILE_CURRENT 1 ; current value of file pointer
%define FILE_END 2 ; current end-of-file position
; file system operation codes (kernel/trunk/fs/fs_lfn.inc)
%define F70_READ_F 0 ; read file
%define F70_READ_D 1 ; read folder
%define F70_CREATE_F 2 ; create/rewrite file
%define F70_WRITE_F 3 ; write/append to file
%define F70_SETSIZE_F 4 ; set end of file
%define F70_GETATTR_FD 5 ; get file/directory attributes structure
%define F70_SETATTR_FD 6 ; set file/directory attributes structure
%define F70_START_F 7 ; start application
%define F70_DELETE_FD 8 ; delete file
%define F70_CREATE_D 9 ; create directory
; action to take on file that exists or does not exist (Winbase.h)
%define CREATE_NEW 1 ; creates a new file, only if it does not already exist
%define CREATE_ALWAYS 2 ; creates new file, always
%define OPEN_EXISTING 3 ; opens file, only if it exists
%define OPEN_ALWAYS 4 ; opens file, always
%define TRUNCATE_EXISTING 5 ; opens file and truncates it so that its size is zero bytes, only if it exists
section '.exprt' align 16
EXPORTS: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
dd sz_ExitProcess, ExitProcess
dd sz_GetStdHandle, GetStdHandle
dd sz_SetConsoleMode, SetConsoleMode
dd sz_WriteFile, WriteFile
dd sz_ReadFile, ReadFile
dd sz_GetCommandLineA, GetCommandLineA
dd sz_GlobalAlloc, GlobalAlloc
dd sz_GlobalFree, GlobalFree
dd sz_GlobalReAlloc, GlobalReAlloc
dd sz_Sleep, Sleep
dd sz_FlushConsoleInputBuffer, FlushConsoleInputBuffer
dd sz_CloseHandle, CloseHandle
dd sz_GetFileSize, GetFileSize
dd sz_CreateFileA, CreateFileA
dd sz_SetFilePointer, SetFilePointer
dd sz_VirtualAlloc, VirtualAlloc
dd sz_VirtualFree, VirtualFree
dd sz_SetConsoleCursorPosition, SetConsoleCursorPosition
dd sz_DeleteFileA, DeleteFileA
dd sz_FindClose, FindClose
dd sz_FindFirstFileA, FindFirstFileA
dd sz_GetLocalTime, GetLocalTime
dd sz_GetLastError, GetLastError
dd sz_GetProcessHeap, GetProcessHeap
dd sz_HeapAlloc, HeapAlloc
dd sz_HeapFree, HeapFree
dd sz_HeapReAlloc, HeapReAlloc
dd 0
sz_ExitProcess db "ExitProcess",0
sz_GetStdHandle db "GetStdHandle",0
sz_SetConsoleMode db "SetConsoleMode",0
sz_WriteFile db "WriteFile",0
sz_ReadFile db "ReadFile",0
sz_GetCommandLineA db "GetCommandLineA",0
sz_GlobalAlloc db "GlobalAlloc",0
sz_GlobalFree db "GlobalFree",0
sz_GlobalReAlloc db "GlobalReAlloc",0
sz_Sleep db "Sleep",0
sz_FlushConsoleInputBuffer db "FlushConsoleInputBuffer",0
sz_CloseHandle db "CloseHandle",0
sz_GetFileSize db "GetFileSize",0
sz_CreateFileA db "CreateFileA",0
sz_SetFilePointer db "SetFilePointer",0
sz_VirtualAlloc db "VirtualAlloc",0
sz_VirtualFree db "VirtualFree",0
sz_SetConsoleCursorPosition db "SetConsoleCursorPosition",0
sz_DeleteFileA db "DeleteFileA",0
sz_FindClose db "FindClose",0
sz_FindFirstFileA db "FindFirstFileA",0
sz_GetLocalTime db "GetLocalTime",0
sz_GetLastError db "GetLastError",0
sz_GetProcessHeap db "GetProcessHeap",0
sz_HeapAlloc db "HeapAlloc",0
sz_HeapFree db "HeapFree",0
sz_HeapReAlloc db "HeapReAlloc",0
section '.code' align 16
align 16
ExitProcess: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
xor eax, eax
dec eax
int 64
; ret not need
align 16
GetStdHandle: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push ebx
push esi
push edi
; if already loaded then do nothing
cmp [console], dword 0
jne .do_nothing
push sz_console
call load.library
mov [console], eax
mov ecx, eax
mov ebx, getprocaddress
push ecx
push sz_con_init
call ebx
mov [con_init], eax
push ecx
push sz_con_write_asciiz
call ebx
mov [con_write_asciiz], eax
push ecx
push sz_con_exit
call ebx
mov [con_exit], eax
push ecx
push sz_con_gets
call ebx
mov [con_gets], eax
push ecx
push sz_con_write_string
call ebx
mov [con_write_string], eax
push ecx
push sz_con_set_flags
call ebx
mov [con_set_flags], eax
push ecx
push sz_con_set_cursor_pos
call ebx
mov [con_set_cursor_pos], eax
push ecx
push sz_con_printf
call ebx
mov [con_printf], eax
mov eax, [28]
cmp [eax], byte 34 ; quote
jne .no_quote
inc eax
push eax
push -1
push -1
push -1
push -1
call [con_init]
mov eax, con_handle ; return pointer to console descriptor
