
277 lines
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; standard driver stuff; version of driver model = 5
format PE DLL native 0.05
DEBUG equ 1
MT_3B equ 0
MT_3BScroll equ 3
MT_5BScroll equ 4
PS2_DRV_VER equ 1
section '.flat' code readable writable executable
data fixups
end data
include '../../../struct.inc'
include '../../../macros.inc'
include '../../../proc32.inc'
include '../../../peimport.inc'
entry START
proc START c, state:dword, cmdline:dword
cmp [state], DRV_ENTRY
je .init
cmp [state], DRV_EXIT
je .fini
jmp .nothing
; disable keyboard and mouse interrupts
; keyboard IRQ handler can interfere badly otherwise
mov bl, 0x20 ; read command byte
call kbd_cmd
test ah,ah
jnz .fin
call kbd_read
test ah,ah
jnz .fin
and al, 0xFC ; disable interrupts
or al, 0x10 ; disable keyboard
push eax
mov bl, 0x60 ; write command byte
call kbd_cmd
pop eax
call kbd_write
call detect_mouse
test eax,eax
jnz .exit
mov [MouseType],MT_3B
call try_mode_ID3
test eax,eax
jnz .stop_try
mov [MouseType],MT_3BScroll
call try_mode_ID4
test eax,eax
jnz .stop_try
mov [MouseType],MT_5BScroll
mov al, 0xF4 ; enable data reporting
call mouse_cmd
; enable keyboard and mouse interrupts
mov bl, 0x20 ; read command byte
call kbd_cmd
call kbd_read
or al, 3 ; enable interrupts
and al, not 0x10 ; enable keyboard
push eax
mov bl, 0x60 ; write command byte
call kbd_cmd
pop eax
call kbd_write
invoke AttachIntHandler, 12, irq_handler, 0
invoke RegService, my_service, service_proc
;invoke DetachIntHandler, 12, irq_handler
mov bl, 0xA7 ; disable mouse interface
call kbd_cmd
xor eax, eax
mov al, 0xF5
call mouse_cmd
mov bl, 0xA7 ; disable mouse interface
call kbd_cmd
; enable keyboard interrupt, leave mouse interrupt disabled
mov bl, 0x20 ; read command byte
call kbd_cmd
call kbd_read
or al, 1 ; enable keyboard interrupt
and al, not 0x10 ; enable keyboard
push eax
mov bl, 0x60 ; write command byte
call kbd_cmd
pop eax
call kbd_write
xor eax, eax
proc service_proc stdcall, ioctl:dword
mov edi, [ioctl]
mov eax, [edi+IOCTL.io_code]
test eax, eax
jz .getversion
cmp eax,1
jz .gettype
or eax, -1
xor eax, eax
cmp [edi+IOCTL.out_size], 4
jb .err
mov edi, [edi+IOCTL.output]
mov dword [edi], PS2_DRV_VER ; version of driver
jmp .ok
cmp [edi+IOCTL.out_size], 4
jb .err
mov edi, [edi+IOCTL.output]
mov eax,[MouseType]
mov dword [edi], eax ; mouse type
jmp .ok
mov bl, 0xA8 ; enable mouse interface
call kbd_cmd
cmp ah,1
je .fail
mov al, 0xFF ; reset
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
call mouse_read
jc .fail
cmp al, 0xAA
jne .fail ; dead mouse
; get device ID
call mouse_read
jc .fail
cmp al, 0x00
jne .fail ; unknown device
xor eax,eax
or eax,-1
mov al, 0xF3 ;Set Sample Rate
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
mov al, 0xC8 ;200d
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
mov al, 0xF3 ;Set Sample Rate
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
mov al, 0x64 ;100d
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
mov al, 0xF3 ;Set Sample Rate
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
mov al, 0x50 ;80d
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
mov al, 0xF2 ;Get device id
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
call mouse_read
jc .fail
cmp al, 0x03
jne .fail
xor eax,eax
or eax,-1
mov al, 0xF3 ;Set Sample Rate
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
mov al, 0xC8 ;200d
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
mov al, 0xF3 ;Set Sample Rate
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
mov al, 0xC8 ;100d
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
mov al, 0xF3 ;Set Sample Rate
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
mov al, 0x50 ;80d
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
mov al, 0xF2 ;Get device id
call mouse_cmd
jc .fail
call mouse_read
jc .fail
cmp al, 0x04
jne .fail
xor eax,eax
or eax,-1
include 'ps2m_iofuncs.inc'
include 'ps2m_irqh.inc'
my_service db 'ps2mouse',0
;iofuncs data
mouse_cmd_byte db 0
mouse_nr_tries db 0
mouse_nr_resends db 0
;hid data
mouse_byte dd 0
first_byte db 0
second_byte db 0
third_byte db 0
fourth_byte db 0
;main data
MouseType dd 0
XMoving dd 0
YMoving dd 0
ZMoving dd 0
ButtonState dd 0
;timerTicks dd 0