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
ret 4
align 16
WriteFile: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define hFile [ebp + 8] ; handle to the file
%define lpBuffer [ebp + 12] ; pointer to buffer containing data
%define nNumberOfBytesToWrite [ebp + 16] ; number of bytes to be written
%define lpNumberOfBytesWritten [ebp + 20] ; pointer to variable that receives number of bytes written
%define lpOverlapped [ebp + 24] ; pointer to OVERLAPPED structure
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov eax, hFile
cmp [eax + 8], dword "CON"
je .con
lea edx, [eax + 8]
push edx ;filepath
dec esp
mov [esp], byte 0
push dword lpBuffer ;buffer
push dword nNumberOfBytesToWrite;count
push dword 0
push dword [eax + 4];position ; in InternalFileInfo in libio
push dword F70_WRITE_F
mov ebx, esp
mov eax, 70
int 64
add esp, 25 ; restore stack
mov edx, lpNumberOfBytesWritten
mov [edx], ebx
mov edx, hFile
add [edx + 4], ebx
jmp .exit
; push dword lpBuffer
; call [con_printf]
; add esp, 4
push dword nNumberOfBytesToWrite
push dword lpBuffer
call [con_write_string]
; push dword lpBuffer
; call [con_write_asciiz]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
pop ebp
ret 20
%undef hFile
%undef lpBuffer
%undef nNumberOfBytesToWrite
%undef lpNumberOfBytesWritten
%undef lpOverlapped
align 16
ReadFile: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define hFile [ebp + 8] ; handle to the file
%define lpBuffer [ebp + 12] ; pointer to buffer that receives data
%define nNumberOfBytesToRead [ebp + 16] ; maximum number of bytes to read
%define lpNumberOfBytesRead [ebp + 20] ; pointer to variable that receives number of bytes read
%define lpOverlapped [ebp + 24] ; pointer to OVERLAPPED structure
push ebp
mov ebp, esp
push ebx
push esi
push edi
; push dword 0
; call GetStdHandle
mov eax, hFile
cmp [eax + 8], dword "CON"
je .con
; lea eax, [eax + 8]
; push eax
; call [con_write_asciiz]
lea edx, [eax + 8]
push edx ;filepath
dec esp
mov [esp], byte 0
push dword lpBuffer ;buffer
push dword nNumberOfBytesToRead;count
push dword 0
push dword [eax + 4];position ; in InternalFileInfo in libio
push dword F70_READ_F
mov ebx, esp
mov eax, 70
int 64
add esp, 25 ; restore stack
mov edx, lpNumberOfBytesRead
mov [edx], ebx
mov edx, hFile
add [edx + 4], ebx
jmp .exit
push dword nNumberOfBytesToRead
push dword lpBuffer
call [con_gets]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
pop ebp
ret 20
%undef hFile
%undef lpBuffer
%undef nNumberOfBytesToRead
%undef lpNumberOfBytesRead
%undef lpOverlapped
align 16
SetConsoleMode: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; ignore input parameters
xor eax, eax
dec eax
ret 8
align 16
GetCommandLineA: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
push edi
mov edi, [28]
xor al, al
xor ecx, ecx
dec ecx
repne scasb
mov eax, edi
pop edi
align 16
GlobalAlloc: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define uFlags [esp + 4 +1*4] ; memory allocation attributes
%define dwBytes [esp + 8 +1*4] ; number of bytes to allocate
push ebx
; uFlags ignored
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 12
mov ecx, dwBytes
int 64
pop ebx
ret 8
%undef uFlags
%undef dwBytes
align 16
GlobalFree: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define hMem [esp + 4 +1*4] ; handle to global memory object
push ebx
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 13
mov ecx, hMem
int 64
pop ebx
ret 4
%undef hMem
align 16
GlobalReAlloc: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define hMem [esp + 4 +1*4] ; handle to global memory object
%define dwBytes [esp + 8 +1*4] ; new size of memory block in bytes
%define uFlags [esp + 12 +1*4] ; reallocation options
push ebx
; uFlags ignored
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 20
mov ecx, dwBytes
mov edx, hMem
int 64
pop ebx
ret 12
%undef hMem
%undef dwBytes
%undef uFlags
align 16
Sleep: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define dwMilliseconds [esp + 4 +1*4] ; time interval
push ebx
mov eax, dwMilliseconds
mov ebx, 10
cmp eax, ebx
jae .ae
add eax, 10 ; avoid zero result if dwMilliseconds < 10
xor edx, edx
div ebx
mov ebx, eax
mov eax, 5
int 64
pop ebx
ret 4
%undef dwMilliseconds
align 16
FlushConsoleInputBuffer: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
; not implemented correctly
xor eax, eax
dec eax
ret 4
align 16
CloseHandle: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define hObject [esp + 4 +1*4]
push ebx
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 13
mov ecx, hObject
int 64
pop ebx
ret 4
%undef hObject
align 16
GetFileSize: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define hFile [esp + 4 +3*4]
%define lpFileSizeHigh [esp + 8 +3*4]
push ebx
push esi
push edi
; lpFileSizeHigh ignored
mov [esp - (25 + 40) + 0], dword F70_GETATTR_FD
mov [esp - (25 + 40) + 8], dword 0
mov [esp - (25 + 40) + 20], byte 0
lea eax, [esp - 40]
mov [esp - (25 + 40) + 16], eax
lea ebx, [esp - (25 + 40)]
mov eax, hFile
lea eax, [eax + 8] ; as in InternalFileInfo in libio
mov [esp - (25 + 40) + 21], eax
mov eax, 70
int 64
test eax, eax
jz .no_error
jmp .exit
mov eax, [esp - (25 + 40) + 25 + 32] ; file.size
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
ret 8
%undef hFile
%undef lpFileSizeHigh
align 16
CreateFileA: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define lpFileName [esp + 4 +3*4]
%define dwDesiredAccess [esp + 8 +3*4]
%define dwShareMode [esp + 12 +3*4]
%define lpSecurityAttributes [esp + 16 +3*4]
%define dwCreationDisposition [esp + 20 +3*4]
%define dwFlagsAndAttributes [esp + 24 +3*4]
%define hTemplateFile [esp + 28 +3*4]
push ebx
push esi
push edi
; push dword 0
; call GetStdHandle
; push dword lpFileName
; call [con_write_asciiz]
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 12
mov ecx, 4096
int 64
mov edx, eax
lea edi, [eax + 8] ; as in InternalFileInfo in libio
mov esi, lpFileName
test al, al
jnz .copy_name
mov eax, dwCreationDisposition
je .create_always
je .open_existing
jmp .exit
lea eax, [edx + 8]
push eax ;filepath
dec esp
mov [esp], byte 0
push dword 0 ; buffer
push dword 0 ; count
push dword 0
push dword 0
push dword F70_READ_F
mov ebx, esp
mov eax, 70
int 64
add esp, 25 ; restore stack
test eax, eax
jz .no_error
jmp .exit
mov eax, edx ; return pointer to file descriptor
jmp .exit
lea eax, [edx + 8]
push eax ;filepath
dec esp
mov [esp], byte 0
push dword 0 ; buffer
push dword 0 ; count
push dword 0
push dword 0
push dword F70_CREATE_F
mov ebx, esp
mov eax, 70
int 64
add esp, 25 ; restore stack
mov eax, edx ; return pointer to file descriptor
jmp .exit
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
ret 28
%undef lpFileName
%undef dwDesiredAccess
%undef dwShareMode
%undef lpSecurityAttributes
%undef dwCreationDisposition
%undef dwFlagsAndAttributes
%undef hTemplateFile
align 16
SetFilePointer: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define hFile [esp + 4 +3*4]
%define lDistanceToMove [esp + 8 +3*4]
%define lpDistanceToMoveHigh [esp + 12 +3*4]
%define dwMoveMethod [esp + 16 +3*4]
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov eax, hFile
cmp dwMoveMethod, dword FILE_BEGIN
cmp dwMoveMethod, dword FILE_CURRENT
mov edx, lDistanceToMove
mov [eax + 4], edx
jmp .exit
mov edx, lDistanceToMove
add [eax + 4], edx
jmp .exit
push dword 0
push eax
call GetFileSize
mov edx, eax
mov eax, hFile
mov [eax + 4], edx
mov edx, lDistanceToMove
add [eax + 4], edx
mov eax, [eax + 4]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
ret 16
%undef hFile
%undef lDistanceToMove
%undef lpDistanceToMoveHigh
%undef dwMoveMethod
align 16
VirtualAlloc: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define lpAddress [esp + 4 +1*4]
%define dwSize [esp + 8 +1*4]
%define flAllocationType [esp + 12 +1*4]
%define flProtect [esp + 16 +1*4]
push ebx
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 12
mov ecx, dwSize
int 64
pop ebx
ret 16
%undef lpAddress
%undef dwSize
%undef flAllocationType
%undef flProtect
align 16
VirtualFree: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define lpAddress [esp + 4 +1*4]
%define dwSize [esp + 8 +1*4]
%define dwFreeType [esp + 12 +1*4]
push ebx
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 13
mov ecx, lpAddress
int 64
pop ebx
ret 12
%undef lpAddress
%undef dwSize
%undef dwFreeType
align 16
SetConsoleCursorPosition: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define hConsoleOutput [esp + 4 +3*4]
%define dwCursorPosition [esp + 8 +3*4]
push ebx
push esi
push edi
mov edx, dwCursorPosition
shld eax, edx, 16
shr edx, 16
push eax
push edx
call [con_set_cursor_pos]
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
ret 8
%undef hConsoleOutput
%undef dwCursorPosition
align 16
DeleteFileA: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define lpFileName [esp + 4 +1*4] ; name of file
push ebx
mov [esp - (25 + 40) + 0], dword F70_DELETE_FD
mov [esp - (25 + 40) + 8], dword 0
mov [esp - (25 + 40) + 20], byte 0
lea eax, [esp - 40]
mov [esp - (25 + 40) + 16], eax
lea ebx, [esp - (25 + 40)]
mov eax, lpFileName
mov [esp - (25 + 40) + 21], eax
mov eax, 70
int 64
pop ebx
ret 4
%undef lpFileName
align 16
FindClose: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define hFindFile [esp + 4 +1*4] ; file search handle
ret 4
%undef hFindFile
align 16
FindFirstFileA: ;//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define lpFileName [esp + 4 +3*4] ; name of file
%define lpFindFileData [esp + 8 +3*4] ; pointer to WIN32_FIND_DATA structure
push ebx
push esi
push edi
pop edi
pop esi
pop ebx
ret 8
%undef lpFileName
%undef lpFindFileData
align 16
GetLocalTime: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define lpSystemTime [esp + 4] ; pointer to SYSTEMTIME structure
; yet not implemented
; mov eax, lpSystemTime
; mov [eax + 0], dword 12345678H
; mov [eax + 4], dword 12345678H
; mov [eax + 8], dword 12345678H
; mov [eax + 12], dword 12345678H
; MSDN: This function does not return a value.
ret 4
%undef lpSystemTime
align 16
GetLastError: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
xor eax, eax
align 16
GetProcessHeap: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
xor eax, eax
dec eax
align 16
HeapAlloc: ;///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define hHeap [esp + 4 +1*4]
%define dwFlags [esp + 8 +1*4]
%define dwBytes [esp + 12 +1*4]
push ebx
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 12
mov ecx, dwBytes
int 64
pop ebx
ret 12
%undef hHeap
%undef dwFlags
%undef dwBytes
align 16
HeapFree: ;////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define hHeap [esp + 4 +1*4]
%define dwFlags [esp + 8 +1*4]
%define lpMem [esp + 12 +1*4]
push ebx
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 13
mov ecx, lpMem
int 64
pop ebx
ret 12
%undef hHeap
%undef dwFlags
%undef lpMem
align 16
HeapReAlloc: ;/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
%define hHeap [esp + 4 +1*4]
%define dwFlags [esp + 8 +1*4]
%define lpMem [esp + 12 +1*4]
%define dwBytes [esp + 16 +1*4]
push ebx
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 20
mov ecx, dwBytes
mov edx, lpMem
int 64
pop ebx
ret 16
%undef hHeap
%undef dwFlags
%undef lpMem
%undef dwBytes
; ------------------------------------------------------------- ;
mov eax, 68
mov ebx, 19
mov ecx, [esp + 4]
int 64
ret 4
; ------------------------------------------------------------- ;
mov edx, [esp + 8]
xor eax, eax
test edx, edx
jz .end
xor eax, eax
cmp [edx], dword 0
jz .end
mov esi, [edx]
mov edi, [esp + 4]
jne .fail
or al, al
jnz .next_
jmp .ok
add edx, 8
jmp .next
mov eax, [edx + 4]
ret 8
; ------------------------------------------------------------- ;
section '.data' align 16
con_init dd 0
con_write_asciiz dd 0
con_exit dd 0
con_gets dd 0
con_write_string dd 0
con_set_flags dd 0
con_set_cursor_pos dd 0
con_printf dd 0
console dd 0
sz_con_init db "con_init",0
sz_con_write_asciiz db "con_write_asciiz",0
sz_con_exit db "con_exit",0
sz_con_gets db "con_gets",0
sz_con_write_string db "con_write_string",0
sz_console db "/sys/lib/console.obj",0
sz_con_set_flags db "con_set_flags",0
sz_con_set_cursor_pos db "con_set_cursor_pos",0
sz_con_printf db "con_printf",0
dd 0
dd 0
dd "CON"